Cognizant Recruitment Procedure and Instructions

 COGNIZANT RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE AND INSTRUCTIONS *Please take a printout and put it in classplace!ent notice "oards PPT# Please do attend the ppt without fail. Be there in the auditorium befor e half an hour of ppt to avoid last time rushes. Pre pare some info a bout cognizant like their tagline, locations in India, abroad, cognizant 2.0, two in a box model, outreach, etc from the website before attending ppt. It will be useful in answering uestions at the time of uiz the! conduct after ppt.  "hose who answer corr ectl! will get on the spot pr izes and noted b! the hr people. "his will be helpful in !our interview process. Please don$t skip t%e ppt "ecause all i!portant in&o a"out 'our (ritten test) neati+e !arkins) etc (ill "e announced in ppt onl', -RITTEN TEST# #eritrac will be conducting written test and the! will be expecting discipline throughout the written test process. $ri tten test will start with a P%&'()*+ I)( (&# attached with !our answer sheet which is ver! important. T%is PERSONA. IN/O /ORM (%ic% %as to "e 0lled (it% in a ti!e span o& 12 !inutes (ill "e treated as 'our oriinal resu!e "' coni3ant till 'ou enter coni3ant,  "he details to be -lled in the for m are as follows /. )ame , father n ame, addr ess, do b, emai l, mobi le no. 2. %ducational ba ckg round /0 th  , /2 th  Percentage followed b! all ur semester 1P*3s4percentages5whichever tat appl!677, overall percentage, arrears, histor! of arrears. 8. ap in st udies. 9. 'of twa re (rientation :. ;obb ies an d ext ra<cu rri cula r acti vitie s =. 'tr eng ths and $eak ness >. %xpectation from 1"' ?. $h! 1"' @. +ong ter m and short <ter m goa l with 1"' /0.$hat are the ualities necessar! for software professional to be successful



Transcript of Cognizant Recruitment Procedure and Instructions

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*Please take a printout and put it in classplace!ent notice "oards


• Please do attend the ppt without fail.

• Be there in the auditorium before half an hour of ppt to avoid last

time rushes.

• Prepare some info about cognizant like their tagline, locations in

India, abroad, cognizant 2.0, two in a box model, outreach, etc

from the website before attending ppt.

• It will be useful in answering uestions at the time of uiz the!

conduct after ppt.

•  "hose who answer correctl! will get on the spot prizes and notedb! the hr people. "his will be helpful in !our interview process.

• Please don$t skip t%e ppt "ecause all i!portant in&o a"out

'our (ritten test) neati+e !arkins) etc (ill "e

announced in ppt onl',


• #eritrac will be conducting written test and the! will be

expecting discipline throughout the written test process.

$ritten test will start with a P%&'()*+ I)( (&# attached with!our answer sheet which is ver! important.

• T%is PERSONA. IN/O /ORM (%ic% %as to "e 0lled (it% in

a ti!e span o& 12 !inutes (ill "e treated as 'our oriinal

resu!e "' coni3ant till 'ou enter coni3ant,

•  "he details to be -lled in the form are as follows/. )ame, father name, address, dob, email, mobile no.2. %ducational background /0th , /2th Percentage followed b! all ur

semester 1P*3s4percentages5whichever tat appl!677, overall

percentage, arrears, histor! of arrears.8. ap in studies.9. 'oftware (rientation:. ;obbies and extra<curricular activities=. 'trengths and $eakness>. %xpectation from 1"'?. $h! 1"'@. +ong term and short<term goal with 1"'/0.$hat are the ualities necessar! for software professional to be


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**Please do !u up all 'our details (ell "e&ore 'ou attend t%e

(ritten test, Onl' 12 !ins (ill "e i+en &or t%is and 'ou %a+e to 0ll it


** Please !ake sure t%at 'ou sin in t%e last pae o& t%e &or!, T%e

&or!s (it%out sin !a' "e re5ected so!e ti!es,

•  "he written test will usuall! consists of three uestion papers like

verbal, logical, anal!tical. *ptitude ma! be included this time.

#ore or less similar to !our mock test conducted last week.


•  "he expected panel numbers are =0 this time and there is a

chance of both technical and hr panel.

•  "he core branches like 1'% and I" should focus completel! on

technical areas because most of the uestions will be technicalfor these branches.

• AB#' basics, normalization, Aenormalization, *1IA properties,

e!s, 'imple41omplex4'ub ueries should be thoroughl! revised

before attending the interview.

•  "he other subCects like 'oftware %ngineering5'A+1, testing, etc6,

Aata 'tructures, (perating '!stems and )etworks should be

taken basic care.

• Please follow basic manners like sa!ing excuse me, wishing the

hr person, asking permission before taking !our seat, etc.

• *t an! cost don3t answer in "amil even if the! do.

• Please don3t ask an! uestion that will create bad impression on

!ou at the end. Better sa!, no uestions.

• Make sure 'ou (ear co!plete pro&essional dress7e+en at

t%e ti!es o& ppt and (ritten test8) "elt) s%oes) collee id

card and carr' resu!e) all !ark s%eets (it% 'ou, Tie is

not !andator',

•  Dour -le should consist of &esume, #ark sheets 5in

ascending4descending order6, Prize winning certi-cates,

Participation certi-cates.• ile should not be given to the hr before he asks for it. *lso don3t

shake hand before he initiates.

• Most o& t%e %r 4uestions (ill "e asked &ro! 'our personal

in&o &or!) so "e care&ul "e&ore 0llin it, Also don$t

contradict (it% t%e in&o t%at 'ou (rote in t%at &or!

durin t%e inter+ie(.

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