Co-Creating the Industrial Internet - Katrine Rau & Katrina Alcom, GE

October 2nd, New York City GE Proprietary Information—Class III (Confidential) Export Controlled—U.S. Government approval is required prior to export from the U.S., re-export from a third country, or release to a foreign national wherever located. Co-creating the Industrial Internet How GE is taking a collaborative approach to design the “Internet of Big Things” Katrina Alcorn | GE | @kalcorn Katrine Rau | GE | @KatrineRau

Transcript of Co-Creating the Industrial Internet - Katrine Rau & Katrina Alcom, GE

October 2nd, New York City

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Co-creating the Industrial Internet How GE is taking a collaborative approach to design the “Internet of Big Things”

Katrina Alcorn | GE | @kalcorn Katrine Rau | GE | @KatrineRau

What do you think of when you think of the Internet of Things?


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Internet of Big Things = Industrial Internet

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Hi, we’re the Katrine/as

9 years in design consulting

Industries: healthcare, retail, transportation, telecommunication

Now Senior UX Researcher at General Electric on the Industrial Internet team


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15 years UX consulting Industries: Medical devices, financial services, education, non-profit, green energy Now Senior UX Leader at General Electric on the Industrial Internet team


“Within the vast Industrials sector, the IoT represents a structural change akin to the industrial

revolution . . . While we are still in the nascent stages of adoption, we believe the Industrial IoT opportunity

could amount to $2 trillion by 2020.”

Source: “The Sectors Where the Internet of Things Really Matters,” by Simona Jankowski, Harvard Business Review, Oct. 22, 2014

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45 Billion connected assets by 2025

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17




Billions of assets


Personal healthcare, home automation, social

Telemetrics, interactive retail, hospital efficiency,

smart cities

Monitoring & diagnostics, real-time, condition-based,

asset lifecycle management

Source: IHS Forecast 2013

17 billion industrial assets!

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What is the Industrial Internet?

1. Intelligent machines

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What is the Industrial Internet?

2. Software & Analytics

1. Intelligent machines

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What is the Industrial Internet?

2. Software & Analytics

3. People at work

1. Intelligent machines

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What is the Industrial Internet?

2. Software & Analytics

3. People at work

1. Intelligent machines

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Connecting brilliant machines with people at work to to address major global challenges in healthcare,

transportation, and energy efficiency, and eliminate waste across every major industry.

The value to customers is huge Connected machines could eliminate up to $150 billion in waste across industries

Segment Type of savings Estimated value

over 15 years (Billion nominal US dollars)






1% fuel savings

Exploration and development

1% reduction in system inefficiency

1% reduction in capital expenditures

Note: Illustrative examples based on potential one percent savings applied across specific global industry sectors. Source: GE estimates


$63B System-wide 1% reduction in system inefficiency

$66B Gas-fired generation 1% fuel savings





Oil and Gas

Why it’s hard . . .

90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last 2 years alone

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Making oil & gas pipelines safe

[1] PII Pipeline Database (Summary of Infield Systems, Global Data DOT and CIA world fact book databases [2] Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

50% of U.S pipeline

infrastructure installed prior to 1970 [2]

2M miles of transmission pipelines globally [1]

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Every 30,000 miles of pipeline generates 17 terabytes of data . . .

Source: Average data volume based on GE internal analysis of multiple pipeline customers GE Proprietary Information� - Class III (Confidential)

. . . which is more than the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress.

1. More data = more problems Enormous amount of stuff | How to glean insights without overwhelming?

Endless possibilities | How to anticipate what people need to be able to do with the data?

Performance issues | If we try to support every “What If” scenario, it could take 24 hours + to crunch the numbers.

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2. Big machines = hard to reach users Specialized jobs

Difficult to reach locations

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Prepping for research on an oil rig

Extensive background check

Drug test

CPR & first aide training

Offshore survival skills training

Fire safety training

Specialized health exam to get cleared for rig work


Lauren Bowers, Sr. Interaction Designer conducting user research for GE’s O&G business

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Helicopter crash course!

“Basically they dunk you in cold water repeatedly and flip you upside down and then you have to bust out a window, climb out of the helicopter cockpit simulator (which is underwater), and swim to safety.”

—Lauren Bowers Sr. Interaction Designer


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3. The unknown can be scary Industrial Internet is still very new

Fears about data security

May require new ways of working

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Enter co-creation

What is co-creation? Processes that bring diverse stakeholders together to achieve breakthroughs in how they solve problems.

Co-creation is most effective when…

Solution Unclear


The sweet spot

Solutions are not clearly defined Stakeholders are not in clear alignment




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Co-creation helps us to…

•  Ensure we’re addressing the right problem

•  Clearly define solution and desired outcome

•  Create trust with our customers

•  Engage stakeholders in decisions

•  Speed up the sales process

•  Reach solution faster

•  Avoid costly changes in development

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Principles Practices

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Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

Eat your own dog food

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Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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UX = designing for end-user Co-creation = empowering stakeholders to be designers

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Whoever translates the language can bring people to a common solution.

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“Whoever controls the language controls the debate”

Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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“Federated Facilitation” model

Internal External

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“Federated Facilitation” model If co-creation was only taking place with external clients…

Challenge: We can’t actually solve what we say we will, because we’re not aligned internally



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“Federated Facilitation” model If co-creation was only taking place internally…

Challenge: We wouldn’t actually be building stronger relationships with our clients

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“Brown bags give us an opportunity to hear what everyone is doing and try to culminate some kind of structure to how we approach things…The more

designers learn about different approaches, the more creativity we see.”

Phil Balagtas, Sr. Interaction Designer

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Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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I don’t have enough time. There are too many silos. The team is too big. There are too many agendas. Not enough internal support. There isn’t enough budget. People are too exhausted.

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What if this was the real design challenge in an organization? What if these were your constraints?

I don’t have enough time. There are too many silos. The team is too big. There are too many agendas. Not enough internal support. There isn’t enough budget. People are too exhausted.

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Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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UX begins with empathy for the needs of real people who will use the product

Just because WE try to practice empathy doesn’t mean

others feel comfortable doing so.

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Welcome your design-newbie to join the research

Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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User research



Design Wireframes


Site maps

Task flows


More user research

Implement Usability testing

Design adjustment

Evaluate Usage tracking

Usability testing

Updates to design

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Co-creation works best here





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Co-creation works best here





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Co-creation works best here





Co-creation works even better here!


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Principle Practice

Practice “co-creation” just like an engineering best practice.

Utilize a “federated facilitation” model that benefits internal and external teams.

Place design at leadership level.

Don’t fight against company language and existing organization.

Make relationships that make things happen.

Remember that “people issues” are “design challenges.”

Demystify empathy and make it practical for anyone

Bring a design-newbie along with you on the insights journey.

Help every touch point, without exception, be better by design.

Make “realistic” plans for integrating design earlier and in more places.

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Design is integrated into

more places in the organization.

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Design is integrated into

more places in the organization.

Teams co-create something they haven’t before.

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Design is integrated into

more places in the organization.

Teams co-create something they haven’t before.

New relationships are built to open

new collaboration.

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Design is integrated into

more places in the organization.

Teams co-create something they haven’t before.

New relationships are built to open

new collaboration.

New methods become more

approachable to more people.

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Design is integrated into

more places in the organization.

Teams co-create something they haven’t before.

New relationships are built to open

new collaboration.

New methods become more

approachable to more people.

More touch points improve over time

as design is integrated.

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Key takeaways

1. Add co-creation methods to your toolkit

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2. Start co-creating before the project is defined

Co-creation works best here





Co-creation works even better here!


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3. Make friends with developers & data experts

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4. Take your helicopter crash course!

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5. Plant seeds in your organization

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Thank you. Katrine Rau [email protected] @KatrineRau

Katrina Alcorn [email protected]
