Clover… · Web viewThe LCoP mission...

8001 Panorama Drive Bakersfield, CA 93306 Phone (661) 871-1289 Fax (661) 872-6302 E-Mail – [email protected] Website – Nobember 2014 Volume 14, Issue 11 Inside this Issue 1 Pastor’s Page 2 Official Acts, Homebound Members, Birthdays & Anniversaries and 3 Properties WW School Board 4 Calm Holiday Lights Meetings Mission Trip 4 Book Discussion, Spanish Bible Drive, Women’s Fellowship Guild 5 Wonder Window Children’s Center 6 Preschool News Important Dates 7 Walk Thru the Bible November Schedule 8 Puzzle Praying Hands Also Inside: Church Calendar Serving Us in November Federwitz Update . . . . . . The Prayer Line Pastor’s Page By Rev. Mark Airey Greetings in the name of Christ: This November we will begin reading Acts in our “Walk thru the Bible”. We see this book begin with the Ascension of Jesus which is exactly where Luke’s Gospel ended…therefore; I think Acts should be called Luke II. Yet, Acts is a wonderful name that spells out what this book is all about. This book, of course, was named Acts after the “acts” of the Apostles and it helps us to see where they left off and where we are called to carry on as Christians. One thing that fits for us during this month of November, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, is the way in which the disciples are so thankful for their Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done in their lives. The Holy Spirit enters and empowers and emboldens this relatively small group of first-century Christians and does amazing things through them! They came together around meals and shared all that they had…including their trials and struggles. This was a time of growth for these believers (and for the church) and they were thankful for all that was going on! Sound familiar? We at Lutheran Church of Prayer have a similar thing taking place! The Holy Spirit is at work here! We are in the midst of reading through the entire Bible together and supernatural things are happening! God’s Word is powerful and there is no way to resist the power we are being subjected to just by reading His Word. I have been blessed to see the way in which YOU, my brothers and sisters, are growing! The cool thing is…this is accompanied by the steady growth of the church! We just took in 10 new members and are

Transcript of Clover… · Web viewThe LCoP mission...

Page 1: Clover… · Web viewThe LCoP mission team will be traveling down to Ninos de Promesa in Tijuana on Friday, November 22 to

8001 Panorama DriveBakersfield, CA 93306

Phone (661) 871-1289Fax (661) 872-6302

E-Mail – [email protected] –

Nobember 2014Volume 14, Issue 11

Inside this Issue

1 Pastor’s Page

2 Official Acts, Homebound Members, Birthdays & Anniversaries and more

3 PropertiesWW School Board

4 Calm Holiday LightsMeetingsMission Trip

4 Book Discussion, Spanish Bible Drive, Women’s Fellowship Guild

5 Wonder Window Children’s Center

6 Preschool NewsImportant Dates

7 Walk Thru the Bible November Schedule

8 Puzzle Praying Hands

Also Inside: Church Calendar Serving Us in NovemberFederwitz Update

Pastor’s PageRev. Mark Airey

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The Prayer LinePastor’s PageBy Rev. Mark Airey

Greetings in the name of Christ:This November we will begin reading Acts in our “Walk thru the Bible”. We see this book begin with the Ascension of Jesus which is exactly where Luke’s Gospel ended…therefore; I think Acts should be called Luke II. Yet, Acts is a wonderful name that spells out what this book is all about. This book, of course, was named Acts after the “acts” of the Apostles and it helps us to see where they left off and where we are called to carry on as Christians.

One thing that fits for us during this month of November, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, is the way in which the disciples are so thankful for their Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done in their lives. The Holy Spirit enters and empowers and emboldens this relatively small group of first-century Christians and does amazing things through them! They came together around meals and shared all that they had…including their trials and struggles. This was a time of growth for these believers (and for the church) and they were thankful for all that was going on! Sound familiar?

We at Lutheran Church of Prayer have a similar thing taking place! The Holy Spirit is at work here! We are in the midst of reading through the entire Bible together and supernatural things are happening! God’s Word is powerful and there is no way to resist the power we are being subjected to just by reading His Word. I have been blessed to see the way in which YOU, my brothers and sisters, are growing! The cool thing is…this is accompanied by the steady growth of the church! We just took in 10 new members and are assembling another group already! We are breaking bread together in a big way through festive times like Oktoberfest (which we can be very thankful for the success it was), we just finished enjoying our Supper Club gatherings and now we will gather together for Advent Suppers…just like the followers of Acts! This is what the “acts” of the church is all about. We are carrying on where our early brothers and sisters left off.

We have much to be thankful for this “Thanksgiving” November

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OFFICIAL ACTSWatch for changes or additions posted in this official acts section, and then please record the changes in your church directory.

Adult ConfirmationSeptember 14, 2014

Esther Faux

Re-Affirmation of FaithSeptember 14, 2014

Michael & Sharon JacobsenPete Pavich

Transfer In

Justen LehrmannBrian & Jill Scott Mirabell & Jacob

Transfer OutSeptember 9, 2014

Arnold & Cindy Ramming to Faith Lutheran Stephenville, TX

Corrections & Changes

Gary & Kathy Adams 661-800-5395

Michelle Mince1070 Avenida Frasca DriveBakersfield, CA 93311

ards, calls and prayers are much appreciated by our

homebound members:C

* Don & Ruth Jones* Martha Jones

*Bob & Marge Palmbach* Mary Smith

*Norman & Margaret Snyder

Please keep in your prayers all those who are hospitalized or recuperating at home.

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LCoP Prayer ChainWhen you have any prayer concerns, please let our prayer chain pray for you by contacting either Ruth McClure at 661-872-8788 or Chuck Jordin at 661-873-9565 or send an e-mail to [email protected] or use the prayer link on our website;

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Mary HerrickBob Grisso’s Mother

For all the prayers, calls, food and cards we received during my mother’s illness and passing, we are so grateful. Just feeling all your love gave us strength and encouragement during this difficult time. Thank God for our great friends. God Bless you and thank you.

The Grisso Family

God’s blessings to everyone on your special occasion! If you don’t see your name in print please call the office to make corrections or additions. We want to include everyone!

♥ NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES ♥ 6 Bryant & Megan Arnold 8 Ed & Faye Yoho Sr.12 Lance & Donna Holmes18 John & Linda Downen

~NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS~ 4 Faye Yoho 6 Ken Campbell 7 Betty Jordin 8 Joshua Perkins

Mike Raasch10 Brenton Campbell

Craig Perkins11 Alex Olcott13 Zachary Zink14 Matt Kraley15 Bob Grisso

Brenda HigginsEmma Raasch

16 Jim Street18 Ruth Jones19 Liz Fuller

Gayle Henke22 Tammy Poyner26 Barbara Brink

Elizabeth LoefflerAndrea Ruiz

We honor birthdays and anniversaries on the Second Sunday of every month.

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Newsletter DeadlineFriday, November 21,


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If you would like to help with refreshments for those who are celebrating bring your treat to church that morning.

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Wonder Window School BoardTim Hartnett ~ Chairman

Wonder Window Children’s Center has some good news to report. First, we had our initial Parent Boosters Club meeting and met with parents eager to get involved. It was a positive time and it was fantastic to hear so many great comments about what Wonder Window is doing for their children. Second, Phase 1 of our playground improvement is complete. The new sandboxes are in and the children love them. Our kids can now play in a much cleaner and more sanitary environment. Kudos to Chuck Jordin who headed up that project and to all those who helped. Thirdly, we are moving forward with Phase 2. We are planning to add swings to the playground and you will soon learn how you can help. Once again we would like to thank you for all you do to make Wonder Window the great program it is. Please keep us in your prayers.Tim Hartnett

PropertiesDon Votaw ~ Communications

Our next meeting will be Monday November 17th at 7 p.m. The following Saturday is the next work day, November 22nd.  We would like to thank everyone for coming out and helping on our last work day.  We trimmed several trees and fixed a water valve that was leaking.  We on the properties board would like to thank and pray for everyone who volunteers for anything at the church.  The Holy Spirit working through you makes this church body what it is.   As Ruth McClure said to me, “A little oasis in a sea of bad.”  I

couldn’t have said it better.  Continued prayers for our Church and Pastor.

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CALM Holiday LightsCALM  needs 15 plus volunteers for their annual Holiday Lights to help with decorum. The Sunday night Campbell Bible Study is inviting all interested to sign up. You will need to be there by 5:00 p.m. for training. We will be relieved of our duties at about 9:00 p.m. The date we are signed up for is Friday, December 5th.  Volunteers need to be at least 13 years old.  Questions – contact Lewis Frye

MeetingThe Mission Board will meet Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the library.

Voter’s MeetingOur November Voter’s Meeting will be on Sunday, November 16th

after service in the Sanctuary. We will be electing new members of the Board of Directors. Please plan to attend this important meeting.

Mexico Mission TripThe LCoP mission team will be traveling down to Ninos de Promesa in Tijuana on Friday, November 22 to Saturday, November 23, 2014. We’re bringing the Spanish Bibles and the $850 the VBS children donated. If you would like to join the team for this trip please contact Ken Campbell.Your prayers for this ministry and travel are always appreciated and welcome!

Generosity!!!As of October 26th, over $1,000 has been collected to purchase Bibles for the children at Ninos

de Promesa Orphanage. Thank you for your generous support!

Next Book for Discussion

November is a good time to start reading our next book for our LCoP Book Discussion group. The book for winter is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It’s the true story of Olympic star and World War II veteran, Louis Zamperini. The book covers Zamperini’s life and faith walk as he goes from struggling youth, meeting Hitler, crashing into the Pacific, suffering in Japanese prison camps, and more!The feature film based on the book and directed by Angelina Jolie is due out December 25. You can join the LCoP group in February 2015 to discuss this excellent read! Please note this book has adult themes.

Spanish Bible DriveLCoP has the opportunity to share the Word with the children at Ninos de Promesa Orphanage in Tijuana. For a donation of $12 you can put the Bible into the hands of one of His little ones in the language they understand. Our goal is to give each child their very own Bible in Spanish! There are about 80 children in the orphanage. Please pray about supporting this special

event!! Checks should be made out to LCoP in the memo include a note “for Spanish Bible Drive”. There is a sign-up sheet and basket in the Narthex.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child can be packed anytime now. To get started, please pray to show God’s love to the children receiving these shoeboxes through the items in the boxes. Brochures of how & what to pack are available in the narthex (as well as sample boxes). This is a rewarding project to do with friends, neighbors, kids, or grandchildren. Maybe you’d like to pack a box or two and/or bring extra items for the shoebox packing party. The party is November 9th & items for it can be placed in the barrel in the narthex. Last year we packed 150 shoeboxes; can we beat that this year? It’ll take a lot of school supplies, toys, bars of soap, etc. but I think we can. There will also be a freewill offering on November 9th to help pay for the shipping of these shoeboxes.

Women’s Fellowship GuildThe next meeting of the Women's Fellowship Guild will be held in the library of LCoP on Tuesday, November 4th at 10:30 a.m. for devotion and a continuation of the business discussion of exploring the various options for the Tijuana Orphanage Mission Project. Please make an effort to attend as the shared input of every member is important!We will adjourn for lunch at Loma Linda at 3611 Mount Vernon Avenue. Reservations are required, please call one of our hostesses: Vivienne Kuster at 872-2164 or Rosie Culver at871-0777.  Come join us!A special thanks for the prompt response to our Christmas luncheon at the Guild House

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on Tuesday, December 2nd at 11:30a.m. We have already reached our goal of 22 paid members who will be seated downstairs.  Thanks to all!Blessings in His service,

Phyllis M. Whitfield


DirectorDear Wonder Window and LCoP family,“ We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds." Psalm 75:1. Yes, this month we celebrate Thanksgiving. But isn’t that something we should do all of the time. We have an amazing Father in heaven and He blankets us with love and blessings daily. So while we celebrate as a nation, having family and friends over, watching football and shopping over the holiday weekend, let us not forget to daily thank the Lord for His gifts. This month, I am thanking Him for the opportunity to see my son become a member of the U.S. Navy. We are flying to Chicago in a few weeks for his graduation from the Recruit Training Center in Great Lakes, Illinois. We’re thankful that we get to see him after 9 long weeks away. We’re prayerful that he will have a safe and long career in his chosen profession. Please keep him in

prayer as he begins his schooling in the nuclear field of the Navy.Speaking of being thankful, the children and staff of Wonder Window would like to thank the following church members for their willingness to reform the sand area of the playground: Chuck Jordin, Don Votaw, Tom King and Wayne Kauffman. The children LOVE the new play area and happily headed into the sand boxes, shovels and rakes in hand. We appreciate your efforts and extend an invitation to come play with us when you have the time.Thank you to everyone who participated in the Western Round-Up and Trunk or Treat. The children love showing us their costumes. They love that you their parents, took time out of your busy work schedules to come to their school and spend time with them. The staff and I thank you for your help with the different stations, face painting, helping with shoes and monitoring the bounce house, passing out treats and taking pictures. Please feel free to share those with us so we can share with other parents who weren’t able to attend. This month, our chapel curriculum will cover: Jonah and the Whale, God Hears Our Prayers, Praise the Lord and God Gets Ready to Send the Savior. Our themes for the month of November are: Our Feathered Friends, Native Americans, We Give Thanks and Thanksgiving Traditions. Please see your child’s class blurb for the letters, numbers and colors for the month

as they differ a bit depending on the child’s age. Beginning November 3rd, we will once again be raising money for Bakersfield’s local pediatric cancer organization, Second Star to the Right, with our “Golden Moments” campaign.  You will see colored jars on top of the cubbies in which to add your change.  Last year, Wonder Window and Lutheran Church of Prayer donated more than $1,100 dollars to this wonderful group of volunteers.  Second Star was started by one of our very own Mom’s, Briana Schechter, after losing her niece Kayla at just 2 years old.  Change, bills and checks payable to Second Star are all happily accepted.As a reminder, we will be closed on Tuesday, November 11th for Veteran’s Day, Thursday and Friday, November 27th and 28th for Thanksgiving. Holidays are built into the yearly cost of your tuition so the payment will remain the same. We have a Booster Club meeting on the 12th of November in the church library. If you haven’t yet accepted your Facebook Group request, please let me know and I will send you another one. Our page is a closed page and lets those on the Booster Club talk about upcoming plans and fundraisers. We value your input and appreciate your time and efforts.Have a month filled with happiness, joy, peace and love,Charla Herider

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Ms. Nati’s ClassIt is hard to believe that it is November already. Soon we will be celebrating Jesus’ birthday. Hurray for that!! I want to thank all of the parents and grandparents who helped make our Western Round-Up an enjoyable day for the children. This month the 2’s will be working on the letters G, H and I and the numbers 7, 8 and 9. In addition, our shape is a triangle and our colors are brown and yellow. We will also talk about Native Americans, ways to be thankful and Thanksgiving traditions. We will continue talking about God and His love for us.

Ms. Rachel’s ClassHello parents! Our mornings are getting a little cold and winter is not too far around the corner. The 3’s have been very busy working on the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes. In addition, we’re working hard on memorizing our memory verses and learning about God. November is a time to give thanks for what we have and to be together with family. We’re

wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I also want to thank those of you who were able to help out during the Western Round-Up. Please remember to pray for those who are sick and who need our prayers. God bless everyone!

Ms. Stephanie’s ClassHappy November to all of our parents and families. The leaves are still falling and turning colors. The weather is starting to be chilly in the morning. Please have your child bring a jacket and closed toe shoes. Please don’t allow them to wear sandals as the ground is wet in the morning. The children are already saying their feet are cold. This month we will be focusing on our families and things we are thankful for. We will be having a feast in our classroom and would love you to join us. A sign-up sheet will go up so that we know how many people to prepare for. During the month of November our shape is a triangle and our colors are yellow and brown. The numbers are 10, 11 and 12. Out phonics will cover the sounds of j, ou, ie, ee, or, z, w and ng. Please review these at home as much as possible. A big Happy Birthday to Theodore on November 2nd. Have a fun and exciting day, Theo! God bless

Ms. Tamesha’s ClassGreetings, parents. November’s topics will include Native Americans, Giving Thanks, Thanksgiving and Feathered Friends. Our Bible stories are going to be about David and Jonathan, Elisha’s home, Jonah and the Whale and an Angel Visits Mary. We will have many art and craft activities this month. Last but not least, we will have a Thanksgiving Feast and would like this to be a time to reflect on all that we are thankful for. A sign-up sheet will be provided.

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All Saints’ DayNovember 1, 2014

Daylight-Saving Time endsNovember 2, 2014

Veterans DayNovember 11, 2014

Wonder Window Closed

Christ the King SundayNovember 23, 2014

ThanksgivingNovember 27, 2014

Wonder Window ClosedNovember 28, 2014

Wonder Window Closed

First Sunday of AdventNovember 30, 2014

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Walk Thru the Bible Reading Schedule LCoP 2014


1-Nov Acts 1-4 November 2/3 Acts 5-7 4-Nov Acts 8-9 5-Nov Acts 10-12 6-Nov Acts 13-15 7-Nov Acts 16-18 8-Nov Acts 19-20 November 9/10 Acts 21-23 11-Nov Acts 24-26 12-Nov Acts 27-28 13-Nov Romans 1-3 14-Nov Romans 4-5 15-Nov Romans 6-8 November 16/17 Romans 9-11 18-Nov Romans 12-16 19-Nov 1 Corinthians 1-6 20-Nov 1 Corinthians 7-10 21-Nov 1 Corinthians 11-14 22-Nov 1 Corinthians 15-16 November 23/24 2 Corinthians 1-5 25-Nov 2 Corinthians 6-9 26-Nov 2 Corinthians 10-13 27-Nov Galatians 1-6 28-Nov Ephesians 1-6 29-Nov Philippians 1-4 30-Nov Colossians 1-4

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