Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the...

Clown Coin Welcome to the clown coin

Transcript of Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the...

Page 1: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

Clown Coin

Welcome to the clown coin

Page 2: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

About ClownClown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the

BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-

sale of clown coin will be launched on June 13, 2021. There

are three functions in each transaction: holding clown clown

coins to distribute BNB rewards, clown clown coins rewards,

and automatic addition of PancakeSwap liquidity pool.

Clown coin is completely decentralized, and all decisions are

made by community voting. This allows our developers to

better understand how to use Clown coins. Clown coin is a

pre-sale issued token, the development team does not have a

team token. In other words, our team must participate in the

Clown pre-sale together with other investors.

Page 3: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will


The only purpose of the creation of Clown is that investors can receive BNB rewards while holding the token Clown. This is a fairly new concept and not easily available in the market or other tokens. Clown coins will far surpass another memetic project. In fact, we intend to become one of the first memetic tokens with real value and become a util ity token.

Page 4: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will


4% o f each t ransac t ion w i l l be d i rec t l y d is t r ibu ted

to a l l c lown co in ho lders in BNB.

Ho lders can rece ive BNB rewards every

day o r N days

C l o w n c o i n w i l l d e d u c t 9 % h a n d l i n g f e e f o r e a c h t r a n s a c t i o n

4% of each transaction

automatical ly f lows into the PancakeSwap pool to provide

l iquidity

1% of each transaction wil l

be directly distr ibuted to

the clown coin holders

T h e C l o w n C o i n i s a B E P 2 0 t o k e n t h a t w i l l a d d l i q u i d i t y t o P a n c a k e S w a p o n J u n e 1 6 , 2 0 2 1 . T h e m a x i m u m s u p p l y o f t h e C l o w n C o i n i s 1 0 m i l l i o n .

Page 5: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

If a holder collects more than 1BNB rewards, 20% of the funds will be used to purchase 1BNB Clown coins on PancakeSwap and destroyed immediately. This will help us reduce

supply and increase the price of Clown coins

H o w c a n I e a r n 1 b i l l i o n U . S . d o l l a r s b y h o l d i n g C l o w n c o i n s ?

4%Th is i s a very un ique mode l

tha t has on ly been done once .

Every t ime someone buys o r

se l l s C lown, the percen tage

(4%) o f the BNB they buy /se l l

w i l l be acqu i red and he ld in

the smar t con t rac t .

1%You can col lect the amount of BNB based on the Clown coins you hold. For example, i f you hold 1% of Clown's supply, you can get 1% of the BNB reward pool .

Page 6: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

c h a r i t y f u n d20,000,000,000,000

M a r k e t i n g a c t i v i t i e s

10,000,000,000,000To t a l c i r c u l a t i o n


P r e - s a l e a l l o c a t i o n

514,000,000,000,000P a n c a k e S w a p f l u i d i t y306,000,000,000,000

Te a m o p e r a t i o n150,000,000,000,000


Page 7: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

Clown SHOP

n The commodity website allows users to purchase all Clown commodities and integrates a system that allows others to use our platform to sell their own commodities.

n The cryptocurrency team that uses the platform to sell goods will charge a 2.5% transaction fee on each order. The 2.5% fee will be divided into two parts, 1.25% will be donated directly to charity, and 1.25% will be donated to the development team.

n We will try to integrate cryptocurrency payment methods into the website, allowing users to connect their trusted wallet or metamask to pay for goods on the website, as well as payment methods such as credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal:

Page 8: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

Clown wallet will be an app that is readily available on the iOS and Android platforms, and it will allow users to store all cryptocurrencies in the app. We will integrate a DAPP/block explorer in the platform, allowing users to purchase cryptocurrency and query blockchain related data.We will also integrate a login platform, where users can view the listing of new coins and the token market. Can be connected to PancakeSwap UniSwap, DxSale and other websites. This unique interface will allow Clown holders to stack their tokens and receive rewards.


85% 65%

C l o w n w a l l e t

Page 9: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

Clown Coin

T h a n k y o u f o r w a t c h i n g !

Page 10: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will


https://www.clown-coin.com欢 迎 来 到 小 丑 币

Page 11: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will












Page 12: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will










Page 13: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will




C l o w n小丑币每次交易将扣除9 %手续费






C l o w n 小丑币是一种 B E P 2 0 代币,于 2 0 2 1 年 6 月 1 6 日将在

P a n c a k e S w a p 添加流动性, C l o w n 小丑币的最大供应量为 1 千万亿枚

Page 14: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will






他们买入 /卖出的BNB的






Page 15: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will






514,000,000,000,000P a n c a k e S w a p流动

306,000,000,000,000团队运营 5年释放



Page 16: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will


n 商品网站,允许用户购买所有C l o w n商品,并集



n 使用该平台销售商品的加密货币团队将在每次订




n 我们将尝试将加密货币支付方法集成到网站中,




Page 17: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

Clown wallet将是一款在 iOS和Android平台上随时可用的应用程序,它将允许用户在应用程



我们还将集成一个登录平台,用户可以在其中查看新币上市以及代币行情。可以连接到Pan cakeSwap UniSwap、DxSale等网站。这个独特的界面将允许Clown持有者堆叠他们的代



85% 65%

C l o w n w a l l e t

Page 18: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will



请查看 CLOWN 代币合约地址:


网络:BEP20 (BSC)


Page 19: Clown Coin · 2021. 8. 6. · About Clown Clown coin is a binary smart chain network based on the BEP-20 token. A deflation mechanism will be built. The pre-sale of clown coin will

