COGNITION: UNIT 7A—MEMORY. Do Now: Describe what it might be like to have no memory? Who would...


Transcript of COGNITION: UNIT 7A—MEMORY. Do Now: Describe what it might be like to have no memory? Who would...


Do Now:

Describe what it might be like to have no memory? Who would you be? How would your identity be affected?

Eyewitness Memory

View the video 60 Minutes: Eyewitness. Discuss what this suggests about

memory and eyewitness testimony. Do now: Did the Eyewitness video impact

your sense of your own memory? If so, how?

Memory: Learning that persists over time

Baddeley Memory Experiment: Windows & Words

Recall List Experiment

Get Comfortable Close your eyes Follow the instructionsKey terms: Primacy effect Recency effect Repetition Novel Stimuli

Rest Bed Night Quilt Quiet Artichok

e Toss

Instructions: The list of Words:

Night Turn Relax Dark Moon Dream

Key Terms & People

How memory works:EncodingStorage Retrieval

Memory Formation: A Model by Atkinson & ShiffrinSensory MemoryShort-term memoryLong-term memoryWorking memory

Exercise: Can you recite the second sentence of the Pledge of Allegiance? Easy mistake: Short-term memory only lasts a minute or so. Stuff we

remember for days or weeks is in our working memory

Automatic vs. Effortful

Do Now: What does the book say about the effectiveness of cramming for tests? What are at least three good ways to get the most out of studying?

Parallel processingAutomatic processingEffortful processing

Rehearsal Spacing effect

Serial Position effect Primacy effect Recency effect


Mnemonics: What examples do you have that you’ve used?

Chunking: Do you use this? How?

More Terms

Visual encoding Acoustic encoding Semantic encoding Imagery Mnemonics Chunking Iconic memory Echoic memory

Long-term potentiation (LTP)

Flashbulb memory Amnesia Implicit memory Explicit memory

Which is more important? Your experiences or your memories of them?

Some looks at crazy memory stuff


Videos from Passport Wednesday: Psych Sims in Computer

Lab Brain Games: Remember This

Key people

Richard Atkinson Alan Baddeley Fergus Craik Hermann Ebbinghaus Eric Kandel Jeffrey Karpicke Karl Lashley Elizabeth Loftus H.M. (Henry


Rajan Mahadevan George Miller Hendry Roediger Oliver Sacks Daniel Schacter James Schwartz Richard Shiffrin George Sperling Endel Tulving

More key terms…

Hippocampus Recall Recognition Prelearning Priming Déjà vu Mood congruent


Forgetting Proactive

interference Retroactive

interference Repression

Memory Construction: Misinformation

effect Source amnesia

Unit 7B – Thinking, problem solving, creativity & Language

Cognition Concept Protype Algorithm Heuristic Insight Creativity Confirmation bias Fixation Mental set Functional fixedness Representativeness

heuristic Availability heuristic

Overconfidence Belief perseverance Intuition Framing Language Phoneme Morpheme Grammar Semantics Syntax Babbling stage One-word stage Telegraphic stage Linguistic determinism

Unit 7B – Key People

Noam Chomsky Daniel Kahneman Wolfgang Kohler Wallace Lambert Steven Pinker Dean Keith

Simonton B.F. Skinner

Robert Sternberg Shelley Taylor Amox Tversky Peter Wason Benjamin Lee
