Coaching is a process to join people in their path to become the best ...

ICT USA, LLC, 2014 Coaching is a process to join people in their path to become the best version of themselves through a deep self-reflection, while helping them to learn how to manage their own changes. If you want to take advantage of your strengths in order to move forward in your personal and professional life, this program is for you… INTERNATIONAL COACHING CERTIFICATION MAIN OBJECTIVE To Develop Coaching skills knowledge and main abilities. To foster personal and professional development and to acquire the skills to support others in their own development path With this certification the participant will: Learn the Coaching main principles and the Coach´s competencies Be capable to establish a relationship Coach-Coachee Be able to develop a Coaching process successfully Be able to apply the Coaching tools to the professional and personal area Develop communication and leadership abilities Develop life balance Learn how to strengthen team-building processes

Transcript of Coaching is a process to join people in their path to become the best ...

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

Coaching is a process to join people in their path to become the best version of themselves

through a deep self-reflection, while helping them to learn how to manage their own changes.

If you want to take advantage of your strengths in order to move forward in your personal and

professional life, this program is for you…



To Develop Coaching skills knowledge and main abilities. To foster personal and professional

development and to acquire the skills to support others in their own development path

With this certification the participant will:

Learn the Coaching main principles and the Coach´s competencies

Be capable to establish a relationship Coach-Coachee

Be able to develop a Coaching process successfully

Be able to apply the Coaching tools to the professional and personal area

Develop communication and leadership abilities

Develop life balance

Learn how to strengthen team-building processes

ICT USA, LLC, 2014


The participant will acquire powerful tolls to maximize his own personal and

professional potential and to support other people’s development.

This certification will open an entire world of possibilities to the participant and to his

environment in his job, his family and the other activities that he use to do. The

participant will create an environment of grow and development around him,

influencing other people positively.

The teaching-learning methodology and the abilities of certified facilitators and coaches

will ensure a great experience composed by the comprehension of contents, procedures

and the development of the abilities that will allow him to become an exceptional Coach

The program includes community work as a way to practice and demonstrate the

development of the abilities and the knowledge required making a contribution with

other people inside the community


Executives, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers, supervisors and every person that has

the responsibility to lead a team or to guide others through their professional and

personal development.

Every people interested in pursuing their goals with satisfaction and joy.

Every people from every field interested in support other´s development and goal



The program is based on Humanism: We believe that every individual has the potential

to be who they want to be.

It has resulted from more than 15 years of Mauricio Oltra´s organizational experience.

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

All the instructors and coaches are certified and they accompany the participants

through the whole program.


An International Coaching Certification by International Coaching Technologies.

The delivery of Coaching processes progress measurement instruments.

The delivery of tools to clarify competencies expectations.

External and peer coaching practices

Study groups supervision made by a certificate coach including guidance in order to

support the participants in their field projects.

2 in person Coaching sessions for the participants by professional certified coaches.


Module 1

Goals, Action Plan, Rapport, Multidimensional listening

Scope: To develop abilities in order to:

Create an ideal environment with the coachee as a key first step to develop a successful

coaching process, based in the confidence and the effective communication.

Establish the “psychological agreement” and to clarify coaching process goals.

To understand what a coaching process entails.


1. What is Coaching and what is not Coaching? (The difference between coaching and

other practices / methods)

2. The asking process

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

3. The goals and the 10 principles associated with goals

4. Action plan

5. Rapport and confidence establishment

6. A coaching structure and the 7 core coaching core competencies

7. Humanist Organizational Coaching as an intervention model

8. Certification program structure

9. Team alignment and team phases

Module 2

The Power of Language and Coaching conversations

Scope: To identify the main factors in the communication process and the conversations, in

order to improve communication effectiveness and to motivate the objective achievement.


1. Generative language and conversational networks.

2. The power of words and collaborative dialogue.

3. Verbal and nonverbal language.

4. Language for influence.

5. Conflict management and linguistic gap.

6. The impeccability of words.

7. The conversational design.

8. The homework in Coaching.

9. The team´s values.

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

Supervision (staff section)

Module 3

The art of the Powerful Questions


To develop the coach competences.

To apply powerful questions as a key tool in the coaching practice.


1. Coaching and the art of questioning.

2. Centering.

3. Types of questions.

7. Metamodel.

8. Questions for each occasion.

9. Questions of team identity.

Supervision (staff section)

Module 4

Multidimensional Listening

Scope: To value and enforce listening competence, understanding it through a new dimension,

throughout the development of a theoretical frame and some experiential dynamics.


ICT USA, LLC, 2014

1. The 4 listening levels and the metalevel.

2. Intuition development.

3. Conditions for an effective listening.

4. Unique / Multiple scope.

5. Ocular keys access and representational channels.

7. Octagonal Listening.

8. Indicators of a live conflict.

Process supervision (Staff session)

Module 5

The management of beliefs


To identify powerful and limiting beliefs and realize the importance that these have in

our actions.

To develop the ability to change limiting beliefs for powerful beliefs.

To understand that we can choose our beliefs and we can used them for achieving our

goals and having wellness in our lives.


1. Sense of identity (How are beliefs developed?).

2. The functional side of resistance.

3. Breaking limiting beliefs and positions.

4. Real obstacles and beliefs.

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

5. How to change deep beliefs?

6. Reframing.

7. Powerful beliefs and the PHM process.

8. Humanist and Organizational Coaching II, an intervention model.

9. Vision, Mission and team´s strategy. Breaking paradigms on teams.

Module 6

Leader´s balance and life coaching

Scope: To learn life coaching tools and elements to meet balance in our own life.


1. Life balance and inspirational leadership.

2. The 4 human dimensions, individual and team alignment.

3. The power of values and the success sequence.

4. Personal leadership daily training.

5. The 5 development spheres.

6. Humanist and Organizational Coaching III (Cultural change), an intervention model.

7. Supervision, closing and maintenance plan.

8. Marketing and Coaching perspective.

9. The team as a reflection of leader´s thinking frames.

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

Closing session


To integrate learning from all the modules.

To recognize our ability to manage a Coaching process in an integral way from the

beginning to the end.

Final evaluation.


1. Learning integration.

2. Closing activity.

3. Final evaluation.


Intensive course that consist in a combination of in person sessions, webinars, discussion

groups and practice job with peers and the community; with 125 hours in length, distributed as


ICT USA, LLC, 2014

ICT USA, LLC, 2014


Coaching with NLP ( Joseph O´connor and Andrea Lages)

MetaCoaching (Michael Hall)


The development of an integrative and innovative Coaching Project with a peer and one

with a member of the community.

Attendance should be at list 90% in each activity.

Minimum average grade to approve each module should be 80/100.


Admission form

Intention letter





Has trained and certified more than 2000 coaches in different countries.

Has developed more than 50 Coaching Certification Programs internationally. Nowadays

Coaching Certification Programs are been developed in Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia and


Has been recognized by leader companies such as: Idear (Venezuela-Portugal), Impact

(Chile), Wekan (Panamá), Perfiles y Competencias (Dominican Republic), Empowermind

(Denmark); ICC (England), Lambent do Brazil (Brazil), Preselección (Guatemala), Quantum

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

(Argentina) Jamming (Peru) , Itesm Guayaquil (Ecuador ) Universidad Mondragón (Spain)

y México, where workshops, conferences and certifications have been developed by

International Coaching Technologies.

Their programs are endorsed by Master Coaches International Council and Mexican

Coaching Association.

Is a member of the committee that created the Coaching Rules.

Certifies and endorses Coaching programs from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de

México (ITAM), Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) and Universidad Iberoamericana


Created the Sport Coaching Certification and the Political Coaching Program.

Is one of the founders and members of the Political Coaching Federation (Mexico).

Was created by Mauricio Oltra.

Mauricio Oltra

Mauricio is an experienced Master Coach from International Coaching Community, Gestalt Therapist,

PNL Master, and Human Engineering Design Certified.

Owner and Founder of International Coaching Technologies (ICT), Mexico since ??? a leader Coaching

company offering Coaching Certifications and Consulting services, having trained ???? generations of

Coaches during ??? years, with different Coaching Certification Programs, such as Personal Coaching,

and Executive and Team Coaching, Sports Coaching, Life Coaching, etc. The work of ICT has been

expanded to other countries in Latin America such as Panama, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Chile,

??? Recently, he founded ICT USA, in order to offer their trainings and certifications to the US Hispanic

professional market.

He is also a founder of Asociación de Desarrollo Humano de Mexico and Asociación Mexicana de

Coaching, as well as Consejo Internacional de Master Coaches.

Mr. Oltra is a faculty member of different academic institutions such as ITAM (Mexico) INPCT (Chile),

Universidad de Mondragon (Spain) via UIA. He regularly speaks as Coaching events and conferences,

writes for several publications, and is frequently invited to interviews on different media channels.

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

Viviana Vethencourt

Viviana is an Experienced Latina Empowerment Coach, Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor,

Motivational Speaker and Life/Work Balance Advocate that promotes personal development through

self-discovery and transformation. Her Transformation Principles for Success©(TPS) Model has

supported many people in Latin America and the US in the process of creating and living happier,

successful lives.

She recently launched Growally, a human capital development firm that helps individuals evolve into

successful, balanced human beings, a discipline also known as human development for growth.

Regularly speaks at and attends business and leadership events, sharing her passion to inspire,

empower, educate and transform people’s lives

Viviana holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela),

Advanced Studies in Human Capital Management from Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela), an

Empowerment Coach Certification from International Coaching Technologies (Mexico) and a Master’s

Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern University (US).

She is also an active member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), as well as an invited

contributor for several professional publications and most recently author of the book “From Princess to

Owner of my Life”.

Eduardo Turnbull Bolado

Eduardo is an experienced coach who is in the business of helping his clients to increase their competitive

capacity through the development of a high performance culture that allow them to achieve their goals

in a profitable, effective, and sustainable way.

He is Founder and Director of Orgad y Asociados since 1998, offering training, consuting and coaching

programs in the fields of strategic marketing, sales, communication for effective action, strategic and

planning processes, team building and commitment development, development of key management

ICT USA, LLC, 2014

abilities. He have worked with more than 200 companies in different countries, such as Mexico, Brasil,

Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Panamá, Spain, Germany, and USA

Mr. Turnbull holds and MBA from Universidad de las Americas, Advanced Studies on Filosofia,

Comunicación Humana y Diseño de Negocios “Ontological Design Course” in Emerville, California.

Certified professional Coach from Newfield, Chile, Organizational Coach from Newfield, Chile, Executive

Coach and Business Coach from International Coaching Community (ICC).

Joaquín Bárcenas Andrade

Joaquin is an experienced Coach, business consultant, and speaker. Currently is the Executive

coordinator of the Coaching Certification offered by International Coaching Technologies at Tecnologico

de Monterrey. He is also part of the Faculty and Coach trainer at International Coaching Technologies.

Founder and Director at C-Exponencial since 2011, and Commercial Director at AMAT Applied

Mathematics and Actuary Training since 2012. He has trained several groups from private andi public

sectors in areas such as sales, leadership, communication, and Coaching, as well as consulting programs

developing sales teams, strategic planning, and Coaching for Executives, managers, and teams for

several companies.

Mr. Barcenas holds a Bachelor’s degree on Finances from Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico, as well as

Coaching certifications such as Executive Coaching and Team Work, Ontologic Coahcing, Neurolinguistic

Practitioner, and advanced studies in Marketing and Commercial Strategy from Universidad

Iberoamericana – Mexico, Directive Competencies Program from ICAMI – Mexico, and Executive

Management from Universidad Iberoamericana.