Cloud computing[1]

ABSTRACT If you are even a basic computer user, it is likely that you have already used some form of cloud computing service. Any entirely online service you use, be it e- mail, fi le storage or sharing, or even media streaming, uses cloud computing technology. If you have used any service that doesn’t require you to download and install specifi c software or store any data locally, you have used the cloud. Cloud computing allows you to keep your PC and all of your mobile devices in sync all the time.You can access all of your personal data at any given moment, you can organize and collect data from any online source, and you can even share photos, videos, music, contacts, e-mail, documents,etc. with your friends, family, and coworkers in an instant. In essence, personal cloud computing gives you easy and quick access to all your data, making it instantly accessible and mobile. Social networks, fi le sharing servers and Webaccessible software take advantage of resources provided by cloud computing to give you a lightweight structure for your personal computing needs. Cloud services give you options to protect your data with accessibility and privacy settings for your accounts, enabling you to store your life on a remote server without having to worry about storage space constraints or software installations. YOUR PERSONAL CLOUD Storage space and processing power are the biggest hurdles that mobile devices


cloud computing

Transcript of Cloud computing[1]

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If you are even a basic computer user, it is likely that you have already used some form of cloud computing service. Any entirely online service you use, be it e-mail, fi le storage or sharing, or evenmedia streaming, uses cloud computing technology. If you have used any service that doesn’t require you to download and install specifi c software or store any data locally, you have used the cloud.Cloud computing allows you to keep your PC and all of your mobile devices in sync all the time.You can access all of your personal data at any given moment, you can organize and collect data from any online source, and you can even sharephotos, videos, music, contacts, e-mail, documents,etc. with your friends, family, and coworkers in an instant. In essence, personal cloud computing gives you easy and quick access to all your data, makingit instantly accessible and mobile.Social networks, fi le sharing servers and Webaccessible software take advantage of resources provided by cloud computing to give you a lightweight structure for your personal computing needs. Cloud services give you options to protect your data with accessibility and privacy settings for your accounts, enabling you to store your lifeon a remote server without having to worry about storage space constraints or software installations.


Storage space and processing power are the biggest hurdles that mobile devices like smartphones and tablets face today. Cloud computing has come to the forefront as it overcomes these hurdles, enabling you to access and edit your fi les and fi les uploaded by other users without the need for excessive hardware and support. Browser-based email and cloud services such as Grooveshark, Facebook, GoogleDocs and Youtube have smartphone and tablet extensions, designed specifi cally to run on the lower hardware specifi cations of such devices.Operating systems of today like Android, Ios and Windows 7 are also made compatible with mobile devices and equipped with applications that let you sync and access data across devices via their cloud servers. Apart from storage, developers have also used cloud computing capabilities to develop Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Webtop services to make your computing experience completely mobile.


Web accessible software enables users to use programs or applications without having to download or install them on their machines. You can access data hosted by companies on their cloud servers for almost any task, like word processing, designing or even media editing. This enables users to carry out their work

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without having to purchase software that can be installed and run only on a single machine. You no longer need to worry about expiration dates, downloading updates or installing software on multiple machines. SaaS reduces the user’s expenses by allowing you to ‘rent’ a service and use only specifi c features rather than buying complete packages of programs, some of which you might not use. For instance, to use Microsoft Word,a user must purchase the Microsoft Offi ce auite, which gives you Word bundled with Excel, Powerpoint,etc. These packages can be fairly expensive.Instead, you can use a SaaS product that allows you to sign up for free or a monthly fee and lets you perform your word processing tasks without any

installations on your machine’s local drive.


Utility computing is a form of cloud computing that is more robust at an enterprise level. Large companies can ‘rent out’ their hardware support via the cloud to clients based on their requirements, maximizing the utility of the host server and reducing the costs to the client. Companies like, Microsoft and Sun offer storage and virtual servers to

clients for their computing needs using the cloud. This drastically reduces the investment required for small scale businesses as they no longer need to purchase hardware. Instead, they pay only for what they need and utilize the computing strength of the host via the cloud.


PaaS is a form of SaaS that provides development environments as a service. Rather than designing software for the customers to use, companies provide clients with the infrastructure required todesign and run software specifi c to their needs. Clients can then use this infrastructure and develop software applications for their use that run on the host’s cloud servers. This form of cloud computing gives the clients the freedom to develop software to suit their requirements without having to worry about the hardware. PaaS provides clients with facilities for designing and developing applications, hosting their applications as well as hardware for scalability and storage.


Online storage allows users to upload fi les and information to cloud servers so that the data can be accessed from multiple machines remotely, as long as they have access to the Internet. Online storage has grown rapidly in recent times due to the increased speeds in data transfer and improved security for protecting this data.The service is very useful for users restricted by lack of storage space or users that wish to access their data from

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multiple machines or on-the-go. Using cloud storage services can also be benefi cial as a backup for locally saved data in the event that your local drive is ompromised by viral infection, online threats or physical damage. There are several services to choose from, ranging in size of storage space and you can also use paid services for greater storage space and better security. Some storage services also enable you to sync data across devicesso that fi les added to one device are automatically uploaded to the cloud, and in some cases, even downloaded to other synced machines.


The cloud computing system can be divided into two distinct sections. At the front end, there is the user, who can access the cloud server and includes their machine and any application required toaccess the cloud. The back end is the hardware that makes up the cloud, which includes computers, servers and data storage systems that can be accessed by the users. Cloud systems use middleware,which is software that communicates withvarious users connected to a single cloud server. It monitors the system, managing traffi c and client demands to ensure that everything runs smoothly and effi ciently.


The advantages of cloud computing are fairly obvious. Users have access to their applications and data from anywhere at any time and they can access their information from multiple machines; their data and software is no longer confi ned to a single machine. Cloud computing also brings down hardware costs, as users no

longer need to purchase the fastest computers with high end configurations. The cloud system handles the load for you. Essentially, all you need is a basic computer,input devices and an Internet connection to accessthe cloud services. Cloud storage enables users to create backups of their data so if their machines crash, they no longer need to worry about data loss. Cloud servers can sometimes be a safer option for protecting your data from viral infection or damage due to the vast amount of online threats and viruses circulating on the Internet.


The biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy. Users might not be comfortable handing over their data to a third party. This is an even greater concern when it comes to companies that wish to keep their sensitive information on cloud servers. While most service vendors would ensure that their servers are kept free from viral infection and malware, it is still a concern

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considering the fact that a number of users

around the world are accessing the server. Privacy is another issue with cloud servers. Ensuring that a client’s data is not ccessed by any unauthorized users is of great importance for any cloud service.To make their servers more secure, cloud service vendors have developed password protected accounts, security servers through which all data being transferred must pass and data encryption.techniques. After all, the success of a cloud servicedepends on its reputation, and any sign of a security breach would result in a loss of clients and business.

THE ECOLOGICAL IMPACT GREEN CLOUD: FACT OR FICTION? Cloud computing is growing at a rapid pace,as it’s increasingly being adopted by

large businesses, mid-sized businesses, as well as SOHOs. Moving to the cloud proves to be a viable option for fi rms as it dramatically cuts down hardware and software expenditure. According to a report by consulting fi rm Zinnov, the market for cloud computing in India is expected to grow nearly ten times to $1,084 million by 2015 from the current $110 million. While all seems hunkydory, there are growing concerns that the cloud computing trend is actually hazardous to the environment, as it will lead to an increase in carbon emissions.


There are many factors that are said to make could computing green both at the enterprise as well as the consumer level.GREEN CLOUD:CLOUD AND ENTERPRISEConsider the traditional scenario, where every fi rm invests in setting up a server room, staff for maintaining it, etc. Servers consume huge amounts of energy not only for operation, but also for cooling. These servers generate avast amount of heat during operation, which must be dissipated to keep the components within their safe operating temperatures. Overheated partswill reduce their life span, and can also cause problems such as system crashes. So it becomes imperative to maintain a constant temperature to cool these servers. This is usually done with the help of air conditioning, which consumes even more energy. Even if the servers are not in use or are under utilized, the temperature needs to be maintained, resulting in huge amounts of energy loss and added cost.The fi rms can minimize their cost as well as energy consumption by opting for cloud comput- ing. Cloud offers scalability; you pay only for what you use and you can buy more space as required or you can even

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temporarily scale down usage when you experience a slump in business. Thus,there is no unnecessary loss of energy. While it’s true that these huge data centers that operate on a large scale require massive amounts of electricity, the manufacturers of data centers are activelytaking initiatives to minimize the impact on the environment. As a result of the growing green consciousness,the leading players in the industry are taking efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. For instance, they are looking at places with temperatures that are ideal for naturally cooling data centers. Dublin is fast emerging as a hub for data centers owing to its geographic location and ideal temperatures. Cloud computing giants like Amazon, Microsoft, IBM and others have their data centers here.These data centers have been designed insuch a way that they can make maximum use of fresh air to cool servers rather than completely depending on other power consuming options. Secondly, the data center manufacturers also make use of innovative technology and alternatesources of energy to power these data centers. For instance, recently Google invested $168 million in a solar energy power plant in California. When constructed, it will be the largest solar thermal project in the world.


With rising concerns over global warming, we all want to do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint. One way to do this is by adopting cloud computing. Cloud computing on portable devices like smartphones, tablets or ultra low-powered laptops could prove eco-friendly.According to, a PC running for an hour generates 40-80 grams

of carbon dioxide, while it consumes about 60-90% of normal workload power even when idle. When working on a PC or a laptop, we may engage in other activities like talking on the phone, or completingother tasks, which means the computer remains idle for long hours, hence wasting energy. It’s also surprising to know that even power-saving modes like ‘Sleep’ or ‘Standby’ can consume as much as 120 Watts of power. In comparison to a traditional PC or a laptop, portable computing devices consume less energy because they do not need continuous power supply. They just need to be charged once a day at most. Today, most people don’t really need a high end PC as their usage is limited to Web browsing, email, social networking, banking, watching videos, listening to music etc.All this can be easily achieved on a smartphone or on any of the portable devices that can be used for cloud computing.


With next to zero data available about the data center practices and technologies used by the major players in the cloud industry, there is a lot of speculation. There is no data available to ascertain the amount of energy consumed and the carbon missions caused by these data centers.This is one of the major reasons why data centers have come under fi re from various environmental agencies.Google is one of the fi rst companies to release details of their data center. You can find details like the technology used, locations, practices,sustainability measures, etc. on their site under corporate information. Recently, Facebook, which is facing opposition from environmental organization Greenpeace for the use of coal and nuclear energy to power its massive data centers, released

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details of its data center practices. The same can be found on the Facebook page ‘Building Effi cient Data Centers with the Open Compute Project’. Other players in the industry need to follow their lead and make this vital information public.Cloud computing in itself is a practical solution for the IT requirements of the future and something that will only grow in the coming years. This would mean setting up many more data centers and other facilities. The companies within thisindustry need to understand their responsibilities and their role towards safeguarding the environment. The need of the hour is to have an open dialogue and devise better technology to power datacenters.One example of efficient power management is that of the Academica data center in Helsinki, Finland. They use the water warmed while cooling the servers to provide heat for homes in the city, which often experiences -20 degrees C temperatures during winter. What’s more, after the heat has been extracted, the water is again used to cool the servers.

Cloud Apps for Your Mobile Device:

Today’s mobile devices have been transformed by cloud services into highly versatile mobile computers. Developers have made applications for mobile operating systems that exploit cloud servers and services to allow users to compute on the go. The biggest obstaclefor mobile devices is signifi cantly lesser storage space as compared to notebooks and desktops, which is a limiting factor if users wish to perform the same functions on their smartphone or tablet as they do on full blown computers. Cloud computing overcomes this obstacle by providing

users with apps for storing, accessing andexchanging data through cloud servers, without burdening the local storage hardware. These apps allow users to store fi les on cloud servers into a common account from multiple machines, allowingaccess to the fi les from any device. You can also use features like fi le syncing, backups and fi le sharing with these applications.


Dropbox is arguably the most favored fi le sharing and storage application for mobile devices. There is an application for every mobile operating system, which gives you access to the Dropbox cloud server, allowing you to upload and access fi les inyour Dropbox account from different machines.The Dropbox application also provides you with a link to each fi le in your account so that you can share a specificfile with friends or co-workers. There are also features which enable you to upload photos and videos directly from your mobile device gallery without even running the application or visiting the website. There are options to sync data across devices and create backups onthe cloud server as well. You can download and install the mobile application on your device for free and with a free account, you get 2 GB of storage space. A monthly fee of $9.99 gives you 50 GB of space, and at $19.99 per month, you get 100 GB.

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Your Drop box homepage displays all your recent activity, including new files, deleted files and edits done from any of your machines.


WebSharing is a fi le transfer application designed specifi cally for Android devices. The app allows you to transfer data between Android devices and computers wirelessly via a cloud server. Web- Sharing uses the WebDAV protocol (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) with which users can create new fi les, edit existing files and transfer data between devices remotely. Anothergreat feature of WebSharing is that it displays your cloud folder as a locally installed hard drive on all synced devices and machines. The free version of the WebSharing app for Android does notallow you to transfer music, videos or photos and the multiple fi le upload feature is unavailable. The full version of the app is available for $2.99 on the Android Market.


ZumoDrive is another cloud storage and file sharing application for a range of mobile operating systems like iOS, Android ans Windows Phone 7, that creates a virtual drive on your machine that is linked to your cloud account. The

folder appears as a local hard drive on all synced devices and your files are streamed to your device from the cloud server when you run them through ZumoDrive. A unique feature of ZumoDrive is that it caches recently accessed fi les to your local drive so that some of your recently used fi les can be run even when you do not have access to the Internet. The free account gives you 1 GB of storage and a $2.99-per-month account gives you 10 GB of storage space. For even more space, you can sign up for $79.99 per year and get 500 GB of space.

The ZumoDrive app on the iPad gives you easy options to share, upload and download files to and from your ZumoDrive account.

GE.TT is a fi le sharing service with a twist. While other services give long term storage space, provides you with temporary storage space for sharing fi les rather than storing them. The service is quick and easy; you do not need to install any applications or sign up for an account. Simply go to the Web address and upload your fi les. You can upload up to 2 GB of fi les and as soon as the upload begins, you are provided with a URL for sharing. The fi les remain on the cloud server for a limited period of 30 days, after which they

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are discarded. The service is perfect for users who wish to share fi les with friends or co-workers without having to worry about removing or deleting files and the only requirement is Internet. lets you start sharing files even before they have been completely uploaded, via a link or through social networking sites.


There are various online storage servicesthat offer different features. While someallow you to simply upload and downloaddata, others allow you to view your fi les online and share them with others, and some services even let you open and edit your fi les in the cloud from anywhere in the world. Here are 05 of the top cloud storage services.1 AMAZON S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service or the Amazon S3 is best suited for Web developers and not for users who are simply looking for a place to upload andstore their fi les. The service offers up to 5 terabytes of space for development and maintenance of websites. The server creates a unique key for each developer, which is region specific. Currently,


If you are not a developer and don’t want a paid service; if you just want a virtual drive to store your videos, music, photos or documents, you can use the Amazon Cloud Drive service. Your fi les can be neatly classifi ed in pre-existing folder structures and the service offers 5 GB of free space.However, you cannot upload fi les that are over 2 GB in size. You can buy more space if required. It is an excellent way to free up space on your system or if you want to share legitimately purchased media fi les across machines. However, the built in music player and video player that lets users stream media online without downloading it to the local drive is available only to US citizens for now.


eSnips works similarly to 4shared, wherein you can store a variety of fi le formats, including e-books,documents, archived fi les, images, audio and video formats. You can also playback media fi les instead of downloading them to your computer. However,it offers only 5 GB of storage space. You can connect to the website with

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social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, but there is no Android supportas of now.


Originally known as Humyo, the website is now known as SafeSync after it was taken over by Japanese security company Trend Micro. While users of the free services of Humyo can continue with the original 10 GB of server space (5 GB for pictures, videos, and music, and 5 GB for other fi les).SafeSync offers a free one-month trial, but after that it’s a paid service. 20 GB of storage space costs €29.95 (Rs 1,860), 50 GB space is priced at €69.95 (Rs. 4,410) and 100 GB of space will cost you €110 (Rs 6,930). The service promises strong security and offers mobile device support.


Windows Live SkyDrive, which was launched as Windows Live Folders, offers the maximum amount of free storage space. You can mark fi les as private on the SkyDrive, which can be downloaded only with a Windows Live ID. The SkyDrive offers 25 GB of free personal storage, with a maximum of 50 MB per fi le. You can use tools like Windows Live Mesh to drag and drop fi les onto the SkyDrive from your system directly. You can upload files to your SkyDrive from mobile devices too. Moreover, you can also download all your fi les as a single zip archive for convenience.

You can access all the Windows Live services including the MSN Messenger and Hotmail using a single user ID.


The future of computing points towards a more cost-effective, user-oriented and flexible concept, which is that of cloud computing. Business houses are rapidly adapting cloud infrastructure as it offers them unparalleled fl exibility, scalability, accessibility, and security and it also proves to be more cost-effective then having to manage in-house servers. According to a worldwide survey by Gartner, cloud computing services

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consumed from external service providers (ESPs) are estimated to comprise 10.2 percent of the spending on external IT services. Bob Igou, research director at Gartner, says, “The cloud market is evolving rapidly, with 39 percent of survey respondents worldwide indicating that they allocated IT budget to cloud computing as a key initiative for their organization. There is a shift in spending from traditional IT assets such as the data center assets and a move toward assets that are accessed in the cloud. These trends are good news for IT services providers that have professional services geared towards implementing cloud environments and those that deliver cloud services.By this we can say cloud offers many new ways for fast and efficient computing.

