Co ordinate geometry


Transcript of Co ordinate geometry

Prepared By :- Urvashi Joshi Submitted To :- Mr.Dinesh Kumar Roll No.:-14 Class:-10th

Co-ordinate geometry


This power point presentation is based upon an important chapter of class 10th NCERT book of mathematics named as Co-ordinate geometry. Language

used for explanation is easy to understand. All major key points are included in this task. I would like to

thank my teacher Mr.Dinesh Kumar  who gave me this golden opportunity.

   Thank You


 Ar(ABC) = 1/2[x1(y2 - y3) + x2(y3 - y1) + x3(y1 - y2)]

Area of quadrilateral


Important concepts1. Distance Formula:- The distance between two points A(x1,y1) and B (x2,y2) is given by the formula.AB=√(X2-X1)2+(Y2-Y1)2

2. Section Formula :-The co-ordinates of the point P(x,y) which divides the line segment joining A(x1,y1) andB(x2,y2) internally in the ratio m1:m2 are given by .P(x,y) = (m1×x2+m2×x1) , (m1×y2+m2×y1) 2 2

3. Midpoint Formula:-If R is the mid-point, then m1=m2 and the coordinates of R areR(x,y) = (x1+x2 , y1+y2) 2 2

4. Area of a Triangle:-The area of the triangle formed a by the points P(x1,y1) Q(x2,y2) and

R(x3,y3) is the numerical value of the expression.


5. Area of Rectangle :- The area of rectangle formed by A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),C(x3,y3),D(x4,y4) is the numerical value of the expression.

Ar(ABCD)= ½

6. Area of rhombus :- The area of rhombus(ABCD) formed by diagonals AC and BD is

Ar(ABCD):- ½×d1×d2