Cola presentation (en)

19 uploads/2013/07/Technology.jpg http:// nevadadigitallearning.o rg/


Presentation on the Nevada Conference for Digital Learning for the UNLV College of Liberal Arts Executive Council on Wednesday, February 12, 2014.

Transcript of Cola presentation (en)

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2. The Nevada Conference on Digital Learning is the first state-wide conference designed for all professionals connected to eLearning and devoted to exploring issues pertaining to digital learning in the state of Nevada. 3. 1. Showcase the outstanding contributions to digital learning occurring in Nevada 2. Initiate broader, more productive conversations among the people and institutions in the state in order to, ideally, enhance wider collaborative efforts and initiatives in eLearning and digital learning 4. NCDL by Institution University of Nevada, Las VegasCollege of Southern NevadaUniversity of Nevada, RenoTruckee Meadows Community CollegeNevada State CollegeGreat Basin CollegeUniversity of Nevada School of MedicineClark County School DistrictWilliam S. Boyd School of LawWashoe County School DistrictUniversity of MichiganDesert Sand Unified School DistrictUniversity of North Carolina-Chapel HillLas Vegas Academy of the ArtsNevada Department of EducationNevada Virtual Academy Ischools 5. Keynote SpeakersCable Green, Ph.D. Director of Global LearningLaurence F. Johnson, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer 6. Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER 7. Source: Michael Paskevicius - 8. NMC 2014 Horizon Report identifies Key Trends Accelerating Higher Education Technology Adoption Immediate Trends Integration of Online, Hybrid, and Collaborative Learning Growing Ubiquity of Social Media Mid-Range Trends Shift from Students as Consumers to Students as Creators Rise of Data-Driven Learning and Assessment Long-Range Trends Agile Approaches to Change Evolution of Online Learning 9. NMC 2014 Horizon Report identifies Significant Challenges Impeding Higher Education Technology Adoption Solvable Challenges Low Digital Fluency of Faculty Relative Lack of Rewards for Teaching Difficult Challenges Competition from New Models of Education Scaling Teaching InnovationsWicked Challenges Expanding Access Keeping Education Relevant 10. NMC 2014 Horizon Report identifies Important Developments in Educational Technology for Higher Education In One Year or Less Flipped Classroom Learning Analytics In Two to Three Years 3D Printing Games and GamificationIn Four to Five Years Quantified Self Virtual Assistants 11. NCDL by the Numbers 17 Institutions34 Panels3 Posters 132 Presenters 2 Keynotes Sessions71 Proposals4 Primary Themes Digital Learning Environments Digital Learning Effectiveness Digital Learning Tools K-12 Digital Learning 12. 13. Course Management Systems 14. Gaming and Gamificationhttp:// 15. 16. 17. Conversations and Collaborations Research on Digital Learning Technologies CoRE Fellow for Sustained and Emergent Learning Technologies 18. April 11-13 Stan Fulton BuildingRegistration: $165 19. QuestionsEd Nagelhout [email protected] Twitter: #ncdl