Column Wall Design

Client : Kuwait Oil Company Project : Facility Upgrade and Relocation of Under Ground Process Job No JI-180 Doc No JI-180-000- Subject Design of Column Bund Wall Rev No 0 for Main Crude Oil Tank TK - 1526 & Prep. By Dipak Test Tank Tk - 1527 Checkd. By : Mr. Giris 4.7 Design of Concrete Column Bund Wall for Main Crude Oil Tank TK - 1526 & Test Tank Tk - 1527. SR NO TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO 1.0 Design Data 2.0 Design Philosophy 3.0 Design of Wall 4.0 Design of Column 5.0 Design of Footing APPENDIX - I Typical GA & RC Details of Column Wall


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Transcript of Column Wall Design

TOCClient : Kuwait Oil CompanyProject : Facility Upgrade and Relocation of Under Ground ProcessJob No :JI-180Doc No :JI-180-000-ECV-CAL-050Subject :Design of Column Bund WallRev No :0for Main Crude Oil Tank TK - 1526 &Prep. By :DipakTest Tank Tk - 1527Checkd. By :Mr. Girish Kurnool4.7 Design of Concrete Column Bund Wall forMain Crude Oil Tank TK - 1526 &Test Tank Tk - 1527.SR NOTABLE OF CONTENTSPAGE NO1.0Design Data2.0Design Philosophy1psi7.5psi3.0Design of Wall1.5754.0Design of Column5.0Design of FootingAPPENDIX - ITypical GA & RC Details of Column Wall

Wall DesignClient : Kuwait Oil CompanyProject : Facility Upgrade and Relocation of Under Ground ProcessJob No :JI-180Doc No :JI-180-000-ECV-CAL-050Subject :Design of Column Bund WallRev No :0for Main Crude Oil Tank TK - 1526 &Prep. By :DipakTest Tank Tk - 1527Checkd. By :Mr. Girish Kurnool1.0 DESIGN DATA :ALcWcTwHt3LwWwTank sideOut SideH1HHt2Ho2Ht1Ho1TfTfWfLfElevationSection A - A1.1 Geometrical Data :Length of footing ( Lf )=4.7mWidth of footing ( Wf )=2.7mThickness of footing ( Tf )=0.6mWidth of column ( Wc )=0.4mLength of column ( Lc )=0.6mLength of Wall ( Lw )=3.6m, ( Max wall Length has been Considered )Width of wall ( Ww )=4.4m0Thickness of wall ( Tw )=0.3mTop of footing from tank side GL ( Ht1 )=1.6mHeight of liquid from GL ( Ht2 )=2.7mFree board ( Ht3 )=0.3mTop of footing from out side GL ( Ho1 )=1.6mHeight of wall from outside GL ( Ho2 )=3mHeight of wall from top of footing ( H1 )=4.6mTop of wall from bottom of footing ( H )=5.2m1.2 Soil Data : ( As Per JI-180-000-ECV-SPE-001 )Unit weight of soil,( g )=18kN/m3Bearing capacity of soil=150KN/m2Coefficient of soil pressure at rest ( Ko )=0.5Angle of internal friction, ( f )=32Coefficient of active earth pre. ( Ka )=( 1-SINf ) / ( 1+SINf ) =0.31Coefficient of passive earth pre. ( Kp )=( 1+SINf ) / ( 1-SINf ) =3.25Factor of safety against sliding=1.75Factor of safety against overturning=1.751.3 Material Data: ( As Per JI-180-000-ECV-SPE-001 )Grade of Concrete ( Fcu )=30N/mm2Yield Strength of reinforcement ( Fy )=414N/mm2Clear Cover to Reinforcement ( c )=75mmUnit Weight of Concrete ( gc )=24KN/m3Density of retained liquid, ( gw )=8.77KN/m32.0 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY :Here, wall has been designed for two condition,a ) Tank side empty and Other side earth + wind pressure, &b ) Tank side with liquid & Submerged soil pressure & Other side with soil pressure only.In both of the cases whatever pressure will comes over the wall will be transferred through the one wayload distribution pattern to column and then will ultimately go to ground. So in this case design formula asper Clause of BS : 8110 ( Part I ) has been used.3.0 DESIGN OF WALL :3.1 BM Calculation For Case ( a ) :a )Active earth pressure ( Pa )=g*Ka* Ho1=8.8704KN/m2Moment at base of wall due to=1/6 * Pa * Ho12active earth Pressure ( Ma )=3.785kNmb )Wind pressure, ( Qw )=0.76KN/m2, For the top height of (Ho2) =3.00mMoment at base of wall due to=Qw * Ho2 * ( Ho1 + Ho2 /2 )wind pressure ( Mw )=7.068kNmc )( Passive pressure for momentPassive earth pressure ( Pp )=g*Kp*Ht1calculation has been ignored so=0.00KN/m2as to be on conservative side )Moment at base of wall due to=1/6 * Pp * Ht12passive earth Pressure ( Mp )=0.00kNmTotal Moment at the base ( M1 )=Ma + Mw - Mp=10.853kNmConverting to eq triangle of same ht which will prodcue the same moment at the base.0.761/2 x Peq x 4.40 x 4.40/3=10.8531Peq=3.3634413223KN/m20.762Dividing plate into 3 equal part, and designing for the same.4.82Effective Length of each plate ( Lweff )=Lw + Wc3=4m8.87< 60bc or 250bc2 /dWidth of each plate ( We )=Ww / 38.8704=1.4666666667mCalculating moment and shear for each panel using coefficient of BS : 8110 (Part I ) : Table 3.5Moment coefficient for middle of interior span ( Mcoeffspan )=0.07Moment coefficient for interior supports ( Mcoeffsupport )=0.08Shear coefficient at interior supports ( Scoeffsupport )=0.55( Load factor for soil pressure is 1.4, as per BS:8110-Part I )Moment at middle of interior span=1.4 * Mcoeffspan * W * We * Lweff 2kNmMoment at interior supports=1.4 * Mcoeffsupport * W * We * Lweff 2kNmShear at interior supports=1.4 * Scoeffsupport * W * We * Lw 2kNmTable 5.1 Design Moment And Shear For Case ( a )PanelSpan MomentSupport MomentDesign MomentSupport Shear11.748 kNm1.997 kNm1.997 kNm3.090 kN211.074 kNm12.656 kNm12.656 kNm19.577 kN320.400 kNm23.314 kNm23.314 kNm36.063 kN3.2 BM Calculation For Case ( b ) :a )Liquid pressure ( Pl )=gw * H1=40.342KN/m2Moment at base of wall due to=Pl * H12 / 6liquid pressure ( Ml )=142.273kNmb )Active earth pressure ( Pa )=Ka*(g-gw)*Ht1=4.549KN/m2Moment at base of wall due to=Ka*(g-gw)*Ht13 /6active earth Pressure ( Ma )=1.941kNmc )Passive earth pressure ( Pp )=g*Kp*Ho1( Passive pressure for moment=0KN/m2calculation has been ignored soMoment at base of wall due to=1/6 * Pp * Ho12as to be on conservative side )passive earth Pressure ( Mp )=0kNmd )Wind pressure, ( Qw )=0.76KN/m2, For the top height of (Ho2) =3.00mMoment at base of wall due to=Qw * Ht3 * ( H1 - Ht3 /2 )wind pressure ( Mw )=1.0146kNmMoment at base ( M2 )=Ml+Ma+Mw-Mp10.76=145.228kNm15.002Converting to eq triangle of same ht,30.01which will prodcue the same moment at the base.345.011/2 x Peq x 4.40 x 4.40/3=145.22809877334.5540.34Peq=45.0087082975KN/m2Dividing plate into 3 equal part, and designing for the same.Effective Length of each plate ( Lweff )=4m< 60bc or 250bc2 /dWidth of each plate ( We )=1.4666666667mCalculating moment and shear for each panel using coefficient of BS : 8110 (Part I ) : Table 3.5Moment coefficient for middle of interior span ( Mcoeffspan )=0.07Moment coefficient for interior supports ( Mcoeffsupport )=0.08Shear coefficient at interior supports ( Scoeffsupport )=0.55( Load factor for soil pressure is 1.4, as per BS:8110-Part I )Moment at middle of interior span=1.4 * Mcoeffspan * W * We * Lweff 2kNmMoment at interior supports=1.4 * Mcoeffsupport * W * We * Lweff 2kNmShear at interior supports=1.4 * Scoeffsupport * W * We * Lw 2kNmTable 5.2 Design Moment And Shear For Case ( b )PanelSpan MomentSupport MomentDesign MomentSupport Shear134.503 kNm39.432 kNm39.432 kNm60.996 kNm269.005 kNm78.863 kNm78.863 kNm121.992 kNm3103.508 kNm118.295 kNm118.295 kNm182.987 kNmTable 5.3 Maximum Design Moment And ShearPanelTank SideOut SideSupport Shear139.432 kNm34.503 kNm60.996 kNm278.863 kNm69.005 kNm121.992 kNm3118.295 kNm103.508 kNm182.987 kNm3.3 Rebar Calculation :( Sample calculation for panel 3 )Design factored bending=118.29kNmmoment ( Mu )Assumed main dia of wall ( dmain )=20kNmEffective thickness of wall ( Tweff )=( Tw * 1000 ) - (dmainl / 2) - c=215mmNow as per clause of BS 8110 ( Part - I )k=Mu / fcu bd2=118.29x 10630x 1467x 215x 215=0.058 v Hence Section Is SAFE In ShearTable 5.6 Shear Check At Face Of Column For Each PanelPanelShear Stress ( v N/mm2 )100 Ast / bdPermissible Shear Stress ( vc N/mm2 )Revised Shear Stress ( vc )10.1930.260.430 N/mm20.457v < vc, Ok20.3870.620.540 N/mm20.573v < vc, Ok30.5800.730.610 N/mm20.648v < vc, Ok3.6 Calculation Of Crack WidthMaximum allowable crack width=0.3mm (Per BS 8110-2 : 1985 clause 3.2.4)1 ) Crack width for drying shrinkage / thermal movement :fcu=Characteristic strength of reinforced concrete=30N/mm2fy=Characteristic strength of reinforcing steel as per table 3.1 of BS 8110=414N/mm2( As per design philosophy 0.9fy )Thermal strain er=0.8*Dt*a*R( Refer equation 14 of clause of BS 8110-2)R=0.6( Per Table 3.3 of BS 8110-2)a=Coefficient of thermal expansion of mature concrete=0.000012Table 7.3 of BS 8110 ( Part 2 )DT=Fall in temperatue between hydration peak and ambient=20( per Table 3.2 of BS 8110-2)Thermal strain er=0.0001152Design surface crack width, W1=3*acr*er/(1+2*((acr-cmin)/(h-x)))Where,acr=Dist from point considered to the surface of the nearest long bar=Sqrt( S/22+ (c+f/2)2 ) - (f/2)=131.21mmf=Size of each reinforcing bar=20D=Depth of wall = B=300S=Spacing of reinforcement=200As=Area of steel=2303mm2W1=0.03mm