Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH...

Promotion Collection 2006 2

Transcript of Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH...

Page 1: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe

MMaassttrroo GmbH

Hüserstraße 53

59075 Hamm


Phone: +49 (0) 23 81 973 71 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 23 81 973 71- 88

E-Mail: [email protected]

Promotion Collection 2006


Page 2: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

Katalog M-System 2006-Umsch. Seite2 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe

§1 General

1. Our deliveries and services are only carried out on the base of the following conditions. To Purchase conditions of the buyer is hereby


2. When placing the first order, the client, unless he is a non-merchant, agrees in advance to these general terms and conditions (GTC) being

valid for all following offers, orders, treaties without having to agree to them again.

3. Any arrangements or agreements that differ from these GTC, as well as modifications of a confirmation of order, need a confirmation written by

us to become valid. This applies specially, also for the case, that the client takes additional conditions into the letter of order, to which we do not

expressly contradict, or for the case that the client makes his purchase conditions being the base the treaty. If these conditions contradict to our

GTC, they will not become part of the treaty, even if we are silent upon them or even if we make unreserved remarks about them.

4. Sales representatives and commercial representatives are not authorised to agree upon arrangements, especially not upon treaty conditions.

§2 Offer

1. Our offers are always without engagement. A contract of sale is only achieved if we confirm it in written form.

2. On costs' estimates, drawings and other documents of the offer, we reserve the right of ownership and copyright for us. The client must not

allow a third party access to these documents. On our demand, they must be rendered back to us.

§3 Delivery size

1. As far as the delivery size is not affected, technical changes are reserved.

2. Information about performance and consumption of our machines must be considered to be approximate. The client himself must provide

sufficient media, necessary for the running of our machines, e.g. electricity, gas, water, offlet chimneys, openings etc. He also has to get the

official permission, esp. he needs the permission of the chimney-sweep master for the installation of haze extractors and constructions to

outside chimneys.

§4 Prices

1. All price indications in offers or confirmations of orders are calculated according to wages and prices of material and freights of the day of

handing over. If these costs change until the execution of the order, we are authorised to change the prices appropriately. If the client is a

non-merchant, a change of prices can only be considered four months after the treaty conclusion. This price change clause is applied, even

if the client wishes subsequently to postpone the date of delivery. With non-merchants as clients, this clause is applied only if the time

period is longer than four months.

2. The prices are ex-works without packing and, if not agreed upon differently, plus the VAT- rate of the day of delivery. A possibly necessary

connection to supply lines (electricity, water, steam, waste water, hot water, gas etc.), must be effected by the buyer at his own expense

and may only be carried out by licensed, regional electricity experts, resp. plumber.

3. If an order of construction, resp. installation or monitoring of the connection for the order article is placed with us, we place fitters at your

disposal for the calculation rates valid in the individual case. As for the rest, the provisions of §10 apply here.

4. The client renounces to return the packing and he will duly dispose them. If not, he accepts a subsequent burden of 2% of the purchase price.

§5 Delivery

1. Partial deliveries are allowed.

2. Information about delivery times are without obligation for us.The delivery period starts with the posting of the confirmation of order, but not

before the documents, permissions and releases that the orderer has to provide, are handed over, and not before receipt of the deposit

agreed upon. The delivery period is adhered to, if, within the time limit, the consignment is ready for dispatch and if this was made known

to the client, resp. the delivery article was given from the works to the dispatch.Installation services, even if the order for this was placed

with us, must not be carried out within the delivery time limit, unless this was confirmed by us in written form. The sticking to the delivery

time requires that the buyer comes up to his obligations resulting from the purchase treaty.

3. We can not be blamed for delays in delivery or of services due to acts of God, or due to events that render our services much more difficult or

even impossible, under which also fall subsequently emerged difficulties in the provision of material, technical breakdowns, strikes, lockouts,

lack of means of transport, official orders etc. Such delays might lengthen e.g. obligingly agreed upon delivery times up to an appropriate time.

4. If we exceed our delivery times for reasons that fall under our responsibility, our clients may lay claim to the following.

a) A withdrawal from the treaty is only possible if we are in delay and if an appropriate respite is given with the expressive announcement,

that the services are rejected after the expiration of the respite.

b) In case of our delay, a compensation of 0.5% for each completed week of delay, but of a maximum total of 5% of the invoice sum without

VAT and transport insurance can be claimed for the delivery and service affected. Further compensations are excluded, unless we would

be imperatively liable for intentional or gros negligent acting from our side or by our representatives or accomplices.

5. At the latest, the risk passes over to the client at loading. If the delivery can not be achieved for reasons, for which the client is to blame, the

risk passes over at readiness for dispatch. In this case, the goods, ready for dispatch, are stocked for the client at his expense and risk. The

maturity of the invoiced is not influenced by this.

6. The receiver must immediately denounce any damages of transport to us. A transport insurance is only concluded, if expressively demanded

by the client. In case of damages, that are covered by the transport insurance, we have the choice of whether to accept the sum paid by the

insurance and provide replacement, or to ask the client to pay the invoice in return for the transfer of the insurance sum.

7. The choice of the way of dispatching is up to us, due to a lack of differing agreement. We are not liable for material damage or personal

injury, which are caused by our drivers or vehicles in connection with delivery, unless it concerns a matter of intention or gross negligence.

§6 Guarantee

1. The client is obliged to examine the rendered service immediately. Deficiencies stated at this examination must be promptly denounced to

us in written form. Deficiencies that, despite utmost careful examination, can not be discovered within that period, must be shut down

promptly, and the deficiency must immediately be denounced to us in written form, but latest before the guarantee expires. We must

instantly be given the possibility to satisfy ourselves as to the deficiency. If a taking off is agreed upon, the reprimand, that was caused by

the deficiency, can no longer be effected.

2. We perform guarantee for possible deficiencies which our products had already at the time of risk transfer, unless they are secondhand

machines, for which we do not perform guarantee. The guarantee lasts for 12 months after the point of time of risk transfer on all mechanical

parts and electronic parts, e.g. electric radiators, shift devices and motors etc. The precondition for the performance of guarantee is that our

operation- and maintenance instructions are strictly adhered to and that the client himself or a third party did not effect repairs, spare part

deliveries or other intervention in our products. We can not perform guarantee for declassed material, so-called „II-a-material“. In this case,

the client does not have the title to claim guarantee to the indicated deficiencies and to such, which he has to expect.

3. The specialist dealer discount contains delivery, set up and briefing of the delivery devices at the final customer as well as the assumption of

the starting costs and labour costs of the guarantee customer service. The guarantee for the specialized trade is limited to free substitution of

the defective parts. Defective parts must be sent back freely to the Mastro GmbH by post office. The guarantee sheet must in copy signed with

indication of the date of delivery, the invoice date, the production serial number which is attached to the gadget and the further inquired data.

4. If we fail to achieve the performance of the guarantee within the time limit, the buyer can claim the statutory guarantee rights; if the client is

a merchant, he can only claim the appropriate reduction of the remuneration.

5. Our guarantee does not refer to natural wear and tear, furthermore not to damages that result from faulty or negligent treatment after the

point of risk transit, excessive stress or other interventions, that are not scheduled in the treaty.

6. Further claims of our clients are excluded, especially claims for indemnification, even for indirect damages, unless we would act intentionally

or gross negligent or unless assured characteristics were missing. In the case that assured characteristics were missing, we are only liable

for damages if the assuring of these characteristics happened just in order to prevent the client of the emerged damages.

§7 Payments

1. If not differently agreed upon in written form or confirmed by us in written form, all payments must in principle be cash and net, plus the

current VAT without any deductions. Money orders, cheques and bills of exchange are only accepted after special agreements and only for

the use of payment, all discount and seizing expenses are calculated.

2. We are authorised to deduct possible older remnant debts from payments, even if the conditions of the client are different. If costs and interest

rates have already emerged, we are authorised to deduct first the costs, then the interest rates and least the main charge from the payment.

3. A payment is only effected if we can dispose of the amount without restraints. In case of payment via cheque, if the cheque is cashed

without reservation.

4. Discountable bills of exchange can just be taken after expressive agreement and only in place of fulfilment. Bills of exchange, that are taken

in, are booked if it was redeemed at the day of maturity. The client must bear the costs for discounting and seizing.

5. From delay on, we charge interests of arrears of 1.5% per month, but at least the current account interests that we have to pay.

6. Only with effective and undisputed counter-claims, the client can set off against our claims. It is not possible, that a client, who is a merchant,

keeps back because of claimed performance of guarantee. In this case, otherwise, the client can only enforce the right to keep back an

appropriate part of the purchase price demand and only if it bases on the same treaty relation.

7. When crediting, the remnant debts become mature without regard to the date of maturity agreed upon and possible extension of a term of

payment become invalid if:

a) the orderer is in delay with 2 complete rates or with parts of them,

b) the orderer stops paying, a composition - or bankruptcy proceeding is opened against him or if he asks his creditors for moratory of he

seeks a composition proceeding,

c) the orderer considerably offends his obligations resulting from the treaty despite admonitions or gets into purchase delay - in case of

purchase delay the orderer must pay the whole purchase price,

d) the orderer dies and his inheritors do not contradict to the late's obligation expressively in written form,

e) it is found out that the orderer has made wrong statements in the purchase treaty,

f ) it is found out that the financial situation of the orderer has considerably deteriorated.

Then, we are authorised to take back the goods, if necessary enter the buyer's firm and take away the goods. If the goods are taken back, this

is not automatically a withdrawal from the treaty. A withdrawal of the client, due to delay, must be in expressive written form. If the orderer is

not able to give back the purchased goods, he is obliged to refund the value. Further more, we can claim damages from him.

8. If the terms of payment have been exceeded as per the delivery treaty, we are authorised to charge subsequently.

§8 Reservation of proprietary rights

1. Until the fulfilment of all of our claims (also balance claims), which we can legally put against our client now or in the future, we are guaranteed

the following securities, which we can, on demand, choose release, if their value is proved to exceed the claims over more than 20%:

1. Our goods remain our property. Processing or re-shaping always happen in the environment of our client but without obligations for us. If

our (co-)property becomes invalid due to processing, it is already now agreed upon that the (co-)property of our client is transferred to us

according to the share of value (invoice value) of the united good. The client keeps our (co-)property freely. Goods, of which we have the

right of (co-)property, is in the following called reservation goods.

2. Our client is authorised to process and to sell the reservation goods, if he agrees with the buyer on a property reservation and unless he is not in

delay with us. Seizures and securing transfers are not allowed. The claims resulting from further selling or from any other legal reason (insurance,

illicit action) concerning the reservation goods are transferred to us in full extent by the client. We authorise our client until revoked to seize the

transferred claims for our invoices on his own behalf. On our demand, the client will reveal the transfers and give us the necessary information and

documents. Until the full payment of the purchase price, the reseller allows the seller or the instructed person the entering of the show room, where

the delivery good in question can be found. If the reservation good is resold together with other goods, the claims resulting from the reselling are

transferred to us. These claims are equal to the proportion of the invoice sum of the reservation good to the invoice sum of the other goods. When

reselling goods, at which we have (co-)property, a part of the claim corresponding to the share of the co-property is transferred to us.

3. In case of intervention by a third party, the client will point to our ownership and inform us immediately. The client has to bear costs and damages.

4. Should we have agreed to the cheque-exchange procedure, our claims are not fulfilled until the bill of exchange is redeemed and all extras

are paid fully.

5. If the buyer or orderer is in delay of payment or late with paying a rate, we are authorised, to fetch the delivered goods, even if it is fixed to

the soil or a building, immediately from the buyer or orderer. For that purpose, the buyer or orderer allows us to enter the rooms, estate or

part of estate he possesses or owns. We do not need to refund damages of rooms, buildings, parts of buildings or estates that are caused

during dismantling or transportation.

§9 Claim damages of the seller

If we expressively agree to the cancellation of a placed liable treaty, the buyer has to pay 20% of the order sum to us, even if we have not

pointed to that expressively when cancelling. The same applies if the client does not come up to his obligations resulting from the treaty and

at withdrawal. If the item to be delivered is already delivered, the lump sum is raised by the costs for the return transport and for the working

up. This does not exclude the claim for higher damages. The client is allowed to bring prove, that the damage brought along less costs for us..

§10 General limits of liability

If not differently fixed here, we are liable for damages caused by violation of treaty or extra-treaty obligations only if the action is intentional or

gross negligent. In case of intention or gross negligence of fulfilling assistants, we are only liable if they violate an obligation of the treaty.

§11 After sales service

1. For repairs and maintenance, we offer our after-sales-service to the then-current calculation rates.

2. Sales-service fitters are allowed, to promise guarantee or other things, that are binding for the seller.

3. For failures and damages caused by the fitters, §6, art. 7 is applied.

§12 Final provisions and venue

1. If a part of the treaty or of these GTC be invalid, the validity of the other parts of the treaty or GTC is not afflicted.

2. Additions and changes of the treaty must be done in written form, with our confirmation being decisive.

3. For the assessment of our whole legal relationship to the client, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. With the exception of

the United Nations Convention (on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)


a) Place of fulfilment and venue for both treaty parties is Hamm/Westphalia - this applies for fully qualified merchants (which do not belong

to the merchants' group named in §4 of the commercial law (HGB), legal entity of the public law or public special funds; according to the

value in dispute the superior court in Dortmund can be the competent authority. We have the right to sue the client at his general venue.

b) The same venue applies if the buyer has no general venue inland, if he changes abode or usual whereabouts out of the country or if his

abode or usual whereabouts is not known at the point of time when the proceedings are instituted.

General terms and sales conditions of - Mastro GmbH

The prices listed in this catalogue are valid until 31st December 2006.These goods are promotional items with limited availability whilst stocks last. There is no guarantee of availability.

Die hier genannten Verkaufspreise sind Promotionspreise. Sie sind gültig bis zum 31. Dezember 2006.Achtung: Ware vorhanden, solange der Vorrat reicht. Bei Bedarf richtet sich Lieferzeit nach Sammelbestellungen.

Les prix de vente indiqués sont des prix promotionnels. Ces prix sont valables jusqu'au 31 décembre 2006.Attention : Marchandise disponible jusqu'à épuisement des stocks à cause des achats en quantité.

Los precios de venta indicados son de promoción y serán válidos hasta el 31 de Diciembre 2006.Atención: Mercancía disponible hasta que se agoten las existencias debido a que las compras se realizan por cantidad.

Umschlag_Mastro_System.qxp 23.01.2006 20:11 Seite 2

Page 3: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


line Laundry machines

Model Order Nr. Order nr. Dim. mm Door Access Capacity Kg. Power kW Volt kg Price €

LL BB 99 8 8 8 6 686•800•965 400 mm 9 2 230/1 98 11 .. 66 77 99 ,, --

AA BB 99 8 8 8 7 686•800•965 400 mm 9 230/1 61 11 .. 11 33 33 ,, --

LAVADORAS Y SECADORAS PROFESIONALES Línea de lavadoras y secadoras profesionales con capacdad de car-ga de 9 kg de ropa blanca.Lavadora con 9 programas de lavado yvelocidad máxima de la centrífuga de 1000 giros al minuto. Secado-ra con 8 programas y 3 selecciones de temperatura; control de lahumedad con fin del ciclo automático. Señal acústico a fin del ciclopara ambos los modelos Posibilidad de aplicación de un cajón en labase de 335 mm de altura La secadora puede ser sobre puesta a lalavadora para reducir los engombros.


LAVATRICI ED ASCIUGATRICI PROFESSIONALILinea di lavatrici ed asciugatrici professionali con capacità di carico di9 kg di biancheria. Lavatrice con 9 programmi di lavaggio e velocitàmassima della centrifuga di 1000 giri al minuto. Asciugatrice con 8programmi e 3 selezioni di temperatura; controllo dell'umidità confine ciclo automatico. Segnale acustico a fine ciclo per entrambi imodelli. Possibilità di applicazione di cassetto sulla base di 335 mmdi altezza. L'asciugatrice può essere sovrapposta alla lavatrice perridurre gli ingombri.


LAVAR MÁQUINAS E PROFISSIONAL Linha de máquinas de secadoras profissional com capacit de cargade 9 kg de linho. Que lavando máquina com 9 programas de lavar evelocit maior do centrifugar de 1000 voltas ao minuto. O Secadorascom 8 programas e 3 seleções de temperatura; controle do umiditcom multa ciclo automático. Sinal acústico no fim de ciclo paraambos os modelos. A gaveta de aplicação de Possibilit na base de335 mm de altura. O pu de secadoras a sobrepôr o que lavandomáquina reduzir os obstáculos.


PROFI WASCHMASCHINEN UND TROKNERProfessionelle Waschmaschinen und Trockner mit Ladung Kapacita-

et von 9 Kg. Waschmaschine mit Drehzahl von 1000 Drehungen/Min.Trockner mit 9 Programme und 3 Temperatur- Möglichkeiten. Auto-matische Controller der Befeuchtung für den Cyclus -Ende. Für diebeiden Ausführungen akustische Signal für die Cyclus -Ende. Schub-lade 335 mm hoch unter der Waschmaschine als Zubehör. Der Trock-ner kann auf die Waschmaschine gesetzt um Platz zu sparen.


PROFESSIONAL LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Professional washing and dryer equipments, capacity 9 Kg. Washingmachine with 9 cycles and max speed 1000 rpm/min. Dryer with 8pre-programmed cycles and 3 adjustable temperatures, humiditycontrol, cycle finishes automatically. Both equipments have acusticsignal at the end of the cycle. Possibility to put a drawer on the sup-port 335 mm. high. Dryer can be superposed to the washing machi-ne to spare space.


APPAREILS PROFESSIONNELS DE BUANDERIE Lave-linge et essoreuses professionnelles avec capacité de charge 9Kg. de linge. Lave-linge avec 9 programmes de lavage et vitessemaximale centrifuge de 1000 tours/min. Essoreuse de linge avec 8programmes et 3 sélections de température, contrôle de l'humiditéavec fin du cycle automatique. Lave-linge et essoreuses avec signalà la fin du cycle de lavage. Un tiroir peut être fixé au support de335 mm. de hauteur. L’essoreuse de linge peut être superposée aulave-linge pour réduire l'encombrement.


Alle Preise zzgl. USt. • Alle Bilder, Preise und technischen Angaben sind nicht verpflichtend für Mastro GmbH• Es gelten unsere AGB/Auftragsbestätigungen.All prices without VAT. • Pictures, prices and other technical informations are not binding for Mastro GmbH • Only our General Conditions of Sale and order confimations are valid.

mastro_star10.qxp 09.02.2006 07:15 Seite 1

Page 4: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


SALAMANDRAS ELÉCTRICAS Y A GAS CON TRES LADOS ABIERTOSConstrucción en acero inoxidable satinado Scotch-Brite. Resistencias cerámicas de 600 Watt cada una. Todos los modelosSA y SAM tienen los 3 lados abiertos y además de la tortera en dotación de 1/1 GN ofrecen la posibilidad de usar cualquiertipo de tortera de cocción también más larga de la medida GN 1/1. La versión SAM está dotada de mecanismo de movi-mentación del plano de cocción motorizado con selector de mando subida y bajada. Los modelos SA se pueden regular enaltura en 3 posiciones y el Modelo SA 650 CP es dotado de contrapesos. Parrilla en acero cromado con empuñaduras atér-micas y franjas de protección Cubeta inoxidable recoge-grasas extraíble. Patas regulables en altura.


SALAMANDRE ELETTRICHE E A GAS CON TRE LATI APERTICostruzione in acciaio inox satinato Scotch-Brite. Resistenze ceramiche da 600 Watt cadauna. Tutti i modelli SA e SAM han-no 3 lati aperti e, oltre alla teglia in dotazione da 1/1 GN, offrono la possibilità di usare qualsiasi tipo di teglia di cottura,anche più lunga della misura GN 1/1. La versione SAM è dotata di meccanismo di movimentazione del piano di cotturamotorizzato con selettore di comando salita e discesa. I modelli SA si possono regolare in altezza su tre posizioni e il model-lo SA 650 CP è dotato di contrappeso. Griglia in acciaio cromato con impugnature atermiche e flangia di protezione. Baci-nella inox raccogligrassi estraibile. Piedini regolabili in altezza


SALAMANDRAS A GÁS E ELÈCTRICAS COM TRÊS LADOS ABERTOSConstrução em aço inoxidável satinado Scotch-Brite Resistências cerámicas de 600 Watt cada uma Todos os Modelos SAe SAM têm os três lados abertos e também de lados de la tortera en dotação de 1/1 GN, ofrecem a possibilidade de usarqualquer tipo de tortera de cozedura também mais larga da medida GN 1/1. A versão SAM é dotada de mecanismo demovimentação do plano de cozedura motorizado com selector de mando de subida e descida. Os modelos SA se podemregular em altura em 3 posiciones e o Modelo SA 650 CP é dotado de contrapeso. Grelha em aço cromado com empunha-duras atérmicas e franjas de protecção. Gaveta recolha-gordura inox extraível. Pés reguláveis em altura.


line Salamander

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Grid Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm Levels kg €

SS AA 66 55 00 A J H 0 0 0 3 695•485•510 230/1 3 645•340 3 29 55 66 00 ,, --

SS AA MM 66 55 00 2 1 5 8 695•485•510 230/1 3,4 645•340 motor lift 37 99 99 99 ,, --

SS AA 66 55 00 CC PP 2 6 2 8 650•455•570 400/3+N 3,8 580•340 manual balance lift 44 11 .. 11 99 99 ,, --

M O D S A M 6 5 0


mastro_star10.qxp 09.02.2006 07:06 Seite 2

Page 5: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


SALAMANDRES GAZ ET ELECTRIQUES 3 COTES OUVERTESConstruction en acier inox satiné Scotch-Brite. Résistances céramiques de 600 Watt chacune. Tous les sala-mandres SA et SAM ont les 3 côtés ouverts qui permettent l'emploi de tout type de conteneur de cuisson,même plus grand de la dimension GN 1/1. (plaque GN1/1 en dotation). Version SAM avec mécanisme demise en mouvement du plan de cuisson motorisé avec sélecteur de commande de hausse et d’abaissement.Mod. SA avec support grille muni de poignées latérales pour positionner la grille sur 3 niveaux. Mod.SA650CP avec partie chauffante mobile qui peut être placé aux différentes hauteurs parmi des glissières.


GAS UND ELEKTRO SALAMANDER MIT 3 OFFENEN SEITENGehäuse aus fein satiniertem CNS. Keramik-Heizkörper 600 Watt je. Die drei offenen Seiten, beim Modell SAu. SAM, ermöglichen die Benutzung von unterschiedlichen Backblechen, auch größer als GN 1/1 Masse (1Blech GN 1/1 ist inkl.). Die Mod. SAM sind mit Motor und Drehknopf für die automatische Höhenverstellungder Kochplatte. Mod. SA mit Rostgestell mit zwei seitlichen Griffen zum Einschieben des Grillrostes in 3 ver-schiedenen Ebenen. Mod. SA650CP mit höhenverstellbar Mobileinheit auf Schienen montiert. Grillrost ausverchromtem Stahl mit Handgriffen aus genormtem Isolierkunststoff mit Handschutz. CNS herausnehmbareAuffangschale. Verstellbare Füße.


ELECTRIC AND GAS SALAMANDERS OPEN ON 3 SIDESStainless steel finishing. Ceramic heating elements 600 Watt each. Due to 3 open sides all models SA andSAM can be used with any kind of cooking tray, even larger than GN 1/1 size (1 Tray GN 1/1 is included).Models SAM have a lifting cooking plate by motor with up/down switch. SA models have a grid support withside handles to adjust the grid on 3 different levels. Model SA650CP with mobile head, which moves on sli-des and can be adjusted on a different height. Chrome-plated grid with heat-resistant handles with protecti-on. Stainless steel removable drip tray. Adjustable feet.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Grid Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm Levels kg €

SS AA 66 55 00 GG A J H 0 0 0 4 695•485•510 _ 5 645•340 3 31 66 44 33 ,, --

SS AA MM 66 55 00 GG 2 6 2 3 695•485•510 230/1 5 645•340 el. motor lift 39 99 99 99 ,, --

mastro_star10.qxp 09.02.2006 07:06 Seite 3

Page 6: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


GYROS MESSER UND ZUBEHÖRKlinge aus rostfreiem Stahl und Regelungsvorrichtung der Schnittdi-cke. Mod. CO-GY100 mit Motor mit Niederspannung inkl. Sehr ein-fach zu reinigen, direkt mit Wasser. Schaufel für Fleischsammelungmit Handgriff.


GYROS ELECTRIC KNIFE AND ACCESSORIESStainless steel blade with device for adjusting the slice thickness.Mod. CO-GY100 with low tension motor. This model is very simple toclean as knife can be washed directly. Shovel for collecting the cut-ted meat.


COUTEAU ELECTRIQUE ET ACCESSOIRESLame en inox, dispositif de régulation pour l’épaisseur de la coupe.Mod. CO-GY100 avec moteur à basse tension avec transformateur/alimentateur. Facilité de nettoyage car le couteau peut être lavédirectement sous l'eau. Les conteneurs de viandes sont avec poi-gnées pour ramasser la viande coupée.


CUCHILLOS ELECTRICOS Y ACCESORIOSHoja en acero inoxidable con dispositivo de regulación del espesordel corte. Modelo.CO-GY100 con motor a baja tensión y transforma-dor / alimentador provistos. Extrema facilidad de limpieza porque elcuchillo puede estar en ablande o lavado directamente. Contenedo-res de carne con mango para recoger la carne cortada.


COLTELLI ELETTRICI E ACCESSORILama in acciaio inox con dispositivo di regolazione dello spessore deltaglio. Mod. CO-GY100 con motore a bassa tensione e trasformatore/ alimentatore a corredo. Estrema facilità di pulizia poiché il coltellopuo' essere messo in ammollo o lavato direttamente. Contenitori car-ne con manico, per la raccolta della carne tagliata.


FACAS ELÈCTRICAS E ACESSÓRIOS Lâmina em aço inoxl, com dispositivo de regulação da espessura docorte. Modelo CO-GY 100 com motor de baixa tensão e transforma-dor/alimentador. Extrema facilidade de limpeza porque a faca pode ficarem ammollimento ó lavado directamente. Contenedores de carne comasa para recolher a carne cortada.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW kg €

PP RR OO FF II 22 00 00 00 EE A J E 1 0 0 1 110•220 12 and 230/1 0,075 4 55 99 00 ,, --

GG YY PP AA LL II NN OO 9 8 5 6 200•140•65 0,6 22 99 ,, --

GG YY PP AA LL 9 8 5 5 280•180•65 0,8 44 99 ,, --

line Gyros Accessories

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Page 7: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

LÍNEA GYROS EN LAS VERSIONES A GAS, ELÉCTRICO E INFRARED.Línea completa de Gyros en las versiones gas y eléctrico para bloques de carne de 5 hasta 90 kg.Las versiones a gas son dotadas de quemadores regulados por grifos de seguridad con termocopiay parrilla vertical inox. o vidrio-cerámica. Los modelos eléctricos con resistencia eléctrica o conresistencia INFRARED con vidrio-cerámica de protección. Todos los modelos son con cubeta embu-tida para recoger de la carne cortada con cajón amplio para recoger líquidos de cocción y tienen elmotor de rotación aplicado en la parte inferior. Todos los modelos tienen el desplazamiento de laparte radiante del calor vertical sobre guías laterales al lado de la cubeta. Patas regulables en altura.


LINEA GYROS NELLE VERSIONI A GAS, ELETTRICHE E INFRARED.Linea completa di Gyros disponibile nelle versioni gas, elettriche ed Infrared per blocchi di carne da5 a 90 Kg. Versioni a gas con bruciatori regolati da rubinetti con sicurezza con termocoppia e grigliaverticale inox o vetro ceramica. Modelli elettrici con resistenza elettrica oppure con resistenzeINFRARED con vetro ceramica di protezione. Tutti i modelli sono con vasca imbutita di raccolta del-la carne tagliata, con capiente cassetto di raccolta liquidi di cottura ed hanno il motore di rotazioneapplicato nella parte inferiore. Tutti i modelli hanno lo spostamento della parte radiante di calore ver-ticale su guide laterali a fianco della vasca. Piedini regolabili in altezza.


LINHA GYROS NAS VERSÕES A GÁS, ELÉCTRICOS E INFRAVERMELHOS Linha inteira de Gyros disponível nas versões à gás, eléctricos e Infravermelho para blocos de car-ne de 5 à 90 Kg. Versões à gás com queimadores regulados por torneiras com segurança com ter-mocopia e grelha vertical inox ou vidro cerâmico. Modelos eléctricos com resistência eléctrica oucom resistências INFRAVERMELHOS com vidro cerâmico de proteção. Todos os modelos têm piaembutida de coleção do corte de carne, com grande gaveta para recolher os líquidos de cozaduracom motor de rotação aplicado na parte inferior. Todos os modelos têm o movimento da parte radia-nte de calor vertical em líderes laterais ao lado da pia. Pés reguláveis em altura.


GYROS GERAETE GAS, ELEKTRO UND INFRAROT Komplette Serie von Gyros Geräte Gas, Elektro und Infrarot, Fleischkapazität vom 5 bis 90 Kg. GasVariante mit unabhängigen Brennern mit Sicherheitshahn und Thermoelement. Brennerschutz ausEdelstahl oder aus Ceranglas. Elektro Variante mit Heizkörper oder mit Infrarot System und Ceran-glas Schutz. Alle Modelle sind mit Boden tiefgezogen zur Fleischsammlung und Fettauffangschub-lade. Motor mit Höheleistung und gegen Wärme isoliert, in der Unterteile des Gerätes eingesetzt.Bewegung der Brennergruppe durch zwei Seitenhandgriffen. Verstellbare Füße.


GYROS LINE, GAS ELECTRIC AND INFRARED MODELS Complete line of Gyros, available in gas, electric and infrared, suitable for meat capacity from 5 to90 Kg. Gas models with independent burners with safety cock by thermoelement, protected by aninox plate or ceramic glass. Electric Gyros with heating element or with INFRARED heating and glassceramic protection. All models with drawn top for keeping warm the cutted meat and drawer forfat collection. High power motor, heat insulated and located in the base of the appliance. Manualmouvement of the heating source is made through two side handles.


GAMME MACHINES A KEBAB A GAZ, ELECTRIQUES ET A INFRAROUGESGamme complète de machines à Kebab à gaz, électriques et à infrarouges, capacité viande de 5 à90 Kg. Version gaz avec brûleurs indépendants avec robinet de sécurité avec thermocouple, pro-tection brûleurs avec grille inox ou vitrocéramique. Version électrique avec résistance ou systèmechauffant à infrarouges avec protection en vitrocéramique. Tous les modèles ont le plan emboutipour garder au chaud la viande coupée, un grand tiroir de récupération des graisses. Le moteur degrande puissance et bien protégé contre la chaleur et positionné dans la partie inférieure de l'appa-reil. 2 manettes latérales pour permettre de s'approcher ou s'éloigner de la partie radiante, selon lebloc de viande à griller.


line Gyrosline Gyros

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GYROS CON QUEMADORES A GAS Construción enteramente en acero inoxidable. Grupo de quemadores completamente autónomos con grifos termovalvula-dos. Motor de rotación aplicado en la parte inferior bien protegido del calor y de notable potencia. Barra giratoria para car-ne fija con desplazamiento del grupo quemadores trámite dos manijas aplicadas en la estructura de la parte vertical con losquemadores. Capacidad de portada de 5 kg. a 90 kg Cajón recoge grasas en la parte inferior. Modelos 70 y 90 G con poten-cia superior y vidrio cerámica de protección delante de los quemadores. Por pedido, posibilidad de aplicación del cuchilloCO GY 100M en la base del aparato. Patas regulables en altura.


GYROS CON BRUCIATORI A GASCostruzione interamente in acciaio inox con gruppo di bruciatori completamente autonomi con rubinetti termovalvolati.Motore di rotazione applicato nella parte inferiore ben protetto dal calore e di notevole potenza. Asta per carne fissa conspostamento del gruppo bruciatori tramite due maniglie applicate sulla struttura della parte verticale con i bruciatori. Capa-cità di portata da 5 Kg. a 90 kg. Cassetto raccolta grassi nella parte inferiore. Modello da 70 e 90 G con potenza superioree vetro ceramica di protezione davanti ai bruciatori. Su richiesta possibilità di applicazione del coltello CO GY 100M nel basa-mento dell'apparecchio. Piedini regolabili in altezza.


GYROS COM QUEIMADORES À GÀSConstrução inteiramente em aço inoxidável com grupo de queimadores inteiramente autônomo com torneiras termovalvo-ladas. Motor de rotação aplicado na parte inferior bem protegido do calor e da grande potência. Barra para a carne fixa commovimento do grupo dos queimadores gracias a duas asas aplicadas na estrutura da parte vertical com os queimadores.Capacidade de levadura de 5 Kg. a 90 kg. Gaveta para recolher gordura na parte inferior. Modelo de 70 a 90 G com potên-cia superior e vidro cerâmico de proteção na frente dos queimadores. Pedindo, se pode aplicar a faca CO GY 100M na baseda máquina. Pés reguláveis em altura.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Meat Heating Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm kg zones kg €

GG YY II NN OO 11 00 GG A J E 0 0 0 5 400•450•590 230/1 4,4 Ø 300•390 h 5/10 2 14 33 99 22 ,, --

GG YY 66 00 GG A J E 0 0 0 6 500•640•810 230/1 10,5 Ø 370•560 h 20/60 3 29 77 88 22 ,, --

GG YY 88 00 GG A J E 0 0 0 7 500•640•970 230/1 14 Ø 370•710 h 35/80 4 33 88 88 99 ,, --

GG YY 11 00 00 GG A J E 0 0 0 8 500•640•1150 230/1 17,5 Ø 370•850 h 45/90 5 37 11 .. 11 22 00 ,, --

line Gyros Gas

I n f r a r e d h e a t i n g

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Page 9: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


GAS GYROSStainless steel finishing. Independent burners with safety cock by thermoelement. Drawn top for keepingwarm the cutted meat, drawer for fat collection.High power motor, heat insulated, located in the base of theappliance. Manual mouvement of the heating source is made through two side handles. Meat capacity from5 to 90 kg. Models 70 and 90 G with higher power and burner's protection in ceramic glass. On request theGyros knife Mod. CO-GY100M can be connected to the basement of the appliance. Adjustable feet.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Meat Heating Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm kg zones kg €

GG YY 77 00 GG 9 8 7 8 500•620•880 230/1 13,2 Ø 370•710 h 30/80 3 30 99 99 99 ,, --

GG YY 99 00 GG 9 8 7 9 500•620•1070 230/1 17,6 Ø 370•850 h 45/90 4 35 11 .. 11 99 00 ,, --

I n f r a r e d h e a t i n g

H e a t i n g s u r f a c e m a d e o f g l a s s c e r a m i c

GYROS GASGehäuse aus Edelstahl. Unabhängige Brenner mit Sicherheitshahn und Thermoelement. Boden tiefgezogenzur Fleischsammlung, Fettauffangschublade. Motor mit Höheleistung und gegen Wärme isoliert, in der Unter-teile des Gerätes eingesetzt. Mittelspieß fix und Bewegung der Brennergruppe durch zwei seitlichen Hand-griffen. Fleischkapazität vom 5 bis 90 Kg. Mod. 70 u. 90 G haben eine höhere Leistung und Brenner sind mitCeranglas geschützt. Auf Wunsch kann der Gyros Messer Mod. CO-GY100M an dem Unterbau angeschlos-sen werden. Verstellbare Füße.


GYROS A GAZExécution en acier inox. Groupe brûleurs indépendants avec robinet de sécurité avec thermocouple. Planembouti pour garder au chaud la viande coupée, tiroir de récupération des liquides de cuisson. Moteur degrande puissance et bien protégé contre la chaleur, positionné dans la partie inférieure de l’appareil. Brochefixe et mouvement du groupe brûleurs parmi deux poignées latérales pour permettre de s'approcher ou s'éloi-gner de la partie radiante, selon le bloc de viande à griller. Capacité de 5 à 90 Kg. de viande. Les Mod. 70 et90 G ont une puissance supérieure et la protection des brûleurs est en vitrocéramique. Sur demande le cou-teau à Kebab Mod. CO-GY100M peut être branché à la structure de l'appareil. Pieds réglables en hauteur.


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GYROS A SECCIONES ELÉCTRICAS Grupos de resistencias autónomas controladas por reguladores de energía. Motor puesto en la parte inferior. Barra para lacarne regulable en la parte superior. Desplazamiento manual de la parte rescaldante para permitir el acercamiento o aleja-miento respecto al bloque de carne de asar Cajón de recoger. Para los modelos GY20 - 70 y 90 EIR son utilizadas resisten-cias que calientan con la emisión de rayos infrarrojos que garantizan una alta eficiencia y una óptima temperatura en pocossegundos. Las resistencias son puestas en cajas altamente protegidas con el vidrio-cerámica en la parte radiante. Para per-mitir potencias muy altas, los bloques de resistencias son colocados en doble filas inclinadas en forma de V.


GYROS A SEZIONI ELETTRICHEGruppi di resistenze autonome controllate da regolatori di energia. Motore posto nella parte inferiore. Asta per la carne rego-labile sulla parte superiore. Spostamento manuale della parte riscaldante per permettere l'avvicinamento o l'allontanamen-to rispetto al blocco di carne da grigliare. Cassetto di raccolta. Per i modelli GY20 - 70 e 90 EIR sono utilizzate resistenze afilo nudo che riscaldano con l'emissione di raggi infrarossi che garantiscono un'alta efficienza e una messa in temperaturain pochi secondi. Le resistenze sono in scatole altamente protette con il vetro ceramica nella parte radiante. Per permette-re potenze molto alte, i blocchi resistenze sono messi in doppia fila inclinati a V.


GYROS A SECCIONES ELÉCTRICAS Grupos de resistências autônomas controladas por reguladores de energia. Motor colocado na parte inferior. Barra pela car-ne regulável na parte superior. Movimento manual da parte esquentadora para permitir a aproximação com respeito ao blo-co de carne à grelhar. Gaveta de recolha. Para os modelos GY20 - 70 e 90 EIR foram usadas resistências a fio nu que esquen-tam com a emissão de raios infravermelhos que garantem uma grande eficiência e uma posta em temperatura em poucossegundos. As resistências estão em caixas extremamente protegidas com o vidro cerâmico na parte radiante. Para permi-tir potências muito altas, os blocos resistências estão em linha dupla inclinados a V.


line Gyros El.

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Meat Heating Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm kg zones kg €

GG YY II NN OO 11 00 EE A J E 0 0 0 1 400•450•590 230/1 3 Ø 300•390 h 5/10 2 12 33 44 77 ,, --

GG YY 66 00 EE A J E 0 0 0 2 500•640•810 400/3+N 6 Ø 370•560 h 20/60 4 31 66 33 44 ,, --

GG YY 88 00 EE A J E 0 0 0 3 500•640•970 400/3+N 9 Ø 370•710 h 35/80 6 37 77 88 44 ,, --

GG YY 11 00 00 EE A J E 0 0 0 4 500•640•1150 400/3+N 12 Ø 370•850 h 45/90 7 40 11 .. 00 00 99 ,, --

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GYROS ELECTRIQUES Exécution en acier inox. Sections électriques indépendantes, chacune commandée par régulateur d'énergie. Plan emboutipour garder au chaud la viande coupée, un grand tiroir de récupération des graisses. Le moteur de grande puissance et bienprotégé contre la chaleur et positionné dans la partie inférieure de l'appareil. 2 manettes latérales pour permettre de s'ap-procher ou s'éloigner de la partie radiante, selon le bloc de viande à griller. Les Mod. GY20-70 et 90IR ont des résistancesà infrarouges qui assurent un rendement très élevé et une montée en température dans quelques seconds. La protectiondes résistances est en vitrocéramique. Les blocs des résistances sont placés inclinés à „V“ en double pour garantir un ren-dement très élevé.


ELECTRIC GYROS Stainless steel finishing. Independent heating element's groups each controlled by energy regulator. Drawn top for keepingwarm the cutted meat, drawer for fat collection. High power motor, heat insulated, located in the base of the appliance.Manual mouvement of the heating source is made through two side handles. Mod. GY20-70 and 90IR have Infrared hea-ting elements assuring an high efficiency and temperature is reached in few seconds. Infrared elements are protected byceramic glass. Heating element's groups are placed in „V“ inclined double raw to guarantee high power.


GYROS ELEKTRO Gehäuse aus Edelstahl. Die Elektro Gruppe besteht aus unabhängigen Bestandteile, jede durch Energieregler gesteuert.Boden tiefgezogen zur Fleischsammlung, Fettauffangschublade. Motor mit Höheleistung und gegen Wärme isoliert, in derUnterteile des Gerätes eingesetzt. Bewegung der Brennergruppe durch zwei Seitenhandgriffen. Mod. GY20-70 und 90IR sindmit Infrarot Heizsystem zur Garantie einer sehr hohe Leistung und Temperatur ist in einigen Sekunden erreicht. Die ElektroGruppe sind in zwei Reihen und in „V“ Form gelegt, damit kann die Höchste Leistung erreicht werden.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Meat Heating Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm kg zones kg €

GG YY 22 00 EE II RR 9 8 8 2 400•500•600 230/1 3 Ø 350•410 h 10/20 2 14 55 22 44 ,, --

GG YY 77 00 EE II RR 9 8 4 9 500•640•810 400/3+N 9 Ø 370•450 h 20/70 3 32 11 .. 00 44 00 ,, --

GG YY 99 00 EE II RR 9 8 4 8 500•640•970 400/3+N 12 Ø 370•560 h 30/90 4 36 11 .. 11 44 99 ,, --

line Gyros El. Infrared

I n f r a r e d h e a t i n g

H e a t i n g s u r f a c e m a d e o f g l a s s c e r a m i c

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Page 12: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


GRILL MULTIVAPOR CON KIT FRY TOP Y PLANCHAS Y PARRILLAS A GASAparatos para grillar carne,pescados y verduras directamente sobre la parrilla inox, movible para la limpieza. Cubeta recoge-grasas a tenida de agua y descarga con grifo posicionada debajo los elementos radiantes. Ésto permite la eliminación demalos olores y del humo y una fácil limpieza. Zona de cocción con quemador radiante comandado de grifo a gas valvulado yquemador piloto. Encendido eléctrico a batería.


GRILL MULTIVAPOR CON KIT FRY TOP E GRIGLIA CON PIEDISTALLOApparecchi per grigliare carne, pesce e verdure direttamente sulla griglia inox, asportabile per la pulizia. Vasca raccogligras-si a tenuta d' acqua con scarico tramite rubinetto, posizionata sotto gli elementi radianti. Ciò consente l'eliminazione dei fumie degli odori di cottura ed una facile pulizia. Bruciatori radianti comandati da rubinetto a gas valvolato e bruciatore pilota.Accensione elettrica a batteria.


GRILL MULTIVAPOR CON KIT FRY TOP E PLACYS PARA GRELHAR A GÁSAparelhos para grelhar carne, peixe e verduras diretamente na grelha inox extraível para limpar. Pia recolhe-gordura seguraágua com descarga por torneira, posicionada debaxo dos elementos radiantes. Isso para permitir a eliminação da fumaça edos cheiros da cozadura e uma fácil limpeza. Queimadores radiantes mandados pela torneira á gás valvolato e queimadorpiloto. Inhição eléctrico á bateria.


line All Grill Multivapor


Dimension Total Power Grill capacity Water Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW surface mm inlet drain kg €

GG MM VV 44 00 // 77 00 1 8 8 1 / B 400•700•850+95 _ 8 340•550 manual 1 27 99 99 99 ,, --

GG MM VV 77 55 // 77 00 1 8 8 3 / B 750•700•850+95 _ 16 680•550 manual 1 46 11 .. 22 99 99 ,, --

GG MM VV 11 11 00 // 77 00 1 8 8 5 / B 1100•700•850+95 _ 24 1020•550 manual 1 75 11 .. 88 99 99 ,, --

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GRILL MULTIVAPOR WITH FRY TOP AND GAS GRIDDLESAppliances suitable for cooking meat, fish and vegetables directly on the stainless steel grid, which can beremoved for cleaning. Basin to be filled with water. This system avoids disagreeable cooking smells andmakes cleaning very easy. Water-proof pan, large capacity. Manual water inlet and water drain. Grill zonewith radiant burners controlled by a gas valve tap with pilot burner. Battery ignition.



Dimension Total Power Grill capacity Plate Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW surface mm Griddle kg €

GG FF TT LL 44 00 // 77 00 1 9 0 6 400•700•850+95 _ 8 340•550 39 99 99 99 ,, --

GG FF TT RR 44 00 // 77 00 1 9 0 7 400•700•850+95 _ 8 340•550 39 99 99 99 ,, --

GG FF TT LL 77 55 // 77 00 1 9 0 8 750•700•850+95 _ 16 680•550 66 11 .. 44 99 99 ,, --

GG FF TT LL RR 77 55 // 77 00 1 9 0 9 750•700•850+95 _ 16 680•550 66 11 .. 44 99 99 ,, --

GG FF TT LL 11 11 00 // 77 00 1 9 1 5 1100•700•850+95 _ 24 1020•550 111 11 .. 88 99 99 ,, --

GG FF TT LL RR 11 11 00 // 77 00 1 9 1 6 1100•700•850+95 _ 24 1020•550 111 11 .. 88 99 99 ,, --

= smooth • = griddle • = 1/2 smooth, 1/2 griddle • C = chrome

line All Grill FT

GRILL MULTIVAPOR MIT KIT GRILLPLATTE UND STAND GAS GRILLPLATTENMit diesem Gerät kann Fleisch, Fisch oder anders direkt auf den rostfreiem Stahl Rost gegrillt werden. Rost istauf einem mit Wasser gefüllten Becken positioniert. Dadurch wird das Aufkommen von unangenehmen Gerüchenvermieden und eine einfachere Reinigung des Gerätes gewährleistet. Becken dicht, manuelle Wassereinfüllungund Wasserablass durch Sicherheitshahn. Grillzone mit Strahlbrenner durch Gasventil mit Pilotbrenner gesteuert.Batterie Zuendung.


GRILL MULTIVAPOR AVEC KITS FRY TOP ET PLAQUES GRILLADES Á GAZAppareils à griller viande, poisson et légumes directement sur la grille en inox. Cuve pour recueillir les grais-ses de cuisson avec remplissage manuel de l'eau et robinet de vidange. Avec ce système il n'y a plus d'odeursdésagréables et le nettoyage de l’appareil est très facile. Zone Grill avec brûleur radiant et robinet gaz de sécu-rité avec pilote. Allumage à batterie.


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Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Oven Burners Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm kW Version Power kW kw kg €

CC 33 FF GG 4 5 6 9 1200•600•850h 23,5 BBaacckknnoorrmm

600•400 mm 7 kW 3 x 5,5 70 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

CC 33 GG 4 5 6 8 1200•600•250h 16,5 3 x 5,5 30 66 66 99 ,, --

CC 22 FF GG 4 5 7 0 800•600•850h 18,0 BBaacckknnoorrmm

600•400 mm7 kW 2 x 5,5 50 99 99 99 ,, --

CC 22 GG 4 5 6 7 800•600•250h 11,0 2 x 5,5 23 55 66 99 ,, --

FF GG -- 11 00 9 0 0 0 1 7 600•610•420 11,5 Burners

Ø 200 mmremovable drip tray

1x 11,5 18 55 11 99 ,, --

line Break Ranges

GASHERDE SERIE „BREAK RANGE“Komplett aus rostfreiem Stahl gefertigt. Gas Oberfläche mit robustenRosten aus emailliertem Gusseisen, Blech unten den Brenner heraus-nehmbar zur Reinigung. Hohe Brennerleistung. Sicherheitsgashähnemit Thermoelementen. Gas Backofen statisch Backnorm600x400 mm, Backofen aus rostfreiem Stahl, 1 Rost inklusiv. Regel-thermostat, Sicherheit mit Thermoelementen.


GAS RANGES LINE „BREAK RANGE“Completely made in stainless steel. Gas top with robust grids in ena-melled cast iron and large removable drip tray. High power burners.Gas valve cock by thermocouple. Static gas oven capacity Backnorm600x400 mm, stainless steel cooking room, equipped with one grid.Safety control thermostat with thermoelement.


FOURNEAUX GAZ SERIE „BREAK RANGE“Construction entièrement en acier inox. Plan de cuisson gaz avec gril-les robustes en fonte émaillée, bac au dessous des brûleurs enleva-ble pour le nettoyage. Brûleurs haut rendement. Robinets de sécuritéà thermocouple. Four gaz statique avec chambre de cuisson inoxcapacité Backnorm 600x400 mm, fourni équipé avec une grille. Ther-mostat de régulation avec sécurité à thermocouple.


COCINAS A GAS LINEA „BREAK RANGE“Ejecución enteramente en acero inox. Planos fuegos a gas con parrillasde apoyo en hierro fundido esmaltado cubetas de quemadores extrai-bles y tortera en toda su longitud para facilitar la limpieza. Quemadoresde alto poder valvulados de grifos de seguridad a termocopia Horno agas estático capacidad Backnorm 600x400 mm con cámara inox.Regulación termostática con seguridad a termocopia de la temperatura


CUCINE A GAS LINEA „BREAK RANGE“Esecuzione interamente in acciaio inox. Piano fuochi gas con grigliedi appoggio in ghisa smaltata, bacinelle bruciatori asportabili e tegliasu tutta la lunghezza per facilitare la pulizia. Bruciatori di alta poten-za, rubinetti valvolati di sicurezza a termocoppia Forno a gas staticocapacità Backnorm 600x400 mm con camera inox, regolazione ter-mostatica con sicurezza a termocoppia della temperatura


COZINHA À GÁS LINHA „BREAK RANGE“Construção inteiramente em aço ìnox. Planos fogões gás com grelhasde apoio em ferro fundido esmaltado, pias queimadores extraíveis e tor-teira em tudo o comprimento para facilitar a limpeza. Queimadores dealta potência, torneiras valvuladas de segurança á termocôpia Forno ágás estático cap. Bak Norm 600x400 mm com cámara inoxidável, regu-lação termostática com segurança á termocôpia da temperatura.



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Page 15: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


line All Grill lavastone & Charcoal

LAVASTEIN „ALL GRILL“ UND REISIGKOHLEGRILL Mit diesem Gerät kann Fleisch, Fisch oder anders direkt auf den rost-freiem Stahl Rost gegrillt werden. Rost ist auf spezielle selbstreini-gend Lavasteinen positioniert. Grillzone mit Strahlbrenner durch Gas-ventil mit Pilotbrenner gesteuert. Becken dicht, mit Wasserablass.Batterie Zuendung. Mit Unterbau mit Bodenablage geliefert. Reisig-kohlegrill ist mit gelochtem Eisenblech ausgerüstet,.


„ALL GRILL“ LAVASTONE AND CHARCOALAppliances suitable for cooking meat, fish and vegetables directly onthe stainless steel grid, which can be removed for cleaning. Heatingthrough special self-cleaning lava stones. Grill zone with radiant bur-ners controlled by a gas valve tap with pilot burner. Water-proof basinto be filled with water, water drain. Battery ignition. Supplied on opensupport with undershelf. The Charcoal model is equipped with robustpierced grid, iron made..


PIERRE LAVIQUE ET „ALL GRILL“ A LA BRAISE Appareils à griller viande, poisson et légumes directement sur la gril-le en inox, amovible pour le nettoyage. Cuve pour contenir les pierreslaviques spéciales, autonettoyantes. Zone Grill avec brûleur radiantet robinet gaz de sécurité avec pilote. Bac étanche à l'eau pour recu-eillir les graisses de cuisson, robinet de vidange. Allumage à batterie.Fournis sur support ouvert en inox. Le modèle à la braise est dotèed'une robuste grille perforée en fer.


„ALL GRILL“ A PIEDRA LAVICA Y CARBONILLAAparatos para grillar carne, pescados y verduras directamente sobrela grilla inox, movible para la limpieza. Calentamiento trámite piedraslávicas sintetizadas. Calentamiento con quemador radiante coman-dado por grifo a gas valvulado y quemador piloto. Cubeta que recogea tenida de agua y descarga con grifo.Encendido a batería Soportecon estante de fondo. El modelo a carbonilla es dotado de parrillarobusta en hierro debidamente agujereada.


„ALL GRILL“ A PIETRA LAVICA E CARBONELLAApparecchi per grigliare carne, pesce e verdure direttamente sullagriglia inox, asportabile per la pulizia, Riscaldamento tramite pietrelaviche sinterizzate. Riscaldamento con bruciatore radiante coman-dato da rubinetto a gas valvolato e bruciatore pilota. Vasca di raccol-ta a tenuta d' acqua e scarico con rubinetto. Accensione a batteria.Supporto con ripiano di fondo. Il modello a carbonella è dotato di gri-glia robusta in ferro debitamente forata.


PEDRA DE LAVA „ALL GRILL“ E CARBONELLAAparelhos para grelhar carne, peixe e verduras diretamente na grelhade aço inoxidável extraível para uma fácil limpeza, Esquentamento tra-mite pedras de lava sintetizadas. Esquentamento com queimador radia-nte mandado por torneira á gás valvolato e queimador piloto. Pia pararecolher gordura á seguro de água e descarga com torneira,Ignição ábateria. Suporte com plano de fundo. O modelo a carbonella é forneci-do de grelha forte em ferro debidamente com buraco.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Version Total Power Grill capacity Stone Cooking Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm kW surface mm Sack Zone kg €

GG PP LL 44 00 // 77 00 1 9 0 1 400•700•850+95


8 340•550 1 1 27 11 .. 11 99 99 ,, --

GG PP LL 77 55 // 77 00 1 9 0 2 750•700•850+95 16 680•550 2 2 46 11 .. 66 99 99 ,, --

GG PP LL 11 11 00 // 77 00 1 9 0 3 1100•700•850+95 24 1020•550 3 3 75 22 .. 11 99 99 ,, --

GG CC AA 11 22 00 // 77 00 1 9 1 0 1200•700•850+95


_ 1120•550 - - 55 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

GG CC AA 11 88 00 // 77 00 1 9 1 1 1800•700•850+95 _ 1720•550 - - 70 11 .. 66 99 99 ,, --

GG CC AA 22 22 00 // 77 00 1 9 1 2 2200•700•850+95 _ 2120•550 - - 100 11 .. 99 99 99 ,, --

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Page 16: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

CUCINE A GAS ED ELETTRICHE CON FORNO ELETTRICO A CONVEZIONE E PIANI DI COTTURA Costruzione interamente in acciaio inox. Versione gas con bruciatori di alta potenza da 4.5 e 5.5 kw, rubinetti valvolati con sicu-rezza a termocoppia, comandi frontali dei rubinetti a gas con min/max e accensione elettrica a batteria. Versione con piastre elet-triche o con piano in vetroceramica, comandi frontali con commutatori a 6 posizioni o regolatori di energia. Forno elettrico smal-tato nero a convezione + grill con porta vetro, termostato 50- 250 ° e pulsante per selezionare il forno, oppure il grill. Capacità 4griglie mm 440x330. Dotazione una griglia ed una teglia smaltata. Piedini in acciaio inox regolabili in altezza.


COCINAS A GAS Y ELÉCTRICAS CON HORNO ELÉCTRICO A CONVECCION Y PLANOS DE COCCIONConstrucción enteramente en acero inoxidável.Versión a gas con quemadores de alta potencia,de 4,5 y 5,5 KW.grifos valvuladoscon seguridad a termocopia, mandos frontales de los grifos a gas con min/max. y encendido eléctrico a batería.Versión con pla-cas eléctricas o con planos en vidriocerámica, mandos frontales con conmutadores a 6 posiciones o reguladores de energía. Hor-no eléctrico esmaltado negro a convección + parrilla con puerta vidrio, termóstato 50-250 ° y botón para seleccionar horno oparrilla. Capacidad 4 parrillas mm. 440x330. Dotación 1 parrilla, 1 tortera esmaltada. patas en acero inox.regulables en altura.


line Ranges Bestseller

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Oven Open Top El. Plates Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Version Burners kw kW kg €

BB SS // CC 44 FF GG 4 5 6 1 600•600•850 230/1 19

electric convection


3x 4,5

1x 5,5

_ 50 11 .. 11 99 99 ,, --

BB SS // CC 44 FF EE 4 5 6 3 600•600•850 400/3+N 9,6

electric convection



2x 1,5 kW Ø 150 mm

2x 2,0 kWØ 180 mm

49 99 44 99 ,, --

BB SS // CC 44 FF VV 4 5 6 4 600•600•850 400/3+N 9,2

electric convection



Ceramic Top

2x 1,2

2x 2,1

50 11 .. 11 44 99 ,, --

GAS U. ELEKTROHERDE MIT HEIßLUFTBACKOFEN UND KOCHPLATTEN Gehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl. Hohe Brennleistung 4.5 und 5.5 kW bei der Gas Ausführung durch Sicherheitsventilhähne mit Thermo-element. Min./Max. Schalter und Batterie Anzündung. Elektroherde mit Kochplatten oder mit Ceran-Kochfeld. Elektro Heißluftback-ofen mit Grill, Raum emailliert und Glastuer, Regelthermostat 50-250° und Back/Grill-Umschalter ausgestattet. Innenraum für 4 Back-bleche mm. 440x330. Ausstattung: 1 Stck. verchromter Rost und 1 Stck. emailliertes Backblech. Die Füße sind höhenverstellbar.


GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES WITH CONVECTION OVEN AND COOKING PLATES Stainless steel execution. Gas range with high power burners 4.5 and 5.5 kW, rubinetti, gas valve cock by thermocouple, Min/maxcontrols and battery ignition. Electric range with electrical plates or with ceramic top, frontal controls with 6 pos. commutator orenergy regulator. Electric convection oven+grill enamelled, with glass door, thermostat 50-250° and push-button to select ovenor grill operating. Cap. 4 grids 440x330 mm. Standard: 1 chromed grid and 1 enamelled tray. Adjustable s/s feet.


FOURNEAUX GAZ ET ELECTRIQUES AVEC FOUR A CONVECTION ET PLANS DE CUISSONConstruction entièrement en acier inox. Version gaz avec brûleurs à haute puissance 4.5 et 5.5 kW, robinets gazavec sécurité à thermocouple, commandes frontales min/max et allumage électrique à batterie. Fourneaux avecplaques électriques ou avec plan en vitrocéramique. Four électrique à convection + grill avec chambre émaillée,porte avec vitre, thermostat de 50-250 ° et poussoir à sélection four / grill. Capacité de 4 grilles mm 440x330Sont fournies une grille, et une plaque émaillée. Pieds en acier inox réglables en hauteur.


COZINHAS Á GÁS E ELÉCTRICAS COM FORNO ELÉCTRICO Á CONVECÇÃO E PLANOS DE COZADURA Construção Inteiramente em aço inoxidável. Versão gás com queimadores de alta potência de 4,5 e 5,5 KW, torneiras valvuladascom segurança á termocôpia, comandos frontales das torneiras á gás com min/max e ignição eléctrico á bateria. Versão com pla-cas eléctricas ou com plano em vitrocerâmica, comandos frontais com commutadores a 6 posições ou controles de energia. For-no eléctrico esmaltado preto á convencção + grill com lleva-vidro, termóstato 50- 250 ° e botão para escolher o forno, ou o grill.Capacidade 4 grelhas 440x330. Dotação uma grelha e uma torteira esmaltada. Pés em aço ìnox reguláveis em altura.



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Page 17: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

GRANDES COCINAS COMPACTAS LINEA „BEST SELLER“ Y „BRASSERIE 70“ Concepción modular. Todos los aparatos de la serie pueden ser facilmente combinados gracias a la propia construc-ción modular. La serie está compuesta de cocinas eléctricas y a gas con hornos y de aparatos de 600/700 mm.deprofundidad altos 250 mm. y de las bases que pueden ser en la versión neutra, en los tipos abiertos, con puertas ocajones y en la versión refrigerada a cajones.


GRANDI CUCINE COMPATTE LINEA „BEST SELLER“ E „BRASSERIE 70“Concezione modulare. Tutti gli apparecchi della serie possono essere facilmente combinati, grazie alla loro costru-zione modulare. La serie è composta da cucine elettriche e a gas con forno e da apparecchi di 600/700 mm di pro-fondità alti 250 mm e dalle relative basi che possono essere nella versione neutra, nei tipi aperto, con ante o cas-setti, e nella versione refrigerata a cassetti.


GRANDES COZINHAS COMPACTAS LINHA „BEST SELLER“ E „BRASSERIE 70“ Concepção modular. Todos os aparelhos da série podem ser combinados facilmente, gracias á sua construçãomodular. A série é composta de cozinhas eléctricas e á gás com forno e de aparelhos de 600/700 de profundidadealtos de mm 250 mm e das bases que podem estar na versão neutra, nos tipos aberto, com portas ou gavetas, ena versão esfriada á gavetas.


COMPACT CATERING EQUIPMENT „BEST SELLER“ AND „BRASSERIE 70“ LINESModular Concept. Due to their modular construction, each model of these lines can be combined. The line consistsof electric and gas ranges with oven and other appliances with a depth of 600/700 mm. and 250 mm. high. Theseare available in either the neutral open version, with doors or drawers, and the refrigerated version.


KOMPAKTE GROSSKOCHGERÄTE „BEST SELLER“ UND „BRASSERIE 70“ Modulares Konzept. Alle Geräte der Serie sind durch ihre modulare Konstruktion einfach miteinander zu kombinie-ren. Die Serie besteht aus Elektroherde und Gasherde mit Backrohr und aus Geräte mit einer Tiefe von 600/700 mmund Höhe von 250 mm., aus Geräteunterteilen, welche wahlweise in neutraler Ausführung offen, mit Türen oderSchubladen und in gekühlter Ausführung gewählt werden können.


APPAREILS COMPACTS DE RESTAURATION COLLECTIVE „BEST SELLER“ ET „BRASSERIE 70“ Conception modulaire. Tous les appareils de la série peuvent, grâce à leur conception modulaire, se combiner aisémententre eux. La série est composée par des fourneaux électriques et gaz sur four et par d'autres appareils profondeur600/700 mm et hauteur 250 mm. Les supports peuvent être au choix en version neutre (ouverte), avec portes ou tiroirset en version réfrigérée.


Cooking Line 700

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Page 18: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


COZINHAS E PLANOS DE COZADURA DA LINHA „BRASSERIE 70“Construção em aço inoxidável. Plano embutido com queimadores a alta potência de 4,5 kW. e 5,5 kW, torneiras valvuladascom segurança á termocôpia, ignição eléctrica á bateria. Grelhas plano fogões em ferro fundido esmaltado. Versão com pla-no eléctrico em vitrocerâmica serigrafado. Forno eléctrico estático de dimensões GN 2/1 com câmara de cozedura em açoinoxidável. Resistência superior com possibilidade de usar como salamandra e resistência inferiorpelo utilizo do forno emfunção estática. Os fornos á gás,com capacidade 2/1 GN, têm um máximo de potência de 7 kW. Dotação forno: 1 grelhaem aço cromado e pés em aço inoxidável reguláveis em altura.


CUCINE E PIANI DI COTTURA DELLA LINEA „BRASSERIE 70“Esecuzione in acciaio inox. Piano imbutito con bruciatori ad alta potenza da 4.5 e 5.5 kW, rubinetti valvolati con sicurezza atermocoppia, accensione elettrica a batteria, griglie piano fuochi in ghisa smaltata. Versione con piano elettrico in vetroce-ramica serigrafata. Forno elettrico statico dimensione GN 2/1 con camera in acciaio inox. Resistenza superiore con possibi-lità di utilizzo come salamandra e resistenza inferiore per utilizzo del forno in funzione statico. Nel caso di forno a gas sem-pre con capacità 2/1 GN la potenza è di 7 kW. Dotazione forno: 1 griglia in acciaio cromato. Piedini in inox regolabili in altezza.


COCINAS Y PLANOS DE COCCION DE LA LINEA „BRASSERIE 70“Ejecución en acero inoxidable. Plano embutido con quemadores a alta potencia de 4,5 kW. Y 5,5 kW. grifos valvulados conseguridad a termocopia, encendido eléctrico a batería. Parrillas plano fuegos en hierro fundido esmaltado. Versión con pla-no eléctrico en vidriocerámica serigrafada. Horno eléctrico estático dimensión GN 2/1 con cámara en acero inoxidable.Resistencia superior con posibilidad de utilización como Salamandra y resistencia inferior para usar el horno en funciónestático. En el caso de horno a gas siempre con capacidad 2/1 GN la potencia es de 7 kW. Dotación horno; 1 parrilla enacero cromado. Patas en acero inoxidable regulables en altura.


line Brass 70

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Oven Open Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Version Power kW Burners kW kg €

CC 88 77 FF EE 7 5 8 8 800•700•850+200 230/1 20 GGNN 22//11

electric static3,3 kW 2x 4,5

2x 5,574 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

CC 88 77 FF GG 7 5 9 3 800•700•850+200 _ 27 GGNN 22//11

gas 7 kW 2x 4,5

2x 5,575 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

CC 11 22 77 FF EE 7 5 8 7 1200•700•850+200 230/1 30 GGNN 22//11

electric static3,3 kW 3x 4,5

3x 5,593 11 .. 66 99 99 ,, --

CC 11 22 77 FF GG 7 5 9 4 1200•700•850+200 _ 37 GGNN 22//11

gas 7 kW 3x 4,5

3x 5,596 11 .. 66 99 99 ,, --

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Page 19: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


FOURNEAUX ET PLANS DE CUISSON GAMME „BRASSERIE 70“ Construction entièrement en acier inox. Plan de cuisson embouti, brûleurs haut rendement de 4.5et 5.5 KW, robinets avec sécurité à thermocouple et allumage électrique à batterie. Grille en fonteémaillée. Version avec plan en vitrocéramique sérigraphié. Four électrique statique dimensionGN 2/1 avec chambre de cuisson en acier inox. Résistance supérieure à utiliser comme salaman-dre et résistance inférieure pour la fonction statique. En cas de four gaz, type statique et dimensi-on GN 2/1 la puissance est de 7 KW. Fourni avec 1 grille pour le four en acier chromé. Pieds en inoxréglable en hauteur.


HERDE UND KOCHPLATTEN „BRASSERIE 70“ SERIE Komplett aus rostfreiem Stahl gefertigt. Oberfläche tiefgezogen. Hohe Brennerleistung 4.5 und 5.5KW, Sicherheitsgashähne mit Thermoelementen, elektrische Zündung mit Batterie. Auflagerost ausGusseisen emailliert. Variante mit Ceran-Kochfeld. Elektro- Backrohr statisch, Masse GN 2/1, Back-raum aus rostfreiem Stahl. Einschaltung der oberen Heizkörper (Grill Funktion) und Heizkörper unten(statische Funktion). Im Fall vom Gas Backrohr statisch in der Masse GN 2/1, die Leistung ist 7 KW.Verstellbare Füße aus Edelstahl. Ausstattung des Backrohrs: Ein Rost verchromt.


RANGES AND COOKING TOPS OF „BRASSERIE 70“ LINE Completely made in stainless steel. Drawn top with high power burners 4.5 and 5.5 KW, gas val-ve cock by thermocouple, battery electric ignition. Enamelled cast iron grids. Version with ceramictop plate. Electric static oven dimension GN 2/1 with stainless steel cooking room. Upper heatingelement to be used like salamander fonction and heating element underneath for static fonction.Version with static gas oven dimension GN 2/1 with power 7 KW. Standard equipped with oneoven chrome grid. Adjustable stainless steel feet.


Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Open Surface Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Burners-kw kW kg €

PP CC 44 77 VV 7 5 7 0 400•700•260+200 400/3+N 4,2 _ ceramic heaters

1x 300•505 mm 2x 2,1kW13 44 99 99 ,, --

PP CC 88 77 VV 7 5 7 1 800•700•260+200 400/3+N 8,4 _ ceramic heaters

2x 300•505 mm 4x 2,1kW24 88 99 99 ,, --

PP CC 44 77 GG 7 5 8 0 400•700•260+200 _ 10 1x 4,51x 5,5

_ 19 44 99 99 ,, --

PP CC 88 77 GG 7 5 8 1 800•700•260+200 _ 20 2x 4,52x 5,5

_ 34 77 77 99 ,, --

PP CC 11 22 77 GG 7 5 8 2 1200•700•260+200 _ 30 3x 4,53x 5,5

_ 50 11 .. 00 99 99 ,, --

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Page 20: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


FRITADEIRAS A GÁS E ELÉCTRICAS E ESQUENTA-FRITOSConstrução em aço inoxidável satinado Scotch-Brite. Fritadeiras eléctricas com plano e pia embutidos e zona fría, cabezacom resistências lisas tipo „ELTRA“ basculantes para os modelos F47/10 e F67/10. Os modelos F47 e F87 com capacidadede 18 lt. são esquentadas com resistências á infravermelhos debaixo da pia. Versão gás com queimadores em cerâmicainfravermelhos fora da pia para permitir uma fácil limpeza. Regulação termostática (EuroSIT) com chama piloto. Esquenta-fritos SF47 com cubeta (não esquentada) e reflector regulável em duas alturas diferentes. A temperatura é regulável pormeio de um regulador de energía. Pés reguláveis em altura.


FRIGGITRICI GAS ED ELETTRICHE, SCALDAFRITTI Costruzione in acciaio inox satinato Scotch-Brite. Friggitrici elettriche con piano e vasca imbutiti e zona fredda, testata resisten-ze piatte tipo „ELTRA“ ribaltabili per i modell F47/10 e F67/10. I modelli F47 e F87 con capacità di 18 litri sono riscaldati con resis-tenze ad infrarossi sotto la vasca. Versione gas con bruciatori ceramici INFRARED fuori dalla vasca per permettere una facile puli-zia della stessa. Regolazione termostatica (EuroSIT) con fiamma pilota. Scaldafritti Mod. SF47 con vasca (non riscaldata) eriflettore regolabile su due altezze diverse. La temperatura è regolabile tramite regolatore di energia. Piedini regolabili in altezza.


FREIDORAS A GAS Y ELÉCTRICAS, CALIENTAFRITOSConstrucción en acero inox. satinado Scotch-Brite Freidoras eléctricas con plano y cubeta embutidos y zona fría, cabezalresistencias lisas tipo „ELTRA“ rebaltables para los modelos F47/10 y F67/10.Los modelos F47 y F87 con capacidad de 18 lt.son rescaldados con resistencias al infrarrojos debajo de la cubeta. Versión a gas con quemadores cerámicos INFRARED alexterno de la cubeta para permitir una fácil limpieza de la misma. Regulación termostática (EuroSIT) con llama piloto. Calientafritos Modelo SF47 con cubeta (no rescaldada) y reflector regulable en dos alturas diferentes. La temperatura es regulable trá-mite regulador de energía. Patas regulables en altura.


line Fryers Brass 70

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Capacity Liter Basket Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Oil Tank Dim. mm kg €

FF RR YY 44 77 II RR A M Z 0 0 0 9 400•700•850+200 400/3+N infrared heating

7 18 34 280•350•110 32 88 77 99 ,, --

FF RR YY 88 77 II RR A M Z 0 0 1 1 800•700•850+200 400/3+N infrared heating

14 18+18 34+34 280•350•110 60 11 .. 44 22 11 ,, --

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Page 21: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


FRITEUSES GAZ ET ELECTRIQUES, CHAUFFE FRITE Construction en acier inox. Plan et cuve emboutie, zone froide. Mod. F47/10 et F67/10 avec résis-tances plates ELTRA de type basculant. Mod. F47 et F87 capacité 18 L sont avec un système dechauffage à infrarouges placé au-dessous de la cuve. Version gaz avec brûleurs à infrarouges placésà l'extérieur de la cuve pour faciliter les opérations de nettoyage, régulation thermostatique (EuroSIT)et pilote. Chauffe frite Mod. SF47 avec cuve (non chauffée) et lampe réglable sur deux hauteurs dif-férentes. La température est réglée par un doseur d'énergie. Pieds réglables en hauteur.


GAS UND ELEKTRO FRITEUSE, FRITTENWANNEGehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl. Elektro-Friteuse mit tiefgezogener Platte und Fettwanne. Kaltzone. Mod. F47/10 und F67/10 mit ELTRA kippbaren Flachheizkörpern. Mod. F47 u. F87 mit 18 L Inhaltsind mit INFRAROT Heizkörpern unten der Wanne eingestezt für eine einfache Reinigung. Gasfriteu-sen mit Infrarot Keramikbrennern unter der Wanne eingesetzt für eine einfache Reinigung der Wan-ne.Thermostatische Regelung (EuroSIT) mit Pilotflamme. Frittenwanne Mod. SF47) mit Wanne(nicht beheizt), Strahler mit Keramikheizkörper auf zwei Höhe verstellbar, Temperaturregelungdurch Energieregler. Verstellbare Füße.


GAS AND ELECTRIC FRYERS, CHIPS SHUTTLE External finishing stainless steel. electrical Fryers with drawn top and drawn pan, cold zone. Mod.F47/10 and F67/10 with flat tilting heating elements ELTRA. Models F47 and F87 with 18 lts. capaci-ty have Infrared heating elements placed under the fyring pan. Gas fryers with ceramic INFRARED bur-ners applied under the pan to facilitate cleaning operations of the frying pan. Thermostatic control(EuroSIT) and pilot flame. Chips Shuttle Mod. SF47 with pan (without heating) and lamp adjustableat two different heights. Temperature is controlled by an energy regulator. Adjustable feet.


Model Order Nr. Dim. mm Power kW kcal/h Tank Capacity lt. Tank Dim. mm Baskets kg Price €

FF 11 55 GG BB A M Z 0 0 1 9 400•700•900 12,7 10.925 15 250•325•325 235•270•115 75 11 .. 11 22 77 ,, --

FF 11 55 ++ 11 55 GG BB A M Z 0 0 2 0 800•700•900 25,4 21.845 2x 15 2x 250•325•325 2x 235•270•115 90 22 .. 00 44 99 ,, --

F 1 5 + 1 5 G BF 1 5 G B

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Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Capacity Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW GN kg €

BB MM 44 77 7 5 2 1 400•700•260+200 230/1 1 1/1 150 h 14,5 44 99 88 ,, --

BB MM 66 77 7 5 2 2 600•700•260+200 230/1 1 1/1 + 3/6 150h 21 55 44 99 ,, --

BAÑOMARIA Y COCINA-PASTAConstrucción inoxidable. Cubeta embutida GN 1/1. Bañomaria con resistencias externas a lacubeta.indicador y termóstato de regulación hasta 90°C. PPaallaannggaannaass GGNN nnoo iinncclluuiiddaass.. Cocina-pasta en versión eléctrica y a gas con sistema rescaldante a infrarrojos INFRARED que ase-gura una perfecta distribución del calor en toda la superficie. Cocina-pasta a gas con sistemaradiante trámite quemadores cerámicos al externo de la cubeta que permiten una fácil lim-pieza de la misma y la obtención de la temperatura de ebullición del agua en breve tiempo,siendo el rendimiento muy alto Dotación: 2 cestos GN 1/3 y parrilla de apoyo cestos en el fon-do de la cubeta.


line Bain Marie Brass 70

BANHOMARIA E COZINHA-MASSAConstrução em aço inoxidável Pia embutida GN 1/1. Banhomaria com resistências externas ápia, indicadores e termostato de regulação até 90°C. BBaacciiaass GGNN eexxcclluuiiddaass. Cozinha-massa emversão eléctrica com sistema esquentedor á infravermelhos INFRAVERMELHOS que segurauma distribuição perfeita do calor em tuda a superfície. Cozinha-massa á gás com sistemaradiante a travéz de queimadores cerâmicos ao externo da pia, que permitem uma limpezafácil e uma temperatura de fervor da água em pouco tempo, com um rendimento muito alto!Dotação: 2 cestos GN 1/3 e grelha de apoio-cestinhos no fundo da pia.


BAGNOMARIA E CUOCIPASTACostruzione inox. Vasca imbutita GN 1/1. Bagnomaria con resistenze esterne alla vasca, spiee termostato di regolazione fino a 90°C. BBaacciinneellllee GGNN eesscclluussee.. Cuocipasta in versione elettri-ca con sistema riscaldante a infrarossi INFRARED che assicura una perfetta distribuzione delcalore su tutta la superficie di fondo. Cuocipasta a gas con sistema radiante tramite bruciato-ri ceramici all'esterno della vasca, che permettono una facile pulizia della stessa e il raggiun-gimento della temperatura di ebollizione dell'acqua in breve tempo, essendo il rendimentomolto alto! Dotazione: 2 cestelli GN 1/3 e griglia di appoggio cestelli sul fondo della vasca.


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Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Capacity Basket Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Tank Liter Included kg €

CC PP 44 77 MM 7 5 6 2 400•700•850+200 400/3+N 4 18 22xx CCPP11//33 32 99 99 00 ,, --

CC PP 44 77 GG TT MM 7 5 2 8 400•700•850+200 230/1 7 18 22xx CCPP11//33 35 11 .. 22 55 99 ,, --

CC PP 66 77 MM 7 5 6 0 600•700•850+200 400/3+N 4 30 33xx CCPP11//33 37 11 .. 22 33 99 ,, --

CC PP 66 77 GG TT MM 7 5 6 3 600•700•850+200 230/1 8,5 30 33xx CCPP11//33 41 11 .. 55 77 99 ,, --

BAIN MARIE ET CUISEURS A PATEConstruction en acier inox, cuve emboutie GN 1/1. Bain-marie avec résistances à l'extérieur de la cuve, voy-ant et thermostat de régulation jusqu'à 90°C. FFoouurrnnii ssaannss bbaacc GGNN. Cuiseurs à pâte électriques avec systèmede chauffage INFRAROUGE pour permettre une rapide et parfaite distribution de la chaleur sur toute la sur-face. Cuiseurs à pâte à gaz avec brûleurs céramiques INFRAROUGE placés à l'extérieur de la cuve pour unnettoyage facile. Le système à infrarouges est très puissant et le chauffage de l'eau est très vite. Fournisavec 2 paniers GN 1/3 et tôle perforée dans la cuve.


WASSERBAEDER UND NUDELKOCHERGehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl, Tiefgezogene GN 1/1 Becken. Wasserbäder mit Heizkörpern unterhalb desBeckens, Kontrollampe und Regelungsthermostat bis zu 90°C. OOhhnnee GGNN-- BBeehhäälltteerr. Elektro- Nudelkocher mit„INFRAROT“ Heizsystem um eine schnelle und einwandfreie Hitzeverteilung auf der ganzen Fläche zu errei-chen. Gas Nudelkocher mit Infrarot Keramikbrennern unter der Wanne eingesetzt für eine einfache Reinigungder Wanne. Hohe Leistung und Wasserkochen erfolgt sehr schnell. Ausstattung: 2 Körbe GN 1/3 und Becken-blech gelocht.


BAIN MARIE AND NOODLE COOKERExternal finishing stainless steel, drawn pan GN 1/1. Bain marie with heating elements out of the pan, warninglight and control thermostat up to 90°C. WWiitthhoouutt GGNN ccoonnttaaiinneerrss.. Electric noodle cookers with heating systemby INFRARED for an even and quick heat distribution on the plate. Gas noodle cookers with ceramic INFRAREDburners applied under the pan to facilitate cleaning operations. High performance of Infrared system and veryquick water boiling. Standard equipped with 2 baskets GN 1/3 and pierced steel bottom in the pan.


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line ROAST GRILL Brass 70

Model Order nr.

Dimension Total Power Surface Cooking Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm zones kg €

RR GG 77 00 1 8 7 2 700•700•260+100 400/3+N 6,2 600•410 2 28,5 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

RR GG 11 00 00 1 8 7 3 1000•700•260+100 400/3+N 9,3 900•410 3 48,5 11 .. 88 44 99 ,, --

GRILL ELECTRICOS Construcción en acero inoxidable. Aparatos especiales para grillarcarnes y pescados directamente en las resistencias eléctricas sobreuna cubeta que elimina olores y humos de la cocción. Resistenciaslisas tipo „ELTRA“. a dos o tres seciones rebaltables para permitiruna fácil limpieza de la cubeta. Llenado del agua en la cubeta trámi-te una electroválvula accionada por un botón colocado en el panelde comandos.


ROAST GRILL ELETTRICICostruzione in acciaio inox. Apparecchi speciali per grigliare carni epesce direttamente sulle resistenze elettriche sopra una vasca con-tenente acqua che elimina odori e fumi della grigliatura. Resistenzepiatte tipo „ELTRA“ a due o tre sezioni ribaltabili per permettere unafacile pulizia della vasca. Caricamento dell'acqua in vasca tramiteelettrovalvola azionata da un pulsante posto sul pannello comandi.


GRILL ELÉCTRICOS Construção em aço inoxidável. Aparelhos especiales para grelharcarnes e peixe diretamente sobre das resistências eléctricas sobrede uma pia com água que elimina cheiros e fumaça da cozedura.Resistências lisas tipo „ELTRA“ a duas ou três seções basculantesque permitem uma limpeza fácil da pia. Cargamento da água na piaa travéz de uma electrovâlvula ativada por m botão posto no paineldos comandos.


ROASTGRILLS Gehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl. Mit diesem Gerät kann man direkt aufden Heizkörper grillen. Heizkörper ist auf einem mit Wasser gefülltenBecken positioniert. Dadurch wird das Aufkommen von unangeneh-men Gerüchen vermieden. Becken tiefgezogen, ELTRA Flachheizkör-per, kippbar für eine einfachere Reinigung des Beckens, 2 oder 3getrennte Grillzonen. Wasserversorgung durch Elektroventil.


ELECTRIC GRILLS Stainless steel finishing. This appliance is suitable for cookingdirectly on the heating element placed on a basin to be filled withwater. This system avoids disagreeable cooking smells and makescleaning very easy. Flat 'ELTRA' tilting heating elements 2 or 3sections to facilitate cleaning operations of the basin. Frontal con-trol panel with main switch. 2 o 3 separate grill zones. Water inletthrough electrovalve.


GRILLS ELECTRIQUES Construction an acier inox. Appareil pour griller la viande directe-ment sur la résistance positionnée sur une cuve contenant de l'eau,ce système permet d'éliminer les fumées et des mauvaises odeursde cuisson. Cuve emboutie et résistances plates du type „Eltra“basculantes pour un meilleur nettoyage, 2 ou 3 zones de cuisson.Entrée de l'eau par électrovanne, commandée par un bouton sur lepanneau de commandes.


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THE VACUUM SYSTEMWhich are predominantly used in the packaging of meats, fish, and cheese. The sturdy and solid construction, the advan-ced technology, and the clear increase in product value makes it easy for the purchaser to decide for these machines.The attractive and functional design of the large single compartment allows for a high and constant performance, themachines can be integrated into the production process simply and without disruption, allowing an increase in value forthe complete production management.


DAS VAKUUM-SYSTEMwird vorwiegend in der Verpackung von u.a. Fleisch, Fisch und Käse eingesetzt werden. Die robuste und solide Konstruk-tion, die fortschrittliche Technik und die klare Wertsteigerung für den Verarbeitungsprozess machen es sehr einfach, sichfür diese Maschinen zu entscheiden. Das attraktive und funktionelle Design der großen Einzelkammern zeigt sich deut-lich in dem hohen und konstanten Leistungsniveau, der Einfachheit, mit der sich die Maschinen fehlerfrei in den Produk-tionsprozess einfügen und in der klaren Wertsteigerung für die gesamte Betriebsführung.


MACHINE SOUS-VIDEDestinées à l'emballage, entre autres, de la viande, du poisson et du fromage. Leur conception robuste, solide à l'usa-ge, la technique avancée qu'elles intègrent et leur valorisation du processus de transformation emportent facilement ladécision en leur faveur. Leur design attractif et fonct., capacité des compartiments se révèlent dans leur rendement con-stamment élevé, dans la simplicité avec laquelle les machines s'intègrent infailliblement dans un processus de producti-on, et dans la valorisation claire et nette de toute la gestion.


SISTEMA DE VACÍOQue se usan principalmente en el embalaje de carne, pescado y queso, entre otros. La construcción robusta y sólida, latécnica avanzada y el claro aumento de valor para el proceso de elaboración facilitan mucho el decidirse por estasmáquinas. El diseño atractivo y funcional de las cámaras grande individuales se muestra claramente en el alto y con-stante nivel de rendimiento, en la simplicidad con la que las máquinas se incorporan sin fallas en el proceso de produc-ción y en el claro aumento del valor para toda la explotación.


MMooddeell OOrrddeerr NNrr.. DDiimm.. mmmm AAuuttoommaattiicc SSeeaalliinngg bbaarr

VVaaccuuuumm ppuummppCCaappaacciittyy mm³³//hh

VVaaccuuuumm bbaagg ddiimm..

PPuummppTTyyppee VVoolltt PPoowweerr kkWW kkgg

VV AA CC UU MM JJ OO LL LL YY F G Z 0 0 0 2 360•290•150 33 mm Q - 0,8 m³/h dry 230 0,4 7 33 77 77 ,, --

VV AA CC UU MM 11 33 F G Z 0 0 0 3 480•240•140 45 mm Q - 1,9 m³/h 480•240•114 dry 230 0,5 14 77 99 77 ,, --

VV AA CC UU MM 33 33 F G Z 0 0 0 4 600•330•15055 mm

for double sealQ - 3,5 m³/h

double dry body600•300•150 dry 230 0,7 18 11 .. 44 11 99 ,, --



SISTEMA A VÁCUOQua na maior parte são aplicadas para empacotar entre outro carne, peixe e queijo. A construção robusta e sólida, atécnica avançada e um claro aumento do valor para o processo de tratamento, tornam muito fácil a decisão a favor des-ta máquina. A forma atractiva e funcional da câmara grande individual mostrase bem claro no nivel de rendimento alto econstante, na simplicidade com a qual a máquina se deixa infiltrar sem problemas no processo de produção e no claroaumento de valor de toda a gerência.


VA C U M 3 3


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Price €

Page 26: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


line Pastry Ovens

HORNOS PASTELERÍA Y PANIFICACIÓN Construcción en inox. Cap.6 bandejas 600x400: distancia entre lasbandejas 75 mm. Puerta con vidrio externo que se puede abrir.Ilumi-nación cámara con lámparas alógenas en la puerta. Panel mandosmanual y electrónico con 6 programas memorizados, c/uno puedetener 2 temperaturas y 2 tiempos de cocción: programación de lahumedificación. Dotación: 1 parrilla inox.2 bandejas de aluminio400x600x20mm.


FORNI PASTICCERIA PANIFICAZIONE GASTRONOMIA.Costruzione in inox. Cap. 6 teglie 600x400mm; distanza tra le teglie75mm. Porta con vetro esterno apribile. illuminazione camera conlampade alogene nella porta. Pannello comandi manuale ed elettroni-co con 6 programmi memorizzabili, ogni programma può avere 2 tem-perature e 2 tempi di cottura; programmazione dell'umidificazione.Dotazione: 1 griglia inox e 2 teglie alluminio 400x600x20 mm.


FORNOS PASTELARÍA,PANIFICAÇÃO Construção em inox.Cap. 6 torteiras de 600x400mm: distança entreas torteiras 75mm.Porta comvidro externo abrivel. Iluminação câma-ra com lâmpadas de halogen na porta. Panel comandos manual eelectrónico com 6 programas memorizaveis, cada programa pode ter2 temperaturas e 2 tempos de cozeura; programação da umidifica-ção. Dotação: 1 grelha ìnox e 2 torteiras de alumínio 400x600x20 mm.


ÖFEN FÜR GEBÄCKSTÜCK, BÄCKEREI UND GASTRONOMIEVollständig gebaut in Edelstahl, Inhalt 6 Backbleche 600x400 mm. mitAbstand 75 mm. Tür mit Doppelverglasung. Beleuchtung mit Halogenlam-pen in der Tür. Manuelle oder Elektronische Bedienung für 6 Programme, 2verschiedenen Temperaturen und 2 Kochzeiten. Befeuchtung kann automa-tisch programmiert werden. Ausstattung: 1 Rost aus Edelstahl, 2 Alumini-um Bleche 400x600x20mm.


PASTRY, BAKERY AND GASTRONOMY OVENSMade in stainless steel, cap. 6 trays 600x400 mm., distance between thetrays is 75 mm. Door with double glass, lighting with halogen lamps fixedin the door. Control board manual or electronic type with 6 programs, eachwith 2 temperatures and 2 different cooking times. Humidifier time can beautomatically programmed.Standard equipped with 1 st. steel grid and 2aluminium trays 400x600x20 mm.


FOURS PÂTISSERIE, BOULANGERIE Construction inox, capacité 6 plaques 600x400mm. avec distance entre lesplaques de 75mm. Porte avec double verre, éclairage avec lampes allogè-nes installées dans la porte. Commandes manuels ou électroniques avec 6programmes à mémoriser, chacun avec 2 différents niveaux de températu-re et temps de cuisson. Humidification programmable. Fourni avec 1 grilleinox et 2 plaques en aluminium 400x600x20 mm.


Model Order nr.

Dim. Outside Dim. Inside Total Power Capacity Version Net Weigth Price

L•D•H mm L•D•H mm Volt kW Dim. mm Function kg €

GG EE MM 66 44 66 XX 5 6 0 4 950•830•640 570•675•520 400/3+N 10,5 6x 600•400convectionhumiditifer

DDiiggiittaall160 22 .. 99 99 99 ,, --

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line Combi steamer

M I D I 0 0 5 E M

HORNO MIXTO CON VAPOR DIRECTOTotalmente de acero inoxidable Fáciles de instalar, prácticos para utilizar y limpiar, loshornos pueden tener mandos manuales. Son instrumentos que permiten valorizar laprofesionalidad y la calidad del trabajo en la cocina y ofrecen grandes ventajas en tér-minos de creatividad, flexibilidad y ahorro. HHOORRNNOOSS SSÚÚPPEERR--EEQQUUIIPPAADDOOSS Los hornos ofrecen numerosas ventajas: • Sistema deiluminación de la cámara de cocción • Variación de la velocidad de cocción • Controlde la cantidad de vapor HHOORRNNOOSS MMIIXXTTOOSS PPOORR CCOONNVVEECCCCIIÓÓNN CCOONN VVAAPPOORR Combina las ventajas de la cocción avapor con las de la convección. Ideal para cocer alimentos que requieren altas temperatu-ras y atmósfera húmeda o piezas de grandes dimensiones. Permite regenerar alimentosenvasados en bandejas mono- o multi-porción.


COMBI STEAMER - DIRECT STEAMConstructed entirely from stainless steel using components offering the utmost relia-bility. Easy to install, practical to use, and simple to clean, the ovens are available withmanual controls, all features specially devised to enhance the professionalism andquality of cooking, with obvious benefits in terms of creativity, flexibility and costreductions. SSUUPPEERR--EEQQUUIIPPPPEEDD OOVVEENNSS Our ovens are packed with features: • Oven chamberlighting system • Cooking speed control • Steam control MMIIXXEEDD CCOONNVVEECCTTIIOONN//SSTTEEAAMM OOVVEENNSS These ovens combine the benefits of steam andconvection cooking in one. The ideal solution for dishes traditionally steam cooked athigh temperatures, and also large joints. These ovens may also be used to regenerateready-plated meals and multi-portion containers.


KOMBIDÄMPFER MIT DIREKTEINSPRITZUNGDiese Backöfen bestehen ganz aus rostfreiem Stahl und ihre Bauteile garantieren höchste Zuverlässigkeit.Die Vorteile sind: Problemlose Installation, praktische Handhabung und einfache Reinigung; mit manuellenBedienelementen erhältlich, diese Geräte werten die Professionalität und Qualität der Küchenarbeit aufund bieten große Vorzüge in punkto Kreativität, Flexibilität und insbesondere Kosteneinsparung. BBAACCKKÖÖFFEENN MMIITT SSUUPPEERRAAUUSSSSTTAATTTTUUNNGG Diese Backöfen bieten unzählige Vorteile: • Beleuchtungssystemder Backröhre • Verstellbarkeit der Gargeschwindigkeit • Kontrolle der Dampfmenge KKOOMMBBII--BBAACCKKÖÖFFEENN UUMMLLUUFFTT//DDAAMMPPFF Vereint die Vorzüge von Dampf- und Umluftgaren. Vereint dieVorzüge von Dampf- und Umluftgaren. Auch zumAufwärmen von bereits auf dem Teller oder in Mehr-portionsbehältern angerichteten Speisen


FOUR MIXTE - VAPEUR DIRECTEEntièrement réalisés en acier inox Aisi 304, avec des composants caractérisés parune grande fiabilité. Auquel ils se situent Faciles à installer, pratiques à utiliser et simp-les à nettoyer, les fours sont disponibles versions: équipés de commandes manuelles.Des instruments qui permettent de valoriser le professionnalisme et la qualité du tra-vail en cuisine, ce qui apporte de grands avantages en termes de créativité, de flexi-bilité et en particulier, d'économie. FFOOUURRSS SSUUPPEERR ÉÉQQUUIIPPÉÉSS Les fours peuvent compter d'innombrables avantages: • Sys-tème d'éclairage de la chambre de cuisson • Variation de la vitesse de cuisson • Con-trôle quantité de vapeur FFOOUURRSS AAIIRR PPUULLSSÉÉ//VVAAPPEEUURR Ils joignent les avantages de la cuisson à la vapeur à ceux dela cuisson par air pulsé, et sont indiqués en particulier pour les aliments habituellementcuits à haute temp. et dans une atmosphère humide ou pour les grosses pièces. Ils per-mettent également de régénérer les aliments conditionnés dans des assiettes ou dansdes récipients multiportions.


OOrrddeerr NNrr.. MMooddeell DDiimm.. mmmm PPoowweerr kkWW VVoolltt TTrraayy CCaappaacciittyy HHuummiiddiiffiieerr kkgg

AA II CC 00 00 11 88 M I D I 0 0 5 E M 850•717•650 6,1 400 5x GN 1/1 80 22 .. 55 44 11 ,, --

All Models with Internal Light and electromechanical panel

FORNO MISTO COM VAPOR DIRECTOTotalmente construído em aço inox utilizando componentes de confiança. Fácil de instalar, utilizar elimpar. Os fornos estão disponíveis com comandos manuais, todas as funções estão optimizadas paraa utilização profissional na preparação dos alimentos, com benefícios óbvios para a criatividade, flexi-bilidade e redução de custos.FFoorrnnooss SSuuppeerr--EEqquuiippaaddooss os fornos oferecem muitas vantagens: sistema de iluminação da câmara• variação da velocidade de cozedura • controlo da quantidade de vapor.FFoorrnnooss MMiissttooss ppoorr ccoonnvveeccççããoo aa vvaappoorr Combina as vantagens da cozedura a vapor com as da convec-ção. Ideal para cozinhar alimentos que requerem altas temperaturas e atmosfera húmida ou peças degrandes dimensões. Permite regenerar alimentos.


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Price €

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BANCHI REFRIGERATI PER LA PREPARAZIONE DELLA PIZZAEsecuzione completamente inox. Interno dotato di guide per teglie e cassette in plastica 400x600 mm. e GN 1/1. Coman-di digitali elettronici con possibilità di sbrinamento automatico. Temperatura di esercizio+2 / + 8°C. Evaporatore incorpo-rato nella struttura. Ventilatore interno per una uniforme distribuzione della temperatura. Vetrine refrigerate portabacinelleGN con vetri temperati. Temperatura di esercizio + 2 / + 8°C. Vasca con capacità da 5 a 10 GN 1/3. Banco cassettieracon 3 cassetti porta palline per pizza e uno più profondo 200 mm H In dotazione 4 cassette in plastica da 400 x 600 mmAccessori disponibili: cassette in plastica. pale per pizza e rotella taglia pizza.


BANCOS REFRIGERADOS PARA LA PREPARACIÓN DE LAS PIZZASConstrucción completamente en inox.Interno provisto de guías para bandejas y cajones en plástica 400x600 mm. y GN 1/1.Mandos digitales electrónicos con posibilidad de descongelamiento automático. Temperatura de ejercicio +2/8°C. Evapo-rador incorporado en la estructura. Ventilador interno para una uniforme distribución de la temperatura. Vitrinas refrigera-das porta cubetas GN con vidrios templados. Temperatura de ejercicio +2/8°C. Cubeta con capacidad de 5 a 10 GN 1/3.Banco cajonera con 3 cajones porta bollos para pizza y uno más profundo de 200 mm.H.: Dotación 4 cajones en plásticade 400x600mm. Accesorios disponibles: cajones en plástica, palas para pizza y rodillo corta pizza.


Model Order nr. Dimension Drawers Refrigerated Capacity Net. Weigth Price €

L•D•H mm pizza-balls doors drawers GN Liter kg

DD II AA MM VV 11 66 55 9 7 8 5 1650•380•460 - - - 77xx GGNN 11//33 -- 64 77 66 44 ,, --

DD II AA MM 22 GG 9 7 9 5 1650•850•850+150 - 2 1 -- 447700 LLtt.. 275 11 .. 88 99 99 ,, --

DD II AA MM VV 22 22 00 9 7 8 6 2200•380•460 - - -1100xx GGNN

11//33 -- 80 88 77 99 ,, --

DD II AA MM 22 GG -- CC SS SS 9 7 0 0 2200•850•850+150 3+1 2 1 -- 447700 LLtt.. 332 22 .. 66 99 99 ,, --

PIZZA KÜHLTISCHEGehäuse komplett aus rostfreiem Stahl. Geeignet für Konditorei Bleche mm. 400x600 und GN 1//1. Elek-tronische Digitalsteuerung, automatische Abtauung möglich. Temperatur + 2 / + 8°C . Verdampfer in derStruktur eingebaut. Ventilator für eine bessere Wärmeverteilung. Vitrine gekühlt,Temperatur + 2 / + 8°C. geeignet für GN Behälter von 5 bis 10 GN 1/3. Pizzatisch mit Schubladenblock (3 Schubladen) für Piz-zateig, davon 1 200 mm. tief, mit 4 Plastik Behältern 400x600 mm. ausgestattet. Zubehör zur Verfügung:Plastik Behälter, Schaufel für Pizza und Teigschneider


TABLES REFRIGEREES A PIZZA Structure entièrement en acier inox. Structure porte-plaques1/1GN et conteneurs en plastique mm. 400x600. Commandesélectroniques digitales avec dégivrage automatique. Température d'exercice + 2 / + 8°C. Evaporateur moulé dans lastructure. Ventilateur interne pour permettre une distribution uniforme de la température. Vitrines réfrigérées pour contenirbacs GN, vitres trempées. Température d'exercice + 2 / + 8°C. Cuve avec capacité de 5 10 bacs GN 1/3. Table réfrigéréeavec meuble avec 3 tiroirs pour contenir les boules de pâte et un tiroir de hauteur 200 mm. Fourni avec 4 conteneurs enplastique 400x600 mm. Accessoires sur demande : conteneurs en plastique, pelle à pizza et roulette coupe-pâte.


REFRIGERATED TABLE FOR PIZZA PREPARATION Stainless steel finishing. Internal rails suitable for trays and GN1/1 pans as well as for plastic containers for pizza 400x600mm. Electronic digital controls and automatic defrost. Positive temperature + 2 / + 8°C. Evaporator built in the frame. Inter-nal ventilator for an even temperature distribution. Refrigerated vitrines suitable for containing from 5 to 10 pans GN 1/3.Tempered glass, temperature + 2 / + 8°C. Refrigerated table with drawers unit with 3 drawers for pizza dough balls 110mm. high and one drawer 250 mm. high. Equipped with 4 plastic containers mm. 400x600 mm. Accessories on request:plastic containers, pizza shovel and cutting wheel for pizza dough.


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Page 29: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


line Ice Maker





Model Order Nr. Dim. mm Production kg/ 24h Container storage Ice cube weight gr kg

DD BB 11 88 B A A 0 0 0 1 400•500•760 18 8 kg 22 30 55 00 00 ,, --

DD BB 22 55 B A A 0 0 0 2 400•500•800 25 8 kg 22 35 55 55 00 ,, --

DD BB 33 22 B A A 0 0 0 3 530•490•800 32 14 kg 22 48 66 55 00 ,, --

DD BB 44 00 B A A 0 0 0 4 530•490•800 40 14 kg 22 56 77 00 00 ,, --

All models are constructed from stainless steel. Practical and compact design enables a flexibleapproach in catering, restaurants. Solid and simple construction enables an optimal cost effectivenessratio combined with high efficiency. All models are manufactured and certified as required by CE stan-dards. A thermostat control guarantees optimal ice cube quality regardless of ambient temperature.


Alle Geräte sind aus Edelstahl. Praktisches und kompaktes Design für den flexiblen Einsatz inder Gastronomie und im Restaurantbereich. Robuste Bauweise und einfache Konstruktion ermögli-chen ein optimales Preis- Leistungsverhältnis kombiniert mit hoher Funktionalität. Alle Geräte sindnach CE- Richtlinien gefertigt und zertifiziert. Eine Thermostatsteuerung garantiert eine optimale Eis-würfelqualität auch bei extremen Temperaturen.


Tous les appareils sont en acier inox. Conception pratique et compacte, pour applications fle-xibles en gastronomie et restauration, ainsi qu'en logistique de la restauration rapide. Leur constructionrobuste et leur conception simple permettent d'offrir un rapport prix / performances optimal, associéà un haut degré de fonctionnalité. Tous les appareils ont été fabriqués et certifiés en conformité avecles directives communautaires. Une commande thermostatique garantit une production optimale deglaçons même à des temp. extrêmes.


Todas las máquinas son de acero fino. Diseño práctico y compacto para la aplicación flexibleen la gastronomía y en los restaurantes. La construcción robusta y sencilla permiten una relación ópti-ma de precio-rendimiento combinada con una alta funcionalidad. Todos los aparatos han sido fabrica-dos y certificados según las normas CE. Un mando por termostato garantiza una calidad óptima de loscubitos de hielo, incluso con temperaturas extremas.


Todos os aparelhos são em aço inoxidável. Práticos e em design compacto para uma aplica-ção flexível na gastronomia e na área de restaurantes. Uma construção robusta e fácil facilita umaóptima relação do preço/serviço em combinação com uma alta funcionalidade. Todos os aparelhossão construídos e certificados conforme as directivas CE. Um comando termostático garante umaóptima qualidade dos cubos de gelo, mesmo no caso de temperaturas extremas.


D B 4 0

D B 1 8

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Price €

Page 30: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


Model Order Nr. Dim. mm Capacity lt. Shelves Temp.°C Doors kg Price €

KK VV XX 77 00 00 PP B M C 0 0 0 6 740•830•2000 700 3x 2/1 GN 0° +8°C 1 130 11 .. 22 99 99 ,, --

KK VV XX 77 00 00 NN B M B 0 0 0 6 740•830•2000 700 3x 2/1 GN -15° -22°C 1 130 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

The new range for ventilated refrigerated upright cabinets. Designed under aspects of innova-ting technology and quality. Single-unit structure (body foamed in one block) made in AISI 430 stain-less steel; insulation in CFC-free, high-density polyurethane to ensure effective insulation with minimumenergy consumption. • Chillers and freezers • Electronic control • Automatic defrost • Standard accessories: either chro-med or plastic-coated shelves • Visible evaporator inside the chamber.


Die neue Linie für Umluftkühlschränke, die mit innovativer Technologie und Qualität ausgestat-tet sind. Monoblock-Struktur (ein einziger geschäumter Korpus), mit Isolierung aus Polyurethan hoherDichte FCKW-frei, um eine leistungsfähige Isolierung mit einem Minimum an Energieverbrauch zugewährleisten. Hergestellt aus Edelstahl rostfrei AISI 430. . • Kühl- & Tiefkühlschränke • Automatische Abtauung • Elektronische Steuerung • Innenausst.: ver-chromte oder kunstoffbeschichtete Roste • Sichtbarer Verdampfer in der Kühlzelle


La nouvelle gamme d'armoires réfrigérés ventilés, dotées d'une technologie et une qualitéinnovatives. Construites en acier inoxydable AISI 430, structure monobloc (une seule coque expan-sée), avec isolation en polyuréthanne à haute densité sans CFC, en mesure de garantir une isolationefficace avec une consommation d'énergie minimale. • Versions température positive et négative • Instrumentation électronique • Dégivrage automatique• Equipement: grilles chromées ou plastifiées • Evaporateur visible à l'intérieur


La nueva línea para neveras sin escarcha que están equipados con una tecnología y calidadinnovadoras. Fabricadas de acero fino inoxidable AISI 430, Estructura monobloque (un solo cajónespumado) con aislamiento de poliuretano de alta densidad sin hidrocarburo clorofluorado, paragarantizar un aislamiento efectivo con un mínimo de pérdida de energía. • Neveras y congeladoras • Mando electrónico • Descongelación automática • Equipamiento interior:parrillas cromadas o revestimiento de plástico. • Vaporizador visible en la celda refrigerante


Nova linha para frigoríficos ventilados, equipados com tecnologia inovadora e qualidade.Fabricados em aço especial inox AISI 430. Estrutura mono-bloco (uma caixa única espumosa) comisolamento em poliuretano de elevada densidade isento de fluorocarbono, para garantir um isolamen-to eficiente com um consumo mínimo de energia. • Armários frigoríficos e congeladores • Comando electrónico • Descongelação automática • Equipa-mento interior: grades cromadas ou revestidas a plástico • Evaporador visivel no interior do armário


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Refrigerated Cabinet/Display

Order Nr. Model Order nr. Dim. mm Temp. °C Capacity Lt. Refrigeration Refrigerant Watt Volt Shelves kg Price €

CC AA BB 22 22 PP XX592•650•850



135 230/1 253 66 99 99 ,, --

CC AA BB 22 22 NN XX --1188°° --2255°°CC 85 R134A 55 11 .. 00 99 99 ,, --

CC AA BB 55 11 PP XX760•720•1705

+2° +10°C500

VENTILATED R134A 200230/1 6

125 11 .. 00 99 99 ,, --

CC AA BB 55 11 NN SS XX --1100°° --2255°°CC STATIC R134A 225 120 11 .. 11 44 99 ,, --

TT OO PP 33 22 PP WW 590•620•1750 +2° +10°C 350 STATIC R134A 280 230/1 4 90 55 99 99 ,, --


Vitrinas con puerta simple para la exposición y la presentación debotellas, latinas y alimentos. Construcción en chapa prebarnizada einterno en material plástico termoformado. Iluminación interna trámitelámparas a toda altura. Control de la temperatura trámite termóstato.MMoodd.. CCAABB eexxtteerriioorr IINNOOXX


FRIGORIFERI VERTICALI PER BEVANDE E CIBIVetrine con porta singola per l' esposizione e la presentazione di botti-glie, lattine ed alimenti. Esecuzione in lamiera preverniciata ed internoin materiale plastico termoformato. Illuminazione interna tramite lam-pade a tutta altezza. Controllo della temperatura tramite termostato.MMoodd.. CCAABB eesstteerrnnaammeennttee iinn IINNOOXX



Vitrinas com porta singular pela exposição e a apresentação das gar-rafas, latas e comida. Execução em folha pre-pintada e interno emmaterial plástico termo formado. Iluminação interna a traves lâmpa-das a toda altura. Controle da temperatura a traves termostato.MMoodd.. CCAABB eexxtteerriioorr IINNOOXX



Kühlvitrine mit Glastür zur optimalen Präsentation von Getränken undLebensmitteln. Außen aus emailliertem Stahl, innen ABS. Innenbe-leuchtung. Regelthermostat zur Temperaturkontrolle.MMoodd.. CCAABB aauußßeenn aauuss EEddeellssttaahhll..



Refrigerated wall display with door for bottles, cans and food. Ena-melled steel frame, ABS internal. Internal lighting. Digital temperatu-re control. MMoodd.. CCAABB eexxtteerrnnaallllyy IINNOOXX



Vitrines avec 1 porte pour la conservation et présentation des bois-sons, bouteilles et aliments. Intérieur en ABS thermo formé, extérieuren tôle vernie. Eclairage intérieur. Contrôle de la température parthermostat.MMoodd.. CCAABB eexxttéérriieeuurr IINNOOXX



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Model Order nr. Dim. mm Display Doors Ref.Drawers Shelves Temp.°C Capacity kg Price €

CC OO MM PP 22 GG NN 9 8 0 5 1414•700•850 Digital 2 1 345•567 +2° +8°C 310 Lt. 117 11 .. 33 99 99 ,, --

CC OO MM PP 33 GG NN 9 8 0 6 1899•700•850 Digital 3 1 345•567 +2° +8°C 570 Lt. 150 11 .. 77 99 99 ,, --

CC OO MM PP 44 GG NN 9 8 0 7 2380•700•850 Digital 4 1 345•567 +2° +8°C 660 Lt. 170 11 .. 99 99 99 ,, --

MESAS REFRIGERADAS COM GAVETASérie completa de mesas refrigeradas com gaveta refrigerada. A série COMP foi criada para conter torteiras e contendoresGN, enquanto a série DIAM é apropriada para torteiras de pastelaria de 600 x 400 mm. dotada de guias especiais para o usode bacias GN. Evaporador afogado na parede posterior. Comandos digitais com degelo automático. Relevamento electrônicoda temperatura interna. Ventilação a traves motoventilaçao axial, para permitir uma homogênea distribuição da temperatura.


TAVOLI REFRIGERATI CON CASSETTOSerie completa di tavoli refrigerati con cassetto altrettanto refrigerato La serie COMP è concepita per contenere teglie econtenitori GN, mentre la serie DIAM è adatta per teglie pasticceria da 600 x 400 mm dotata di guide speciali per l'utilizzodi bacinelle GN. Tutti i modelli hanno il cassetto refrigerato nella parte destra del tavolo, tranne il COM3E. Evaporatore anne-gato nella parete posteriore. Ventilazione tramite motoventilatore assiale, per permettere una omogenea distribuzione del-la temperatura. Pannello comandi digitale. Temperatura all'interno rilevabile elettronicamente. Sbrinamento automatico.Facile sostituzione di una porta con due cassetti. Piedi regolabili in altezza.


MESAS REFRIGERADAS CON CAJÓNSerie completa de mesas refrigeradas con cajón otro tanto refrigerado. La Serie COMP. es construída para contener bande-jas y contenedores GN, mientras la Serie DIAM es adapta para bandejas de pastelerías de 600x400mm., dotada de guíasespeciales para la utilización de cubetas GN. Evaporador anegado en la pared posterior. Mandos digitales con descongela-miento automático. Rilevamiento electrónico de la temperatura interna. Ventilación trámite motoventilador axial, para per-mitir una homogénea distribución de la temperatura


G a s t r o N o r m 1 / 1


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Model Order nr. Dim. mm Display Doors Ref. Drawers Shelves Temp.°C Capacity kg Price €

DD II AA MM 22 9 7 7 1 1650•700•850 Digital 2 1660000••440000

BBaakkeerryy// oorr GGNN +2° +8°C 450 Lt. 143 11 .. 55 55 00 ,, --

DD II AA MM 33 9 7 7 2 2210•700•850 Digital 3 1660000••440000

BBaakkeerryy// oorr GGNN +2° +8°C 680 Lt. 160 11 .. 77 99 99 ,, --

DD II AA MM 44 9 7 7 3 2773•700•850 Digital 4 1660000••440000

BBaakkeerryy// oorr GGNN +2° +8°C 890 Lt. 200 22 .. 11 44 99 ,, --

TABLES RÉFRIGÉRÉES AVEC TIROIRGamme complète de tables réfrigérées avec tiroir réfrigéré. Les modèles COMP peuvent contenir plaques et bacs GN, lesmodèles DIAM ont des glissières pour contenir soit des plaques pâtisserie 400x600 mm. ou bien des bacs GN. Une porteè facilement changabke avec deux tiroirs. Évaporateur moulé dans la paroi postérieure. Commandes digitales avec dégivra-ge automatique. La température à l'intérieur est contrôlée électriquement. Circulation de l'air par moto ventilateur axial pourla distribution uniforme de la température.


REFRIGERATED TABLES WITH DRAWERComplete line of refrigerated tables with drawer, Line COMP suitable for GN trays and GN containers, Line DIAM suitablefor trays 400X600 mm. with special grids to be used in case of introduction of GN containers. Door easily changable withtwo drawers. Automatic defrost. Electronic control. Evaporator built in the frame. Internal ventilator for an even temperatu-re distribution..


KÜHLTISCHEN MIT SCHUBLADEKomplette Linie von Kühltischen mit Schublade. COMP Serie ist geeignet für GN Behälter, die DIAM Modelle sind mit Rost-halterung versehen, die für Masse 400x600 und GN Behälter geeignet sind. Türe einfach rauschbar mit zwei Schubladen.Verdampfer in der Isolierung der Rückseite eingebaut. Elektronische Digitalsteuerung, Temperatur + 2 / + 8°C. Automati-sche Abtaung. Ventilator für eine bessere Kälteverteilung.


B a c k n o r m 4 0 0 / 6 0 0

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Uma ampla oferta de arcas congeladoras Oferece para todos os modelos também a versão ventilada. Graças a um isolamen-to de 60 mm é garantida uma autonomia de operação de 24 horas para os modelos mais pequenos e mesmo de 36 horaspara os modelos maiores em caso de corte de energia. A gama de arcas congeladoras dispõe de uma série de cestas remo-víveis, que facilitam bastante a adução. Os recipientes têm bordos arredondados. As versõe CF estão equipados com doistermómetros interiores para a leitura da temperatura, para corresponder às exigências de bares e restaurantes. Iluminaçãointerior e tampa auto-compensadora. A posição especialmente favorável da descarga de água facilita a descongelação.


La vasta gamma di congelatori orizzontali comprende anche, per tutti i modelli, la versione ventilata. L’isolamento da 60 mmpermette un’autonomia senza corrente di 24 ore per i modelli piccoli e addirittura di 36 ore per i modelli a grande capacità.La gamma di congelatori è dotata di una vasta serie di cestelli removibili per ottimizzare al massimo il caricamento. Levasche hanno spigoli arrotondati. La versione CF ha in dotazione 2 termostati interni per la lettura della temperatura così dasoddisfare le esigenza di bar e ristoranti. Luce interna e coperchio autobloccante. Scarico dell’acqua in posizione estrema-mente agevole per operazioni di sbrinamento.


Una vasta gama de congeladores Ofrece para todos los modelos también la versión sin escarcha. Gracias a un aislamientode 60 mm se garantiza, en el caso de un apagón, una autonomía de servicio de 24 horas para los modelos pequeños e inclu-so de 36 horas para los mayores. La gama de congeladores dispone de una serie completa de cestos extraíbles que puedenfacilitar mucho la alimentación. Los depósitos tienen cantos redondeados. Las versione CF están dotados con 2 termómetrosinteriores para la lectura de la temperatura para cumplir con las exigencias de bares y restaurantes. Iluminación interior ytapas autocompensantes. La posición especialmente favorable de la purga de agua facilita los procesos de descongelación.


chest freezers


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Model Order nr. Dim. mm

VersionControl withsignal lamps

Temp.°C Capacity kg Price €

Refrigerant insulation Volt Watt Lighting Baskets

SS CC OO 11 55 B G A 0 0 0 1 598•550•850 134A 55 mm 230 88 yes - yes -15° -25°C 140 Lt. 33 33 11 00 ,, --

SS CC OO 33 00 B G A 0 0 0 2 1043•680•870 134A 55 mm 230 170 yes 1 yes -15° -25°C 310 Lt. 51 33 88 00 ,, --

SS CC OO 44 00 B G A 0 0 0 3 1323•680•870 134A 55 mm 230 220 yes 2 yes -15° -25°C 410 Lt. 63 44 44 00 ,, --

SS CC OO 55 00 B G A 0 0 0 4 1603•680•870 134A 55 mm 230 270 yes 3 yes -15° -25°C 505 Lt. 72 55 00 00 ,, -- 33

Vaste gamme de congélateurs bahuts Tous les modèles de la gamme existent aussi en version ventilée. Le matériau iso-lant, épais de 60 mm, garantit aux petits modèles une autonomie de 24 heures en cas de coupure de courant, et même de36 heures aux plus grands modèles. Cette gamme entière de congélateurs bahuts comprend toute une série de paniersamovibles facilitant grandement le rangement. Angles intérieurs du congélateur arrondis. Les version CF comportent 2 ther-momètres intérieurs permettant de lire la température et de répondre ainsi aux exigences des exploitants de bars et de res-taurants. Eclairage intérieur et couvercle facile à mouvoir. La position particulièrement pratique du système d'évacuationd'eau facilite les opérations de dégivrage.


The wide range of chest freezers includes also, for all models, the fan assisted version. The insulation of 60 mm allows 24/h auto-nomy, for the smallest appliances and 36/h for the largest models. The range of chest freezers is equipped with a wide series ofremovable baskets to allow their perfect filling. Inner tanks have rounded comers for easy cleaning. Mod. CF are equipped with2 inner thermometers for the easy reading of inside temperature, for the specific necessities of restaurants kitchen etc. Internallighting & self-balancing lid. Water drainage located in extremely confortable position for easy defrosting operations.


Die reiche Auswahl an Tiefkühltruhen bietet für alle Modelle auch die Umluftversion. Dank einer Isolierung von 60 mm, wirdim Falle eines Stromausfalls eine Betriebsautonomie von 24 Stunden für die kleineren Modelle und sogar von 36 Stunden fürdie größeren gewährleistet. Die Tiefkühltruhen verfügen über abnehmbarer Körbe, welche die Bestückung sehr erleichtert.Die Behälter haben abgerundete Kanten. Die Versionen CF sind mit 2 Innenthermometern zum Ablesen der Temperatur aus-gestattet, um den Ansprüchen von Bars und Restaurants zu entsprechen. Innenbeleuchtung und selbstausgleichender Deckel.Die besonders günstige Position des Wasserablasses erleichtert Abtauungsvorgänge.


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line Royal

Model Order nr. Dim. mm Blade Ø mm Carriage Thickness Power / 230V kg Price

movement adjuster kW €

TT GG 11 22 RR 9 5 7 9 600•270•400 0,75 22 11 .. 00 44 99 ,, --

SS LL 22 55 00 RR 8 9 2 3 480•363•365 250 255 mm 16 mm 0,14 14 33 99 99 ,, --

SS LL 33 00 00 RR 8 9 2 5 570•480•420 300 270 mm 16 mm 0,23 24 66 44 99 ,, --

NN WW 33 33 00 -- 88 33 F E B 0 0 1 5 850•670•560 330 280 mm 5 mm 62 33 .. 99 66 77 ,, --

NN WW 33 77 00 -- 88 55 F E B 0 0 1 6 970•780•750 370 315 mm 5 mm 84 44 .. 77 77 55 ,, --


Cortadoras y trituradoras de carne, rallador con estructura de colorrojo. Esta línea incluye cortadoras a gravedad con hoja diámetro 250y 300 mm. Cortadoras a volante, disponibles en las versiones conhoja de diámetro 330 y 370 mm. (pedestal a pedido) Triturador juntoal rallador con tolva y grupo macinador en acero inoxidable Cuchilloautofilante y placa inox. diámetro 120 mm.



Affettatrici e tritacarne-grattugia con struttura di colore rosso. Ques-ta linea include affettatrici a gravità con lama diametro 250 e300 mm. Affettatrici a volano disponibili nella versione con lama dia-metro 330 e 370 mm (piedistallo su richiesta). Tritacarne abbinatograttugia con tramoggia e gruppo macinazione in acciaio inox. Coltelloautoaffilante e piastra inox diametro 120 mm.



Cortadoras de carne e raladores com estrutura vermelha. Esta linhainclui cortadoras a gravit com diâmetro de lâmina para 250 e300 mm. O Cortadoras voar disponível na versão com diâmetro delâmina 330 e 370 mm (pedestal a pedido). Ligou rala-o com tremon-ha e grupo moinho em aço inoxidável. O faca autoafilante, e placainoxidável diámetro120 mm.



Aufschnittmaschinen und Fleischwolf-Käsereiben mit Struktur in roterFarbe. Die Royal Reihe besteht aus Aufschnittmaschinen schräg Ø 250-300 mm., Aufschnittmaschinen mit Ritzelantrieb, Ø 330 u. 370 mm.(Untergestell auf Wunsch). Fleischwolf-Käsereiben mit Trichter undSchneidegruppe aus Edelstahl. Selbstschleifende Scheiben 120 mmDurchmesser und Messer aus Edelstahl.



Slicing machines and meat mincer-grater with frame in red colour.This line includes gravity slicing machines with blade diam. 250 and300 mm. Slicing machines with gearing transmission, blades diam.330 and 370 mm. (support on request). Meat mincer-grater withmeat container and mincing group in stainless steel. Self-shapenedknife and stainless steel plate diameter 120 mm.



Trancheuses et hache viande-râpe à fromage avec structure de cou-leur rouge. Cette Gamme inclus trancheuses à gravité avec lamediam. 250 et 300 mm., trancheuses à transmission par engrenagesavec lame de 3330 et 370 mm. (support sur demande). Hache vian-de-râpe à fromage avec bac pour viande et groupe à hacher en acierinox. Couteau et plaque en acier inox de 120 mm de diamètre.


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Page 37: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


MIXER TURBO-TRITURADOR A INMERSIÓN Turbo-triturador a inmersión con tres capacidades de trabajo en recipien-tes de 15 - 50 y 100 Lt. Empuñadura ergonométrica de fácil utilizaciónestando bien balanceada y con el interruptor de fácil accionamiento.Empuñadura en material plástico anti-deslizable. Todas las partes eninmersión en acero inoxidable


MIXER-TURBOFRANTUMATORE AD IMMERSIONETurbofrantumatore ad immersione con tre capacità di lavoro in recipienti da15 - 50 e 100 Lt. Impugnatura ergonometrica di facile utilizzo essendo benbilanciata e con l'interruttore di facile azionamento. Impugnatura in mate-riale plastico antisdrucciolo. Tutte le parti in immersione in acciaio inox.


BATEDEIRA-TURBO-DESPEDAÇADOR A IMERSÃO Turbodespedaçador a imersão com três capacidade de trabalho em vasil-has de 15 - 50 e 100 Lt. Segure ergonometrica de fácil utilização porquebem equilibrada e com o interruptor de fâcil azionamento. Segure em mate-rial plástico antideslizável. Todas as partes em imersão em aço inoxidável.


MIXER Motor isoliert deshalb bietet die Maschine eine große Festigkeit und eineausgezeichnete thermische Isolation zwischen dem Motor und den Nah-rungsmitteln. Schneidet, zerkleinert, schlägt. Das Gerät kann während derVerarbeitung mit der Mischmaschine oder dem Schaumschläger, auf denBoden des Behälters 15-50-100 Lt. Inhalt gestellt weden. Ein- und Aus-schalten des Motors darf ausschliesslich im Arbeitsbehälter erfolgen.


MIXERMotor are isolated allowing for high stability and an excellent thermalinsulation between motor and product. An essential instrument in kit-chens that makes it possible to cut, to chop, to knead and to whip diffe-rent products without changing. Hold the appliance (whisk or mixer)against the bottom of the mixing bowl 15-50-100 Lt. capacity. Do not lift.The appliance must be operated and stopped only when utensil rotors arein mixing bowl.


MIXER À IMMERSIONMixer à immersion avec trois capacités de travaille en récipients de 15 -50 et 100 Lt. Prise de simple usage car bien balancée et avec interrupteur.Toutes les parties à contact avec les aliments sont en acier inox. Placerl’appareil avec le fouet ou le mixeur au fond de la cuve. L’arrêt et le démar-rage du moteur ne doivent se tenir que dans la cuvette.


Form Model Order Nr. Dim. mm Power kg Price

A B C D E Volt Watt r.p.m. €

BB FF 22 55 00 F J Z 0 0 0 1 250 513 84 115 • 230 220 9000 1,8 11 88 55 ,, --

BB VV 33 55 00 F J Z 0 0 0 2 350 694 114 159 • 230 3504000/9000

3,4 33 33 00 ,, --

BB VV 44 55 00 F J Z 0 0 0 3 450 844 131 167 • 230 4504000/9000

4,0 44 00 44 ,, --

FF 22 44 F J Z 0 0 0 4 159 • 114 159 118 • • • 11 55 99 ,, --

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Page 38: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88


Model Order nr.

Dimension Power Total Capacity Blades Net. Weigth Price

L•D•H mm Volt kW kg/h included kg €

TT VV 99 88 F L A 0 0 0 4 255•600•490 230/1 0,55 4002 extractionplastic disk

25 66 44 33 ,, --

CORTADORA EN CUBITOS PARA VERDURAS Y QUESOSAparatos concebidos expresamente para cortar las verduras en fetas, entiras, en cubitos y para rallar y cubitar el queso para pizza. Estructura delas bases en acero inoxidable, cámara de contenimiento discos en alumi-nio anodizado. Palancas y conductos de los alimentos construídos segúnlas normas de seguridad que evitan en el modo más absoluto de estar encontacto con la hoja durante la operación de corte. Vasta gama de discos.


TAGLIACUBETTATRICE PER VERDURE E FORMAGGIApparecchi studiati appositamente per tagliare le verdure a fette, a stris-ce, a cubetti e per gratuggiare e cubettare il formaggio per la pizza. Strut-tura dei basamenti in acciaio inox. camera di contenimento dischi in allu-minio anodizzato. Leve e condotti degli alimenti costruiti secondo le normedi sicurezza che evitano nel modo più assoluto di essere a contatto dellalama durante l'operazione di taglio. Vasta gamma di dischi.


CORTA-CUBOS DE VERDURAS E QUEIJOS Máquinas particulares para cortar as verduras a fatias, a risca, a cubos epara ralar e fazer cubos o queijo pela pizza. Estrutura das bases em açoinoxidável. loja dos discos em alumínio anodizado Alavancas e condutasdos alimentos construídos segundo as normas de segurança que evitamde entrar em contato ca lâmina durante da operação de corte. Vasta gamade discos.


GEMÜSE- U. MOZZARELLASCHNEIDERDie Gemüse und Mozzarella Geräte sind geeignet die Gemüse und Mozza-rella würfeln und schneiden. Gehäuse aus rostfreiem Stahl, Deckel ausAluminiumdruckguß. Abnehmbar Deckel für eine leichte Reinigung. Luft-gekühlter Motor. Höhe Produktion. Gefertigt nach Profi CE Richtungen. DieScheiben sind für alle Typen austauschbar.


VEGETABLE AND CHEESE CHOPPER Appliances studied for slicing vegetables in different types as well as forcheese cubes and mozzarella for pizzas. Finishing in stainless steel. Lid inaluminium suitable to get in touch with food. Lid can be taken out for aneasy cleaning. Ventilated motor. Manufactured according to CE regulati-ons. Many different kind of slicing discs are available.


COUPE-LEGUMES ET FROMAGESAppareils estudiés pour couper les légumes et pour raper le fromage pourla pizza. Structure en acier inox, couvercle en aluminium adapte aux ali-ments et extractible pour un nettoyage aisé. Construction selon les normesde sécurité et les normes CE. Disponibilité d' une vaste gamme de disques.



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Page 39: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

Katalog M-System 2006-Umsch. Seite2 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe

§1 General

1. Our deliveries and services are only carried out on the base of the following conditions. To Purchase conditions of the buyer is hereby


2. When placing the first order, the client, unless he is a non-merchant, agrees in advance to these general terms and conditions (GTC) being

valid for all following offers, orders, treaties without having to agree to them again.

3. Any arrangements or agreements that differ from these GTC, as well as modifications of a confirmation of order, need a confirmation written by

us to become valid. This applies specially, also for the case, that the client takes additional conditions into the letter of order, to which we do not

expressly contradict, or for the case that the client makes his purchase conditions being the base the treaty. If these conditions contradict to our

GTC, they will not become part of the treaty, even if we are silent upon them or even if we make unreserved remarks about them.

4. Sales representatives and commercial representatives are not authorised to agree upon arrangements, especially not upon treaty conditions.

§2 Offer

1. Our offers are always without engagement. A contract of sale is only achieved if we confirm it in written form.

2. On costs' estimates, drawings and other documents of the offer, we reserve the right of ownership and copyright for us. The client must not

allow a third party access to these documents. On our demand, they must be rendered back to us.

§3 Delivery size

1. As far as the delivery size is not affected, technical changes are reserved.

2. Information about performance and consumption of our machines must be considered to be approximate. The client himself must provide

sufficient media, necessary for the running of our machines, e.g. electricity, gas, water, offlet chimneys, openings etc. He also has to get the

official permission, esp. he needs the permission of the chimney-sweep master for the installation of haze extractors and constructions to

outside chimneys.

§4 Prices

1. All price indications in offers or confirmations of orders are calculated according to wages and prices of material and freights of the day of

handing over. If these costs change until the execution of the order, we are authorised to change the prices appropriately. If the client is a

non-merchant, a change of prices can only be considered four months after the treaty conclusion. This price change clause is applied, even

if the client wishes subsequently to postpone the date of delivery. With non-merchants as clients, this clause is applied only if the time

period is longer than four months.

2. The prices are ex-works without packing and, if not agreed upon differently, plus the VAT- rate of the day of delivery. A possibly necessary

connection to supply lines (electricity, water, steam, waste water, hot water, gas etc.), must be effected by the buyer at his own expense

and may only be carried out by licensed, regional electricity experts, resp. plumber.

3. If an order of construction, resp. installation or monitoring of the connection for the order article is placed with us, we place fitters at your

disposal for the calculation rates valid in the individual case. As for the rest, the provisions of §10 apply here.

4. The client renounces to return the packing and he will duly dispose them. If not, he accepts a subsequent burden of 2% of the purchase price.

§5 Delivery

1. Partial deliveries are allowed.

2. Information about delivery times are without obligation for us.The delivery period starts with the posting of the confirmation of order, but not

before the documents, permissions and releases that the orderer has to provide, are handed over, and not before receipt of the deposit

agreed upon. The delivery period is adhered to, if, within the time limit, the consignment is ready for dispatch and if this was made known

to the client, resp. the delivery article was given from the works to the dispatch.Installation services, even if the order for this was placed

with us, must not be carried out within the delivery time limit, unless this was confirmed by us in written form. The sticking to the delivery

time requires that the buyer comes up to his obligations resulting from the purchase treaty.

3. We can not be blamed for delays in delivery or of services due to acts of God, or due to events that render our services much more difficult or

even impossible, under which also fall subsequently emerged difficulties in the provision of material, technical breakdowns, strikes, lockouts,

lack of means of transport, official orders etc. Such delays might lengthen e.g. obligingly agreed upon delivery times up to an appropriate time.

4. If we exceed our delivery times for reasons that fall under our responsibility, our clients may lay claim to the following.

a) A withdrawal from the treaty is only possible if we are in delay and if an appropriate respite is given with the expressive announcement,

that the services are rejected after the expiration of the respite.

b) In case of our delay, a compensation of 0.5% for each completed week of delay, but of a maximum total of 5% of the invoice sum without

VAT and transport insurance can be claimed for the delivery and service affected. Further compensations are excluded, unless we would

be imperatively liable for intentional or gros negligent acting from our side or by our representatives or accomplices.

5. At the latest, the risk passes over to the client at loading. If the delivery can not be achieved for reasons, for which the client is to blame, the

risk passes over at readiness for dispatch. In this case, the goods, ready for dispatch, are stocked for the client at his expense and risk. The

maturity of the invoiced is not influenced by this.

6. The receiver must immediately denounce any damages of transport to us. A transport insurance is only concluded, if expressively demanded

by the client. In case of damages, that are covered by the transport insurance, we have the choice of whether to accept the sum paid by the

insurance and provide replacement, or to ask the client to pay the invoice in return for the transfer of the insurance sum.

7. The choice of the way of dispatching is up to us, due to a lack of differing agreement. We are not liable for material damage or personal

injury, which are caused by our drivers or vehicles in connection with delivery, unless it concerns a matter of intention or gross negligence.

§6 Guarantee

1. The client is obliged to examine the rendered service immediately. Deficiencies stated at this examination must be promptly denounced to

us in written form. Deficiencies that, despite utmost careful examination, can not be discovered within that period, must be shut down

promptly, and the deficiency must immediately be denounced to us in written form, but latest before the guarantee expires. We must

instantly be given the possibility to satisfy ourselves as to the deficiency. If a taking off is agreed upon, the reprimand, that was caused by

the deficiency, can no longer be effected.

2. We perform guarantee for possible deficiencies which our products had already at the time of risk transfer, unless they are secondhand

machines, for which we do not perform guarantee. The guarantee lasts for 12 months after the point of time of risk transfer on all mechanical

parts and electronic parts, e.g. electric radiators, shift devices and motors etc. The precondition for the performance of guarantee is that our

operation- and maintenance instructions are strictly adhered to and that the client himself or a third party did not effect repairs, spare part

deliveries or other intervention in our products. We can not perform guarantee for declassed material, so-called „II-a-material“. In this case,

the client does not have the title to claim guarantee to the indicated deficiencies and to such, which he has to expect.

3. The specialist dealer discount contains delivery, set up and briefing of the delivery devices at the final customer as well as the assumption of

the starting costs and labour costs of the guarantee customer service. The guarantee for the specialized trade is limited to free substitution of

the defective parts. Defective parts must be sent back freely to the Mastro GmbH by post office. The guarantee sheet must in copy signed with

indication of the date of delivery, the invoice date, the production serial number which is attached to the gadget and the further inquired data.

4. If we fail to achieve the performance of the guarantee within the time limit, the buyer can claim the statutory guarantee rights; if the client is

a merchant, he can only claim the appropriate reduction of the remuneration.

5. Our guarantee does not refer to natural wear and tear, furthermore not to damages that result from faulty or negligent treatment after the

point of risk transit, excessive stress or other interventions, that are not scheduled in the treaty.

6. Further claims of our clients are excluded, especially claims for indemnification, even for indirect damages, unless we would act intentionally

or gross negligent or unless assured characteristics were missing. In the case that assured characteristics were missing, we are only liable

for damages if the assuring of these characteristics happened just in order to prevent the client of the emerged damages.

§7 Payments

1. If not differently agreed upon in written form or confirmed by us in written form, all payments must in principle be cash and net, plus the

current VAT without any deductions. Money orders, cheques and bills of exchange are only accepted after special agreements and only for

the use of payment, all discount and seizing expenses are calculated.

2. We are authorised to deduct possible older remnant debts from payments, even if the conditions of the client are different. If costs and interest

rates have already emerged, we are authorised to deduct first the costs, then the interest rates and least the main charge from the payment.

3. A payment is only effected if we can dispose of the amount without restraints. In case of payment via cheque, if the cheque is cashed

without reservation.

4. Discountable bills of exchange can just be taken after expressive agreement and only in place of fulfilment. Bills of exchange, that are taken

in, are booked if it was redeemed at the day of maturity. The client must bear the costs for discounting and seizing.

5. From delay on, we charge interests of arrears of 1.5% per month, but at least the current account interests that we have to pay.

6. Only with effective and undisputed counter-claims, the client can set off against our claims. It is not possible, that a client, who is a merchant,

keeps back because of claimed performance of guarantee. In this case, otherwise, the client can only enforce the right to keep back an

appropriate part of the purchase price demand and only if it bases on the same treaty relation.

7. When crediting, the remnant debts become mature without regard to the date of maturity agreed upon and possible extension of a term of

payment become invalid if:

a) the orderer is in delay with 2 complete rates or with parts of them,

b) the orderer stops paying, a composition - or bankruptcy proceeding is opened against him or if he asks his creditors for moratory of he

seeks a composition proceeding,

c) the orderer considerably offends his obligations resulting from the treaty despite admonitions or gets into purchase delay - in case of

purchase delay the orderer must pay the whole purchase price,

d) the orderer dies and his inheritors do not contradict to the late's obligation expressively in written form,

e) it is found out that the orderer has made wrong statements in the purchase treaty,

f ) it is found out that the financial situation of the orderer has considerably deteriorated.

Then, we are authorised to take back the goods, if necessary enter the buyer's firm and take away the goods. If the goods are taken back, this

is not automatically a withdrawal from the treaty. A withdrawal of the client, due to delay, must be in expressive written form. If the orderer is

not able to give back the purchased goods, he is obliged to refund the value. Further more, we can claim damages from him.

8. If the terms of payment have been exceeded as per the delivery treaty, we are authorised to charge subsequently.

§8 Reservation of proprietary rights

1. Until the fulfilment of all of our claims (also balance claims), which we can legally put against our client now or in the future, we are guaranteed

the following securities, which we can, on demand, choose release, if their value is proved to exceed the claims over more than 20%:

1. Our goods remain our property. Processing or re-shaping always happen in the environment of our client but without obligations for us. If

our (co-)property becomes invalid due to processing, it is already now agreed upon that the (co-)property of our client is transferred to us

according to the share of value (invoice value) of the united good. The client keeps our (co-)property freely. Goods, of which we have the

right of (co-)property, is in the following called reservation goods.

2. Our client is authorised to process and to sell the reservation goods, if he agrees with the buyer on a property reservation and unless he is not in

delay with us. Seizures and securing transfers are not allowed. The claims resulting from further selling or from any other legal reason (insurance,

illicit action) concerning the reservation goods are transferred to us in full extent by the client. We authorise our client until revoked to seize the

transferred claims for our invoices on his own behalf. On our demand, the client will reveal the transfers and give us the necessary information and

documents. Until the full payment of the purchase price, the reseller allows the seller or the instructed person the entering of the show room, where

the delivery good in question can be found. If the reservation good is resold together with other goods, the claims resulting from the reselling are

transferred to us. These claims are equal to the proportion of the invoice sum of the reservation good to the invoice sum of the other goods. When

reselling goods, at which we have (co-)property, a part of the claim corresponding to the share of the co-property is transferred to us.

3. In case of intervention by a third party, the client will point to our ownership and inform us immediately. The client has to bear costs and damages.

4. Should we have agreed to the cheque-exchange procedure, our claims are not fulfilled until the bill of exchange is redeemed and all extras

are paid fully.

5. If the buyer or orderer is in delay of payment or late with paying a rate, we are authorised, to fetch the delivered goods, even if it is fixed to

the soil or a building, immediately from the buyer or orderer. For that purpose, the buyer or orderer allows us to enter the rooms, estate or

part of estate he possesses or owns. We do not need to refund damages of rooms, buildings, parts of buildings or estates that are caused

during dismantling or transportation.

§9 Claim damages of the seller

If we expressively agree to the cancellation of a placed liable treaty, the buyer has to pay 20% of the order sum to us, even if we have not

pointed to that expressively when cancelling. The same applies if the client does not come up to his obligations resulting from the treaty and

at withdrawal. If the item to be delivered is already delivered, the lump sum is raised by the costs for the return transport and for the working

up. This does not exclude the claim for higher damages. The client is allowed to bring prove, that the damage brought along less costs for us..

§10 General limits of liability

If not differently fixed here, we are liable for damages caused by violation of treaty or extra-treaty obligations only if the action is intentional or

gross negligent. In case of intention or gross negligence of fulfilling assistants, we are only liable if they violate an obligation of the treaty.

§11 After sales service

1. For repairs and maintenance, we offer our after-sales-service to the then-current calculation rates.

2. Sales-service fitters are allowed, to promise guarantee or other things, that are binding for the seller.

3. For failures and damages caused by the fitters, §6, art. 7 is applied.

§12 Final provisions and venue

1. If a part of the treaty or of these GTC be invalid, the validity of the other parts of the treaty or GTC is not afflicted.

2. Additions and changes of the treaty must be done in written form, with our confirmation being decisive.

3. For the assessment of our whole legal relationship to the client, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. With the exception of

the United Nations Convention (on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)


a) Place of fulfilment and venue for both treaty parties is Hamm/Westphalia - this applies for fully qualified merchants (which do not belong

to the merchants' group named in §4 of the commercial law (HGB), legal entity of the public law or public special funds; according to the

value in dispute the superior court in Dortmund can be the competent authority. We have the right to sue the client at his general venue.

b) The same venue applies if the buyer has no general venue inland, if he changes abode or usual whereabouts out of the country or if his

abode or usual whereabouts is not known at the point of time when the proceedings are instituted.

General terms and sales conditions of - Mastro GmbH

The prices listed in this catalogue are valid until 31st December 2006.These goods are promotional items with limited availability whilst stocks last. There is no guarantee of availability.

Die hier genannten Verkaufspreise sind Promotionspreise. Sie sind gültig bis zum 31. Dezember 2006.Achtung: Ware vorhanden, solange der Vorrat reicht. Bei Bedarf richtet sich Lieferzeit nach Sammelbestellungen.

Les prix de vente indiqués sont des prix promotionnels. Ces prix sont valables jusqu'au 31 décembre 2006.Attention : Marchandise disponible jusqu'à épuisement des stocks à cause des achats en quantité.

Los precios de venta indicados son de promoción y serán válidos hasta el 31 de Diciembre 2006.Atención: Mercancía disponible hasta que se agoten las existencias debido a que las compras se realizan por cantidad.

Umschlag_Mastro_System.qxp 23.01.2006 20:11 Seite 2

Page 40: Collection 2006 · Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe Mastro GmbH Hüserstraße 53 59075 Hamm Germany Phone: +49 (0)2381 97371-0 Fax: +49 (0)2381 97371-88

Katalog M-system 2006-Umsch. Seite1 Cyan Magenta Gelb Tiefe

MMaassttrroo GmbH

Hüserstraße 53

59075 Hamm


Phone: +49 (0) 23 81 973 71 - 0

Fax: +49 (0) 23 81 973 71- 88

E-Mail: [email protected]

Promotion Collection 2006