Cold War/ Post War America Unit Notes · Arms and Space Race Arms Race Under President Eisenhower,...

Cold War/ Post War America Unit Notes

Transcript of Cold War/ Post War America Unit Notes · Arms and Space Race Arms Race Under President Eisenhower,...

  • Cold War/ Post War America Unit Notes

  • Civics Text: Chapter 15- Economics and the American Economy “The American Economic System”- Text p. 243-249”

    What are the basic differences between capitalism(free enterprise, market economy), socialism and communism (command economy)?

    Communism/Command Economy:

    1) This type of economy was started by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel.

    2) The government or central authority decides how the factors of production, land, labor and capital (man-made things of value that helps to produce goods and services) will be used. There is little individual choice in how to use the factors of production.

    Example: The government will tell the people what goods and services to produce, how much of a good or service to produce, and how much it will cost.

    3) Many command economies are found in countries that have dictatorships.

    Marx Engel

    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”

    “Workers of the World Unite”

  • What are the basic differences between capitalism(free enterprise, market economy), socialism and communism (command economy)?

    Communism/ Command Economy:

    - All of the factors of production are owned collectively by the government.

    - There is little or no private ownership of property.

    - The government gives goods and services to people based on their needs.

    - People are directed by the government into certain jobs and levels of education based on the needs of the economy.

    - Tries to eliminate economic classes. ( Wealthy, Middle Class, Poor)

    - Organized religion is outlawed.

    Civics Text: Chapter 15- Economics and the American Economy “The American Economic System”- Text p. 243-249”

  • What are the basic differences between capitalism(free enterprise, market economy), socialism and communism (command economy)?

    Socialism: Is often times associated with communism. In between capitalism and communism

    - Wealth should be distributed equally.

    - Nationalization- government owns, or controls most of the important businesses and industries in the country.

    - The government provides public services to all those in need. Like welfare if you lose your job, health care, retirement payments.

    - Taxes are very high.

    Civics Text: Chapter 15- Economics and the American Economy “The American Economic System”- Text p. 243-249”

  • What are the basic differences between capitalism(free enterprise, market economy), socialism and communism (command economy)?

    Market Economy- Free Enterprise, or Capitalism:

    -In this type of economy private individuals decide how the factors of production are used, and how goods and services are produced and distributed.

    -There is little or no government control of the economy.

    -It is based on competition for profits.

    - Adam Smith, a Scottish philosopher, economist and writer first developed the idea of a modern market economy.

    -Wealth of Nations- 1776, a book written by Adam Smith that outlined the basic economic principles of capitalism.


    “Invisible Hand”

    Civics Text: Chapter 15- Economics and the American Economy “The American Economic System”- Text p. 243-249”

  • What is a mixed economy?

    Is an economy that has a combination of socialism and capitalism.

    The United States is a mixed economy.

    Example- Social Security, Medicare, regulating industries/stock market, stopping monopolies, using tax money to help large businesses if they are going to fail.

    Civics Text: Chapter 15- Economics and the American Economy “The American Economic System”- Text p. 243-249”

  • Cold War

    After WWII, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. began to distrust each other more

    than ever. They will become rival “Super Powers”, which will

    start a forty year period of tension between the U.S. and the Soviet

    Union (U.S.S.R.).,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFMVEr3vz_X6vzQ5SwCfX6t1_GVDg&ust=1363732989272790

  • Cold War At the end of WWII, during the Potsdam Conference, Stalin had promised to allow free elections in Eastern Europe. He broke his promise and set up communist/ pro- Soviet governments in those countries. Winston Churchill said that an “Iron Curtain” had fallen over Eastern Europe. America was afraid of communism spreading around the world and eventually to the United States.

  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    A couple of years after Germany had been defeated and divided in

    two after WWII, The United States and Great Britain wanted to start

    discussing the idea of reunifying Germany. Stalin was very upset

    about the idea of Germany being one country again. To show his

    unhappiness the Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin, which is

    completely inside of communist East Germany.


  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    In response the U.S. launched a massive airlift of supplies into West

    Berlin to break the blockade. This event can be seen as the starting

    point for the Cold War between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. It had the

    potential to start a third world war between the two countries.

    Eventually, the Soviets lifted the blockade and the U.S. dropped the

    idea of reunifying Germany.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGlDd2jg8WyUj4fYaCYphgg8Y1ZFA&ust=1363733840229298

  • East (Warsaw Pact) v. West (NATO)

    West (U.S., Democracies) vs. East (U.S.S.R., Communism)

    West East

  • East v. West






    Free World


  • East v. West NATO and Warsaw Pact

    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), was created as a defensive alliance for Western Europe as the communists gained control of Eastern Europe. In response to NATO, the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact alliance for the nations of Eastern Europe.

  • Ch. 27 p. 247-249

    East v. West

    NATO and the Warsaw Pact

    •Soviet Union •Albania (until 1968) •Bulgaria •Czechoslovakia •East Germany (until 1990) •Hungary •Poland •Romania

    U.S., Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain,, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey. Original members 1949

  • Truman Doctrine and Containment This was President Harry Truman’s main strategy to fight the Cold War. Through the Marshall Plan and other programs, the U.S. gave money and military support to help rebuild Europe after the war. To receive this aid countries had to pledge to support democracy (couldn’t be Communist).

    President Harry S. Truman

  • Truman Doctrine and Containment

    The U.S’s policy of stopping the spread of communism. The U.S felt

    that if they could stop communism from spreading to other countries,

    Then it could be “rolled back” and pro-western governments

    (democracies) could be set up in those countries.

  • Fear of Communism “ Second Red Scare”

    Ever since the end of WWI Americans had a fear of communism spreading to the U.S. During the 1950s the country will go through another fear of communism spreading to the U.S. and around the world.


  • House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

    The HUAC’s role was to find communists in American society and government. Their actions sparked a panic in the country, and many people had their lives ruined simply by being accused or investigated for doing things that seemed un-American.

    Many people were investigated and some were put on trial to spying on the U.S. during the Cold War.


    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- executed for spying on the U.S.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFMsaR8FAqpIfNkCTTj9tpD9HPZYw&ust=1363735890393807,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFl19VHS0Zr-uANVCBL-0bYUtCpUw&ust=1363735999521764

  • McCarthyism and the Cold War

    McCarthyism? Senator Joseph McCarthy used American’s fear of communism to gain

    political power.

    He claimed to have the names of communists working within the

    government. His claims were never proven. His accusations ruined the

    lives of many people. The word “McCarthyism” refers to anyone

    making reckless accusations against other people.

    In 1954, McCarthy held televised public hearings to expose communists

    in America. During the hearings he accused members of the U.S.

    military of being communists. After these hearings, McCarthy lost

    credibility with the American people.

    Senator Joseph McCarthy

  • Arms and Space Race

    Arms Race

    Under President Eisenhower, the U.S. developed a policy of “Brinksmanship”,

    which meant the U.S would go to the brink of war (nuclear war) with the

    Soviet Union to stop the spread of communism. This started a nuclear arms

    build up by both countries. Both countries developed a Hydrogen bomb by the

    middle of the 1950’s. The idea of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) in

    some ways actually kept the U.S. and U.S.S.R from attacking each other.

    H-Bomb Test

  • Arms and Space Race

    Space Race The United States and the Soviet Union competed against each

    other to be the first to go into space. The Soviet Union launched the

    first satellite in 1957, named “Sputnik”. At first the U.S. was losing the

    “space race”, but eventually caught up and passed the Russians by

    landing men on the Moon.


  • Spying and the U2 Incident

    U2 Incident

    Both countries spied on each other. May 1, 1960, a U-2 spy plane piloted

    by Francis Gary Powers was brought down over Soviet Union. The

    U.S. had always denied that it was spying on the Soviet Union, now the

    Soviets had proof that we were. Here in the U.S., Julius and Ethel

    Rosenberg were tried and executed for allegedly selling atomic bomb

    secrets to the Soviets.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEHqmtTXNsJ90L0i8f5imaFahxw_A&ust=1364939027289606,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGEsEP_tsmWuK32dpOgaQFqs1jcRQ&ust=1364939206154331,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNHEmYc8UlSta8QE-ZI00UI0VreUiQ&ust=1364939287391396

  • Korean War

    Causes of the Korean War

    After WWII, Korea was divided into two countries at the 38th Parallel

    line(38o N Latitude). North Korea became a communist country with

    the support of China and the Soviet Union. South Korea had a non-

    communist government and was supported by the United States. In June

    1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. President Truman asked for

    the United Nations to send a peace keeping force into Korea to stop the

    fighting. The U.S. made up the biggest part of the U.N. forces.

    Korean War Memorial, Washington DC

  • Korean War

    Causes of the Korean War

  • Korean War

    Causes of the Korean War

    The U.N. forces under the command of General Douglas MacArthur

    were able to push the North Koreans back across the 38th Parallel.

    MacArthur continued to advanced deeper into North Korea. At this

    point China became alarmed and warned that if U.N. forces continued to

    move closer to their border they would enter the war on the side of

    North Korea. The U.N. forces did not withdraw and China entered the

    war. MacArthur wanted to attack China directly, but President Truman

    did not allow him for fear that Korea would grow into a larger conflict.

    Truman eventually replaces (fires) MacArthur.

    Truman and MacArthur

  • Korean War

    Effects of the Korean War

    A cease fire went into effect on July 27, 1953. President Eisenhower

    brought the war to an end as he had promised in his election campaign.

    The war ended in a stalemate. The border between North and South

    Korea remained at the 38th Parallel. A demilitarized zone (DMZ) has

    been created between the two countries. Many Americans felt frustrated

    by the indecisive war.

  • Korean War Effects of the Korean War

    In the 50 years since the end of the war North Korea has become

    more and more isolated. South Korea in contrast, has become a

    strong economic power in Asia. Technically, a state of war still

    exists between the two sides, since no formal peace agreement was

    ever signed.

    Combat Deaths

    Over 33,000 Americans were killed.

    227,000 South Koreans killed

    132,000 Chinese Killed

    North Korea- 527,000 killed est.

    Over 3 million civilian casualties. Industry destroyed,

    agriculture ruined, millions of refugees

  • Spying and the U2 Incident- Cuban Missile Crisis

    Bay of Pigs

    In 1959, the island nation of Cuba became communist. Fidel Castro and

    Che Guevara led a revolt that overthrew the old Cuban government,

    which was friendly with the U.S.. Many Cubans had fled Cuba and

    came to the U.S. when the communist took over.

    Fidel Castro

    Che Guevara,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNHWhG6m8Zx7kMmcEMtdpdicPB0w4g&ust=1364940271244556

  • Spying and the U2 Incident- Cuban Missile Crisis

    Bay of Pigs

    President Kennedy and the CIA trained and organized these exiles into an

    Army. The plan was to send them back to Cuba to overthrow the new

    communist government. The Cuban exile army landed at the Bay of

    Pigs in Cuba. They were supposed to be supported by the U.S.

    military. Once the invasion started the U.S. didn’t give the support

    they had promised and most of the Cuban exiles were killed or

    captured. The whole event was very embarrassing for the U.S. and Cuba

    formed a close relationship with the Soviet Union after the Bay of Pigs.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGWmEm9GtVZFAXElzd1Efq6sw8x4g&ust=1364940111214282,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGWmEm9GtVZFAXElzd1Efq6sw8x4g&ust=1364940111214282

  • Spying and the U2 Incident- Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    In response to the Bay of Pigs, The Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles

    in Cuba to help protect them from a another U.S. invasion. The U.S.

    put up a naval blockaded of Cuba to stop any more ships from reaching

    Cuba, and threatened nuclear war if the Soviets did not remove

    the missiles.

    Soviet missile sites in Cuba,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNExl4SjDby3wyGQkSpnB41urnEEIw&ust=1364941018115540,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNExl4SjDby3wyGQkSpnB41urnEEIw&ust=1364941018115540

  • Spying and the U2 Incident- Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Soviets backed down and took the missiles out of Cuba,

    but in response completed the Berlin Wall in Germany as a way to stop

    people from East Germany from escaping into West Berlin. The U.S.

    also took its nuclear missile out of Turkey. This event brought the U.S.

    and Soviet Union to the edge of nuclear war, and in many ways marks the

    height of the Cold War

    Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and President Kennedy Berlin Wall being constructed,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNExl4SjDby3wyGQkSpnB41urnEEIw&ust=1364941018115540,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNHfRwxbsyAEGAq0gI84eAc3_iP-iA&ust=1364941282776195

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Baby Boom

    After WWII, many people wanted to get back to their normal lives.

    As a result many couples wanted to start families. There was a large

    growth in the population from 1945-1960. This period of time became

    know as a the “Baby Boom”. About 50 million babies are born during

    this time.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEh-fwqTZyyb-9r7J0p80X5sRrIMw&ust=1365201534271389

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Growth of Suburbs

    The strong economy and the surge in birth rates (baby boom) led to

    more people wanting a house of their own. This led to the building of

    affordable homes in-between the country and city (suburbs). The

    suburbs allowed many Americans to own a home for the first time.

    For the first time since before the Civil War more people were moving

    to the South and West (Sun Belt) rather than the East and North.

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Consumerism- Economic Changes

    Industries had to switch from making military equipment to consumer

    goods. The America economy expanded and was stronger than ever.

    The hard economic times of the Great Depression (1929-1945) were

    finally over. The 1950s, in general, can be characterized as a period of

    economic prosperity, and growth of the middle-class. More people

    could afford luxury goods, like cars and appliances. The 1950s, were

    also marked by a growth in consumerism (people buying goods and


  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Consumerism- Role of Women

    Many women had to give up their jobs to returning servicemen

    after the war. They were encouraged to return to more domestic or

    traditional female occupations.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEj1Tx55rCLMzkhzLrtr2I-MINuOA&ust=1365116043769473,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEOfnrHd2rofV028zkozvhduMV5ag&ust=1365116181238750

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Consumerism- African Americans

    African Americans had hoped that after the war

    discrimination and segregation would end in the workforce and

    throughout America society, but it did not. Only in the military did

    segregation end. Africa-Americans continued to lag behind

    economically and didn’t fully enjoy the prosperity of the 1950s.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGyc1gjYW1HZN-0JMpokmZk1-wG3A&ust=1365116490870733

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Consumerism- Poor in America

    Even though the 1950s can be seen a prosperous

    time in American history, there was still large amounts of poverty.

    This was especially true in the cities. With wealthier and middle class

    families leaving for the suburbs that left the poor to live in urban

    (cities) areas. Many could not buy the consumer goods, or take

    advantage of the economic prosperity created after WWII.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNEH1beRSocAZ2Pj04J9jVBLP_fVJg&ust=1365260464120900

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863


    The red scare and the fear of being labeled as different or un-American

    put a great deal of pressure on people to “conform” with the rest of

    society. It went beyond just dressing or looking a similar way, into

    people being concerned that they held similar idea and values to those

    around them they would not stand out from the rest of society.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNH0pgGxtWGzsPbXaJR5Nu2xZhbYkw&ust=1365203511610760

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863


    Some Americans were upset about the amount of conformity they

    saw in society and openly challenged the status quo. One such

    group became known as “beatniks”. Novelist Jack Kerouac is one

    of several people credited with starting the beatnik movement

    during the 1950s.

    Jack Kerouac

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s Text p. 859-863

    Entertainment Rock n’ Roll and television were just starting to grow in popularity. Both

    became major industries during the 50s.,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGa1hnJj3E0E5yqOC1qXNXZ_w3Pkw&ust=1365204486430505,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNG2J640YTWgehkD5a9gkU_vbY2fyw&ust=1365204555474666

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s

    Text p. 859-863 Medical and Technological Changes

    Polio Vaccine- Polio had been a major disease inflicting tens of

    thousands of people in America prior to WWII. Scientist and

    doctors develop a vaccine to prevent people from getting polio.

    Interstate Highway System- President Eisenhower directs the

    building highways connecting the entire country.

    Computers- First mainframe computers are developed. The space

    race with the Soviet Union advanced the use of computers.

    Air Conditioning- allows people to move to the “Sun Belt” states in

    the south and west.

    Dr. Jonas Salk- Polio Vaccine,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNEmc_yRUX9rXzRDBlJGUMAk9SBN9g&ust=1395416896740658,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNFJ8KiJzRsF_H9W9CZjWU19XKux_w&ust=1395417087646007

  • Life in America after WWII and during the 1950s

    Text p. 859-863 Fear of Communist in America and Nuclear War

    Despite all of the positive aspects of life in post-war America there

    was still a great deal of fear and anxiety created because of the Cold

    War with the Soviet Union. McCarthyism, the Red Scare,

    Rosenberg spy case led many Americans to assume nuclear war was

    coming and they must prepare for it.