École Beau Meadow Schoolebms.blackgold.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/October-2015...Contact: Nikki...

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine We have so much to be thankful for! Our new school year is off to a great start! We have had a smooth opening with students and teachers focusing on teaching and learning. Our Meet the Teacher evening was a success and it was so nice to see so many École Beau Meadow families aend! We would like to thank all of the volunteers that signed up for our School Council Board. Your involvement truly makes a difference! With the increased use of technology amongst our children , it is important to have internet safety discussions with them often. The Door that’s not Locked is a website that helps parents keep children safe while exploring and enjoying the internet. There is lots of great information, tips and age appropriate activities. hp://www.thedoorthatsnotlocked.ca/app/en/parent Finally, the staff at École Beau Meadow would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, filled with great weather, good friends and lots of delicious turkey! Yours in education, Jennifer O'Brien Principal École Beau Meadow School École Beau Meadow School OCTOBER, 2015 École Beau Meadow School 4322-44 Street, Beaumont, Alberta. T4X 1K3 Telephone :780-929–2175 Fax:780 -929-6606 Web Page http //http:// ebms.blackgold.ca/ Principal: Jennifer O’Brien Assistant Principal: Kerri-Lynn Hickman Counselor: Heather Lewis To unsubscribe: unsub- [email protected] School Fees Reminder Please remember that all school fees were due by the end of September. Instructional Materials Rental Grades 1-6 $60 These fees are to cover the cost of rental of text books, as well as other curriculum materials and resources. Kindergarten Fee $110 (For Field Trips, Extra Supplies, Christmas, Cooking etc.) Student Absences/Lates For the safety of our students it is extremely important to notify the school if your child will be late or absent. If the school is not notified, we are obligated to phone your home or office to confirm the absence. Students who arrive late must report to the office to get a late slip before going to class. Thank you for your assistance!

Transcript of École Beau Meadow Schoolebms.blackgold.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/October-2015...Contact: Nikki...

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

We have so much to be thankful for!

Our new school year is off to a great start! We have had a smooth opening with students and teachers

focusing on teaching and learning. Our Meet the Teacher evening was a success and it was so nice to see so

many École Beau Meadow families attend! We would like to thank all of the volunteers that signed up for our

School Council Board. Your involvement truly makes a difference!

With the increased use of technology amongst our children , it is important to have internet safety

discussions with them often. The Door that’s not Locked is a website that helps parents keep children

safe while exploring and enjoying the internet. There is lots of great information, tips and age

appropriate activities.


Finally, the staff at École Beau Meadow would like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving

weekend, filled with great weather, good friends and lots of delicious turkey!

Yours in education,

Jennifer O'Brien


École Beau Meadow School

École Beau Meadow School O C T O B E R , 2 0 1 5

École Beau Meadow School

4322-44 Street, Beaumont, Alberta. T4X 1K3

Telephone :780-929–2175 Fax:780-929-6606

Web Page http //http://


Principal: Jennifer O’Brien Assistant Principal: Kerri-Lynn

Hickman Counselor: Heather Lewis

To unsubscribe:

[email protected]

School Fees Reminder

Please remember that all school fees were due

by the end of September.

Instructional Materials Rental

Grades 1-6 $60 These fees are to cover the cost of rental of text books, as well as other curriculum

materials and resources.

Kindergarten Fee $110 (For Field Trips, Extra Supplies, Christmas,

Cooking etc.)

Student Absences/Lates For the safety of our students it is

extremely important to notify the

school if your child will be late or

absent. If the school is not notified, we

are obligated to phone your home or

office to confirm the absence.

Students who arrive late must report to

the office to get a late slip before going

to class.

Thank you for your assistance!

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Crosswalk Safety In the interest of safety, we ask that all

pedestrians use the marked crosswalks. Reinforce

with your child to wait until the vehicles have come

to a complete stop before stepping out into the


According to traffic law, vehicles must yield the

right of way to pedestrians at a crosswalk.

Please slow down and stop for pedestrians!

Just a reminder that our parking lot is

for staff use only and our bus lane is

for buses only. Please also refrain from

blocking the traffic flow into the

parking lot and bus lane by stopping to

drop off your children at the entrance.

Thank you for your cooperation.


If your child is needing to take medication at

school please contact the office as a medical

form must be filled out.

We cannot administer medication to a child

without a prescription label, a severe

medical form filled out and a spoon or cup to

measure the correct dose.

This is for the safety of all our children.

Terry Fox Run

Students at EBMS participated in the annual

Terry Fox Run on September 30th. We would

like to acknowledge all of the families who

donated to our Terry Fox event ! Well done!

We are still in the process of tallying the

money raised for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Colder Weather Just a reminder to please ensure that your child

is dressed for the chilly morning weather

conditions. As we creep towards

winter, now is a good time to check and make sure

you know where the toques, mittens and boots



Just a reminder that early dismissal is

the first Wednesday of each month.

Classes dismiss at 2:30 PM.

A big thank you to Nadine

Dookhoo for making the grade

3B chair storage pockets!

Thank you for helping us to

save space and be organized!

Thank you to all the parents who have

already volunteered on field trips this year!

We couldn’t do this without you!

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Beau’s Book Bag

The library is in full swing and it’s going to be another great year at the library!

Come check out the Parent Corner - helpful books and magazines on parenting, health, and


Knitting club is starting up for the Gr. 5 and 6s. They’ll learn the basics of knitting and work on

small projects of their choosing.

Library Club has also started up for the Gr.4s, 5s, and 6s. These students will get to know the inner

-workings of the library.

eReaders are back in circulation and this year the students who didn’t get a chance to use one last

year will be the first to try one out. So far we have 183 books (and counting) to choose from!

This year, reminder emails of your child’s checked-out books will be sent directly to parents. If you

do not wish to receive these reminders or are not receiving these reminders, please email, visit, or

call me.

Library hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 2:45pm

Contact: Nikki Mulholland, Library Technician @ [email protected]

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. ~ Dr. Seuss

School Council

During our first Annual General Meeting, a new board was elected. Here are your representatives for

the year. A BIG thank you to all who volunteered for the various committees!

Officers of the Executive (elected)

Chairperson - Eva Kryzanowski

Vice-Chairperson - Amber Dosko

Secretary - Kelly Heitkoetter

All École Beau Meadow School parents are members of the School Council and are welcome to attend the meetings. We encourage you to attend!

Our next School Council Meeting will be Tuesday, October 20th at 7 pm – staffroom

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Our first session of Yoga Club was enjoyed by 27 students in grades one, two, and three! This

will continue for three more sessions with students receiving a fun and relaxing introduction to yoga

and its benefits.

Talk Club will be offered for approximately 10 sessions beginning with students in grades four

and up later this month. Another session will begin in January for those families interested in the

program for their children in grades 1-3. Thank you to all those who responded to the invitation.

As the month of October is upon us, your child should now be settling into the routines of

being back to school. Since we are all striving for a successful year, here are some simple tips for

establishing the routines that will be helpful:

1. Start a homework routine. Set a certain schedule for your child to do homework every day.

If there is no homework assigned for the day, encourage your child to study and review the week’s

assignments. Constantly reviewing information helps to instill the knowledge in your child’s brain,

thereby helping them to gain better insight into the lessons.

2. Sleep is important because it allows your brain to recharge itself. If your child does not get

enough sleep, it will affect their performance in school and out of school. Sleep is necessary for the

body to function properly so make sure your child gets at least eight hours of sleep each night.

3. Take an interest in your child’s academics. It may have been a long time since you were in

school, but you should still be able to check your child’s homework and assist them when necessary.

Reading with children is a good way to spark interest in learning; it’s also a good way to spend quality

time with your child low-key style.

4. Keep your child organized when it comes to school activities. Check your child’s agenda

nightly. Also, keep a wall calendar in your house with your child’s schedule and assignments. This will

help to avoid any missing assignments and will also clue you in to how frequently your child studies.

Helping your child to succeed in school is a big job as a parent. Without establishing a routine

in the household for both homework and bedtime, it can be very easy for a child to lose interest in

school work. Not getting enough sleep and not being organized can affect how well your child does in

school. By utilizing these tips, you are helping to establish your child’s academic success!

Read more: http://childdevelopmentinfo.com/development/top-tips-for-your-childs-academic-


Heather Lewis

Counselor [email protected]

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Ecole Beau Meadow School

has a new logo! A big thank

you to Mme Biever for

designing the cool


Wrist Band Challenge

Students are encouraged to

bring in wrist bands to the

office from any fitness facility

to be entered into a monthly

draw for Beaumont Aquafit. A

few winners will be chosen

every month!

Beaumont Community Centre

We have launched two unique family fundraisers to help offset the costs of construction

and are wanting to invite local families to participate.

The 2 Fundraiser are:

(1) engraved paving stones: http://beaumontcc.ca/fundraiser/engraved-paving-stones/

(2) Beaumont history heritage clay tiles: http://beaumontcc.ca/fundraiser/heritage-tiles/

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

We will be participating in the Boston Pizza rebate program again this year. The program will

run from September 1, 2015 – January 3, 2016. All you need to do is collect receipts (including

delivery receipts) and submit them to the office. The school will then get 5% back from any

money spent (including beverages). Have friends and family collect their receipts as well! We

can submit receipts from all Alberta Locations except Calgary. Last year we raised just over


There will be a drop box in the office to submit any Boston Pizza receipts.

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION PROGRAM INFORMATION Catholic Religion Classes are held on Wednesdays from 12:50-1:56 p.m.

Religion Teachers:

Grade 1: Corinne Godde Grade 4: Nicole Lesperance

Grade 2: Heather Lewis Grade 5: Lynette Johnston

Grade 3: Carla Bowick Grade 6: Jo-Anne Hendriks

The teachers at Beau Meadow hope to form an effective team with you as we try to share the good news about the Lord Jesus

with your children.

The program we use is the Catholic “Born of the Spirit”, the English Canadian Catechetical Series.

Grade 1: “We Belong to God”. We deepen the experience of belonging within which we discover our Father, the God of

Jesus, as the fundamental source of belonging. Children will be taught how to make the “The Sign of the Cross”, and say the

prayers: “The Our Father” and the “Hail Mary.”

Grade 2: “We Belong to the Lord”. We deepen the experience of belonging to God by growing in friendship with the Lord

Jesus. It is in this school year that many of the children will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Communion.

See information below.

Grade 3: “In the Spirit, We Belong”. We deepen the experience of belonging to God in and through a community of faith.

Grade 4: “Come and See”. We explore the meaning of Jesus Christ for us today and the invitation to be his disciple and friend.

The content of the year 4 program is the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ as announced by the evangelists: Matthew, Mark,

Luke and John.

Grade 5: “May We Be One”. We explore the Church as the assembly of God’s people and as the sacrament of God’s action

among us.

Grade 6: “You Shall Be My Witnesses”. We are called to be witnesses of God’s justice and love in the world by living a moral

life. This program, based on the Bible, presents God’s covenant with us, as expressed through the Ten Commandments, the life

and central moral teachings of Jesus, as well as his death and resurrection. It is in this school year that many of the children will

be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Information will be sent out shortly.

Each of the programs are supported with songs, prayer, and the reading of Bible stories. Children express their understanding of

the stories through drawings, writing, and drama.

Throughout the year we will gather as a group in the gym to pray and learn more about our Lord. In addition to these times, we

attend St. Vital church at the beginning of Advent and during the Lenten Season.

Upcoming Events

October 14th: We will be having a Thanksgiving Celebration in the gym at 1:00 p.m. Parents and siblings are welcome. Come

out and meet our new priest Father Arlan Parenteau. We are asking each student to bring a non-perishable item to donate to the

Food Bank.

If you have any questions about the Religion Program at Beau Meadow school please call Heather Oulton at 929-2175 or e-mail

her at [email protected].

Registration for First Reconciliation and First Communion:

Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm. The registration fee, which covers the cost of the preparation booklets, “We Prepare

for Reconciliation”, and “We Share in the Eucharist” plus other materials, is $30.00 (for each sacrament). Please bring

cash or a cheque. The books will be available at this parent orientation meeting. Please bring a copy of your child’s baptism

certificate (if your child was not baptized at St. Vital’s).

The sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (First Communion) are usually celebrated when a child is

in Grade 2 or older.

Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

4 5

Kindy’s Visit Firehall

6 7 Early Dismissal

2:30 No Kindergarten


MLA Shaye Anderson Visit 5D 6N 6M

9 6M Miquelon Lake

Gr 4;’s Telus World-

Light, Shadow


11 12

Thanksgiving No Classes


PD Day No Classes

14 Religion Student’s

Thanksgiving Celebration

15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 Parent/Teacher

Conferences (evening)


Hot Lunch/Milk Monday Deadline


25 26 27

Photo Retakes

28 29 30 Gr 6 Millenium




October 2015

November 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 Early Dismissal

2:30 No Kindergarten

5 6 Hot Lunch Subway


8 9

Milk Monday

10 11

Remembrance Day

No School

12 Midterm Break

No School

13 Midterm Break

No School


15 16 17

Gr 5 Vaccination

18 19 20 Hot Lunch

Tim Horton’s

Movie Night


22 23 Milk Monday

24 25 26 27 PD Day

No Classes


29 30