Cloud Computing

CLOUD COMPUTING Hosting network storage utilization practices, the management of the remote server, and processing data on the Internet, rather than a local server or a personal computer, Cloud computing, also known as on-demand computing, is a kind of internet-based computing, where shared resources and information are provided to computers and other devices on- demand, Fig:1 Cloud computing and data storage solutions for users and enterprises to provide a variety of functions, storage and processing of third-party data center. So cloud computing makes easier sharing documents applications etc. on different devices owned by one person. HOW AND WHERE CLOUD COMPUTING IS HOSTED/USED. 1


University of Wollongong in Dubai Cloud computing systems

Transcript of Cloud Computing

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Hosting network storage utilization practices, the management of the remote server, and processing data on the Internet, rather than a local server or a personal computer,

Cloud computing, also known as on-demand computing, is a kind of internet-based computing, where shared resources and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand,


Cloud computing and data storage solutions for users and enterprises to provide a variety of functions, storage and processing of third-party data center.

So cloud computing makes easier sharing documents applications etc. on different devices owned by one person.


Cloud computing services can be private, public or hybrid.

In private cloud computing services, private cloud administrations are conveyed from a business' server farm to inner clients. This model offers flexibility and comfort, while safeguarding administration, control and security.


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Public cloud computing services, outsider supplier reports a cloud administration over the Web. Open cloud administrations are sold on-interest, size seconds, minutes or hours. Clients pay just for CPU cycles; capacity or data transmission they expend.

Hybrid cloud computing services is a blend of open cloud administrations and on-premises private cloud with coordination between the two. Organizations can run mission-basic workloads or delicate applications on the private cloud while utilizing people in general cloud for huge workloads that must scale on-interest. The objective of hybrid cloud is to make a brought together, computerized, adaptable environment which exploits all that an open cloud base can give, while as yet keeping up control over mission-basic information.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 

Platform as a service (PaaS)

Software as a service (SaaS)

Network as a service (Naas)

IaaS is the most basic cloud-service model, which provides the user with virtual infrastructure, for example servers and data storage space. Virtualization plays a major role in this mode, by allowing IaaS-cloud providers to supply resources on-demand extracting them from their large pools installed in data centres.

In PaaS model, cloud suppliers convey to the client advancement environment administrations where the client can create and keep running in-house manufactured applications. The administrations may incorporate a working framework, a programming dialect execution environment, databases and web servers.

In SaaS the cloud gives the client access to effectively designer applications that are running in the cloud. The entrance is accomplished by cloud customers and the cloud clients don't deal with the foundation where the application lives, taking out with this the way the need to introduce and run the application on the cloud client's own particular PCs.

Naas is the least common model where the client is furnished with system network administrations, for example, VPN and transfer speed on interest.


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File storage

Cloud can offer you the probability of securing your records, securing and recovering them from any web-engaged interface. The web organizations interfaces are regularly essential. At whatever point and place you have high openness, rate, flexibility and security for your environment. In this circumstance, affiliations are paying for the measure of limit they are truly using, and do in that capacity without the anxieties of managing the consistently backing of the stockpiling base



Cloud computing offers numerous advantages both to end users and businesses of all sizes.

1. It is cost efficient. It helps to save costs.By using cloud computing companies can save on licensing fees and at the same time eliminate overhead charges such as the cost of data storage, software updates, management etc.

2. It is very convenient to use.Cloud computing offers administrations that are accessible wherever the end client may be found. This methodology empowers simple access to data and suits the needs of clients in diverse time zones and geographic areas.

3. Backup and recovery.The procedure of backing up and recovering information is made easy to those now live on the cloud and not on a physical gadget. The different cloud suppliers offer solid and adaptable reinforcement/recuperation arrangements. At times, the cloud itself is utilized singularly as a reinforcement store of the information situated in nearby PCs.


Everything comes with advantages and disadvantages.

1. Security and privacy in the Cloud.Security is the greatest concern with regards to cloud computing. By utilizing a remote cloud based foundation, an organization basically gives away private information and data, things that may be delicate and classified. It is then up to the cloud administration supplier to oversee, secure and hold them, along these lines the supplier's unwavering quality is exceptionally basic.


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2. Technical difficulties. Unquestionably the littler business will appreciate not dealing with the day by day specialized issues and will lean toward giving those to a set up IT organization, in any case you ought to remember that all frameworks may confront dysfunctions now and again.

Latest technologies and trends of cloud computing

The latest technologies of cloud computing and trends includes bigger/larger servers for storage facilities for big amount of data for large companies, also higher security for the data saved in these clouds.