College Press

The College Press ————-Thursday, 31st May 2012 Issue 5 Volume 8 ————— The Final Issue THE SHIFT Bands in the 02 Overview of the year! Petition For Re- position


Summer Edition 2012

Transcript of College Press

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The College Press

————-Thursday, 31st May 2012 Issue 5 Volume 8 —————

The Final Issue



Bands in

the 02

Overview of the year!


For Re-


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College Press Editorial Team

Editors: Sorcha Lavelle –Walsh

Ciara Maher

Student Contributors: Lauren Muldowney Page 4

Sam Burke Page 5

Roisin Flynn Page 6

The Shift Page 8

2C Page 10

Some Pics Page 12

Anon Page 14

Special Thanks To: Mr. Doyle Find us on

page 8

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Hi Everyone,

The summer holidays are actually here, can you be-

lieve it? What a year it has been. Hopefully the

weather stays as good because nothing says “Junior

and Leaving Certificate” quite like a heat-wave :-)

I would Like to thank Ciara and Sorcha (who are cur-

rently sunning themselves in France) for their hard

work with the College press especially with so many

other things occupying their time in TY... From musi-

cals to winning awards left, right and centre. I also

want to give a HUGE thank you to all the talented

writers who have contributed to our humble publica-


We look forward to even more great writers joining

in 2012/2013. But lets enjoy the summer first.

Mr. Doyle

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Things To Do This Summer

1.Spend Time With Your Friends: ask someone you

haven't talked to in a while to go somewhere.

2.Spend Time With Family: Friends are great, but

nothing beats quality time with family!

3. Take Up a New Sport: whether it's a sport you've

never played or just something you think will be fun,

there's no better time to try than summer!

4. Study: I know it's summer but... there's nothing

worse than your wrist aching on the first day back to


5. Do Nothing: Let's face it, doing nothing is what

summer is all about! Relax, unwind and sleep, you

have lot's of time for everything else! :)

6. Sit on the bank of the Liffey with that special

someone!!! (JD)

By Lauren Muldowney

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The Gigs and shows of summer 2012

Well this is it. The end of another year. On topic today I’m here to bring you all up to speed on the up and coming summer gigs. Now we all have different tastes in music so feel free to take a look below and see if any of these names tickle your fancy to see over the sum-mer. For the rap fans: Jay-Z and Kanye West: Watch the throne. The O2 8|6|12 For the classic type: Blink 182. The O2 12|6|12 For the rocker’s in the audience: Red hot chili papers. Croke park 26|6|12 For the Jedward fans (if there are any in here): Jedward live at the Marquee Cork. 24|6|12 For the artsy type (like myself): Phantom of the Opera at the Bord Gas Theater 27|7|12 For the pop fans we have: The Saturdays. Thurles Greyhound sta-dium. 3|6|12 and: Steps. The Marquee Cork 6|7|12 And finally for the girls in senior house: Bressie. The Academy Dublin 28|6|12 (why not bring that special someone zor!)

Well this is the last issue until next year, but don’t worry you’ll only have to wait for three months! Bet you can’t wait! Have a great summer and I’ll see you all in September. Sam Burke

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Overview of the school year

When Mr Doyle suggested I write an overview of this past school year I really didn’t envisage it

would be this difficult. I foolishly thought that throwing down a few nostalgic memories on a

page couldn’t be that hard. However, after several days of valiant efforts, I was still faced with a

blank word document. I’m not quite sure whether all the “studying” I’m doing is affecting me or

if the rather intimidating task of trying to include all the highlights of the year is what has me so


I was getting sort of desperate so I started drawing up a rough list of the best moments of my

own school year 2011/12. I then

realised that many of my most

memorable moments probably

overlap with those of the general

school population. Maybe you’ll

agree with the list below, maybe

you won’t, and maybe some of

them aren’t relevant to you if you

aren’t in 5th year…. but throw an

eye over the list below and perhaps

relive what has without doubt been

a great year.

So, the school Year 2011/12? Basi-

cally, it’s been a year where……

The month of September involved a serious effort on behalf of former TY’s to somehow regain

the brain power to focus on something that wasn’t ECDL or Sage…. current TY’s – be warned!!

Even if we had gotten any snow last winter, the existence of Edmodo would have ruined any

prospect of a few homework-free days out in the snow :-(

Chemistry jokes became very popular thanks in large part to facebook……“ Anyone know any

jokes about sodium?....... Na ”

We watched the school go rugby mad thanks to the “BBE” with daily cup song practice for the

JCT final, Jamie Heaslip “dropping bombs” on Twitter and that infamous bridge gorilla video.

The SCT were denied progression to the second round of the cup by a cruel last minute penalty,

but did gather some silverware in the form of the Vinny Murray.

The Minor A hockey team were the best performing hockey team all year winning nearly all of

their matches and showing lots of potential for a very strong Junior team next year! The hockey

department also organised a great trip to the Men’s Olympic Qualifiers in UCD in March..

We got used to people with pink/red/green hair teaching us, raising over €4000 for the Irish Can-

cer Society in the process.

Ryan O’Shaughnessy stole the heart of every teenage girl thanks to his performance on Britain’s

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Got Talent (not strictly school-related but he definitely deserves a mention!! :-) )

We commissioned a new set of prefects and in the process witnessed a once in a lifetime

event.... someone quoting Superman in the school church?!

It became perfectly acceptable to say “few naggins, be graaand” at every possible opportu-

nity. This, along with other phrases such as “YOLO” have definitely been the buzz words of

the summer term.

The PE department developed a summer fitness programme leading to the discovery of tal-

ented gaelic football team, and a whole bunch of enthusiastic (but not necessarily co-

ordinated!) aerobics-enthusiasts...... (I include myself in this!)

Anxiously seeking our Vitamin D requirement for the year, we’ve all swapped eating lunch in

the crowded social area for the terraces/pitches thanks to this recent sunny spell. Long may

it last…...!

And a few just for my fellow 5th years…. It was also a year where:

We relied on high metabolisms to get us through “Tubby Tuesdays”/“Full Fat Fridays”, where

almost every day of the week had at least one class set aside for rich team biscuits, tea and

as much ridiculously unhealthy junk food as we could convince the teachers to let us bring

in, leading to occurrences such as “the chocolate sweats”.

Chemistry and Physics students regularly discussed the hilarity of failed experiments with a

sense of pride (rather than shame). The more you messed up= the better the story.

Some of us tried to convince our parents that Malta is indeed a very reputable place to go to

university (the pictures of beautiful beaches in a presentation by EUNICAS had nothing to do

with this of course...)

We discovered that Derek Mahon was the only ‘sound’ poet on the LC English course….

So that’s my lot for this year. I’m pretty sure that the ridiculous length of time it has taken

me to write this will have a negative bearing on my

Summer exam results, but to be honest I’m already

at that stage where I’ve convinced myself I’ll make

up for it over the Summer (I’ll let you know how I

get on with that……! J) Many thanks to Mr Doyle as

well as editors Sorcha and Ciara for allowing me the

freedom to pretty much write whatever I wanted all

year! I hope you all have a lovely summer! :-)

Róisín Flynn

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The Shift

Move over One Direction, there is a new band in town and this one actually has "talent" and not one member has a face you just want to punch (You know who you are Harry Styles.) For those of you who may have been living under a rock for the last year ... Introducing THE SHIFT. The four piece includes Luke Tai, Gavin O'Neill, Ben Phelan and David Hennessy. I have barely asked the first question and the first fight begins... How long have you been together? Ben: Since the musical. Gavin: Our first gig was Oct 31st. Ben: Halloween? Gavin: Yeah Ben: No it wasn’t Gavin: Yes it was ... (slap, slap, slap.) Luke: regardless it was in Judge Roy Beans where we supported “Seven Days.” Who thought of the name? Luke: Emily McCarthy (an original band member and alleg-edly linked to band member David!!!) She was not cool enough though! Who are your musical influences? Munford and Sons, Snow Patrol, The Kooks, Ed Sheran, Ben: Red Hot Chilli peppers. Luke: we have a broad range oldies and new songs, dance etc. David: .........................................

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Which artist's career would you aspire to emulate? (Ben threatens Gavin and Gavin threatens Ben back) Kings of Leon. Luke: One Direction’s style mixed with Munford and Sons Music. In the Shift - who has the worst habits? Gavin has anger issues, Luke has Mood swings, David is the silent observer/Messiah and you cannot (I REPEAT) CANNOT criticise Ben Have you found you get more female admirers since you started gigging? Who gets the most? Ben: Big Dave gets the most. We were at footlocker and the secu-rity guard called us over to show us a girl who had been staring at David. (His first stalker??) To which David replied “I have a girl-friend” Gavin: Luke is a close second, he’s popular with cougars. Favourite song? Ben: Hotel California –the Eagles. Gavin: Fall for you by 2nd Hand Serenade. David: Little Lion Man by Munford and Sons. Luke: Won’t back down by Harry and Alfie. You are competing in the final of Swifts got talent this Friday - how are ye fixed? Ben: Excited. Luke: we’re pretty confident but we doubt we’ll win, we don’t have the same crowd and there are other restrictions... What does the future hold for The Shift? Ben: America!! Gavin: Keep Busking. Luke: Proper gigs. Ben: We’re playing Knockanstockan in the summer (I show a blank expression) ... it’s a European festival. Luke: Get more girls. David: .................................. Do you write any of your own music? Luke: We have “heart shaped tattoo” and a new one now on CD. Where can your ever growing fan base find out more about you? Gavin: We hope to have a website up and running soon. You can

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find us on facebook and Youtube. Luke: The best way to get to know us though is just come up and talk to us. Unfortunately The Shift did not win Swifts Got Talent but they did fantastically to get to the final with such stiff com-petition. From what I have seen of their performances and the crowds reaction, this band that is definitely going places. G. Doyle

Petition For Reposition

Recently you may have noticed various posters around the

school with slogans such as “Don’t zoom the zebra,” “Petition

for reposition” and “Sign for our safety.” You have probably

wondered what it’s about. Well, it’s all part of 2C’s CSPE ac-

tion project, which aims to make the zebra crossing outside

Newbridge College’s main entrance safer. It has come to our

attention that this crossing is dangerous for a number of rea-

sons. Firstly, it is positioned on a bend, which makes it harder

for drivers to stop quickly. Secondly, there are no actual traffic

lights, only flashing bulbs. We contacted Newbridge Town

council in order to discuss our aims. Ultimately we would like

to get the crossing upgraded to a pelican crossing with traffic

lights or to get it repositioned in a more adequate location.

Gillian Wall & Rosie Stebbing.

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We have collected over 1100 signatures from our school, the 3 local primary

schools and local residents. Groups of our students went to both St Conleth’s and

Mary’s Primary School & The Patrician Primary School in order to present their ar-

guments in favour of a change to the pedestrian crossing. 3 representatives of the

class (Michael Cash, Hanna Begley & Gavin Maher) made an excellent presentation

to the Town Council meeting on Tuesday 8th May and handed in the petition at the

same time. The entire council were extremely impressed by our students and felt

that the petition would help them highlight the issue at a higher level and hopefully

move our campaign forward. Our students have now been invited to the next

County Council meeting during which the issue will again come up for discussion.

Some students from 2C CSPE including Adam O’Brien, Patrick Devaney & Oisín Wil-

son addressed the Newbridge College Parents’ Association meeting on Tues-

day 15th May to order to garner support. The Parents’ Association have already

expressed their full support for the campaign.

Students from 2C presenting their petition to Newbridge Town Mayor

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Well done to Miss Murphy

and the TY classes on an epic

show “Hairy Tale Land”

What a year it has pics!

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Mr. McInerney ROCKS!!!

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I recently browsed through copies of the College Magazine (Annual) dating from

Midsummer1900 to Midsummer 1907 – it was published twice yearly then, sum-

mer and Christmas. I found the following extracts makes for interesting reading and

also provides us with an interesting piece of social history. In 1900 Queen Victoria

was still alive, Ireland was under British rule and The Boar War was still raging in

South Africa.

17th Sept 1900 “The Dean read the rules of the College. He promised to act kindly

and gently towards all except those who would dare to disturb the silence of study

hours and those who would idle their time.” (Bring back the Dean!!!!!!)

A letter written by one of the boys to his mother. (Summer 1900)

My Dearest Mother,

Though I sent you a few lines announcing my arrival in the College, I feel that you

will not be happy until you have full particulars of my daily life here. I was, of

course, rather lonely at first, but the boys are so light hearted and

good-natured that I very soon forgot my loneliness, and quickly

got into the go of the College. I am working very earnestly at my

studies. In fact I have to do so, or the Dean would come down on

me. He shows no mercy to idlers and dodgers; otherwise he is

very merciful. You ask me to give you an idea of the way we

spend our day. We rise every morning at 6.40. Study begins at 7 o’clock until 8,

when we go to breakfast. .... A short recreation after breakfast and then to Mass.

After Mass school work begins. We have five hours in school. Dinner at 3.30. I

would remind you that we dine with the priests and the professors, which is a great

privilege, and tends in no small way to the perfecting our manners at table. We are

allowed to speak during meals; this also helps us to enjoy our meals. We have rec-

reation until 5 o’clock, when we retire to the study hall for two hours of unremit-

ting study. At 7 o’clock we have tea; immediately after tea we go to the church for

Rosary. A short recreation follows, and then another hours study. Night prayers

being said, we all get to bed, and delighted we are to get in, for these nights are

cold, and the blankets are so warm.”

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If you are riding ahead of the heard, take a look back every now and then to make

sure that it’s still with you.

Always drink upstream from the heard.

It doesn’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.

Always take a good look at what you are about to eat. It’s not so important to know

what it is, but it sure is crucial to know what it was.

Don’t worry about biting off more than you can chew; your mouth is probably big-

ger than you think.

Generally, you’re not learning when your mouth is moving.

Best wishes to all students sitting for their Junior and Leaving Cert.

You can do it.

Is féidir linn!!!

Finally 21

st Dec 1907 “Thank goodness we shan’t have to study and stammer

Over Latin and Greek and that beastly French Grammar.

Lectures and classes and study are done

And now we’ll have nothing but frolic and fun

Home for the holidays here we go!”

By Anon!

Young love … Quotes for that special someone!!!

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep

because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Dr. Seuss

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Sixth Years:

“As you now prepare leave

Newbridge College, what is

your best memory??”

Best of lock

to the class of

2012 in all

your future


“The Ski trip”

Conor Murphy

“Amy McCormack and Grace Larkin

smashing in pillars while learning to


Eoghan Hughes

“The sweat bus to

higher options”

Jack Doyle

“Junior Cup Final—best

day ever”

Eanna Osborne & Alex

Logan Phelan