Codestrong 2012 breakout session mobile platform and infrastructure

Mobile Matters: Technologies to Enable Mobile First Enterprises Michael King Director of Enterprise Strategy Appcelerator @mobiledatamike [email protected]

Transcript of Codestrong 2012 breakout session mobile platform and infrastructure

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Mobile Matters: Technologies to Enable Mobile First Enterprises

Michael KingDirector of Enterprise Strategy


[email protected]

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Mobile Matters: Technologies to Enable Mobile First Enterprises

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• State of the market

• Technologies to support mobile-first enterprises

• A lifecycle approach

• Creating an app factory

• Requirements for a next generation mobile platform

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Massive device fragmentation, first with Android, now beginning with Apple

Enterprises has no control over the devices their customer apps will be consumed on, and with BYOD, less control for employee apps

No end to fragmentation in site…

State of the market

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Native Development








Windows 8

Separate development teams

Different development languages

Different development environments

Impossible to align delivery schedules

Each App must be built 3-4 times

No reusable components

No way to enforce standards of design or governance

Too costly, too time consuming, impossible to sustain

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HTML5 As the Cure?







Gives you a “write once, run poorly everywhere” experience

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Traditional Mobile Enterprise Application Platform Architecture

A new market requires a new approach

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We require visibility across the entire Mobile Application Lifecycle:

Plan, Build/connect, Test, Release/Manage, and Analyze

We require connections to multiple backend systems, public networks,

web services and social networks

I can’t train people on all of the studios and development languages required,

and my outsourcing partner doesn’t have the developers/skills I need

I have islands of information about my apps, some in the LOBs, some in the

apps teams, some in testing, and no way to manage all of my apps

The market and LOBs demand rapid application response, I need to enforce governance, branding standards, and consistent connection methods

What We’ve Heard From Our Clients

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• State of the market

• Technologies to support mobile-first enterprises

• A lifecycle approach

• Creating an app factory

• Requirements for a next generation mobile platform

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Technologies For Mobile-First

• Compelling UI/IX

• Mobile Device management/Mobile application management

• Next generation mobile app platforms

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Compelling UI/UX

A well designed, compelling app is easier to learn and easier to use, everyday

If the app focuses on UI and device specific interactions, it will achieve:

Lower support costsReduce training timeAchieve higher adoptionAchieve application goals more


BYOD (Bring your Own Device) evolves quickly to Bring Your Own App (BYOA) forcing the Enterprise to focus on application design and user centric interfaces even for employee facing apps!

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MDM: Mobile Device Management: A device centric security and management capability, to encrypt, mange and wipe the entire device

MAM: Mobile Application Management: An application or data centric method of distribution and securing the application or solely the data that application uses

Both may be appropriate, depending on regulations, device ownership, application requirements and security posture

Can be purchased in a traditional client server model or hosted/cloud based

Costs range from 3-4 dollars per device per month to 400-500 per device for a perpetual license

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Next Generation Platform

• It’s not about any device, it’s about all of

them, at anytime

• Consistency of user state across devices,

maintain the applications state, with unique

device-specific functions, views, and look/feel

• Data sources are both owned and public;

ERP, CRM, Social, Web, Maps…

• Sharing of information across applications via

the cloud

• Information flows and permissions are infinite,

based on developer requirements

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Benefits of a Platform Approach

Number of Applications

Benefits outweigh cost of platform

Zero Apps




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• State of the market

• Technologies to support mobile-first enterprises

• A lifecycle approach

• Creating an app factory

• Requirements for a next generation mobile platform

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Mobile Application Lifecycle






3-4x per yearPer App

Per Device/OS

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Mobile App Lifecycle

Business Analysts, Developers

Server and Enterprise Developers

Functional and performance testers

Release and security managers

Execs and App Owners






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Mobile Application Lifecycle


LoB App Owner/VP

Apps/ CMO

Development Management

Corporate Developer

“Show me where all of the all of the apps with have for our banking customers stand in development and testing”

“Lets see how the latest increase in productivity of my Titanium team affected the testing queue”

“I need to know where the app I was working on is crashing?”

“What are my customers doing with these mobile banking apps?”

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Mobile Application Lifecycle

Corporate Developer



Mobility CoE / VP Mobility

“I need to know where every app in our estate stands, in terms of development, testing, and production”

“What happened to the expense management app I submitted to testing?”

“How many apps do we have? What are they doing for us?”

“What are the employee apps using, in terms of resources and modules?”

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• State of the market

• Technologies to support mobile-first enterprises

• A lifecycle approach

• Creating an app factory

• Requirements for a next generation mobile platform

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Application factory

• While everyone starts with one app…

• As enterprise builds multiple applications, standardization enables repeatability

• The enterprise will quickly move to disposable applications

• Each application running on a new device class is a new application

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Application Components

Branded elements (logos, colors, graphical elements)

Connection to CRM system

Login/password admin

Encryption of data in transit

Connection to twitter/facebookDeveloper then ‘stitches’

the elements of the mobile application together

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Next Generation Platform

–Visibility across the entire Mobile Application Lifecycle

• Build, test, deploy, manage, analyze

–Vibrant, involved ecosystem of SIs and developers to extend the platform

–Standards-based development language and studio

–Ability to integrate best of breed tools (MAM, Testing, Bug Reporting)

–Modular capabilities to componentize app elements for maximum reusability, and enforcement of standards


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Custom Connector Layer

Appcelerator Mobile Cloud Platform

Cloud Services Engine


API Services (backup


Storage (Data &


API Services

Mobile Client Development with Titanium

Examples Custom/Legacy

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MEAP vs Next Generation

Custom Connector Layer

Appcelerator Mobile Cloud Platform

Cloud Servic

es Engin



API Servic

es (backup)


(Data & File)

API Servic


Mobile Client Development with Titanium

Next Generation Advantages

• Scalability• Single development

environment• Client side• Server side

• Lower Cost (less upfront investment)

• More Deployment options (VPC, Behind Firewall)


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Rating Development Options

Traditional Native Application Approaches

Traditional MEAP Platforms

Next Generation Mobile Application Platforms

Enforceable standards for application elements

N/A Yes, limited to supported options

Yes, fully extensible through the ecosystem

Native, Hybrid and HTML app support

N/A No, native or wrapper


Open architecture for integration of best of breed

N/A No, closed systems Yes

Ecosystem of SI, ISVs and developers

Yes, depending on OS

SIs but few developers/ISVs

Open ecosystem

Standards-based, customizable backend connectors

N/A Proprietary, significant additional costs

In the same development

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Mobile Maturity Model

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• Technologies for the mobile first enterprise are:– MDM/MAM– Next Generation Platforms– UI/UX

• Application factory Approaches will enable IT to react quickly to the requests from the LOBs

• Next generation platforms must enable visibility across the App lifecycle, regardless of role

• Mobile maturity goals will dictate the pace of technology investments

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