CM Revision Questions Answers

1. Define classroom management and explain why it is a complex task. Classroom management refers to a process that teachers guarantee the classroom instruction, the order, the effectiveness, deal with some matter, and arrange the time and space, and some other factors. Besides, classroom management also is to deal with student’s misbehavior. In other words, classroom management means how teacher works, how class works and how teacher and students work together in one classroom where the teaching and learning happen. For students, classroom management means having some control in how class operates and understanding clearly the way the teacher and students are interact with each other. For both teacher and students, classroom management is not a condition but a process. Classroom management is a complex task because the teacher needs to manage various skills so that the quality of teaching one learning process is maintained and ultimately results in maximum output in terms of students’ performance. Teacher also needs to maintain a good relationship with the students as it is also affect the learning environment. Students will learn more effectively in an environment that meets their basic personal and psychological needs. In order to do that, the teacher should have good qualities such as create an emotionally pleasant and stimulating environment. Besides that, make the learner to have a positive attitude towards educational programmes by set meaningful goals and make the subject matter meaningful to them 2. State and elaborate on 5 characteristics of an effective teacher in classroom management. a) Personal qualities - Caring Effective teachers care about their students in order to bring the best of each one to encourage learning. Showing care includes listening to the students, not only when they are in the

Transcript of CM Revision Questions Answers

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1. Define classroom management and explain why it is a complex task.

Classroom management refers to a process that teachers guarantee the classroom instruction, the order, the effectiveness, deal with some matter, and arrange the time and space, and some other factors. Besides, classroom management also is to deal with student’s misbehavior. In other words, classroom management means how teacher works, how class works and how teacher and students work together in one classroom where the teaching and learning happen. For students, classroom management means having some control in how class operates and understanding clearly the way the teacher and students are interact with each other. For both teacher and students, classroom management is not a condition but a process.

Classroom management is a complex task because the teacher needs to manage various skills so that the quality of teaching one learning process is maintained and ultimately results in maximum output in terms of students’ performance. Teacher also needs to maintain a good relationship with the students as it is also affect the learning environment. Students will learn more effectively in an environment that meets their basic personal and psychological needs. In order to do that, the teacher should have good qualities such as create an emotionally pleasant and stimulating environment. Besides that, make the learner to have a positive attitude towards educational programmes by set meaningful goals and make the subject matter meaningful to them

2. State and elaborate on 5 characteristics of an effective teacher in classroom management.

a) Personal qualities

- Caring Effective teachers care about their students in order to bring the best of each one to encourage learning. Showing care includes listening to the students, not only when they are in the classroom, but also about their particulars lives and their personal problems. Teacher needs to be good listeners, paying attention to the students and showing understanding through tenderness and patience.

- Knowing the students personally.Effective caring teachers also know their students individually and give them individual attention and develop productive relationships with the students. They treat the students with respect and expect the same in return, enhancing the students learning process. The teacher not only knows the student formally (in the classroom) but also outside of the classroom such as the teacher knows what the students likes and dislikes, their background, give them motivation, aptitude and attitude to learn.

- Teacher- students relationship

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The strong relationship with the students helps to decrease discipline problems. Therefore, the teacher who spends more time interacting socially with the students, working directly with them and demonstrates a sense of fun and willingness to participate in a friendly and a personal manner is considered to be effective. It is also to create a warm classroom and learning environment.

b) Teaching learning competency

- Enthusiasm

Effective teachers should always exhibit enthusiasm in the classroom. Enthusiasm will allow the students to be interested in class discussions and classroom activities. Effective teachers should speak in expressive ways not a monotone style. In addition, gestures with arms and constantly moving around the classroom will allow your students to be interested in the classroom as well as maintain the eye contact with the students at all times.

- Motivation for learning

Motivating students make them to be more receptive and excited about the subject, make them be aware of the value and importance of learning as well as have better attitude to learn. Effective teachers makes the students increase their academic self concept, their interest in the subject and the desire to learn more and therefore to have a high level of achievement.

3. State and elaborate 5 considerations that should be taken into account when organizing the classroom physically to promote effective Teaching and learning.

Setting arrangement

Teacher need to consider the seating arrangement of class based on type of lesson to be taught and type of classroom furniture.

For example, cluster style of seating arrangement can encourage social interaction

Furniture is arranged so that students are oriented to the primary source of information (teacher, audio visual materials)

All students can see the chalkboard, overhead projector or other displays clearly

Desks are arranged so that visible movement through windows or doors can be reduced.

A) Reduce congestion in high traffic areas

Distraction and disruption occur in high traffic areas (group work areas, students desks, teacher desk, pencil sharpener, bookshelves, computer stations and storage locations)

b) Make sure that teacher can easily see all students

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Monitor students on a regular basis. (check the blind spots of room by standing in different parts of room)

C) Make often used teaching materials and students supplies easily accessible

Minimises preparation and clean up time that will slow down and break in activity flow

d) Make sure students can easily observe whole class presentations

Students should not have to move their chairs or stretch their necks

e) Teacher-student relationship

Helps introvert/ low self esteem student to sit in front and be better integrated in the group.

Student respect and appreciate teacher efforts in organising the space of the classroom and materials for them.

Good teacher-student relationship encourages students learning and achievement.

Teacher can create a non-threatening learning environment where students feel safe and secure to learn something that is relevant to their daily life such as topic about family relationship.

4) Describe 5 ways through which teachers can create a positive psychosocial environment for effective teaching and learning

Definition: A psychosocial environment is the overall climate or feeling tone that exists in every classroom for example pleasure, happiness, excitement, love and boredom.

How to create a positive psychosocial environment for effective teaching and learning?

1) Build good relationship among teacher and students and students and students.

Teacher should show understanding and openness so that the students will feel confident to speak openly about their problems.

Teachers must be friendly and let students to value them as individuals. Teachers must take care of the importance of each student so that they will feel their

sense of belonging in the classroom. For example, give reinforcement when they do something good.

2) Make sure the classroom is running smoothly.

Teachers should organize the classroom by stating clearly the teachers’ expectations by setting up rules and routines.

Have a positive expectation on students so that they will have clear goals to be achieved.

3) Show their enthusiastic in teaching the students.

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We should avoid telling the students that we are covering a topic because it is on the syllabus but it is because the topic is too difficult for them.

We can use many different teaching methods to arouse students’ interest and understand the lesson.

4) Be fair and consistent towards all students

To avoid biasness. We need to treat the students fairly and justly that we can tell the difference between the

person and the behaviour they may display. The classroom discipline should be imposed appropriately towards each and every

student in the classroom so that everybody has their own responsibility to obey the classroom rules.

5) Teacher should have a high expectation on students.

Students will do better when they believe their teachers expect them to do well and create a supportive academic climate and vice versa.

For example, give verbal reinforcement and pay a close attention to the students’ progress in academic in the classroom.

5) State and explain the roles of teacher in classroom management.

Teachers have many important roles in managing the classroom. This includes managing the rules and regulations in classroom routines, manage the test and examination planning process, keep a good teacher-students relationship, manage students’ information resource and create a conducive physical learning environment.

1) Teachers should manage the classroom rules and routines

Establish the classroom rules on the first day of the school. In planning procedures and rules for the classroom, we have to consider the

students’ characteristics and the physical environment. Rules must be posted in the classroom so that students may see. Procedures are steps for the routines students follow in their daily learning

activities. Teachers should plan and teach the procedures until they become routines and

students will follow automatically.

2) Teachers also need to handle test and examination planning process for students.

Teachers should have a variety of assessment methods, equitable practice and a good and fair evaluation system.

They have to make sure what are the objectives and goals of the learning program and request formal and informal response from students.

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Teacher should consider the administration procedures of the test before, during and after the test.

3) Teachers also need to build a good teacher students relationship in the

Build trust among students, build mutual respect and shows interest towards students in the classroom.

If teacher could maintain good relationship among teacher and students and students and students, trust and bond among members of the classroom is closer and increase students’ motivation.

4) Teacher should manage students’ information resources where files, supplies and form can be easily found.

We can easily identify the records when we need students’ information in urgent. We should have students’ personal record books, attendance register, students’

report card, corporal punishment book, cumulative record folder, and transfer and leaving certificate.

This system will make classroom more comprehensively organized.

5) Teacher should maintain a conducive physical learning environment in the classroom by managing the classroom environment so that it is comfortable.

Teacher should manage the seating arrangement properly according to the activities of the lesson.

Teacher can provide reading corner, learning centres, home corner and maximize classroom space.

6. Elaborate on what is meant by classroom rules. Provide examples and elaborate on 5 classroom rules that are reasonable and unreasonable.A rule identifies general expectations or standards for behavior. Classroom rules are at their

effective when they are negotiated between teacher and the pupils, they are ineffective if they

are simply rules imposed and maintained by the teachers. For example, the rule “Respect other

persons and their property” covers a large set of behaviors that should always be practiced.

Rules frequently indicate unacceptable behavior as well as expected, appropriate behavior,

although teachers sometimes manage to write rules that are only positively stated (for example,

“We ask permission before talking in class”). In such instances the unacceptable behavior is

implied (“Don’t talk without permission”).

Reasonable rules

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1. Talk only when permitted.Be aware of the situation since quiet talking is allowed in

some situations and speaking to the entire group without raising your hand may be

allowed in others. I will remind you once and expect compliance.

2. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is


3. Do not cheat. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both

the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who

copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be

sure no one can copy it.

Unreasonable rules1. Do not go to the toilet. Cause irritability feeling and in the classroom.

2. Ask questions when it is necessary. This will hinder the pupils to think and answer in the

classroom and pupils will ponder if their answer is correct or wrong.

7. Elaborate on what is meant by classroom procedures/routines. Provide 3 examples and elaborate.

Classroom procedures/routines:

Procedures are what you want the students to do.

Routines are the procedures that the students do automatically.

Procedures and routines are the backbone of daily classroom life, because they: a) are statements of student expectations necessary to participate successfully in

classroom activities, to learn and to function effectively in the school environmentb) allow many different activities to take place efficiently during the school day, often

several at a time, with a minimum of wasted time and confusionc) facilitates teaching and learning and increase on task time and reduce classroom

disruptionsd) tell a student how things operate in a classroom, thus reducing discipline problems


Entering the classroom

Beginning work

Roll Call/Lunch Count



Absences/Make-up procedures

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Teacher's attention signal

Getting out of your seat


Getting supplies

Sharpening pencils

Procedures for using/carrying/handling equipment

Getting into groups

Working in groups

Independent work

Working at a center

Lining up to leave the room



Going to the clinic, office, media center or elsewhere

How to head papers

Passing in homework

Passing in papers

Exchanging papers

Asking questions

Getting help

Finishing work early

Visitors to the room

Responding to fire drills, "codes", or other alerts

Sudden illness

Checking out classroom material

Cleaning the room at the end of the day

Organizing materials


Changing classes


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REQUIRED MATERIALS. Bring the following materials to class each day:

-two sharpened pencils/pens

-Reading notebook

-pencil pouch with sharpener, hi-liters

ENTERING THE CLASSROOM . We enter the classroom in a calm, quiet manner. Sharpen your pencil if necessary and take a seat. Remember: Once the door is closed, you must be in your seat and working. (That means having the necessary materials out on your desk.)

READING NOTEBOOK . This is an important tool. Bring it to class with you every single day . The notebook will be graded twice during each 9-week grading period. Your notebook grade is 20% of your final 9-week grade.

ATTENTION SIGNAL. When I hold up my hand I will say, "Give me five." That means the entire class should be absolutely silent and still within 5 seconds.

ASKING QUESTIONS.LEAVING YOUR SEAT.GETTING HELP . Raise your hand and I will acknowledge you.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR. Your responsibilities in this class are to: be on time, be prepared, be productive. All team members are expected to be polite and respectful to one another---and that includes the teacher. No student will be allowed to disrupt the learning of his or her classmates.

MAKEUP WORK. When you are absent you are expected to make up any work you missed. On the day you return, check the appropriate folder for any missed work.

HOMEWORK. Homework, when assigned, will be due at the beginning of class. Have it out on your desk ready to be picked up.

END OF CLASS DISMISSAL. Two minutes before class ends, I will tell you to start getting packed up. We will straighten the room. Then, I will give you any last minute instructions and dismiss you.

TARDINESS. You are expected to be in your seat when I close the door. If you come in late and do not have a pass, quietly sign the tardy sheet at the front of the room. You are allowed three unexcused tardies for the nine weeks. The fourth unexcused tardy results in a referral and a call home. If you are late (unexcused) for more than 5 minutes, this is not a tardy. You are considered to be "out of area" and you will be given an automatic referrRESTROOM PASSES. You are expected to use the restroom between classes. No bathroom passes (or any passes) will be issued the first ten minutes of class. You are allowed two passes (of any kind) per nine weeks. Use them wisely.

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8. Discuss 5 guidelines to promote / formulate classroom rules. a) Keep the number to a minimum

- Appropriate : 4-5 rules only.- Pupils can follow it easily.- List down the main and necessary rules to be followed only.

b) Keep the words simple / specific- Use short and precise words.- Use behavioral words.- Use words that easy to understand.- Use positive words.

c) Keep the rules posted on the bulletin board- To remind students about the classroom rules.- Easy to be referred by the teacher and students.

d) Consider having rules recited daily for first two weeks periodically- To remind the students about the classroom rules- To make students always be alert on classroom rules.

e) Make your rules describe behavior that is observable and measurable- To make students to know / alert on their misbehavior and try to correct it.- Easy to be followed.- Easy to be understood.- Examples:

*Please raise your hand to ask / answer the questions.*Please your hands and feet to yourself.

9. State and elaborate on two benefits of classroom rules.

a) Communicate expectations and form the basis for catching students being good.

- Students know what to expect and they understand the learning tasks better

- The absence of clear expectations will create practical problems and an environment

of uneasiness in the class that will lead to confusion, frustration and hostility when

expectations clash.

- Students have a clearer sense of what it takes to perform

- Things in the class run more smoothly with less confusion when the expectations are


b) Promote positive learning environment

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- Rules which are positive in nature helps to develop the positive environment and less

likely to promote resistance. Positive rules refer to the desired behavior that the

teacher wishes to establish than the unwanted behavior. For an example, ‘Listen to

your teacher and classmates’ is better wording than ‘Don’t talk while others are


- Firm rules will help to reduce disruptive behavior in the classroom which can lead to

positive learning environment.

10. State and elaborate on 2 benefits of classroom routines.

Classroom routines make students get rid of distractions that waste their time and interfere with the teaching and learning activity. Guesswork is minimized. Minor

frustrations and inconveniences are fewer, as well as opportunities for misbehavior. The

students, then, are left to focus on learning. If students know what to do and how to do it

during every transitional or procedural moment of the school day, they can more easily

attend to what is most important. Furthermore, adding more responsibility and purpose is a

surefire way to boost morale. It creates opportunities for students to participate more fully

in a variety of learning and social activities.

Well-executed routines also save time and lessen a teacher’s workload. Instead of

giving instructions to students through transitions, passing out papers, leaving and

entering the classroom, etc, these tasks are automated into routines, allowing you to

merely observe and focus your thoughts on the next activity.


If a teacher has control of her classroom, it is less likely that a fight will break out or violence will occur. By establishing clear and consistent standards of behavior teachers can ensure that their classes are organized and productive, and that students do not have the opportunity to engage in fights or inflict harm on another student. Additionally, by punishing students who name call or are disrespectful to others, teachers reduce the likelihood that verbal conflicts will escalate and become physical.

Positive Class Environment Building

Students work more productively, and share more openly, when there is a positive classroom environment. Through behavior management, teachers can create an atmosphere of mutual respect in which all classroom participants feel safe to share their options without risk of

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censure. Without classroom management, students will likely feel that they are not free to speak their mind or participate, as their peers may make them feel unwelcome or unworthy.

11. State and explain 4 decisions that a teacher has to make in test development process.

o Provide information to students about the gist of the assessment so that they’re alert.o Prepare students; student test-taking strategies & practice exam activities

o Map the exam; decide on sections, formats, weightingo Construct itemso Establish grading criteriao prepare an answer key

o Establish purpose of testo achievement of course outcomeso diagnosis of strengths and areas for improvemento Identify objectiveso Inventory course content and materialso consider appropriate formatso establish overall weightingo Write test specifications

Do some calculations.

Allow enough time for the slowest student to complete test

Need to fit within a single class period.



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Book Response Journals

Similar to a learning log, the book response journal is a place for students to express personal reactions and to wonder about events, themes, and ideas in a book. Children are encouraged to react to everything they read. Teachers may use these journals to respond to each child individually, sharing their questions, feelings, and ideas about literature and making suggestions for further reading or related activities. Some teachers hold individual reading conferences with their students and use these book response journals as part of the conferences.

Comparison Charts

Comparison charts are one of a number of graphic organizers. They involve the examinations of similarities and differences among ideas, events, characteristics, etc. Comparison charts may take a number of forms and are an excellent way to engage students individually or in groups as they seek to focus characters, events, or themes within a single story or compare books, events, or properties within a given theme.


There are many types of conferences including reading, writing, goal-setting, evaluation, and coaching. The major purposes are to collaborate, assess, and guide.

Cooperative Learning Activities

Cooperative learning involves students working together in groups (often following a teacher presented lesson), with group goals and individual accountability. Critical to the process are two factors: 1) how to help another student without giving the answer; and 2) how to work together toward a common goal.


A demonstration transforms ideas into something concrete and observable through visual, audio, art, drama, movement, and/or music. This could also include opportunities to demonstrate and explain procedures and strategies such as a science experiment or a solution to a non-routine math problem.


A discussion provides a safe, open forum where children are encouraged to speak, listen, and respond to opinions, feelings, and ideas regarding the designated topic.

Goal Setting

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Setting goals with children provides the basis for monitoring student performance through collaboration and self reflection.

Graffiti Walls

Graffiti walls are free form spaces for brainstorming or communicating words, phrases, or ideas on a topic. These are often used as evolving records. A teacher may use them to facilitate brainstorming on a particular theme at the beginning of a unit, as well as encourage students to add new words or phrases relating to the theme as the unit progresses. In addition to encouraging children to search for new and interesting words, the graffiti wall serves as a class dictionary/thesaurus as students need novel words to enrich their writing.

"I Learned" Statements

"I Learned" statements may be in either written or oral form. Their purpose is merely to give students a chance to self-select one or more of the things they learned during a class session, an investigation, or a series of lessons.


An interview is structured or unstructured dialogue with students in which the student reports his/her reaction or response to a single question or a series of questions. This typically provides an opportunity for the teacher to determine the student's depth of understanding rather than whether the student can provide the "correct" answer. Questioning may follow a period of observation to discover if the student's perception of a situation is the same as the observer's.


Investigations may be related to a specific subject area or may involve several areas, integrating curriculum. The most typical form of investigation is a collection of student writing, diagrams, graphs, tables, charts, posters, experiments and other products. When students become involved in practical or mathematic investigations, assessment activities and/or questions can be presented to students without their awareness of any difference between the assessment and instruction.


A KWL is a technique used by teachers to assess what students "know," "wish to know," and "have learned about a particular topic," using a sheet divided into three columns labeled K, W, L. At the beginning of a lesson, the KWL serves as a written record of the students prior knowledge (K) on the topic, and allows the opportunity for the student to note what they desire (W) to know about the topic. Following the lesson, the student can self-assess what has actually been learned (L) about the topic.

Learning Logs

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A learning log is a kind of journal that enables students to write across the curriculum. The major reason for using them is to encourage children to be in control of their own learning and to promote thinking through writing.

Oral Attitude Surveys

Attitude surveys note in a systematic manner students' self reflections regarding group and individual performance and affective characteristics such as effort, values, and interest. Providing an oral survey allows students to share their ideas, learn from others, and deepen the way they think about the topics being discussed.

Oral Presentations

Oral presentations include speeches, storytelling, retellings, recitations, drama, videos, debates, and oral interpretation and are evaluated according to a predetermined criteria.

Peer Evaluations

Peer evaluations consist of student analysis and assessment of peer proficiency using either established or self-generated criteria. An activity must be very carefully structured if students are to receive valid feedback from their peers.

Problem Solving Activities

In a problem solving activity, students must search for a means to find a solution, as well as for a solution to the problem. A good evaluation of the problem solving activity requires consideration of both the thinking process and the final product.


Student products represent completed student work in a variety of forms; writing, videotapes, audiotapes, computer demonstrations, dramatic performances, bulletin boards, debates, etc. Students can demonstrate understanding, application, originality, organizational skills, growth in social and academic skills and attitudes, and success in meeting other criteria.

Response Groups

Response groups are opportunities for small numbers of children to discuss books or events in depth with one another. Often these groups are organized and run by children themselves because they all have read the same book or experienced the same event and want to discuss it. Teachers participating in a response group will gain insight into their students' thinking skills, group behaviors, and affective characteristics.

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A key concept in alternative assessment is having the student learn to recognize his/her own progress by taking the time to reflect. Those who are able to review their own performance, explain the reasons for choosing the processes they used, and identify the next step, develop insight and self-involvement. Self-reflection, an important concept in any form of assessment, is a particularly important component of a student portfolio.

 A teacher's test administration procedures can have great impact on student test performance. As you will see in the guidelines below, test administration involves more than simply handling out and collecting the test.

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Before the test:   * Avoid instilling anxiety   * Give as many of the necessary oral directions as possible before distributing the tests, but

keep them to a minimum.   * Tell students purpose of the test.   * Give test-taking hints about guessing, skipping and coming back, etc.   * Tell students the amount of time allowed for the test. You may want to put the length of time

remaining for the test on the board. This can be changed periodically to help students monitor their progress. If a clock is prominently available, an alternative would be to write the time at which they must be finished.

   * Tell the students how to signal you if they have a question.   * Tell the students what to do with their papers when they are finished (how papers are to be

collected).   * Tell the students what they are to do when they are finished, particularly if they are to go on

to another activity (also write these directions on the chalkboard so they can refer back to them).

   * Rotate the method of distributing papers so you don't always start from the left or the front

row.   * Make sure the room is well lighted and has a comfortable temperature.   * If a student is absent, write his/her name on a blank copy of the test as a reminder that it

needs to be made up.


After Distributing Test Papers   * Remind students to put their names on their papers (and where to do so).   * If the test has more than one page, have each student check to see that all pages are there.   During the Test   * Minimize interruptions and distractions.   * Avoid giving hints.   

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Managing students’ information resource is an important aspect of classroom management; provide 3 suggestions on what can be done to organize student records.

As soon as you get your student list, set up a system that will allow you to access student

records quickly and easily. Here are a few suggestions:

Assign numbers to students. Assign the same number to each student that you used in

your gradebook. Have each student write his or her number on every assignment. Use

corresponding student numbers to label all student materials, including mailboxes.

Use an online gradebook. Online gradebooks allow you to automatically give out online

assignments and record grades.

Make labels with each student's name. Have your students write their names and

numbers on labels, which you can peel off and use for all folders, notebooks, and other

materials that need student identification, including forms. This is a real time-saver. This

also can be done by using individual folders for assignments, one for each child clearly

labeled with the students' names.

Be prepared for new students. Have packets of information for new students prepared

ahead of time so that when a new student enters your class in the middle of a lesson,

you're ready.

Create a seating chart. As soon as your class list is final, create a seating chart from

your perspective at the front of the class. This should help you learn students' names

and help keep some order in the classroom.

Create an assignment basket or tray. Use a basket or tray for students to turn in

assignments. You can have a different basket or tray for each class or subject. Then

train your students to turn in assignments in these places. A basket can be used to

collect assignments, which will help to prevent lost or misplaced papers.

QUESTION 15: Give 5 reasons why it is important to keep student records in school.

1) Providing necessary data that may be requested from time to time either by researchers,

planners or ministry officials. It is vital to ensure the records are updated from time to time.

Before the test:   * Avoid instilling anxiety   * Give as many of the necessary oral directions as possible before distributing the tests, but

keep them to a minimum.   * Tell students purpose of the test.   * Give test-taking hints about guessing, skipping and coming back, etc.   * Tell students the amount of time allowed for the test. You may want to put the length of time

remaining for the test on the board. This can be changed periodically to help students monitor their progress. If a clock is prominently available, an alternative would be to write the time at which they must be finished.

   * Tell the students how to signal you if they have a question.   * Tell the students what to do with their papers when they are finished (how papers are to be

collected).   * Tell the students what they are to do when they are finished, particularly if they are to go on

to another activity (also write these directions on the chalkboard so they can refer back to them).

   * Rotate the method of distributing papers so you don't always start from the left or the front

row.   * Make sure the room is well lighted and has a comfortable temperature.   * If a student is absent, write his/her name on a blank copy of the test as a reminder that it

needs to be made up.


After Distributing Test Papers   * Remind students to put their names on their papers (and where to do so).   * If the test has more than one page, have each student check to see that all pages are there.   During the Test   * Minimize interruptions and distractions.   * Avoid giving hints.   

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2) Information from the records could assist considerably in determining the amount of grant to

be given to a particular school. For example, the amount of text books can be distributed exactly

based on the number of students in a certain school.

3) It could be used to identify a child’s interest and problems and to take administrative


4) It is also helpful in identifying sick students, truants, absentees and students who attend

school regularly. Occasionally, when teachers wanted to understand the origins of disruptive

behaviors they would take note of the details surrounding several examples of the behavior, a

so-called “ABC” analysis, for understanding the antecedent-behavior-consequence. Gather

enough ABC reports, and, with some experience, you can tease out the cause for the behavior

and move towards a behavioral intervention plan that improves the lives of everyone. Discrete

trial therapy, done in school or in home, is a very data-intensive practice, and we have seen the

importance of basing decisions on data. This enables us to determine which skills are improving

and which aren’t. Done correctly, record-keeping practices may help provide a roadmap with

directions that may improve our children’s skills.

Question no 16: what is attendance register? Why is it important?

What is attendance register?

- A book which the presence or absence in a class is recorded on a daily basis.- It is a statutory record that must be kept in a school.- The one who is in charge of this record is the class teacher.

Why it is important?

- Providing necessary information that may be requested from time to time either by researches, planners, or ministry officials.

- Information from it could assist in determining the amount of grant to be given to a particular school.

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- It could be used to determine child’s interest and problems and to take administrative decision.

- Identifying sick students, truants, absentees & ss who attend school regularly.

Question no. 17: state and explain 5 school records.

School record

Olagboye, 2004 – school records are books, documents, diskettes and files in which are embodied information on what goes on in school.

Why school record important?

- Facilitate continuity in the administrations of a school.- Serve as data bank – both school head & staff & even students can draw on.- Enable school head to collate information on pupils and staff when occasion demand.- Provide data needed for planning and decision making by school head, ministry of

education and related educational authoritites.- Provide information needed on ex-students by higher and other related institutions and

employers of labours for admission or placement.

1. Admission& withdrawal registera. Permanent record book regarding the entry or exit of each pupils.

The importance of admission & withdrawal records.

- Serve as historical & reference with great details of every child.- Useful in supplying information on personal & family background.- Showing students who withdraw from school.- Promoting accountability as well as enhance planning.

2. Attendance registera. A book which the presence or absence in a class is recorded on a daily basis.

The importance

- Providing necessary information that may be requested from time to time either by researches, planners, or ministry officials.

- Information from it could assist in determining the amount of grant to be given to a particular school.

- It could be used to determine child’s interest and problems and to take administrative decision.

- Identifying sick students, truants, absentees & ss who attend school regularly.

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3. Students report card/ sheet- Keep data on students’ academic performance in termly basis.- Assist in monitoring students academic progress.- Compliment to cumulative record folders. 4. Transfer and leaving certificate.- Shows the formal exit of the pupils after completion of study or leaving during the course

of study in a certain school.- Other vita documents include report book, health record, report files, subjects curricular

&etc.- Class teacher = effectively discharging their duties by proper keep and maintain these

academic reports.

5. Corporal punishment book.- Contains the names of pupils who create disciplinary problems. - Also contains the nature of punishments awarded eg: canning, flogginf, whipping & hard

knocks.- This is to ensure the proper procedure is followed in punishing offenders.- Reduce the case of misuse of punishment.- Recording & noting the names of students in record book will eventually reduce the

disciplinary problems.

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Honest teacher-student communication

Mutual respect between teacher and students

Tc- shows interest and care for the students

Establishing win-win situation

Establishing trust and bond with students

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1.To make students appreciate and behave appropriately

Teacher who demonstrate respect towards their students, automatically win favor by having active learners in their classroom. The arrogant or offensive teacher will lack these positive qualities due to his or her lack of control over the children. It’s critical to remember that when you treat students with respect, they tend to appreciate and like you. When they appreciate and like you, they are more willing to want to please you—which causes them to be more likely to behave appropriately.

2.To help students learn at a high level and accomplish quickly.

The communication between the student and the teacher serves as a connection between the two, which provides a better atmosphere for a classroom environment. Of course a teacher is not going to understand every problem for every child in his or her classroom, but will acquire enough information for those students who are struggling with specific tasks. A significant body of research indicates that “academic achievement and student behavior are influenced by the quality of the teacher and student relationship” (Jones 95). The more the teacher connects or communicates with his or her students, the more likely they will be able to help students learn at a high level and accomplish quickly.

3. To produce a good environment within the classroom.

When the teacher creates an environment that the student feels comfortable and welcome it could only open the door for knowledge and even more. To add, the student also feels confident to express himself without any fear of being isolated and ridicule from his peers and teachers. The teacher can also benefit from a good environment because the teacher will probably be more inclined to teach with inspiration and creativity. When someone feels comfortable in their environment, one is able to challenge many things that are not reasonable.--- students able to take risk in class.



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Teacher centered @ student centered

(+) @ (-) communication and interaction used/ teacher-student interaction

Activities – boring @ interesting

Plan activities that encourage on-task behavior


Humor Content knowledge Teaching styles Caring, care and

concern Vary tone of voice


what goes on in and between in the classroom

non-threatening environment, warmth etc.


Shows positive behavior

Good quality of work Manner


Consistent @ not Modify routines if

necessary Make sure the

effectiveness of the routines

Ask students’ opinion in setting up the routines


Same treatment for all misbehavior

No bias and favoritism Consistent in rule

system for misbehavior Teacher should plan


Q. 21



1. USE A VARIETY OF CLASSROOM TECHING METHODS come up wif some creative teaching ideas & creative teaching methods suitable for

different learning styles.

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b’coz when students find your classes interesting and enjoyable, they are mor likely to listen to u, participate actively in classroom interaction & develop mor (+) T-S relationship n S-S relationship.

Methods a) demonstrationsb) questioning and discussion

Visuals, examples & manipulatives are so crucial to use.

2. USE SOME VERBAL COMMUNICATION TEACHING STRATEGIES Vary the tone of yor voice – monotone is boring Learn to use teacher voice – not screaming Don’t repeat every response that students give – students won’t listen to the other

students b’coz they know teacher will repeat it., repeat only to emphasis @ if it was a great comment.

After asking questions, pause to let the students think and then say the students name – if u say the students name first, only he/she will listen

Do not respond to students who call out – let them know they must raise their hand and wait permission for speak

Don’t just accept ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer – have students problem solve, infer & use critical thinking.

3. USE NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION TEACHING TECHNIQUES These strategies should be introduced at beginning of the year, so that students

aware of them Dis techniques help establish establish discipline in the classroom besides helping

both teacher and the students to understand each other better. Examples

Eye contact - establish eye contact to gain their trust & make positive impression

Hold up yor hand – to stop students from talking or doing something else Stand still & stare at the clock– if the class very noisy to starts a lesson,

patiently wait until they stop talking As u r teaching, u notice a student who is writing or reading – gently put their

pencil or paper down on their desk & continue walking & smiling as u walk away, without losing a beat

4. MOTIVATE STUDENTS Motivation is a necessity so that learning becomes continuing, improving, interesting

and hopefully enjoyable process Ways

Encourage, help students to set goals Humor in the classroom is a great way to motivate students Games are fabulous classroom team building which are great for creating

motivation in the classroom Relate assignments & class project to real life situations

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Having students to help with some of the many jobs that need to be done in the classroom

Hold classroom contest that can help to establish discipline in the classroom Important thoughts

Always display care, concern n encouragements Never give up on unmotivated students or they will give up on their self. Going hand in hand with building student motivation is building students self


5. USE COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM This types of learning approaches that bring a real world aspect to yor students will

greatly enhance the work they produce and improve their participation and motivation in the classroom immensely

Teacher must understand what level of computer knowledge is appropriate and expected at each grade level

Examples Earlier years – students know how of simple computer application such as

word processing or basic drawing tools Older grades – powerpoints in presentations, spreadsheets in work

assignments n research on internet

A) COMMUNICATING POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS give all students chances to participate tell students directly that u believe that they have the ability to do well monitor the way u call students

B) CALL ON ALL STUDENTS EQUITABLY Monitor equitability of response opportunity Calling on all students rather than select a few help keep students on task &

dcrease behavior problems Cal on students who off task

C) GIVE HINTS AND CLUES TO HELP STUDENTS ANSWER QUESTIONS Positive expectations grows by giving hints and clues Help mostly low level students

D) CORRECTING STUDENTS IN A CONSTRUCTIVE WAY Related to the manner in which u correct them The goal is to provide quick, fair & meaningful consequence, at the same time

shows care for & respect the student Prevent visual access by other students – public correction can foster feeling of



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Help students take pride in their accomplishments & positive behavior rather than in their negative behaviors

Students are proud of the fact that they are behaving and achieving at a high level.

Strategies to develop positive classroom pride-show off class’s achievement, display students work, positively reinforce students verbally


22. Elaborate on how a caring culture can be demonstrated in the classroom.

Show an interest in your students’ personal lives- A powerful way to communicate that the students are important and cared for.

- Eg: asking about recent trip, hobby or sports activity. Or have students write a journal

at the beginning of the year in which they list what they did during their vacation, pets

they have, what sports they enjoy and what hobbies they have.

Greet the students by the front door as they enter the classroom- Standing by the door and welcoming students as they enter the classroom is a quick

and easy way to show students they are important and that you are glad to see


Watch for and touch base with students who displays strong emotion.- Students displays strong emotions (eg; happy, excited or angry), ask them how they

are doing and what is going on with them.

- Statements such as, “Are you all right?” and “Can I help with anything?” let students

know they are cared for, valued and noticed.

Sincerely listen to students- Listening intently and sincerely to students is a powerful way to communicate how

much you care.

- Maintaining eye contact and paraphrasing helps students realize that you have heard


Empathize with students- Students will understand that they are recognized and valued.

- Let them know that you recognize the emotions behind their actions. Communicate

empathy by telling students that even though it’s wrong to hit someone, for instance,

you understand the emotions behind an incident.

23. Explain the meaning of classroom dynamics.

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Classroom dynamics refers to the system of behaviours and psychological processes

occurring within a classroom. It describes the way a classroom and its students act and

react to changing circumstances.

Refers to the nature of the classroom, the laws of its development and the interrelations

with individuals in the classroom, other individuals in the school.

Based on the feelings and emotions, students in a classroom form a common

perception, a common purpose, task or goals.

24. Importance of classroom dynamics

Make the class management easier and more effective as the class work together as a team.

Group cohesiveness helps build confidence in learning to take risks and feeling safe. Motivate and provide classes with genuine reason for learning and attaining common

goals. Generate interest among students abt each other, personalize class and the lesson

content and encourage ss to have a desire to communicate. Effect on morale, motivation, self image and affect learning Develop positive attitude to the content being learned, the learning process and to the ss

themselves. Non competitive and ss cooperate to perform task. Trust and empathy to each other’s point of view. Help and learn trough one another Help to develop learner’s socio linguistic competence of knowing what to say. Learning is non threatening experience.

25) Suggest five ways a teacher can establish good classroom dynamics. Elaborate on how each of the ways can help in establishing good classroom dynamics.


1) Providing motivation by the way of the teacher sets up activities and encourages sharing of ideas should enable learners to achieve. Being in groups or pairs allow the teacher to walk around, oversee and monitor their work from a distance and to help individuals where and when needed. Working together can instill in learners positive beliefs about their ability to learn, their aptitude, their self worth and their social acceptance.

2) Setting up routines is good for classroom dynamics if there are fixed routines for students’ interaction. Among the routines needed to set up by the teacher are for:

The way students participate in class and interact with the teacher The way they check their learning on tasks The way they check their progress Homework, testing, and exam preparation

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3) Variety and pace is important if the class consists of multilevel learning styles and attention spans. In cases such as these, the teacher should:

Provide opportunity for all to contribute in different ways to the whole, example- vocabulary work with dictionaries, finding words in a text matching, labelling, writing sentences, with new words.

Provoke and maintain interest through change from something light to something challenging.

Promote whole class involvement

4) Life knowledge, interest, and personalisation is the another way to foster good classroom dynamics is to use what students know about life to generate interest in topics and facilitate the learning process. Among the thing that a teacher can do are:

Arouse curiosity and create a reason to be involved with visuals, activities, problems, games etc.

Tap into meaningful questions the students might have and set clear achievable goals

5) Collaboration provides students a genuine reason to communicate by working together on tasks and personalizing language can be very helpful in creating positive vibes. It facilitates the process of group cooperation and cohesion. Risk-tasking and experimenting is easier without suffering loss of face, and thus engenders confidence. Various strategies include:

Group work where students complete a task together Pairwork Peer review Jigsaw activities

26) Define discipline. What is its primary purpose?


Discipline is defined as the influence the pupils exert which consists of a number of different strategies and techniques. The primary purpose of discipline is to maintain a productive learning environment, to teach students to be self-directing and responsible, and to promote civility among all members of the members.

Q 27: Models of Discipline

Canter’s Assertive Discipline Model

Canter's Key Ideas

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1. Teachers have basic educational rights in their classrooms including: o The right to establish optimal learning environmentso The right to request and expect appropriate behaviour o The right to receive help from administrators and parents when it is needed.

2. Students have basic rights in the classroom too, including: The right to have teachers who help limit inappropriate, self-destructive

behaviour The right to choose how to behave, with a full understanding of the

consequences that will follow automatically from their choices. 3. The needs and rights of teachers and students are best met through the use of assertive

discipline.• communicates clearly his/her expectations to students and • Follows up with appropriate and consistent actions which do not violate the best

interests of the students.


1. Too controlling, harsh, too aggressive, overpowering for younger children2. Too demeaning for older students3. Too focused on suppressing bad behaviour that it excludes emphasis on the building of

values for good, responsible behaviour

Skinner’s Shaping ModelSkinner’s Key Ideas

1. Behaviour is shaped by its consequences, by what happens to the individual immediately afterward.

2. Systematic use of reinforcement (rewards) can shape students' behaviour in desired directions. 3. Behaviour becomes weaker if not followed by reinforcement. 4. Behaviour is also weakened by punishment. 5. In the early stages of learning, constant reinforcement produces the best

Weaknesses • Free will• Control of students’ thoughts and action (compliance)• Reduces intrinsic motivation• Used too frequently – students become immune

Dreikurs’ Confronting Mistaken Goals/Logical Consequences

Dreikurs’ Key Ideas

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1. Discipline is not punishment. It is teaching students to impose limits on them, to develop inner control. Discipline should not be imposed from the outside

2. Democratic teachers provide firm guidance and leadership. They allow students to have a say in establishing rules and consequences.

3. All students want to "belong". They want status and recognition. Most of their behaviour is directed by their desire to belong.

4. Misbehaviour reflects the mistaken belief that it will lead to the recognition they want. 5. Misbehaviour is associated with four mistaken goals: seeking attention, gaining power,

taking revenge, and displaying inadequacy. The goal in each case is to elicit certain responses from teachers.


• Require steady and continual effort for results to become evident. • Does not address the issue of hard-to-manage classes or defiant students• Too much emphasis on sense of belonging as cause• Too much weight age given to “mistaken goals” as misbehaviour

Kounin’s Withitness and Organisation Model

Kounin’s Key Ideas

1. When teachers correct misbehaviours in one student, it often influences the behaviour of nearby students. This is known as the ripple effect.

2. Teachers should know what is going on in all parts of the classroom at all times. Kounin called this awareness, 'withitness'.

3. The ability to provide smooth transitions between activities and to maintain consistent momentum within activities is crucial to effective group management.

4. Teachers should strive to maintain group alertness and to hold every group member accountable for the content of a lesson, which allows optimal learning to occur.


• teachers must be able to deal with the entire class, various subgroups and individual students, often at the same time

• teacher's must be good in managing groups and lessons• teachers must be able to deal with more than one issue at a time • focus on prevention rather than building values, proper behaviour

Glasser’s Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Model

Glasser's Key Ideas1. All of our behaviour is our best attempt to control ourselves to meet our needs.2. All of us have inborn needs that we continually attempt to satisfy. Included among those

Inborn needs are: a) To belong b) To gain powerc) To be free

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d) To have fun.

3. Students feel pleasure when their basic needs are met and frustration when they are not fulfilled.

4. At least half of today’s students will not commit themselves to learning if they find their school experience boring, frustrating, or otherwise dissatisfying.

5. If today’s schools are to be successful, they must create quality conditions that greatly reduce student and teacher frustration.

28 Given a scenario, you must be able to suggest ways to handle a discipline case by referring to the models of discipline.

Canter’s model

1. Teacher should use their voice, eye contact and gestures.

Voice : firm but not threatening.

Eye contact : Look students straight in the eyes but do not insist students do likewise.

Gestures : use facial expressions together with other body gestures but not finger and fist.

2. Requesting appropriate behaviour verbally.

Remind the students what are the expectations of the teacher and direct students what to do.

3. Set clear limits and consequences.

Use of positive consequences. Eg: Personal attention from teacher and rewards.

Use of negative consequence. Eg: Warning – detention – suspension.

4. Use broken record technique

-repeating your requests or your refusals every time you are met with resistance.

Application of Model

Kwan is in your class and is quite docile. She never disrupts the class and does little socializing with other students. Despite your best efforts Kwan rarely completes an assignment. She doesn't seem to care. She is physically present but makes little effort or contribution to the life of the class. How would you deal with Kwan using assertive discipline?

o Communicate the class expectations clearly to Kwan. Be assertive and check that Kwan has received your message (Ask questions to make sure).

o Use a firm tone of voice and maintain eye contact when reminding Kwan of the expectations.

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o Be consistent when you follow through with pre-established consequences. Make the negative consequences more severe and the positive consequences more attractive until you find the level that works for Kwan.

o Let Kwan's parents know how her behaviour concerns you. Explain that Kwan's best interests are served by the the parents and yourself working together to help her

Dreikurs model

(a) Always speak in positive terms, never be negative

(b) Encourage students to strive for improvement, not perfection

(c) Emphasize students’ strengths while minimizing their weakness

(d) Help students learn from their mistakes, which are valuable elements in the learning process

(e) Encourage independence and responsibility

(f) Show faith in students, offer them help to overcome obstacles

(g) Encourage students to help each other

(h) Show pride in student work, display and share with others

(i) Be optimistic and enthusiastic – a positive outlook is contagious

(j) Use encouraging remarks such as “You have improved”; What have you learned from that mistake?

Application of Model

Nathan is quite docile in your class. He never disrupts the class and has little contact with other students. Regardless of your best efforts, Nathan rarely completes an assignment. Nathan doesn't seem to care. He makes little effort. He is simply there - a mere physical presence in the classroom!

How would Dreikurs deal with Nathan?

o Identify Nathan's mistaken goal. (You can do this by checking your own reaction to Nathan's lethargy and by noting the reactions of other students when you attempt to correct him.)

o If Nathan's mistaken goal is attention seeking, ignore him.

o If Nathan's mistaken goal is gaining power, admit that Nathan has power: "I can't make you do your work. What do you think I should do?”

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o If Nathan's goal is taking revenge, ask other members of the class to be especially encouraging to him when he displays any pleasing behaviour.

o If Nathan's goal is to appear inadequate, encourage any favourable behaviour and give him continual support for it.

o Gently confront Nathan with his mistaken goal and draw him into discussion about it and his related behavior.

Kounin’s model

Teacher must :

1. Know what is happening in every area of the classroom at all times and communicate that fact to students.

2. Be able to deal with more thanh one issue at a time.

3. Correct the appropriate target before misbehaviour escalates.

4. Ensure smooth transitions from one activity to another.

5. Maintain group focus through alerting and accountability.

6. Provide non satiating learning programs by emphasizing progress, challenge and variety.

Application of Model

Thomas, in your class, is quite docile. He never disrupts class and does little socializing with other students. Despite your best efforts, Thomas rarely completes an assignment. He doesn't seem to care. He is simply there putting forth virtually no effort.

How would Dreikurs and Kounin deal with Thomas?

1. Use the ripple effect. "I see many people have already completed half their work." Look at Thomas, later comment, "I'm afraid a few people will have to stay late to complete their work".

2. Let Thomas know you are aware she is not working. Say to her, "I see you have barely started. This work must be done today!"

3. Call on Thomas in discussions preceding independent work, as a means of involving her in the lesson.

4. Point out Thomas’s progress when it occurs: "Good! Now you are on the track! Keep up the good work."

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5. Provide variety. Continually challenge Thomas to accomplish more.

6. Hold Thomas accountable with group focus techniques. Do not disregard him just because he has been nonproductive.

Glasser’s model

1. Stress student responsibility

2. Establish rules that lead to success.

3. Accept no excuses

4. Call for value judgment.

5. Suggest suitable alternatives.

6. Invoke reasonable consequences.

7. Be persistent

8. Carry out continual review.

Application of the Model

John, a student in Pn. Lee's class, is quite docile. He never disrupts class and does little socializing with other students. But despite Pn. Lee's best efforts, John rarely completes an assignment. He doesn't seem to care. He is simply there, putting forth virtually no effort. How would Glasser deal with John?

Glasser would first suggest that Pn. Lee think carefully about the classroom and the program to try to determine whether they contain obstacles that prevent John from meeting his needs for belonging, fun, power, and freedom. He would have Pn. Lee talk directly with John about this matter.

If changes are needed for him, Pn. Lee should make them if possible. If no changes seem warranted, Glasser would have Pn. Lee talk with John so as to accomplish the following:

Make sure John understands his work responsibilities as a student in the class. Make sure John understands that he can choose his behavior - to work or not - and that

his choice brings with it either desirable or undesirable consequences. Accept no excuses from John for not beginning and completing his work. Help John identify some alternative behaviors from which he can choose. Continually press John to make value judgments about his choice of behavior Make sure that when John shows improvement, he receives consequences that are

very attractive to him Never give up on John

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29. State and explain 10 disruptive behaviour (displinary problems) in the classroom and school

Grandstanding:Use the classroom for themselves by monopolizing class discussion, speaking protractedly and bombastically on favorite subjects with no regard to relevancy to the discussion.

Sleeping in Class:While passively disruptive, it sends a message to the other students about the quality of the class or teaching. It is disrespectful to the instructor and the other students.

Prolonged Chattering:Small cliques of 2-3 students who engage in private conversations or pass notes to each other.

Excessive Lateness:Students who not only come in late, but make an entrance speaking to friends, walking in front of the professor, arranging their belongings.

Verbal or Physical Threats to Students or Faculty:Some verbal threats are veiled while others are more explicit. A threatening student may approach the instructor or fellow students menacingly, or actually shove the individual, or worse, physically assault them.

Usage of Electronic Devices• Using cellular phones, text messaging iPods, MP3 players, laptops, etc. while class is in session

Unexcused exits• Leaving to retrieve a soda or other snack items• Leaving to engage in a conversation (i.e. person-to-person or by phone)• Leaving before class is finished for any reason without prior permission from the instructor

Non-Permitted Communication During Classroom Instruction• Talking while the instructor is talking• Talking before being recognized by the instructor (i.e. blurting out information)• Mimicking and/or consistently repeating an instructor’s words

Personal Attacks• Engaging in abusive or mean spirited criticism of another student or an instructor• Questioning an instructor’s authority in front of the class• Continuing to insist on speaking with an instructor during classroom instruction• Telling an instructor to “shut-up”

Threatening Behaviors• Verbally abusing an instructor or student (i.e. cursing or extremely loud talking directed at a particularperson)• Threatening to physically harm an instructor or student through verbal or body gestures• Intimidating through body gestures and/or posture or persistent staring at an instructor or student30 State and discuss 8 possible causes of disciplinary problems.

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Basically, causes of disciplinary problems do not only come from the student. It may reflect on various different causes. Student’s internal and external factors may also come into account. Not only that, teacher may also be the cause of the disciplinary problems.

One of the internal factors that cause disciplinary problems is due to student’s inexperience or ignorance. Student at early stage especially may not be able to understand or aware of the basic classroom disciplines such as not to go out from class as they like, ways of addressing teacher’s question and so on. This condition may be caused by their inexperience of classroom environment and also due to their lack of ability to understand the rules in class. That is why teacher have to emphasize rules in class to students so that they may be able to understand it clearly and follow it. Ignorance is when student actually relate the situation in class as the same situation when they are outside of the class. Some students that come from disadvantaged environments such as living in squatter camps, on the streets or in abusive family scenarios, where language is coarse and loud and where stealing is a way of surviving, they need to be taught what is expected of them in the classroom. Making rules clear and explaining with the aid of concrete examples can help relieve their ignorance.

Disciplinary problems may also caused by sense of belonging. Student that neglected or gets less attention from teacher and friends will tend to misbehave especially in class to show their existence. It is normal for student to be recognized. This may due to stereotype that happens in class due to differences that student have that lead to less attention from the teacher. In Malaysian context, this may due to different ethnicity and lead to stereotypes from the teacher and friends. Therefore, teacher should try to create a classroom where every students can enjoy and share their feeling together although they may have differences.

Some learners misbehave as a means of issuing a deliberate challenge to the teacher’s authority. Ironically these are often children who either come from families where the children are powerless, or from families where the children are in control. This may due to lot of copying they observe around them. Watching television, as well as playing computer and videogames, influences young people to be heroes and stresses for power, control and aggressive behaviour. They are inspired mostly due to media.

One of external factor that caused disciplinary problem is when it is related to the family. Lack of parental guidance and dysfunctional families are continually emphasized as risk factors. Not only that, students also may create disciplinary problems due to what they see from their parents as a role model. Mostly due to fighting among parents that is seen by children. It also leads to disciplinary problems. The student may act aggressive, violent and anti social background due to all the above.

Discipline problems also caused from factors emanating from society. Moral degeneration of communities, racial conflict, poor housing and medical services, the availability and poor control of firearms, poor law enforcement and unemployment (De Wet, 2003) are some of the community based risk factors that could heighten possibility of discipline problems. Therefore, teacher need to require a solid background knowledge of child development, the reasons why learners behave and misbehave, and which types of disruptive behavior occur most frequently in the classroom and on playground.

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Teacher also causes the discipline problems in class. It arise from a number of sources, lack of preparation, inadequate training in discipline techniques, and attitude toward students.

Parents also a factor to students discipline problems in class. This happens when parents actually receive complaints from students and accepting it as the truth without any prove. This create problems in relation between teacher and parents and lead to make students to dare to make another discipline problems.

Discipline problem also occurs when teacher gives too much or too little work. If the task is too simple, it make their learning limited and they have lots of time spend doing anything. Hence it brings to discipline problems. The same also goes to too many work because students find it too difficult for them and lead them to become lazy and feel stupid in learning. So, they will create discipline problems to satisfy themselves rather than studying something that they will never be able to answer correctly.\

Refer to Page 91-104 in CM book

31 Discuss three possible interventions in handling disciplinary problems.

Behaviour modificationUse of empirically demonstrated behavior change techniques to increase or decrease the frequency of behavior, such as altering an individual’s behaviors and reactions to stimuli through positive and negative reinforcement of adaptive behavior and/or the reduction of behavior through its extinction, punishment and/or satiation.

Time out or removal privileges Verbal reprimands Corporal punishment


Counselling includes work with individuals and with relationships which may be developmental, crisis support, psychotherapeutic, guiding or problem solving. Counselors provide academic, career, college access, and personal and social competencies and planning to all students, and individual and group counseling for some students and their family to meet the developmental needs of young children.

Goal is to correct behavior and disciplining students for inappropriate behavior. Students should able to reflect on what they did and try to make better decision in the future.

Pastoral care

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Holistic approach where school attempts to meet the personal, social, emotional and intellectual needs of every pupils, in order that each might participate fully and gain maximum benefit from everything the school has to offer.

Providing personal support appropriate to the needs of every student Support on school curriculum, specific to the needs of every students Provide vocational support to assist student to adult life Provide personal and social education appropriate to students need Contributing to the development of a positive school ethos that seeks to promote

self-esteem of every school member community.

Refer to page 105 in the CM book

32) State 5 types of disciplinary problems and discuss how a teacher can handle these problems

A) Bullying

Talk privately with bully

Talk to bully nicely by asking him/her to reflect on own behaviour

Find out the root cause of the problem (to gain status/power over peers, to punish a chid that they are angry or jealous at or to vent frustration with problem at home or school)

Remind them of the building policy of not bullying. If anyone bullies another students, he/ she will be sent to the office and possibly be suspended from school

Remind him/her that you know him/her can make a better choice next time. Tell him/her that there is support for him/her in the future

B) Hitting/Threatening a teacher

Convey to the student the seriousness of the behaviour

Respond firmly if a student hits you, maintain you composure.

Tell him in a stern and non-sense voice that violence is an unacceptable and he will never do that again

Do not scream, name call or belittle him

If teacher scream at him, it will only antagonize him to further find means to upset the teacher.

C)Vandalism (Doodling in books/walls, slicing school bus seats, smashing school furnitures)

Require the students to make amends

Having the students to remedy a problem she created is the best way of holding her accountable for her behaviour

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If determining her consequences, the nature of the damage and age of the student and make the punishment fit the crime.

For example, a student has torn a page from a book, you might have her carefully tape the page back into the book.

D) Dealing with student aggression

Be assertive when breaking up fights

If 2 elementary school students are engaged in a fight, use a strong voice to stop it.

Insist them to move away, sit down and calm down

Meet with the combatants after the incident to help them resolve any lingering problem.

Students will pour out the problems and begin to feel more relieve when the teacher is there to help them out.

E) Student interruptions

From blurting out an answer without raising his hand, to respond when another student has been called on, to make an unsolicited comment in the middle of a lesson.

Ignore a student who calls out, only call on students who raise their hands

Giving attention to a student who calls out will make him more likely to call out in the future.

Calling on a student who has raised his hand

Make a comment such as “Daniel, I like the way you’re raising your hand and waiting to be called on.”

Send a message that a student who raises his hand gains more attention that a student who calls out.

33. State and elaborate on 5 obstacles that can hinder the management of discipline problems

1. Therapy and Consultation

- It cannot be effective unless the behavior to be changes is understood within

specific context.

- Usage of ‘ABC’ approach will be effective

- If there are consistent antecedent and consequences, an intervention should

target those to increase or decrease the target behavior.

2. Positive reinforcement

- Meaning: providing compliments, approval, encouragement and affirmation to

alter a desired behavior.

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- Behavior increases only when it is reinforced

3. Time out or Removal of privileges

- Removing positive reinforcement for unacceptable behavior

- It usually involves removing the teacher’s attention an praise or being placed in a

chair for a specific time with no interaction with either teacher or students

- When time out is implemented, the child will result in increased negative

behavior, and the teacher should not respond to this behavior. Then, the

targeted undesirable behavior will diminish.

- If a teacher engages in verbal or physical interaction with the child during

disruptive behavior, the emotional burst as well as behavior originally targeted

will may worsen

- Time out is not effective immediately because it is a long- term strategy

4. Verbal reprimands

- It may be transiently effective in immediately reducing the undesirable behavior

- If it used frequently, it will lose it effectiveness and become reinforces of

undesired behavior because they provide attention to the child.

5. Corporal Punishments

- Involves application of some form of physical pain in response to undesirable


- Significant concern have been raised about the negative effects of physical

punishment and its potential escalation into abuse

- Example: Spanking – striking a child with an open hang on the buttocks or

extremities with the intention of modifying behavior without causing physical


Although spanking may immediately reducing the undesirable behavior but its effectiveness decreases

34. Special Needs: Characteristics

Types of Special Needs CharacteristicsVisual Impairment a) A student with poor vision that even when corrected, it

can still negatively affect his or her educational performance

b) Partial sight/low vision/fully blindc) They could not see what teachers write on the boardd) They have low self confidencee) Need assistance in reading

Hearing Impairment a) A student who cannot hear, with or without amplification, to the point it negatively affects his or her educational

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performance. b) Slight/Mild/Marked/Severe/Profoundc) Misinterpretations of teachers’ explanationd) Having difficulties in communicating verbally with otherse) Have low self confidence f) Lack of Attentiong) Lack Speech Development

Physical Disorders i. Cerebral Palsyii. Seizure Disorder

a) Physical disabilities as orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.

b) Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that involves a lack of muscular coordination, shaking or unclear speech. Students with Cerebral Palsy will suddenly have:i. stiff muscleii. difficulties in movingiii. rigid muscle at one moment and floppy the next

moment(clumsy & jerky)c) Seizure Disorder such as epilepsy is a nervous disorder

characterized by recurring sensory motor attacks or movement convulsions. The sign are:i. Brief starring Spellsii. Motor movements such as twitching of the

eyelidsLearning Disabilities

i. Dyslexiaii. Dyscalculia

a) Learning disabilities are disorders in which one or more psychological process involving any kind of language affects a person’s ability to correctly do things.

b) Dyslexia is a difficulty with reading, writing and spelling. Usually they have difficulties in reading and recognizing letters. Visual Dyslexia means that a person reverses letters and could not write well.

c) Dyscalculia is a difficulty with numbers usually involving math.

Autism a) Noticeable delaysb) Deficiencies in the communicative abilitiesc) Repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviord) Inability to relate to otherse) Cannot function well in social situations.f) Some common behavior in classroom:

i. Not responding to questionsii. Not willing to try something newiii. An/frustration when communicatingiv. Not following classroom rules

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

a) Fidgety hand and footb) Talking excessivelyc) Forgetting daily activitiesd) Having trouble sitting stille) Having trouble controlling behaviorf) Having trouble paying attention in classg) Making careless mistakesh) Not following directionsi) Become the class distractions

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Mental Retardation a) A person with both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning.

b) Difficulty with hearing, sight or speech. c) Emotional and behavioral disordersd) Withdrawal

Slow Learners a) Difficulties in completing extensive reading, writing or math operations.

b) Immature in their relationshipc) Do poorly in schoolsd) Cannot do complex problems and work slowlye) Lose track of time easilyf) Short attention spang) Poor concentration skills

Gifted and Talented Learners a) Bored when asks to do work below their skill level on a regular basis

b) Extraordinary potentials

35. Suggest 3 ways to manage each of the following types of students with special needs-visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical disorders, learning disabilities in particular dyslexia and dyscalculia, autism, ADHD, mental retardation, slow learners, dyslexic, gifted and talented learners.

Strategies for visual impairment• ensure that their passage to their seats is clear • provide instructions, rules and so on verbally to the student one-on-one

• if handing out a note to students (for example, rules when travelling) make sure the print is large enough so that they can read it

• set up a buddy system – it may be helpful to have a responsible peer sit with/close by to the vision impaired student so that they can fill the student in on what instruction/direction they may have missed • if the student did not understand, try saying the same thing another way

• you may need to do some basic signing or use visual clues for them to get the message • encourage the student to say when they don’t understand, as they may be reluctant to do so.

Strategies for hearing impairmentThe following may assist in overcoming some of the difficulties hearing impaired students typically experience when in your vehicle.

Seating • Have the student close to you, but allow them to sit where they can best hear you.

• Check that the student does in fact hear you from where they sit. Visual supplements • Try to remain in one spot when talking to the student. • Don’t talk while your back is turned.


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• Speak clearly but naturally – exaggeration of speech or shouting can make it more difficult for students to understand your speech.

• Make sure the hearing impaired student is understanding (not just listening) when you provide information/ directions to students or when you ask a question.

Feedback • Check that students have understood instructions. For example, get them to repeat what you

have said.

Buddy system • It may be helpful to have a responsible peer sit with/close by the hearing impaired student so

that they can fill the student in on what instruction/direction they may have missed. Rephrasing • If the student did not understand, try saying the same thing another way. • You may need to do some basic signing or using visual clue for them to get the message.

• Encourage the student to say when they don’t understand, as they may be reluctant to do so. Inattention • Don’t expect continuous attention on the hearing impaired student’s part. • Remember, they have to work harder to listen and take in a range of cues and such

concentration can be tiring. Socialisation • Observe how they socialise with other students and you may need to encourage a positive

acceptance of the student by other students.

Physical disorders

How you communicate with these students can be critical and you need to:

• seek assistance from parents, carers and teachers on how you can best meet a student’s specific needs

• be positive, use clear and short instructions • make sure they have clear access to a seat so they can get to it easily

• monitor their comfort during the trip to school and allow them to change position in their seat if they need to, or move to another seat

• allow more time for them to get in and out of your vehicle.

ADHDFind out from the student’s parents/carers and/or teacher/s information about what works bestfor them in handling the child’s behaviour.

• Listen to and talk with the student to unearth their interests. Talk about these with genuine interest.

• Be short and clear:

––keep rules to a bare minimum ––keep explanation of rules short

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––don’t try to present all the rules at once

––ask the student to repeat a rule after you have stated it – this reinforces the learning process.

• Make eye contact – before you deliver any directions, you need to make sure the student’s attention is on you and what you are saying.

• Be specific – don’t give several directions at once. For example, if you want the student to sit down and fasten their seat belt (if there is one):

––first instruct the student to sit down ––when the student is seated, instruct them to fasten their seat belt.

• Maintain a calm atmosphere – shouting angry demands at a student will not accomplish anything:

––be quiet and calm ––sometimes a touch on the student’s shoulder will get their attention, however with some

students physical contact will make them more agitated ––get to know your students.

• Be positive, not negative – using positive words with these students works much better. For example:

––instead of saying ‘Take your feet off the back of the seat,’ it may be best to say ‘Please put your feet on the floor, thank you.’

––instead of saying ‘Don’t run onto the bus/don’t jump into the taxi,’ it’s best to say ‘Please walk onto the bus/please enter the taxi calmly.’

––negative commands focus on them as a person rather than on their behaviour. This can be destructive for a student’s self image.

• Words of praise help everyone. Let students know you are pleased about their good behaviour. For example, ‘You were wonderful today on the way home. That’s great!’

• Don’t threaten what you can’t follow up on – students are pretty smart and recognise idle threats and ignore them.

• Make sure consequences for breaking rules are carried out promptly and are within the guidelines of your company’s rules or the Code of Conduct of School Students Travelling on Buses. Students need to know the consequences for breaking the rules.

• Be consistent:

––don’t keep changing the rules, this only leads to confusion and unnecessary disruption ––if rules need to be repeated, restate them when necessary and repeat them the same way

each time ––follow a consistent pattern of enforcement (for example, for bus drivers, refer to the Code

of Conduct of School Students Travelling on Buses for suitable processes) ––treat everyone the same and avoid playing favourites.


In communicating with students with ASD it is important to:

• be consistent

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• be positive

• use clear, simple and short language • have clear expectations (‘rules’ can structure these)

• prepare the students for any change For example, a new student/driver/supervisor or a route change

• keep the routine the same • tell the student what to do rather than not what to do

• keep in mind the literal interpretation.

Mental retardation

• provide short, clear, ‘stepped-out’ instructions • set reasonable expectations

• allow ‘wait time’ for each student to process information • use visual/pictorial supports

• check for student understanding • provide one-on-one instruction/guidance

• be consistent in the language you use and your behaviour strategies.

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Teach children learning strategies to enable processing of information Give feedback more frequently Present lessons visually on the board or OHP Use concrete examples to illustrate abstract concepts

Slow learners

Reduce distractions, arrange a quiet place for child to work Keep the homework sessions short Provide activity times before and during the homework Add a variety of tasks to learning Allow for success Use my “three transfer” form of learning in which the students must take information and

do three things with it besides reading. For example, read it, explain it to someone else, draw a picture of it and take notes on it.

Be patient and consistently observe and motivate the children Assign a patient student to assist the child.

Gifted and talented learners

Serving the needs of the gifted-A child may be performing at a developmentally appropriate level for his or her age but not grade. Handwriting, social skills, and

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organization are examples of skills that an accelerated child may need more support from the teacher to perform at the same level as their grade level peers.

Helping child to weigh the consequences of winning and losing the battle, teach the child how and when it is appropriate to approach an authority figure about their erroneous actions.

Arrange the child to work in group-teach the child how to appropriately assert their opinion, present ideas, and listen to others. Try to establish friendship within the classroom.

36. Special Needs: 4 Steps in Creating Suitable Teaching & Learning Environment

Step 1 Create a Supportive community

A classroom is like a community. They learn together and collaborate to create an effective and

conducive classroom community. When there is a student with special needs in the classroom,

the teacher and students should be aware of this student’s needs, disabilities and preferences.

Teacher should tell the other students to treat the special needs students fairly and help him

when he has difficulties in learning. Buddy system can also be introduced when a student can

be his assistance. For example, for a visually impaired student, one of his friends can help in

copying written things on the board for him. Teacher also plays a big role; she has to treat the

students equally but with extra attention.

Step 2 High and Achievable Expectations

High Expectations of a teacher to a student means that the teacher believes of this student’s

potentials. With high expectations, teacher will monitor the students’ progress frequently with

enough reinforcement. This theory is also applicable to special needs students because they

need motivation and belief that they can achieve success too. Although they are disable in

some areas but it does not mean that they are not capable on another. One of the ways teacher

can communicate high expectations is through verbal reinforcement, wall of fames and fair

treatment to this students in term of question difficulties, activities and others.

Step 3 Physical Arrangements Suitable for the Special Needs

Teacher has to consider the arrangements of the classroom for easy movement of the students

with physical disabilities. It is to ensure easy movement of them around the class. Objects and

furniture that can harm them should be taken out. Teacher has to think of the emergency plan

too when there are students with Cerebral Palsy or Seizure Disorders in the classroom because

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they can suddenly have the muscular problems or any others without warning. One free space

can be located somewhere in the class if this problem arises. For visual or hearing impairment

disabilities, these students can be placed at the most front row so that they could see the words

on the board and focus more during learning. Besides, the teacher can place many teaching

aids to help students with special needs to help them to understand the subject better. Some of

the teaching aids are projector, computer, braille and learning toys.

Step 4 Suitable activities, methods & pacing

Teacher should be considerate when teaching in an inclusive classroom. Activities planned

should be suitable for them too. For example, games like charade and snake and ladder could

not be played by a visually impaired student. If the class insists to play the game, the special

needs students will feel left out and not welcome into the classroom. Besides, the teaching

methods should be suitable for their disabilities to ensure that they could follow the lesson. For

example, in dealing with ADHD students, the teacher can use Total Physical Response method

because this method involves movement and these students will surely be interested to learn

and move along with the others. The pacing should be appropriate too. Not too fast for them to

follow and not too slow for the sake of other students’ achievement too.

37. Discuss what are the elements that should be in a classroom management plan.

Classroom management focuses on three major components: content management, conduct management, and covenant management. Each of these concepts is defined and presented with details in a list of observable elements in effective teaching practices.

In this light, content management "does not refer to skills peculiar to teaching a particular subject but rather to those skills that cut across subjects and activities" (Froyen & Iverson, 1999, p. 128). Doyle stressed that the core of instructional management is gaining and maintaining student cooperation in learning activities (as cited in Froyen & Iverson, 1999, p. 128).

Related to content management, Kounin (as cited in Froyen & Iverson, 1999, p. 129) places a special emphasis on instructional management skills, sequencing and integrating additional instructional activities, and dealing with instruction-related discipline problems.

Conduct management is centered on one’s beliefs about the nature of people. By integrating knowledge about human diversity (and individuality, at the same time) into a particular instructional philosophy, teachers could manage their classrooms in a better, more effective way.

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Researchers have pointed out the importance of assisting students in positive behaviors. In planning classroom management, teachers should consider using an assertive communication style and behavior. In addition, they should always know what they want their students to do and involve them in the respective learning activities, under the general conditions of clearly and explicitly stated schoolwide and classroom rules.

An effective conduct management plan should also refer to teacher control and administration of consequences. The following components of such a plan are focused on in this summary: acknowledging responsible behaviors, correcting irresponsible and inappropriate behavior, ignoring, proximity control, gentle verbal reprimands, delaying, preferential seating, time owed, time-out, notification of parents/guardians, written behavioral contract, setting limits outside the classroom, and reinforcement systems. All of these components are presented so they can be identified in examples of best teaching practices.

Covenant management stresses the classroom group as a social system. Teacher and student roles and expectations shape the classroom into an environment conducive to learning. In other words, the culture of any given school is unique to that school. However, it is directly influenced by the culture of the larger community whose educational goals are to be met. A strong connection between school and community must be constantly revised and modified according to the requirements of societal dynamism. As schools become very diverse, teachers and students should become aware of how to use diversity to strengthen the school/classroom social group.