CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active...

1 CLOVER EXPRESS Muscatine County 4-H Newsletter May 2019 WHATS INSIDE: May 15th Deadline YQCA Superintendent meeting Sheep and Meat Goat Weigh-in Horse Show Dates Dog Classes State Fair swine IDs Fair queen Club fundraiser opportunity Fair Entry Night 4-H 101 Clothing/ Communication Fair book and calendar Club booth theme/ decorating 4-H silent Auction State Fair Livestock IDs Clover Kids Scholarships Youth Conference Farmflunecer Master Gardener Master Gardeners info Summer Camps Livestock ID’s Due No Later Than May 15 in 4hOnline Livestock IDs are due in 4hOnline no later than 11:59 pm on Tuesday, May 15. To identify your animals, login to 4hOnline at Click on the Edit button next to the 4-H members name, look for the Animals/Livestock link towards the top of the page, & clicking on that link will take you to the animal ID page. Select a species from the drop down menu and fill in the requested information. DONT FORGET TO HIT SAVE! Animals that must be identified in 4hOnline are beef, bucket calf, dogs, goats (meat & dairy), horse, sheep, swine and rabbits that will be entered into the 4-H show at the Iowa State Fair must have a tattoo in their ear and be identified in 4hOnline by July 1. Some animals, such as horses, can be shown at the fair multiple years. If you identified a horse in 2018 and plan to bring the same animal back to the fair in 2019, then you need to go in and re-activate those animals. Also, a few species have the option of photos being uploaded into 4hOnline. This is required for horses, but dogs and swine ear notches are a couple examples in which photos are optional. These procedures take extra time so do not wait until the last minute to identify your animals in 4hOnline.

Transcript of CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active...

Page 1: CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active training online; 4-H members can check to see when their FSQA certification expires by


CLOVER EXPRESS Muscatine County 4-H Newsletter May 2019


May 15th Deadline


Superintendent meeting

Sheep and Meat Goat Weigh-in

Horse Show Dates

Dog Classes

State Fair swine ID’s

Fair queen

Club fundraiser opportunity

Fair Entry Night

4-H 101

Clothing/ Communication

Fair book and calendar

Club booth theme/ decorating

4-H silent Auction

State Fair Livestock ID’s

Clover Kids


Youth Conference


Master Gardener

Master Gardeners info

Summer Camps

Livestock ID’s Due No

Later Than May 15 in

4hOnline Livestock ID’s are due in 4hOnline no later than 11:59 pm

on Tuesday, May 15. To identify your animals, login to

4hOnline at Click on the Edit

button next to the 4-H member’s name, look for the

Animals/Livestock link towards the top of the page, &

clicking on that link will take you to the animal ID page.

Select a species from the drop down menu and fill in the

requested information. DON’T FORGET TO HIT SAVE!

Animals that must be identified in 4hOnline are beef,

bucket calf, dogs, goats (meat & dairy), horse, sheep,

swine and rabbits that will be entered into the 4-H show

at the Iowa State Fair must have a tattoo in their ear and

be identified in 4hOnline by July 1.

Some animals, such as horses, can be shown at the fair

multiple years. If you identified a horse in 2018 and plan

to bring the same animal back to the fair in 2019, then

you need to go in and re-activate those animals.

Also, a few species have the option of photos being

uploaded into 4hOnline. This is required for horses, but

dogs and swine ear notches are a couple examples in

which photos are optional. These procedures take extra

time so do not wait until the last minute to identify your

animals in 4hOnline.

Page 2: CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active training online; 4-H members can check to see when their FSQA certification expires by



YQCA Training

4-H’ers who plan to show beef, a bucket calf, swine, sheep, meat or dairy goats, poultry, or rabbits (not pet rabbits) at the Muscatine Coun-ty Fair and/or the Iowa State Fair must be Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA) certified. For those who have completed the Face to Face training at the Extension Of-fice PLEASE remember to register online and pay . Failure to register online will re-sult in not being able to show at the Mus-catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active training online;

4-H members can check to see when their FSQA certification expires by logging in to 4hOnline, click on the Go to Family button, then scroll down to see your member’s name. If you have been FSQA certified your expira-tion date will be listed below your name.

Contact the Extension Office if you have ques-tions

Livestock Information

Sheep/Meat Goat Weigh-in

May 4th ~ 7:30-9:30 am

Large Show Ring, Fair-

grounds, West Liberty

NOTE: Dairy goats do not

need to be brought to the

weigh- in. They do need a

tattoo and birthdate and

are to be ID’d through 4-H online by May 15th.

County Fair - All lambs and meat goats need

to be brought to be tagged. Market sheep and

market meat goats will be weighed and tagged.

State Fair - All State Fair sheep (market, com-

mercial, and purebred breeding) must have a

state 4-H tag, be weighed, and have retinal im-

ages taken. State Fair meat goats (market

wethers and breeding does) must have a state

4-H tag (or tattoo for does). Market wethers will

be retinal imaged. Cost for animals retinal im-

aged for State Fair is $5.00 per head.

Aksarben – All animals for Aksarben must

have a 4-H tag and will have hair pulled for

DNA sampling. There is an additional $5.00

charge for animals identified for Aksarben.

(Aksarben is a regional livestock show held in

September in Omaha, NE, for 4-H members

only). Contact the Extension Office if you have


Superintendent’s Meeting

We will be having a Superintendents meeting on

July 2nd from 6:00-7:00 pm at the Muscatine

County Extension Office. Superintendents, plan

on attending this session to find out more about

the stall placements and fair items. Please contact

Lindsay at the extension office if you have ques-

tions. [email protected] or 563-263-5701

Page 3: CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active training online; 4-H members can check to see when their FSQA certification expires by


Livestock Information

Dog Obedience Classes

Dog Obedience classes will begin on

Sunday May 12th from 6:00-7:00 pm at Rock’n

Boot Ranch. 2505 Bayfield Road . Muscatine, IA

52761. Classes will be held on Sundays until the

start of fair. Because Classes will be indoors, they

will not be canceled due to rain.

Summer Horse Show Dates.

Dates for the summer horse shows held at the

horse arena at the Muscatine County Fair-

grounds have been set.

May 19th- Fun show with timed events

only. Show starts at 9:00 am

June 9th- Regular Show starting at 9:00


July 7th- Regular show starting at 9:00 am

August 18th- Timed events, show starting

at 9:00 am

These horse shows are open to all 4-H and

FFA members regardless of where they live

and are provided as an opportunity for kids to

practice their horsemanship skill and learn

from each other.

State Fair Swine Identifica-


The protocol for identifying swine for the Iowa

State Fair is listed below. Identification of

State Fair swine must be completed by

11:59 pm on May 15. Steps to be taken are:

Reserve and pick up a tagger, special

DNA tags, and large white envelope from

the Extension Office.

Tag the animals you plan to identify for

State Fair. Tags cost $10 each for the first

five hogs you ID, then $8 per hog after the

first five.

Place stubs from tags into the large white

envelope and write the tag number on the

envelope. Fill out the other information

asked for on the envelope.

Write down your animal(s) information on

an ID form or other paper including the tag

number, ear notches, gender, color/

description, breed type and birth date if


Login to 4hOnline and use the information

you have written down on the ID sheet to

identify your hogs for State Fair

Return to the Extension Office the tag-

ger, extra tags, envelope with tag stubs,

and a check made out to Muscatine

County Extension for the number of

hogs you identified ASAP!!

Page 4: CLOVER EXPRESS - Iowa State University...catine County Fair or Iowa State Fair. inter-active training online; 4-H members can check to see when their FSQA certification expires by


Sign– Up for Fair


Now is the time to think about

running for Muscatine County Fair Queen or you

can be a member of the Junior Court. The

sponsorship fee is $25 for junior or queen. For

more information or to have a registration form

mailed to you, contact Stephanie Anderson at


County News

Great Opportunity For Clubs.

Tim Pace is looking for a 4-H group that would

like to serve lunch as a fundraiser. He is hold-

ing an antique tractor show on June 6th-8th

and he is hoping 60-120 people will attend.

This is a great opportunity for a fundraiser! If

any club is interested please call Tim at 563-

260-7889. Clubs can split the days if more than

one would like to do this.

Fair Entry Night

Need help registering your animals or static

projects into Fair Entry? Drop by the Exten-

sion Office on June 10th between 6-7:30 pm

and Lindsay will be there to answer any ques-

tions you may have!

Fair Entry

All county fair entries, including livestock, static

exhibits (those that are in the 4-H Exhibit Build-

ing) Clothing Event, and Communications, are

to be made through FairEntry. FFA members

will also be able to enter livestock and photog-

raphy exhibits through Fair Entry.

County Fair livestock entries are to be made

from May 16 to June 16 in fair entry. Live-

stock has an earlier deadline because programs

need to be created, numbers assigned, etc.

Livestock entries made after June 16 will be

charged a $25 late fee per entry through July



This year the process for judging static exhibits

will be slightly different. Instead of exhibit tags

with a bar code for scanning, each exhibitor will

have a sheet with the exhibits they entered

listed with a bar code next to the exhibit. That

barcode will be scanned instead of one on the

exhibit tag. Static entries can be added up to

the day they are judged and can be written on

the bottom of the exhibitor’s sheet and entered

into FairEntry manually.

Questions about FairEntry and the entry pro-

cess can be answered by talking to Lindsay at

the Extension Office at 563-263-5701.

4-H 101 for Parents

Parents, grandparents, or guardians are invited to join us for a 4-H 101 for Parents learn over

lunch session on Monday, May 6, noon to 1 at the Muscatine County Extension Office. If you are confused as to what is 4-HOnline versus Fair Entry; a Pro-ject versus an Exhibit; how to find

things in the Fair Book - then this is for YOU!! Bring your lunch and your questions!

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Fair Time

Fair Book is Available

The 2019 Fair book is on the Muscatine County Ex-

tension Website!!! You will be able to print the com-

plete fair book or only the divisions you need.


Entries for Educational Presentations, Ex-

temporaneous Speaking, and the Clothing

Event are due in FairEntry by June 16.

Judging for these events will be held on

Monday, July 8, beginning at 1:00 pm at

the Extension Office.

Since these events are judged before the

fair, entries need to be made earlier so that

schedules can be made and information

sent out to participants.

Educational presentations and extempora-

neous speaking are judged before the fair

also, but participants will give their speech-

es again at the fair on Thursday, July 18, in

the 4-H Exhibit Building. Special awards

will be announced at that time.

Working Exhibits will be evaluated at the

fair and can be made in FairEntry up to the

deadline of July 1st.

Here is a brief description of the communi-

cation and clothing events you may enter.

Please see the fair book for complete

description and rules.


Educational Presentations- 4-H’ers demon-

strate communication skills by presenting

knowledge information or a process to the audi-

ence. 4th-6th graders must not exceed 15

minutes for their presentation and 7th-12th grad-

ers must not exceed 20 minutes.

Extemporaneous Speaking- 9th-12th graders will

have 30 minutes to organize thoughts, prepare

a speech, and respond to questions when given

limited amount of preparation time.

Working Exhibits, which will be given on

Wednesday, July 17, beginning at 1:00 pm at

the fair, are a more casual form of communica-

tion. One or more 4-H’ers teach the public

about a topic or technique by using hands on


Clothing Event – All ages can participate, but

they must be enrolled in the clothing project and

complete a Clothing Report Form for each cate-

gory they enter.

Fashion Revue; the 4-H’er must make the ma-

jority of their outfit. The outfit or pieces of the

outfit can be sewn, knitted, crocheted, etc. Ac-

cessories, such as a blouse under a jacket, can

be purchased.

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Fair will be here before we all know it. Make sure to mark your


May 15th- Livestock entered into 4-H online

May 16th to June 16th Livestock entered into Fair entry

July 12th- Club booth decorating; “Your Passport to adventure”

July 14th- Muscatine County Fair Parade

July 15th- Exhibit Judging Day

July 16th- Help needed in preparing the Exhibit building

July 17-21 FAIR TIME!!

4-H Club Booth Theme

The theme for 4-H club booths is “ A Universe of Possibilities” Clubs will be able to decorate their booths on Friday, July 12,

from either 9:00 am – noon or 6:00-8:00 pm.

Fair Time

4-H Silent Auction

Clubs, don’t forget to donate an item to the 4-H Silent Auction in the 4-H Exhibit Building at the fair. The Silent Auction has become a popular event at the fair each year and a great fundraiser for the 4-H program. Proceeds will be deposited in the Muscatine 4-H County Endowment to be used to offset enrollment fees for Muscatine County 4-


State Fair Livestock ID’s

4-H livestock entries for the Iowa State Fair will open in 4hOnline on June 1 and will close at 11:59 pm on July 1. Watch the June Clover Express for more information on

how to make entries.

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Exciting News!!

If you are in K-3rd grade and would love to get a

jump start on your 4-H Experience. Muscatine has a

Clover Kids Club that will begin on Tuesday May

28th 2019 from 6:30– 8:00 pm at the Muscatine

County Extension Office. Come join in on all the fun

that Clover Kids experience through STEM

activities, crafts, games and much more!

To sign up please contact Dana 563-263-5701 or

[email protected] or Lindsay [email protected]

Beyond the County

Iowa 4-H Youth Conference

Registration for the 2019 Iowa 4-H Youth Confer-ence is now open until June 1st. The State 4-H Council is proud to present a “Universe of Possibilities” at this year’s conference. All youth in grades 8th-12th

are eligible to register for this fun-filled leader-ship conference, June 25-27 on ISU campus in Ames, IA. From keynote speakers to edu-cational workshops and from a formal ban-quet to service learning, youth will be able to meet others from around the state and experi-ence new opportunities. Register online. Con-tact Haley Jones [email protected] with any questions.


National 4-H is introducing a new global vid-eo contest where youth can submit a two minute video about where the future of farming is going. Youth can enter for the chance to win $5,000. Find out more details on the Farmfluencer webpage.

Clover Kids Corner

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Muscatine County 4-H Endowment provides enhanced experiences for Muscatine County 4-H Members by way of educational trips, conferences, camp experiences and service learning. We also offer many other forms of member and volunteer recognition.

The next funding cycle for the Muscatine County 4-H Endowment is due on May 22nd

Applications are due to the Extension office

on the following dates: February 22 August 22 May 22 November 22

Questions about the endowment can be directed to the Extension Office or any board member listed below.

Muscatine County 4-H Endowment Board Members

Jodi McConnaha

Cindy Mays

Doug Hora

Coralie Voss

Nichole Sorgenfrey

Marylu Watkins

Kelsey Morris

Alli Youngbauer

If you would like to give to the Muscatine County 4-H Endowment you can call the Extension Office for a form to fill out or you can visit

4-H ENDOWMENT Master Gardener

Spring Plant Sale

Co– Sponsored by the Muscatine Master Gardeners , Muscatine Garden Club and the Iris and Daylily Socie-ty. Perennials, Iris, Daylilies, and other beautiful plants will be offered. Master Gardeners invite and welcome anyone interested in attending. Saturday, May 11th, 2019. 9 am to Noon and the Muscatine Environmental

learning Center, Discovery Park Pavilion.

Master Gardener Training

Muscatine County will be holding Master Gardener Train-ing for 2019. Join us! Who are Master Gardeners? Master Gardeners come from a variety of backgrounds. They are passionate about serving their communities and sharing gardening best practices. Master Gardeners are individuals who have taken the Master Gardener training and share their time and expertise as volunteers in com-munity gardens, city beautification projects, and farmers markets to name a few. It is the acquisition of knowledge, the skill in gardening, and giving back to the community that distinguishes a Master Gardener from other garden-


Master Gardener Webcasts

Master Gardeners Plan Three Summer Webcasts - Participants will gain insight into pollinators, vegetables and flowers, and urban ecology. Free and open to the


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Exciting News!!!

We have exciting news to share! We’re moving! The Muscatine County Extension Coun-cil has purchased a building to become the future home of the Muscatine County Exten-sion Office. We believe the property, located at 1601 Plaza Place, Muscatine, will be the ideal space and location for the Muscatine County Extension Office. Our anticipated move in date is September 2019. We would like to invite you to be a part of this exciting project! Currently, the Extension Council is raising funds to help with the remodel of the building. Learn more!

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4th– Sheep and Meat Goat Weigh


6th– 4-H 101 for parents 12-1 pm

12th– Dog Classes Start 6:00 pm

15th– Broiler Derby order


15th– Livestock ID’s are due pm 4-


18th– Clinton Anderson Training in

Des Moines

19th– Summer horse show classes


10th– Fair Entry Night

25-27– 4-H Youth Conference


Iowa State University Extension and Outreach does not discriminate

on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic infor-

mation, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex,

sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or status as a U.S. veteran.

(Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Inquiries regarding

non-discrimination policies may be directed to Ross Wilburn, Diversity

Officer, 2150 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011,





[email protected]

563-263-5701 or 1-800-992-0894

1514 Isett Avenue

Muscatine, IA 52761
