Collaboration StartUp Programme - Lessons Learnt

© 2013 IBM Corporation 1 Project Future – COLLABORATION project

Transcript of Collaboration StartUp Programme - Lessons Learnt

© 2013 IBM Corporation1

Project Future – COLLABORATION project

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Starting Point Objectives

1. Make sure SPACE used effectively – drive people into collaboration spaces2. Ensure project is SUSTAINABLE – prevent disengagement vs typical scenario3. Aim to have QUICK WINS – need demonstrable value up-front

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Temperature Gauge

1. Conduct a CULTURAL ASSESSMENT – what attributes do Insides Sales current workforce WANT to be associated with? What are the triggers and levers that will drive up employee engagement and consequently collaboration and innovation?

2. What PATTERNS are observable – are there any pervasive behavioural patterns that have come through from programme engagement so far?

• Stronger desire for employee engagement than business initiatives• People feel isolated and working in silos – hunger to engage more• People have ideas but lack knowledge of how to implement• Tendency towards owner and not Client-led innovation • Need for Business Planning skills – ‘naivety’ on implementation

© 2013 IBM Corporation

Lessons Learnt

1. ATTRITION – we’ve had 80% of ideas continue through to final stages of implementation and only 20% drop-out. Value in driving a SUSTAINABLE programme to give people skills in ‘business idea’ development.

2. SILOS – people simply not knowing each other, where the experience lies or how to get an idea off the ground acts as a barrier to creating innovation within the workplace.

3. SKILLS – even if ideas don’t progress through to the end, intention is that participants have gained valuable business development skills that they can use in Client engagements, business and project planning and career management.

4. INNOVATION PROGRAMME – experience so far suggests an INNOVATION approach will ensure that there’s a continual pipeline of new ideas coming into the business across all 5 pillars – it shouldn’t be a one-off activity.

5. QUICK WINS – fastest RoI in September will be around Expert Cloud (who has skills), connecting people (GRID Central), Client Engagement (connecting Reps across accounts, sectors and within IMT Teams) and

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Programme Foundation Framework





27wave 1


46Wave 2


Programme TotalBusiness INNOVATION programme 5CLIENT Collaboration 7Engaging our TALENT 6SOCIAL and CULTURAL programme 6WELL-BEING Programme 7Grand Total 31

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IDEAS to watch

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Spread of IDEAS



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