Codes & Conventions of Contents Page

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Transcript of Codes & Conventions of Contents Page

  • 1. Codes and Conventions of Magazine Contents Page Namra Imran A1

2. Main Features of Contents Page Layout set in two to three columns One main image relating to the feature article Other small images Structured Layout Top of the page name of magazine, issue date and word contents Subscription and contact information Editors Letter sometimes appear on the top, left hand side of a page Issue date/ month and web address and pone number are mentioned 3. Contents- divided into categories and headlinesused to identify each.-Features and Regulars Contents- written in conventional way 1. First Line page number 2. 1 or 2 words which could be artist name or ambiguous text to intrigue the reader in bold type often capitals Sub lines- A more specific detail is given about the article, smaller font and roman, largest font is 11pt. There are no sub lines in this content page 4. It follows the codes and conventions of magazineas it includes the masthead Contents It is clearly used to define to the audience what the page is all about. Masthead is in bold font and style Aharoni to stand out. 5. IntroductionIntroduces the magazine States what will be covered It is signed by the chief editor which makes reader feels special Sometimes small ads are places which shows related products to the magazine They can increase their readership through their own ads 6. Pictorial Images clearly labeled and linked to their corresponding pages All images have supporting textRegular Feature Similar Font types Text is mainly down side of columnsImagePage NumberText 7. Content & Credits Colors-Content page use the same, simple color scheme as the front cover. Photographyis credited for the front cover and there are interesting varied photographs 8. Masthead Bold Font/ Capital Letters to attract audienceHeadlines- code and convention. Uses continuity of design as the writing is in white on the red background. Tis is also seen on the magazine logo. Key image and information wrapped around it is a code and convention. Members of key image looking strait into audience eyes- to draw attention to Note: Continuous target color scheme of audience black red and white- usually connote rock and indie music 9. Sub heading - to separate it from the explanatory text Text to intrigue the readerPage number is mentioned to make it easy for the reader to read the magazine. In red showing continuity of brand identity.Spacing between the Lure Is a code and convention of contents page Make easy for audience to read the magazine Separates each lure making it look individual 10. Institutional DetailsArticle Title- anchors the inset imageInforms the reader when the issue was publishedWeb address provides alternative ways of accessing the magazineSmaller Inset Image Usually a full body sot. The way tat person is standing gives a centered feel 11. Main Image Inset Lon shot image Male singer The lead signer of theband can be clearly seen wearing sunglasses- connotes coolness An all male, corkAsian band in their 30s. Target demographicis the male of about 30 years Band Memberswearing black and white- style of music they play could be alternative 12. Anchors the maininset image and confirms this for reader. Pull Quote:Attracts reader and make tem curious about the gossip of the band.Article TitleCommon Phrase:Makes the reader feel as a friend to the magazinePull Quote/Common Phrase 13. Vertical Column- this frames the main inset imageThis feature and the page number are written in gold. Feature is written in different font to show it is special as it claims to be. 14. Other Examples 15. Masthead Images Sub headingPage number TextArtist nameIntro about the article wit a small inset image Issue Date/Web address. 16. Different images representing varied stories present in the magazine.Title- one important thing is that there is no content word present Sub headingsTextPage numberHighlighting the stories of the month 17. Summary