Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut...

A peer-reviewed version of this preprint was published in PeerJ on 22 December 2016. View the peer-reviewed version (, which is the preferred citable publication unless you specifically need to cite this preprint. Alcaraz LD, Hernández AM, Peimbert M. 2016. Exploring the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) fecal microbiome, bacterial inhabitants of a worldwide pet. PeerJ 4:e2837

Transcript of Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut...

Page 1: Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial inhabitantsof a worldwide distributed pet Author names and affiliations

A peer-reviewed version of this preprint was published in PeerJ on 22December 2016.

View the peer-reviewed version (, which is thepreferred citable publication unless you specifically need to cite this preprint.

Alcaraz LD, Hernández AM, Peimbert M. 2016. Exploring the cockatiel(Nymphicus hollandicus) fecal microbiome, bacterial inhabitants of aworldwide pet. PeerJ 4:e2837

Page 2: Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial inhabitantsof a worldwide distributed pet Author names and affiliations

Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial

inhabitants of a worldwide distributed pet

Luis David Alcaraz 1 , Apolinar M. Hernández 2 , Mariana Peimbert Corresp. 2

1 Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad, Instituto de Ecología. Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, Mexico city, Mexico2 Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Unidad Cuajimalpa, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico city, Mexico

Corresponding Author: Mariana Peimbert

Email address: [email protected]

Background. Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) were originally endemic to Australia, but

they are nowadays popular worldwide pet birds. It is now possible to make detailed

molecular studies on cultivable and uncultivable bacteria that are part of the intestinal

microbiome of healthy animals, these studies showed that bacteria are an essential part of

the capacity and metabolic status of animals. There are few studies of bird microbiomes

and to date this is the first reported cockatiel microbiome work. Methods. In this paper we

analyzed the gut microbiome of 3 healthy adult cockatiel birds by massive sequencing of

16S ribosomal gene. Additionally, we show a comparison with other poultry, and wild birds

microbiomes and their taxa profiles Results. The vast majority of the Cockatiel’s bacteria

found were Firmicutes, while Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes are poorly represented.

19,280 different OTUs were detected, of which 8,072 belong to the Erysipelotrichaceae

family. Discussion. Cockatiels wide geographic distribution, and close human contact

makes relevant to study their microbiomes, this study gives a baseline for their bacterial

diversity. Cockatiels microbiomes diversity are dominated by Firmicutes of the

Erysipelotrichaceae family. Cockatiels, and other wild birds are almost depleted of

Bacteroidetes which happen to be abundant in poultry birds and this is probably related

with the intensive human manipulation of poultry bird diets. Some pathogenic bacteria like

Clostridium colinum, and Serratia marcescens are inhabitants of the cockatiel’s

microbiome while other pathogens are not elements of healthy cockatiel’s microbiota,

although the specimens collected were perfectly healthy at the time.

PeerJ Preprints | | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 15 Jul 2016, publ: 15 Jul 2016

Page 3: Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial inhabitantsof a worldwide distributed pet Author names and affiliations

Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial inhabitants

of a worldwide distributed pet

Author names and affiliations

Luis David Alcaraza, Apolinar M. Hernándezb, and Mariana Peimbertb,*

a Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad. Instituto de Ecología. Universidad

Nacional Autónoma de México. AP 70-275, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, 04510, Cd. Mx.,


b Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad

Cuajimalpa. Av. Vasco de Quiroga 4871, Col. Santa Fe Cuajimalpa, 05348, Cd. Mx.,


Corresponding author

Mariana Peimbert

E-mail address: mpeimbert @ correo . cua . uam . mx

Tel.: (5255) 5814 6500 ext. 3878

Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad

Cuajimalpa. Av. Vasco de Quiroga 4871, Col. Santa Fé Cuajimalpa, 05348, Cd. Mx.,






Page 4: Cockatiel ([i]Nymphicus hollandicus[i]) gut microbiomes ...Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) gut microbiomes, bacterial inhabitantsof a worldwide distributed pet Author names and affiliations

AbstractBackground. Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) were originally endemic to Australia,

but they are nowadays popular worldwide pet birds. It is now possible to make detailed

molecular studies on cultivable and uncultivable bacteria that are part of the intestinal

microbiome of healthy animals, these studies showed that bacteria are an essential part of

the capacity and metabolic status of animals. There are few studies of bird microbiomes

and to date this is the first reported cockatiel microbiome work.

Methods. In this paper we analyzed the gut microbiome of 3 healthy adult cockatiel birds

by massive sequencing of 16S ribosomal gene. Additionally, we show a comparison with

other poultry, and wild birds microbiomes and their taxa profiles

Results. The vast majority of the Cockatiel’s bacteria found were Firmicutes, while

Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes are poorly represented. 19,280 different OTUs were

detected, of which 8,072 belong to the Erysipelotrichaceae family.

Discussion. Cockatiels wide geographic distribution, and close human contact makes

relevant to study their microbiomes, this study gives a baseline for their bacterial diversity.

Cockatiels microbiomes diversity are dominated by Firmicutes of the Erysipelotrichaceae

family. Cockatiels, and other wild birds are almost depleted of Bacteroidetes which happen

to be abundant in poultry birds and this is probably related with the intensive human

manipulation of poultry bird diets. Some pathogenic bacteria like Clostridium colinum, and

Serratia marcescens are inhabitants of the cockatiel’s microbiome while other pathogens

are not elements of healthy cockatiel’s microbiota, although the specimens collected were

perfectly healthy at the time.

Keywords: Microbiome, Cockatiel, Erysipelotrichaceae, comparative bird microbiome







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IntroductionThe study of microbiology is changing very rapidly thanks to the development of

sequencing techniques more efficient and cheaper DNA, this has allowed the study of

communities without the need to cultivate and isolate each colony. These technological

developments have established that a healthy human contains 10–100 trillions of bacterial

cells (Turnbaugh et al., 2007). The above has made us reanalyze the microorganisms

associated to animals with a very different view of what we consider a healthy or a sick


There are relatively few studies on gut microbial diversity of birds by next generation

sequencing (Waite and Taylor, 2014). The avian microbiome models that have been

extensively studied are chickens and turkeys, poultry microbiome studies have focused

mainly to improve the health and weight gain of birds without using antibiotics, as in

mammals the presence of Lactobacillus has been of particular relevance (Stanley et al.,

2014; Danzeisen et al., 2015). Studies on the vultures microbiomes, which are animals that

feed on decomposing meat rich in toxins, and also with the penguins microbiomes shows

an increased abundance of Fusobacteria (Dewar et al., 2013; Roggenbuck et al., 2014).

Kakapo’s microbes have been studied as part of its conservation program, they are parrots

endemic to New Zealand that are critically endangered (Waite and Taylor, 2014 ). In

addition, there are studies of some other bird species like the Hoatzin that has a similar

microbiota to the rumen of cows, which is explained by the forage-based diet (Wright et al.,







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Both in the wild and in captivity Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) feed primarily on

seeds but they also eat fruits and vegetables. Like all psittacine (parrots) they are

characterized by not having ceca which has been attributed to a low fiber diet (DeGolier et

al., 1999). Cockatiels are gregarious, small, elegantly colorful and their reproduction in

captivity is relatively simple, making them a good choice as a pet. Cockatiel is the only

member from the family Cacatuidae, these birds are naturally distributed in Australia with a

global distribution as pet and ornamental bird. N. hollandicus shows social behaviors, in the

wild they are grouped in flocks of 27 birds on average, however when there is shortage of

food flocks increases their size up to 100 birds (Jones, 1987).

There are some studies on cultivable bacteria of Cockatiels, but very few of those were

performed on healthy birds. One of the most comprehensive Cockatiel microbial studies is

about bacterial diversity in skin, in which 37 colonies were isolated, 18 colonies correspond

to Staphylococcus and 5 to Corynebacterium (Lamb et al., 2014). Given the wide

distribution of Cockatiels as pets it is important to research on the biodiversity of bacteria

associated with these birds. In this paper we describe the gut microbial diversity of healthy

adult cockatiels by the use of next generation sequencing and analysis of ribosomal 16S

gene, additionally Cockatiel’s diversity is also compared with that observed in other

herbivorous birds.





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Fecal samples from three adult and healthy cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) were

obtained from two commercial breeders at the Sonora Market, Mexico City. First fecal

deposition of the day were immediately recollected with cotton swabs, samples were stored

at -80°C in resuspension buffer (50 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris–HCl pH 7.5, 10 mM EDTA)

until processed. No special permissions were required for this work, and the bird seller gave

us allowance to sample stool, no birds were harmed in this study. Nymphicus hollandicus is

listed as “Least Concern ver 3.1” in the Red List of the International Union for

Conservation of Nature (IUCN;

DNA preparation

DNA purification were performed by standard procedures (Sambrook et al., 1989) except

that phenol extraction was performed at 55°C. DNA was further purified by High Pure PCR

Template Kit (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) according to manufacturer

instructions. Briefly, 30 ul of sample was resuspended in 150 µl of 50 mM glucose, 10 mM

EDTA, 25 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 0.1 mg of lysozyme was added and incubated for 5 min.

Then, SDS was added to a final concentration of 2%, 200 µl of phenol were aggregated and

incubated for 15 minutes at 55°C. The aqueous phase was separated and re extracted with

phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1), and chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1).

DNA was precipitated with sodium acetate and ethanol at -20 °C and resuspended in water.

Later, binding buffer, which includes guanidine-HCl and proteinase K, was added; DNA

was bound to a spin column of silica gel, the column was washed two times and finally

DNA was eluted in 50 µl water.








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Three PCR were performed for each sample. Primers MiSeq341F




C) were used. The 3’ end of primers amplifies for regions V3 and V4 of 16S gene

(Herlemann et al., 2011), while 5’ ends are adapter sequences for MiSeq™ (Illumina, San

Diego, CA). The reactions were carried out in a final volume of 20 µl containing 250 µM

dTNPs, 0.5 µM of each primer, 0.02 U Taq Platinum (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), and 10x

Taq Platinum buffer containing 1.5 mM MgCl2. The protocol used for PCR reactions was:

initial denaturation at 95°C for 3 min, followed by 25 cycles consisting of denaturation at

94°C for 30 sec, annealing at 55°C for 30 sec and extension at 72°C for 1 min, and a final

extension step at 72°C for 5 min. PCR products were purified with High Pure PCR Product

Purification Kit (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany).


We used the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Massive DNA Sequencing

Facility UUSMD services to build sequencing libraries and MiSeq™ 300bp paired ends,

following Illumina® directions (Illumina, San Diego, CA).

Data analysis

Raw reads were processed and quality filtered using FASTQC

(http :// www . bioinformatics . babraham . ac . uk / projects / fastqc /), and Fastx-Toolkit

(http :// hannonlab . cshl . edu / fastx _ toolkit /). The reads were assembled and merged with






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PANDASEQ (Masella et al., 2012), selecting a minimum length of 470 bp, minimum

overlap of 15 bp and a quality cut-off for the assembly of 0.95, removing any ambiguous

bases. Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were picked with cd-hit-est using a 97%

identity cut-off. OTU representative sequences were selected with script

from the QIIME pipeline (Caporaso et al., 2010). Taxonomy assignment of the

representative OTUs was done using BLAST (e-value = 1e-10) against Greengenes DB (v

13.8; DeSantis et al., 2006). Known contaminants were removed from the analysis

(mitochondria, chloroplast), as well as chimeras. All statistical and diversity analyses were

performed on R: phyloseq package (McMurdie and Holmes, 2013), plots were done using

ggplot2 package and RColorBrewer library palettes.

We choose several available bird microbiomes to compare against cockatiel, all the

sequences were downloaded from their papers declared repositories, all the sequences were

processed with the same QC applied to cockatiel, as described before. The compared

samples are: An endangered psittacine bird samples, three samples from the kakapo gut

microbiome (Waite et al., 2012); three turkey gut microbiome samples (Danzeisen et al.,

2015); three chicken gut microbiome samples (Stanley et al ., 2013); one sample from wild

duck’s fecal samples microbiome (Strong et al., 2013); three samples from the emu caecal

microbiome (Bennett et al., 2013); and finally we used three swine gut microbiome samples

as an outgroup for comparative purposes (Looft et al., 2012). For the comparative birds

microbiome dataset, each compared species was processed as stated before individually,

then phyla abundances were calculated from the taxonomy assignments, transformed to

relative frequency for each sample and plotted in an histogram. This was the alternative







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procedure because the poor performance of reducing the overall

diversity several magnitude orders in the cockatiels microbiomes.

Data accessibility

Raw sequencing data is available on the NCBI under the project accession PRJNA320285,

and the following Short Read Archive (SRA) accessions: SRR3473941, SRR3473942, and

SRR3473943. OTU tables and their taxonomic assignations are available on figshare

https :// dx . doi . org /10.6084/ m 9. figshare .3470555



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ResultsGut microbiomes from three adult cockatiels were studied by sequence analysis of 16S

ribosomal gene; specimens were healthy and lived in captivity. About 100,000 sequences

were obtained per bird giving a total of 295,217 sequences which were clustered into

19,280 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) at a 97% identity cluster cut-off (Table 1).

The vast majority (99.6%) of observed OTUs were taxonomically assigned with the

Greengenes database which includes environmental samples. There are around 7,000

different OTUs identified for each cockatiel, the calculated Chao1 diversity index indicates

an expected richness from 32,000 to 44,000 OTUs, this implies that many other OTUs can

be found. The Simpson index implies that for all three cases there are few predominant

bacteria, so OTUs not found in this study are in very low proportions (Table 1). By doing a

frequency analysis we observe that the vast majority of organisms were Firmicutes, 57% of

the sequences corresponds to the Erysipelotrichaceae family, while 17 and 15% correspond

to the Clostridium and Lactobacillus genus, respectively. Proteobacteria together stand for

less than 1.5% of the observed bacteria, Tenericutes represent 6.3%, while Bacteroidetes

are less than 0.05%. The groups that showed greater diversity were Erysipelotrichaceae

(8,072), Lactobacillus (6,919) and Mycoplasmataceae (1,295). Observed Cyanobacteria

correspond to the chloroplasts from the grain-based diet, just as some Proteobacteria

identified as mitochondria grasses.

To better understand the distribution of bacteria in each animal we performed a bar plot

graph which shows that there are dominant bacterial OTUs in each sample (Figure 1);

Erysipelotrichaceae, Clostridium and Lactobacillus are the most abundant groups. It is

interesting that although more than 8,000 different Erysipelotrichaceae OTUs were found,







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only two OTUs were clearly dominant for the three samples we named these E1 and E2.

Likewise, the Lactobacillus OTU L1 is the most common for all three birds and the same

happens with Clostridium colinum OTU C1. We can also observe that 75% of the sample is

made up of only 4 different bacteria in all cases. The Venn diagram shows that only 461 out

of 19,279 OTUs are shared in all samples (Figure 2). However, these shared bacteria are

predominant as correspond for 82, 83, and 85% of each bird microbiome. The 17,166

unique otus for each cockatiel are low frequency ones, for cockatiel 2, and 3 each exclusive

OTU represents less than 0.1%; whereas Candidatus Division Arthromitus is exclusive for

cockatiel 1 and its abundance is 1.9%.

We performed the standard QIIME’s script strategy to compare with

other birds microbiome datasets, which uses a closed reference DB and discard any non

matching sequence for further analysis. When we tried to identify the sequences using the

closed OTU database, which only includes type species, just 309 cockatiel’s OTUs were

designated (Table 1); this indicates that most bacteria from Cockatiels gut microbiome are

not comprehended within the reference sequence models used by but

they are common in other environments. This also points out that the is

not the best way to analyze and compare microbiomes, although it is the recommended

approach for comparing different microbiome studies using different 16S gene variable

regions, sequencing coverages, and read lengths derived from independent experiments

(Caporaso et al. 2010). To overcome the low number of assigned

OTUs and perform the comparison, the raw datasets for the other bird microbiomes were

downloaded and processed just as for cockatiels (see Methods) and comparisons were done

using family taxonomic level.







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A graphical summary of the cockatiel’s microbiome diversity is shown in Figure 3, where

Erysipelotrichaceae family is highly dominant (57%) in the cockatiels gut microbiomes.

This family is ubiquitous and most known strains are avirulent. They are Gram positive

bacteria and there are both aerobic and anaerobic species. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae was

first described in 1876 by Koch however many details of its physiology are unknown. The

genus Erysipelothrix is aerobic, E. rhusiopathiae causes erysipelas disease in swines,

poultry and also infects other animals including humans; treatment with penicillin is

sufficient to treat erysipelas and in some countries it is common practice to vaccinate

swines against the bacteria (Eamens et al., 2006). E. tonsillarum, unlike E. rhusiopathiae,

can ferment sucrose and is not virulent yet the 16S ribosomal gene diverges only three

bases (99.8% identical) (Kiuchi et al., 2000); the former prevents their differentiation in

molecular studies such as this. About Erysipelotrichaceae anaerobic species very little is

known, they are found in the gut and oral microbiome of healthy human and mouse, and

some species have been associated with periodontitis and halitosis (Verbarg, et al., 2014).

For all the OTUs phylotypes were assigned, but for most of them it was not possible to

have a resolution up to gender or species levels, so we do not know if they are or not

anaerobic nor can we relate them to some pathogenic species.

Lactobacilli are often in the gut microbiome of animals, they are used as probiotics for

weight gain of the chickens as well as for protection against some enteric bacteria like

Salmonella or Campylobacter (Patterson and Burkholder, 2003). In this analysis

Lactobacilli represent on average 15% of the microbiome. The most common species for







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cockatiels are Lactobacillus coleohominis, L. reuteri and L. acidipiscis, however many

OTUs could not be homology assigned (phylotyped) at the species level.

The three cockatiels from two different farms presented Clostridium colinum

asymptomatically with very different proportions 1.3, 37.1, and 11.3%, respectively. C.

colinum is a Gram positive anaerobic bacterium that has been identified as a pathogen in

poultry; it causes enteritis ulcerative, also called quail disease, symptoms includes liver and

spleen injuries (Berkhoff, 1985). C. colinum infection can cause death within 2-3 days for

bobwhite quail, while in other birds can cause anorexia, humped backs, and watery or

bloody diarrhea. Mortality in chickens is relatively low (2-10%) and they usually recover in

a couple of weeks. Ulcerative enteritis is associated with high population density and can

be treated with streptomycin (Cooper et al., 2013). Our data indicate that Clostridium

colinum is normally found in the cockatiel gut microbiome and only when out of control

causes disease in cockatiels, also it could suggest that there are some low pathogenic OTUs.

The family Mycoplasmataceae constitutes 6.3% of the cockatiels’ microbiome. In the

Greengenes DB taxonomic classification they are part of Phylum Tenericutes, but many

other classifications consider them part of Phylum Firmicutes. Mycoplasmas are bacteria

without cell walls which are usually located in the gut. Mycoplasmas blooms are associated

with diets rich in simple carbohydrates and thus are related to obesity in mice and humans,

these blooms displace Bacteroidetes (Turnbaugh et al., 2006). The proportion observed in

cockatiels is the same as healthy chickens, for Clostridium perfringens infected chickens

this proportion increased 3.7 times (Stanley et al., 2013).






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Of the bacteria found in just one individual cockatiel “Candidatus division Arthromitus”

with a frequency of almost 2%. Ca. Arthromitus is a segmented filamentous non culturable

Gram positive bacterium; the filaments are anchored to the intestinal epithelium end they

are important for development of the mice immune system (Talham et al., 1999). The fully

sequenced Ca. Arthromitus’ genome shows a reduced genome suggesting a close and

lasting relationship with their host (Bolotin et al., 2014). In turkeys, they have been

described as part of normal bacterial succession that gets established around week 6; Ca.

Arthromitus has also been linked to weight gain because they displace some types of

Lactobacilli (Danzeisen et al., 2013). In the cockatiel, we do not observe a clear

displacement of Lactobacilli; however, as in the aforementioned paper not all the birds

show this bacterium.

Cockatiel’s most abundant Proteobacteria was Serratia marcescens which is usually

located in water and foods, but it is also a nosocomial pathogen which can cause respiratory

and urinary infections, meningitis, endocarditis, etc (Hejazi and Falkiner, 1997). Its

frequency is not negligible because it represents 1% of the observed bacteria.

We specifically look for some pathogenic bacteria in the cockatiels microbiomes.

Escherichia, Shigella, Mycobacterium, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Pasteurella were not

detected; while Salmonella, Helicobacter, Campylobacter, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus,

Aeromonas, Proteus, Listeria and Enterococcus were found in just an animal to a lesser

extent of 1 x 10-5. Pseudomonas species that were found are not pathogenic to animals, we

also detected Streptococcus in the cockatiel 2 with a 0.1% frequency. The above indicates






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that these pathogenic bacteria are not part of the normal gut microbiome as they were not

found or detected only in one bird.

Because of the importance of the type of diet for the development of microbiome, cockatiel

microbiome data were compared with other grain-eating birds microbiomes (kakapo, emu,

duck, turkey, chicken), and with swine gut microbiomes as a mammal outgroups (Figure 4).

The comparison shows that the most abundant phyla averages for Cockatiels are:

Firmicutes (91%), followed by Tenericutes (5.9%), Spirochaetes (1.4%), and

Proteobacteria (1.3%). Firmicutes are in high relative abundances (>50%) in turkeys, and

chickens as well but within this farm birds the second most abundant Phylum is

Bacteroidetes which is neglectable for cockatiels. Cockatiels and chickens have unusual

higher average (cockatiels = 5.9%; chickens = 13%) amounts of Tenericutes when

comparing with the rest of the analyzed bird species (3%). Bacteroidetes are broadly

distributed (15.62%), but in all the cockatiels (0.3%), one kakapo, and from the wild duck

with barely detectable amount of this phylum while turkey, chicken and pork have a high

presence of Bacteroidetes, these three cases are overcrowded and extremely sedentary

animals. The cockatiel comparison with the kakapo is the most obvious as they are also

parakeets; kakapo are free-living birds that are in a conservation program, the microbiome

of the kakapo is composed mostly by Proteobacteria (79.61%). Duck and emu have a high

abundance of Fusobacteria (duck=57%, emus=24.67%), this has also been observed in

birds with a carnivorous diet as penguins and vulture. When comparing the swine

microbiomes to the birds we can observe that the first abundance places is dominated by

Bacteroidetes (50.25%), followed by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes in equivalent amounts

both have an average ~23%.







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By means of a Non-metric Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) bird samples were clustered

accordingly to their microbiome taxonomy profiles (Figure 5). The clustering was done

using family taxa (N = 203), because each individual dataset was taxonomically assigned

independently. Poultry bird species cluster closer between them in the center with

microbiomes dominated by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Tenericutes for chickens and

turkeys; emu microbiome hosts a middle ground between Firmicutes and Proteobacteria in

the center of the clustering; Kakapos microbiomes clusters apart from every other bird and

is dominated by Proteobacteria species; wild duck microbiome is mainly to

Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria; cockatiels microbiomes cluster to the

lower right quadrant and are dominated by Firmicutes, Tenericutes, Spirochaeates, and

some Proteobacteria. Swines are used as a comparative outgroup and their microbiomes

hosts large amounts of Bacteroidetes.

It seems like the Bacteroidetes are not major players in at least three bird species analyzed

here: cockatiels, kakapos, and wild ducks. The Bacteroidetes could be an addition to birds

microbiomes due to poultry management, but they seem reduced in wild birds and parrots,

which are not being selected for rapid weight gain. In mammals like the mouse, the

increase of ~50% Firmicutes, and the corresponding decrease of Bacteroidetes abundance

is connected to an obese mice phenotype, and the rise of Firmicutes in obese mice is

connected to increased capabilities to harvest energy from the diet (Turnbaugh et al., 2006).

The Firmicutes richness in wild birds and the cockatiels microbiomes could be also be

connected to a more efficient energy harvesting capabilities, as the increase in the

Bacteroidetes frequencies in the poultry birds could be directed by the intensive human







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manipulation. However, further work is needed to be further compare the phyla abundances

in a wider set of poultry raised, and wild living birds.

ConclusionsCockatiel’s microbiome gives a baseline bacterial diversity for this petting species which is

distributed across all continents. We were able to estimate a total of 19,280 unique OTUs in

all the sampled cockatiels, which is a huge amount of potential bacterial species, but this

species diversity is not taxonomically widespread as cockatiel microbiome is clearly

dominated by Firmicutes, especially Erysipelotrichaceae family. Some pathogenic bacteria

like Clostridium colinum, and Serratia marcescens are part of normal intestinal microbiota

while other pathogenic bacteria are not found regularly in cockatiels. Finally, when

comparing other birds microbiomes Cockatiels’ microbiome is hosting the most Firmicutes

dominated microbiome, with Proteobacteria abundances similar to chicken and turkey

microbiomes, although virtually depleted of some widespread phyla in several birds like

Bacteroidetes. However, bacteria found in the cockatiel gut microbiome are also found in

other animals.

Conflict of interestThe authors declare no conflict of interest-






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AcknowledgementsWe thank Ricardo Grande for his technical assistance.


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Tables titlesTable 1. Cockatiel’s microbiome basic statistics. Number of reads, OTUs and diversity


Table 2. Cockatiel’s microbiome assigned phylotypes and OTUs abundances.

*A total of 295,217 sequencing reads were clustered into 19,280 non-redundant OTUs

using a 97% identity threshold. The Frequency column was calculated using the total

amount of sequencing reads assigned to a phylotype or an OTU for each described level.

Figures legendsFigure 1. Frequency of OTUs for each cockatiel. The three cockatiels are clearly

dominated by Firmicutes. Clostridium OTU C1 overrepresentation is accompanied by a

decrease of Erysipelotrichaceae E1 and E2 and Lactobacillus L1 increase. Most OTUs are

at very low frequencies (<0.04).

Figure 2. Shared and unique OTUs in cockatiel individuals. Most observed OTUs are

unique for each cockatiel, however shared otus are present at a higher frequency and

correspond to more than 80% of the sequences.

Figure 3. Cockatiel’s microbiome summary. Firmicutes dominate the microbiome diversity

with Erysipelotrichaceae, Clostridium, Lactobacillus, and Ca. Arthromitus. In a lesser scale

the Tenericutes phylum with Mycoplasmataceae as the most abundant family. Other phyla





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like Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria are barely detectable

in this study.

Figure 4. Relative frequency of bacteria in intestinal microbiome of granivores. The most

common phyla in grain-eating birds are Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. In

cockatiels only Firmicutes are dominant. Tenericutes are common in cockatiels and

chickens, while Fusobacteria are in greater proportion in emu and duck.

Figure 5. Non-metric Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) biplot analysis for the bird

microbiomes. A total of 203 taxa of the Family level were included to this analysis. Swine

microbiomes are used for outgroup purposes only, and they are clustered apart by their

Bacteroidetes. Interestingly the ordination has most of Proteobacteria on the left, and

Firmicutes on the right quadrants. There are clusters of poultry related species like is the

case for turkey, chicken, and emu. Kakapo clusters apart from every other species on the

left quadrants and they are clearly being clustered by its Proteobacteria abundances. The

wild duck clusters apart due to its particular microbiome configuration with Actinobacteria,

Fusobacteria, and Proteobacteria. Finally, cockatiels are in the bottom right quadrant being

clustered apart by their Firmicutes, Tenericutes, Spirochaetes, and some Proteobacteria







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Table 1(on next page)

Table 1. Cockatiel’s microbiome basic statistics.

Number of reads, OTUs and diversity indexes.

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4 Table 1.


Cockatiel 1 Cockatiel 2 Cockatiel 3 Total

Total sequences (paired end) 90,520 97,161 107,536 295,217

Observed OTUs 6,957 7,566 7,154 19,280

Assigned phylotypes (Greengenes DB) 6,932 7,537 7,129 19,206

Assigned phylotypes (Closed OTUs DB) 109 206 115 309

OTUs Diversity

Chao1 32,790±1,260 36,659±1,364 42,278±1,822

Shannon 3.2 3.47 3.27

Simpson 0.779 0.841 0.845





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Table 2(on next page)

Table 2. Cockatiel’s microbiome assigned phylotypes and OTUs abundances.

*A total of 295,217 sequencing reads were clustered into 19,280 non-redundant OTUs using

a 97% identity threshold. The Frequency column was calculated using the total amount of

sequencing reads assigned to a phylotype or an OTU for each described level.

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5 Table 2.


Phyllum Class Order Family Genus OTUs




Firmicutes 16,287 90.5

Erysipelotrichi Erysipelotrichales Erysipelotrichaceae 8,072 57.4

Clostridia Clostridiales Lachnospiraceae Clostridium 759 17.1

Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus 6,919 15.0

Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Ca. Arthromitus 73 0.67

Tenericutes 1,300 6.3

Mollicutes Mycoplasmatales Mycoplasmataceae 1,295 6.3

Spirochaetes 754 1.5

Brevinematae Brevinematales Brevinemataceae Brevinema 753 1.5

Proteobacteria 732 1.4

-Proteobacteria Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae Serratia 359 1.0

Cyanobacteria 41 0.191

Bacteroidetes 60 0.036

Actinobacteria 22 0.024

Other 83 0.051

Total 19279 100%



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Figure 1(on next page)

Figure 1. Frequency of OTUs for each cockatiel.

The three cockatiels are clearly dominated by Firmicutes. Clostridium OTU C1

overrepresentation is accompanied by a decrease of Erysipelotrichaceae E1 and E2 and

Lactobacillus L1 increase. Most OTUs are at very low frequencies (<0.04).

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E1 E2













0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0Rela�veFrequency

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Figure 2(on next page)

Figure 2. Shared and unique OTUs in cockatiel individuals.

Most observed OTUs are unique for each cockatiel, however shared otus are present at a

higher frequency and correspond to more than 80% of the sequences.

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cocka�el1 cocka�el2









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Figure 3(on next page)

Figure 3. Cockatiel’s microbiome summary.

Firmicutes dominate the microbiome diversity with Erysipelotrichaceae, Clostridium,

Lactobacillus, and Ca. Arthromitus. In a lesser scale the Tenericutes phylum with

Mycoplasmataceae as the most abundant family. Other phyla like Spirochaetes,

Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria are barely detectable in this study.

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Rela�veFrequency0 0.2 0.4





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Figure 4(on next page)

Figure 4. Relative frequency of bacteria in intestinal microbiome of granivores.

The most common phyla in grain-eating birds are Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and

Bacteroidetes. In cockatiels only Firmicutes are dominant. Tenericutes are common in

cockatiels and chickens, while Fusobacteria are in greater proportion in emu and duck.

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0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00








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Figure 5(on next page)

Figure 5. Non-metric Dimensional Scaling (NMDS) biplot analysis for the bird


A total of 203 taxa of the Family level were included to this analysis. Swine microbiomes are

used for outgroup purposes only, and they are clustered apart by their Bacteroidetes.

Interestingly the ordination has most of Proteobacteria on the left, and Firmicutes on the

right quadrants. There are clusters of poultry related species like is the case for turkey,

chicken, and emu. Kakapo clusters apart from every other species on the left quadrants and

they are clearly being clustered by its Proteobacteria abundances. The wild duck clusters

apart due to its particular microbiome configuration with Actinobacteria, Fusobacteria, and

Proteobacteria. Finally, cockatiels are in the bottom right quadrant being clustered apart by

their Firmicutes, Tenericutes, Spirochaetes, and some Proteobacteria families.

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kakapokakapoemu emu















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