CMS Web Developing Company-Qs Arabia


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QS Arabia Enterprise Web content management System solutions provides reliable and dynamic personalized e-business web sites with content management Server

Transcript of CMS Web Developing Company-Qs Arabia

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Providing Services

Web Design


E-commerce Web Development

Graphic Design

Content Management System

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CMS (Content Management System) Web Development

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Content Management System (CMS) and how it Works?

A Content Management System (CMS) was developed to allow the storage and manipulation of

web site content. CMS users were provided with direct editorial access to defined and

appropriate portion of the content.

In most cases, managing a website and taking the right decision regarding its features becomes

increasingly complex, as it requires time versus effectiveness. Although there are hundreds of

programs on the market, known as Content Management Systems (CMS), whose purpose is to

make life easier, especially when it comes about online business and commerce, it seems quite

difficult to choose the right one. When opting for such a program, it should be considered their

usefulness and benefits, as they are priceless tools for any webmaster.

Content management system is the systematic and structured process of creation, processing,

management and presentation of the content. A CMS can range from a basic script to a

complex program with multiple features.

A CMS is mainly a dynamic online program and directorial tool used to manage multiple

websites instantly, while recording any changes that take place and producing uniform changes

effectively across the website pages. Most of them operate with simple and easy to use

concepts, leading to an overall high quality browsing experience. CMS also helps you save

money and time, including data files, images, audio files, electronic documents and

informational web content. It can be integrated in any data base: MS Access, MS SQL,

PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

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The major problems encountered in designing and implementing content management systems

are the following:

The commercial software is too expensive and requires more time to be implemented

and adjusted;

Integration difficulties;

Difficulties in responding to the system's requirements;

Difficulties in integrating the existing content;

If the users have a limited disk space, a CMS size (2-20 MB) will result in corrupted files

during the upload process;

Security problems caused by the questions and answers posted on forums;

Studies conducted by Jupiter Research in 2003 proved that 61% of the companies using CMS

update manually the websites. The users ask for:

Compact and simple systems;

Comfortable and adaptable interfaces to create and update content

It is necessary to develop CMS models that would resolve the problems mentioned,

accelerating the process of creation and websites maintenance.

The main principle of a CMS consists in making accessible in the online environment various

files of a department or company, being also used as an electronic archive. CMS is designed to

be integrated in any kind of website. It encourages the collaboration between people, leading

to a productive management.

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Content management system benefits

A content management system may include:

Content development, analysis and classification;

A search application;

Posting comments



Rating systems;

Projects collaboration platform;

Personal profile pages;

Communication between the users or managers of a website;

New custom themes, templates and design changes;

Administration of menus and submenus;

Provides a custom user interface in several languages;

User registration and management;

Assigning modules of application to the users;

Access restriction to the website by username, email address or IP address;

Statistics and reports for users;

Cache systems to improve the website reaction to intense traffic;

SEO friendly URL;

Chat platforms;

Webmaster support;

Editor support;

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Users support;

Currency converter;

Weather displaying systems;

Dynamic generation of pages;

Delimited design and content;

A database for storing content;

Uses the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor; this way, the users don't need to have HTML knowledge;

Automatic syndication (RSS or Atom)

Online content management systems are often used to sort, control and check the versions

and publishing industry-specific customer documentation such as news articles, operating

manuals, technical manuals, sales guides, marketing brochures, or what the customer


A well designed content management system should include the following facilities:

Importing and creating documents and multimedia materials;

Users identification;

The ability to assign roles and responsibilities for different categories of users;

The possibility to track versions and send notifications to users when a change is


The possibility to change the color scheme or the general appearance of the website;

Adding plug-ins and additional modular construction;

CMS use OOP and MVC (Model View Control) - delimited content and presentation.

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Open-source CMS vs. Personal CMS

There are on the market a series of systems that are improved constantly, having a

considerable documentation, which can be personalized for each user. Most content

management systems are open-source; therefore, developing a personal CMS is an inexpensive


The advantages of using an open-source CMS than a personal CMS are various:

Minimum expenses: An open-source CMS is free, the client pays only for personalizing

and implementing the CMS; developing a personal CMS is expensive and requires time

Constant improvement: Open-source CMS are used by people worldwide; thus, any

possible errors and maintenance issues are fixed due to the users' constant feedback; a

personal CMS is tested only by the company and employees who created it;

Flexible and elegant design: There are several templates and themes that can be

personalized for each user. Changing the webpage appearance and design can be made

in a short time;

Easy maintenance: The website administration based on CMS is simple and doesn't

require advanced web programming knowledge. By using a user friendly administration

interface, even the company's employees can update the website, having only basic

HTML knowledge and the ability to work with a text processor;

Extensibility: Content management system functions can be extended easily by installing

new modules (galleries, a news module, a blog platform, etc.)

updating content through a WYSIWYG interface;

HTML not required;

Multiple contributors.

The code generated for the website is SEO optimized

If the website is a small one, which doesn't require multiple changes, it is better to use a static

site, which will consume less disk space, being easier to use and understand than a content

management system.

The concept of content management is the current solution for a problem of management from

the past, -the human communication management. Content management is a concept with

many facets, being an activity that must be centered on the user: it must consider the users'

problems and needs, applying the appropriate technologies to help people in their work.

Knowledge, information and content are the main resources of the modern economy. The way

in which we create and manage them determines our success as individuals and or


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Content Management System

The growing importance of web-driven operations requires small to medium-sized businesses to

update their web sites rapidly. Our versatile content management systems can be deployed in all

web technology platforms. QS Arabia can deliver content management solutions that have been

successfully integrated in websites with diverse requirements. Be it community portal, intranet or

ecommerce sites. QS Content Management System solutions provide clients with flexibility and

freedom to update content on your website.

Timely and relevant information drives your website attracting visitors and keeping them coming

back again. QS Arabia develops content management solutions enabling clients to have complete

control over their site's content and structure.

Content Management System helps to organize the text, images and files for your website within

a database. Changes to your website shall be made through the backend; each page of your

website is link to the CMS to retrieve the relevant content for that page, so any update that is

made to the content management website is immediately visible.

The visitors to the website does not require any special software to view a Content managed

website. When the web server sends you web pages to the visitor, they are displayed as plain

HTML, so it looks and works like a static website.

Years of experience have shown us that every organization has individual requirements for an

effective content management system. Understanding client processes and taking into

consideration their immediate and future needs, QS Arabia helps to provide the "right-scale"

solution that fits their business case and budget.

Advantages of content managed website:

1. CMS Website reduces the maintenance cost.

2. CMS eliminates the dependency on Web Development Company.

3. CMS helps to maintain current information on the website.

4. Update News and Events on regular basis by any lay man.

5. CMS maintains the existing and prospective customer’s data base.

6. CMS data helps to send bulk mails and news letter.

7. Affiliate leads tracking and commission calculation.

8. Add new products / services.

QS Arabia specializes in the following open source CMS,

1. Joomla

2. Drupal

3. Word press

4. Django

5. DotNetNuke (DNN)

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