Columbus - Discovery of America - Geography - Year 5

Discovery of America Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506)

Transcript of Columbus - Discovery of America - Geography - Year 5

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Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus(1451 – 1506)

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Name: Christoforo Colombo (engl.: Christopher Columbus)

Date of birth: He was born between August & October 1451in Genoa (Italy)

Date of death: He died on 20 May 1506in Valladolid (Spain)

Nationality: Italian

Profession: explorer, navigator & colonizer

Personal Data

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Christoforo Colombo (ital.)Christóbal Colón (span.)

Christopher Columbus (engl.)

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Who was Columbus?

Columbus was an explorer.

In 1492, he sailed from Europe to America. He and his sailors crossed the Atlantic Ocean,

not knowing where they would land.

It was a voyage into the unknown.After Columbus, other Europeans began to

explore and settle in America.

Who was Columbus?

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Christopher Columbus was born in 1451.

What times was he born into?It was a time of new ideas and discoveries in

Europe. We call this time the Renaissance - a word that means 'rebirth'.

People were making maps of new lands. They were building ships to explore places they had never visited before.

When did he live?

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Looking for new Lands…

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What did Columbus do?

Columbus actually did not 'discover' America.

There were many people already living there. Vikings from Europe had landed in America 500 years before.

But Columbus did not know that.

His voyage started regular contact between America and Europe.

Why is he famous?

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Columbus – the Explorer

A map of the world from the late 1400s.

This map was used by Columbus to plan his trip to India…

… but he ended up discovering America!

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Columbus – the ExplorerA replica of Columbus' ship:

The Santa Maria.

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Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa in Italy.Genoa was a busy port in the 15th Century.

His father was a small-time wool merchant and weaver.

We don't know if Columbus went to school much. He may have had lessons from monks.

Early Days

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The young Columbus

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Going to sea

The Columbus family hoped to get rich by trade. Columbus went to sea for the first time at the age of 13.

Life at sea was exciting, but dangerous. He hoped to come home as a rich man.

Columbus learned how to sail a wooden ship with sails. He learned about the winds and tides. He learned to navigate (find the way), by looking at the sun & the stars.

Teenage years: going to Sea

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Navigation Instruments

of 15th Century

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Travelling & Trading

As a teenager, Christopher went to sea, travelled extensively and eventually made Portugal his base.

One story says he swam ashore after his ship was attacked by pirates!

He and his brother Bartholomew made and sold maps.

Making & selling Maps

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World Map drawn by


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Columbus finally went to live in Portugal.

It was here that he initially attempted to gain royal patronage for…

… a westward voyage to the Orient - his 'enterprise of the Indies'.

But in Portugal no-one wanted to finance his idea.

Young Columbus in Portugal

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How the World was seen in


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Finding the sea route to India

People in Europe wanted to find a new sea route EAST, to trade with Asia.

They wanted to send ships to India, China and the East Indies.

The Portuguese tried sailing South, around Africa.It was a long way to Asia at that time!

Columbus wanted to sail WEST to find a shorter way.

Columbus Dream

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Sailing WEST

Columbus wanted to find a better and shorter way to travel to Asia. He wanted to find a sea route west.

Because maps of the time made the oceans look smaller than they are…

… Columbus hoped to reach China in a few days.

Why all this? Columbus Idea

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Well-known Atlantic in 1474

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Columbus needed money to make his dream come true.

Help from SpainColumbus tried to persuade rich people to help him. Most laughed at him.

At last, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him money for ships.

In return he promised them new lands, spices, gold and new people to rule.

Finding Donators in Spain

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Money for the Expedition:King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain

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Columbus set sail on 3rd August 1492.

He had three ships: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.

They were wooden ships with sails. There were about 90 men in the ships.

Food for the voyage was kept in the ship's hold.

The men took salted fish in barrels, cheese, wine, water, live pigs and chickens.

Setting Sails in 1492

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A fleet of three Ships

The Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria set sail across the Atlantic Ocean on 3rd August 1492.St. George's School -


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Life on the ships was hard.

The sailors worked shifts. The time for each shift was measured using a half-hour glass.

The men had no cabins, but slept on deck.

Every morning, they said prayers.

The ships let in water all the time.The men had to work pumps, to keep the ships


Sailing in 15th Century

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A „Caravelle“ of the 15th


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Finding the way

Columbus used a compass to help him navigate.He used a traverse board to plot (mark) the

direction they wanted to sail in.

The voyage took longer than Columbus expected.

There was no land, just ocean. The men got scared.

They were running out of food and water.

Many men were sick. They suffered from scurvy.

The first Voyage 1492

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Ten weeks after their departure, land was sighted.

After 36 days a sailor on the Pinta spotted an island.

On 12th October 1492 the explorers went ashore.Columbus called the island San Salvador.

The first Voyage 1492

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Columbus first Voyage

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A New World

On 12th October 1492, Columbus and a group of his men set foot on the island San Salvador in what later became known as the Bahamas.

Columbus sailed on to a number of other islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Hispaniola.

He explored a world new to Europeans. People later called it the New World.

What was dicovered?

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Landing of Columbus(San Salvador 12th October 1492)

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Native Americans

Native American people lived on the islands.

Columbus called these natives 'Indians', because he thought that they had landed in 'the Indies' (Asia).

At first the Native Americans were pleased to see the visitors. Columbus gave them cheap presents and bells. But he also claimed their islands for Spain!

The „wrong“ Indians

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Columbus meeting the


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The initial encounters were friendly, but indigenous

populations all over the New World were soon to be devastated by their contact with Europeans.

Columbus returned to Spain in triumph. He was made 'admiral of the Seven Seas' and viceroy of the Indies.

Within a few months he set off on a second and larger voyage. This time, he took 17 ships.

More territory was covered. Conflicts with the Indians grew.

Conquering Indian Territory

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Coming home after the 1st Trip

(received by king & queen of Spain)

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Native Americans made slaves

People from Europe sailed to America to start colonies. Some wanted to make the Native Americans become Christians.

The Europeans began treating the Native Americans badly.

They made many of them work as slaves.

Many of the Indians died or were killed.

Christianisation & Slavery

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The native Americans

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Columbus in disgrace

More and more territory was covered, but the Asian lands that Columbus was aiming for remained elusive.

On his third voyage, Columbus saw South America for the first time. But he came home in disgrace.

Spain ruled the lands Columbus had found.

What happened to Columbus?

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Columbus was a great navigator, but he was less

successful as an administrator and was accused of mismanagement.

His enemies said, he had ruled Hispaniola to make himself rich. He was sent back to Spain in chains. But the king and queen set him free.

Others began to dispute whether the “new land” was in fact the Orient or a completely 'new' world.

Jealous Enemies

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Defending himself in front of the queen of Spain

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Although he was already old, Columbus made two

further voyages to the newfound territories, but suffered defeat and humiliation along the way.

He sailed to America for a third time in 1498-1500 and a fourth time in 1500. He was still hoping to land in China.

This time he explored Central America. His ships were too leaky to sail home, so he had to wait a year before being rescued.

The last Years

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The 4 Voyages of


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Other explorers followed Columbus.

In 1497-1498, John Cabot sailed from England to North America.

In 1501 Amerigo Vespucci from Italy sailed to South America. 'America' was named after him…

People knew that the New World was not Asia, but a new continent.

When Columbus got back to Spain, he was sick and sad.

Columbus died on 20th May 1506 – as a wealthy but deeply disappointed man.

Sad End of a great Man

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The 2 Tombs of

ColumbusThe tomb of Christopher Columbus inside the Cathedral of Sevilla in Spain

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The 2 Tombs of

ColumbusThe tomb of Christopher Columbus inside the Cathedral of Santa Maria La Menor in the Dominican Republic.

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Columbus and his sailors sailed bravely into the

unknown. He did not give up, even when people laughed at his ideas.

Explorers brought home gold, new foods and new knowledge.

However, they brought misery to many Native Americans:

The Europeans took their land. Many Native Americans were killed in wars with the Europeans, or died from European diseases.

How Columbus changed history

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In Memory of Christopher Columbus