Club and Organization Resource Guide

Club and Organization Resource Guide

Transcript of Club and Organization Resource Guide

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Club and Organization Resource Guide

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Table of Contents Office of Student Activities .............................................................................................. 5

Council of Clubs and Organizations (CCO) ..................................................................... 5

Rights and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 6

Recognition/Registration .............................................................................................. 6

Recognized Student Organizations ............................................................................. 6

Academic ..................................................................................................................... 7

Media ........................................................................................................................... 7

Multicultural ................................................................................................................. 7

Service ......................................................................................................................... 7

Social ........................................................................................................................... 7

Privileges of Recognition ................................................................................................. 7

Obtaining Recognition ................................................................................................. 8

Step One: Generating Interest & Organizing ............................................................ 8

Step Two: Submission of Documents ...................................................................... 8

Step Three: Review & Approval ............................................................................... 9

Registration/Maintaining Active Status ........................................................................ 9

Fall Semester: .......................................................................................................... 9

Spring Semester: ................................................................................................... 10

Maintaining Club Recognition .................................................................................... 10

Losing Active Status/Recognition .............................................................................. 10

Advisor ....................................................................................................................... 10

Student’s Role to Advisor .......................................................................................... 11

Mutual Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 11

Organization Resources ................................................................................................ 12

Executive Office Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................. 12

President ................................................................................................................ 12

Vice President ........................................................................................................ 12

Secretary ................................................................................................................ 12

Treasurer ............................................................................................................... 12

Chair Person (examples: social media, advertising, etc.) ....................................... 13

Club Mail Boxes ......................................................................................................... 13

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Ordering Apparel and Giveaways .............................................................................. 13

Apparel ...................................................................................................................... 13

Event Planning Policies and Procedures ....................................................................... 15

Contracts & Insurance ............................................................................................... 16

Travel ......................................................................................................................... 17

Conferences: .......................................................................................................... 18

Charters: ................................................................................................................ 18

Food .......................................................................................................................... 18

Movies ....................................................................................................................... 19

Conferences .............................................................................................................. 19

Reserving Space/Tabling ........................................................................................... 19

Tips on Recommended Spaces for Use ................................................................. 20

MOP Request ............................................................................................................ 20

Publicity/Promotion .................................................................................................... 21

Permitted Advertising Methods .............................................................................. 21

Finances/Fundraising .................................................................................................... 22

Eligibility for Funding .................................................................................................. 23

On-Campus Accounts ................................................................................................ 23

Beginning Balances ................................................................................................... 23

Fundraising ................................................................................................................ 23

Fundraisers with Food ............................................................................................ 23

Venmo .................................................................................................................... 24

Petty Cash ............................................................................................................. 24

Specific Item Funding ............................................................................................. 24

Items Not Funded ................................................................................................... 25

Police at Events ......................................................................................................... 25

Retrieval of Funds...................................................................................................... 26

Receipts ..................................................................................................................... 26

Budget Requests ....................................................................................................... 26

Fixed Budgets ............................................................................................................ 26

Obtaining Checks ...................................................................................................... 27

Outside Food Safety Policy ........................................................................................... 27

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Events with Food ....................................................................................................... 27

Prohibited Events....................................................................................................... 27

Fundraisers with Food ............................................................................................... 27

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Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the opportunities offered to SHU students to participate in a student organization!

Sacred Heart University and the Office of Student Activities are dedicated to providing students a holistic college experience and therefore encourage participation in student organizations as a way for students to develop life skills outside of the classroom.

Co-curricular programs are essential to the overall educational experience and personal development of students. Involvement in a student organization allows you to broaden your college experience through meeting new people, enhancing your leadership skills, and developing holistically outside of the classroom. The experiences you have and the skills you learn through participation in co-curricular activities will stay with you long beyond your time at Sacred Heart University.

This Student Organization Resource Guide will serve as a tool for all student leaders to aid their registered student organization in succeeding at SHU. Information from becoming an active student organization to requesting funding and planning a program will be provided in this guidebook. Student organization leaders are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures found in the Resource Guide. Any questions regarding the information can be directed to the Office of Student Activities.

Please note that the content of the Resource Guide is subject to change.

Thank you for contributing to Sacred Heart University through your involvement on campus!

Office of Student Activities The Office of Student Activities is located in Hawley Lounge, upstairs to the left. Office hours are 9am-6pm on Monday-Thursday and 9am-5pm on Friday.

You can contact Student Activities at [email protected].

Council of Clubs and Organizations (CCO) The Council of Clubs and Organizations consists of active student clubs and organizations on campus. CCO is governed by the Vice President of Student Government for Clubs and Organizations. You can contact the VP of SG for CCO at [email protected].

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Rights and Responsibilities As a student leader on campus, you are required to understand and comply with the policies and procedures of Sacred Heart University.

All clubs and organizations must abide by the following rights and responsibilities outlined in this resource guide. No club/organization shall deny membership on the basis of sex, race, creed, nationality, or physical challenge. All clubs/organizations must adhere to SHU’s mission statement.

All student leaders:

1. Must be a full-time undergraduate, degree-seeking student (full-time is defined as completing twelve academic credit hours. Exception applies to seniors in their second semester. They may be eligible if they take a minimum of nine credit hours)

2. Must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. on a semester and a cumulative basis. If a student receives lower than a 2.0, then he or she will be considered an inactive member and removed from his/her position within the organization. Inactive status means that the student will not be allowed to participate in club meetings, activities, etc.

3. Will be ranked for class standing as follows: a. Sophomore 24-53 credits b. Junior 54-83 credits c. Senior 84 credits or more

Recognition/Registration Co-Curricular involvement through student organizations is a valuable piece in strengthening students’ experiences on campus. In this section, you will learn the benefits enjoyed by recognized student organizations, how to start a new student organization, and how to maintain your organization’s active status.

Recognized Student Organizations All student organizations wishing to operate at Sacred Heart University must be recognized by the Office of Student Activities. Student organizations must re-register their organization every fall and spring semester to remain active on campus. Recognized student organizations must adhere to the following criteria:

1. Clubs/Organizations are open to all full-time undergraduate students of the Sacred Heart population

2. Each club/organization must have a membership rate of at least 10 people (can be a combination of executive board members and general members)

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3. Each club or organization must have at least one advisor that is a full-time University faculty or staff member. Further description of the role of an advisor can be found in the section labeled Advisor

4. Clubs/Organizations may not require members to pay dues to participate in the organization

5. Each club and organization must meet at least bi-weekly and advertise these meetings to the undergraduate student population

All student-run clubs under Student Activities fall within one of five categories:

Academic Focus on various academic majors or disciplines. These clubs offer additional support to students within their major, or minor, fields of study. Academic Clubs provide students with the opportunity to explore career-related paths and connect with faculty, staff, and students within those academic programs.

Media Incorporate some aspect of communications or media into their focus. Students who participate in these clubs gain experience in writing, editing, graphic design, production, and various other aspects of media production.

Multicultural Enhance the multicultural experiences of the Sacred Heart Community by hosting events, speakers, and activities that increase awareness to the multicultural community present on campus, and in the surrounding world.

Service Aim to serve, raise funds, and raise awareness for various causes and organizations, both on the national and local levels.

Social Focus on promoting activities, hobbies, and interests.

Privileges of Recognition Becoming a recognized organization on campus entitles your organization to benefits and privileges, including:

• Ability to reserve space on campus • Ability to host events in accordance with policies • Ability to sponsor fundraisers in accordance with policies

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• Access to apply for funds for club use in accordance with policies • Ability to order apparel and giveaways in accordance with policies • Recognition in SHU publications • Use of available campus facilities and equipment • Publicity privileges • Networking and educational opportunities

Obtaining Recognition Students who wish to form a new club or organization on campus are welcomed to do so, in accordance with the procedures outlined in this section. Before starting a new club or organization, full-time undergraduate students are encouraged to explore clubs currently offered at SHU. For this reason, we ask that students wait to submit applications until they have completed their first-semester as a full-time undergraduate.

New clubs should be unique and stand apart from pre-existing clubs on campus. Please refer to the “Clubs & Organizations” tab on the Student Activities webpage for the most up-to-date list of current clubs and organizations.

Step One: Generating Interest & Organizing

• Meet with the Student Activities staff to discuss your club idea and the application process, and sign out a New Club Application packet.

• Complete the application by providing at least 10 full-time undergraduate students who are also interested in your club idea. To find interested members, try reaching out to friends, classmates or related departments on campus. Interested students will then list their names, ID numbers and class year on the Roster Form in the New Club Application packet. These names represent students who agree that they would be interested in becoming members if the club becomes an active organization, but does not require them to join.

• Find an advisor. Try reaching out to a current full-time faculty or staff with whom you already have a connection. Then work with the advisor for your club to draft a Statement of Purpose detailing what the purpose of the club or organization is and what impact the club will have on the Sacred Heart community.

• Attach a club Constitution, which explains how the club will likely operate, if approved. A mock constitution is included in the New Application packet to act as a template for this process.

Step Two: Submission of Documents

• When all components of the application are completed, please submit the materials (application, statement of purpose, roster, & constitution) to the Office of Student Activities to begin the review process.

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• If a student organization is affiliated with any other regional or national organizations, it must also provide a copy of the constitution or other governing document for the regional or national organizations. Sacred Heart University policies will override any regional/national organization policies if they are in contradiction with each other.

Step Three: Review & Approval

• Once the Student Activities staff has received all materials, the Vice President of Student Government for the Council of Clubs and Organizations will review the application with the appropriate staff member.

• After reaching a decision, the VP of SG for CCO will e-mail the President with the next steps to follow.

Please Note: There is a Review Freeze at the beginning and end of each semester (September, December, January and May) where no new clubs are reviewed in order to give recently accepted clubs a chance to become established. Applications may still be submitted during the freeze, but will not be reviewed until the freeze is over.

The Vice President of Student Government for the Council of Clubs and Organizations has the authority to approve or deny the organization’s petition for recognition. Once the application has been reviewed by the VP for CCO and the Office of Student Activities, an email will be sent to the club’s president with the decision on approval. Sacred Heart University reserves the right to refuse recognition of organizations not in line with the University’s educational mission and goals.

*Note: It can take up to 2 weeks to reach a decision on new club activation, and applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received.

Upon approval, a new/club organization will receive a balance of $250 in their account within the Office of Student Life to assist with establishing the organization on campus.

Registration/Maintaining Active Status All recognized student organizations are required to register with the Office of Student Activities each fall and spring semester. In order to maintain recognition and remain in good standing with the Office of Student Activities and the Council of Clubs and Organizations, your organization must complete the following requirements:

Fall Semester:

• Submit a Member Roster by the required deadline via both email and the online roster system

• Submit club’s weekly/bi-weekly meeting information to CCO by the required deadline

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• Attend the Just SHU It Involvement Fair • Submit an ERF for Fall semester meetings

Spring Semester:

• Attend SHUvolvement Fair • Submit an updated list of club officers and the name of the advisor for the

following year • Submit an End of Year Report including:

o Updated E-board contact information for following semester o Updated Member/Officer Roster o Updated description of the organization o Written review of the organization’s programs and fundraisers over the

previous year o Goals of organization for following academic year

Maintaining Club Recognition • Complete the annual Renewal of Recognition process • Attend all Club President’s Meetings, Club Treasurer’s Meetings, and Club

Advisor’s Meetings • Attend at least one Open House to represent CCO • Submit monthly reports to CCO • Submit an updated Club Constitution when required by CCO • Maintain the required minimum number of active members

Losing Active Status/Recognition Clubs who fail to meet the above requirements will be deemed “inactive”. This inactive status will result in a loss of privileges, and will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork to regain recognition status. This paperwork can be found online.

Advisor All student organizations are required to have a full-time faculty or staff member from the Sacred Heart University community acting as an advisor to the group. The organization’s advisor supports the organization in planning events, running meetings, applying for funds, and more. The advisor’s role and degree of involvement may vary for each student organization, but students should find an individual who is committed to helping the group be successful on campus. Ideally, the advisor will be a resource with experience and/or a background that will help educate student leaders in the club.

Advisors should be familiar with the club’s constitution and the policies set forth in this resource guide.

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One of the most important functions of the advisor is as overseer of all financial activities of the student organization. The advisor must be aware of any money being collected or spent by the organization. An advisor’s signature is required on any financial paperwork submitted to the Department of Student Life.

Another important responsibility of the advisor is to log the formal Student Organization Roster into the system. This must be done by the deadlines set forth by the Office of Student Activities in both the fall and spring semesters.

Advisors have the ability to send out campus-wide emails to various members of the SHU population through the SHU Re-Group email system. Student organizations do not have access to this system, but advisors may request access.

Student’s Role to Advisor 1. Club presidents should meet with their advisor as needed to discuss the

activities, events, meetings, etc. of the organization 2. Executive board members should inform advisors about events being planned by

the club as well as the date and time of every club meeting before submitting an Event Registration Form (ERF)

3. Monthly reports and club meeting minutes should be submitted to the advisor in order to keep everyone on task

4. Executive board members should make sure that the advisor feels welcome and a part of the group

5. Executive board members should feel that they have an open communication system with their advisor: meaning that they can talk to them about any problems or issues within the club

6. If student leaders have a concern/issue with their advisor, they are strongly encouraged to sit down and discuss the concerns with the advisor first. If this is something that needs to be discussed with our office, please come see the staff within the Office of Student Activities as soon as possible.

Mutual Responsibilities All student leaders and advisors must sign and agree on the Advising Agreement Form. Advising agreements are good for one academic year and need to be re-submitted each Fall semester

Like students, advisors are not allowed to sign contracts on behalf of the university. All contractual agreements must go through the Department of Student Life. However, the advisor should be aware of any events coordinated by the student organization that require a contract. Please see the Event Planning Policies and Procedures chapter for more information about the contract process.

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If at any point your organization needs to change your advisor due to an advisor resigning or taking an extended leave of absence from the university (vacation, sabbatical, sick leave, etc.), you must inform the Office of Student Activities and the VP of SG for the Council of Clubs and Organizations. You will be granted a short period of time (one month) to replace your advisor with another full-time faculty or staff member on campus.

Organization Resources

Executive Office Roles and Responsibilities The Council of Clubs and Organizations recommends clubs to have a minimum of five executive board members. The descriptions for the recommended positions and their roles are below:


● Presides over all meetings ● Acts as the official representative for the club or organization ● Facilitates the implementation of decisions of the club or organization ● Responsible for coordinating activities ● Acts as the liaison between the club and the club’s advisor

Vice President

● Assumes the duties of the President in his/her absence ● Assists the President with club or organization activities ● Responsible for all recruiting efforts, including publicity, and advertising ● Oversees committees formed by the club or organization


● Keeps minutes and attendance of all meetings ● Conducts correspondence on behalf of the club or organization ● Assists the President and Vice President on all club or organization activities. ● Distributes minutes of the previous meetings prior to the next official meeting


● Keeps all financial records of the club or organization ● Pays bills and oversees all monetary transactions ● Responsible for preparing and maintaining the club’s budget ● Organizes the club or organization’s inventory

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Chair Person (examples: social media, advertising, etc.)

● Maintains current members and works to recruit new members ● Utilizes meeting attendance from Secretary to reach out to students who have

stopped attending meetings ● Creates incentive programs to maintain club attendance

Since clubs are student-run, additional positions may be created, as the club deems necessary. Your club may decide that the position titles above do not accurately describe your club’s leadership. If this is the case, your club may choose alternative titles. Any changes in positions, or titles, must be updated in the club’s constitution and in the roster form.

Club Mail Boxes Each active club has its own mailbox, located behind the wall near the pool tables in Hawley Lounge. This is where the Vice President of SG for CCO will disperse informational notices and other mail received from Student Activities pertaining to the Club. This mailbox should be checked on a weekly basis.

Ordering Apparel and Giveaways T-shirts and other apparel/giveaways are a great way to promote your student organization or raise funds for your club!

Apparel ALL student organizations must order any apparel through one of the following vendors. Any request to order through a separate company will be denied. The below companies are approved by the university and the Office of Student Activities.

SilverScreen Design Contact: Jamie Bousquet, [email protected]

John Michael Associates (JMA) Contact: Judi Mariano, [email protected]

If your organization decides to order apparel, club members are responsible for raising the funds to purchase the products. Apparel cannot be funded through Student Government.

Please follow the below steps to order apparel for your student organization:

1. Decide on a design for your apparel and the type of product you would like to order (t-shirt, long-sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) Products can be viewed on the Silver Screen and JMA websites.

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2. Send your design to [email protected] for approval. Please allow 48 hours for a response. Once the design is approved, you may continue with the process.

3. Contact one or both companies to obtain a quote for the amount of clothing you would like to purchase with the design that you have created. If you need help creating a design, Silver Screen and JMA can work with you. This design will also need to be approved by CCO before moving on in the process.

4. Once you know how much the apparel will cost, you must collect the money, via cash or check (made out to Sacred Heart University, with club’s name on the memo line) to deposit into your student organization’s account in the Department of Student Life.

a. Start by checking your organization’s account to see how much money you have to order apparel

b. If you are ordering apparel to sell at a later date, the student organization must have the correct amount in your account before the order is placed. You can fundraise to raise the money necessary to order apparel on behalf of your club.

c. If you are ordering t-shirts for specific club members, you must collect the money from organization members and deposit the money into your account before an order can be placed

i. Bring all money up to the Student Life Office in Hawley, upstairs to the right.

ii. Any collected money is to be deposited to club account each day that money is collected. No club member or advisor should be holding on to any money collected. This is to ensure the money is in a safe place. Student Activities and the University is not responsible for any lost or stolen money.

5. Once you have secured the appropriate funds to order apparel, you can contact [email protected] with the following information:

a. .pdf or.jpeg of image for apparel b. Apparel order number or link to specific apparel product c. Name of company you are using to purchase products d. Number of items in each specific size e. Total cost of products, including shipping and tax f. Date products are needed in hands

6. Staff in Student Activities will place the order with the vendor using the information provided. Once the company has created a proof for the apparel, CCO will contact your organization to view the proof and make any necessary changes to the order. If there are no changes to be made, a staff member will approve the proof and the order will be placed.

7. The products will be charged and shipped to the Office of Student Activities. A

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staff member will contact your organization once the products have arrived. The money will be transferred out of the student organization account and sent to the company for payment.

Event Planning Policies and Procedures Event planning is a great benefit for student organizations, but also involves a number of steps and thoughtful planning. All events, no matter the size, must adhere to the following expectations and standards:

• The event must be in accordance with all University policies. Thus, it is the responsibility of the hosting club to ensure that all attendees adhere to the student handbook guidelines.

• Student groups that are sponsoring/staffing these events MUST remain sober throughout the entire event.

• Visibly intoxicated attendees will not be permitted into the event OR if it is noticed that an attendee is visibly under the influence, their name should be recorded and they should be escorted out.

• Groups are responsible for leaving an event venue in a neat and orderly condition. This includes furniture returned to its original position, trash picked up, etc. Groups may be held financially responsible for additional cleaning or damage. Please note: Prior to event, groups should note any existing damage.

• If at any point during your event you, or your club, are uncomfortable or need assistance, Public Safety should be contacted immediately.

Below is a list of general steps that student organizations must take when starting the event planning process:

1. Be sure that the organization has adequate funding in your account. If more funds are necessary for the event, fill out the appropriate paperwork to request funds through the Vice President of Student Government for Finance for Student Government. See information below for more information on requesting funds.

2. Meet with a Student Activities staff member to discuss your event and any necessary paperwork required, AT LEAST 6-8 WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT. Come to the meeting prepared with the following information:

a. Event name, description, & event’s goal/mission b. Date of event c. Available locations for the event, noting most preferred d. Potential set-up ideas e. Proof of funds needed for event execution

3. Request space on campus through the 25 live system.

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4. Complete necessary paperwork and tasks as directed in your meeting with the Student Activities staff member. This may include providing information for contracts, vendor forms, and insurance documents, as well as submitting invoices.

5. If your event requires setup that includes tables, chairs, or staging, you must submit a Maintenance Organization Program (MOP) request. The request form can be found at the following link: MOP Request Website

6. If your event requires a microphone, speakers, etc., you must submit an Audio/Visual request form. Note: In many instances, a staff or faculty may need to sign out the equipment so your advisor should help with this step. The request form can be found at the following link: Audio Visual Request Form Website

7. Publicize your event! See the Marketing and Promotion section for tips and more information.

8. Arrive at your event early to confirm everyone understands their responsibilities. Introduce yourself to everyone involved in event (volunteers, catering, performer, etc.) so they know who to go to with questions.

9. Have fun and enjoy the event you’ve planned! 10. After the event, make sure to thank everyone involved. If the check has been

processed in time, make sure to hand this in-person to the performer, agency, etc.

11. Evaluate your event so that you remember what went well and what didn’t for the next time you plan an event. Keep this information because you will need it to submit in your Monthly Report for CCO.

Contracts & Insurance A contract MUST be processed whenever an external individual or company is visiting campus for an event. A contract may be required even if the person is coming free of charge.

Because a contract is a legal document, students must work very closely with Sacred Heart University to ensure that all information is properly gathered and each party understands and agrees to the terms in the document.

Under no circumstance can a student sign a contract on behalf of Sacred Heart University or your organization. This is a violation of university policy and can result in the student being held personally liable for terms of the agreement. Only certain staff members on campus have signing rights.

There is a pre-written contract, approved by the university, that is used for all performers, vendors, etc. that student organizations may hire. The party that you are hiring may also have their own documents that need to be approved and signed by the university. You must not, under any circumstances, sign any agreement committing the

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University or your organization to a contract whether written, verbal or otherwise. Be mindful when working with outside entities that informal e-mails may often be considered binding.

For some services, the Office of Student Activities may need to submit a formal university offer (bid) on your behalf. You must never commit or make an official financial offer on behalf of the University, or your organization, to bring a performer to campus. Please speak with Student Activities staff members for more information.

In order for the Office of Student Activities to fill out a contract on your organization’s behalf, you must meet with staff to provide certain vendor/performer information. A W-9 is also required for all individuals and vendors who are being paid. A SHU-specific W-9 form can be obtained from the Office of Student Activities.

Once the information for the contract has been provided to the Office of Student Activities, it will be reviewed and signed by the appropriate staff person. It will then be sent to the contracted party for their signature. This process can take multiple weeks and must be started well in advance to ensure the contract is reviewed and signed by both parties before the date of the event.

You will be informed once the contract is signed by both parties and processed by the Office of Student Activities. After the contract is fully processed, you may start advertising for your event.

It is the expectation and responsibility of student organizations to ensure proper payment is made to contracted parties in accordance with the terms of these agreements. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE your organization to have alternative service providers, performers, or facilities in mind in the event that your primary choice cannot meet specific insurance or contracting requirements.

Sacred Heart University requires that contracted parties obtain an adequate amount of liability insurance to ensure the safety of your organization’s activities. Acceptable limits of insurance are determined on a case by-case basis. Organizations should meet with the Office of Student Activities to discuss insurance requirements. A Certificate of Insurance will be required to prove adequate liability insurance.

Travel Student organizations who plan to travel off campus for any event need to follow the university’s travel policy. Student leaders must meet with a staff member in the Office of Student Activities to discuss this policy to ensure complete understanding.

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Travel may be necessary in order to attend a conference off-campus. Student organizations should take this into consideration when requesting funds to attend a conference, as transportation can become expensive. Students are not permitted to drive themselves to conferences in their own vehicles, but must rent a vehicle through a university-approved vendor.


Student organizations have the opportunity to book a charter for transportation purposes, whether the organization is traveling to the airport, an off-campus venue, etc. Charters are booked through the Student Union by following the below process:

• Submit the online request form at least 2 weeks prior to the trip date and include all the information needed in order to book. Go to the Charter Bus Request Form

• Once the form is submitted, Student Union staff will solicit quotes on your behalf from various agencies to ensure the best price for your trip

• Student Union staff will contact you with the best option for your charter and connect you to the company once you confirm the charter selection

• Please contact the Student Union, located next to the 63’s Dining Hall, at 203-371-7913, with any questions concerning booking a charter

Please Note: If you are requesting additional funding from Student Government to assist with the cost of a bus for your event, you need to receive a quote from the Student Union prior to putting in the Funding Request form*

Food Catering for events must go through Chartwells, Sacred Heart University’s dining services company. A catering request must be submitted through the Office of Student Activities ten days prior to the event. To submit a request for catering, email or visit the Office of Student Activities to discuss your catering needs. The following information must be considered:

• How many people will be attending the event? • What is the time, date, and location of the event? • What type of event is it? • What type of food would you like at the event?

Student organizations must have the existing fundraised funds to pay for catering in their student account within the Department of Student Life. Student organizations are not permitted to request funding through Student Government to provide catering for events.

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Movies If your student organization is interested in showing a film, whether it is a campus-wide event or a program for organization members to participate in, the rights to the film must be purchased due to copyright laws. Students are not permitted to book space on campus and show a DVD that they own, stream a movie from Netflix or another source, etc. Film rights must be purchased through a licensed distributor. Sacred Heart University recommends using Swank Motion Pictures ( and the Office of Student Activities can help you reach out to the company for a quote. Be prepared to provide the Office of Student Activities with the title of the movie you wish to show, the date of the event, and how many people you expect at the event. If your organization is interested in showing a film on campus, but you do not have the funds to pay for the rights, you can request funding through Student Government. This process should be started 4 weeks prior to the date you wish to show the film.

Conferences Each club/organization is permitted to attend one conference/retreat/competition each semester. Your organization’s advisor MUST attend the conference with the group.

Your club can request funds through Student Government to assist in covering the cost of the conference. The total amount allocated by the Student Government Vice President for Finance is not to exceed the conference cap of $3,000. In order to request funding, you must provide the SG VP for Finance with a brochure outlining details of the conference, as well as a list of attendees.

For more information on requesting funds for a conference, please see funding section.

Once your organization has the funds to attend the conference, you must fill out the appropriate paperwork (travel waivers, emergency contact information, etc. ) that can be picked up in the Office of Student Activities.

Reserving Space/Tabling Student organizations wishing to hold meetings, events, or fundraisers on campus must reserve the space using the 25 Live Event Registration Form (ERF) System. This online system can be accessed through the homepage of the Sacred Heart University website, by scrolling to the bottom and selecting “Event Registration” under Popular Pages. You will need to log in using your SHU username and password to access the system. Once the online form is filled out and submitted, it will be sent to the Office of Student Activities and the Student Union for approval. Follow the step-by-step instructions to learn how to request space on campus.

Note: Please request space at least 48 hours in advance and check back to verify that your request was confirmed by the University. Just submitting the request does not

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guarantee the permission to use the space. Unfortunately, you will not get an automatic notification if your request is approved or denied*

During the first two to three weeks of the semester, spaces that are used as classrooms cannot be booked. This period is known as a “blackout” period. After this period of time is over, you will be able to book classrooms that have not been reserved for academic purposes for the semester.

If your student organization needs to book a table for advertising or fundraising purposes, you must go through the 25 Live System. You can reserve tables by following the same steps that you would use to book a classroom, however, when selecting location, you can choose “Table 1”, “Table 2”, “Table 3” or “Table 4”. You can first search to see which tables are available during the requested time.

If you have any problems or questions regarding 25 Live ERF, contact Allie Dubose in the Student Union either by email at [email protected] or by phone at 203-371-7913.

Tips on Recommended Spaces for Use

• University Commons Auditorium: The UC Auditorium can be requested for larger events and can hold up to 250 people seated, with more for standing room. Pro Tip: If you are booking the Auditorium, you want to consider booking the UC Lobby as well.

• Edgerton Theater: The Theater can hold 776 people and is used for performances and large events. Pro Tip: If you are booking the Theater, you want to consider booking the Lobby as well.

• Schine Auditorium: The Auditorium can hold up to 125 people and can be used for lectures, smaller performances, etc.

• Art Atrium/Gallery: The Art Atrium/Gallery can hold up to 150 people and is typically used for receptions and other events that do not require seating.

• 63’s Patio/Lawn: 63’s Patio and Lawn areas can be requested together or separately for outdoor events. Pro Tip: If you are booking this outdoor space, make sure to book a rain location or date for your event in the case of poor weather conditions.

• UC Lobby: The UC Lobby can be requested for small indoor programs that require the use of one-three tables, that do not include fundraisers.

MOP Request A Maintenance Organization Program (MOP) request must be submitted for events that require tables, chairs, staging. This online system can be accessed through the homepage of the Sacred Heart University website, by scrolling to the bottom and

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selecting “Campus Ops/MOP” under Popular Pages. You will need to log in using your SHU username and password to access the system. Follow the step-by-step instructions located to learn how to submit a MOP request. A confirmation email will be sent to your Sacred Heart account after the process is complete.

Please note: If you have any problems or questions regarding MOPs Request, contact Campus Operations at 203-371-7870.


Permitted Advertising Methods

• Flyers: Bring a copy of your flyer to the Student Activities Office (located in Hawley Lounge upstairs to the left) for approval via the Student Activities Stamp. Once approved, the Office of Student Activities will be able to provide you with up to 25 copies. Once your copies are created, 3 may be used to hang on the assigned bulletin boards in the main hallway of campus designated for such advertisements. One copy will be kept by the Student Activities office to be put up on the CCO Bulletin board. Copies may also be distributed in dining facilities on campus. If the flyer is not approved and stamped, it will be taken down from the bulletin boards. Please note: Clubs are not allowed to advertise on windows, doors, walls, or any other surface in the academic building hallways. If you wish to advertise in the Residence Halls, you must contact the hall director of that building to confirm that you can hang up your flyers. Flyers must be taken down within 24 hours following the event.

• Global Emails: Global Emails may be sent out by your Club Advisor. CCO suggests that one global email be sent one week prior to the event, another on the day prior to the event, and a final email on the day of the event. Global emails can only be sent to Full-Time Undergraduate students.

• Club cards: Club cards are 4 x 6 cards that are placed around campus on Linda’s, 63’s, HC Lounge, Hawley Lounge and UC Lobby tables. These need to be approved by the Student Activities Office. Please send your image to [email protected] with the following information:

o .pdf or .jpeg file of the advertisement o Your club/organization name o Quantity of club cards requested o Date club cards are needed

Please plan accordingly and give the Print Center at least 1 week notice on all jobs. Club cards can be charged to the Office of Student Activities and the money will be taken from the club account.

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• Glass Case Posters: There are 14 display cases in the hallways of the Main Academic Building that can be reserved to advertise upcoming student organization events. Poster advertisements dimensions must be 24” (W) x 40” (H). Email the Office of Student Activities at [email protected] with the PDF of the advertisement and the period of time you are requesting to have the poster displayed. Posters can stay up for a maximum of two weeks. A staff member will print the poster and hang it in the hallway during the requested time period, as long as space is available. If the space is not available, you will be informed.

Figure 1: Hallway Display Case Map

Finances/Fundraising Student Organizations in good standing are permitted to request funds from Student Government to help assist in planning events, attending conferences, etc. All clubs/organizations who would like to request funds from Student Government must submit a Funding Request Form. The Vice President of Student Government for Finance is responsible for directing the expenditures of the Student Activity Fee under

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the advisement of the Student Life Department. The following guidelines have been developed to help your group better understand how to request/manage your funds.

Eligibility for Funding In order for a club/organization to receive funding from the Finance Board, it must be an active club/organization in good standing with the CCO.

On-Campus Accounts Every club/organization must have an on-campus account which is overseen by the Department of Student Life. Once the CCO has approved your club/organization as an active group, an account will automatically be created in the group’s name. Off-campus accounts are not permissible.

Beginning Balances Once your club/organization is approved, you will receive a beginning balance of $250 to assist with establishing the organization on campus. If a particular group has an outstanding deficit, the amount past due will be deducted from their budget request. The Vice President for Finance will keep track of where this money is spent, however, it is the Treasurer’s responsibility to keep track of their individual group’s expenditures. All clubs/organizations will have a beginning balance of the unspent fundraising dollars from the previous years.

Fundraising Your club/organization may want to fundraise as a means to increase revenue. If your club is interested in holding a fundraiser, a Fundraising Request Form must be filled out and submitted to the Office of Student Activities two weeks prior to the start of the fundraiser to be submitted for approval. Once the fundraiser has been approved, you are then able to submit an ERF for table space if need be, and will be able to advertise event, as long as advertisements are approved by the Office of Student Activities.

Fundraising on campus may take place at any of the tables outside of 63’s. These tables can be reserved through the 25 Live system and can be found under “table 1”, etc. Before your request for one of these tables is approved, you must submit the Fundraising Request Form.

Fundraisers with Food

See Outside Food Safety Policy for rules and guidelines.

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Student organizations cannot use Venmo and other mobile payment programs to exchange money. Student organizations can only collect payment in forms of cash or check, made out to Sacred Heart University with the club’s name on the memo line. It must then immediately be deposited into the organizations account with the Office of Student Life.

Petty Cash If a student organization needs petty cash to assist with the start of an event, or as startup change for a fundraiser, they may request up to $50 from the Office of Student Life. You must fill out a Petty Cash Request Form in order to receive this money. The Petty Cash Form can be picked up in the Office of Student Life. If items are bought with the Petty Cash, you must turn in all receipts and the change to the Student Life Office within 72 hours of purchase.

Specific Item Funding

• Transportation: If a campus-wide event or a conference requires transportation, the Finance Board will fund up to 50% of the total transportation cost. The Finance Board can only fund transportation for one campus-wide event or conference each semester, per club/organization. If the event does not benefit the campus as a whole (to be determined by the Finance Board), no funding will be considered for the transportation.

• Retreats/Conferences • Each club/organization may attend one conference/retreat each semester.

Clubs/Organizations wishing to attend a conference/retreat MUST submit a brochure or other documentation advertising the event along with the Conference Request Form. The total amount allocated by the Finance Board is not to exceed the conference cap of $3,000.

o If hotel rooms are needed, there must be up to 4 students of the same gender per room.

o The Finance Board will not fund retreats that are sponsored by individual organizations.

• Speakers/Lecturers: Expenses/fees for bringing speakers/lecturers to campus will be funded up to $2,000 per semester. It is the club/organization’s responsibility to fund the remaining balance if necessary. If a club/organization would like to bring a speaker/lecturer to campus, they must fill out an Event Request Form and provide a brochure/pamphlet with information about the speaker/lecturer.

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• DJs/Bands: The Finance Board will fund up to $500 for expenses pertaining to the hiring of a DJ or a band for a campus wide event. An Event Request Form must be filled out along with a quote from the DJ/band.

Items Not Funded

The Finance Board will not fund items that do not benefit the school as a whole. The Finance Board will have the final say in determining what items will have funding provided for. Examples of items that will not be funded may include, but are not limited to:

• Personal entertainment for group members • Awards or prizes for group members • Group charter/individual dues • Jackets, sweatshirts, t-shirts,or any clothing for personal use • Uniforms • Equipment • Food and beverages

The Finance Board will also not fund the following items because they may not express the opinion(s) of the entire college community:

• Charitable contributions • Partisans political activities • Outside organizations (i.e. Political Organizations which have no ties to the

University or do not represent this institution.)

Police at Events • Police for On-Campus Events: Police may be provided by the Finance Board for

a campus-wide event located on campus per approval from the Student Life Department. This event MUST benefit the campus as a whole. Police will be provided free of charge upon submitting an Event Funding Request Form to the Vice President for Finance. This request must be given in three weeks in advance, prior to the scheduled event. In the event that your club/organization sponsors two or more on-campus events that are beneficial to the whole campus and require police, you must submit a formal request to the Finance Board.

• Police for Off-Campus Events: Any club/organization sponsoring a campus wide off-campus event should include police assistance in their budget when projecting their estimated total expenses. Though each request will be considered by the Finance Board, this does not guarantee that it will be approved.

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Retrieval of Funds At the close of each semester, all unused allocated funds remaining in the club/organization’s budget will be returned to the Student Activity Fee. Funds that are not returned include the following:

• Any funds that were carried over from the previous year • Funds raised by the club/organization through fundraisers • $250 beginning balance given to new, active clubs/organizations

Receipts Receipts will need to be returned to the Student Life Office within 72 hours of purchase. You will need to provide receipts in your club/organization takes out Petty Cash or if a member of your club/organization is looking to be reimbursed. This person will only be reimbursed if you have the funds in your account, and the items have been approved for purchase by the Office of Student Activities. Each receipt must be attached to a plain white sheet of paper. When looking to get reimbursed, you must attach these sheets to an Expense Voucher.

If the receipts indicate a purchase is made on an item other than what was agreed upon by the Finance Board and that purchase is not in direct relation to the original idea/concept of which was specified (decision to be made by the VP for Finance), that club/organization will be held accountable for the money spent. They will be required to repay the Finance Board within a month on any unrelated expenditure that the Finance Board did not agree upon when reviewing that club/organization’s budget request form.

Budget Requests Deadlines

• Clubs/organizations can request a budget a semester in advance • Budgets will be accepted for each semester until allotted money for requests is


Fixed Budgets Any club/organization can request a fixed budget or a set amount of money. The Club/ Organization must submit a list of all expenditures that the club/organization may need, however it is down for the entire school year, and some of the same guidelines would not apply. Fixed budgets, although different from regular budgets, must still show that all costs benefit the campus as a whole.

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Obtaining Checks Each club/organization must expect at least a three-week waiting period for a check to clear. So, plan ahead and be prepared to patiently wait in some cases. Purchase Orders must be brought to the Student Life Department after your club/organization obtains the signature of its representative advisor. All checks will then be issued through the business department.

Outside Food Safety Policy This policy pertains to student organizations or departments planning to serve outside food at events on campus. For the purposes of the policy, food is defined as any solid nourishment that is intended to be eaten. Sacred Heart University requires that food purchased or donated for events be provided by a licensed food provider, and served in compliance with the policy outlined below.

Events with Food Student organizations and departments wishing to serve outside food at their event must first obtain written approval from, Chartwells, the University’s contracted food servicer. If approval is given, the student organization/department must then obtain the following from the outside food provider:

1. Copy of Food Handling License (required) 2. Certificate of Insurance evidencing Commercial General Liability with a minimum

limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate, Auto Liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per accident covering owned and non-owned vehicles, and Workers’ Compensation in CT statutory limits for food servicer’s employees (required)

3. Written acknowledgment that the outside food provider will serve the food they have prepared and handled on campus (required)

Student organization must submit copies of all documentation to Student Activities Office before to the day of event. Student Life will maintain all documentation for review by the Risk Manager upon request. Departments must submit copies of all documentation to the University Risk Manager prior to the day of the event.

Prohibited Events Sacred Heart University strictly prohibits student organizations and departments from planning the following activities:

• Eating or Drinking Contests • Direct Sale of food or beverages • Bake Sales or Potlucks

Fundraisers with Food Student organizations wishing to fundraise with commercial food must:

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• Obtain prior approval from the Student Activities Office before advertising and advanced sales.

• Arrange for the advanced sale of food items. o Doughnuts by the box, candy, pies, popcorn, etc. are permitted o Contact Student Activities for approval of other food items

• Ensure items are commercially packaged, sealed, and contain a full list of ingredients.