Clue Board Game Playing Rules

Ages 8 to Adult 3 - 6 players The Classic Edition INTRODUCTION CLUE is unlike any other game. All of the characters are fictitiouseven the “victim” is imagined. It is like a Stage Play. The scene opens in Mr. Boddy’s palatial mansion. Mr. Boddy is the victim of foul play and is found in one of the rooms. THE OBJECT OF THE GAME is to discover the answer to these three questions: IST WHO? Which one of several suspects did it? 2ND WHERE! 3RD HOW! The answer lies in the little Envelope resting on the stairway marked X in the center of the board. The envelope contains 3 cards. One card tells who did it, another card reveals the room in which it all happened, and the third card discloses the weapon used. The player who, by the process of deduction and good plain common sense, first identifies the 3 clue cards hidden in the little envelope, wins the game. This is accomplished by players moving into the rooms and making “suggestions” of what they believe is the room, the person and the weapon for the purpose of gaining information. This information may reveal which CLUE cards are in the other player’s hands and which cards are missing and must, therefore, be hidden in the little manilla envelope. “Accusing” a suspect and naming the weapon and the room under suspicion is one of the most exciting features of CLUE. EQUIPMENT: The Gameboard showing nine rooms of Mr. Boddy’s house. Six colored pawns representing the suspects in the house. The colors of the pawns are closely associated with the names of the suspects: Suspects Pawns Col. Mustard Yellow Miss Scarlett Red Prof. Plum Purple Mr. Green Green Mrs. White White Mrs. Peacock Blue Six miniature weapon tokens and ONE DIE. The pack of 2| illustrated cards includes a card for each of the 6 suspects, one for each of the 6 weapons, and one for each of the 9 rooms. There is also a case file envelope. A pad of Detective Notes is included to aid the players in their investigations.


Clue Board Game Playing Rules

Transcript of Clue Board Game Playing Rules

Ages 8 to Adult 3 - 6 playersThe ClassicEditionI NT RODUCT I ONCLUE is unlike any other game. All of the characters arectitious!even the victim isimagined. It islike aStage Play.The scene opens in Mr. Boddys palatial mansion. Mr. Boddyis the victim of foul play and is found in one of the rooms.T HE OBJECTOF T HEG A M E is todiscover theanswer to these three questions:I S T W H O ?W h i c h o n e of s e v e r a l suspect s d i d i t ?2 ND WHERE!3RD H O W !The answer lies in the little Envelope restingon the stairwaymarked X inthe cent er of the board. The envelope contains3 cards. One card tells who did i t , another card reveals ther oom in which it all happened, and the third card disclosesthe weapon used.The player who, bythe process of deduction and good plaincommon sense, rst identies the 3 clue cards hidden in thelittle envelope, wins the game.This is accomplished by players moving i nto the r ooms andmaking suggestions of what they believeis ther oom,thepersonandtheweaponfor thepurposeof gaininginformation. This informationmay reveal which CLUEcards are in the other players hands and which cards aremissing and must , therefore, be hidden in the little manillaenvelope. Accusing a suspectandnaming theweaponand theroom under suspicion is one of themos t excitingfeatures of CLUE.EQUIPMENT:The Gameboard showing nine rooms of Mr. Boddys house.Six colored pawns representing the suspects in the house.Thecolorsof thepawnsarecloselyassociated withthenames of the suspects:Suspect s Pa wn sCol. Mustard YellowMiss Scarlett RedProf. Plum PurpleMr. Green GreenMrs. Whi te Whi t eMrs. Peacock BlueSix miniature weapon tokens and ONE DIE.Thepack of 2| illustrated cardsincludes a card for eachof the 6suspect s, one for each of the 6weapons, andonefor eacho f the9 r o o m s . Therei s alsoacaseleenvelope.A pad of Detective Notes is included toaid the players intheir investigations.PREPARATI ON:Place the pawns on the starting squares marked with theirnames. All 6 pawns are placed on the board regardless ofthenumber of players. Place each of the Weaponsin adifferent r oom, using any of the rooms.Ar r a n g i n g t h e Ca r d s :Place theempty envelope on thespot marked X in thecent er of the board.Then s o r t the pack of cards i nto threegroups!Room Cards, Weapon Cards and Suspect Cards.Shufe each of these three groups separ at el y. Take thet op card from each group and place it inthe envelope.T h i ss h o u l d bed o n e c ar ef ul l y s o t h a t nopl ay er k n o wsanyof t h et h r e ec ar ds(oner oom, one weapon, andone suspect) pl aced i n t h e envel ope.Deal i ng t h e Car ds:The remaining cards in the three piles are n o w thoroughlymixedtogether and shufed, andthen are dealt, oneat ati me, clockwise aroundthe table to each player.I TI S I M P O R TA N T T H A T N OPL AYER S H A L L SEEA N YOFT H ECARDSWHI L ET H E YARE BEI NGSHUFFLED A N D DEALT.Some players may receive mor e cards than others.Each player holds the cards dealt him, taking care that noother player sees the cards in his hand.START:Each player takes the colored pawn nearest tohim on theboard, and uses it throughout the game.The player having the red pawn, Miss Scarlett, rolls the dieand moves rst.After Miss Scarlett has moved, then e x t player on the leftrolls the die and moves. Each of the other players followsint ur n. lnsucceeding gamesplayersshouldtaket ur ns,dealing and starting.MOVEMENT OF PAWNS :To r e a c h a r o o m players may move their pawns on thewhitesquaresanywhereontheboardaccording to thethrow of the die. All the white squares on the board aref orthemov ement of pawns. Pawnscanmove forward,backwards, or crosswise. b u t ! n e v e r di agonal l y. Apawn may be moved forward and crosswise onthesamet ur n, but itcannot move toa particular space twi ce in thesame t ur n.NOT WO PAWNS MAY OCCUPY ANY ONE SQUARE,NOR MAY APLAYER MOVE HIS PAWNTHROUGH ASQUARE OCCUPIEDBY ANOTHERPAWN. Ar oom,however, maybe occupiedby anynumberof pawns andweapons.MOVI NG I N T O AROOM:Thereare three wayso f e n t e r i n g a room: (I) Throwingthedie and moving yourpawn along thesquaresenteringthrough a doorway, (2) viatheSecret Passages by leapingacross the board, corner to corner, without usingthe die, and(3) aplayers pawn may be placedin a room byanother playerin the feature play known asthe Suggestion."I f the spaceat theent r ance t o ar oomi s occupiedby thepawn of one player, no otherplayer maymovei nt o thatr oom, through that door.SECRETPASSAGES:TheSecret Passagesshowninthecorner roomsenableplayers to move between oppositecorner roomsinonemove. This can bedone on aplayers t u r n without throwingthe die merely by moving his pawn tothe opposite cornerr oom andannouncing heis using theSecret Passage. ASuggestion may be made after this move.GETTI NG O U T OF AROOM:There are three ways of l eavi ng a room: (I) by throwingthe die and movingo u t through adoorway o n t o the squares,heading toward another r oom of your choice, (2) by usingthe Secret Passages and nally, (3) by being transferred to anew r oom by some other player.On the throw of the die, players may ent er Rooms by theDOORS only, but cannot leave a r oom on the same t ur n;ent er i ng t h e R o o me n d s t h e mo v e . It is n o t necessarytothrow the exact number toent er a Room. That is, if aplayer needs 4 tobring him into a r oom and throws 6, heignores the last t w o units after entering the Room.Players already i na r oom may leave i t by any door ! us i ngthediea s usual andmoving towardanother r o o m ! o r ,theymayuse a secr etpassage, if ina corner r oom. Thedoors of each r oom are n o t counted asa square.THE SUGGESTI ONWhenever a player movesi nto a r oom he should make aSuggestion.A Suggestion consists of namingaSuspect, aWeapon andtheRoom i nt o which theplayer hasmoved. AS SOONAS APLAYER MAKES ASUGGESTION THE PAWN OFTHESUSPECTNAMED ANDTHEWEAPONNAMEDAREBROUGHTI NTOTHEROOMNAMEDINTHESUGGESTION. No player may forfeit at ur n toremain in aparticular r oom. Players must move by a throw of the dieor by the secr et passages on each t ur n.AnExampl e:The player representing Miss Scarlett may, in t w omoves,reach the Lounge. Miss Scarlett may then call aSuspect intothe Lounge (for example Mr. Green) andmove the greenpawn i nt o the Lounge. She willalso call i nt o theLoungesome weapon(for example, the Wrench)and will sayIsuggest that the crime was committed in the LOUNGE, byMR. GREEN with the WRENCH.N o t e : All pawns, spare ones aswell asplayers own pawns,fall under equal suspicionandshouldbeconsideredbyplayers making Suggestions.PROVI NG THE SUGGESTI ON TRUE ORFALSE:When aSuggestion has been made the rst player to the leftof the one makingthe Suggestion examines his cards toseeif he is able toprove the Suggestion false. To disprove theSuggestion he must hold one or mor e of the cards named.(In our example above, the cards named are Mr. Green, theWrench and the Lounge). If he holds one or mor e of thesecards, hemust showoneonlyto theplayer making theSuggestion. T h i s m u s t be d o n ew i t h o u t t h eo t h e rpl ayer s seei ng t h e c a r d s hown.(lf Miss Scarlett holds inh e r o w n h a n d one or mor e ofthese cards, perhaps the Lounge and M r . Gr e e n , she maysoon discover whether some other player has the Wrench,orif it is hidden in the envelope. Asmar t player will oftendeliberatelymake a Suggestionnaming one or t w ocardsthat he holds in his own hand just to gain information or tomislead the other players.)If the rst player to the left does n o t have any of the threecards, then thenex t player at his left examineshis cardsand mu s t show one of the three if he has i t.A player havingmor e than one of the called cards may showwhichever onehe wishes, but only one.Obvi ousl y i f any pl ayer hol ds i n hi s h a n d o n e orm o r eof t h e3car dsn a me d i nt h esuggest i on, i t i s p r o o ft h a t t hos e par t i c ul ar car ds a r e n o t i n t h e envel ope.Ther ef or e, wh e n a c ar d i s s hown t ot h e pl ayer w h oma d e t h e Suggest i on, hi s Suggest i on has t h u sb e e npr ov ed t obe f al se, a n d he may wi s h t oma k e a n o t eof t h i s on hi s Det ect i ve Pad.The opportunity to prove the Suggestion false passes to theleft until some player has shown ONEcard to the suggestingplayer, whose t u r n then ends, and play passes tothen e x tplayer.If noonedisprovestheSuggestiontheplayer thenmayeither pass the t ur n or else make anACCUSATION.ACCUSATI ON:When a player is satised that he knows the threeClueCards hidden in the envelope, he can on his t ur n, make anACCUSATION. He states that he is making anAccusationand names the three Clue Cards he believes tobe in theenvelope. Then, carefully, so that the other players do n o tsee, he looks at the three cards in the envelope. Contraryto therules for making a suggestiona playermaymakean accusation whetheror n o t his piece is in ther oom hementions.W I N N I N G THE GAME:IF THEACCUSATIONIS CORRECT, THATIS, IF THEPLAYERFINDSINTHEENVELOPE, THOSE3CARDSTHAT HEJUST NAMED, HELAYS THE CARDS FACE UPON THE TABLE, AND HEISTHE WINNER.If the Accusation is incorrect, the player r et ur ns the threeClue Cards to the envelope unseen by any other player andreplaces it on the board. Having made a false Accusationhe has no further moves in the game, and cannot wi n, butremains asaplayer to contradict Suggestions made by otherplayers with the cards he holds in his hand.Aplayer canmakeonlyoneAccusationduring anyonegame.OT H E R I NTERESTI NG NOTES A N D H I N T SFOR PLAY:A PLAYER MUST BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL INEXAMINING HIS CARDS BEFORE STATING HECANNOT DISPROVEA SUGGESTION.Suggestionsmay even include cardsheld in the playersown hand.The r oom named in aSuggestion must always bethe one i nt owhich the suggesting players own pawn has been moved.Aplayermaymake onlyoneSuggestionafterentering ar oom, andmayn o tmake anotheruntilentering anotherr oomor else, using at least T WO TURNS, leavingand thenre-entering the same r oom.Pawns and weapons transferred toa r oom asthe result ofa Suggestionaren o t returned totheiroriginal positionson the board. To leave a r oom in which his pawn has beenplaced by aSuggestion, aplayer on his nex t t u r n uses eitherthe THROWOF THE DIE or, i f i n a cornerr oom he canuse the SECRET PASSAGE.If a pawn is moved i nto a r oom by a Suggestion, the playerwho owns the pawn may, on his next t ur n, makeaSuggestionof his own for that room. For this t ur n he does n o t throwthe die or move his pawn.By making Suggestionsandhaving themproved TrueorFalse players willeventuallybe able toidentify the threeClue Cards in the envelope.Although there is no requirement or rule on how playersshoulduse theDetectiveNotePadsit is suggested thatthe best and easiest way to play the game is to check offitems on the Note Pads as they become known and usingtheinitials of the player showing thecard sometimes is anadditional aid in winning the game.Some players prefer tocheck off thenames of the cardsdealt tothem at the beginning of each game.wr i t e : Winning Moves Games75 Sylvan Street, Suite C-I04Danvers, MA 0|923phone: |.800.664.7788Ext. 4f ax : 978.739.4847emai l : [email protected] mor e information about Winning Movesproduct safety and compliance please visit, its logo, CLUE and all related characters aretrademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. 20|3 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.Made and manufactured by Winning Moves Inc., 75 SylvanStreet, Suite C-IO4, Danvers, MA 0|923 USA.Colors and parts may vary. Made in China.062l5| l37-0l7-004Manufactured &Distributed By:Winnin Moves@GA Es_classic,Licensed By:I t em # 1137 /Secl cl unl l l sl dckboxlYea Iyoulube, c o m Mmev.comlwlnningmovesusa