CME Site Configuration Guide

1Create a project in CME: Open CME from M2000 Open current area. Create planed


CME Site Configuration Guide

Transcript of CME Site Configuration Guide

1 Create a project in CME: Open CME from M2000 Open current area. Create planed Create personal area and Select target NE

2. Configure the sites

Open BTS topology

Select GEIUT board

Add site

Configure BTS propertyand select the BTS template.

Configure BTS hardware

Set alarm port of EMU ( If you the BTS template already configured the alarms, then ignore this step.)

Configure BBU port and DRFU

Configure coupling system

Configure cells

Configure frequency for each cell

Configure TRX for each cell ( binding cells and TRX)

Configure the Main BCCH for each cell

Assign frequency for each TRX

Binding frequency for other cells

Configure MA group

3. Configure the cell and TRX parametersI suggest that we configure these parameters after we complete all the sites configuration, then we can use bulk modify function to configure all the required data at one whack to save the time.Configure cell parameters (you can also bulk configure the cell parameters)

Configure GPRS and EDGE

Configure TRX property

Configure channel status (you can also consider below step to bulk configure the channel status)

Configure TRX parameters(bulk modify both channel type and Power parameters)

Change 1 TRX parameters, and select it as template( you can select select columns to get more TRX information), then select bulk modify

Select mode should be TRX, then add tree

Select the target TRXs, and shift it to right frame

After select the target TRX, PLS press ok, then select next

From below snap, PLS select the parameters which you want

Then select next

Then you have bulk modified the TRX parameters Configure TMU auto active

4. Load and active your configuration on current system. Check data integrity Select the target site and press right

Active the site.

After active the sites, the system will generate the MML script.

Export the data to your laptop

Save path (PLS export the site configuration 1 by 1)

Select System- Script Management

Load the project( your data configuration for each site)

Select the script

Select below button to establish the CME active project

Select your script and press right to active it.

After CME active this script, you have completed the sites configuration except EDGE and alarm setting. ( For EDGE and Alarm setting, you can load the scripts from LMT directly)

If you have any issue during configure the sites through CME, PLS fell free to contact me: louis.liu 0334-5164775.