coleg Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close...

Technische Universität Darmstadt – Studienkolleg for Foreign Students and Academic Bridging Courses The Studienkolleg is one of the central facilities of Technische Universität Darmstadt. Founded in 1877, TU Darmstadt offers over 100 degree courses in 13 different fields of study with emphasis on technology and engineering. More than 26.000 students (incl. over 4500 international students) are currently pursuing their studies in Darmstadt, the City of Science, located near Frankfurt am Main in the heart of Germany. Our Studienkolleg for foreign students supports international students in their preparation for their studies at TU Darmstadt and in Germany. Our focus is set on either technically oriented courses covering Mathematics, Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science) and German, or courses in the field of Humanities (Literature, History, Sociology and German). After two semesters, our students usually obtain the Feststellungsprüfung or University Entrance Qualification entitling them to commence BA study programmes at any university in Germany. The Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt also offers the German Language Test for Entrance to Higher Education (DSH). ,

Transcript of coleg Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close...

Page 1: coleg   Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit

Technische Universität Darmstadt –

Studienkolleg for Foreign Students and Academic Bridging Courses

The Studienkolleg is one of the central facilities of Technische Universität Darmstadt. Founded in 1877, TU Darmstadt offers over 100 degree courses in 13 different fields of study with emphasis on technology and engineering. More than 26.000 students (incl. over 4500 international students) are currently pursuing their studies in Darmstadt, the City of Science, located near Frankfurt am Main in the heart of Germany.

Our Studienkolleg for foreign students supports international students in their preparation for their studies at TU Darmstadt and in Germany. Our focus is set on either technically oriented courses covering Mathematics, Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science) and German, or courses in the field of Humanities (Literature, History, Sociology and German). After two semesters, our students usually obtain the Feststellungsprüfung or University Entrance Qualification entitling them to commence BA study programmes at any university in Germany. The Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt also offers the German Language Test for Entrance to Higher Education (DSH).,

Page 2: coleg   Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit

ESB Business School is the business school of state-owned Reutlingen University and offers a truly international orientation, a balance between theory and practice and a sound academic education in international management. Close cooperation with leading corporations, 120 partner universities and innovative, interdisciplinary teaching methods ensure that our 2,700 students receive an education which is firmly geared towards a career in the international business world. The school’s reputation as a center of excellence for training future managers has been consistently reinforced by appearing at the top of all relevant league tables in the German-speaking area.

Many subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit of ESB. This is reflected in the extraordinary commitment and initiative that our students show in a range of interesting projects, working together in international groups to improve team-working skills and intercultural competence.

Frankfurt School of Finance &Management is a research-led business school, covering every aspect of business, management, banking and finance. An impressive portfolio of services – ranging from degree courses to Executive Education programs, from research projects to consultancy – means that Frankfurt School acts as adviser, catalyst and educational partner to companies and organizations, to individuals embarking on new careers, and to experienced executives. As a center of intellectual and practical activity, the business school formulates forward-thinking solutions for the worlds of business, finance and management, where agendas and issues are constantly changing. http://ww

Page 3: coleg   Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit

Leipzig University

Nestled in the heart of Europe, Leipzig is located in central Germany, just an hour away from Berlin by train. During its eventful history, Leipzig has inspired many people: Bach, Goethe, Leibniz and Mendelssohn have lived and worked here, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel studied physics at Leipzig University.

For students, Leipzig offers an excellent study environment – a booming major city with charm, a lively cultural scene and affordable accommodation. At an ultra-modern campus, Leipzig University offers an academic education at a high level almost for free with interdisciplinary teaching and internationally renowned scientists. 14 faculties ensure a large selection of subjects and qualifications covering the entire spectrum from natural sciences, economics and medicine to humanities and social sciences.

Currently, more than 28,000 students are enrolled at Leipzig University. Among them, there are close to 3,400 international students from all over the world, 160 of them from South American countries like Columbia or Peru.

With about 36,500 students from about 130 nations, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), founded in 1477, is one of the ten largest universities in Germany. As the only comprehensive university in Rhineland-Palatinate, JGU combines almost all academic disciplines under one roof, including the Mainz University Medical Center, the School of Music, and the Mainz Academy of Arts. This is a unique feature in the German academic landscape. With 75 fields of study and a total of 242 degree courses, including 107 Bachelor’s and 118 Master’s degree programs, JGU offers an extraordinarily broad range of courses. JGU is the sole German university of this size to combine almost all institutes on one campus, while also housing four partner research institutions that conduct cutting-edge research outside the organizational structure of the university itself. There are also on-campus student dormitories and childcare facilities. The International Preparatory College prepares university applicants subject-specificly, methodically and enhances the language proficieny in only one semester. /studium

Page 4: coleg   Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit

TU9 is the alliance of nine leading Institutes of Technology in Germany: RWTH Aachen University, TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, TU Darmstadt, TU Dresden, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, TU München, Universität Stuttgart.

The TU9 Universitities offer excellent education with more than 900 degree programmes which focus on engineering and the natural sciences. They are centres of scientific and technical innovation, and they cooperate closely with national and international industries and research institutions. Our Students profit from exchange and cooperation agreements with worldwide partner universities.

You can find more information on our website

WHU — Otto Beisheim School of Management is one of Germany’s best and most renowned business schools with an excellent international reputation.

At WHU, you will gain a top-level business education in an international setting. The Bachelor in International Business Administration program addresses students from around the world interested in a comprehensive business education with great career prospects.

Offering a unique blend of a broad-based curriculum, practical experience, and international exposure, the program equips you with the professional skills and mindset needed to thrive in today’s rapidly changing global business environment. The personal atmosphere on campus, the

Page 5: coleg   Web viewMany subjects at ESB are taught in small multi-lingual groups, ensuring close contact between professors and students, which is part of the special spirit

small and interactive courses, and the numerous student clubs, student-led research conferences, and social aid projects all embody the exceptional student commitment at WHU, known as the “WHU Spirit”. At WHU, we carefully select our students through a multistage personalized admission process. For more information visit:

Universidad Técnica de Ciencias Aplicadas de Wildau, Berlín

La UTCA Wildau fue fundada en 1991 y alberga hoy alrededor de 4.300 estudiantes, de los cuales más de un 20% son estudiantes internacionales. Nuestra universidad está situada a solamente 30 minutos de la capital alemana - Berlín - y ofrece diversas ciencias económicas y administrativas, además de la enseñanza de diferentes ingenierías.El enfoque práctico y la internacionalización son las características sobresalientes de la UTCA Wildau. Robustas redes de cooperación conectan a la universidad con las principales instituciones y empresas internacionales, tanto en la región, como en el extranjero. Su innovación científica, su fuerte enfoque práctico, ejercicios intensivos de laboratorio, el contacto cercano entre estudiantes y profesores, así como la agradable atmósfera de trabajo, aumentan el atractivo de la UTCA Wildau. Persona de contacto: Carolina Winkler (carolina.winkler@th - wildau . de )