Codex Astartes Death Guard 2.3[1]

Codex Astartes: Death Guard Assault Pod: A Dreadclaw is Immobilised if it lands in Difficult Terrain. Models deploying from a Dreadclaw count as deploying from a moving open-topped vehicle. Chemical Bombardment: After deployment is complete, but before the first turn of the game, the Chaos Lord can unleash a Chemical Bombardment, regardless of whether he is on the table or not. Each enemy non-vehicle unit on the board is hit on a 4+, units in open-topped transports on a 5+ and units in transports on a 6+. Chemical Bombardment – Range: Special S:1 AP:4 Poison (6+), Ignores Cover Explosion of Pus: Treat all Destroyed Wrecked results on the Vehicle Damage Table as Destroyed – Explodes. Familiar: A Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle with a Familiar may use two Psychic Powers per turn. Hard To Kill: If a Plague Dreadnought suffers a Glancing or Penetrating Hit, you can ask your opponent to re-roll the result rolled on the Vehicle Damage Table. You must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the first. Mark of Nurgle: Any model with the Mark of Nurgle listed has already had the benefit reflected in their profile. Master of the Dead: While Necrosius is present on the battlefield all Plague Zombie units gain the Furious Charge USR. Mawcannon: Phlegm – Range: 36” S:8 AP:3 Assault 1 Special: 5” Blast Vomit – Range: Template S:6 AP:4 Assault 1 Necrotic Fumes: Plague Hulks count as being equipped with Assault and Defensive Grenades and gain a 5+ Cover Save. Pandemia: This is a Psychic Shooting attack. Pick an enemy unit within 12” and roll a number of To Hit dice equal to the number of models in the unit, using the caster’s BS. Each hit is resolved as a Poisoned (4+) hit with AP-, wounds are allocated as normal. Plague Bolts: Gives Necrosius Bolt Pistol the following profile: Range: 24” S:4 AP:5 Type: Pistol Special: Poison (4+) Plague Banner: Once per game, the bearer of the Icon can use the Plague Banner in his Shooting Phase, even if locked in combat. One enemy unit within 6” suffers D6 wounds, only Invulnerable Saves may be taken. Plague Carrier: At the end of the Chaos Shooting phase, any enemy model within 6” of the vehicle takes a S3 AP- hit that ignores Cover Saves. Rancid Vomit attack: Range: Template S: 5 AP: 3 Assault 1 Special: Poisoned (3+) Rot Cannon: Range: 36” S: 6 AP: 3 Ordnance 1 Special: 5” Blast, Rending Shambling Gait: Plague Zombies always move as if in Difficult Terrain, even when they Run during the Shooting Phase. Unique: If a model is listed as Unique, you may only include one instance of it in your army. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 1 of 22

Transcript of Codex Astartes Death Guard 2.3[1]

Codex Astartes: Death Guard

Assault Pod: A Dreadclaw is Immobilised if it lands in Difficult Terrain. Models deploying from a Dreadclaw count as deploying from a moving open-topped vehicle.

Chemical Bombardment: After deployment is complete, but before the first turn of the game, the Chaos Lord can unleash a Chemical Bombardment, regardless of whether he is on the table or not. Each enemy non-vehicle unit on the board is hit on a 4+, units in open-topped transports on a 5+ and units in transports on a 6+.

Chemical Bombardment – Range: Special S:1 AP:4 Poison (6+), Ignores Cover

Explosion of Pus: Treat all Destroyed – Wrecked results on the Vehicle Damage Table as Destroyed – Explodes.

Familiar: A Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle with a Familiar may use two Psychic Powers per turn.

Hard To Kill: If a Plague Dreadnought suffers a Glancing or Penetrating Hit, you can ask your opponent to re-roll the result rolled on the Vehicle Damage Table. You must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the first.

Mark of Nurgle: Any model with the Mark of Nurgle listed has already had the benefit reflected in their profile.

Master of the Dead: While Necrosius is present on the battlefield all Plague Zombie units gain the Furious Charge USR.

Mawcannon:Phlegm – Range: 36” S:8 AP:3 Assault 1 Special: 5” Blast

Vomit – Range: Template S:6 AP:4 Assault 1

Necrotic Fumes: Plague Hulks count as being equipped with Assault and Defensive Grenades and gain a 5+ Cover Save.

Pandemia: This is a Psychic Shooting attack. Pick an enemy unit within 12” and roll a number of To Hit dice equal to the number of models in the unit, using the caster’s BS. Each hit is resolved as a Poisoned (4+) hit with AP-, wounds are allocated as normal.

Plague Bolts: Gives Necrosius Bolt Pistol the following profile:Range: 24” S:4 AP:5 Type: Pistol Special: Poison (4+)

Plague Banner: Once per game, the bearer of the Icon can use the Plague Banner in his Shooting Phase, even if locked in combat. One enemy unit within 6” suffers D6 wounds, only Invulnerable Saves may be taken.

Plague Carrier: At the end of the Chaos Shooting phase, any enemy model within 6” of the vehicle takes a S3 AP- hit that ignores Cover Saves.

Rancid Vomit attack:Range: Template S: 5 AP: 3 Assault 1 Special: Poisoned (3+)

Rot Cannon:Range: 36” S: 6 AP: 3 Ordnance 1 Special: 5” Blast, Rending

Shambling Gait: Plague Zombies always move as if in Difficult Terrain, even when they Run during the Shooting Phase.

Unique: If a model is listed as Unique, you may only include one instance of it in your army. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 1 of 22


Necrosius, The Hand of NurglePoints: 160 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Necrosius 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 10 3+

Wargear• Bolt Pistol• Plague Bolts• Mark of Nurgle• Force Weapon• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Blight Grenades• Power Armour• Nurgle’s Rot• Gift of Chaos

Unit Type• Infantry

Composition• 1 Necrosius (Unique)

Special Rules• Independent Character• Fearless• Feel No Pain• Master of the Dead

Typhus, Herald of NurglePoints: 225 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Typhus 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 10 2+

Unit Type• Infantry

Special Rules• Fearless• Psyker• Feel No Pain• Independent Character• Destroyer Hive• Herald of Nurgle• Eternal Warrior

Composition• 1 Typhus (Unique)

Wargear• Terminator Armour• Personal Icon• Manreaper• Mark of Nurgle• Wind of Chaos• Nurgle’s Rot Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 2 of 22

Chaos Lord of NurglePoints: 120 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Plague Lord 6 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+

Nurgle Lord 6 5 4 4(5) 3 5 3 10 3+

Unit Type• Infantry

Composition• 1 Nurgle Lord

Special RulesBoth

• Fearless• Independent Character• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Chemical Bombardment

Plague Lord• Feel No Pain


• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat Weapon• Power Armour• Mark of Nurgle

Plague Lord• Blight Grenades

Options• May be upgraded to a Plague Lord for 20 points.• May replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• May replace Close Combat Weapon with one of the following:

Power Weapon for 15 points; Power Fist for 25 points; Single Lightning Claw for 25 points; Pair of Lightning Claws for 30 points; Plaguebringer for 40 points

• May take one of the following: Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points or Combi-weapon for 10 points.

• May take Meltabombs for 5 points.• May take a Personal Icon for 5 points.• May take one of the following: Jump Pack/Wings for 20 points;

Bike for 30 points; Palanquin of Nurgle for 30 points

Terminator Options• Replace all other Wargear with Terminator Armour, Twin-linked

Bolter, Mark of Nurgle and Power Weapon for 30 points. In this case may only choose options from the following list:

• May have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• May replace Twin-linked Bolter with a Combi-weapon for 5

points.• May replace Twin-linked Bolter and Power Weapon with a Pair

of Lightning Claws for 10 points• May replace Power Weapon with: Power Fist for 10 points;

Single Lightning Claw for 10 points; Chainfist for 15 points; Plaguebringer for 25 points

Daemon Prince of NurglePoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Daemon Prince 7 5 6 5(6) 4 5 4 10 3+

Plague Prince 7 5 6 5(6) 4 4 4 10 3+

Special RulesBoth

• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Fearless• Eternal Warrior

Plague Prince• Feel No Pain

Wargear• A Daemon Prince of

Nurgle always counts as armed with a single Close Combat Weapon

• Mark of Nurgle

Unit Type• Monstrous Creature

Composition• 1 Daemon Prince

Options• May have Wings for 40 points.• May be upgraded to a Plague Prince for 20 points.• May be a Psyker by taking one of the following Psychic Powers:

Doombolt for 10 points; Nurgle’s Rot for 15 points; Pandemia for 20 points; Warptime for 25 points; Wind of Chaos for 30 points; Gift of Chaos for 30 points Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 3 of 22

Chaos Sorcerer of NurglePoints: 120 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Plague Sorcerer 5 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+

Nurgle Sorcerer 5 5 4 4(5) 3 5 3 10 3+

Psychic Powers• A Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle has two of

the following powers: Doombolt, Nurgle’s Rot, Pandemia, Warptime, Wind of Chaos, Gift of Chaos.

Special RulesBoth

• Independent Character• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Psyker• Fearless

Plague Sorcerer• Feel No Pain


• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Force Weapon• Power Armour• Mark of Nurgle

Plague Sorcerer• Blight Grenades

Composition• 1 Nurgle Sorcerer

Unit Type• Infantry

Options• May be upgraded to a Plague Sorcerer for 15

points • May take one of the following: Jump Pack/Wings

for 20 points; Bike for 30 points; Palanquin of Nurgle for 30 points

• May replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.

• May take Melta Bombs for 5 points.• May take a Personal Icon for 5 points.• May take a Familiar for 50 points.

Terminator Options• Replace all other Wargear with Terminator

Armour, Twin-linked Bolter, Mark of Nurgle and Force Weapon for 15 points. In this case may only choose options from the following list:

• May take a Personal Icon for 5 points.• May take a Familiar for 50 points.• May replace the Twin-linked Bolter with a

Combi-weapon for 5 points. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 4 of 22

Chosen Chaos Space Marines of NurglePoints: 135 pointsYour army may include one unit of Chosen Chaos Space Marines for each Chaos Lord, Sorcerer, Typhus or Necrosius in the army. Units of Chosen Chaos Space Marines do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but are otherwise treated as an HQ unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Chosen Champion 5 4 4 4(5) 1 4 3 10 3+

Plague Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Plague Chosen Champion 5 4 4 4(5) 1 3 3 10 3+

Composition• 1 Chosen Champion• 4 Chosen

Special RulesBoth

• FearlessPlague Chosen

• Feel No Pain


• Power Armour• Mark of Nurgle• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolter• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat Weapon

Plague Chosen• Blight Grenades

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino, Chaos Land Raider or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Unit Type• Infantry

Options• May have up to five additional Chosen at 25 points per model.• One Chosen may be given a Plague Banner for 40 points.• Any other models may choose one of the following four options:

Either replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points per modelor

Replace Close Combat Weapon with one of the following: Power Weapon for 15 points per model; Lightning Claw for 25 points per model; Power Fist for 25 points per model

orReplace Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon and Bolter with a Pair of Lightning Claws for 20 points per model

orReplace Bolter with one of the following: Flamer or Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points per model; Meltagun or Combi-weapon for 10 points per model; Plasma Gun for 15 points per model

Note: The Chosen Champion or Plague Chosen Champion may not select a Flamer, Meltagun or Plasma Gun.

• The squad may be upgraded to Plague Chosen for +3 points per model. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 5 of 22


Chaos DreadnoughtPoints: 100 points


Plague Dreadnought 4 4 6 3 3 12 12 10

Dreadnought 4 4 6 4 3 12 12 10

Unit Type• Vehicle - Walker

Composition• 1 Dreadnought

Wargear• Dreadnought Close Combat

Weapon (with built-in Twin-linked Bolter)

• Multi-melta• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Mark of Nurgle

Special RulesBoth

• CrazedPlague Dreadnought

• Hard To Kill

Transport• The Dreadnought may have a

Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Options• May be upgraded to a Plague Dreadnought for 15

points.• May replace the Multi-melta with one of the following:

Plasma Cannon or Twin-linked Heavy Bolter for 5 points; Twin-linked Autocannon for 10 points; Twin-linked Lascannon for 25 points; Additional Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon incorporating a built-in Twin-linked Bolter for free (this adds +1 Attack to the profile)

• Extra Armour for 15 points.• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• A single Twin-linked Bolter may be upgraded to a

Heavy Flamer for 5 points.• One Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon arm (and

built in Twin-linked Bolter) may be replaced with a Missile Launcher for no cost. If the Dreadnought is left with no Close Combat Weapon arms, its Attacks are reduced to 2 and it is no longer armed with a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 6 of 22

Possessed Chaos Space Marines of NurglePoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Possessed Chaos Marine 4 4 5 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Possessed Marine Champion 4 4 5 4(5) 1 4 3 10 3+

Possessed Plague Marine 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Possessed Plague Champion 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 3 10 3+

Unit Type• Infantry

Wargear• Power Armour• Possessed count as

having a single Close Combat Weapon

• Mark of Nurgle

Transport• The squad may

have a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Composition• 1 Possessed Champion• 4 Possessed

Special RulesBoth

• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Fleet• Rending• Fearless

Plague Marines• Feel No Pain

Options• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• May include up to fifteen additional Possessed for 23 points per

model.• The squad may be upgraded to Possessed Plague Marines for +3

points per model. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 7 of 22

Chaos Terminators of NurglePoints: 105 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chaos Terminator 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 2+

Terminator Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 3 10 2+

Plague Terminator 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 2+

Plague Terminator Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 3 10 2+

Unit Type• Infantry

Composition• 3 Chaos


Wargear• Terminator Armour• Mark of Nurgle• Power Weapon• Twin-linked Bolter

Special RulesPlague Terminators

• Feel No Pain• Fearless

Transport• The squad may

have a Chaos Land Raider Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Characters• Any model may be upgraded to a Terminator Champion for 10 points

per model.

Options• May include up to seven additional Chaos Terminators for 35 points

per model.• Any model may replace their Power Weapon with one of the

following: Lightning Claw for 10 points per model; Power Fist for 10 points per model; Chainfist for 15 points per model

• Any model may replace their Twin-linked Bolter with a Combi-weapon for 5 points per model.

• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• Any model may replace their Twin-linked Bolter and Power Weapon

with a Pair of Lightning Claws for 10 points per model.• One model may replace his Twin-linked Bolter with either a Heavy

Flamer for 5 points or a Reaper Autocannon for 15 points. If there are 10 models in the unit a second model may also choose this option.

• The squad may be upgraded to Plague Terminators for 6 points per model. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 8 of 22

Veteran Plague MarinesPoints: 140 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Veteran Plague Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Composition• 1 Aspiring Champion• 4 Veteran Plague Marines

Unit Type• Infantry

Special Rules• Infiltrate• Feel No Pain• Fearless

Wargear• Power Armour• Mark of Nurgle• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Blight Grenades• Bolter• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat Weapon

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Options• May include up to five additional Veteran Plague Marines for

26 points per model.• One model may be given a Personal Icon for 5 points.• One Veteran Plague Marine may replace his Bolter with one

of the following: Flamer or Meltagun for 5 points; Plasma Gun for 10 points

• Up to four models may choose one of the following four options:

Either replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points per modelor

Replace Close Combat Weapon with one of the following: Power Weapon for 15 points per model; Lightning Claw for 25 points per model; Power Fist for 25 points per model

orReplace Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon and Bolter with a Pair of Lightning Claws for 20 points per model

orReplace Bolter with one of the following: Flamer or Twin-linked Bolter or Combi-weapon for 5 points per model; Meltagun or Plasma Gun for 10 points per model

Note: The Aspiring Champion may not select a Flamer, Meltagun or Plasma Gun. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 9 of 22

Veteran Chaos Space Marines of NurglePoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Veteran Chaos Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 10 3+

Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Composition• 1 Aspiring Champion• 4 Veteran Chaos


Unit Type• Infantry

Special Rules• Infiltrate

Wargear• Power Armour• Mark of Nurgle• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolter• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat Weapon

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Options• May include up to five additional Veteran Chaos Marines for 23

points per model.• One model may be given a Personal Icon for 5 points.• One Veteran Chaos Marine may replace his Bolter with one of the

following: Flamer or Meltagun or Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher or Autocannon for 5 points; Plasma Gun for 10 points; Lascannon for 15 points

• Up to four models may choose one of the following four options:Either replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 10 points per model

orReplace Close Combat Weapon with one of the following: Power Weapon for 15 points per model; Lightning Claw for 25 points per model; Power Fist for 25 points per model

orReplace Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon and Bolter with a Pair of Lightning Claws for 20 points per model

orReplace Bolter with one of the following: Flamer or Twin-linked Bolter or Combi-weapon for 5 points per model; Meltagun or Plasma Gun for 10 points per model

Note: The Aspiring Champion may not select a Flamer, Meltagun or Plasma Gun. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 10 of 22


Plague MarinesPoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Plague Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 9 3+

Plague Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Unit Type• Infantry

Special Rules• Fearless• Feel No Pain

Wargear• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Blight Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Bolter• Power Armour• Close Combat

Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Transport• The squad may have

a Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

Composition• 1 Plague Champion• 4 Plague Marines

CharacterThe Plague Champion may:

• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15 points or a Power Fist for 25 points.

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Replace his Bolter with a Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points, or with a

Combi-weapon for 10 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Plague Marines at 23 points per

model.• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• Up to two Plague Marines may replace their Bolt Pistol with a

Plasma Pistol for 15 points, or replace their Bolter with the following: Flamer for 5 points per model; Meltagun for 10 points per model; Plasma Gun for 15 points per model Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 11 of 22

Chaos Space Marines of NurglePoints: 115 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chaos Space Marine 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 9 3+

Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Composition• 1 Aspiring Champion• 4 Chaos Space Marines

Unit Type• Infantry

Wargear• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Bolter• Power Armour• Close Combat Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

CharacterThe Aspiring Champion may:

• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15 points or a Power Fist for 25 points.

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.• Replace his Bolter with a Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points or a

Combi Weapon for 10 points.

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Chaos Space Marines for 20

points per model.• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• One Chaos Space Marine may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma

Pistol for 10 points, or replace their Bolter with one of the following: Flamer for free; Meltagun for 5 points; Plasma Gun for 10 points

• If the squad numbers 10 or more models, one other Chaos Space Marine may replace their Bolter with one of the following: Flamer or Meltagun or Plasma Gun or Heavy Bolter or Autocannon or Missile Launcher for free; Lascannon for 10 points

Plague ZombiesPoints: 60 pointsPlague Zombies are not Scoring Units, although they may contest as normal, and are otherwise treated as a Troops unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Plague Zombie 2 0 4 3 1 3 1 5 6+

Composition• 10 Plague Zombies

Options• May include up to forty additional

Plague Zombies for 6 points per model

Unit Type• Infantry

Special Rules• Fearless• Feel No Pain• Shambling Gait Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 12 of 22


Chaos Raptors of NurglePoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Raptor 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 1 9 3+

Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Numbers/Squad• 1 Aspiring

Champion• 4 Raptors

Unit Type• Jump Infantry

Wargear• Power Armour• Bolt Pistol• Close Combat

Weapon• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Mark of Nurgle

CharacterThe Aspiring Champion may:

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15

points or a Power Fist for 25 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.• Replace his Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon with a Pair of

Lightning Claws for 25 points.

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Raptors for 23 points per model.• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points• Up to two Raptors may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for

15 points, or take one of the following: Flamer for 5 points; Meltagun for 10 points; Plasma Gun for 15 points

Chaos Bikers of NurglePoints: 105 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Biker 4 4 4 4(6) 1 4 1 9 3+

Biker Champion 4 4 4 4(6) 1 4 2 10 3+

Numbers/Squad• 1 Biker Champion• 2 Bikers

Unit Type• Bike

Wargear• Power Armour• Bolt Pistol• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Close Combat

Weapon• Chaos Bike with

Twin-linked Bolter• Mark of Nurgle

CharacterThe Biker Champion may:

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15

points or a Power Fist for 25 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.

Options• May include up to seven additional Bikers for 30 points per model.• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• Up to two Bikers may replace their Close Combat Weapon with one of

the following: Flamer for 5 points; Meltagun for 10 points; Plasma Gun for 15 points Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 13 of 22

Blight DronesPoints: 125 points


Blight Drone 2 12 11 10

Special Rules• Daemonic

Possession• Explosion of Pus

Unit Type• Vehicle – Fast,


Composition• 1 Blight Drone

Wargear• Mawcannon (Vomit and Phlegm)• Reaper Autocannon

Options• Up to two additional Blight Drones can be included for 125 points per


Chaos SpawnPoints: 40 pointsYour army may include any number of units of Chaos Spawn. Units of Chaos Spawn do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but are otherwise treated as a Fast Attack unit. All of the Spawn in the force must be divided into as few squads as possible.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chaos Spawn 3 0 5 5(6) 3 3 D6 10 -

Composition• 1 Chaos Spawn

Options• May include up to two additional Chaos

Spawn for 40 points per model

Unit Type• Beast

Special Rules• Fearless• Slow & Purposeful• Mindless• Feel No Pain• Mark of Nurgle Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 14 of 22


Plague Marine HavocsPoints: 130 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Plague Havoc 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 9 3+

Plague Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Composition• 1 Plague Champion• 4 Plague Havocs

Special Rules• Feel No Pain• Fearless

Wargear• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Blight Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Bolter• Power Armour• Close Combat Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

CharacterThe Aspiring Champion may:

• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15 points or a Power Fist for 25 points.

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.• Replace his Bolter with a Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points or a

Combi-weapon for 10 points.

Unit Type• Infantry

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Plague Havocs for 23 points

per model• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• Up to four Plague Havocs may replace their Bolter with one of

the following: Flamer for 5 points per model; Meltagun for 10 points per model; Plasma Gun for 15 points per model Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 15 of 22

Chaos Havocs of NurglePoints: 115 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chaos Havoc 4 4 4 4 (5) 1 4 1 9 3+

Aspiring Champion 4 4 4 4 (5) 1 4 2 10 3+

Composition• 1 Aspiring Champion• 4 Chaos Havocs

Unit Type• Infantry

Wargear• Frag Grenades• Krak Grenades• Bolt Pistol• Bolter• Power Armour• Close Combat Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Transport• The squad may have a

Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw Assault Pod as a Dedicated Transport vehicle.

CharacterThe Aspiring Champion may:

• Replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power Weapon for 15 points or a Power Fist for 25 points.

• Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for 15 points.• Take Melta Bombs for 5 points.• Replace his Bolter with a Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points or a

Combi Weapon for 10 points.

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Chaos Havocs for 20 points

per model• One model may have a Personal Icon for 5 points.• Up to four Chaos Havocs may replace their Bolter with one of the

following: Flamer for 5 points per model; Meltagun or Heavy Bolter or Autocannon or Missile Launcher for 10 points per model; Plasma Gun for 15 points per model; Lascannon for 25 points per model

Obliterator CultPoints: 75 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Obliterator 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+

Unit Type• Infantry

Wargear• A Single Power Fist• Obliterator Weapons

Composition• 1 Obliterator

Special Rules• Fearless• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Slow & Purposeful• Deep Strike

Options• May include up to two additional

Obliterators for 75 points per model. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 16 of 22

Chaos Land RaiderPoints: 220 points


Land Raider 4 14 14 14

Unit Type• Tank

Composition• 1 Land Raider

Special Rules• Assault Vehicle

Wargear• One hull-mounted Twin-linked Heavy

Bolter• Two sponson-mounted Twin-linked

Lascannons• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Mark of Nurgle

Fire Points• 0

Access Points• Front access ramp and a hatch on each

side of the hull

Options• Dozer Blade for 5 points.• Daemonic Possession for 20 points.• Extra Armour for 15 points.• Dirge Caster for 5 points.• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• One of the following pintle-mounted

weapons: Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points; Combi-weapon for 10 points; Havoc Launcher for 15 points

Transport Capacity• 10 models.• Models in Terminator Armour count as two

models.• Obliterators and Summoned Daemons may

not be transported. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 17 of 22

DefilerPoints: 150 points


Defiler 3 3 6 3 3 12 12 10

Special Rules• Fleet

Unit Type• Vehicle - Walker

Wargear• Two Dreadnought Close

Combat Weapons (extra attack already included in profile)

• Battlecannon• Reaper Autocannon• Twin-linked Heavy Flamer• Daemonic Possession• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Mark of Nurgle

Composition• 1 Defiler

Options• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• The Heavy Flamer can be replaced with one of the

following: Close Combat Arm (+1 Attack) for free; Havoc Launcher for 5 points

• The Reaper Autocannon can be replaced with one of the following: Close Combat Arm (+1 Attack) for free; Twin-linked Heavy Bolter for free; Twin-linked Lascannon for 20 points

Plague HulkPoints: 205 points


Plague Hulk 3 2 7 2 4 13 13 11

Wargear• Two Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons (extra attack already included in

profile)• Rancid Vomit attack• Rot Cannon• Daemonic Possession• Mark of Nurgle

Composition• 1 Plague Hulk

Special Rules• Necrotic


Unit Type• Vehicle -

Walker Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 18 of 22

Chaos VindicatorPoints: 125 points


Vindicator 4 13 11 10

Wargear• Demolisher Cannon• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Dozer Blade• Mark of Nurgle

Unit Type• Tank

Composition• 1 Vindicator

Options• Daemonic Possession for 20 points.• Dirge Caster for 5 points.• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• Extra Armour for 15 points.• One of the following pintle-mounted weapons: Twin-linked

Bolter for 5 points; Combi-weapon for 10 points; Havoc Launcher for 15 points Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 19 of 22

Chaos PredatorPoints: 60 points


Predator 4 13 11 10

Unit Type• Tank

Composition• 1 Predator

Wargear• Turret-mounted Autocannon• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Mark of Nurgle

Options• Daemonic Possession for 20 points.• Dirge Caster for 5 points.• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• Extra Armour for 15 points.• Dozer Blade for 5 points.• Replace Autocannon with a Twin-linked Lascannon for

45 points• Take side Sponsons with: Heavy Bolters for 25 points;

Lascannons for 60 points• One of the following pintle-mounted weapons:

Twin-linked Bolter for 5 points; Combi-weapon for 10 points; Havoc Launcher for 15 points

DEDICATED TRANSPORT VEHICLESCertain Chaos Space Marine units have the option of selecting a Dedicated Transport vehicle. These vehicles do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections but otherwise function as separate units. See the Transport Vehicles section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for details of how these vehicles operate.Chaos RhinoPoints: 35 points


Rhino 4 11 11 10

Wargear• Twin-linked Bolter• Smoke Launchers• Searchlight• Mark of Nurgle

Fire Points• 2

Access Points• 3 – side and rear hatches

Special Rules• Repair

Unit Type• Tank

Composition• 1 Rhino

Options• Daemonic Possession for 20 points.• Extra Armour for 15 points.• Dozer Blade for 5 points.• Explosion of Pus for 10 points.• Plague Carrier for 15 points.• One of the following pintle-mounted weapons: Twin-linked

Bolter for 5 points; Combi-weapon for 10 points; Havoc Launcher for 15 points

Transport Capacity• 10 models.• May not carry models in Terminator Armour, Obliterators or

any type of Summoned Daemons. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 20 of 22

Dreadclaw Assault PodPoints: 65 points


Dreadclaw - 12 12 12

Wargear• None

Fire Points• None

Access Points• Deploy as if from an Open-topped


Special Rules• Assault Pod

Composition• 1 Dreadclaw

Transport Capacity• 10 models or one Chaos/Plague Dreadnought

Unit Type• Vehicle - Immobile


0-1 Summoned Greater DaemonPoints: 115 pointsYour army may include a single Greater Daemon. This model does not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but is otherwise treated as an HQ unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Greater Daemon 8 0 6 6 5 3 5 10 -

Unit Type• Monstrous Creature

Wargear• Mark of Nurgle• A Greater Daemon counts as having a single Close Combat Weapon

Composition• 1 Great Unclean


Special Rules• 4+ Invulnerable

Save• Fearless• Eternal Warrior

Summoned Lesser DaemonsPoints: 80 pointsUnits of Summoned Lesser Daemons do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but are otherwise treated as a Troops unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Lesser Daemon 4 0 4 4(5) 1 4 2 10 -

Special Rules• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Fearless

Wargear• A single Close Combat

Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Unit Type• Infantry

Composition• 5 Plaguebearers

Options• May include up to fifteen additional Plaguebearers for 16

points per model. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 21 of 22

Summoned Daemonic BeastsPoints: 115 pointsUnits of Summoned Daemonic Beasts do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but are otherwise treated as an Elites unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Daemonic Beast 4 0 4 4(5) 1 5 2 10 -

Special Rules• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Fearless

Wargear• A single Close Combat

Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Unit Type• Beasts

Composition• 5 Beasts of Nurgle

Options• May include up to five additional Beasts of Nurgle for 23

points per model.

Summoned Daemonic SwarmPoints: 90 pointsUnits of Summoned Daemonic Swarm do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but are otherwise treated as a Troops unit.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Daemonic Swarm 2 0 3 3 3 2 3 10 -

Special Rules• 5+ Invulnerable Save• Fearless• Swarm

Wargear• A single Close Combat Weapon• Mark of Nurgle

Unit Type• Infantry

Composition• 5 Nurgling Bases

Options• May include up to five additional Nurgling Bases for 15

points per model.

Disclaimer: This document is not a product of Games Workshop Ltd, nor officially endorsed in any capacity. It is not intended to infringe their copyrights, trademarks or intellectual property in any way. Baragash 14/11/2010 Page 22 of 22