Cold War Test Questions

Cold War Multiple Choice Questions: Many of these are still content driven. Please add to this list of questions for us to incorporate more skills based multiple choice questions. 1) The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of A. the Crimean war B. the Napoleonic Wars C. World War I D. World War II 2) United States involvement in the Vietnam War and the Soviet Union’s involvement in Afghanistan were motivated mainly by a desire to 1. exploit the mineral resources of the regions 2. support governments that would remain strong allies 3. stop the expansion of Japan into the Middle East 4. establish independent nation-states in the regions 3) “Warsaw Pact Tanks Invade Budapest" "Wall Divides Berlin” “Liberal Czechoslovak Government Replaced” These historical newspaper headlines were related to 1. Mikhail Gorbachev’s introduction of the policy of Glasnost 2. Adolf Hitler’s efforts to promote national socialism 3. the Soviet Union’s acceptance of capitalism 4. attempts by the Soviet Union to strengthen communist control 4) During the Cold War Era, many Asian and African nations followed a policy of nonalignment because they 1. had the same goals and needs as the Soviet Union 2. needed the natural resources of Western European nations 3. wished to receive aid from the Soviet Union and the United States 4. were afraid of losing their vote in the United Nations 5) Which is a major reason Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutionary movements were attracted to communism? 1. communist groups promised economic reform and better living standards



Transcript of Cold War Test Questions

Cold War Multiple Choice Questions: Many of these are still content driven. Please add to this list of questions for us to incorporate more skills based multiple choice questions.

1) The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of A. the Crimean war B. the Napoleonic Wars C. World War I D. World War II

2) United States involvement in the Vietnam War and the Soviet Unions involvement in Afghanistan were motivated mainly by a desire to 1. exploit the mineral resources of the regions 2. support governments that would remain strong allies 3. stop the expansion of Japan into the Middle East 4. establish independent nation-states in the regions

3) Warsaw Pact Tanks Invade Budapest""Wall Divides BerlinLiberal Czechoslovak Government Replaced

These historical newspaper headlines were related to 1. Mikhail Gorbachevs introduction of the policy of Glasnost 2. Adolf Hitlers efforts to promote national socialism 3. the Soviet Unions acceptance of capitalism 4. attempts by the Soviet Union to strengthen communist control

4) During the Cold War Era, many Asian and African nations followed a policy of nonalignment because they 1. had the same goals and needs as the Soviet Union 2. needed the natural resources of Western European nations 3. wished to receive aid from the Soviet Union and the United States 4. were afraid of losing their vote in the United Nations

5) Which is a major reason Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutionary movements were attracted to communism? 1. communist groups promised economic reform and better living standards 2. business owners and the military were supported by communist groups 3. the goal of communism was to encourage religion 4. communist leaders promised to reduce Spanish colonialism in the Western Hemisphere

6) The main reason the United Nations sent troops to Korea in 1950 was to 1. ensure that food reached areas of the Korean Peninsula affected by famine 2. prevent North Korea from conquering the people of South Korea 3. force the inspection of nuclear weapons plants in North Korea 4. restore peace between warring factions of Buddhism and Shinto

7) The Truman Doctrine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) were United Statesresponses to the(1) threat of the Nazis in the 1930s(2) fear of economic depression after World War I(3) concern about the partition of India in 1947(4) communist threat after World War II

8)-Berlin Blockade (1948-1949)-Premier Khrushchevs visit to the United States (1959)-Cuban missile crisis (1962)-Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)-Joint Apollo-Soyuz space mission (1975)-Russian invasion of Afghanistan (1979)

What does this list of events suggest about the Cold War Era?1. throughout the period, the United States and the Soviet Union were reluctant to solve conflicts 2. the level of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union varied 3. economics played a key role in causing conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union 4. the United Nations was instrumental in reducing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union

9) Which statement would be consistent with the views of Fidel Castro? 1. The spread of communism is the greatest danger facing Latin America 2. An American military presence is the key to the defense of Latin America 3. Progress and justice in Latin America can only be achieved through revolutionary socialism 4. Introducing a free-market system will improve the economies of Latin American nations

10) From the perspective of the North Vietnamese, the war in Vietnam in the 1960s was a battle between 1. fascism and liberalism 2. nationalism and imperialism 3. republicanism and totalitarianism 4. theocracy and monarchy

11) Which headline concerning the Soviet Union refers to a Cold War event? 1. Yeltsin Assumes Power 2. Trotsky Forms Red Army 3. Germany Invades USSR 4. Warsaw Pact Formed

12) A major development in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States occurred in the late 1980s when the two nations agreed to 1. purchase all their oil from Mexico 2. withdraw from the United Nations 3. eliminate a group of nuclear missiles 4. ban arms sales to developing nations

13) The withdrawal of France from Indochina, the involvement of the Soviet Union in Cuba, and the United States support of the Contras in Nicaragua illustrate that nations 1. consistently discard traditional foreign policy goals after changes in administration 2. tend to base foreign policy decisions on what they believe to be their self-interests 3. no longer use warfare as a means to resolve international conflict 4. tend to refer foreign policy conflicts to the United Nations

14) Blockade of Berlin Operation of the Berlin Airlift Organization of the Warsaw Pact Construction of the Berlin Wall

These events of the Cold War are examples of 1. efforts to prevent military conflict between the superpowers 2. situations that increased tensions between communist and democratic nations in Europe 3. attempts to weaken the Soviet Unions control of its Eastern European allies 4. policies of peaceful coexistence and dtente

15) In Eastern Europe during the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet Union responded to challenges to its control by 1. allowing free elections, when necessary 2. imposing prompt and severe repression 3. obtaining United Nations assistance 4. granting independence to its satellite nations

16) The United States offered aid to Turkey (1947). The Soviet Union helped finance the Aswan Dam in Egypt (1956). A coup dtat in Iraq was supported by the United States (1963).

Which conclusion about the Middle East can be drawn from these situations that occurred duringthe Cold War?(1) It served as a key ally for the Soviet Union.(2) It developed a policy of appeasement.(3) It became a site of strategic competition between the superpowers.(4) It allowed the United Nations to establish the regions foreign policies.

17) Which development in the history of Cuba occurred first?(1) The United States imposed a naval quarantine against Cuba.(2) The Soviet Union built missile sites in Cuba.(3) Fidel Castro forcibly took power in Cuba.(4) The communist government in Cuba seized foreign properties.

18) The purpose of both the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan was to(1) support the construction of the Iron Curtain(2) increase membership in the United Nations(3) prevent the spread of communism(4) attempt to solve world hunger

19) Both the division of Germany and the division of Korea following World War II led to(1) uneven economic development between the divided portions(2) democratic governments for all citizens(3) open warfare between the divided parts(4) space exploration agreements with the superpowers

20) Changes in the political borders of Eastern European countries during the 1990s were aresult of the(1) failure of communism(2) expansion of the Warsaw Pact(3) end of free trade(4) decline of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

21) In the 1950s, what was the status of most countries in Eastern Europe?(1) members of the Common Market(2) participants in the Marshall Plan(3) allies of the United States(4) satellites of the Soviet Union