Co-Operatives 4th Sem

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Transcript of Co-Operatives 4th Sem

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Co-operatives Management

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem



    An association of persons usually of limited means, who have voluntarily joined together, to

    achieve a common end, through the formation of a democratically controlled business

    organization, making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a fair share

    of the risks and the benefits of the undertaking

    Rules of democracy are applicable to cooperatives

    Intend to serve both its members and the community as a whole

    First emerged in the 19th

    century to eliminate ills of both - public & private sectorbusiness enterprises

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Characteristics of Co-operatives

    1. Association of persons and not capital (unlike Ltd company)

    2. Not a charitable association. It is an enterprise. Members share risks, gains, costs etc3. Voluntary in nature

    4. Democratic Management. Every member gets only 1 vote irrespective of his monetary


    5. Equality. No discrimination of any kind

    6. Gains distributed on basis of business done & not contribution to capital

    7. All Co-ops are a part of socio-economic movement that can bring about a radical change

    8. Effective instrument to secure rapid economic growth

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Principles of Co-operatives

    1. Voluntary & Open membership

    2. Democratic control

    3. Limited interest on capital

    4. Distribution of surplus in proportion to their transaction

    5. Political & Religious neutrality

    6. Promotion of education

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Role of Leadership in Co-operative Management

    A cooperative is a democratic unit. Leadership is what makes democracy dynamic.

    Leaders in a cooperative shows the way ahead to his fellow co-operator. (Convincing-guiding-cultivating

    confidence & loyalty)

    Through subordination of individual interests, leaders take the owners & employees to higher levels of


    Qualities of a leader:

    1. Necessary courage & conviction but guided by judgment

    2. Building up relations with fellow members

    3. Clear understanding of real nature of co-op (principles & philosophy)

    4. Must understand the difference between administration & management

    5. Wide vision needed, else leadership gets stagnant

    6. Must have a clear idea of the social & economic environment in which they are operating. It is


  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Dairy Co-operatives

    One of the most successful co-operative movements in India

    Village dairy co-op soc

    District/Taluka Co-op union

    Dairy Federation

    Collection centers, arrange for pasteurization before


    Collection centres, extension services

    R&D, marketing, distribution, pricing, promotion, reach for new markets.

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 Areas covered:

    Registration of all types of co-op

    Provision for creation of Reserve fund

    Dividend on share

    Investment of surplus fund

    Dispute settlement

    Statutory enquiry, inspection, audit

    Provision for appointment of a registrar

    Division as limited & unlimited liability

    Liquidation of the cooperative society

    Legislation influencing Co-operatives

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Rights To Information Act, 2005

    - replaces Freedom of Information Act, 2002

    Freedom to every citizen to secure access to information under the control of public

    authorities, consistent with public interest, in order to promote openness, transparency &

    accountability in admin & related matters

    Legislation influencing Co-operatives

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Salient Features of RTI, 2005

    Entitles every citizen to the RTI

    Information means material of almost all types and in any form

    Include inspection of documents & records, taking extracts, obtaining certified copy in

    physical or in electronic form

    Applies to all public authorities owned, controlled, financed by central or state government

    Every public authority is obliged to publish & disseminate information in writing or in

    electronic mode

    Legislation influencing Co-operatives

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Salient Features of RTI, 2005

    Certain information are exempt from disclosure

    Information to be provided within specified time

    Certain restrictions have been placed with respect to information disclosure relating to third


    Supervising Authority Central informationCommission, State information Commission is

    established in each state to overlook smooth implementation of RTI

    Provides for penalties for non-compliances of certain provisions or obligations

    Legislation influencing Co-operatives

  • 7/30/2019 Co-Operatives 4th Sem


    Problems faced by rural credit co-operatives

    Low resource base (Low money reserve to forward loans)

    High dependence on external sources of funding

    Excessive governmental control

    Huge and accumulated losses over a period of time due to non recovery of loans granted

    Poor business diversification (areas in which firms are given loans; hence risk is not spead

    over different sectors)

    Low recovery

    Hence, does not inspire confidence among their existing and potential members, depositors,

    borrowers and lenders.

    Credit Co-operatives in India