Code Generation

Code Generation 3 April 2015 1 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET
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This is used to compiler code generation slide.

Transcript of Code Generation

  • Code Generation

    3 April 2015 1 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • 2

    Phases of Compiler Input Source Program

    Lexical Analyzer

    Syntax Analyzer

    Symbol Table Manager

    Semantic Analyzer Error Handler

    Intermediate Code Generator

    Code Optimizer

    Code Generator

    Target Program

  • Code Generation

    Input : Intermediate language program

    such as sequence of quadruples or triples

    and so on

    Output: Object program such as machine

    language form, assembly language

    program or some other.

    3 April 2015 3 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Problems of Code Generation

    Deciding what machine instructions to generate

    If the target machine has the instruction add one to-storage(AOS) then the statement A:=A+1 should generate

    AOS A

    Rather than

    LOAD A

    ADD #1


    3 April 2015 4 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Problems of Code Generation

    Deciding in what order the computation should

    be done

    Some computation require fewer registers

    Picking the best order is a very difficult problem

    We generate in the order produced by the semantic


    Deciding which registers to use for computation.

    3 April 2015 5 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Machine Model

    Code generation requires intimate knowledge of target machine

    Assume 16 bit machine with byte addressable 216 bytes.

    215 16 bit words.

    Eight general purpose registers, R0, R1,, R7 capable of holding 16 bit quantity.

    Binary operator of the form OP source, destination

    3 April 2015 6 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Machine Model

    Addressing mode r (register mode): register contains the operand

    *r (indirect register): r contains the address of the operand

    X(r) (indexed mode): Value X is added to the contents of r to produce the address of the operand.

    *X(r) (indirect indexed mode) : Value X is added to the contents of r to produce the address of the word containing the address of the operand.

    #X (immediate): The word following the instruction contains the literal operand X.

    3 April 2015 7 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Machine Model


    MOV (move source to destination)

    ADD (add source to destination)

    SUB (substract source from destination)

    3 April 2015 8 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Machine Model

    MOV R0,R1 instruction has cost 1

    MOV R5,M instruction has cost 2, since the

    address of memory location M is in the word

    following the instruction

    ADD #1, R3, has cost 2 since the constant 1

    must appear in the next word

    SUB 4(R0), *5(R1) has cost 3, since two

    constant 4 and 5

    3 April 2015 9 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Machine Model For the quadruple of the form a:=b+c

    MOV B, R0

    ADD C, R0

    MOV R0, A

    MOV B, A

    ADD C, A

    MOV *R1, *R0

    ADD *R2, *R0

    Assuming R0, R1 and R2 contains address of a, b, and c

    ADD R2, R1

    MOV R1, A

    Assuming R1 and R2 contains address of b, and c





    3 April 2015 10 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Code Generation Algorithm

    Next use: Live after the block

    Register Descriptor: Keeps track of the register


    Address descriptor: Keeps track of the location of the

    current value.

    3 April 2015 11 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Code Generation Algorithm

    Each quadruple of the form A:=B op C Determine the reg where the operation to be


    Consult the address descriptor to get the location. If

    B is not in reg generate MOV to copy in reg.

    Generate the instruction OP C, L, C is the location,

    update address descriptor, if L is reg. update register


    If B or C has no next use alter the register


    3 April 2015 12 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • A Simple Code Generator T: = A-B

    U: = A-C

    V: = T+U

    W: = V+U

    Statement Code






    T: = A-B MOV A,R0

    SUB B,R0

    R0 contains T T in R0

    U: = A-C MOV A,R1

    SUB C, R1

    R0 contains T

    R1 contains U

    T in R0

    U in R1

    V: = T+U Add R1, R0 R0 contains V

    R1 contains U

    U in R1

    V in R0

    W: = V+U ADD R1, R0

    MOV R0, W

    R0 contains


    W in R0

    Cost of the generated code is 12


  • A Simple Code Generator

    Conditional Statement

    two ways

    Jump if the value of the registers meet the

    conditions, negative, zero, positive, non

    negative, nonzero and nonpositive

    Ex. If A

  • A Simple Code Generator

    Conditional Statement

    Condition Code, a hardware indication

    Loaded to r a value zero, negative or positive

    Ex. CMP A, B sets the condition code to

    positive if A>B and so on.

    IF A

  • Register Allocation

    Efficient utilization of registers is important in generating codes

    One approach: Assign specific types to certain registers. Ex. Base register to one group, arithmatic

    computation to another and so on

    It is simple to design

    But application is too strict and inefficient for registers use

    certain registers may be unused others are unnecessary loaded

    3 April 2015 16 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Global Register Allocation

    Registers to hold values of a single basic block

    But forced to store values at the end of BB

    Assign registers to frequently used variables and

    keep theses registers consistent (global)

    Try to use registers in loops

    We assume fixed no. registers for global

    We can save 1 unit cost for reference to variable

    x if x is in register

    3 April 2015 17 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Usage count Counts the saving for register allocation

    USE(x,B) is the number of times x is used

    in B prior to any definition of x

    LIVE(x,B) is 1 if x is live on exit from B and

    is assigned a value in B otherwise 0


    BxLIVEBxUSE )},(*2),({

    3 April 2015 18 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Usage count

    a:= b+c

    d:= d-b


    f:=a-d b:= d+f

    e:= a-e

    b:= d+e

    For x=a

    a is live on exit from

    B1and assigned a value

    there but is not live on exit

    from B2, B3 and B4

    For x=a


    USE(a,B1)=0, since a is

    defined in B1 before any use.

    USE(a,B2)=1, USE(a,B3)=1, USE(a,B4)=0,

    Usage value for x=a is 4

    Thus 4 unit of costs can be saved by selecting a for one of the global registers


    acde acdf




    B2 B3



  • Usage count

    B1 B2 B3 B4 B1 B2 B3 B4 Total

    a 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4

    b 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 5

    c 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3

    d 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 6

    e 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4

    f 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 4

    Live Use

    3 April 2015 20 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

  • Usage count

    MOV R1, R0

    ADD C, R0

    SUB R1, R2

    MOV R0, R3

    ADD F, R3 MOV R3,E

    MOV R0,R3

    SUB R2, R3

    MOV R3, F

    MOV R2, R1

    ADD F, R1

    MOV R0,R3

    SUB C, R3

    MOV R3, E

    MOV R2, R1

    ADD C, R1

    MOV B, R1

    MOV D, R2

    MOV B, R1

    MOV D, R2 MOV B, R1

    MOV D, R2





    3 April 2015 21

  • Rearranging





    MOV A, R0

    ADD B, R0

    MOV C, R1

    ADD D, R1

    MOV R0, T1 MOV E, R0

    SUB R1, R0

    MOV T1, R1

    SUB R0, R1

    MOV R1, T4

    3 April 2015 22 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET

    Construct the DAG

  • Rearranging




    T1:=A+B T4:=T1-T3

    MOV C, R0

    ADD D, R0

    MOV E, R1

    SUB R0, R1

    MOV A, R0 ADD B, R0

    SUB R1, R0

    MOV R0, T4


    3 April 2015 23 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET


    3 April 2015 24 Dr. Azhar, Dept. of CSE, KUET