Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11

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Transcript of Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11

  • 8/4/2019 Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11


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    Dear Friends,

    It is with great joy that I announce the completion of Colorado Christian Universitys Year

    of Evangelism. During the past school year, CCUs faculty, staff, and students embarked injoint effort to share the love and message of Jesus Christ as widely as possible. They hostedspecial events, volunteered in the community, and made individual commitments to reachout more intentionally in their own circles.

    In January, nearly 1,000 church leaders from nine states swarmed to CCUs campus for theOutbreak Conference, a practical evangelism-training event led by celebrated authors LeeStrobel and Mark Mittelberg, as well as CCU Alumnus Greg Stier, founder of Dare 2 Shareone of the most prominent teen-outreach organizations in America.

    his April, CCU also staged the world premiere of I, Witness, a passion play that looks at Christ from a new angle.ommunity members were encouraged to bring non-Christian friends and family, and across six performances the5-member cast hosted sell-out crowds totaling nearly 2,600 people.

    ome statistics report that only ve percent of American Christians ever engage in any form of evangelismyethrist clearly calls us in Scripture to share the Good News far and wide. At CCU we educate students to contributegnicantly in their career elds, not only in knowledge and skill, but also in faith and character that turn others tood. The Year of Evangelism was a rally point. I hope we all will carry the torch indenitely.


    illiam L. Armstrong,esident

    Just A Word

    Events to AttendJuly 8Summer Campus

    July 29-July 31

    Western Conservative Summitwww.WesternConservativeSummit.comMarriott City Center

    August 5Summer Campus

    August 25-27Summer Play - Marvins

    CCU Music Center

    September 1, 7:00 p.m.CCU2theWorld ReunionLakewood Campus - Beckman Center

    September 30 - October 2Homecoming Weekend

    Lakewood Campus - Event Center

    October 1Ninth Annual Hall of Fame BanquetLakewood Campus - Event Center

    October 6Fourth Annual Jefferson County Prayer BreakfastMarriott Denver West

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    Colorado Christian Connectionmagazine is meant to connect CCUalumni and friends to each otherand to CCU. As we build each issue,

    we strive for complete accuracy,however, we occasionally miss themark. Please inform us of our errorsand we will address them in thefollowing issue.This publication is sponsored by theOfce of Development:

    Dr. Paul EldridgeVice President of Development

    David NyeDirector of Development

    Dan Westermann, 04, 10Director of Developmentand Alumni Relations

    Christi KirchnerDevelopment Manager

    This publication is produced byUniversity Communications:

    Lisa ZellerDirector of University Communications

    Jon WattersUniversity Writer/Editor

    Danielle HullUniversity Graphic Designer

    Special thanks to these contributors:Ron Rex

    Associate Professor,School of Business and Leadership

    Contentssummer 2


    8REFLECTION: Year in Review

    A Look Back at the Academic Year

    STAY CONNECTED:School of Theology Professor Dr. Aaron Smith:

    Faith Seeking Understanding

    GLOBAL IMPACT: SARAH PALINTribute to the Troops: Huge Success

    LIFE LONG LEARNING:CCU Student Brings Grammy Winner Switchfoot

    to Red Rocks10

    To add your name to the ColoradoChristian Connection mail list and toreceive other announcements aboutCCU alumni events, please go to

    to add your name or to update yourcontact information.

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    Stay Connectedschool of theology

    by Dan Westermann, 04, 10

    Over the past several years, under the expertdirection of Dr. Sid Buzzell, the School of Theologyat Colorado Christian University has quietly and

    providentially ascended to new heights of theologicaland evangelical signicance. For years, the faculty ofhe School of Theology has proudly pursued Anselms

    axiom, fdes quaerens intellectum or Faith SeekingUnderstanding, in an effort to lead a new generation ofChristian thought leaders to make a signicant impactn todays culture. They strive to teach them to recognizehat faith and reason are not mutually exclusive but areather wisely inseparable. It was this ongoing, collective

    effort to cohesively merge two dynamic qualities, faith

    and intellect, that initially drew Dr. Aaron Smith to teachat Colorado Christian University.

    Dr. Smith joined the faculty at CCU in the fall of 2009, and

    has quickly made a noteworthy impact on the campusand in the lives of the students. Some of his impact isevidenced by his invitation from this years outgoingsenior class to be the honored faculty speaker at the2011 Senior Banquet. Dr. Smiths speech was a powerfureminder to the soon-to-be alumni that the disciplinedstudy and commitment to Gods Word should nobe abandoned after college, but should instead bevigorously embraced.

    It is also apparent that Dr. Smithssteadfast dedication to hisstudents is paralleled by his own

    professional contributions tothe study of theology. Dr. Smithearned his Ph. D. in SystematicTheology from Marquette

    University, and his M. Div. from Bethel Seminary San DiegoHe has published several articles and book chaptersand has presented at conferences throughout thecountry.

    When asked about the greatest challenges facing theClass of 2011 as they take the next step of their journeyafter CCU, he responded, We may as well not be shyabout our poor economy, troubling foreign affairs, and

    a shifting moral climate, but frankly, I dont think thesechallenges are any more severe than the challengesalbeit distinct, which faced earlier generationsButChristians in every age are confronted with the call tobe people of hope in a world of despair. It really doescome down to our collective participation in Gods workof redemption - will we do it or not? It is this powerfuconviction that acts as the constant metronome bywhich Dr. Smith marches onward.

    Joined by a team of highly enthusiastic andaccomplished colleagues, the CCU School of Theology

    is committed to seeing the next generation of Theologygraduates succeed and contribute to what Dr. Smithrefers to as a, meaningful reformation of the evangelicachurch a reformation that moves modern-dayevangelicalism from spiritual milk to solid food. Hisdesire is to see his students, and those with whom theyinteract, continue to value theological substance ovevague concepts and become a beacon of intellectuahope. Above all, Dr. Smith and the entire faculty at CCUcontinue to strive to train students who think criticallyand creatively, lead with high ethical and professionastandards, embody the character and compassion oJesus Christ, and who thereby are prepared to impact

    the world.




    DR. AARON SMITH:Faith Seeking Understanding

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    INTERNSHIPSVALS 2011: Continuing the conversation

    In addition to the powerful array of high impact speakers like Charles Colson presented at the 2011 VALS Conference, Colorado Christian University was also fortunto have numerous intermittent spotlight presentations from companies that have b

    turning to CCU for interns and new employees. These representatives repeatedly spof the value CCU students add to their companies.

    Beginning just over one year ago, the School of Business and Leadership at ColorChristian University launched an initiative to dramatically increase the work experiestudents receive while they are pursuing their business education. Today ovecompanies actively accept and screen student resumes for internships, part time and full time employment after graduation. In that same period of time, this program placed students into 62 internships and jobs.

    This employment initiative hopes to be a catalyst to change the view of both businand students about the employment market. In many places, all we hear is how pthe job market is, said Professor Ron Rex, CCU Professor of Management and facsponsor for the employment initiative. If you depend upon online job applications

    wade your way through the internet, it is extremely difcult. But, when a student hasadvocate, someone that will help match them to a great company with a persointroduction, it is a very optimistic market, he continued.

    CCU seeks to match businesses with students that have a specic skill set and protrack record. This initiative is primarily successful because of the facultys keen awareof the students strengths and weaknesses and is therefore able to make informrecommendations. Professor Rex explains, What we do is eliminate a lot of theemployers take with a new hire. We recommend students for specic jobs in whichknow both the employer and the student. The guess work on selection is gone.

    Colorado Christian University is in the business of preparing extraordinary studentwork for excellent companies. If your organization is interested in partnering with CC

    this employment initiative, please contact Ron Rex at 303.324.3106.

    by Ron Rex and Dan Westerm

    VALS 2011: Bringing TogetheAcademics and Business

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    Global Impact

    GovernorSarah Palinvisits CCU.

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    big names visit camp

    Less than 24 hours after the world learned of Osamabin Ladens death, nearly every major media outletin Colorado, and an estimated audience of 1,300

    ocked to Colorado Christian Universitys Lakewoodcampus to nd out what Sarah Palin had to say about it.

    The Tribute to the Troops event may have been thelargest, most publicized event in CCU history. A crowdfrom across the state lled the Event Center, with anadditional 300 guests in overow seating. Proceedsfrom ticket sales and a celebrity auction, totaling

    nearly $40,000, were donated in full to the TragedyAssistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), an organizationthat provides comprehensive care for families of fallensoldiers.

    Perhaps most special to those in attendance wereopportunities throughout the evening to interact andshake hands with veterans, local military members, andROTC cadets, as well as watching a live video chat with2010 CCU alumna Amy Justice, now serving as an Armystaff sergeant in Kuwait.

    The homage to U.S. military personnel and veterans

    couldnt have been more surprisingly timed, as the crowdapplauded guest speaker William Boykinthe retiredlieutenant general who helped found the legendaryDelta Force and served as U.S. deputy undersecretaryof defense for intelligence. Yet, while Palin spoke of binLadens death and its score for global stability, she alsoused the occasion to lay out her thoughts on Americasrole in the world and appropriate use of military power.

    The former Alaska governor gave praise to CCU inher comments, highlighting the Universitys StrategicObjectives, a University-wide set of educational values

    that addresses issues like sanctity of life, biblical viehuman nature, limited government, and personal economic freedom.

    This was a milestone in the maturing of ColorChristian University as an inuential center of learnand thought, said John Andrews, event host director of CCUs Centennial Institute. This public-pothink tank will be hosting the second-annual WesConservative Summit this July.

    Learn more at www.WesternConservativeSummit.c



    by Jon Watters

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    July: Western Conservative Summit (1)Right Turn, Right Now, was the theme for the first-annual

    Western Conservative Summit hosted by CCUs Centennialnstitute. Some of the best nationally-known conservativesgathered in Denver July 9-11 to tackle the question of howo restore liberty and renew Americas moral core. Please

    consider joining CCU and the Centennial Institute for theecond-annual WCS this year, July 29-31, 2011.

    Go to for more details.

    August: Year of Evangelism (2)The 2010 2011 academic year was officially themedas The Year of Evangelism for the CCU community. Aspart of The Year of Evangelism, CCU faculty and staffpartnered with The Family Tree, a Denver-based nonprofitorganization, to help families and youth overcome childabuse, domestic violence and homelessness.

    September: Presidents Circle Dinner (3)Keynote speaker Franklin Graham praised CCU for itsYear of Evangelism efforts, and made a strong case

    or supporting the vital ministry of Colorado Christian

    University during the annual Presidents Circle DinnThis event celebrates Gods provision and acknowledgthe unique role of Presidents Circle donors those wannually provide CCU with gifts of $1,000 or more and wactively promote and who pray for the University.

    October: Symposium (4)Continuing its focus on Evangelism, CCU welcomrenowned evangelists and authors, Lee Strobel and MaMittleberg, for the annual CCU Symposium. This yeahighlight included relevant evangelism training for alattendance as well as practical resources to share tsaving message of Jesus Christ.

    Nov/Dec: TBN highlights CCU (5)This past December, Trinity Broadcasting NetwoAmericas most watched faith channel, aired seveepisodes of its show Joy in Our Town featuring faculty astaff of Colorado Christian University. Drs. Barbara Whand Chuck King discussed issues related to the currenational nursing shortage, teaching ethics, and how bo

    relate to higher education.

    Reection: Year in Review

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    a look back at the academic ye


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    January: Outbreak Conference (6)A packed crowd of nearly 1,000 pastors and leaders from200 churches and 9 states Midwest to Pacific Northwest converged on CCUs main campus for the first-everOutbreak conference. This conference, held on CCUsLakewood campus, equipped local churches to becomehighly contagious in their Gospel outreach efforts topeople inside and beyond their own walls.

    Conference attendees heard from Mark Mittleberg, LeeStrobel, Garry Poole, as well as CCU Alumnus and Founderof Dare 2 Share Ministries, Greg Stier.

    February: Fund for Beckman Scholars Luncheon (7)The Fund for Beckman Scholars Luncheon was held onFebruary 4th, and honored Dr. Beckman, his family, andthe students that received scholarships from this fund.The Fund for Beckman Scholars provides annual need-based scholarships for students. Each year all gifts givento the fund are distributed to students with demonstratedfinancial need. During 2010-2011, 236 students were

    blessed by more than $254,000 in scholarships.

    March: Womens 1st Ever NCAA Tournament Run (8)After a fantastic season, the CCU Womens Basketeam made its first-ever appearance in the NCAA DiviII Womens Basketball Tournament accompaniedFirst Team All-Region pick and Rocky Mountain AthConference Freshman of the Year, Christina WhiteCongratulations, Lady Cougars!

    April: VALS (9)The ninth annual Values-Aligned Leadership Sum(VALS) encouraged more than 525 business execuand CCU students to Do the Right Thing. Renowauthor and commentator, Chuck Colson, lamented incurrent culture, the real crisis is not financial it is ethic

    May: Commencement (10)Joined by thousands of friends and family, 377 graduates celebrated this monumental educatimilestone, and took their first steps as CCU alumnimpact the world for Jesus Christ. Congratulations toClass of 2011!

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    rammy-winning rockers Switchfoot were drumming in full force April 16 at RedRocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado, but it wasnt their typical concert. TheCalifornia-based group was headlining The Calling conference, an event with

    a higher purpose: to inspire and equip Christians to wholeheartedly pursue their God-given callings.

    or many Christians, calling is about discovering their God-given gifts and passions, andusing them purposefully and in good stewardship. For 2011 CCU graduate ChrysandraBrunson, it boils down to living intentionally, which is why shes made The Calling literallyher calling.

    he conference was her creation and is one among a series of similar events she hopeso launch all over the country, perhaps the worldas long as there are audiences

    craving the topic. Switchfoot was a perfect frontrunner this April, with the chorus of theirhit song This is Your Life echoing are you who you want to be?

    or some that night, the answer: a resounding yes. Far-off gazes elsewhere across theconic outdoor venue expressed pursuits still under way or undiscovered. Either way, thecrowd of nearly 5,000, ranging from teens to baby boomers, was eager to celebrate andearn more about the idea of their calling.

    Acoustic rockers Chasen joined Switchfoot onstage along with local musician LindsyMorton and speaker Rex Crain. The former baseball player for the Boston Red Sox offeredfe lessons taken from his own incredible journey out of the major leagues and onto an

    unexpected path.

    he Calling began as Chrysandras senior project in high school. While classmatesmade snowboards, wrote cookbooks, or learned how to swing dance, she eshed

    out the idea God planted in her heart to start a faith-based movement. More than aeries of concerts, her long-term goal is to turn The Calling into a nonprot organizationdedicated year-round to helping Christ-followers and seekers understand calling and itsmplication in their lives.

    If Christians worldwide fully understood and embraced this, Chrysandra poses,unbelievable things would be happening and people would see Christ in new, vivid


    by Jon Watters

    Switchfoot To Red Rocks

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    Life Long Learning


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    Denver Bible



    Denver Bible



    Western Bible





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    Paul Eldridge

    From the moment I steppedonto campus I have beengraciously welcomed into

    the CCU community. I amhumbled by the numerousgreetings of genuine care andexcitement the members ofthis campus have extendedtoward me and my family. Whata wonderful community this isand I am thankful to be a part

    of it!

    Christian Higher Educationcontinues to be an important

    part of how Jesus is moving and working in young adultsves today. As an alumnus of a small Christian university,see how the Lord used my alma mater to change me

    n dramatic ways spiritually, intellectually, emotionally,ocially and in many other areas. Through the Holy Spirit

    and the dedicated faculty and staff here at CCU, theame changes are taking place within our students. Theyeave this university to go out into the world and make anmpact for the Kingdom of Christ, as so many of you have


    Great things are happening at CCU and I am honored tobe a part of this place!

    Paul Eldridge joined Colorado Christian University in Mayo 2011 as Vice President o Development. He leads theDevelopment Team at CCU and oversees undraisingeorts and alumni relations or the university. Beoreoining CCU, Paul was Senior Director o Development andPlanned Giving at John Brown University or eight years.Prior to his work in development and planned giving,Paul practiced law in southern Caliornia. He earned a

    Bachelor o Science degree rom John Brown University,a Master o Arts degree rom Simon Greenlea Universityand a Juris Doctor degree rom Trinity Law School. Pauland his wie, Laurie, have been married or twenty threeyears and have three daughters: Clarisse (13); Isabelle(11) and Charlotte (6). He can be reached at303.963.3093.

    1960sKaron (Schnabel) Cope, 1969 Karon studiedChristian Education at Western Bible College and now

    lives in Crosby, Texas. Karon and her husband Wayne,class of 1990, are blessed to have two grown children,Cristi and Delene.

    1990sDonald Chad Wible, 1997 Chad and his wifeAllison, along with their two children Alvin (4) andOlivia (2), recently moved from Denver, CO toMurphys, CA to begin a new season of ministry intheir lives. On January 1, 2011, Chad began his newposition as Pastor of Sierra Bible Church of Murphys.Chad is enjoying the many aspects of ministry in an

    Evangelical Covenant church, and he has alreadyhad the opportunity to celebrate with the church ontheir 60th anniversary. May God continue to blessSierra Bible Church as well as Chads family as theycontinue on this new journey together.

    2000sDustin Richartz, 2000 Dustin works for BeecherCarlson as an Assistant Vice President and RegionalRisk Control Manager. His key focus at BeecherCarlson will be to assist in helping clients nd newways of enhancing their corporate health and safety

    programs and reduce their property and casualtyinsurance risk exposure. He will be based in BeecherCarlsons Denver Ofce while living in Commerce Citywith his wife, Kindra, and their son, Daniel (2).

    Michael Williamson, 2009 Michael graduated with a degreein Organizational Management inChristian Leadership and now residesin Colorado Springs with his wife,Karen. Additionally, Michael recentlycompleted his rst childrens book

    Kochine and the Whisper Peopleunder the pen name of ProfessorMacKay. This book is the rst in aseries that is inspired by Michaelstwo boys, Allen (10) and Judah (5).

    Michaels book has been very successful so far, and is

    Where Are They Now?

  • 8/4/2019 Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11



    Western Bible



    Colorado Baptist



    Colorado Christian



    Colorado Christian



    olorado Baptist

    unior College

    available on Kindle and Amazon, and at Barnes and Noble, as well as other retailers. Congratulations to Michaeon this exciting accomplishment!

    2010sCathy White, 2010 Cathy recently graduated in2010 with degrees in organizational managementin Christian leadership and psychology. Cathyand her husband, Robert, currently reside in LoneJack, MO, and are blessed to have four wonderfulchildren, Shawn (33), Derek (31), Michelle (30), andJeffrey (28). (pictured right with amily)

    Paul Roberts, 2011 Paul recently graduatedwith a degree in organizational managementand quickly began a Master of Science in Safety,

    Security, and Emergency Management at EasternKentucky University in May. Through this program,Paul will be focusing on occupational health andworkplace safety which has been providing himwith great opportunities to integrate his faith intohis daily work. On top of his academic pursuits, Pauland his wife Karen are currently living in Brighton,Colorado enjoying every day with their threechildren: Zachary (12), Cole (8), and Kyle (6).

    alumni news and upda

    This section of the Colorado Christian Connection is

    designed to encourage alumni to stay connected.

    If youve had a recent change in your life (i.e.

    engagement, wedding, birth, new job, promotion,

    or something else exciting), wed like to hear aboutit. Submit your news and photos to

    Smart phone users: download aQR Reader App for free at www. then take a picture ofthe QR code to view this web page

    on your

  • 8/4/2019 Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11


    Giving for a Lifetime

    From the


    When listening to the unique story and testimonyof Mike and Suzie, it becomes quickly evidentthat they love the mountains. It was on a

    mountain, more than fty-eight years ago, where theymet while skiing. Mike and Suzie also competed in the

    same racing circuit in Oregon and Washington. Sincethen, their unwavering passion for the mountains hasnever changed.

    Born and raised in the mountains of NortheasternOregon, Suzie pursued downhill and slalom ski racing eventually being picked as an Olympic Team hopefu

    for the 1960 WinteOlympics in SquawValley, California. Herincredible potentia

    even led Suzies parents to open a ski shop as a wayto pay for her and her sisters ski lessons. Suzie taught

    ski lessons after graduating college, while concurrentlyworking as the Director of Student Activities at a locacommunity college.

    Mikes passion for skiing and for the mountains wasevidenced by his thirty-plus year commitment to thenational ski patrol, as well as his life-long dedication tomountaineering. Interestingly, Mike actually spent mosof his career underneath the mountain as a mine safetyengineer; he also taught mine safety at the ColoradoSchool of Mines. While Mike and Suzie have lived inColorado since 1975, their initial encounter with CCU didnot happen until just recently.

    Mike and Suzie were invited to attend a church inGolden, Colorado, pastored by a CCU alumnus. Thiswas their rst encounter with a Christian universityHaving attended primarily non-Christian institutions ohigher learning during their academic tenure they wereimpressed by Colorado Christian University and thequality of the leadership and its graduates. Two yearslater Mike and Suzie decided to give a signicant andcreative gift to Colorado Christian University by donatingreal property to CCU in exchange for a charitable giftannuity. Through this creative Charitable Gift Annuity

    and in concert with the planned giving team at CCUMike and Suzie were able to offset most of their capitagains tax liability and make a noteworthy gift to CCU.

    When asked why they support CCU, Mike and Suzieresponded, Because its the right thing to do. Theycontinued to explain that they knew their gift would be ogreat benet to the students at CCU who will go forwardand make a positive impact in our culture. They alsocited the reason for their gift was due to a tremendousrespect for President Armstrong and the leadership heprovides to the university. Mike and Suzie are pleased tohave found a creative way to give to CCU and to receive

    a lifetime income a true win, win.| 14 |

    by Dan Westermann

    Isaiah 42:11

  • 8/4/2019 Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11


    BE A LEGACYHow a Charitable Gift Annuity Wo

    A Charitable Gift Annuity is an agreement between you and CCU. Under the terms of agreement, when you give a gift of ca

    appreciated property to CCU, the University agrees to pay you a xed, insured income for the remainder of your life. Your payme

    based upon your age at the time you enter into an agreement with CCU, and it will never cha

    How Will My Family and I Bene You will receive a xed income for the rest of your life, with rates signic

    greater than current money-market or CD ret

    You will receive a tax deduction for a portion of your gift, makin

    effective return on your Charitable Gift Annuity even hig

    If your gift includes appreciated property such as stock or real estate

    may also avoid paying some of the capital gains on the sale of that prop

    Through a two-life annuity, you can guarantee a life income for your sp

    or another family mem

    How Will CCU Bene You will enable future generations of students to rece

    rigorous, life-changing education centered on Chri

    principles and et

    For more information, conta303.963.3330 or [email protected]

    Discover how a Charitable Gift Annuity can benet you and CCU.




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  • 8/4/2019 Colorado Christian Connection- Summer 11


    Colorado Christian UniversityOce of Development

    8787 W. Alameda Ave.

    Lakewood, CO 80226

    JENNIFER HILZER, 04, 10,

    is currently a facilitator

    with Disney University at

    Walt Disney World. Her

    undergraduate degree

    in communication andgraduate degree in

    curriculum and instruction

    from Colorado Christian

    University made this
