Columbia Telescope (Columbia, S.C.). 1820-07-18 [p ].CJhurfcht >«nd riot to en. couragedivision....

PpSuSSKJP d U* tyard ortrutieee of \jjtal*lUje»e«iUmonbe lio,i.l, i», it**, provided tti« Tru»icei have V ,, poWt*. at that tlrfi*, to make »uch'a I'm ike gr#*t ImportanceolSliutUiionre- . v,"J' t-v ,v "a ,r ...tow-.-; U>'CV*>#.~AcorrMpOfv1tnt tlw we Kern WC#rp1 W. wrufr< ttrnV w^siu Km,been ukcu In, mid exccrda in tltoag. «te Uk* qiuntUy wltod frr unity ytw l>c Their corn aUo bwr* ft v«rjr promiaing _ mr^nce. t l<V*thU. quarter of the count iy tbiifc U the prospect of u Vfr) abundt^t crop ;jr-.n\' v *' '.¦¦' y* (1*&*>&/$' >. ,£(. ^ ^ <. '. Vf* 4*/V< AlM'OlNtMKNl^ UVTilfiOpVKn^Ott. P I". II \1n*cy, I'.sq. Jimtice ol'theQuorum for Hlohlirtd District, vice JaineiT. Qaotlwin, Etq» rea'.gncd ' v Archibald M'Kcwn, Ju.iice of ihe Quorum fur int CJcorpe'n Parish. Mictaci Cinly, Justice of the I'caec.tor All iinM I'uritb.- /r>. ,,, JoUr> Conyeri llench, Junkc of tlio Quorum for PeiuUcio:t Piatriet.vice John Uec, ivaigptd J*me< featulcr*, Juit.ct of the Pcacc fur Kd^c- ufWld DUtrict. * v' We have laying before us some interesting letter* from thphlack emigrants who have poor oat to AfricaWorn New York. Ii waa our jnten. tion to lay thetp before our re *<ter.i,. they might lie the better enabledto judge of the pruc- tlWlity of coloni*i>tj our ftce black population, j wh cli all acknowledge i* mi 'o!ijeet muoh to lie desired \v* find our limits will not admit of their publication. , Tlie colonists jeem t«> be we'd pissed with the country. The climatc is said to lit- healthy,' ,' and mure temperate than they had calculated V' on. The soil good, and provisions plenty Th\j 'natives aru kind ihd hospitable. The col my apprehends no opposition from thcini on the ktrary they calculate much on their fVieudthip assistance. Tl»e natives visit thein, auy they ! their compfthy, and desire to join their r>oN, and learn to read the good bonk. The [llsli colony M H|etra Lrnnc, manifest* const* ibjc jealousy, and It is t> bo tearcd trill give 'W' trouble than the native*. They _ appear In high sph-itf, and feet their tMile in the scnle of creation. That there jt least one Rjod man among them, we g're in Of the subjoined letter. It contain* * viiurge ich might he read with the hope of doing jjn most of the churchca on tho American DAxtrtft COKF.TTS LF.TTF.n, to ill* AVMtoit animtitr.* in am^oica. *\frhMb Shrrbr* Maud, V)th f\fartf). To #11 my African Hrethrcn In America, I »end p. , these lev linw, greeting! ' IJtar Itrffhren.'Vo all vou wl»o love thr 1/ml Je*u* Uhrlnl and hi* kingdom, I wrniM, with pleasure, inform yuu. that t, and about ninety «>t our American colored brethren, |l»vc arrived safe 111 Africa. We find the lirid to l»o £0 td, and the natite* UlrJj only tho*e that the aUvo trade htn mad# otherwise. Thc-«» it a great Work he*o to do. Thou<find* ami thou, .and* of «tH>l«herc to ho convened from t'.ifw. iam and Mahomttanlam, to the religion of le.u*. Oh, brethren! wfio will roup over to t|jo help of the Lor.V If yon eomc at HaptUu, comc to e*. UbIMi an African Raptta! CJhurfcht >«nd riot to en. courage division. If vou cotne m l't*ibyt«rian», nme 10 support .m African Pre*jljytcritiri Church, nnd not to make divisions. ffyoo eoine ns I'rote*. ?*ht«, come to nupport tin African HrOtot'am f Jhnreb, and not to make division*- If you eonic >;. M Method i«t*, conic to Mtpnor' an African Melho. L ditt Church We wiah to kn».w nbtli riff of llM|i. el andof Shirpatrcet, In Africa: holorc thef he.ithenn, all ahould he ivrcwy unUedj anil if ' darkness '. driven from' rt«l« W,l)V«i / united effort in filirl«ti:uw. 'I'lin Sliufp «tivat V' brethren will hi? to irie uv lii«- IK-ihnl brethren . alt will be alike; I wl^ to forget nil inch nime* nnd distinction*. Tho*e who will fltni lit love, to<lo good ami to «pre*d the tfo*pel, come'.in .he naoie of Ood, come*, otherwltc? tlfcy liad net* ler atav Awav« for nothing hut love and onion will d i good among theae hefctlHrcft- fi'fd grain thst m-juy auch may com* over, to help with tills gveat work. 1 amyftfitt, In the bond of a pure Rn«pc 1. (finned) ptNIBbCOKKU. r 8.1 have «ent my Journal wh'ch liontiins all the information aajto partieolara I can give. The jo-itn*l above alluded to haa just been publithed in the city of flaltimorc. I rum no our»(Ar,p.. tiavnnnahi Jut piJ..^rrJirnt, f»u Thur«d:>yeve. vtin|{ list, the Revenue Ctftte.* hullo*, John Jack* *on, <Jnm/ni»nH«r, two ihy* from f«t. Mary'i, h». vitift .>« bn»nl the officer* »nd creW o»'the p*t. riot hriR ot w*r (to cadtrd) t;c>av*I R»m, ,, The follow jit* are the pArtieuliM o»' the ciptuie. ' OA tlm 28d» tilt. *Mle the Cmtcr T>-dl»<t w*t t, I Ififiif in the river fit. MaryN, CJifit. .V,«rl(«oft'rfe reived information that m<* above namcd briff, i«np >*4 10 bp » piiyticul vcjwl, w.«« ho\'er.n>* m Rt.which tlif (Jotter fntli. #lth tfot under wuy, in of the brijo pre. iCti, cnpuin .f. poured IYo<n the 1 olflMf lit PerntnllfH, twelve IJn». jMfer*. in order tn Atrengthon III* o'clock, l»; *f. Ham* <Uv, cleand <n» the mominx foHovihfr, About t tit# brie, hcAriii,? ahxil iuiilh »i* til tail, hi e,h*6>«. A* ('I ihV*. :k, r. M. hrMilcil up tlic I'trc. »qu*re»til, mid ho.ted eo« 'c tip, miMieMtil to the 4*Pt>»rentty prepared fit it Oil the stfcrboo. nnil rccciVCil for nuiWrr" T1 l>irig <f ikiit i Iwm'btdetea the ^ com* on bwnj with t»» |*pew. Aft*»*¦-> v»». dcr ww rqiffcied. hf loVc*vdhla bpi\ sort eamq lili l»b*n). (Jjptkln jr, r«|uc»ltd tlip delivery ot On* ling's papery her register and commission. ? J'hu certain replied, .tltathe had* commission of Artigas. and stewed a papetft which captain J, rtuld nolreed.»a jii i foreign language. !!<-. sl.cwcd n oilier piper*} Mid kit l.adiio omy of life priv*tcor'» cmniilssM^W IcUer ofiu* boned, took. pniseaiioti oflifcr..ordered, hi* first A prizo crew* co:ul»t mfc of imtt./^W^ben- utonjjoard on hie bright" ordtfti to procccd nut onboard .01 tne t>rig, witn outer* iopr to 8t, Mai)'*, where th# prize and culter o on SaturiUy l*st»\ thcUt tAsUnt.: Capt weht on board of the bngy *M found KM hunjncit arut rtfhty African StaVth afhoitt w;rrc weUeJccepl toororfivc. The Vsp tain urid crew, **votwo or tliire»acknow|edg*d them* k!v*i to be American cHirou. They were in alt twenty-elght hj'nuinher, wllh the. exception uf one, who is on board iH<vbrig ut 8t, >!.«rw». The name of the cftplklfyJohnomUh, aJriatlre of ltatiimwe.~Th^ <firs{ officer eilU* himself Flo»d.«hUi christian name not.known. Hie cipi ai n, officer^ and crew, were yesterday brought up before the Mayor, and severalty com. ralttrd 10 prison f.»r txamltutino, which-, wc un¬ derstand, will take place thl« day..1Upublican. In Addition to tlt«< above, wft'Karn, that the crew, mk« ii on lioirtt of the tlrnfcrAl lUmirts, Iwlougud to the, prlyaicer hriff Arotfunta, capt. Metralf, which w»» lilted wit of Baltimore, alioilt 7 month* ago. Wc undrr>»ttin'i »ho crui- ird on tho coiwtof AfVicj, und made several va¬ luable Snanidi prixn*, (slave ship*.) Koort *ft»>r making her en|tturti», slits wan tiken by nn Kit- g!i»h Kifdof w*r under the Cntpmand of capt l'eakc. with her pri«Q*, and carried into Sierra l<cbnc. where tlws Afric an* were discharged,~ Thn *ipg>ni:t was, a nlior* time alter, also sctat liberty. 8H<5 then prorreded to sea, on a cruize, again, uloiiff the roan, and raptured a Spani.ih slave Onwhich is now calico the. IJrnrral lit. miroj. At the time the Ramirrc {for ».. shall r .11 l.c.-f) wa* taken, «ho had n>» more than one hundred ard nin*»y Africans on l>ov<l. The balance (<sy O'J) vero taken fiotn.m Ame¬ rican vc«nrl, ftt ncci *aid to have been fitted out in one of the New-Kngbnd State*.Smith, with a price crov>, was put in«a the Uamirer^ and a rointnand ifiveii to him by oapUitt Mete.df, to cruise an a I'atriot brig of war. Ofl'tliC coast orilruziW, in agaloof wind, th > Arog:mta nl aOiorc, and %v»n tutully 1-nt. *1 lv» cptain, and *«vtral of the crew were tnken by the Portu¬ guese. The remainder were t »ken oil' by the hoaUot the llaiuirer.. We also under»>ao<l that they captured ti French vessel; and took from a Swedish brig3 baica ofdollars, w.iich were taken from on board the KumirciofTSt. Bartholomews, by a Mr. Mason. Tho brig on hired, is the fiarou viand that took from On jiftafd the schr. M»ry,frnrn 0i:irlcston, bound to Havana*, young Coppiwj^r, the governor of »t. A«igo*tinc a ton. \V« »*e happyto t.< .. |(« Cnppinger baa been >-t i »v, and restored to l»M parent«. We . rates £«««** vouching for its correctness in f»'r> P5r"Cuiar, In our IK'S*, M"? hon** i". ^ *n*VW» "> give a niv,"^' and detailed, FROM 8T. AUflUSTlNB. I'harUittn July 5..\Vo learn liv the stoops l/ttly Washington, and (Jeneral Washington, ?Wtili St. Augustine, that the P;»'r»ot briff wi»io> took Mr. Cpppiu^er out of a* wen tioitfd some *1iort time >>nc<r, io failed tltf (Jetural Sfa'ttfrf*/fthewaka ft'iinesman, from Afrlcn, t*k<!rt by a amuM patriot privateer, which was soou after wrecked, and the ere* and commission transferred to the britj. She It mtiunrnukd by a OMtimorinn, ha* but about 30 men on.bosrd, ami the«e in a mutinous statr, with upwards of 230 iliirtu, She appeared oH St. Auguttine About -13 or 14 days Kjncei the co-nrnaiiler lent a let'rr on shorn ndaftwd to governor Coppitlffcr, stitinft that hi* vessel w<,i #h«rt of water an f provisions, and that if n supply Was Sent <»tr to them, the governor's am would b«' immediately rrk-aacd. TIm* rrns- s.igc returned ,by thv ppm-mor that much lie loved bit child, he would not supply them with a tnotitliful of provisions, or a drop »l wv>r, to sue him from the yard, arnu ;»ml pointedly forbid any Hpaniard'from holding the le.««t inffrroume with thrm. (tut, two or three young gentlemen of this e.ity, fricin'.i to vnun/Oopniiltfer, who happened to U»' nt Hi. A igiutmo a*, the time,requested pcrmls. aion of the governor, to board th«; brig and en¬ deavor to effect Hie relo ite of his win. Me told ilwiii, that being A#crirsit eiti<6n4, thcyeouhl set as they thought nrojwr, but thst no bojrt frtim the garrison soiihl be itirniHiied t!ii*m, 'I'hcy then repaired on board au Airtcfie.'in v«<*"l in the htrbur, o'llaineH the Inan of her li»v»t, and the nsirist.-uir.o oT:* lev ho <ini u, wd|t which tln-y repaired on Imatd the brig.they were rietnyid with civility oy the captain, and After shmoe'tm* viI'hMmIi, In? releaned Mr. <*op;uutfcr, »rtd allow* rd him .to go nit shore In the I>«11. The i> i,j remained oft' the harbor for several day*. amt tli«n Uiro aw-\y< as w;i'i reported, ror.'ai* .foli'i'* river, Kast Plur'uhl' The ''coittfuaiider, WC tin* d(*rsiand, whs very nu<loiit to dUpose of Ins slaves, and oHVrcd theui at 100 dollars cacti, on board. ANOTIIKft CAPTURE. mom Tttr. tuvr'MOttt 3d. lly (lie grnlfcihftf* pM«0>iK«*f all«i<tc«1 to below, wc li»ve tit on finitely fitnrr'i wiih the following account iif the iapftlrp of tho tfpnuWi *hipXftn> in tlio water* Of tlio United -State** bv an .'H iirvl hriff »n mining 14 tfu/n, commanded by AlnM&U« of flilibflofp. Arrived* the f»Hot*V'»*t Huh Tlwtrt* fV<|t»te, mvtor. irothorf U;«pfc Hcnrv, V* witlnhp ctp< tiibi, officera ,'(%<( p-irt of the crew nf the tfpinith >!ii.. .\»n,.<:.E .. I>»t» Wa-irtCahrt-fj, com- tttmtdtr, of »nrt IWnn K't .1 (go de O'fbvto I1dft< more. When on wtun'lin'Ki, on Hun-lay 0k» 3<th in*f. Mt C> A. ,M dirfcovc-cti 4 Hrij? ateering :<bout 8. K bv K., At #, theamp tteet'mg about M. W. by N bycimpin, lor land, Wat olined bv abri# urfddr Pwneh color*, h*rtii( tmx en frihp of * iide» the w.nd being Ibcn imm'iWard »*iJ wHMt-AMrd, *b« Conlinnel fb»mnf». At merldivi, tow fr nn .hp deck, m pilots torn, wneh proved to be Ibe HI4rtean». Preble, of lkbnnure, bearing about \V ft. \V, with her flying fnf ««. to heav* io-ybut «0*lM lto« ' a wcottnt of the brig being hi du tc Chans in't r tlitimnnrf Hr.ntf at m with «bOi, (tot *.»cn h ; liottr* f>f titrer and lo ir, two otfjtr pibtbOata toad* lot u»# but We eould not i, Bui icnt Iwr within hail of u», twWli* ****** mwinictowarift kii» firwryollcy of musnumy at m-twe tL return*! tWf'wWi^o uoat rctyi'fleil lo.l wet could not b®» lawful nrjro. neii^ short of hand*. the captain thO'ight prutUnt for th* pro. SflrVatW Of tf»# 11»M Of ||!» few fr)*n to Mirrrtw def-r^hen vv'e'ninr^TxJcrfd we were within ilk or seven tnlle*«fUn<i.sounded In idjt follows wauc, on the 26th..Jnr.f. fltc cspUin, wllbsn AfliierUlkh pftAiengtr, uud fcfyrrwiMi * p^t oftil* ofTl^ta and eww, fere Uken onboard tlebfift, ^lcli wm tald to bv-.the HoUvw, conyrisjitUNl by Jo«e Almeida,; ef lliliiinore, mousing 14 finty lut from No«o|k, having tm brvira * cou»- emcnt of. 50riicn, Amcricam, Iru'Jneri; or ngli*hn\eni part <|l'them, vc were iuMrnicd bv th« pilot, had been taken no board, wlJlcat t.n- choron thelouth fldiof Oajpc Henry, /itiThtifS; dnV» the 30th iriit, Wlic elcared out from Nof- fefk; under llio iwpws of .tHe WdsoL .OportfA WiUon, master, tVlio Is imw onboard with tl.njr mid Almeid*. Hb*, Intend* erUW^ff off the Capet until *he pwenrc* u full cmnpleinetit ,.«f men, The capuin »f the ship Santiago, with sn idcaofobtainmjrhU^pnr«,»U(| siiiig JJJrOOO thit ho hid in three caik* of water! which be,. longed to atvAmerio'.n jawnger, cn)e^vnred to ransom the *Wp, but <out<l not suchccd'jh any w»y. F.ndlnjf that tint intended pelting <iv>n board the pllpt boat, tU« puscnrcr determined tor)Vim h*>nin?yl atuiittformcd the captain of l he brig where >t W-t: conccalcd-ldcmandcd thai the same might bcretmrcd, and produced the document* which ppved the property to lie. long to him and siin<m>, American merchants of Ibllhnore. After ig the document* he kept them, faying tint be wmjUI carry tltcni to'Mar* gartHa. and there li wild see what was tf» Ivo done w ith the mom']. lie prc^rdtor forced in¬ to hit service, eight f ho crew ol' the ship. not. witlutand n(f ill the *r«te»lation« made by tl\e men a"d cajitain, uga uc taking op anm and rob. bing their IrlloW cm .lynen. The pilots of the s->i:l bust* were wltr »«tr» the t(Mri and Minpli. cition of the men njw.avd. They were oil Spaniards ufc. j AimF.ST C3F PA IIJ0T3.OTt PittATT.S. I Char/titan, July 1 . In'ormMnni having iiecn I communicated on I d.» evening, to Hint M'< | Chine, th; V. H. "iltvvncr Itcvengc,- tint * [ r.t»rr"*ljc'p °** ,Mn 'cen ?nWved in iliw city for the pn'riotbr g 1 :!fon,.C«pt. Alnmvla, hod tliey were then ul.urk logon Itonrd a slvopto join that vc d *»fl* our bar, lie look ft boal'it crew an«l pne -led into Uchelllitri HoaOo. w herr he Wa* joined y an oMeer and boat's*l*w ftfoin therevennn ft' Galium, lying at Anchor there, and both boa* dropped down below Sub l(van'a Island, to wat i their movement*..A lit* tic after midnight, a. M'Clonic observed the »lo)p sttwdinr jortl: North Channel, cl»sc un¬ der the Island, and i .licdiatcly brought her to Theft wero but Wo three penoni on deck at the tin*, hilt on reing on board, thoy.fmivl the holt filled wit I ml), amounting in alt to St or 2?..I hey wc.y-Hpred, taken on shore, and iViejfrohf^e iw't^tevwere 6rft- j gh t up totowii. on'flaturdayiftcTn on.'in'tne rewnue ichr. Gal, latin, arid mirchcutp alj under the chtfgc of a dctachmcntof V. Si<|Uers. Among (he mini* ber were a l.iout«nn'bftt>e Wilton,and one or two Lardlords, of ns city, who shipped the men -"-Some of tliemkd bwn discharged with¬ in a few day#, from . 8. vessel* in tlie p<)jl, and others were attaoed to different vessels in the harbor. A man f the name of Job We>. den, calling himself ie doctor of the Wilson, nml who had heenenfucd in making purchases of-tadi, riprg'.ng, arrtilv r supplies lor the brig and tier prise, waiaritcd In (own on Saturday forenoon, charged OA <th with having furnished the money to pay the tamcn'* bounty, and com* rmttcd to prison. Tl turn furnished hu<t been var'.oisly s:ateil, frorrwOO to 33000. Cipt. Al- micda's *on, who h tdanded in company with the Doetor, and for nose arrest a warrant had also been granted, ftanot yet been taken. The fullowing wer given in as the names of fit** nvn, when they ^recommitted to jail, vi*. .WillUm Poster, (eutenant.) Edward gcr, alias I)irk Jonesfthe landlord who enlisted thi-im) Tlmmss Walto, Win.' Wight, Michael Lousei, Christian lionet, I«mc Abbot, Joel Tra- vn), John Kowen. "in. CJhUity, Wnv AIM, Hanniel Gardner, Th nasOrdin^ ll'chard Junes, Itnbrrt Whil taker, Ja >ea Anderson.I<*r.ttd8miih, Kd. Maxwell, John lake, J»!irv Unmet, John Tliomns. and Archibi il Cay.22 The U. H. schoonrrftovfcng .. I.ieut. M'Cltinie, and the revenue sctioner tiallatir!, Cap'. Mv tliewts, wmtl downyesvrday morning, to ob¬ serve the moVcrncn^oftlm privateer. DOMRSTIC Kf ANUHAGTWU/3 t'hlhid tpUia, /lint i9 .Wb Ii#v* at thi« ffln- matt before iii a pif e of jaconet mijlin, of a fa¬ bric so perfect in cv rv p^liciil^i tint wanuy .rifely .ntsrrt it to »»#¦ -(jiMl in ivcry mprot, to nny iliinp ol' tlie kill produced in any part of ilw world. r.iinitiarwith the neat w'cb« of A»ia, we can co ill t' iii Iv t i*t the piece i/ffota tiiif fcpinl, iii HYmity, eve nc«««, mtd miicliHtipfrior in «h«- fi'iitbinff, to tlic me mitlU of Ilitti'nMnii. Thiipierc (he f .»% experiment nnde at the factoryof Mtiim. Tl r>rp <* tdidell, of tw neifth- brirhood, yet it will near in«pe<tl»m iifd comp«. ruion with Any foreign production of the Mme number of ihtrn. Thu jiteonct rival* ih heat^t>¦ and tenure the lawns of FUndorm And for riffle*, ot tine dret<c*, h:vt no superior! »nd we *arnt«tfy reco ninrnrt tbc product* of tho<e Intpnoil* ma« luu.irutfc.'t to the nfetieeand |>.»troii*gfof every frit nd of American nro.pcriiy, Why'tld imr fennlea -~iitir n»Miher«nf fjniilic*, and tlm«<> rising into lit'o, Who ire he the p*. rent* of the n<-nt cehcNtiohs *)iv in our y<wmg female* ho'tf buck their devotion to the liter* e*l* imd pfun. -ity ofthM h*tlfe l*nd> Kvery ndnn that h i* been renowned for ita virtue*, liM drrivi'd distinction from die Simple of It-* female the it Hn ut matron* n d virgin* wett ever etimpieuo'u h promoting. th«*(r dsbifr- estednctland patriotism, tlic j; ry mid mi let y of .their country. The rmtr »nj of America, find lie fex fcfrtO-. ally. whotfl influence- no rtaturall/ i'iy* 11un < rv I, foiil't derive no bonor* no deV,tili ,nh joy* more vdid, tbmi by cou<vdtifijf Die inn e*u an I tlic Ivmor of their eot»nir}Vtha nlory * >tild he tltelr*. In gift if Iht JttiHifi it ticint t/rfL, and while w> uuny are ao honorably cinplotld In protect- In $ the d«i«r'.#d ofphftft, how mult more noble V Matfr* Iborp U fcldcjl aw nut «piifl<icdjq tMi, ilwjfio micl<»r;.tho'.r cltccki are fqiuilly j*rfe6t.V^vrir«. - v ,.\' ¦'. ^»w»pjf tUvery^nil wVrtMfpcty4**1*4. In»in»y. ih the rnrt iitSffiof |xmr amI lhflii<nc«iu t|ii^l^|rM'kov*rnJiltl>»»iin« Milan* Mio" iliiiiUing netf it4l««Into the un'um, to pre- ri| which by the ptttnublr aiui.f< *<4u\'t< n», of i|mc (fencwr aMKtnb!y of Vitro iu, tlitj aMeiuiuti cf«l>e ICK'.ilaUlf® bccti paJlCcV'M tri* ttuny tuOttiucui acta ofiht gtnf^'kwfrnnttit *f Tfc'jeM.^: wonU iti iuilirt art tpe only ««».» which ran b* i quiti tin if at racing in olijictlon l<> Oic uurcf.trIgt Wcon-nhu^lim ol >Im- yourt W tJip roiuijig icmjiii* fijt\tunfrtm. Wo Itopb np «K" t»<cat»inir it itittriulrd. . W't liope thii nxtcti.on will tu.t t>e matte'hexf Winter.. It he National 0.ix«ue hn» tllC public pyUtfr-blK U lor hi* purpose, . ^ T ... , ^Ka^iuetumVc rttcrt .Tot^nilt" ^ v>U# ttra* .. sny'enjhiriufi'ratUtn tm 0>eatibJco» f.-om ibcHtatc of Virginia, Ip« evipf been r«fcivcil l»v 0>e <.!<.. mtivc or Ifg.ll-uuro of thU fct«tc," (.vaixaclm. «u(») Tin y must then have mi«varr«t<l on tu« way.they wrre tfirtninly *ent...liich V.vtj ¦ iii »n u/.». in ii" .«¦ fl't legUUtur.; of Matsadniser.V mv< rlicn ili'Hit Touching the quel" 100. til' r (.Tenure IhU fret. the notion Dally AdverUfir wy«, Lt -^neiuiir ^he '^HohUioM of Virgfni»^or :.v,, JSToUcq, Tlin CominUaioncr'a of i(tc n.d», fir the A'pper lUtallhm of Itithhnd l>iitr.ct, will meet and do Imaineiaonthe firat Monday in Au- ii«} ftext, ut tlie l>gle Tuvrrn. in Columbia, 'lie hvri'seersnf-tlfero-uU arc noiificM to attend with tliiir rcluriiH on that day. Ily orlcr of the Hoard, . It. II. WARING, C'.rrk. July 13 Peter Mucguire, l>KnjliN8 hi« tlianka to Inn friend* and il K euitniner* for pant ftvins, mid he;;i lcnvi» to inform them that he has now on tiand .< quant'.ty of Shoe4, (leaver, Castor, And Itcruoi Ihtsi td»'», Ctrriajje Material*, and two ift» of CouHi ll«r. nc*«, two do/en Cochineal Hktn<, i.ll of which will he *.ld l>w lor c«»li or kppinved credit. In mlditno to the idntvf, th* 8ub<cr Iter hn* received three ca»c« of Bfaver, Cantor and Mornm (lata, of the laical folilnn. All thoiie indebted in'l|to tnmur cf.neorn of 3. Cran« CJo. are rc<|ue»ied to coitus forward mid neMc'their ai-cnum*, the Imoki, n<>i<*s and account* are left in my hnniU.fir coIUtHuhi. » PKTKH MACOCIl*K. .Tidy 14 ri. , ^t-3 5 Dollars lie ward. It ANAWA V or stolen from tli6 Hub-ciiU r, living Hi Coltitnbi*, on thfc Btli imt&iit, u negro bpy tv.tF,/<» . , OLJ1SCO, .bout .12 year# nf «»;#.» dark » complexion, A pifcc of-hf* hit» v" «»*» kmii cm git ami a near oil lii.t left ihiglit boufflitof Hugh M'fMnahl, mChartrg. ton, whi> purchased him of James Hopkins, near Jjcksonbormiftli. The above rewkrd will be J riven for brinrin# lii/n to rftr or cohHnmg Inm H any jitl, umi giving mo information ihereof, or if itolen, one hundred <lui!ir* on Conviction ol of tlte thief. ZACilVKIAl! PI1II.1PS. July IB $9.4 Sumlcr.Jit Jiqnity. Jamts, tt». Joiim \V. H*e» and Ilontcc llHotirnii). BtU fur <tn Injunction ami Tfetirf UPON hearing- the bill, answer, ami proof*, in tbli* cn*f;.Ii U ordered ami decreed, that John \Y. Meeti and Horace Browmon bo per. pciualiy fnjnined from enforcng (lie pa> mi ni of two noten, given by llio comph.nam, to tlw Jnhn \V. Keen one note iwj'nbte on ttic 1st Of ? tober, 1M0, for 1^00(Hilar*; mid another pn\t.. Me on the Jan. llilH, for (iOUdollurrjnna that Jf the Mid Hole* are now m tin: power of eitllM ¦>f them, they <lo di liver up lite name to the com¬ plainant, to Ik* nncellrd. That an advertise?, inejvt be Irucriecl tn tin* t.'ohmilJM Telescope, f;i«itiif uotico that the payment ol the » i.J noli** « enjoined. , Kxirfcot IVom the decree of Ibo Court, 23d June, lb2J. JOHN B. MII.LEIt, 0. K. ft. D. June 10 ' L Found, i KF.Y floppo*rd to hrlong to n lock of x - I. singular c»n<tru«tlon, which Way hi- Imd I»y »]>{>lylng Ht thU often, and paying lor tin* stiver- tiaciuent, July 18 2J>.4 Office of Common Plcaet ' HtCIII,AND DtS'rnfCT. WIIftltKAB, P*/r* (Nrr*r.»r<in, with n acheduiftofliU clfc^U oil (Mlll| lltitll tilfd hi< petition in the Court of Common I'ta* Of tlifl di»trlet nfore* «id, *tatin£ lie now* m the cuatody of the «lierJfT ol filclil <nfl district, (iv Virtue of m writ of nd ru4|>'inilrii(|um fit tut *uit of John W. Wilkin*, ni»»l jirivituf khlHf to be nerved on the Mid John \V, U'.lklw, rc< humble before any one or more m'the Commit* alnner* of HpecM K ad, in and for thu diairiel »firetaid, to *hew cutiii', if (<ny h* rnu, why the .aid Peter (j.ivinnliouM nit Ik ged trooi Int confinement* according to ihf »r.\ of th« flenerni A<*oohy of tld» lintr, (c«»m<iwn- I) called tho ,4Pri<oo flouod net/') flft-.d'c and pr> vidcds. It U therefore (Mimnm, tint the said .loltti \V. Wilkini, nnd nil other of hl«<*»fcditor« do appear beforo J.i'm llyMim and .l.imn* T. (ioodwjn, c*qulr«*ii, or either of th.'in, Commiv aiinera of <*pfol.t1 II %.l. in i«n<l foi* thfdiatHct nOirtaaid, on Thursday# the twentieth dtiy of .Inly iik' tin, «t the g.iol ot Hie <l dUtr.ct. to *lu v< Cauac why the -Mid Peter CaveueaMfljh thoold not bu admitted to th4 bereft* of the »a1d wt, :»t which tint* and plate the eatrite nnd efTVrt* ot the .«id Peter Cavfcoeiugh will he aligned. .IAMKS 8. Cl'KJN'AIM), C. C, P. July 11, 1820. 3y& lifcVe koi* < Uir«J JE«i f^ffi t0MJNI fAtfcuto'jwV Vii'ljlWiry' .. /'> >\ .. '&¦& rM hr.^l. Spv,(NetflyttUnd) .. AU«Hs*a or » ¥., ,uo * I *i»ps j», * >.,. V. WM,W, . ' Amt-ric in |'icccp?or» . New tork tyffter Nu.3, . <-/Wl ivderal' a'cuUtora .-;' l.empritr'* CUii cnl Dictionary T" WlirlpWyVOefApend ami Qucilkma iicicniifu! IHnlogiK s, 3 vols. Au ample uipply of Juvenile rcinman»tip#v'4 |1 V Vcty low* by the Dunn ' ,;v Jr(\ (...¦ '¦* ii\YT BOOKS. K»J «w Am*9r«l« V r Chitty'a t.'fiminr.i tew Diiminrd nful Keporta, 8 roto. '; «§ Baxt'rt lt< porl*, 16 voli. call'gilt 1'liilip'a fcf.tcCliei ' . , .*vi ALSO - .¦'M 50 Itc&fTva Wrapping t'aprr, at the low price, of 62 l'3 eta, 'Wt TtUfNCHAST fc ARTHUR July 18,1820. 29-3 . John G. Ballard^ Dcga leave to inform the Public that ho Iihh o|»cucU A House of Entertainment, IS CAMDEN, 8. C. AT THE SIGN OF THE l-v ¦f N H»p, ilfMidc formerly" nc<}»»t>kd hy Mriw Jl.' Wl*h iTuckmau, a few doorMwtth of ttt*;? IIimUW :'-.i i 'IV firttrtti notf In a *1 ate of cnm>ploifr #«"'. pftijy wiih t-nnftldetiiblf nddiUnn», Imv® likn heeh ercrtid. Travelling- fkmiliea can hv ftrromm/rfUted with private ro< m%. v m iiniinHRwuni wiiii priTAfv «!». *. . ^ \plcdgen hlnuelf to ill* e»eryfX*nion ln hi* power to Hccoutmodate thoso «fo may ffcvur him tvlth ii call. ' . ' ^ Camden,' June W. 2 Land for Sale. TIIK kiih.ieriberoflVr* lor rale hi* JjikJon the watei* o)' Wiltfln'acitck, In the xcitkmcn* of Canthrilfje, eontalmpir 791$ *cm.300 cltnt- cit unJ uitdor fenre*, 200 of which aro llreah, producing «»ftM>d cot ion, Corn, wheat and tol^cco* us nny upland in the slat*. It Ii water¬ ed l.y stven or ciRht kpr^ngs, f.l'purr wftter, the iontvn of 5 beautiful utile #ireain*» Interacting1 it in different direelinnt. The liinution tilVil» sulubriout and commo<1lnuv-even rom»n- tic and lntere*tlripff nosacadntf every thlntf fO » recomriifiyd it oithef for taste or utility. Ocn* tlcnicn deilrin# to pttrchaic, muy set ihc place .«nd know the term*, hy applying to the juOifiri- bvr on ihepremliec noilK.UT 1'fJM.ARD, Senior. Cambridge, JuneSG. 4\--:>.r The Subscriber, TAKKS the liberty to inform lilt firiowi* And the public in tfencralfth*t hi* h.t lAt«ly \u. ken lltn lll;irk Smith nlwp Iwlnofpijf to GKomoa r. Smith, tiituutcd on 1'ftyb.f *uett» wltrrc ho intend* to entry on the lituetc Smith bmitie**, low for enih. ffor*e# «h«»d felt round tor one dollar :t 11.1 twenty-flve e.«ntf Those that wilt favor him with their euitom m*y rely on havir>£ their woik done In the lm»t tnMtner. CHARLES MAttOft. July 3d, jfrco. ,/,/¦ - tju-i8 For Sale, I a FAaiiiomnLB gig, WHICH Iim been but a *hort time in «t9ti with a steady well trained ClIAIIt and HMHH.B HOUSE. They will be told low. lt' nppliud tor immediately, the nwnif having no imi11.t me for them. Apply Aithi*office. .fuly II ; ; t ¦" in tiik common vlkxh. Jnirrit Mo**i.f U Co. 1 t e. i CnH in .1l(ae/,w>tiU. Pitrni T««rto*. S WtlKKUAM the t»Miiii(Ti In the nhoee <«**, did. on the I4th d*y of Iki ember, inat, Ale their deeNration with tlie clerk of tht» court,. nyain«t the defendant, who is *N*eot from, fend without the limit* Of lid* aUIr, «it an Id, fend h.uh »') wife nor Attorney known withm the li¬ mit* of th« *nrre, tif.on whom a ropy ol the laid :j derivation will* * rule to ptad thereto might So »erve<]i.ft U oftleri'd (hut the Raid defrhoiiTit do appear and plead to the mM dec I m r#t ion vn Of '/¦-*».>!¦a tlie 1st d tv of J*nO rv, )«V1, or final iu.lftintot Will He entered opWuintt liiin. J AMK9 WAHDI.AW, L\ C. P. Office of the Common Hle.n, Ahl^vilie DiVriet, Oeo 91,1(119 )*.4t ¦¦£*¦* .' ~'r . JOB I'HIN'JL .'IM.O 1 Neatly executed at thii OJptc.

Transcript of Columbia Telescope (Columbia, S.C.). 1820-07-18 [p ].CJhurfcht >«nd riot to en. couragedivision....

Page 1: Columbia Telescope (Columbia, S.C.). 1820-07-18 [p ].CJhurfcht >«nd riot to en. couragedivision. Ifvoucotneml't*ibyt«rian», nme10support.mAfricanPre*jljytcritiriChurch, nndnottomakedivisions.

PpSuSSKJPd U* tyard ortrutieee of

\jjtal*lUje»e«iUmonbe lio,i.l, i»,it**, provided tti« Tru»icei haveV

,, poWt*. at that tlrfi*, to make »uch'aI'm ike gr#*t ImportanceolSliutUiionre-

. v,"J' t-v ,v "a ,r

...tow-.-;U>'CV*>#.~AcorrMpOfv1tnt tlw weKernWC#rp1W. wrufr< ttrnV w^siuKm,been ukcu In, mid exccrda in tltoag.«te Uk* qiuntUy wltod frr unity ytw l>cTheir corn aUo bwr* ft v«rjr promiaing

_ mr^nce. t l<V*thU. quarter of the countiytbiifc U the prospect of u Vfr) abundt^t crop;jr-.n\' v *' '.¦¦' y* (1*&*>&/$'>. ,£(.^ ^ <.'. Vf* 4*/V<AlM'OlNtMKNl^ UVTilfiOpVKn^Ott.

P I". II \1n*cy, I'.sq. Jimtice ol'theQuorum forHlohlirtd District, vice JaineiT. Qaotlwin, Etq»rea'.gncd '

v Archibald M'Kcwn, Ju.iice of ihe Quorum furint CJcorpe'n Parish.Mictaci Cinly, Justice of the I'caec.tor AlliinM I'uritb.- /r>. ,, ,

JoUr> Conyeri llench, Junkc of tlio Quorumfor PeiuUcio:t Piatriet.vice John Uec, ivaigptdJ*me< featulcr*, Juit.ct ofthe Pcacc fur Kd^c-ufWld DUtrict. * v'

We have laying before us some interestingletter* from thphlack emigrants who have pooroat to AfricaWorn New York. Ii waa our jnten.tion to lay thetp before our re *<ter.i,. theymight lie the better enabledtojudge of the pruc-tlWlity of coloni*i>tj our ftce black population,

j wh cli all acknowledge i* mi 'o!ijeet muoh to liedesired \v* find our limits will not admit oftheir publication. ,

Tlie colonists jeem t«> be we'd pissed withthe country. The climatc is said to lit- healthy,'

,' and mure temperate than they had calculatedV' on. The soil good, and provisions plenty Th\j'natives aru kind ihd hospitable. The colmyapprehends no opposition from thcini on the

ktrary they calculate much on their fVieudthipassistance. Tl»e natives visit thein, auy they! their compfthy, and desire to join theirr>oN, and learn to read the good bonk. The[llsli colony M H|etra Lrnnc, manifest* const*ibjc jealousy, and It is t> bo tearcd trill give

'W' trouble than the native*. They_ appear In high sph-itf, and feet their

tMile in the scnle ofcreation. That therejt least one Rjod man among them, we g're inOf the subjoined letter. It contain* * viiurgeich might he read with the hope of doing

jjn most of the churchca on tho American

DAxtrtft COKF.TTS LF.TTF.n,to ill* AVMtoit animtitr.* in am^oica.

*\frhMb Shrrbr* Maud, V)th f\fartf).To #11 my African Hrethrcn In America, I »end

p. , these lev linw, greeting!' IJtar Itrffhren.'Vo all vou wl»o love thr1/ml Je*u* Uhrlnl and hi* kingdom, I wrniM,with pleasure, inform yuu. that t, and aboutninety «>t our American colored brethren, |l»vcarrived safe 111 Africa. We find the lirid to l»o£0 td, and the natite* UlrJj only tho*e that theaUvo trade htn mad# otherwise. Thc-«» it a

great Work he*o to do. Thou<find* ami thou,.and* of «tH>l«herc to ho convened from t'.ifw.iam and Mahomttanlam, to the religion of le.u*.Oh, brethren! wfio will roup over to t|jo help ofthe Lor.V Ifyon eomc at HaptUu, comc to e*.UbIMi an African Raptta! CJhurfcht >«nd riot to en.courage division. If vou cotnem l't*ibyt«rian»,nme 10 support .m African Pre*jljytcritiri Church,nnd not to make divisions. ffyoo eoine ns I'rote*.?*ht«, come to nupport tin African HrOtot'amfJhnreb, and not to make division*- Ifyou eonic

>;. M Method i«t*, conic to Mtpnor' an African Melho.L ditt Church We wiah to kn».w nbtli riff of llM|i.*¦ el andofShirpatrcet, In Africa: holorc thef

he.ithenn, all ahould he ivrcwy unUedj anil if' darkness '. driven from' rt«l« W,l)V«i/ united effort in filirl«ti:uw. 'I'lin Sliufp «tivatV' brethren will hi? to irie uv lii«- IK-ihnl brethren.

alt will be alike; I wl^ to forget nil inch nime*nnd distinction*. Tho*e who will fltni lit love,to<lo good ami to «pre*d the tfo*pel, come'.in.he naoie ofOod, come*, otherwltc? tlfcy liad net*ler atav Awav« for nothing hut love and onionwill d i good among theae hefctlHrcft- fi'fd grainthst m-juy auch may com* over, to help withtills gveat work.

1 amyftfitt, In the bond of a pure Rn«pc 1.(finned) ptNIBbCOKKU.

r 8.1 have «ent my Journal wh'ch liontiins allthe information aajto partieolara I can give.The jo-itn*l above alluded to haa just been

publithed in the city of flaltimorc.


rumno our»(Ar,p..tiavnnnahi JutpiJ..^rrJirnt, f»u Thur«d:>yeve.

vtin|{ list, the Revenue Ctftte.* hullo*, John Jack**on, <Jnm/ni»nH«r, two ihy* from f«t. Mary'i, h».vitift .>« bn»nl the officer* »nd creW o»'the p*t.riot hriR ot w*r (to cadtrd) t;c>av*I R»m,

,, The follow jit* are the pArtieuliM o»' the ciptuie.' OA tlm 28d» tilt. *Mle the Cmtcr T>-dl»<t w*t

t, I Ififiif in the river fit. MaryN, CJifit. .V,«rl(«oft'rfereived information that m<* above namcd briff,i«np >*4 10 bp » piiyticul vcjwl, w.«« ho\'er.n>*

m Rt.which tlif (Jotter fntli.#lth tfot under wuy, in of the brijo pre.

iCti, cnpuin .f. poured IYo<n the1 olflMf lit PerntnllfH, twelve IJn».jMfer*. in order tn Atrengthon III*o'clock, l»; *f. Ham* <Uv, cleand

<n» the mominx foHovihfr, Aboutt tit# brie, hcAriii,? ahxil iuiilh»i* til tail, hi e,h*6>«. A* ('I ihV*.

:k, r. M. hrMilcil up tlic I'trc.»qu*re»til, mid ho.ted eo«'c tip, miMieMtil to the4*Pt>»rentty prepared fit it

Oil the stfcrboo.nnil rccciVCil for nuiWrr" T1l>irig <fikiit iIwm'btdetea the^com* on bwnj with t»» |*pew. Aft*»*¦-> v»».dcr ww rqiffcied. hf loVc*vdhla bpi\ sort eamqlili l»b*n). (Jjptkln jr, r«|uc»ltd tlip delivery otOn* ling's papery her register and commission.

? J'hu certain replied, .tltathe had* commissionof Artigas. and stewed a papetft which captainJ, rtuld nolreed.»a jii i foreign language.!!<-. sl.cwcd n oilier piper*} Mid kit l.adiio omyof life priv*tcor'» cmniilssM^W IcUer ofiu*

boned, took. pniseaiioti oflifcr..ordered, hi* first

A prizo crew* co:ul»t mfc of imtt./^W^ben-utonjjoard on hiebright" ordtfti to procccdnut onboard .01 tne t>rig, witn outer* iopr

to 8t, Mai)'*, where th# prize and culter oon SaturiUy l*st»\ thcUt tAsUnt.: Captweht on board ofthe bngy *M foundKMhunjncit arut rtfhty African StaVth afhoittw;rrc weUeJccepl toororfivc. TheVsptain uridcrew, **votwo or tliire»acknow|edg*d them*k!v*i to be American cHirou. They were inalt twenty-elght hj'nuinher, wllh the. exceptionuf one, who is on board iH<vbrig ut 8t, >!.«rw».The name of the cftplklfyJohnomUh, aJriatlreof ltatiimwe.~Th^ <firs{ officer eilU* himselfFlo»d.«hUi christian name not.known.

Hie cipi ai n, officer^ and crew, were yesterdaybrought up before the Mayor, and severalty com.ralttrd 10 prison f.»r txamltutino, which-, wc un¬derstand, will take place thl« day..1Upublican.In Addition to tlt«< above, wft'Karn, that the

crew, mk« ii on lioirtt of the tlrnfcrAl lUmirts,Iwlougud to the, prlyaicer hriff Arotfunta, capt.Metralf, which w»» lilted wit of Baltimore,alioilt 7 month* ago. Wc undrr>»ttin'i »ho crui-ird on tho coiwtof AfVicj, und made several va¬luable Snanidi prixn*, (slave ship*.) Koort *ft»>rmaking her en|tturti», slits wan tiken by nn Kit-g!i»h Kifdof w*r under the Cntpmand of captl'eakc. with her pri«Q*, and carried into Sierral<cbnc. where tlws Afric an* were discharged,~Thn *ipg>ni:t was, a nlior* time alter, also sctatliberty. 8H<5 then prorreded to sea, on a cruize,again, uloiiff the roan, and raptured a Spani.ihslave Onwhich is now calico the. IJrnrral lit.miroj. At the time the Ramirrc {for ».. w«shall r .11 l.c.-f) wa* taken, «ho had n>» morethan one hundred ard nin*»y Africans on l>ov<l.The balance (<sy O'J) vero taken fiotn.m Ame¬rican vc«nrl, ftt ncci *aid to have been fitted outin one of the New-Kngbnd State*.Smith, witha price crov>, was put in«a the Uamirer^ and arointnand ifiveii to him by oapUitt Mete.df, tocruise an a I'atriot brig of war. Ofl'tliC coastorilruziW, in agaloof wind, th > Arog:mta nlaOiorc, and %v»n tutully 1-nt. *1 lv» cptain, and*«vtral of the crew were tnken by the Portu¬guese. The remainder were t »ken oil' by thehoaUot the llaiuirer.. We also under»>ao<l thatthey captured ti French vessel; and took from aSwedish brig3 baica ofdollars, w.iich were takenfrom on board the KumirciofTSt. Bartholomews,by a Mr. Mason. Tho brig onhired, is thefiarou viand that took from On jiftafd the schr.M»ry,frnrn 0i:irlcston, bound to Havana*, youngCoppiwj^r, the governor of »t. A«igo*tinc a ton.\V« »*e happyto t.< .. |(« Cnppinger baa been>-t i »v, and restored to l»M parent«. We

. rates£«««**vouching for its correctness in f»'r> P5r"Cuiar,In our IK'S*, M"? hon** i".^ *n*VW» "> give a

niv,"^' and detailed,

FROM 8T. AUflUSTlNB.I'harUittn July 5..\Vo learn liv the stoops

l/ttly Washington, and (Jeneral Washington,?Wtili St. Augustine, that the P;»'r»ot briff wi»io>took Mr. Cpppiu^er out of a* wentioitfd some *1iort time >>nc<r, io failed tltf(Jetural Sfa'ttfrf*/fthewaka ft'iinesman,from Afrlcn, t*k<!rt by a amuM patriot privateer,which was soou after wrecked, and the ere*and commission transferred to the britj. She Itmtiunrnukd by a OMtimorinn, ha* but about30 men on.bosrd, ami the«e in a mutinous statr,with upwards of 230 iliirtu, She appeared oHSt. Auguttine About -13 or 14 days Kjncei theco-nrnaiiler lent a let'rr on shorn ndaftwd togovernor Coppitlffcr, stitinft that hi* vessel w<,i#h«rt of water an f provisions, and that if n

supply Was Sent <»tr to them, the governor'sam would b«' immediately rrk-aacd. TIm* rrns-

s.igc returned ,by thv ppm-mor that muchlie loved bit child, he would not supply

them with a tnotitliful of provisions, or a

drop »l wv>r, to sue him from the yard,arnu ;»ml pointedly forbid any Hpaniard'fromholding the le.««t inffrroume with thrm.(tut, two or three young gentlemen of this e.ity,fricin'.i to vnun/Oopniiltfer, who happened to U»'nt Hi. A igiutmo a*, the time,requested pcrmls.aion of the governor, to board th«; brig and en¬deavor to effect Hie relo ite of his win. Me toldilwiii, that being A#crirsit eiti<6n4, thcyeouhlset as they thought nrojwr, but thst no bojrtfrtim the garrison soiihl be itirniHiied t!ii*m, 'I'hcythen repaired on board au Airtcfie.'in v«<*"l inthe htrbur, o'llaineH the Inan of her li»v»t, andthe nsirist.-uir.o oT:* lev ho <ini u, wd|t which tln-yrepaired on Imatd the brig.they were rietnyidwith civility oy the captain, and After shmoe'tm*viI'hMmIi, In? releaned Mr. <*op;uutfcr, »rtd allow*rd him .to go nit shore In the I>«11. The i> i,jremained oft' the harbor for several day*. amttli«n Uiro aw-\y< as w;i'i reported, ror.'ai* .foli'i'*river, Kast Plur'uhl' The ''coittfuaiider, WC tin*d(*rsiand, whs very nu<loiit to dUpose of Insslaves, and oHVrcd theui at 100 dollars cacti, onboard.

ANOTIIKft Tttr. tuvr'MOttt 3d.lly (lie grnlfcihftf* pM«0>iK«*f all«i<tc«1 to below,

wc li»ve titon finitely fitnrr'i wiih the followingaccount iif the iapftlrp of tho tfpnuWi *hipXftn>

in tlio water* Of tlio United -State** bv an.'H iirvl hriff »n mining 14 tfu/n, commanded byAlnM&U« of flilibflofp.

Arrived* the f»Hot*V'»*t Huh Tlwtrt* fV<|t»te,mvtor. irothorf U;«pfc Hcnrv, V* witlnhp ctp<tiibi, officera ,'(%<( p-irt of the crew nf the tfpinith>!ii.. .\»n,.<:.E .. I>»t» Wa-irtCahrt-fj, com-tttmtdtr, of »nrt IWnn K't .1 (go de O'fbvto I1dft<more. When on wtun'lin'Ki, on Hun-lay 0k» 3<thin*f. Mt C> A. ,M dirfcovc-cti 4 Hrij? ateering :<bout8. K bv K., At #, theamp tteet'mg about M. N bycimpin, lor land, Wat olined bv abri#urfddr Pwneh color*, h*rtii( tmx en frihp of * iide»the w.nd being Ibcn imm'iWard »*iJ wHMt-AMrd,*b« Conlinnel fb»mnf». At merldivi, tow fr nn.hp deck, m pilots torn, wneh proved to be IbeHI4rtean». Preble, of lkbnnure, bearing about\V ft. \V, with her flying fnf ««. to heav*io-ybut «0*lM lto« ' a wcottnt of the brig beinghi du tc Chans in't r tlitimnnrf Hr.ntf at m with«bOi, (tot *.»cn h ; liottr* f>f titrer and lo ir, twootfjtr pibtbOata toad* lot u»# but We eould not

i, Bui icnt Iwr within hail of u»,twWli*

****** mwinictowariftkii» firwryollcy of musnumy at m-twe tLreturn*! tWf'wWi^o uoat rctyi'fleil lo.l

wet could not b®» lawful nrjro. neii^ short ofhand*. the captain thO'ight prutUnt for th* pro.SflrVatWOf tf»# 11»M Of ||!» few fr)*n to Mirrrtwdef-r^hen vv'e'ninr^TxJcrfd we were within ilkor seven tnlle*«fUn<i.sounded In idjt followswauc, on the 26th..Jnr.f. fltc cspUin, wllbsnAfliierUlkh pftAiengtr, uud fcfyrrwiMi * p^t oftil*ofTl^ta and eww, fere Uken onboard tlebfift,^lcli wm tald to bv-.the HoUvw, conyrisjitUNlby Jo«e Almeida,; ef lliliiinore, mousing 14finty lut from No«o|k, having tm brvira * cou»-emcnt of. 50riicn, Amcricam, Iru'Jneri; orngli*hn\eni part <|l'them, vc were iuMrnicd bv

th« pilot, had been taken no board, wlJlcat t.n-choron thelouth fldiof Oajpc Henry, /itiThtifS;dnV» the 30th iriit, Wlic elcared out from Nof-fefk; under llio iwpws of .tHe WdsoL .OportfAWiUon, master, tVlio Is imw onboard with tl.njrmid Almeid*. Hb*, Intend* erUW^ff off theCapet until *he pwenrc* u full cmnpleinetit ,.«fmen, The capuin »f the ship Santiago, withsn idcaofobtainmjrhU^pnr«,»U(| siiiig JJJrOOOthit ho hid in three caik* of water! which be,.longed to atvAmerio'.n jawnger, cn)e^vnred toransom the *Wp, but <out<l not suchccd'jh anyw»y. F.ndlnjf that tint intended pelting <iv>nboard the pllpt boat, tU« puscnrcr determinedtor)Vim h*>nin?yl atuiittformcd the captain oflhe brig where >t W-t: conccalcd-ldcmandcdthai the same might bcretmrcd, and producedthe document* which ppved the property to lie.long to him and siin<m>,American merchants ofIbllhnore. After ig the document* he keptthem, faying tint be wmjUI carry tltcni to'Mar*gartHa. and there li wild see what was tf» Ivodone w ith the mom']. lie prc^rdtor forced in¬to hit service, eight f ho crew ol' the ship. not.witlutand n(f ill the *r«te»lation« made by tl\emen a"d cajitain, uga uc taking op anm and their IrlloW cm .lynen. The pilots of thes->i:l bust* were wltr »«tr» the t(Mri and Minpli.cition of the men njw.avd. They were oilSpaniards ufc.

j AimF.ST C3F PA IIJ0T3.OTt PittATT.S.I Char/titan, July 1 .In'ormMnni having iiecnI communicated on I d.» evening, to Hint M'<| Chine, th; V. H. "iltvvncr Itcvengc,- tint *

[ r.t»rr"*ljc'p °** ,Mn 'cen ?nWved in iliw cityfor the pn'riotbr g 1 :!fon,.C«pt. Alnmvla, hod

tliey were then ul.urklogon Itonrd a

slvopto join that vc d *»fl* our bar, lie look ftboal'it crew an«l pne -led into Uchelllitri HoaOo.w herr he Wa* joined y an oMeer and boat's*l*wftfoin therevennn ft' Galium, lying at Anchorthere, and both boa* dropped down below Subl(van'a Island, to wat i their movement*..A lit*tic after midnight, a. M'Clonic observed the»lo)p sttwdinr jortl: North Channel, cl»sc un¬der the Island, and i .licdiatcly brought her toTheft wero but Wo three penoni on deck atthe tin*, hilt on reing on board, thoy.fmivlthe holt filled wit I ml), amounting in alt to Stor 2?..I hey wc.y-Hpred, taken on shore, andiViejfrohf^e iw't^tevwere 6rft- jght up totowii.on'flaturdayiftcTn on.'in'tne rewnue ichr. Gal,latin, arid mirchcutp alj under the chtfgc of adctachmcntof V. Si<|Uers. Among (he mini*ber were a l.iout«nn'bftt>e Wilton,and one ortwo Lardlords, of ns city, who shipped themen -"-Some of tliemkd bwn discharged with¬in a few day#, from . 8. vessel* in tlie p<)jl,and others were attaoed to different vessels inthe harbor. A man f the name of Job We>.den, calling himself ie doctor of the Wilson,nml who had heenenfucd in making purchasesof-tadi, riprg'.ng, arrtilv r supplies lor the brigand tier prise, waiaritcd In (own on Saturdayforenoon, charged OA <th with having furnishedthe money to pay the tamcn'* bounty, and com*rmttcd to prison. Tl turn furnished hu<t beenvar'.oisly s:ateil, frorrwOO to 33000. Cipt. Al-micda's *on, who h tdanded in company withthe Doetor, and for nose arrest a warrant hadalso been granted, ftanot yet been taken.The fullowing wer given in as the names of

fit** nvn, when they ^recommitted to jail, vi*..WillUm Poster, (eutenant.) Edwardgcr, alias I)irk Jonesfthe landlord who enlistedthi-im) Tlmmss Walto, Win.' Wight, MichaelLousei, Christian lionet, I«mc Abbot, Joel Tra-vn), John Kowen. "in. CJhUity, Wnv AIM,Hanniel Gardner, Th nasOrdin^ ll'chard Junes,Itnbrrt Whiltaker, Ja >ea Anderson.I<*r.ttd8miih,Kd. Maxwell, John lake, J»!irv Unmet, JohnTliomns. and Archibi il Cay.22The U. H. schoonrrftovfcng .. I.ieut. M'Cltinie,

and the revenue sctioner tiallatir!, Cap'. Mvtliewts, wmtl downyesvrday morning, to ob¬serve the moVcrncn^oftlm privateer.

DOMRSTIC KfANUHAGTWU/3t'hlhid tpUia, /lint i9.Wb Ii#v* at thi« ffln-

matt before iii a pif e ofjaconet mijlin, of a fa¬bric so perfect in cv rv p^liciil^i tint wanuy.rifely .ntsrrt it to »»#¦ -(jiMl in ivcry mprot, tonny iliinp ol' tlie kill produced in any part ofilw world.

r.iinitiarwith the neat w'cb« of A»ia, we canco ill t' iii Iv t i*t the piece i/ffota tiiiffcpinl, iii HYmity, eve nc«««, mtd miicliHtipfrior in«h«- fi'iitbinff, to tlic me mitlU of Ilitti'nMnii.Thiipierc i« (he f .»% experiment nnde at the

factoryof Mtiim. Tl r>rp <* tdidell, oftw neifth-brirhood, yet it will near in«pe<tl»m iifd comp«.ruion with Any foreign production of the Mmenumber of ihtrn.Thu jiteonct rival* ih heat^t>¦ and tenure the

lawns of FUndorm And for riffle*, ottine dret<c*, h:vt no superior! »nd we *arnt«tfyreco ninrnrt tbc product* oftho<e Intpnoil* ma«luu.irutfc.'t to the nfetieeand |>.»troii*gfof everyfrit nd of American nro.pcriiy,Why'tld imr fennlea -~iitir n»Miher«nf fjniilic*,and tlm«<> rising into lit'o, Who ire t« he the p*.rent* of the n<-nt cehcNtiohs *)iv in our y<wmgfemale* ho'tf buck their devotion to the liter*e*l* imd pfun. -ity ofthM h*tlfe l*nd> Kveryndnn that h i* been renowned for ita virtue*,liM drrivi'd distinction from die Simple of It-*female the it Hn ut matron* n d virgin* wettever etimpieuo'u h promoting. I» th«*(r dsbifr-estednctland patriotism, tlic j; ry mid mi let yof.their country.The rmtr »nj of America, find lie fex fcfrtO-.

ally. whotfl influence- no rtaturall/ i'iy* 11un < rv I,foiil't derive no bonor* no deV,tili ,nh joy* morevdid, tbmi by cou<vdtifijf Die inn e*u an I tlicIvmor of their eot»nir}Vtha nlory * >tild he tltelr*.In giftif IhtJttiHifi it ticint t/rfL, and whilew> uuny are ao honorably cinplotld In protect-In$ the d«i«r'.#d ofphftft, how mult more noble

V Matfr* Iborp U fcldcjl aw nut «piifl<icdjqtMi, ilwjfio micl<»r;.tho'.r cltcckiare fqiuilly j*rfe6t.V^vrir«. - v ,.\' ¦'.

^»w»pjf tUvery^nil wVrtMfpcty4**1*4. In»in»y.ih the rnrt iitSffiof|xmr amIlhflii<nc«iu t|ii^l^|rM'kov*rnJiltl>»»iin« Milan*

Mio"iliiiiUing netf it4l««Into the un'um, to pre-

ri| i» which by the ptttnublr aiui.f< *<4u\'t< n», ofi|mc (fencwr aMKtnb!y of Vitro iu, tlitj aMeiuiuticf«l>e ICK'.ilaUlf® bccti paJlCcV'Mtri*

ttuny tuOttiucui acta ofiht gtnf^'kwfrnnttit *fTfc'jeM.^: wonU iti iuilirt art tpe only ««».»which ran b* i quiti tin if at racing inolijictlon l<> Oic uurcf.trIgtWcon-nhu^lim ol >Im-yourt W tJip roiuijig icmjiii* fijt\tunfrtm. WoItopb np «K" t»<cat»inir it itittriulrd. . W't liopethii nxtcti.on will tu.t t>e matte'hexf Winter.. It

he National 0.ix«ue hn»tllC public pyUtfr-blK Ulor hi* purpose,

.^ T ... , ^Ka^iuetumVc rttcrt.Tot^nilt" ^

v>U#ttra* ..

sny'enjhiriufi'ratUtn tm 0>eatibJco» f.-om ibcHtatcof Virginia, Ip« evipf been r«fcivcil l»v 0>e <.!<..mtivc or Ifg.ll-uuro of thU fct«tc," (.vaixaclm.«u(») Tin y must then have mi«varr«t<l on tu«way.they wrre tfirtninly *ent...liich V.vtj¦ iii »n u/.». in ii" .«¦

fl't legUUtur.; of Matsadniser.V mv< rlicnili'Hit Touching the quel" 100. til' r(.TenureIhU fret. the notion Dally AdverUfir wy«,Lt -^neiuiir ^he '^HohUioM of Virgfni»^or

:.v,, JSToUcq,Tlin CominUaioncr'a of i(tc n.d», fir the

A'pper lUtallhm of Itithhnd l>iitr.ct, willmeet and do Imaineiaonthe firat Monday in Au-ii«} ftext, ut tlie l>gle Tuvrrn. in Columbia,'lie hvri'seersnf-tlfero-uU arc noiificM to attend

with tliiir rcluriiH on that day.Ily orlcr of the Hoard, .

It. II. WARING, C'.rrk.July 13

Peter Mucguire,l>KnjliN8 hi« tlianka to Inn friend* andil K euitniner* for pant ftvins, mid he;;i lcnvi» toinform them that he has now on tiand .< quant'.tyof Shoe4, (leaver, Castor, And Itcruoi Ihtsi td»'»,Ctrriajje Material*, and two ift» of CouHi ll«*«, two do/en Cochineal Hktn<, i.ll of whichwill he *.ld l>w lor c«»li or kppinved credit.

In mlditno to the idntvf, th* 8ub<cr Iter hn*received three ca»c« of Bfaver, Cantor and

Mornm (lata, of the laical folilnn.All thoiie indebted in'l|to tnmur cf.neorn of

3. Cran« l« CJo. are rc<|ue»ied to coitus forwardmid neMc'their ai-cnum*, a« the Imoki, n<>i<*sand account* are left in my hnniU.fir coIUtHuhi.

» PKTKH MACOCIl*K..Tidy 14 ri.

, ^t-35 Dollars lie ward.

ItANAWAV or stolen from tli6Hub-ciiU r, living Hi Coltitnbi*,on thfc Btli imt&iit, u negro bpytv.tF,/<» . ,

OLJ1SCO,.bout .12 year# nf «»;#.» dark

» complexion, A pifcc of-hf* hit»v" «»*» kmii cm git ami a near oil lii.t

left ihiglit boufflitof Hugh M'fMnahl, mChartrg.ton, whi> purchased him ofJames Hopkins, nearJjcksonbormiftli. The above rewkrd will be

Jriven for brinrin# lii/n to rftr or cohHnmg InmH any jitl, umi giving mo information ihereof, orif itolen, one hundred <lui!ir* on Conviction olof tlte thief.

ZACilVKIAl! PI1II.1PS.July IB $9.4

Sumlcr.Jit Jiqnity.Jamts, tt». Joiim \V. H*e» and Ilontcc

llHotirnii).BtUfur <tn Injunction ami Tfetirf

UPON hearing- the bill, answer, ami proof*,in tbli* cn*f;.Ii U ordered ami decreed,

that John \Y. Meeti and Horace Browmon bo per.pciualiy fnjnined from enforcng (lie pa> mi ni oftwo noten, given by llio comph.nam, to tlw x:.idJnhn \V. Keen one note iwj'nbte on ttic 1st Of ?

tober, 1M0, for 1^00(Hilar*; mid another pn\t..Me on the I« Jan. llilH, for (iOUdollurrjnna thatJf the Mid Hole* are now m tin: power of eitllM¦>f them, they <lo di liver up lite name to the com¬plainant, to Ik* nncellrd. That an advertise?,inejvt be Irucriecl tn tin* t.'ohmilJM Telescope,f;i«itiif uotico that the payment ol the » i.J noli**« enjoined.

, Kxirfcot IVom the decree of Ibo Court, 23dJune, lb2J.

JOHN B. MII.LEIt, 0. K. ft. D.June 10 'L

Found,i KF.Y floppo*rd to hrlong to n lock of x

- I. singular c»n<tru«tlon, which Way hi- Imd I»y»]>{>lylng Ht thU often, and paying lor tin* stiver-tiaciuent,

July 18 2J>.4

Office of Common Plcaet' HtCIII,AND DtS'rnfCT.

WIIftltKAB, P*/r* (Nrr*r.»r<in, with nacheduiftofliU clfc^U oil (Mlll| lltitll tilfd

hi< petition in the Court of Common I'ta* Oftlifl di»trlet nfore* «id, *tatin£ lie i« now* mthe cuatody of the «lierJfT ol filclil <nfl district,(iv Virtue of m writ of nd ru4|>'inilrii(|um fittut *uit of John W. Wilkin*, ni»»l jirivituf khlHfto be nerved on the Mid John \V, U'.lklw, rc<humble before any one or more m'the Commit*alnner* of HpecM Kad, in and for thu diairiel»firetaid, to *hew cutiii', if (<ny h* rnu, why the.aid Peter (j.ivinnliouM nit Ikged trooi Int confinement* according to ihf »r.\of th« flenerni A<*oohy of tld» lintr, (c«»m<iwn-I) called tho ,4Pri<oo flouod net/') flft-.d'c and pr>vidcds. It U therefore (Mimnm, tint the said.loltti \V. Wilkini, nnd nil other of hl«<*»fcditor«do appear beforo J.i'm llyMim and .l.imn* T.(ioodwjn, c*qulr«*ii, or either of th.'in, Commivaiinera of <*pfol.t1 II %.l. in i«n<l foi* thfdiatHctnOirtaaid, on Thursday# the twentieth dtiy of .Inlyiik' tin, «t the g.iol ot Hie <l dUtr.ct. to *lu v<Cauac why the -Mid Peter CaveueaMfljh thoold notbu admitted to th4 bereft* of the »a1d wt, :»twhich tint* and plate the eatrite nnd efTVrt* otthe .«id Peter Cavfcoeiugh will he aligned.

.IAMKS 8. Cl'KJN'AIM), C. C, P.July 11, 1820. 3y&

lifcVe koi* <



t0MJNIfAtfcuto'jwV Vii'ljlWiry' .. /'> >\ ..'&¦&rMhr.^l. Spv,(NetflyttUnd)..

AU«Hs*a or » ¥., ,uo *I *i»ps j», * >.,. V.

WM,W, .


Amt-ric in |'icccp?or» .

New tork tyffter Nu.3, .¦ . <-/Wlivderal' a'cuUtora .-;'l.empritr'* CUii cnl Dictionary T"WlirlpWyVOefApend ami Qucilkmaiicicniifu! IHnlogiK s, 3 vols.Au ample uipply of Juvenile rcinman»tip#v'4|1 V Vcty low* by the Dunn ' ,;v Jr(\

(...¦ '¦* ii\YT BOOKS.K»J «w Am*9r«l« V r

Chitty'a t.'fiminr.i tewDiiminrd nful Keporta, 8 roto. '; ǤBaxt'rt lt< porl*, 16 voli. call'gilt1'liilip'a fcf.tcCliei ' .

, .*viALSO - .¦'M

50 Itc&fTva Wrapping t'aprr, at the low price,of 62 l'3 eta, 'WtTtUfNCHAST fc ARTHUR

July 18,1820. 29-3 .

John G. Ballard^Dcga leave to inform the Public that

ho Iihh o|»cucUA House of Entertainment,




¦fN H»p, ilfMidc formerly" nc<}»»t>kd hy MriwJl.' Wl*h iTuckmau, a few doorMwtth of ttt*;?IIimUW :'-.i i

'IV firttrtti i» notf In a *1ate of cnm>ploifr #«"'.pftijywiih t-nnftldetiiblf nddiUnn»,Imv® likn heeh ercrtid. Travelling- fkmilieacan hv ftrromm/rfUted with private ro< m%.v m iiniinHRwuni wiiii priTAfv n» «!». *. . ^\plcdgen hlnuelf to ill* e»eryfX*nion lnhi* power to Hccoutmodate thoso «fo may ffcvurhim tvlth ii call. '


' ^Camden,' June W. 2

Land for Sale.TIIK kiih.ieriberoflVr* lor rale hi* JjikJon the

watei* o)' Wiltfln'acitck, In the xcitkmcn*of Canthrilfje, eontalmpir 791$ *cm.300 cltnt-cit unJ uitdor fenre*, 200 of which arollreah, producing «»ftM>d cot ion, Corn, wheat andtol^cco* us nny upland in the slat*. It Ii water¬ed l.y stven or ciRht kpr^ngs, f.l'purr wftter, theiontvn of 5 beautiful utile #ireain*» Interacting1it in different direelinnt. The liinutiontilVil» sulubriout and commo<1lnuv-even rom»n-tic and lntere*tlripff nosacadntf every thlntf fO »recomriifiyd it oithef for taste or utility. Ocn*tlcnicn deilrin# to pttrchaic, muy set ihc place.«nd know the term*, hy applying to the juOifiri-bvr on ihepremliec

noilK.UT 1'fJM.ARD, Senior.Cambridge, JuneSG. 4\--:>.r

The Subscriber,TAKKS the liberty to inform lilt firiowi* And

the public in tfencralfth*t hi* h.t lAt«ly \u.ken lltn lll;irk Smith nlwp Iwlnofpijf to GKomoar. Smith, tiituutcd on 1'ftyb.f *uett» wltrrc hointend* to entry on the lituetc Smith bmitie**,low for enih. ffor*e# «h«»d felt round tor onedollar :t 11.1 twenty-flve e.«ntf Those that wiltfavor him with their euitom m*y rely on havir>£their woik done In the lm»t tnMtner.

CHARLES MAttOft.July 3d, jfrco. ,/,/¦ - tju-i8

For Sale, Ia FAaiiiomnLB gig,

WHICH Iim been but a *hort time in «t9tiwith a steady well trained ClIAIIt and

HMHH.B HOUSE. They will be told low. lt'nppliud tor immediately, the nwnif having noimi11.t me for them. Apply Aithi*office.

.fuly II ; ; t


in tiik common vlkxh.Jnirrit Mo**i.f U Co. 1

t e. i CnH in .1l(ae/,w>tiU.Pitrni T««rto*. S

WtlKKUAM the t»Miiii(Ti In the nhoee <«**,did. on the I4th d*y of Iki ember, inat,

Ale their deeNration with tlie clerk of tht» court,.nyain«t the defendant, who is *N*eot from, fendwithout the limit* Of lid* aUIr, «it l» an Id, fendh.uh »') wife nor Attorney known withm the li¬mit* of th« *nrre, tif.on whom a ropy ol the laid :jderivation will* * rule to ptad thereto mightSo »erve<]i.ft U oftleri'd (hut the Raid defrhoiiTitdo appear and plead to the mM dec I m r#t ion vnOf '/¦-*».>!¦a tlie 1st d tv of J*nO rv, )«V1, or finaliu.lftintot Will He entered opWuintt liiin.

JAMK9 WAHDI.AW, L\ C. P.Office of the Common Hle.n,

Ahl^vilie DiVriet, Oeo 91,1(119 )*.4t¦¦£*¦* .' ~'r .


Neatly executed at thii OJptc.