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  • 7/24/2019 Cmg Paper 97


    A Geometric Study ofSingle Gimbal Control Moment Gyros

    Singularity Problems and Steering Law

    Haruhisa Kurokawa

    Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

    Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, No. 175, p.108, 1998.

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    In this research, a geometric study of singularitycharacteristics and steering motion of single gimbal

    Control Moment Gyros (CMGs) was carried out in order

    to clarify singularity problems, to construct an effective

    steering law, and to evaluate this laws performance.

    Passability, as defined by differential geometry

    clarified whether continuous steering motion is possible

    in the neighborhood of a singular system state.

    Topological study of general single gimbal CMGs

    clarified conditions for continuous steering motion over

    a wider range of angular momentum space. It was shown

    that there are angular momentum vector trajectories such

    that corresponding gimbal angles cannot be continuous.

    If the command torque, as a function of time, results in

    such a trajectory in the angular momentum space, any

    steering law neither can follow the command exactly

    nor can be effective.

    A more detailed study of the symmetric pyramid type

    of single gimbal CMGs clarified a more serious problemof continuous steering, that is, no steering law can follow

    all command sequences inside a certain region of the

    angular momentum space if the command is given in

    real time. Based on this result, a candidate steering law

    effective for rather small space was proposed and verified

    not only analytically, but also using ground experiments

    which simulated attitude control in space.

    Similar evaluation of other steering laws and

    comparison of various system configurations in terms

    of the allowed angular momentum region and the

    systems weight indicated that the pyramid type single

    gimbal CMG system with the proposed steering law is

    one of the most effective candidate torquer for attitude

    control, having such advantages as a simple mechanism,

    a simpler steering law, and a larger angular momentum


    A Geometric Study ofSingle Gimbal Control Moment Gyros

    Singularity Problems and Steering Law


    Haruhisa Kurokawa


    KeywordsAttitude control, Singularity, Momentum exchange device, Inverse kinematics, Steering law

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    This research work is a result of projects conducted

    at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Agency of

    Industrial Technology and Science, Ministry of

    International Trade and Industry, Japan. Related projects

    are, Development of Attitude Control Equipment

    (FY19821987), Attitude Control System for Large

    Space Structures (FY19881993), and High Precision

    Position and Attitude Control in Space (FY19931997).

    I wish to acknowledge my debt to many people. Prof.

    Nobuyuki Yajima of the Institute of Space and

    Astronautical Science (ISAS) are earnestly thanked for

    inspiring me with this theme, as well as for collaborations

    during his tenure as a division head of our laboratory. I

    would extend thanks to the late Prof. Toru Tanabe,

    formerly of the University of Tokyo for his guidance in

    the culmination of this work into a dissertation. In

    finishing this work, the following professors guided me,

    Assoc. Prof. Shinichi Nakasuka of the University Tokyo,

    Prof. Hiroki Matsuo of ISAS, Prof. Shinji Suzuki, Prof.Yoshihiko Nakamura,Assoc. Prof. Ken Sasaki of the

    University of Tokyo.

    Many discussions with Dr. Shigeru Kokaji of our

    laboratory proved invaluable. He patiently listened to

    my abstract explanation of geometry and provided

    valuable suggestions. Furthermore, he assisted me by

    soldering and checking circuits, and reviewed this paper June 7, 1997


    from cover-to-cover, providing constructive criticism.

    I would also like to thank my colleague Akio Suzuki

    who constructed most of the experimental apparatus, and

    designed and installed controllers for the attitude control.

    Prof. Tsuneo Yoshikawa of Kyoto University helped

    me when we started the project of attitude control by

    CMGs. Discussions held with Dr. Nazareth Bedrossian

    and Dr. Joseph Paradiso of the Charles Stark Draper

    Laboratory (CSDL) were invaluable. They gave me

    valuable suggestions with various research papers in this


    Dr. Mark Lee Ford as a visiting researcher of our

    laboratory spent his precious hours for me to correct

    expressions in English.

    I would like to thank all the above people, other

    colleagues sharing other research projects, and the

    Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (MEL) and the

    directors especially the Director General Dr. Kenichi

    Matuno and the former Department Head Dr. Kiyofumi

    Matsuda for allowing me to continue this research.Finally, I thank my wife and daughters for their patience

    particularly during some hectic months.

    Haruhisa Kurokawa

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    Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................ i

    Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................... ii

    Terms ........................................................................................................................................................... viii

    Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................................. ix

    List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................. x

    List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... xiii

    Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

    1.1 Research Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Scope of Discussion ........................................................................................................................................ 3

    1.3 Outline of this Thesis ...................................................................................................................................... 4

    Chapter 2 Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro Systems ............................... 5

    2.1 CMG Unit Type ............................................................................................................................................. 5

    2.2 System Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2.1 Single Gimbal CMGs ............................................................................................................................ 6

    2.2.2 Two Dimensional System and Twin Type System ................................................................................ 7

    2.2.3 Configuration of Double Gimbal CMGs...............................................................................................7

    2.3 Three Axis Attitude Control ........................................................................................................................... 7

    2.3.1 Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.2 CMG Steering Law ............................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.3 Momentum Management ...................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.4 Maneuver Command ............................................................................................................................. 8

    2.3.5 Disturbance ........................................................................................................................................... 8

    2.3.6 Angular Momentum Trajectory .............................................................................................................8

    2.4 Comparison and Selection ............................................................................................................................. 9

    2.4.1 Performance Index ................................................................................................................................ 92.4.2 Component Level Comparison ............................................................................................................. 9

    2.4.3 System Level Comparison .................................................................................................................... 9

    2.4.4 Work Space Size and Weight ................................................................................................................ 9

    Chapter 3 General Formulation .............................................................................. 11

    3.1 Angular Momentum and Torque ................................................................................................................... 11

    3.2 Steering Law ................................................................................................................................................. 12

    3.3 Singular Value Decomposition and I/O Ratio...............................................................................................12

    3.4 Singularity ..................................................................................................................................................... 13

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    3.5 Singularity Avoidance ................................................................................................................................... 13

    3.5.1 Gradient Method ................................................................................................................................. 14

    3.5.2 Steering in Proximity to a Singular State .............................................................................................14

    Chapter 4 Singular Surface and Passability .......................................................... 15

    4.1 Singular Surface ........................................................................................................................................... 15

    4.1.1 Continuous Mapping ........................................................................................................................... 15

    4.1.2 Envelope .............................................................................................................................................. 16

    4.1.3 Visualization Method of the Surface ...................................................................................................16

    4.2 Differential Geometry .................................................................................................................................. 17

    4.2.1 Tangent Space and Subspace............................................................................................................... 17

    4.2.2 Gaussian Curvature ............................................................................................................................. 17

    4.3 Passability .................................................................................................................................................... 18

    4.3.1 Quadratic Form ................................................................................................................................... 18

    4.3.2 Signature of Quadratic Form ............................................................................................................... 19

    4.3.3 Passability and Singularity Avoidance ................................................................................................19

    4.3.4 Discrimination ..................................................................................................................................... 20

    4.4 Internal Impassable Surface ......................................................................................................................... 21

    4.4.1 Impassable Surface of an Independent Type System .......................................................................... 21

    4.4.2 Impassable Surface of a Multiple Type System .................................................................................. 21

    4.4.3 Minimum System ................................................................................................................................ 22

    Chapter 5 Inverse Kinematics ................................................................................. 23

    5.1 Manifold....................................................................................................................................................... 23

    5.2 Manifold Path .............................................................................................................................................. 24

    5.3 Domain and Equivalence Class ................................................................................................................... 24

    5.4 Terminal Class and Domain Type ................................................................................................................ 25

    5.5 Class Connection ......................................................................................................................................... 25

    5.5.1 Type 2 Domain .................................................................................................................................... 25

    5.5.2 Type 1 Domain .................................................................................................................................... 26

    5.5.3 Class Connection Rules....................................................................................................................... 27

    5.5.4 Continuous Steering over Domains ....................................................................................................28

    5.5.5 Manifold Selection .............................................................................................................................. 28

    5.5.6 Discussion of the Critical Point...........................................................................................................29

    5.6 Topological Problem ..................................................................................................................................... 29

    Chapter 6 Pyramid Type CMG System ................................................................... 31

    6.1 System Definition ........................................................................................................................................ 31

    6.2 Symmetry ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

    6.3 Singular Manifold for the H Origin ............................................................................................................. 33

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    6.4 Singular Surface Geometry .......................................................................................................................... 35

    Chapter 7 Global Problem, Steering Law Exactness and Proposal ................... 41

    7.1 Global Problem ............................................................................................................................................ 41

    7.1.1 Control Along the z Axis ..................................................................................................................... 41

    7.1.2 Global problem.................................................................................................................................... 45

    7.1.3 Details of the Problem ......................................................................................................................... 45

    7.1.4 Possible Solutions ............................................................................................................................... 47

    7.2 Steering Law with Error .............................................................................................................................. 47

    7.2.1 Geometrical Meaning .......................................................................................................................... 47

    7.2.2 Exactness of Control ........................................................................................................................... 48

    7.3 Path Planning ............................................................................................................................................... 49

    7.4 Preferred Gimbal Angle ............................................................................................................................... 49

    7.5 Exact Steering Law ...................................................................................................................................... 51

    7.5.1 Workspace Restriction......................................................................................................................... 51

    7.5.2 Repeatability and Unique Inversion ....................................................................................................51

    7.5.3 Constrained Control ............................................................................................................................ 52

    7.5.4 Reduced Workspace ............................................................................................................................ 52

    7.5.5 Characteristics of Constrained Control ...............................................................................................54

    Chapter 8 Ground Experiments .............................................................................. 57

    8.1 Attitude Control ........................................................................................................................................... 578.1.1 Dynamics............................................................................................................................................. 57

    8.1.2 Exact Linearization ............................................................................................................................. 57

    8.1.3 Control Method ................................................................................................................................... 58

    8.2 Experimental Facility and Procedure ...........................................................................................................58

    8.2.1 Facility ................................................................................................................................................. 58

    8.2.2 Design of Control Command Sequence ..............................................................................................59

    8.2.3 Experimental Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 59

    8.3 Experimental Results ................................................................................................................................... 60

    8.3.1 Attitude Keeping under Constant Disturbance .................................................................................... 60

    8.3.2 Rotation About the z Axis ................................................................................................................... 64

    8.3.3 Maneuver after Momentum Accumulation .........................................................................................67

    8.3.4 Mode Selection and Switching.............................................................................................................69

    8.4 Summary of Experiments ............................................................................................................................ 69

    Chapter 9 Evaluation ............................................................................................... 71

    9.1 Conditions for Comparison .......................................................................................................................... 71

    9.2 Spherical Workspace .................................................................................................................................... 71

    9.3 Evaluation by Weight ................................................................................................................................... 72

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    9.4 Ellipsoidal Workspace ................................................................................................................................. 73

    9.5 Summary of Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 75

    Chapter 10 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 77

    Appendix A Double Gimbal CMG System .............................................................. 79

    A.1 General Formulation ................................................................................................................................... 79

    A.2 Singularity ................................................................................................................................................... 79

    A.3 Steering Law and Null Motion ................................................................................................................... 80

    A.4 Passability ................................................................................................................................................... 80

    A.4.1 Two Unit System ................................................................................................................................ 80

    A.4.2 Three Unit System .............................................................................................................................. 81

    A.5 Workspace ................................................................................................................................................... 81

    Appendix B Proofs of Theories ............................................................................... 83

    B.1 Basis of Tangent Spaces .............................................................................................................................. 83

    B.2 Gaussian Curvature ..................................................................................................................................... 83

    B.3 Inverse Mapping Theory ............................................................................................................................. 84

    B.4 Impassable condition for two negative signs ..............................................................................................85

    Appendix C Internal Impassability of Multiple Type Systems .............................. 87

    C.1 Roof Type System M(2, 2) .......................................................................................................................... 87

    C.1.1 Evaluation of Singular Surface (2) .....................................................................................................87

    C.1.2 Evaluation of Singular Surface (3) .....................................................................................................87

    C.1.3 Evaluation of Singular Surface (5) .....................................................................................................88

    C.1.4 Evaluation of Singular Surface (7) .....................................................................................................88

    C.1.5 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 88

    C.2 M(3, 2): M(2, 2)+1 ...................................................................................................................................... 88

    C.2.1 Condition (3) of M(2,2) ...................................................................................................................... 88

    C.2.2 Condition (5) of M(2,2) ...................................................................................................................... 89

    C.3 M(3, 3): M(2, 2)+2 ...................................................................................................................................... 89

    C.4 M(2, 2, 1): M(2, 2)+1 .................................................................................................................................. 89

    C.5 M(2, 2, 2): M(2, 2)+2 .................................................................................................................................. 89

    C.6 Minimum System ........................................................................................................................................ 89

    Appendix D Six and Five Unit Systems .................................................................. 91

    D.1 Symmetric Six Unit System S(6) ................................................................................................................. 91

    D.1.1 System Definition ................................................................................................................................ 91

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    D.1.2 Fault Management ............................................................................................................................... 91

    D.1.3 Four out of Six Control ....................................................................................................................... 92

    D.2 Five Unit Skew System ................................................................................................................................ 92

    Appendix E Specification of Experimental Apparatus and Experimental Procedure

    . ................................................................................................... 95

    E.1 Experimental Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 95

    E.2 Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 97

    E.3 Attitude Control System .............................................................................................................................. 97

    E.4 Steering Law Implementation ..................................................................................................................... 99

    E.5 Code Size and Calculation Time ................................................................................................................. 99

    E.6 Parameter Estimation .................................................................................................................................. 99

    Appendix F General kinematics ............................................................................ 101

    F.1 Analogy with a Spatial Link Mechanism...................................................................................................101

    F.2 Spatial Link Mechanism Kinematics ......................................................................................................... 101

    F.3 Singularity .................................................................................................................................................. 102

    F.4 Passability .................................................................................................................................................. 102

    References ............................................................................................................... 105

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    Class : A set of manifolds which correspond to a certain

    domain and are equivalent to each other.

    Domain : A region in the angular momentum space which

    is surrounded by singular surfaces and does not

    contain any singular surface.

    Double gimbal CMG : Fig. 21

    Gimbal vector : A unit vector of gimbal direction.

    Independent type : A single gimbal CMG system without

    parallel gimbal direction pair.

    Manifold : A connected subspace of gimbal angle space

    whose element corresponds to the same total

    angular momentum.

    Manifold equivalence : Two manifolds corresponding

    to a certain domain are equivalent if there is an

    angular momentum path which corresponds to a

    continuous manifold path between these two


    Multiple type : A single gimbal CMG system composed

    of groups each of which elements possess

    identical gimbal direction.

    Null motion : Gimbal angle motion which keeps the

    angular momentum vector constant.

    Single gimbal CMG : Fig. 21

    Singular surface : A surface formed by the total angular

    momentum vector point, H, which corresponds

    to singular point.

    Singular vector : A unit vector to the plane spanned by

    all torque vectors when the system is singular.

    Skew type : A single gimbal CMG system with gimbal

    directions axially symmetric about one direction.

    Symmetric type : A single gimbal CMG system with

    gimbal directions arranged normal to surfaces of

    a regular polyhedron.

    Torque vector : A unit vector of a component CMG to

    which direction the CMG can generate an output


    Workspace: Allowed region of the angular momentumvector of a CMG system.

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    Symbol Definition Section number

    : Skew angle of the symmetric pyramid type

    system 6.1

    : Euler parameter of satellite orientation 8.1.1

    * : Vector part of 8.1.1

    B: Strip like surface of impassable surface called

    branch 6.4

    c* : = cos 6.1

    ci: = gi hi. Torque vector 3.1

    C: Jacobian matrix of the kinematic function,

    H= f () 3.1

    dS S. 4.2.1

    dN N 4.2.1

    dT T 4.2.1

    D : Domain in the Hspace surrounded by singular

    surfaces 5.3

    : = {i}. Sign parameter of the singular surface.


    gi: Gimbal vector 3.1

    G : Equivalence class in a domain. 5.3

    hi: Normalized angular momentum vector 3.1

    H: = hi.= f(). Total angular momentum vector.


    : Gaussian curvature of the singular surface.4.2.2

    LA: Segment included by a manifold of H=(0,0,0)t



    Symbol Definition Section number

    M(2, 2): Roof type system 2.2.1

    Mi : Manifold 5.1

    MSj : Singular manifold 5.1

    n : Number of CMG units in the system 3.1

    pi : = 1 / (uhi) 4.1.3

    P: Diagonal matrix ofpi. 4.1.3

    i: Gimbal angle of ith CMG unit 3.1

    : =(i.). A state variable of the system. Point of n

    dimensional torus T(n) 3.1

    S: Singularly constrained tangent space of the

    space (two dimensional). 4.2.1

    N: Null space of C (n2 dimensional). 4.2.1

    T: Complementary subspace of N (two

    dimensional). 4.2.1

    rg: Symmetric transformation in the space. 6.2

    Rg: Symmetric transformation in the Hspace. 6.2

    s* : = sin 6.1

    S(n) : Symmetric type single gimbal CMG system.


    S: A region of the singular surface of sign . 4.1.1

    T: Total output torque of the system 3.1

    u: Singular vector. Unit vector normal to all

    torque vectors. 3.4

    : Gimbal rate vector. Time derivative of . 3.1

    N: Null motion, 3.2

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    Chapter 2

    21 Two types of CMG units

    22 Configurations of single gimbal CMGs

    23 Twin type system

    24 Block diagram of three axis att itude


    Chapter 3

    31 Orthonormal vectors of a CMG unit

    32 Gimbal angle and vectors

    33 Input Output ratio

    34 Singularity condition and singular vector

    35 Typical vector arrangement for a 2D


    36 Steering at a singular condition

    Chapter 4

    41 Vectors at a singularity condition

    42 Examples of the singular surfaces for the

    pyramid type system.

    43 Envelope of a roof type system M(2, 2).

    44 Cross sections of a singular surface of the

    pyramid type system.

    45 Infinitesimal motion from a singular point

    of 2D system.

    46 Second order infinitesimal motion from

    singular surface.

    47 Possible motions in both direction of uat

    a singular point.

    48 Local shape of an impassable singular


    49 Impassable surface of S(6)

    410 Impassable surface of Skew(5) with skew

    angle = 0.6 rad.

    411 Impassable surface of another Skew(5),

    with skew angle = 1.2 rad.

    412 Impassable surface of S(4).

    Chapter 5

    51 Manifolds in the neighborhood of a

    singular point.

    52 Continuous change of manifolds.

    53 An example of a continuous manifold


    54 Relations between Hspace, manifold

    space and space.

    55 Domains and manifolds of the pyramid

    type system 56 Class connection graph around domains

    57 An illustration of class connection rule


    58 An illustration of class connection rule


    59 An illustration of motion by the gradient


    510 Manifold relations around critical point

    Chapter 6

    61 Schematic of a pyramid type system

    62 Transformation in Hspace and in space

    63 Line segments for singular manifold

    64 Definition of the cross sectional plane and

    the distance d

    65 Saddle like part of the envelope

    66 Cross sections of singular surface

    67 Internal impassable singular surface

    68 Analytical line on an impassable surface

    69 E quilateral parallel hexahedron of

    impassable branches

    610 Overall structure of impassable branches

    611 Internal impassable surface with envelope


    612 Cross section through the xz plane

    613 Cross section through the xy plane

    Chapter 7

    71 Candidate of workspace 72 Cross section nearly crossing P

    List of Figures

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    73 Manifold bifurcat ion and termination

    from DA

    74 Simplified class connection diagram

    around domain DA

    75 Manifolds of eight domains around the z


    76 Singular manifold of a point U on the z


    77 Manifold of Hnear the origin

    78 Continuos change of manifold for H

    nearly along the z axis

    79 Manifold connection over several


    710 Cross sections of domains

    711 Possible motion following an example of

    singular surface

    712 Illustration of Htrajectory of the CMG

    system for the example maneuver

    713 Avoidance of an impassable surface

    714 Problems of movement on an impassable


    715 Change in manifolds for Hmoving along

    the x axis

    716 Estimation of reduced workspace for

    exact steering

    717 D is co nt in ui ty i n t he m ax im um o f


    718 Cross section of possible workspace by

    constrained steering law

    719 Reduced workspace of the constrained


    720 Reduced workspace of three modes

    Chapter 8

    81 Experimental test rig showing the centermount suspending mechanism

    82 Target trajectory

    83 Block diagram of the control system

    84 Results of Experiment A

    85 Results of Experiment B

    86 Results of Experiment C

    87 Results of Experiment D

    88 Results of Experiment E

    89 Results by Experiment F

    810 Results of Experiment G 811 Results of Experiment H

    812 Command sequence of Experiment J

    813 Results of Experiment J

    Chapter 9

    91 System configurations for comparison

    92 Spherical workspace size for var ious

    system configurations

    93 Trade-off between workspace size and

    system weight

    94 Definition of ellipsoidal workspace

    95 Average radius vs. skew angle

    96 Workspace radius as a function of aspect


    97 Combined plot of radii as a function of

    aspect ratio 98 Converted weight as a function of aspect


    99 Radius as a function of aspect ratio for a

    degraded system with one faulty unit

    Appendix A

    A1 Vectors and variables relevant to a double

    gimbal CMG

    A2 Vectors at singularity conditions

    A3 Infinitesimal motion at a singular point

    of condition (b)

    Appendix D

    D1 Envelopes of S(6) and degraded systems

    D2 Four unit subsystem of MIR type system

    D3 Restricted workspace of a constrained

    MIR-type system

    D4 Concept of singularity avoidance by an

    additional torquer

    Appendix E

    E1 Experimental apparatus

    E2 Block diagram of experimental apparatus

    E3 Three axis gimbal mechanism

    E4 Single gimbal CMG

    E5 Balance adjuster

    E6 Onboard computer

    E7 Block diagram of the model matching

    controller. E8 Block diagram of the tracking controller.

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    E9 Block diagram of the gradient method.

    E10 Block diagram of the constrained method.

    Appendix F

    F1 Analogy to a parallel link mechanism

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    List of Tables

    Chapter 2

    21 Component Level Comparison

    22 System Level Comparison

    Chapter 6

    61 Symmetric Transformations

    62 Segment Transformation Rule

    Chapter 8

    81 Condition and Results of Experiments (1)

    82 Condition and Results of Experiments (2)

    Appendix E

    E1 Specification of experimental apparatus

    E2 Code size and calculation time of process

    Appendix F

    F1 Sim ilar ity between CMGs and lin k


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    2. Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro Systems

    A Control Moment Gyro (CMG) is a torque generator

    for attitude control of an artificial satellite in space. It

    rivals a reaction wheel in its high output torque and rapid

    response. It is therefore used for large manned satellites,

    such as a space station, and is also a candidate torquer

    for a space robot.

    There are two types of CMGs, single gimbal and

    double gimbal. Though single gimbal CMGs are better

    in terms of mechanical simplicity and higher output

    torque than double gimbal CMGs, the control of single

    gimbal CMGs has inherent and serious singularity

    problem. At a singularity condition, a CMG system

    cannot produce a three axis torque. Despite various

    efforts to overcome this problem, the problem still

    remains, especially in the case of the pyramid type CMG


    This research aims to elucidate this singularity

    problem. Detailed study of the pyramid type systemleads to a global problem of singularity. The final

    objective of this work involves evaluation of various

    steering laws and the proposal of an effective steering

    law. As all the geometric studies are either theoretical

    or analytical and based on computer calculations, ground

    experiments were carried out to support those results.

    1.1 Research Background

    Research of CMG systems started in the mid 1960s.

    This was intended for later application to the large

    satellite of the USA, Skylab, and its high precision

    component, Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM)1, 2,3).

    The studies included hardware studies of a gyro bearing

    and gyro motor, and software studies for attitude control

    and CMG steering control. Evaluation of various types

    and configurations was made in terms of weight and

    power consumption4). At that time, an onboard computer

    lacked the ability to perform real time matrix inversion

    calculation. One of the candidates was a twin type

    system made of two single gimbal CMGs driven inopposite directions. Control of this system requires only

    simple calculation5). If another system was chosen, a

    simple computation scheme was required using an analog

    circuit. For example, a method using an approximation

    with some feedback was proposed6, 7, 8). For the three

    double gimbal CMG system9)applied to the Skylab, an

    approximated inverse using the transposed Jacobian was

    used10). This CMG system successfully completed its

    mission, though one of the CMGs became nonfunctional

    during the flight11). After that, studies of double gimbal

    CMGs have continued for eventual application to the

    space shuttle and the space station Freedom which is

    now called ISS12, 13).

    Another CMG type, i.e., a single gimbal one, was

    studied for use in satellites such as the High Energy

    Astronomical Observatory (HEAO) and the Large

    Space Telescope (LST). One of the configurations

    intensively studied was a pyramid type, which consists

    of four single gimbal CMGs in a skew configuration.Comparing six different independently developed

    steering laws indicated that an exact inverse calculation

    was necessary14). It was also observed from various

    simulations that the singularity problem could not be

    ignored. It was concluded that some sort of singularity

    avoidance control using system redundancy was required

    for this type system.

    A roof type system, which is another four unit system

    of single gimbal CMGs, was also a candidate for the

    HEAO. As its mathematical formulation is simpler than

    that of the pyramid type, singularity avoidance was

    originally included in a steering law15). An improvement

    of this law involved a new approach in which the nature

    of numerical calculation and discrete time control were


    Singularity avoidance has been studied for all CMG

    types. This was a simple matter for double gimbal CMG

    systems17)20). Typically used was a gradient method,

    which maximized a certain objective function by using

    redundancy21). While this method was effective in the

    evaluation of double gimbal CMG systems, it was not

    successful for single gimbal CMG systems. For

    Chapter 1


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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175

    example, optimization of a redundant variable resulted

    in discontinuity16) or an optimized value became

    singular15)in the case of a roof type system. In the case

    of a pyramid type system, various problems were found

    in computer simulations even when a gradient method

    was used.Margulies was the first to formulate a theory of

    singularity and control22). His paper included geometric

    theory of a singular surface, a generalized solution of

    the output equation and null motion, and the possibility

    of singularity avoidance for a general single gimbal CMG

    system. Also, some problems of the gradient method

    were pointed out using an example of a two dimensional


    Works by the Russian researcher, Tokar, were

    published in the same year, and included a description

    of the singular surface shape23), the size of the

    workspace24)and some considerations of the gimbal

    limits25). In his next paper26), passability of a singular

    surface was introduced. It was made clear that a system

    such as a pyramid type has an impassable surface inside

    its workspace. Moreover, the problems of steering near

    such an impassable surface were described. In spite of

    those important results, his work was not widely

    received, because the original papers were published in

    Russian. Even though an English translation appeared,

    several terms were used for a CMG, such as gyroforce,gyro stabilizer and gyrodyne. His conclusion was

    that a system with no less that six units would provide

    an adequately sized workspace including no impassable

    surfaces. After this work, a six unit symmetric system

    was designed for the Russian space station MIR27).

    Some years later after Tokars studies, Kurokawa

    formulated passability again28)in terms of the geometric

    theory given by Margulies. Most of these results

    coincided with Tokars work. In addition, the existence

    of impassability in the roof type system was clarified29)

    and a discrimination method using the surface curvaturewas presented30,31,32,33). In the last paper, the theory

    was expanded to a general system including a double

    gimbal CMG system. It was made clear that multiple

    systems of no less than six units do not have any internal

    impassable surface, while any system of less that six

    units must have such a surface. Various configurations,

    even containing faulty units, were compared with regard

    to their workspace size as an extension of Tokars work.

    Along with these theoretical and general research

    works, intensive efforts continued to find an effective

    steering law regarding the passability problem as a local

    problem. Most of these dealt with the pyramid type

    system. The reason this type was selected was because

    a six unit system was considered too large and too

    complicated. Many proposals suggested a type of

    gradient method34, 35, 36). The method utilized for the

    four unit subsystem of the MIR was also of this

    kind27). Another method used global optimization28),and nearly all methods showed some problems in

    computer simulations.

    Passability is defined locally and its problem reported

    first was a kind of local problem28). Later, Bauer showed

    difficulty in steering as a global problem37). He found

    two different command sequences, both of which could

    not be realized by the same steering method. After this,

    Vadali proposed a method to overcome this problem

    using a preferred state38). Finally, the problem by Bauer

    was formulated exactly, stating that no steering law can

    follow an arbitrary command sequence inside certain

    wide region of the workspace39). Under this limitation,

    an effective method was proposed.

    The research described above dealt with exact

    control, but other research has also been carried out. One

    research effort permitted an error in the output if required.

    Generalized inverse Jacobian22)minimizes the error.

    Extension of this method, called the SR inverse method,

    was first proposed for control of a manipulator and later

    applied to CMG control40,41). Another research type

    dealt with path planning. If the command sequence inthe near future is given, steering can be planned

    beforehand which realizes not only singularity avoidance

    but also some degree of optimization42, 43, 44). In one

    of the research papers43), some paths were chosen by

    Kurokawa in consideration of impassable surfaces. Since

    all these tended to take a heuristic approach, evaluation

    was made by computer simulation considering attitude

    control of a given satellite.

    More realistic studies have also been made which

    dealt with attitude control using a CMG system,

    considering disturbance and other torquers. The largestproblem may be a precision control using a CMG system.

    Since a CMG system can generate a large output torque

    and its output resolution is critical for precision control,

    various analyses and simulations have shown that

    pointing control by a CMG system can result in a limit

    cycle because of friction in gimbal motion45, 46, 47). In

    spite of efforts such as improvement of motor control48)

    and torque cancellation by additional reaction wheels49),

    the problem of precision control has not been overcome.

    For application to the space station, another studies were

    carried out such as an effective combination of a CMG

    and RCS50) and integration of CMGs and power

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    2. Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro Systems

    storage51). In order to evaluate its attitude control

    performance, not only numerical simulations, but also

    some experiments using real mechanisms have been

    made, such as a platform supported by a spherical air

    bearing44, 52). The author also developed ground test

    equipment using normal ball bearings53)and attemptedrobust attitude control using a CMG system54,55).

    The motion of a CMG system with regard to the

    motion of the angular momentum vector is similar to

    the motion of a link mechanism22). Analysis of the

    motion and control of such a mechanism has been widely

    studied. Those results were, therefore, used for CMG

    control40, 41). On the other hand, some researchers first

    studied CMG control and then applied their results to a

    robot control56, 57, 58). In spite of various researches in

    robot kinematics59, 60, 61), generalized theory for

    singularity and inverse kinematics has not been

    formulated yet.

    1.2 Scope of Discussion

    This research effort deals with the following subjects:

    (1) General formulation of an arbitrarily configured

    CMG system, especially of single gimbal CMGs.

    (2) Geometric study of the singularity problem of a

    general single gimbal CMG system.

    (3) Problem of exact and real-time steering of the

    pyramid type CMG system.

    (4) Proposal and evaluation of steering laws for the

    pyramid type CMG system.

    (5) Evaluation of various CMG systems.

    The main purposes of this work are to clarify the

    singularity problems, to construct an exact and strictly

    real-time steering law, and to specify and evaluate its

    performance. Among all, singularity problems are the

    most important relating to the others. A singularity can

    degrade a CMG system, even causing the system to loose

    control, and this situation might be fatal for an artificial

    satellite. Therefore, a CMG system must have

    redundancy and it must be controlled to avoid

    singularities by using an appropriate steering law.

    Problems include whether such singularity avoidance is

    globally possible and which steering law can realize such

    control. Even if a steering law cannot avoid all the

    singularities, the systems working range of the angular

    momentum must be specified in which singularity

    avoidance is strictly guaranteed because such

    specification is necessary for designing the total attitudecontrol system. Thus, this work deals with CMG systems

    alone, but it is made in consideration with the attitude

    control of artificial satellites. Exactness and strict real

    time feature of steering laws are essential for the real-

    time attitude control.

    For this aim, a geometric approach was taken. As

    described above, there have been various research worksdealing with singularity and steering laws. Most used

    computer simulations to evaluate their steering laws, for

    lack of other methods. As simulations alone cannot

    guarantee the performance of a system as nonlinear as a

    CMG system, it is necessary to clarify the problem of

    singularity by other means. A geometrical approach is a

    more effective way of simplification and qualitative

    comprehension. The theoretical portion of this work

    aims for general formulation of singularity problems.

    Under consideration of these general results,

    extensive study was made for a specific type of system,

    that is, the pyramid type. The reasons why this system

    was chosen are:

    1) A three-unit system does not need further study

    because it has no redundancy. Systems with no less

    than six units also do not need detailed study for

    singularity avoidance, a fact described in more detail

    in this work. Thus, four and five unit systems remain

    for further study.

    2) Most previous research works dealt with this

    pyramid type system. Four units are the minimumhaving one degree of redundancy. The number of

    units is important in the real situation. By a

    simplified evaluation, a system with fewer units is

    lighter for a given total storage of angular

    momentum. Also, steering law calculation is less

    complicated for a system with fewer units.

    3) The pyramid type system has symmetry, which

    enables easier analysis. Numerical data and

    analytical expression of some geometric

    characteristics can be reduced by using this

    symmetry. This fact is useful for actualimplementation.

    As geometric study is more qualitative rather than

    quantitative, ground experiments were performed to

    demonstrate the performance of the steering laws. Also

    for evaluation, various system types are compared in

    terms of the size of the possible angular momentum

    vector operational space and the systems weight.

    As mentioned above, specific studies of an attitude

    control are beyond the scope of this work. Such studies

    involve optimal maneuvering and angular momentum

    management, which are possible only after the

    1. Introduction

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    2. Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro Systems

    A control moment gyro (CMG) system is a torquer

    for three axis attitude control of an artificial satellite.

    There are two types of CMG units and various

    configurations of three axis torquer systems. Designing

    a CMG system therefore includes a process of selecting

    a unit type and a system type defined by configuration.

    Among two unit types and various system types, a

    single gimbal CMG system of pyramid configuration is

    mainly described in this work. For the simple

    comparison, this chapter gives an outline of CMG system

    characteristics with consideration paid to its use in an

    attitude control system. The angular momentum

    workspace, torque output, steering law and singularity

    problems are the important factors for evaluation of a

    CMG system.

    2.1 CMG Unit Type

    A CMG consists of a flywheel rotating at a constant

    speed, one or two supporting gimbals, and motors which

    drive the gimbals. A rotating flywheel possesses angular

    momentum with a constant vector length. Gimbal

    motion changes the direction of this vector and thus

    generates a gyroeffect torque.There are two types of CMG units, as shown in Fig.

    21, single gimbal and double gimbal. A single gimbal

    CMG generates a one axis torque and a double gimbal

    CMG generates a two axis torque. In both cases, the

    direction of the output torque changes in accordance with

    gimbal motion. For this reason, a system composed of

    several units is usually required to obtain the desired


    2.2 System Configuration

    Typical system configurations will now be discussed.

    The configuration is defined by a set of principal axes

    of all the component CMG units, which are the gimbal

    axes in the case of single gimbal CMGs and the outer

    gimbal axes in the case of double gimbal CMGs. In the

    following figures, these principal axes are indicated by

    arrows denoted by gi .

    The system of each configuration is named as a system

    type such as twin type system or the pyramid type system.

    Chapter 2

    Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro


    Fig. 21 Two types of CMG unit s


    G yro Motor

    (a) Single gimbal C MG

    Gimbal Motor


    G yro E ffect Torque

    Angular Moment um Vector





    Inner Gimbal

    Outer GimbalMotor

    (b) Double gimbal CMG


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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175

    2.2.1 Single Gimbal CMGs

    Typical single gimbal CMG systems have certain kinds

    of symmetries, which can be classified into two types,

    independent and multiple. They are somewhat

    different in their mathematical description.

    (1) Independent Type

    Independent type CMGs have no parallel axis pairs.

    Two categories of independent type CMGs, symmetric

    types and skew types, have been mainly studied.

    Symmetric Type Gim bal axe s are arr ang ed

    symmetrically according to a regular polyhedron. There

    are five regular polyhedrons with 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20

    surfaces. Possible configurations of this type are three,

    four, six and ten unit systems, because only surfaces not

    parallel to each other are considered and because a

    tetrahedron and hexahedron are complementary or

    dual to each other. The three, four, six, and ten unit

    systems are denoted as S(3), S(4), S(6) and S(10). The

    four unit or S(4) system, shown in Fig. 22(a), is called

    the symmetric pyramid type. Most of this work dealswith this type of system. An example of the six unit or

    S(6) system, shown in Fig. 22(b), is now in use on the

    Russian space station MIR.

    Skew Type All individual units are arranged

    in axial symmetry about a certain axis as depicted in

    Fig. 22(c). Skew three and four unit systems of certain

    skew angles are the same as the S(3) and the S(4).

    (2) Multiple Type

    In this type some number of individual units possess

    X Y













    (a) Pyramid type S(4)

    Fig. 22 Configura tions of single gimba l CMG s













    (b) Symmetric type S(6)







    (d) Mult iple ty pe M(3, 3)













    g6 h2





    (c) Skew ty pe

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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175

    attitude control.

    2.3.1 Block Diagram

    A functional block diagram of a three axis attitude

    control is shown in Fig. 24. Most of the blocks are thesame when either reaction wheels or CMGs are used.

    The attitude and rotational velocity commands are

    generated by a maneuver command generator denoted

    by A in Fig. 24. The command and sensor information

    are the inputs to the vehicle control law block, B. This

    block calculates the torque necessary for control. The

    next block, C, shows the CMG steering law which

    calculates the CMG motion for the torque calculated by

    block B. In this manner the actual CMG system is driven

    and an output torque to the satellite is generated. The

    blocks relating to CMG control are the CMG steering

    law, C, and the momentum management block, D. Those

    two blocks are described first in the following sections.

    Then, relating subjects, i.e., maneuver commands,

    disturbances and the motion of angular momentum

    vector will be explained.

    2.3.2 CMG Steering Law

    The steering law block computes a set of gimbal angle

    rates which produce the required torque. The steeringlaw is usually realized in two parts, one being simply a

    solution to a linear equation and the other for singularity

    avoidance by using system redundancy.

    This block is usually designed independent of the

    particulars of the total attitude control system. This

    implies that the vehicle control law (B in Fig. 24) is

    designed under the assumption that the output of the

    CMG system corresponds exactly to the command. The

    CMG steering law must satisfy this requirement. The

    meaning of this exactness is described in a later chapter.

    2.3.3 Momentum Management

    A CMG and a reaction wheel are called momentum

    exchange devices because they dont actually produce

    angular momentum but rather exchange it with the

    satellite. Such torquers have limits to their accumulation

    of angular momentum, because the rotational speed of a

    flywheel is limited. Therefore, another type torquer is

    needed when it becomes necessary to offload excess

    accumulated momentum. This unloading is usually done

    by gas jets or magnetic torquers. The unloading process

    must be carefully managed by the momentum

    management control block, D, because such torquers

    have their own limitations, i.e., a gas jet does not have

    enough resolution and it have a limit of storage, and a

    magnetic torquers output depends on orbit position.

    For effective management of angular momentum, the

    space of allowed angular momentum of a CMG systemmust be defined beforehand. This space is termed

    workspace in this paper. The workspace must be

    included by the possible angular momentum space of

    the CMG itself. Moreover, a simple shaped space such

    as a sphere tends to result in more simplified


    2.3.4 Maneuver Command

    The command issued by a maneuver command

    generator depends on the mode of operation. Typical

    operational modes are pointing, maneuvering, scanning

    and tracking. In the pointing mode, precision is of

    primary importance and is affected by disturbances,

    torque response and resolution. The speed of

    maneuvering as well as momentum accumulation while

    pointing is a matter of workspace size of the torquer.

    2.3.5 Disturbance

    The time dependence of disturbances vary accordingto orbit parameters and a mission type, such as earth

    pointing or inertial pointing. In any case, a disturbance

    may have cyclic terms and offset terms. The following

    function is an example of disturbance used for the

    simulation of HEAO with a pyramid type CMG


    Tg= (Txsin t, Ty(cos t1), Tzsin t)t,

    where denotes orbital angular rate. Because there isan offset in the y direction, angular momentum will be

    accumulated in this direction while pointing.

    2.3.6 Angular Momentum Trajectory

    The size and shape of the workspace determines the

    maximum accumulation of disturbances or the maximum

    speed of maneuvering. A disturbance or a maneuvering

    command can be expressed as a function of time by a

    trajectory of the angular momentum vector of the

    satellite. Since the total angular momentum of the system

    is equal to the time integral of the disturbance, the angular

    momentum trajectory of a CMG system can be expressed

    using the spacecrafts momentum and disturbance. The

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    2. Characteristics of Control Moment Gyro Systems

    Table 22 System Level Comparison

    Torque Weight Steering Law Singularity

    Reaction Wheel 1 1 simple none

    Double Gimbal CMG 100 2 not simple slightSingle Gimbal CMG 1000 2 most complex serious

    Table 21 Component Level Comparison

    Angular Momentum Torque

    Reaction Wheel 1 to 1000 1

    Double Gimbal CMG 1000 to 3000 100

    Single Gimbal CMG 10 to 2000 1000

    workspace of a CMG system must include any possible

    angular momentum trajectory when the unloading

    torquers are not operating.

    2.4 Comparison and Selection

    CMG systems and a reaction wheel system are all

    examples of the same type of torquers. In order to design

    an attitude control system, some sort of selection criteria

    is needed. By using the following performance indices,

    a brief comparison will be made, first at the component

    level then at the system level.

    2.4.1 Performance Index

    The performance of a CMG systems depends not onlyon elements of hardware design, such as the CMG unit

    type and the system configuration, but also on the design

    of the steering law. These factors all affect the maximum

    workspace and the magnitude of the output torque, two

    nonscalar performance indices. Another performance

    index is the steering law complexity, which affects the

    attitude control cycle time and the capacity of an onboard


    2.4.2 Component Level Comparison

    Table 21clarifies the main differences among thesethree torquers64). A reaction wheel has only one motor

    which is used not only for accumulation of angular

    momentum but also for generation of torque. On the

    other hand, the CMGs use either two or three motors,

    one for accumulation of angular momentum and the

    others for torque generation. Since the torque of a motor

    depends on its speed and the same maximum torque

    cannot be generated over the motors working speed

    range, both angular momentum and output torque of a

    reaction wheel are much smaller than for CMGs.

    Size and weight of a CMG depends on the size of the

    flywheel and complexity of the mechanism. A double

    gimbal CMG is the most complicated at the unit level,

    but less so at the system level because this unit generates

    a two axis torque.

    Maximum output torque is much different. A single

    gimbal CMG can produce more output torque than a

    double gimbal CMG. The reason is as follows. The

    output torque of a single gimbal CMG appears on the

    flywheel and is then transferred directly to the satellite

    across the gimbal bearings. The output torque can be

    much larger than the gimbal motor torque required to

    drive the gimbal. This is called torque amplification.By contrast, some part of the output torque of a double

    gimbal CMG must be balanced by the gimbal motors.

    Thus, in this case, the output toque is limited by the motor

    torque limit.

    2.4.3 System Level Comparison

    Table 22shows a system level comparison for thethree types of torquers being compared. Difference in

    the first two indices, torque and weight, are derived from

    component level differences. The other two indices

    relate to each other. The steering law of any reaction

    wheel system is linear and no singularity problems arise.

    Steering law complexity and singularity problems of

    CMG systems, especially single gimbal CMGs, can be

    serious and thus form the main subject of the present


    2.4.4 Work Space Size and Weight

    The size and shape of the maximum workspace are

    not compared in the above table because they depend

    on the number of units and system configuration.

    Workspace size as a scalar value, and the weigh of the

    CMG system can be roughly evaluated in terms of the

    number of units. Lets consider similarly shaped

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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175

    flywheels of diameter dand thickness t. Similarity

    implies td. Then, the weight and the size of maximumworkspace of an nunit system, denoted as WandH,

    follow the following relation if the rotational rate of the

    gyro is the same:

    W n d2t n d3, (21)

    H n (t d d2) dr n d5 . (22)

    IfHis set constant, Wis given by;

    W n d3 n 2/5 . (23)

    This implies that the system with fewer units is lighter

    but can still realize the same workspace size. Despite

    the fact that other factors are ignored in estimating the

    weight, it can generally be concluded that the systems

    of less units have advantages in weight.

    In this evaluation, it is assumed that the size of the

    work space is proportional to the number of units by thesame multiplier for any system. From the comparison

    in Chapter 9, this is almost true for systems of no less

    than 6 units in the case of single gimbal CMGs. This,

    however, is not true in the case of less that 6 units.

    Therefore it is better to evaluate some configuration

    composed of 4 to 6 units.

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    3. General Formulation

    Chapter 3

    General Formulation

    This chapter first defines vectors, variables and

    parameters of a single gimbal CMG system in an

    arbitrary configuration, after which a basic

    mathematical description of several system

    characteristics are made. These characteristics are the

    kinematic equation, the steering law, the torque output

    performance index, and singularity avoidance. The

    shape of the maximum workspace and singularity

    problem are described in the next chapter. Similar

    descriptions for double gimbal systems are given in

    Appendix A.

    3.1 Angular Momentum and Torque

    A generalized system is considered consisting of n

    identically sized single gimbal CMG units. The number

    nis not less than 3 to enable three axis control. The

    system configuration is defined by the relative

    arrangement of the gimbal directions. The system state

    is defined by the set of all gimbal angles, each of which

    are denoted by i. Three mutually orthogonal unitvectors are shown in Fig. 31and defined as follows:

    gi: gimbal vector,

    hi: normalized angular momentum vector,

    ci: torque vector,


    ci= hi/ i= gi hi . (31)

    The gimbal vectors are constant while the others are

    dependent upon the gimbal angle i. Once the initialvectors are defined as in Fig. 32, the other vectors are

    obtained as follows;

    hi = hi0cosi+ ci0sini ,

    ci = hi0sini+ ci0cosi . (32)

    The total angular momentum is the sum of all hi

    multiplied by the units angular momentum value whichis denoted by h. In this work, Hdenotes the total angular

    momentum without the multiplier h:

    H= hi . (33)

    This relation is simply written as a nonlinear mapping

    from the set of ito H;

    H= f() . (34)

    The variable, =(1, 2, ..., n), is a point on an ndimensional torus denoted by T(n) which is the domain

    of this mapping. The mapping range is a subspace of

    the physical Euclidean space and is denoted byH. This

    space is the maximum workspace.

    By the analogy of this relation with a spatial link

    mechanism, this relation will be called kinematics or

    kinematic equation in this work (see Appendix F).

    The output torque without the multiplier his obtained

    by taking the time derivative as follows.

    T= dH/ dt = hi/idi/dt . (35)

    Any additional gyro effect torques generated by thesatellite motion are omitted because they are usually




    Fig. 31 Orth onorma l vectors of a CMG unit







    Fig. 32 G imbal an gle an d vectors

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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175

    treated in the overall satellite system dynamics, which

    includes the CMG system (see Chapter 8).

    Because the total output torque is a sum of output of

    each unit, it is also given as,

    T = cii

    = C , (36)


    i= di/dt, and = (1, 2, ..... , n)t .


    The variable iis the rotational rate of each gimbal.The vector is a component vector of a tangent spaceof T(n). The matrix Cis a Jacobian of Eq. 34 and is

    given by,

    C= (c1c2.... cn) . (38)

    As the units angular momentum value is omitted in

    Eqs. 35 and 36, the real output is obtained by

    multiplying h.

    3.2 Steering Law

    The steering law functions to compute the gimbal

    rates, , necessary to produce the desired torque, Tcom,

    and is generally given as a solution of the linear equation

    given in Eq. 36:

    = Ct(CCt)1Tcom + (ICt(CCt)1C) k .


    whereIis the n nidentity matrix and kis an arbitraryvector of nelements.

    The first term has the minimum norm among all

    solutions to the equation. The matrix Ct(CCt)1is called

    apseudo-inversematrix. The second term, denoted by

    N, is a solution of the homogeneous equation;

    CN= 0 . (310)

    This implies that the motion by this Ndoes not generatea torque (T) and keeps the angular momentum (H)

    constant. In this sense, this term is called a null motion.

    The null motion has n3 degrees of freedom because itis an element of the kernel of the linear transformation

    represented by C.

    An effective method of calculating a null motion is

    given in Ref. 22. For example, a null motion of a four

    unit system is generally given as,

    N= ([c2c3c4], [c3c4c1],

    [c3c1c2], [c1c2c3]) , (311)

    where [a b c] denotes the vector triple product, a(bc).

    3.3 Singular Value Decomposition and

    I/O Ratio

    The magnitude of the total output torque is not a

    simple sum of the output of each unit. An elements of

    each output, ici, normal to T cancels each other. Theratio of input and output norms, ||/|T|, can be evaluatedby a singular value of the matrix C.

    The matrix Ccan be decomposed into a diagonal

    matrix by two orthonormal matrices, Q(33) andR(nn) as follows;





    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0

    . .

    . .

    . . , (312)

    where iis called a singular value of C. As shown inFig. 33, the maximum ratio of the input and output

    norms is given by the radius of the ellipsoid whose

    principal diameters are the singular values. Thus, the

    Fig. 33 Input Output rat io

    (b) Angular momentum ellipsoid

    (a) Gimbal rat e



    3 . .. n

    n - sphere

    ||= 1




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    3.5.1 Gradient Method

    A system containing more than three units possesses

    null motion redundancy. Freedom in determining null

    motion can realize singularity avoidance while keeping

    the output torque exactly equal to the command. Thegradient method is a general method in which some

    objective function is maximized. The following

    formulation of a gradient method is taken from Ref. 21.

    The objective function, W(), is chosen as acontinuous function of . It is zero in the singular stateand otherwise positive. The dependence of Won CMG

    motion is:

    W= ii , (318)


    i= W/i . (319)

    In order to obtain the objective function extremum,

    the motion should be determined so that W ispositive. This Whas two parts, one given by thepseudo-inverse solution and the other by a null motion.

    The first depends on the command torque Tcom, while

    the latter depends on the selection of a null motion.

    Though the first part cannot be changed, the latter can

    be freely determined. The latter part is evaluated as


    WN= t (ICt(CCt)1C) k . (320)

    It is easily observed that the matrix (ICt(CCt)1C) is semi-positive symmetric. If the vector kis

    selected as:

    k= k, where k>0 , (321)

    then WNbecomes a semi-positive quadratic form.Thus, the null motion by this kresults in non-negative

    WN, so it is expected that singularity is avoided.Various objective functions have been proposed, suchas:

    (1) (det(CCt))1/2, 21)

    (2) min(i),36)

    (3) min(1/|di|),

    where diis a row vector of the matrix

    Ct(CCt)1, 35)

    (4) i,j|ci cj|2, 27).

    This gradient method has been successful for double

    gimbal CMG systems21). However, in the case of




    TcomP ossible Output

    Fig. 36 St eering at a singular condition

    pyramid type single gimbal CMG systems, various

    simulations showed that a gradient method is not

    effective. Details of this problem is described in

    Chapters 4, 5 and 7.

    3.5.2 Steering in Proximity to a Singular State

    There is no solution to Eq. 36 in a singular state

    except when Tcomis orthogonal to the singular vector

    u. Even when Tcomis normal to u, the solution is not

    given by Eq. 39 because the linear equation is

    mathematically singular. A generalized solution can be

    obtained which is the exact solution when Tcomi s

    normal to uotherwise minimizes the output error. The

    minimum error is realized when the output is equal to

    the projection of the torque command onto the plane

    normal to the singular direction (Fig. 36). Such motion

    is given as22):

    = Ct(CCt+ k uut)1Tcom . (322)

    Derivation of this is explained by supposing that there

    is a virtual CMG unit whose torque vector cequals u.

    Another method called the SR (Singularity Robust)

    inverse steering law is proposed as a smooth extension

    of this41). This method minimizes the weighted sum of

    the input norm, ||, and the norm of the error. The SR

    solution is given as:

    = Ct(CCt+ W)1Tcom,

    where Wis a nnmatrix . (323)

    In both methods, the solution is zero if the command,

    Tcom, is either zero or parallel to the udirection. This

    method, therefore, cannot always guarantee avoidance

    of a singular state nor can it escape from one. Moreover,

    this kind of control is effective only if the attitude control

    is not totally degraded by the error in torque. Details

    are described in Section 7.2.

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    4. Singular Surface and Passability

    Angular momentum vectors in a singular condition

    form a smooth surface which includes the angular

    momentum envelope. This chapter first summarizes the

    geometric theory of the singular surface of a general

    single gimbal CMG system by following the research

    work in Ref. 22. It includes a definition of a singular

    surface, a mapping from a sphere to the surface, and

    techniques for drawing the surface by computer

    calculation. By using these techniques, the workspace

    is visualized for various system configurations. Also,

    geometric characteristics such as Gaussian curvature of

    a singular surface is defined.

    The passability of a singular surface is then defined.

    The existence of an impassable surface explains why

    most steering laws fail to generate output starting from

    certain initial states. A gradient method works well for

    avoiding passable singular points but not for avoiding

    impassable ones.The passability can be determined by the curvature

    of the singular surface. It is demonstrated that any

    independent type system has an internal impassable

    surface while multiple type systems of no less than six

    units have no internal impassable surfaces.

    4.1 Singular Surface

    4.1.1 Continuous Mapping

    Lets examine all the singular points and their H

    vectors. First, an independent type system is assumed

    in the following discussion.

    The torque vectors, ci, satisfy the condition given by

    Eq.(316) when the system is singular. On each singular

    point, a singular vector uis defined. As a reverse relation

    of this, singular points are obtained from a given uvector.

    Given any singular vector u, there are two

    possibilities of singularity condition for each unit as hSand hSin Fig. 41. The two cases are distinguished by

    the following sign variable;

    i= sign( uhi) . (41)

    Thus there are 2ncombinations of singular points

    for the given direction u. This combination is denoted

    by or by a set of signs, such as {+ + + ... +}.For the given singular direction uand the given set

    of signs, each torque vector in the singular condition is

    determined by:

    cSi = igi u/ |gi u | . (42)

    From this point, variables subscripted by S denote

    singular point values. The total angular momentum HSis obtained as follows:

    HS= i(gi u) gi/ |gi u | . (43)

    This defines a continuous mapping from uto HSwhile the iare fixed as parameters. The domain of uis

    a unit sphere except gi direction, because thedenominator of Eq. 43 is zero when u= gi . Thus HSwith fixed iform a two dimensional surface with ucovering this sphere. This surface is denoted as S. If

    all the iare reversed and the vector uis changed to u,HSremains the same. This implies that the surface of

    {i} and the surface of all the ireversed are identical.For example S{ + +}is the same as S{+ }. One may

    thus suppose that no less than half of the iare positive.Thus, the number of different surfaces is 2n1.

    In case that u= gi, any state of this ith unit satisfies

    Chapter 4

    Singular Surface and Passability

    Fig. 41 Vectors at a singularit y condition


    u hS



    = 1

    = 1


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    Technical Report of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory No.175


    the singular condition. As the vector hirotates about gi,

    these singular Hform a unit circle which appears as a

    hole or a window of the surface Sas shown in Fig. 42

    (b). As there is a hole for each gi, or gi, direction, thesurface has 2nholes in total. Surfaces of different {i}

    are connected by these unit circles (for example, C1inFig. 42(b) and (c)). Thus all the surfaces form a closed

    surface. This closed surface is called a singular surface.

    It may be noted that the same kind of continuous mapping

    is defined from uto Swith all the Sforming a twodimensional surface in the ndimensional torus of . Sucha surface, however, is not termed a singular surface in

    this paper.

    An independent type system is assumed in the above

    discussion. In the case of a multiple type system, the

    number of different singular surface is 2m1where mis

    the number of groups. Each surface has 2mholes of

    diameter of several values which is determined by the

    number of units in a group and sign . In case that u=gi, any state of units of this group satisfies the singularcondition. Thus, all singular Hof this uform a circular

    plate which fills the hole. Another singular surface of

    different sign connects to this plate by a circle of different


    4.1.2 Envelope

    The angular momentum envelope, which is the

    border of the maximum workspace, is most definitely

    singular. The surface corresponding to all ipositive isclearly a part of the envelope. Surfaces with one negative

    sign which is connected to this surface by the holes share

    the envelope surface in the case of an independent type


    The envelope of a multiple type system consists of a

    singular surface of all positive signs and circular plate

    which fills 2mholes22). The one negative sign surfaces

    do not share the envelope surface and is fully internal.The singular surface of a M(2, 2) roof type system shown

    in Fig. 43is part of an envelope of all positive signs.

    There are four circular holes of diameter 2. The circular

    plates filling these four circles share the envelope. The

    singular surface of one negative sign is connected at the

    center of these plates.

    4.1.3 Visualization Method of the Surface

    The singular surface and envelope are visualized by

    taking at each lattice points of the unit sphere andcalculating the angular momentum using Eq. 43.


    Unit Circle C1


    x y


    (b) Singular surface of all sign positive denoted by S{++++}

    Un it Circle C 1 En velope P ortion

    Interna l Portion

    Unit Circle C 2

    (c) Singula r sur face of one minus sign denoted byS{+++}

    (a) La tt ice points of the un it sphere of vector u

    g1 g2

    g3 g4

    x y


    Fig. 42 Exa mples of th e singula r surfa ces for th e

    pyramid type system.

    Ea ch dot of Figs. (b) & (c) corresponds to t he la tt ice

    point of Fig. (a). The un it circle indicat ed by C 1connect s

    two s ingular sur faces S{+ + + + }& S{ + + + }. Other

    circles of the sur face S{ + + + }, C 2for exam ple, a re con-

    nections to other singula r surfa ces such as S{ + + }

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    4. Singular Surface and Passability

    Figures 42and 43 are such examples. A singular

    surface and an envelope may also be visualized using

    various cross sections. The following inverse mapping

    theory22)is available to obtain a cross section of the

    singular surface.

    Inverse Mapping Theory

    Suppose that is constrained singular and Vis anarbitrary vector normal to u. If the differential dH

    along the singular surface satisfies,

    dH= Vu , (44)

    then the differential of uis given by

    du= ( CPCtV) u , (45)

    where is the Gaussian curvature of the singularsurface, which is described in Section 4.2.2. The

    matrix Pis a diagonal matrix whose nonzero element

    Piiis given by:

    Pii=pi= 1 / (uhi) . (46)

    Using this theory, a cross section of the singular

    surface is calculated by the following procedure. First,

    obtain a singular point on the cross sectional plane and

    its u vector by some means. Second, obtain dH on the

    intersection of the surface tangential plane and the cross

    sectional plane. Third, obtain Vby Eq. 44 and duby

    Eq. 45 after which dis obtained by the relation d=

    picidu(Appendix B). Finally, Hon the cross sectionalplane is obtai