Colour palette

Personally I don’t like this palette, this is because of the bright and vibrant colors that are in the palette. They are too bright and highlighted for my liking. This colour palette is quite soft toned there isn’t many bold and vibrant colours like there is in the first palette. Like the first one I don’t really like it but it is better than the first one. Out of the first three this would be my preferred palette, but still I wouldn’t say it would be favourite, I like it until it gets the skin tone colours. The colour’s in this palette are quite deep

Transcript of Colour palette

Page 1: Colour palette

Personally I don’t like this palette, this is because of the bright and vibrant colors that are in the palette. They are too bright and highlighted for my liking.

This colour palette is quite soft toned there isn’t many bold and vibrant colours like there is in the first palette. Like the first one I don’t really like it but it is better than the first one.

Out of the first three this would be my preferred palette, but still I wouldn’t say it would be favourite, I like it until it gets the skin tone colours. The colour’s in this palette are quite deep until you get to the skin tone colours which is where I stop liking them.

Page 2: Colour palette

This colour palette starts off quite bright and vibrant and then gets quite dull and boring towards the end. This colour palette wouldn't be of my choice as it is too bright and bold.

These colours are feministic, they’re quite suttle and gentle. They aren’t as bright and vibrant as the

This is my favourite palette of them all this is because it is my favourite colour, blue. It is the colour blue travelling from a really dark and deep colour to a light colour. All the colours that are in this palette I like.

Page 3: Colour palette

This colour palette is quite a dark bland and dull palette. Unlike the vibrant colours that we have seen before in other palettes these colours don’t really ‘come at you’ they don’t stand out as others do. I don’t like this colour palette and wouldn’t choose it to go onto my magazine.

The colours in this palette are quite bright and more vibrant than the previous palette. The colours compliment each other well and they suit each other and look good together. I wouldn’t choose this because I don’t like the colours green and yellow.

The colours in this palette again are quite feministic, they are calm and subtle and nothing really stands out. With the colours being feministic I think that the colours would appeal to a female audience. I don’t like this colour palette and will not be choosing it based upon the fact that I am not trying to appeal to women.

Page 4: Colour palette

This is by far my least favourite of all of the colour palettes this is because the colours, I see them as old fashioned. The modern day is full of colour and bright vibrant colours and this is not these colours are boring and don’t go well together.