Cloud 9 Ranch Club - Book (1970s)

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    The Cloud 9 Ranch is a unique andbeautiful camping resort located inthe heart of the Ozarks - in thegeneral area of the country popularlyknown as "Shepherd of the Hills"country. This scenic area is the settingfor Harold Bell Wright 's widely readnovel of the same name. The Ozarkswere also the home of author LauraIngalls Wilder, the area from whichshe produced her enchantingwritings- one of which you'll know as thesource of the famed television series"Little House on the Prairie." It's anarea of inspiring beauty, quiet charm,and warm, friendly people.Cloud 9's ten square miles of campingparkland are characterized by thescenic beauty of the area - with rolling hills, open meadows of na tivegrasses and wildflowers, beautifultrees, pure, clean, hill-country air andsparkling clear trout streams.In these pages we hope to give you avisual impression of this rare expanseof pr ivately owned natural wilderness. Put yourself into the picturesand you'll perceive that Cloud 9 ismuch more than just an invitingplace to get away to - it's an excitingplace for family fun and companionship; a friendly place of camaraderieand social activity; a change-of-paceplace, for regeneration, where thesenses may be sharpened and the perspectives cleared.It is said that you can't drive throughCloud 9 without receiving waves,nods and smiles. As you read throughthese pages, don't fail to return thesmiles!

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    welcome to the Cloud 9 Ranch. You're at the activity center for Security, Services,Conveniences, Recreation . . . and delightful, carefree camping.

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    proximately three miles from theyou arrive at the Ranchenter. This is headquarters - thehub of the Ranch. All of theand conveniences are heremake your Cloud 9 visit the mostcamping vacation you'ver experienced.

    he Welcome Center, the 24 hourcurity Patrol Ranger Station and there Department are here.ou'll also find two family Restaunts, a well-stocked General Stored Trading Post, a Gas Station andundramat. It's also the site of theand Lounge, one of themming Pools, Miniature Golf and

    the Teen Recreationaland the Nursery.ound the corner and down the roadpiece, but in this same general area,u'll find the Big Top Pavilion withadjacent beautiful, large SwimPool, and the T-Top Pavilion.his is the location of many friendlycial events including dances, conrts, games, sing-alongs, barbecuesd movies. Nearby are the Tennisourts, Ball Diamonds and a PARxercise Course. The Riding Stablesd horses are just a short distance

    e free courtesys regularlythe Ranchdeliver memof your famto and fromvorite spots.

    You've arrived . . .there's camping fun inevery direction!

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    Over 500 appealing campsites are situated infriendly clusters around the 10 square milesof the Ranch. All facilities are establishedwith careful concern for the ecology andenvironment, as well as for your convenienceand enjoyment.

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    cloud 9's established campsites are attractive, cleanand neat. They are fully developed with level pads,water, sanitary and electrical hook-ups, restrooms,showers and playgrounds. Wilderness camping locations are available throughout the Ranch, with easyaccess to Stage Stop showers and restrooms, and towater and dump station facilities.

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    It's all here - exciting activitiesgalore, for all interests and for allages. choose your pleasure . . . andenjoy a fantastic camping vacation atthe cloud 9 Ranch.

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    Many people think that the very best way to view the Ranch is by horseback. Over00 horses are maintained for trail riding through this beautiful hill country.

    CLOUD 9 l \U IU\ l

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    Many options for fun in the great outdoors

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    . . and for pleasant social events andactivities at the pavilions and other locations.

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  • 8/9/2019 Cloud 9 Ranch Club - Book (1970s)


    e Cloud 9 Ranch, established in 1971, is fully developedperhaps the largest an d finest private camping club an dland in America. It ha s enjoyed steady growth since its

    an d now boas ts several thousand memberers from 41 states, canada and Mexico.oud 9 owners equally share individually deeded equity inost ten square miles (6,358 acres) of beautiful Ozarktain hill country. an d in all of the fine facilities of thiseat scenic camping resort. cloud 9 is a delightful altertive to crowded public parks an d rental campgrounds.ers also enjoy automatic membership in camp Coast toast, and may camp free at other reciprocal, fine privateresorts. on trips across the country.

    ownership brings a special measure of pleasureoutdoor-loving families simply can't find or experienceother places or in other ways. There's a very special feelg in awakening to the birds singing on your ow n place. toowing that yo u an d your family ma y choose to catch aut in your own stream, swim in one of the pools, exploree caves, roam your fields or ride one of the horses to thep of a hill to ad mi re y o ur scenic y choose to join a friendiy group with whom youare many mutual interests. Your participation is alwayslcome in activities such as crafts, hobbies, sports andmes. always available through the entire campingason. Friendly social functions - barbecues, squarences, sing-alongs, concerts, ice cream socials, potlucknners and picnics - are regular attractions, in small

    an d in large groups. You'll find exciting activitiesr all ages an d all interests. There's something for everyoneCloud 9.comfort ing that your camping place ha s around-theck security patrols for the general protection an d

    of your family and your interests.d its pleasing to know that your place is neat an d clean

    d cared for, an d that it will always be that way. When youan a trip. it's assuring to have in mind that you will enjoyfaCilities. an d that an array of services an d con-

    veniences is readily available on the Ranch. Everything'shand for full enjoyment of a carefree. pleasant visit.The change-ofpace at Cloud 9 works its magic on everyonThe basic tempo is easy an d cordial - it's hard to resist. anh as c ha rm i ng effects. As the pleasant atmosphere relaxan d refreshes. it will bring on a closer association amonyour family members. For instance. you ma y find t ha t t hso-called generation gap s hr in ks w he n you're watchinbutterflies, or wading in a stream, or learning to ridehorse, or just chatting around a campfire. You're surediscover together some of those rare per iods of "comforable" qUiet. (You know, that's when everyone at once juhappily an d voluntarily decides its hi s tu m to listen.) Anevery night you'll wonder together where all the stars ovCloud 9 come from.New friends and new perspectives are a rewarding anstimulating part of camping at Cloud 9. U's fu n to meet nefriends with interests like yours from various parts of thcountry.Cloud 9 uniquely brings together as owners. people whshare appreciation for the values of family companionshia wholesome. friendly atmosphere an d a love of naturbeauty an d the great outdoors. These mutual interests, ana respect for others that normally goes with them, akeystone qualities at Cloud 9.All of the values involved are sound an d permanent. ThRanch is certainly beautiful an d inviting. bu t there's mucmore. Prideful ownership creates th e refreshingly waran d friendly at mo sp here t h at is so enjoyed by everyonOwners look forward to sharing the man y ap peals of Clou9 with co-owners, family and friends for years to comEach has a personal interest in Cloud 9's continuindevelopment as the finest family campi n g en vi ron mean d experience available anywhere. Fellow owners looforward to the pleasure of meeting old an d ne w friends oall of their visits. They ar e looking forward to th e pleasuof meeting you - in thecordial atmosphere of the beautifCloud 9 Ranch. Hope to see you on th e Ranch soon.

    CLOUD SRANCHFrom Missouri Highway 160.3 miles westof Caulfield. Missouri

    Exclusive family camping an d member ownership is t he u n iq u econcept development of John E. Tillotson II of Kansas City,Missouri. an original founder of Cloud 9_ Mr. Tillotson is a prominent publisher of nationally distributed home an d hobby interestmagazines, as well as a manufacturer, arecreational land developer and an investor. Member-owner enjoyment ofthe ten square miles of beautifulc am pe r p ar kl an d which is cloud 9today, is du e to the foresight an d strongdedication of this unusually capableman. Jack. as he is known on theRanch, currently serves as president ofCloud 9 Ranches, Inc. The Ranch ismanaged by the Ranch Club's Board ofDirectors, elected by the owners.

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    Cloud 9 Ranch - a camper's paradiseBOX 50, ROUTE 160