Clubs in Ruidoso

My little brother and sister Playing in the snow! Jennah ! ! Hey I’m Jennah! I like to play basketball and just hang out with my friends! That’s my little brother and sister on the left and I am the blonde one on the right! I’m a freshman in Ruidoso High school. I am a VERY out going person and friends with just about everyone! Shootin’ hoops! Me and my Bud My kitty Sweetie !

Transcript of Clubs in Ruidoso

Page 1: Clubs in Ruidoso

My little brother and sister

Playing in the snow!


Hey I’m Jennah! I like to play basketball and just hang out with my friends! That’s my little brother and sister on the left and I am the blonde one on the right! I’m a freshman in Ruidoso High school. I am a VERY out going person and friends with just about everyone!

Shootin’ hoops!

Me and my Bud

My kitty Sweetie!