Color Color meAningS - The Ascension Coach · Color Color meAningS ... Awakening of the heart. A...

AURA SOMA BOTTLE MEANINGS COLOR COLOR MEANINGS WHITE Understanding of suffering. Clarity. A guiding light. Purity. Ascension. Rainbow spectrum. PINK Unconditional love. Warmth & Caring. Compassion. Self acceptance & Self Resposibility. Light on the Earth Star. RED Energy. Passion. Awakening. Grounding. First Chakra - Base. Earth Star. CORAL Interdependence. Love wisdom. Co-operation. New Christ Energy. Bio-electric field. ORANGE Healing of the Timeline. Shock absorber. Insight. Bliss. Divinity. Etheric field. YELLOW Knowledge. Happiness, joy. Individual will. Sense of self. Self consciousness. ird chakra - Solar Plexus.. GOLD Wisdom. Deep joy. Self value. Natural leadership. Enlightenment. Incarnational Star. True Aura. OLIVE Feminine leadership from the heart. Olive branch. O-live! Hope. Holy Spirit. Bridge between the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra. GREEN Truth. Space. Direction. Nature. Feeling side of being. Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra. TURQUOISE Inner Teacher. Playfulness. Process of individuation. Creative communication from the heart from the feeling side of being. Ananda Khanda chakra. SAPPHIRE BLUE Peace. Communication. Nurturing. Divine Will. Authority. Fiſth Chakra - roat chakra. ROYAL BLUE Higher Mind Function. Intuition knowing. Determination. Sixth Chakra - 3rd eye. VIOLET Spirituality. Transformation. Healing. Delicacy of Spirt. Transmutation. Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra. MAGENTA Love in the little things. Grace. Love from above. Eighth chakra - Soul Star DEEP MAGENTA All colours contained; all potential within. Limitless light. Warmth from the void. Copyright 2014 e Ascension Coach Used with permission from e Aura-Soma Academy, Tetford, UK.

Transcript of Color Color meAningS - The Ascension Coach · Color Color meAningS ... Awakening of the heart. A...

Page 1: Color Color meAningS - The Ascension Coach · Color Color meAningS ... Awakening of the heart. A balance between the female and the male, ... equiliBrium the WAnderer green-mAgentA

AurA SomABottle


Color Color meAningSWhite understanding of suffering. Clarity. A guiding light.

Purity. Ascension. rainbow spectrum.

Pink unconditional love. Warmth & Caring. Compassion. Self acceptance & Self resposibility. light on the earth Star.

red energy. Passion. Awakening. grounding. First Chakra - Base. earth Star.

CorAl interdependence. love wisdom. Co-operation. new Christ energy. Bio-electric field.

orAnge healing of the timeline. Shock absorber. insight. Bliss. divinity. etheric field.

YelloW knowledge. happiness, joy. individual will. Sense of self. Self consciousness. Third chakra - Solar Plexus..

gold Wisdom. deep joy. Self value. natural leadership. enlightenment. incarnational Star. true Aura.

olive Feminine leadership from the heart. olive branch. o-live! hope. holy Spirit. Bridge between the Solar Plexus and heart Chakra.

green truth. Space. direction. nature. Feeling side of being. Fourth Chakra - heart Chakra.

turquoiSe inner teacher. Playfulness. Process of individuation. Creative communication from the heart from the feeling side of being. Ananda khanda chakra.

SAPPhire Blue

Peace. Communication. nurturing. divine Will. Authority. Fifth Chakra - Throat chakra.

roYAl Blue higher mind Function. intuition knowing. determination. Sixth Chakra - 3rd eye.

violet Spirituality. transformation. healing. delicacy of Spirt. transmutation. Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra.

mAgentA love in the little things. grace. love from above. eighth chakra - Soul Star

deeP mAgentA

All colours contained; all potential within. limitless light. Warmth from the void.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach

used with permission from The Aura-Soma Academy, tetford, uk.

Page 2: Color Color meAningS - The Ascension Coach · Color Color meAningS ... Awakening of the heart. A balance between the female and the male, ... equiliBrium the WAnderer green-mAgentA

B0 equiliBrium SPirituAl reSCue roYAl Blue-deeP mAgentA

meAning |may help to bring clarity into one's feelings about one's life. to be able to see one's part in the creative process.

B1 equiliBrium PhYSiCAl reSCue Blue-deeP mAgentA

meAning |A peaceful communication with what lies within ourselves. helpful communication.

B2equiliBrium PeACe Bottle Blue-Blue

meAning |Peaceful communication that comes through us rather than from us. A nurturing energy. A natural authority.

B3equiliBrium heArt Bottle/AtlAnteAn Bottle Blue-green

meAning |Creative communication especially in relation to the earth, the earth’s grid and magnetic structure.

B4 equiliBrium Sunlight Bottle YelloW-gold

meAning |knowledge: that which can be acquired; and wisdom: that which we already have.

B5 equiliBrium SunSet Bottle YelloW-red

meAning |The opportunity to use wisdom wisely in relation to the energies that we carry.

B7equiliBrium the FinAl teSt oF FAith YelloW-green

B6 equiliBrium energY Bottle red-red

meAning |enthusiasm and love for life.

meAning |trust in the process of life, the hope in how things may unfold.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 1

Page 3: Color Color meAningS - The Ascension Coach · Color Color meAningS ... Awakening of the heart. A balance between the female and the male, ... equiliBrium the WAnderer green-mAgentA

B8 equiliBrium AnuBiS YelloW-Blue

meAning |The communication of knowledge, the joy of peace.

B9 equiliBrium CrYStAl CAve/heArt Within the heArt

meAning |The beginning of the journey. The process of individuation.

B10equiliBrium go hug A tree green-green

meAning |As you plant, so shall you reap.

B11equiliBrium the eSSenCe Bottle 1 CleAr-Pink

meAning |taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings.

B12 equiliBrium PeACe in the neW Aeon CleAr-Blue

meAning |An initiation. Shining the light on nurturing, faith and peace.

B13 equiliBrium ChAnge in the neW Aeon CleAr-green

meAning |illuminating the emotional side of life.

B15equiliBrium ServiCe in the neW Aeon CleAr-violet

B14 equiliBrium WiSdom in the neW Aeon CleAr-gold

meAning |getting in touch with the wisdom that clarity may unfold.

meAning |elevation of the self through purification.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 2

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B16 equiliBrium the violet roBe violet-violet

meAning |Awakening to one’s true self and service. A complete re-evaluation.

B17equiliBrium PhYSiCAl reSCue Blue-deeP mAgentA

meAning |A new beginning for spirituality. to get in touch with the star.

B18equiliBrium egYPtiAn Bottle (1) YelloW-violet

meAning |refining the knowledge that we may get in touch with why we are here and what we are for.

B19equiliBrium living in the mAteriAl World red-PurPle meAning |The renewal of our bodies takes place when we change our thinking to build up new energy.

B20 equiliBrium StAr Child Pink-Blue

meAning |The communication of unconditional love. Peace in the conscious mind. Self acceptance within the depths of the self.

B21 equiliBrium neW BeginningS For love green-Pink meAning |The emergence of freedom through self acceptance.

B23 equiliBrium love And light roSe Pink-Pink

B22 equiliBrium the reBirther’S Bottle YelloW-Pink

meAning |A new beginning for joy and self acceptance.

meAning |Compassion and self acceptance. The more we find compassion in the pro-cess of seeing ourselves, the more we can accept of ourselves.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 3

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B24 equiliBrium A neW meSSAge violet-turquoiSe

meAning |Communication from the feeling side of the being inspired from Spirit. transformative communication from the heart. A new message for a new time.

B25equiliBrium FlorenCe nightingAle PurPle-mAgentA meAning |A mystic. one who is inspired by the the inspiration fed in from above. A pioneering spirit in the service of others.

B26equiliBrium etheriC reSCue orAnge-orAnge

meAning |The healing of the time line. helps to pull discrepancies together to find a balance towards synchronicity.

B27 equiliBrium roBin hood red-green

meAning |A deep sense of balance between the root chakra & the heart chakra where we find the relationship of the male and female within ourselves.

B28 equiliBrium mAid mArion green-red

meAning |Awakening of the heart. A balance between the female and the male, the intuitive and the analytical.

B29 equiliBrium get uP And go red-Blue

meAning |get up and go: living in the material world. A balance in the solar plexus between the two extremes.

B31 equiliBrium the FountAin green-gold

B30 equiliBrium Bringing heAven to eArth Blue-red

meAning |head in heaven, feet on the earth. Awakening to the communication of peace.

meAning |The wisdom of the heart. to make space for the deepest joy to spring from within the depths of the self.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 4

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B32 equiliBrium SoPhiA roYAl Blue-gold

meAning |Clarity in relation to the wisdom that lies within. A message from the stars.

B33 equiliBrium dolPhin Bottle/PeACe With A PurPoSe roYAl Blue-turquoiSe

meAning |Clarity and playfulness, spontaneity and joy. Communication from the heart clearly expressed.

B34equiliBrium the Birth oF venuS Pink-turquoiSe

meAning |getting in touch with beauty & the beauty that lies in the emergence of self through acceptance of self from within the feeling side of the being.

B35equiliBrium loving kindneSS Pink-violet

meAning |transformative. detachment. unconditional love in the service of others. love from above.

B36 equiliBrium ChAritY violet-Pink

meAning |Caring, warmth and kindness towards oneself, extended into the world.

B37 equiliBrium the guArdiAn Angel ComeS to eArth violet-Blue meAning |transformative communication. A nurturing and peaceful communication that may be of benefit to oneself and others.

B39equiliBrium egYPtiAn Bottle (2)/the PuPPeteer violet-gold

B38 equiliBrium trouBAdour (2)/diSCernment violet-green meAning |letting go of the difficulties of the past that the heart may be free to express its truth, leads to transformation within the self.

meAning |transformative wisdom. A deep level of joy as a consequence of a trans-formative experience. Wisdom & service, compassion & understanding.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 5

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B40 equiliBrium the i Am Bottle red-gold

meAning |The energy for wisdom. The energy that is the consequence of wisdom. A sense of expansion, enthusiasm & growth.

B41equiliBrium WiSdom Bottle/el dorAdo gold-gold

meAning |As we fill the cup within ourselves, it is able to overflow within the world. Wisdom realized and shared.

B42 equiliBrium hArveSt YelloW-YelloW

meAning |Self consciousness, joy, happiness, intellectual clarity. The understanding of self.

B43equiliBrium CreAtivitY turquoiSe-turquoiSe

meAning |Creative communication through the feeling side of the being. The process of individuation unfolds.

B44equiliBrium the guArdiAn Angel lilAC-PAle Blue meAning |The sense of a presence. Being in the moment whereby clarity comes in communication.

B45 equiliBrium BreAth oF love turquoiSe-mAgentA meAning |The need to unfold the love from above in relation to the feeling side of being. The gift of the coming and the going of the breath moment to moment.

B47equiliBrium the old Soul roYAl Blue-lemon

B46 equiliBrium the WAnderer green-mAgentA

meAning |Attention to details reveals a truth in the simplicity. Caring that is given the space to expand.

meAning |intellectual clarity. The gift of the understanding of the emerald of the heart.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 6

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B48equiliBrium WingS oF ChAnge violet-CleAr

meAning |An understanding of the light within the depths of the self. A transfomation in the conscious mind.

B49equiliBrium the neW meSSenger turquoiSe-

meAning |Creative communication of the heart in the service of others.

B50equiliBrium el morYA PAle Blue-PAle Blue

meAning |Thy will not my will. Being able to get out of the way to allow communication to come through, rather than from, the self.

B51equiliBrium kuthumi PAle YelloW-PAle YelloW

meAning |two way communication between that which is above us and that which is beneath us. A communication with the devic realms.

B52equiliBrium lAdY nAdA PAle Pink-PAle Pink

meAning |The communication for self acceptance in a profound and deep way.

B53 equiliBrium hilArion PAle green-PAle green

meAning |The Way, the truth & the life. A balance within the heart where the heart has been through a process of purification.

B55equiliBrium the ChriSt CleAr-red

B54 equiliBrium SerAPiS BeY CleAr-CleAr

meAning |The understanding of suffering. The power of the light and purification..

meAning |The energy to work with and for the light.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 7

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B56equiliBrium St germAin PAle violet-PAle violet

meAning |overcoming the desire to be invisible. to act as a catalyst in the world.

B57equiliBrium PAllAS AthenA & AeoluS PAle Pink-PAle Blue

meAning |Creativity and right livelihood. Attention to detail.

B58equiliBrium orion And AngeliCA PAle Blue-PAle Pink

meAning |to help all of the subtle bodies to be in the right place at the right time. A balance within the subtle fields.

B59equiliBrium lAdY PortiA PAle YelloW-PAle Pink

meAning |letting go of the judgement of self helps with discrimination and balance.

B60equiliBrium lAo tSu And kWAn Yin Blue-CleAr

meAning |Finding the clarity within to be able to communicate from the light.

B61 equiliBrium SAnAt kumArA & lAdY venuS kumArA PAle Pink-PAle YelloW meAning |The deepest level of reconciliation of the role models within the self. The universal sense of the mother/Father god.

B63equiliBrium djWAl khul & hilArion emerAld green-PAle green

B62 equiliBrium mAhA ChohAn PAle turquoiSe-PAle turquoiSe meAning |light on the path of individuation. The clarity of the communication of the heart.

meAning |A truth discovered when one gives oneself the space to be able to see one-self as one is.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 8

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B64equiliBrium djWAl khul emerAld green-CleAr

meAning |The seeker’s master. Seeking of itself. The truth of the search.

B65 equiliBrium heAd in heAven Feet on eArth violet-red

meAning |A deep sense of balance. The energy to perform one’s service.

B66equiliBrium the ACtreSS PAle violet-PAle Pink

meAning |to detach from the conditioning to be able to see the actors upon the stage of the self.

B67equiliBrium love From ABove mAgentA-mAgentA meAning |love in the little things. Where we recognize god is in the little things.

B68equiliBrium gABriel Blue-violet

meAning |The Angel of Peace and Fulfillment. A connection with the ability to discern.

B69 equiliBrium the Sounding Bell mAgentA-CleAr

meAning |The purification as a consequence of love from above. The purification derived from putting love in the little things. Being in the moment.

B71equiliBrium the jeWel in the lotuS/eSSenCe (2) Pink-CleAr

B70 equiliBrium viSion oF SPlendour YelloW-CleAr

meAning |Attention to details reveals a truth in the simplicity. Caring that is given the space to expand.

meAning |taking responsibility for thoughts & feelings opens the door to the power of love.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 9

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B72equiliBrium the CloWn, PAgliACCi Blue-orAnge

meAning |joyful insights to be communicated from within.

B73equiliBrium ChAng tSu gold-CleAr

meAning |The connection with the incarnational star brings clarity of purpose and the understanding of the gifts within one’s being.

B74 equiliBrium triumPh PAle YelloW-PAle green

meAning |An intense test. to be able to find discernment towards a deeper balance.

B75equiliBrium go With the FloW mAgentA-turquoiSe meAning |A deeper understanding, particularly a re-orientation in.

B76equiliBrium truSt Pink-gold

meAning |Self acceptance leads towards the golden area within ourselves to find what we are for & the way we are to do what we are to do.

B77 equiliBrium the CuP CleAr-mAgentA

meAning |many things are brought together in the context of the service of the light. The more open we are to receive, the more can be fed in from above.

B79equiliBrium the oStriCh Bottle orAnge-violet

B78 equiliBrium CroWn reSCue violet-deeP mAgentA

meAning |in every ending there is a new beginning. intense service that may help us to find our way to the ‘right’ place.

meAning |insight and transformation. healing of the time line.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 10

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B80equiliBrium ArtemiS red-Pink

meAning |The energy to let go, to get in touch with love again. love becomes more unconditional. The potential to awaken to the power of love.

B81equiliBrium unConditionAl love Pink-Pink

meAning |Compassion, caring and warmth. The expression of needs in relation to love.

B82equiliBrium CAlYPSo green-orAnge

meAning |insight revealed as we make space for ourselves. The revelation of the deepest joy coming from the heart.

B83equiliBrium oPen SeSAme turquoiSe-gold

meAning |The process of individuation in relation to the star of incarnation where we find the wisdom of the past expressed through the creative communciation of the heart.

B84equiliBrium CAndle in the Wind Pink-red

meAning |A sense of vulnerability. A strength towards a higher purpose.

B85 equiliBrium titAniA turquoiSe-CleAr

meAning |light within, the path of individuation unfolds in the conscious mind.

B87equiliBrium love WiSdom PAle CorAl-PAle CorAl

B86 equiliBrium oBeron CleAr-turquoiSe

meAning |understanding of the light upon the path of individuation.

meAning |to be able to see oneself beyond the reflection of self. The wisdom of love.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 11

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B88equiliBrium jAde emPeror green-Blue

meAning |As we plant so shall we reap, but it is the way that we plant that makes a difference.

B89equiliBrium energY reSCue red-deeP mAgentA

meAning |A time shift, a gateway to a new understanding, and a new possibility towards enthusiastic well being.

B90equiliBrium WiSdom reSCue gold-deeP mAgentA

meAning |The initiate finds the way to be able to be active in the world.

B91equiliBrium Feminine leAderShiP olive-olive

meAning |trust in the holy Spirit. love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing. A sense of hope, a positive attitude towards that which will come to be.

B92equiliBrium gretel PAle CorAl-olive

meAning |Feminine leadership, independance. Co-operation rather than competition. Peace as a priority.

B93 equiliBrium hAnSel PAle CorAl-turquoiSe

meAning |Facing the shadow in order to be able to find the truth of the heart as we see more aspects of ourselves.

B95equiliBrium ArChAngel gABriel mAgentA-gold

B94 equiliBrium ArChAngel miChAel PAle Blue-PAle YelloW meAning |An intense truth is revealed in relation to the evolution of consciousness.

meAning |The messenger from the stars that we may get in touch with our true purpose

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 12

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B96 equiliBrium ArChAngel rAPhAel roYAl Blue-roYAl Blue meAning |to bring the creative possibility of conception into form. Clarity in relation to the higher energetics of being.

B97equiliBrium ArChAngel uriel gold-roYAl Blue

meAning |Clarity in relation to the true purpose for oneself. A deeper understanding of the heart.

B98equiliBrium ArChAngel SAndAlPhon lilAC-PAle CorAl

meAning |A four way energy connection: above & below, to the left and to the right. The inner child within ourselves becomes the angel that we are.

B99equiliBrium ArChAngel tzAdkiel PAle olive-Pink meAning |A new opening to the love of self is a step towards one’s purpose in the world.

B100equiliBrium ArChAngel metAtron CleAr-deeP mAgentA meAning |Shining the light into the shadow. A new dawn in the inner worlds.

B101 equiliBrium ArChAngel joPhiel PAle Blue-PAle olive meAning |The way back to the garden of the heart. The opening of a new level within our being.

B103equiliBrium ArChAngel hAniel oPAleCent PAle Blue-deeP mAgentA

B102 equiliBrium ArChAngel SAmAel deeP olive-deeP mAgentA meAning |o-live, where we find a new beginning in relation to the hope within ourselves. upon what do we build the foundations of our lives?

meAning |The support and the higher will. The light at the end of the tunnel beings to glimmer in the distance.

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 13

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B104equiliBrium ArChAngel ChAmAel irideSCent Pink-mAgentA meAning |it is as it is. A new beginning for love. A new order of being.

B105equiliBrium ArChAngel AzreAl irideSCent CorAl-CorAl

meAning |going beyond separation, receptive to the feminine and touching unity.

B106equiliBrium ArChAngel rAtziel miStY PAle olive-miStY lilAC

meAning |reciprocal maintenance and the inner alchemy of the heart.

B107equiliBrium ArChAngel tzAPhiel oPAleSCent turquoiSe-deeP mAgentA meAning |The creative absorbency that may be assessed by each of us. The love of the mother.

B108equiliBrium ArChAngel jeremiel mid turquoiSe-mid olive meAning |Through the stillness comes the communication of love and truth from the heart.

B109 equiliBrium ArChAngel zAChAriel mAgentA-mid tone olive meAning |Sincerity in love: letting go, we’re already forgiven.

B111equiliBrium ArChAngel dAniel mid tone roYAl-mid tone olive

B110 equiliBrium ArChAngel AmBriel PAle roSe Pink-deeP mAgentA meAning |Compassion in all that we do brings harmony into your being

meAning |to restore balance between inner and outer relationships

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B112B112 ArChAngel iSrAFel turquoiSe/mid-tone roYAl BluemeAning |Clarity in joyful creativity

Copyright 2014 The Ascension Coach PAge 15

B113B1123 ArChAngel CASSiel emerAld green/mid-tone olivemeAning |Awareness inspired through love

B114B114 ArChAngel rAguel midtone CorAl/deeP mAgentA

meAning |*keynote yet to be released