CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got...

VOL. V. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST. 14 1875. NO. 35 THE IRON ERA I1ICD ErSUI aiTUBDAT If BENJ. II- VOGT. EDITOR iH»PB0UIETOH. is on Morris Street near Blaokwall, UDiTEin, - ' 52.00 Six M « « I B , - - - - - - - 1.00 'i'*»o months, - - - - - - - 5 0 PASSAGE TICKETS TO 1BU fW»> Liverpool and Queenstown, on ttafoUoiriwBteani.lilp limy : IVJIAN, CUKAHD, NATIONAL, |,ivori»ool mid Great WeBtern. Drift, on England anil lioy*l Bank GflrclBL' tLoloM.tratua. SDSLElT.imnt,, Dovor, N.I. Slate Roofing Tbe undanieiiediBnroparfld by lone ejperl- •Msanda ftoronjh BmrHdM of IIOOFlria and QUAItllYlUa lo lelwt tho best and pat on Blanllal nannsr. In anr part of th. coantrv. All work varnuted, andprice. r<>aaonable. "(liKUjiii^Porpte, Varlegatod, Black and lilun Slalo.wlioloaalo and retail. A soo'l ditto Boor »lll la.t aHfotlni, and I. JllllS I'. STICKLE. Counsellor at Law AUD MASTER INCJIAJVCEnV, EOCKAWAY, N. J. S. T. HAIR DRESSING. shut-lug nud shaiuy In tho buMlog formerly ocounlci] by tlie I'oat Olllto, SOIIOI Si., DorjB, N. J. .1. D.-P.rHeiil.ratttaulloii giTou to nutting lutl JroMlngladlea' and unildroii'a liair. nuora Uiim'J, act and ground. 1-lyr J. J. VREELAND, tinrpentor ai)il Builder, Jobbing promptly attended lo. Mit.i.a on 11LACKWELL St.; next to OaKOl Ifalaoy'a lumbor mill. Cwtimta laUctt. atulintUTla r ' -jl fANSlON IlUVSU. Corimr or Mackwoll am! Hiimm St.. DOVEB; N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. HurBUM and CarrlnE" to Lot. ITT T. tjKPOHT, : Counsellor at' Law, AND MASTER IN OHAlfoERY, llfHca la tlio *Uttonnl Union Bank Jluililliiff UUOFW-DLST., DOVER, N. J. WOODPORT HOUSE, THOMAS VUIGllT, Proprietor, W00DP0RT, MORRIS Co., H. J. rriillB well-known property hit recently baaa X ettcaaiTol; Improved and modernized, for 1he iceommodatlon of tlioio seeking * retirsd jumrner realilouoa. ffitiutoil tt tho lie id of LukoWopitconnlt ii one of the moit deatn- LlnpUoeadf Inltod reiort to bo fonnd within Ihu nms dii'aroo of Now York. In tliemldit of the finest mountiin nconeryof Northern New JOIBOT, willi oxnllenl banting andflihin*, and fine drives,, it is notiurpusodtvanv 'othorja tlo locality. SUcaa loavo Dnver, eklit mites distant, on tie *rrir*l of tho Del. Lack.* Woit.II.B. trains fromMow York In tlio morning, For particulars tddreu •- above. Si-tf VTEIGHUOTJIt A QflUTII, ATTORNEYS i COONSEIiLOItS AT LAW, Cor, BlneliwoU mil Suutoi Sis. DOVER, N. J. -, 1B70. 1-ljr I. II. XEIC1IW0U8. i. O. KU1T1I. C A. OILLE.V, , GciiHt-nl Furnishing Undertaker LICENSED AUCTIONEER AHDCOJISHS- WOHER OF DESD8. All orders promptlj RttonJed to. B D N pp BLUKWEU. BTRSCT, Dor«r, N. J. G K1 Carriages and Sleighs, Of Every Dcierlpllou. Cur. DlaoVffoil and BorgenUti, DOVER, IV. J. Particular attention paid to repairing anil palutiiK. \\y TiOVKIl liAIIORATOItV. Amyt mil Amiyiei of all tTeitu-Ipttenii of OltES.AND JVIINERAIiS CABEFULLY MADE. WiitofenirBeiTfUl bo ftirulihedon application. J)o««r llocila Coonty K. J Allen Palmer & Son, Carpenters AND Builders. DOVEB, N. 1. Jobbing promptly attended to. S. J. PALMER, Architect. «! PIANOS, Organs and Melodeons Repaired and Tuned ny part of VorrU 6>unty. Ad. w.». wnianT, DoTor, N.J. JIOBD D. smni, ATTORNEY AT LAW, xmn, BX. a. " ' n e t : ONDLiOKWEU. STREET, : sttf . .Oricam BidDji'a BISK. JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOOJST, SUSSEX STREET, ('otietiitluMANfllO.vnoOSEandDDrui,): BOTEB, S. J. S'? 1 b , "^ 1 " bM » "lit* nittei In I Th. Tiry luat braida of i Tiry luat braida of F orsignand Domestic Segars . iLWAIBONHAND. : St-U. PASSAGE TICKETS °RAM, HANCE^ CO.'S STORE, I'OBT ORAM, N. Jr> J 1 0 ?^ '!>« principal lloei of itsin * taMB 1J '"^ *- Liverpool at LO' 3 0N0RIU.TIIII] ItB ' soo,ooo BRICK! REDUCED PRICE. BEEMER k,PAX,MEB, DOYEB.N.J. Business Cards. II. A. BENA'ETT, M. O , H OI.ICEOPA.TIIIO WtYSICIAS & SUIiaEOJf, 5 Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., (Oppoiito Dover Bank,) EOVEB, N.J., DUoawa or WoTOoa a n d C U W r n i , mid o! tbe Uja and ^ a r ai>oclalllDi. Ofllco Houra: 71.)fiA. M., H o 8and 7 lo8 P. U, «.M|>d J.L.IAWRENCE, SURVEYOR. Surveys, Levels and Grades made for Public aud Prlvatu Imnruvomenti. OITOIE: SUSSEX STREET, [Near tho Can.lllHaje.] «y LOVBII, N. J. J. M. HASSETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, \ ItOCKAWAY, N. J. ALL OBDEI1B rnOMTTLY A'lTENDED TO. 10-0 J. L. CURTIS, Manufacturer of Segars and DUALEIt IN IMPOnTED ril'ES, TOBACCO and CIOAI18, Oppoilts MAKSIOII IIOtKE, MOBKISTOWN. C. B. GAGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office ou ButBcx Street, Iu tlio Ijulldiug fcmorly oecunlod ai «noaicuLy Uenr;UoFtrlan,iVrit floor. DOVER, it. J. Collecihni. atlimded to with dilJjzuiic*. Also, ^K»ntf«r ttiobyttUfu tuU FJro Iniur- tueo Com\itnict, H-lj, L. W. THURBER, SUI'liRINTENDErrr OP PODLIO flOHOOM OP HOKIII8 COUNTY. o am aEO. ltloHAllDS k Co.'a HTOItK, DOYEB, N. J. IRA C. COOPER, Mason and Builder. Ooniractatakonforalt kiuda of Ifaaon Work id Jobbing. . LUtl!,rLASTEn"ANDCEMteNT, . Fornitlieu at ahart notice," * - Ofllco uauer "Tbo Iron EraOulce," Dovtr, N. J. 17-« iS. E. OSMU.N, Dentist, MOHItlSTOWN, N.J., Solo Piopiioloi* Tor MorriiConnly of Patent Ridge, . Gold Filling a Specialty. Liquid NJiroui Oililo CUl, ic, Ae., Ao. An. 18-yp, Mansion House. 100 TAHDS FB0MP.IJ.4W. DEPOT Wat. DROWN, I'rop'r. .Eicullaut accctuniDiUUona /or tranil«ut or permanent boardon, alia a Uf ery and boarding •table ulladiod to tbo UOIMB. PaiarojieTa Ukan to and from llnda'i Lake aud Lake Hopatcong it reaionable cliargoa. *o-tf.. JTISTER'S AND ALLENTOWN SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AMldOmATED DISSOLVED BONE, BLOOD GUANO, POUDHETTE, PBBUVIAS GUANO, PIASTER. T00111IEE3 BltOTHERS, 13-Gm ..-- ITorriitowu, H. J. AIOLLEU & BACKOFF'S BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS, (COnXER OF BUBBEX kHO CUML HTn.,1 DOVER, If. J . all kinds or 1'OllUUH and liUMEOT'IU LIQUORS and SECARS. Alao WAOKEKniTTK. ADAU L CO.'a cola. brVtodliior. ALEb^MINH1ALWATERS,ot.. eonitantly on haud. MOUiBBlS OTBBA HOUSE, a acaolout Hall to bo lot for all klnuB of e-Etari' laiimonl,. , «»-lr A. Beeiner, . . KEAL.ESTATE AGJSNT, Blackwollflt., near Sussex, Dovor, M. J. HOUSES ANDLOTS FOB SALE. Far doHoripUom of Properly Mud particular inquire *l the ofllco. CONOLLY fc QUAIL, $ SLATEiand MEIAL ROOFERS, t i BOUTII BtU ATEKUE, KEW YORE. QNOLLTS PATENT FEIE.PROOF ROOFS. Roofs repairodanil paiutod. OilnnUed Iroa Cornfcm, dnitori, Leadora »ad VtatiUtnr*. TO. COSOLW. ozor.dK g u n u T EATIIEIt BELTIKQ, l r i l o i o , MaaMnery OIli, ke. QUitlnc anil Mining Powder, Faio, Drill Rleoi, Eatomtri. ic. Cinal Ikrroira, Sliayeli, Pick*, ic, ; •'•""-. 'J.;yoonuEEaBROS. y$m ^ MoxtiisrowK) A. J. AND 1.ET LIVB,V VTRE;^TANDY MAN," , SUSSEX STREBT, DOVE11.N.J., rba keeps comtanllr on haod tlie eliolccal K , O0NF.ECXIOHEIIIE3. , Tovg, npu, Ennlopit, B ob*toanilintliii lection. i Null, DranRia, tfonory, etc.,to S-UilJEEt TRUWAETHA. DENTIST, Goodale & Vought r s Drug Store Whore Lo ptrUlf t ilia expeileiico i>r Boren Ye»r» oloio «]>p)ic*Ut>u fu tba (incties or PflDiliirj, Five of vrbicb lias boon (a tlto Ciijr of Domr. I bare t»kcn »ptcl*l p»im in (bo perfection or lh« Nitrous Ozide G-as, which litUe beiUnoiliiotio now in UH for (La ttlDles. oilnicttan of teeth. I ilia uia tilt saw lai, called the FLUID or COKiUPKBED GA9. tli filled with golil. frnni •l!v«r Hfij emt« to one tiollu one dollar mi, nnd BUCKEYE Mower and Reaper. AND WHEEL HAY RAKE. Beautiful Setl of Tcetl n( ] MCutud fivs, two on erroru mid tliro d d to »30 il ^oofl ga M d Clll Upper iwl under, far 130, m ilio Coo3 ^tv Mis. Mine/ and Cl11.11.lW FrotsdBucllooW»Ui^.rraiil 0 dJ U(jli()[ . aadCfttcllBr , ur lll0 flnl , nine, •uaniinii tu r *»*••• Scow WMWlbllW _ . Dr. J. 0. l Ij0T™K'st 1'. Dr. T. It. CrUtanilan, H , H . Btc!c«Sn, J. I. S. B. Johnst^jgJ^/-^^ Opposite Segur's N e w j j ^ j / Over Uoudnle k Tough's Drug Ht© JgJJJjJ*' I* 1 DOVER, N.J. j ' Total, Ward. ].. 1 li iiuiiinJ, a«i I*, v 8 tfetiock, s. a. 0 4 Ducity, iBt li. 1 3 1 3 A. Dumpscy, 1. f. 1 '1 Joyce, t. }} -j Rudnuy, r. f. 0 8 BUM »I INHtSOI. 1 2 0 i 5 C T I 3 4 O 1 S 1 0 0 0 8-20 0 0 O O O O O O S-6 Itindclplii Vorri., Umpire—Mr. Goo. Schanck of Bcorori—Itaudolplu. W. B. lloutimw f Mor- ris, Punk Moutgomerj. Tiuio of Owio-Two hours anil tun PS III PI 0 m W tf E-« M M H ra OS t= GO CLOTHING HALL. J.W. BABBITT, PKACTICAL TAILOR. TITAN* y « » I" tlio clothing bulnm In LYLi MOllRISTOWH,fanbuilt UP a Urg« and increaBlns tnde »ni nowtuida >UD city In ill line.with thelargestitoro, hrgoit itoek, best workmen and low prleoi. Men'* all Wool Double und Twist fi"it* only - - S1O.O0 Good Heavy Suits - - 0.00 " Working. Pants - 1.00 » " w extra 1.60 Good WorktDS Pauti Double extra - - . $9. . larga aeauttinclttioCtFLtttC CLpTQIMa far : i b J and BOYS. l;,Qyma-»,m.i£Wl OF PAKTS. ^-Ut«niib^^a|t)tji.JaW;PrIcoa for good cbtli- ly. . . , ,• 'J. W. BABBIT. MBS. A BEEMEB ta nowraid* wltb. all tlia now ilyUi for SPRING of 1875. Fashionable Millinery AND Fancy Goods. THE Latest Styles & Newest Designs KSARIiT OrrOSIXI HiTIOMlI. DK1OH BIHX BTHLDUI0, X>OT=B, IC. J. Tlifl - h » u t md xotiit eampltt* ilook tfHilll- cry and Fine/ OOOIII to ba found la Dor»r eomprlilnr ers, "Ribltoni;: JLaces—real and *mi(atiou--Netktiei and Hows, Collars, Loco and Xineii Seta. Crapea,Mourninr Bonnets and ItoH«, Afineassortment cf hignons, Switches, Braids, &c. Alao, a Tary large rarioty of ZEPHYR GOODS, And a gnBBlock ot Ladles' Furnishing Goofls. E«rjtli!QE sMitlia U«t mitwlal tud mide op ' i most eoapeUnt asslatants. W. S. &> E, F. DeCAMP, tfEQOTrATORS & PROSPECTORS for Iroa Ores nail Mineral Property, 'OWERVILLE.'N. J. P. O. at BOONTON, N. J. w.S.DrCiMr- F.D.P. riO Anutbor ol t l » cracked «la«t of llw St»U- ih* Aihlotic Association of Onnge-capio to Dovor,onTiioidayaoil aaiTerod defstt >t Ilii of llio Himlolphi, l a t o H . Etcb tilm nisbltniMdelxtinioB. Thi Randolph! wool to the b«l flint and lor two innlngi failed to Q- >.i..«o], j a mo flrat tnejr got on« man i full aud elejEkiit m o r t m t u t , GBO0 R RIES of all klndi audof tlio toil H A.KDWARE of llio Loil qn.lltloi of II10.N ail STEEL, In- rludltiff Mcclianica' ToolB. FURNITURE. CARPETS & OIL CLOTH, of thalatoit aiid uaudiotnaat deniun*. MINING MATERIALS, POWDEIt, FUSi:, BOOTS and SHOES, Lime, Cement and Fertilizers. OUTLEIIV, GUNS and PISTOIA Dliorllng Towdor and FtBulna; TKCBIB. TUX CKI.EBn&T£l) CUT PAPER PATTERNS of Frank Losllo's ladies' Journal. Call and bo convinced tint it pays joa to hnj for Ciih laileid of credit, E. LINBSLEY & SON. WILLIAM SIMON, MERCHANT TAILOR, And dealer In Ken's and Children's Ileidjr- Jlatk Clothlnc SUSSEX ST., [3d door from Blictwotl,] BOVEH.N.J., noviocoa lo Vho public l\,*t bii stuck ot svoit comiiiiseB ail uuuuially flno agiorttueut of Cloths, Fttnov Ci.alniores mid VeptnicB. by tho yard cut tout withoutcLarpo,ornitilo tuunkr •t Uio sbortont Dotico. Also ccnitanllr ot band a Urgo luhtj ot Qtaln' I'urnisbiog Qoodi. I p«tleul*rly «ll atieatlon toaiy SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, Ai being nrel^llr selected and offomil at prieoi taauittbotimei. Iconaiilor mrsolf in djrocl cgjiMtltion with Newark and Now \otV clotb- ing Loiwei. and ly rcferonco to injr pricci tlie pnUoirlllroadiljdlicaratlikt I imuMitral •itbemoatliboral. Snncj Street, 9d door from DUctwcIl, -ly. ' WILLIAM BIMOH. The New Empire Hot-Air, Gas & Base-burn- ing Cooking Stove. TUE BBBT BAKING STOVE IN THE WO BLD At«o, » Lirgo AsBorlmeot of otbor fltjUi of .CMkinj^atoiei, «anB«, I"«rlor " ; atotei, 4e., ^ FOR SUMMER &WINTER USE. Mto, a cbolco itock of Hardware, Cutlery, 01m*, Woodoa, Copper, riain and Japanaod TINWAI1E. Oil Glottia, Carpets. Lampi, Ptintu IDJ Oils, rd Ogii, F«a£li<n, Prait'i Astral Oil (non, ploiiTO.) AJio, DEALER IN COAt. Roollng, Flunibing and Job IVork promptly nHeiidcd to. nONNELL'8 P-VTENT BTEAll COOKIKQ APrAIlATUS. ^aliiiaiik'B Scales at MuiHifuc- turer's prices; Old. Iran, Copper, It»ai, Lead, ltok'« and QrennbacK* ttken In eiehioco fur euodi. JAME3 H. B11UEN & Co., 1873. 1 JUDB01VCOE, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. OrAen left ai M. H. Dick»r»on'i itore, or *\ my roildonco on BERQEN at. will racolTelm. medial) attention. 2i-Sn INSUBANOE A SPECIALTY. E. & G. H. Ross & Breese, OEKKDAI, FIUK AMI LIFE Insui'anco Agents, Offlcc, Olil IloilUniik UuildiUB, Morristown, N. J. !u*l.s IIOBU, GKU.1I.IIOM, KTUI-IIES UUWJI] A. J OOE, Collector, DOVER, N. J. COMPANIES ltEPSESENTED. Amcrioaa Mutual Inc. Oo., at Kevarit N.X, Asactiowr $1,100,000 U.rcliuuU' Mutual Iui. Oo., of Hswark H. J,, Assets oicr 600,000 Fireman's Kutun] IQB. OO-, of Kenark, H. J, Aunt-over 500,000 Germania Uutunl IDS. OO., of lTowark N.J, Oajitsl, 200,000 Etna Iiiutauoe Oompany, or Eartford, Oouu., ASBOU, 6,000,000 Continental Insurance Oompnuy, of Son Tori, Capital, 1,000,000 Mutual Bonollt Life Ins. Oo,, of Newark. N.J,, Auott, 20,000,000 WILLIAM HARRIS, JBWEI ussex Street, Dover, N. J. JLUV* HBJIU \\3 IBIUQfr .BIVIIBa^BBtB, a^B BI.J euaUniiers vtilb lottor iceoiuiuoditiuiia and a larger stock of goods tlianercr bo fore. k rvu. UKK or WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND SILVER PLATED WAItE of now Jeeiijuii—uniHrjiflBfied In HIM section. HVEUlkli A'lTENTION UIVEN TO Fiisris WORK. All kliuli of repairing carofullj and promplij dons. Feollng under oltllgatians lo tbo public lorpantfaTori.IhopB bj good work and r»lr dicllng tonor-it acontlnnanea or tho name. H-tf WM. HARHia, Fortliai)roponcditnofldaionL doslgnaled soc- Uoii one of wttclo two. rulatife to "Itifbt of For tha proposed amondmont. dorignated ar - lion two of nrtlcletwu, roUllrnlu "Ill Bht For tlie proponed mi on dm out, dotlgnattd pargraph soven of ttecllua four of artlcla four. Vox the propOBoa siaoutliaont, deiiR&Mod iiarajtraph throe of eactlon one of trtlclo four, relative ta "Letflftlatlvo j" For tlia proposed Rtnondmeiit, ilnilgnttoa linragmph four, tec lion sufoii of irliole four, rolnlivo to"LoglilaltTO |" For tho proposed amendment, doilguatod imregrtph nil. noDtfcn BOTCH of article fuur,rcl- tlvotoLcgiBlHtTe; For tlio propoflcd amendment, designited inrngriph eight, sectionfluTonof urtiola four, iolmlve to "tesfa'atlyoi" For tho propoBud atiioudruont, deiignatcd paragriph nine of nection levou of articlu four, lNtVval "Lcgnlatiroi 1 nt, Aea.snatod arOErtJ'li eiuron, Bcction a oven of artloio four, relative to"Logialatira;" For liio promised amandtnent, deslffnat parcgrapU iwolvo, section IOVOR of article 101 relativota "Lcgislatlro," Fur the proposed amendment, dcslp-natod tmragrtnli. two of aoctioa tight ot trticls itrar, ^tatlTota^LasiKlatlvo;" For the propoicil atnecdmont, pansrapli PIS, of articlefi«,relnfi esntlTo;" F t CHE TER MARBLE WORK . J. S. H1I.DEBRANT. Monuments, Tombstones, &c, HADE TO OllDm IS El'EBY StlXE, T UEuudBrfilRnedbecahnTa toannoanco to tha nubllo ttmt lio la non prepared lo man* uracturo and will keep constantly on band tbo MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MANTLES, fcc. Cematerr plots enoloaed ol Granite aud Mar- Ma Posta. Eferj Job TrarrauloJ to gifo com- ilcta BallBfactlon. Price, modpralc. J. S. HILDEBBANT, OproHirn OHESTKH HooflK, 10-lj cnESTEIl, N. J. J. HAIRHOUSE, («DCCE8S0n TOX. JUIBHOIHE t BHO.,) Cor. Blackwell & Sussex Sts., DOVER, N. J. r*l reduction in prices of JEVBLBY, SOLID GOLD IlINGS ri»in EiiurtTuil, Bnimel'dtndEagliKi-tonicd. TERA CHAINS *nd GENTS' VEST CHAINS. GOLD AMD 8ILVEE THIMBLBS, SFECPAC1ES kad ETE GIAS3C6 of ill da- uipLioni. add, SUver,' Btcel, ltiibt»r-ftnd putoil for fluoocj and gonortl eicelllonco, I tna ilio idding to m j itock newitjUs in i,rt!elo* of lolld if liar and pitted van, in.Ublo for voddlDK propeiiti. POUKa, SPOOKS, md article! for tillo me at srotlly rodoaed prlcei HAIR JEWELRY. g of orerydD*cript!on contitned ia l»d- og pttteru booki, can bonude to order. E»PDC!I.\ ulU&tbn ftlvntt to tbo ELGIN WATOn.KOVEMENT, »llcd tho Avery Watch, Alao, agent for tho Hovrird, Walllmm, Sprlngflold and Pai-ri Watch. HoFslrInB n gpeckltj tad wtrratitrf. ENGltAVnJQ NEATLY DONE. "PEOPLE'S STORE. 1 lONE PBIOIS ONLY.) i r m a , miBTUta, r a i o w CASIND, Ticn NELt, BLIKKETB. dUtLTt — UlllSClX i coaD utjt ITITCIIED ; FRIKTB, QUIDII B, COTTTOH AND won inn), cum vr u n i c a * ctKTB 1 ronrca' ANDci[ii.onEN'B VND S. W, S. DAI1BITT, i uonnferowir. K. J. LIIAl'TIilt CCCXXVII. >u Att loprovide fur aubuaittlnK iTiiiioitci Ainoudmcula to ilio (Joimtltu tiiim of tills HUt Id tlio jlOQp.O lllllfCOf, VtititEjiM, curtain proiioBcd aoiondmciilij to th cuiirjtltntiitii of tint niateofNow Jeruey WLTC al tbu (oHHiuii of Itia IcgiBlaluru of lltls itat 11111107(111- eiKhtei'ii miuileU awl tuvcutj- l''HI', iKCcod to by h majurity uf ILo liKJiubtra c'luiitod Ui eneti cf t]io two huunon Ilicroof, and otitfruion the JDUroiiln of caoliuf said IIOUH- v«, v>iu» \\it v».i nmlitnvn tal>ou thorcun, nnil roftimt] lulfiolcpltihhiru tliunaeit toboclm- «I-II ; AM' wiu.r.t.Aft, i tic? taid propoitcd amend- niunU IVLTOiml>llalioil AMicmiind by Ibu HlltllUull , AKD>'lf);E£A.I, ill lljO logialakUBU tlien tiuit fLouup, being tlio lugislalura now in BKrucil to by aina[oritj' of all tha men . eke•(.•(! to oatUi bouue; AKD VTUEUUS, tbs • iiiiHliinliiin of Ilii* il»Uj rtijulreH tUoleghk- turuiu iiilniilt auuti iirojiOHod ainenilinoiit* a* luvo lit?i!li acfBud fo o* nforeuld to tha pMojilA at aepuclal ulcctiou toba held for that purpoBQ only; therefor*. 1, itt: IT KiuuTKD uytho relate and 0on oral nBBMnbij of tbo State of KewJeraej, Tliiton Tngndiiy, tbo ioveuth cUr of BoiiLomber next an olecflnD sltall lw bold in tlie sevsral town slii|)s aud wntds of thli Htato, at the place or ilncea Itt each uf said townships cr wards wliero itie laid election for go*oriior nu held, to ena- jla thcol(iolor»r]mlii1sil to voto for losnibori ol tbo legiilitura to xuttl'tntor hgalnit oncli of siicii propoauU amonduonli to the con*titu- 'i. AND IIL IT EXACTED. Tbit tfie juJgoi of eloctloti ni tho acicral lowBeliips and irirda nbu itiall bo iuoffice DO tlio *e Ton Hi da; r k'liltuibor uuil. shall bo iLn jadgas of wld elei ion. and tlie polls ghall bo opened and cloic it llio tlnios now flud by lawfor open inft an_ :lailng of polls at tho annual election In thii itato, nud tho eaid oloolion Mball bo conduetct jy tlio samo otuccm and In tlia tnannor tiowro lulrodbylaiT In conducting tlio annual dec- IOIIH lu thli siftto, milciii otLorniio directed In tins nut. 3. ASWJIV-IT KKUSFJ), Thital vav\i etcctlmi jacliTOtprmiyprpdenta ballot oawliicli slul bo writlon or printed, or partly writton or nartlynrluUid, 10 tboruria following, namely; IA,r til i.roiiOHiUom on tils ballot which arc not cancelled with ink or pencil, and ag*luat i " which aro so cancelled; For tbe proposed amoidt)ieii.,dei!gniti)du&r- graiih nineteen to article one, relative to Flights and jirivltoROB;" "IT the liropuscu amendmont, designated graph twontv, artiolo one, rclatlva to etcd "Ei- For tha proposed amendment, dcslgiiatod ir*ET»^U Bvvon, ofarticlo five,rolativo tu "Ex- For tha proposed amendment, doaignatcd parugnpli cigUt, of irtlolo Jlvo, relative to "Ei- Fur Aio ptopoind atnondutnl, dosignatod piracnipli fire, of section one, of article seien, rolamo "Appointing poffor and tonuro ot of- pitipfiittil Mnendnionl, floiSgti linragraph nine, of soctlon one, of Article on. relatiro to "Appointing power ind teauro of For tha proposed cmendmont, designated ..iracrtph ono, scctlou two, of ortlclr relative to "Appointing power and t< often;" For the proposed amendment, designated irasraph two, section two, of artlclo r,oien, JILUIVO to "Appointing powor and tonnra ol of- For' tho proposed amondraont, dcilgtiatei] parnpniph three, section two, of article seven, relative to "Appointing power aid tenure of of- flco;" . For tbe proposed amendment, designated paragraph four, tootion two, of artlclo sown, relative to "Appclntinj power and tenure of For tho proposed amondment, deuJpstod paraarapli five, of norllon two, of artlelo seven, rolatwe^o "Appolnliog ponor and ttmuxo olol- For tbo pn>i>oBod amendment, paragraph six, bf BOOIIOD two. of artlolo seven, relative to "Appointing powor and tonnro of For tho propoitd amradmont, designated irsitrapb BOvan, section two, of artlela IOTQD, jlatlve to "Appointing power and tenure of DlHofl;" For llio proponed ameodmont, desl^ paragraph plW, loellon two, of artiolo aevon, dativo to "Appointing power and tenure of of- fice ;" For the proposed amondmont, doaignfttod parapraph nine, sootlon tiro, of trtlclo BOTDII, roljvtWolo "Appolntbfr powor aud tonaroof of- flco;" Eor the propoied amendment, designated nuramph ton, acotbn two, of irtfclo soren, elattvo to "Appointing power and tenure of of- 4.'AKD BBIT KRAeisD, Tliivt <SKU ot said ti»I- lota shall bocountod as a vote oaiit for oach pro- position thereon cot cancellod with Ink or P*n- ell, and nealnat each propositlan in c&ucelhd, and return thereof sliall bo made accordingly by tbo Judges of election. B. AHD HE IT ENACIEO, That all pornons ou- titled toTOlolntllBitatefor luemWra of tlio cgiHlatnre, at tho tirao of ikld a lection, shall, In thofrreRpcctire toirnshlnB and wards, be en* titled torote at the poll whore they wonld ho .titled to voto for. membera of tbe legislature. 0, AND BE ITIKAOTKD, That afUr flntlly doiing tho polls of auch dice tIon, tbo faded of election ihall count and canruss tbo ballots git- en, roUlWo \a onth ot tbe said propoita amen a- ments to tho constitution, and thereupon stiall sot down In writing tlia wliolo nombor of Totes givea for-cioh of Ibo laid proposed amend* monts In tho words in which tho mid propoied amendment la hcretnboforo jrlvnu, and tho wbol* number of votrs nireti against oich of tha nidpanoBed imcndrnenU as hercEutiafore given, and ihall csrtiry and lubicribs A attic lentofthercaultofttio same, and came thr ime certiOed tobe dsllvorad by a mcseoneui mpoinled by thorn to tbo secretory of utata of tills aUto wltliln ODDweek after *M clcctlou, who shall forthwllh fllo tbe eamo in his ofllco i au cjfllclal irui>ur. 7. AND HE n E»ACTED, That H sbsll ho tho duty ot the governor to summon to attend him, ou tlia twonty-flrnt diyafter such eUcilau, funr ir more nf tbo members of the Denote, who shall noot on tho Ustmtncddiy hi the uenito cbatn- lar.lntho cltyofTriinton, at ttio hour or two o'clock T. M., andtbey, with the govornor, shall comliluto «. boiril otaUUciiwfttatti lo eni- vass andestimate tha votesglvon for andasalna t Dtch of <ald amcndmentfi, and tlia said board ofitito canvaiscrB ihall proceed to organize mil determine tbe remit according totho pro-, visions of tha act entitled "An act toroeoltto oleotiom," approved April ilstconUi, elghtoen hundred amfforty-six, so tu thoyiro appli- cable, and shall dotermlno and declire wbloh of said proposed amondtnenta bare botn adopt- ed, and shall, forthwith delifor &-talemoutof ' eresult aa to eioh amendment to the necre- rvofatatoof tfalBState, liouiedin biauuloe . an official paper, and anv propoioi] amend- inont wbich by a»id ctrtlAcato and ditonnina- tion ol UID l)oart\ nl itate nntiBBcrs snal. ap- »ar to bava recolved fa Us favor a majority of all tbe TOtcs cast in tho statd for and against •aid proposed amendmoiit shall, f r o r ' 1 "-- " Ilfng laid andtdd t •The Ic Dinco ami support or a tlioroagh And »fllcii._ system of free public uchuoli ibr tho inntructiOL ofalHIio cuildrou iu tliitt stato batwetn tlie agesoffivoand eighteen yc^rs." Strike out paragraph 9, an followa ; "8. Tlio assent ot tbroe-flftliB of tho mcuiben eloctod to oich bonne sliall lie renuiillcd to tin. TMMffo pt overy law for Hrantinjr, oontiauing, •altering, ainundiii? cr renewing charters fur banks or uionoy corporations; and all such charters shall bo limited to aterm not exceed- ing twenty yoarg." (Jli»iifO tto cumber of prusont pan to 8. Imcrt tit p*iigtfcV)\i &, % now p»rat follown: "0. Noprivate, special, or local bill ihall »e r issod, unless public untfeo uf tho intention to apply therefor, Mid oftho gcnoral object there- imendmcnt toanv part of tbo comUitution of .biBitate, and It snail bo tbo duty of tlio gov- srnor of thU Bttta forthwith, a.rtor autU datac u.inition, toisina a proclamation declaring which of aald propoaid amendments liare been " ' * b j tho people milTEHiCTiD, Thst this act, togeth- " Md proposed atnendmontB, ehiu „„ all tha newspapers which wero kvtboriicd by law on tha first da; of January, eighteen hundred and iaronty-flto, to publish tho lawi of this state, and the flimo snail bo pabllsbcd tntho Biid nBwspapcra for four weolta next •rocoodlng Mid election onooin eicb wo«k. and noothgrfuhlication shall be made ttt atld newnpapen, but nenlsator Allure to iiublishaa ilbreeaidihall notimpalr IhsT&lidltyofBUch election, and tho secteUrjor flt»tc*b*,l fur- nish a copy or this law to ctoli of said newspa- 0. AHD ns ITEMACTID, Tliat tb» nanio nollco of tbo election provided for by Una inLIu tbo townships and wards of tbo it *-to slinll ba givim is is now required bylaw In c*«o of the annaal ilcclion for membors of tho loglsuture. 10. AUD HE rr INACTED, m a t nil oillcora of election who shall isciit In conducting nild election sball rucolvo Uio tumo eoraponoation and bo pkld iu tho aame maanor us Is now pro* vldnd by law IDMHOoftho annual election. 11. ADD lEirj-jucrai, Tbat no law respect- Itig thorogistrttiou of voters ahall boapplii'i- blc ta tho eloction provided lor by this act. 12. Awn IIEIT ESAOTED, That it ahallbotho duty of the so ere tary of at* to to prepare nud mro printed a tnfflclont numhnr of tlie ballola irovldcd. for tn this act In llio form herein pro- vided for tlio use or tho Totem of tho Htato, ind shall, at least two weeks before tbo timo Iked hereinforuld election, UinemU to tlio cletk (if each county In this (into asalUciout number for tho uea of thoTO tori of thnt county, add ii shall bo tha dity of Ihoclerk or oach comity, it lout ono weak before Raid eloction, to traua- _nlt lo tbo judges of eloolion ineach polling district oflui county a suQident ncrabcr for lomoof thomt#roof such polliuR distriot. 13.AXDBEH uJicTKD, Tbat thu act'shall to eJTaot imtneJiatelV. Approrod April 8,1875, [Proposeil Ai)iendiuL>iit8 tu the Constitution of (lie State ofNew Jersey.] ASTICLE 1 UKlllTH iMJ 1'I1IV1L1:(1CS Inwrl as p»r(fira|ili 1!>, a ih-w iiircKtiph, ililji i/r V i 11 k « «" HTA J1 boroafu'r^Vvu MIV money or juiijierlf, (irlu»:iiln iiiunry or uruilit, lu or In aid nl inyindividual, BMHiiciatitiii or cor no. ratiun, m'I'CL-nitio sfcL-urilr for, or lu directly or Indirectly lh«uirnurof, anyttoct or boutlt of axxtclatinn or corporation." SO. N'odouBllun of land ur apprGprUtluit Q money slutl Ixi mado by tlia stilo or any muni- cipal cnrp"i'a'iuii to or for ttio nso ofauy BOL-IC ly, auiociatiou or corjioratlou wti»toTor," oiitfw tlio miiiiliur cf lire sent paragranb Jl Altnt'LE II. no doctor in thaactual 1 uiilUA'jr ucrvlcu of tbo itatu.oroftlie Viiiled HUtaa, mth« army or navy Ilieranr, abu.ll lu tluiirivud or Ina votu by reanon of his abnunco Irou ancli election dli- trici; *nd the Hlulituro nhall havu porror tu pro.we the nunnur in iTiiicb, aud thu limo and placott vtUlub,cui:l.ah»ut4ilt!ctQr»n)ai vo' and rur tbo return »u4 CAUVUM of llicii vol.. '-•' ' :lion district* niwlitdi tlieyrespcc- User „.. a—.strike ontthe wordi "lecoud Tuoiiiaf of October," and lim-rtiu iitu tli-ruui tUo wm&* "flrat Tuevilay tttcr tlio llrst Mi day in NuvQiuber." •|ih 7-fltriioout Ihg Mlovrliie trords: iponsalbn fur Ibelr uor-ieei, tu Its at- cortaiued uy law, aud paid out of tint treasury oftho itatu; which cunapeniatlou 8hi.ll uot ex- coea thi Hum of thrui uollin per diy for tho i»riod of forty diyu from tiin commencement ol tbe BOIIIOD, and a hall nut exceod tlio sum uf one dollar and fifty cents per day fur tlio re- tnatndor oftho iciiion. WLun con TO nod iu ei- tra Besilou l>ytbe governor they sUall recoivo auch sun ai iballbo ilxed for tbo flnt lorty da; uftuaotdiimyimlou. 'i'bey iU*H ilsorecoi*- tho sum of ono dollar lor cwry leu iniki they Bball trtvollu goliiR to sn<lraturnlng frora their place of mooting on tho moit usual route," —and Insert in lha lieu tberoof tbe following: 'Annually the sum of fivo liuudred dollari during, tbo lltuo for irliicb they ihall Lava boon elected, and wliUoUisy &l.i\l\;o,d ttiuirufnce audnaothiraUoiranceoremolumcDt,dIrectlyoi '-ldixectly, fur any purpotu whatovor." Also itrilio out llio words "per dloni." SELTIOMVII. Paragraph (-Add tu tho paragrapli tlio ful lowing: "Nti law shall bo revived or ameudud by ref- motoflB tltlo only, but thit ant revHud, oi tho scutiou or'sections aniniidcd, ilnllboin- Bttrtad at longlh. No guiinnl law nil all«in brace auy proHfrion of a privati*, BJHJCUI or local ebar- aotor. Noactshillbo pased which eha.ll pro- - - • my, or aiiy part tlereof, .. . _. cii aparlor tlioict oi which sliall enaot that any oiibting Ian-, or anj pirt thoruotT, eball bo applicable, except bv in< aortlngitininuhftet." * ' raraeraph C-Irmert the word "free" ho- I.WOOQ tlio word "pablio"*nd the word "achoola," ect th The d apply therefor, Mid oftho gcnoral objt( or.skaUhkvobeouprovtaiinlyRivcu. 1_. „„ Isfhluro, at tho nott uositiou after tbo adoptbi thereof, and from tltua to timo theretftar, th&l preBoilho tbo time and tnodo of giving sucli no tice, tha evidence thereof. j\nd howtucb evl- denco Blinllboiircaorral." Insert B8 paragraph llf a uow piragripli, as "Jl.'Xlio legialaturo sliall not tiatja prlvato, locator ipoulal laws in any of tbu following itueritcd cates, tbat !• to say ; 'Laying out, GtrUiiljg, allurltii; aud twrklug roadi ormchw'.yH, 'Vacating anyroad, tuvru plot, street, alley nubile Bromide, 'ltogttliting tho internal ifTalrs of towns tad couutiua; appointing local offiacNorcommiRsloaN 0 rocuHto nmuloipaV auilr&. "Selecting, drawing, mnimoningor cmpauol- j grand or petit jurors, "Creating, increasing or decreasing the pur Kulaga or allowance of publlo ofllcori duriug Lo torm for which said ofilecra wore elected atiou. association or ndlvldaal auy eiciustvo pririlept, imniuuitr sr francliiBo vrliktover, "(Iranllnc to BUT corporation, aeaocation or inJIvldual thu right to laydawn railroad tracks. "Providing for changes of vonno in civil or rlinlnal caaci. "rrovidlUK for tlio mapagenieut and support iffreo nnbllc scbools. "TlieiiDgislutura sbillp»«i gancral laws pro- •idini forthoeaaortouainoifttod in thU para- ;rapb, and. for all othor CUDS nhich, in its udgument, niiy ba proTidad far by general aw*. Tho loglalatnre shall pm no inocial act conferrins' corporate powers, but tlioy shall pass general laws uudor vrbtcn corporations may ba organised and corporate poweri of ovcry Jislare obtained, lubject, norcrlboleif, o repeal uralttrallou at (lto will of tlio Icgfs- Inso'rt al paragt apb, 13, a now piragrapb, n "IX Properly nfcall be inacusod fur tutu un- der genoral laws, and by uniform rulei, tecord- SEonoHmi. iscrt ai pangrapb 2, a noir pan grip li, is l i v e r y officer of tliokgialatoro iiliall, bo- ho enters apouhis dutt»s take and lubicdbo ruHoffing oitli or aDlrrattiou ; "I do sol- __jly urotnuoind suair (urafflnn) tliat E will raltblullT/impBrtlslly and Justly perform ill tho datle* of tbo ofllctj of——, toiuo boit of tny ability and undorstiiodlng; tliat I will cnrolnnj nrenerv* allrecord*.,(inpem, TrrUlnis orpropurty ontrustnd to mo tor safe keeping by ' 'tua of my- clHco, and ninko (uuh Oinpoi- an of Ilia simo as may hu required by l'arsgraph C—After the word "legiBUtura," vbors it occun llrst in uid parasr&pb, iustrt IIQ words "or tlio eonsto tloDe." l'arigmph 7-Add lo tbtr ptraj;ra|)b the fol- twlag : "If any bill presented to tho governor cou- alu aavurel itoinn or appropriation of mouej, ty object lo DUO or inuro uf auch items wuuo approving or tbu other portion! of tlu bill. In such cuo ho shall append to tho Ml, attbcUnioofiilgulDK it, a statement of tlio items to which Uo oujacta, aud tlie approprli- ion io objected to ulisll cot take effect. If tlie, 'glBUtura bo in aicaslon be ulifttl tr»n«init to la bouBDlu -nhiuh tho bill orginatuu acoiiy of inch •Uton.sut, mid tho Items objuctod tu shiil tie BOparatoly reconsidered. If, on recoiuidsr- itlon, ono ot moru of nuoli items bo approved >y a majority of tbo matubern elected tu cacb honso, tho tamo sliall be a part of tbo law, not- withstanding tlio objeotloun or tlie Rovornor, All the provisions ot ttila suatteu in rorattoas tu bills not lapprovod by tbo corurner ahull apnlytocasDBfn whicli ha iliall witbhold bis approval from any Item or itoms contained iu a bill approprlatiuK muncy." ParignpliS-Addto tho paragri|)h tha ful- "Kor nliall hoboolwlcd by tbo kslHlaiuro io any office under thegovernment uf this ntato or of tbo United mates, during tho terra rur which bo BUkl) liavo boon clacled gorarnor." ABTIULEVn. KILITIA OmCEUB. Paragrapu 5-Af tur the words "major centr- ali." itiBsrt tho words "tbo adjutant giir—' and quartorina.tor coueril." l'anvgnph 0—Strike, out the words "thoadlu- int genors), qnartowiaater gcuornl and," Ainu strihuotittho word "other.' EEcnas II. 1—Striko out tbo word "ami 1 i ual) I tbe p a h d i t tbo word"a e patacriph, and als" tbo follow ifi t Pamgrapli 1—Striko out (wliero it occuis ural) In tbe sert after tlio word "appeals" tb words: "and Judges of llio inferi common picas." Cbwipo tlio number ofprosent paraew number li. Ruditrike tborefram tb r d in ing t f tlio number ofprosent paraewph 3 0 number li. Ruditrike tborefram tbo rolloir- ing words i "and Iho keDper and Inspeolois of ito BLRIC ptiaoa;" txA insert in Hou tlicroo tlio wordrt "and comptroller." Aluo, ulrilro out tho words "ono Tear" In tbi aecoud clauie of pirairrapb 3 of acction 2, ani icBcrt Inlien tliewol tbo word» •'tliroo jouri. 1 Chango Iho number of present paragript 1 to number 3, and slriks out tho word n »cd' wboro it octus botTiean tbo word "chaucorv' aud tho word "secretary." Alw, insert after tlio word ( 'iUU n tho words "and tho keoper of tho lUto priion." Cbn'ico tin: intmljor of present immytaiib 5 uuiubur 4. C'liauKo the uuuihur of preueut parnf rajili to uuiufttc l>, audBtrlkd tUetvfrom ll>«war "annually." "annual"aud"tbey may lm i e - tclnd until they •hnllaorve tliroeyear«. but L hinBor." Insert atter tlie word "BUBUbly" til lulluwltif; vrordi ; ">ud tluty sltutl hold tliun (jfticofl for Ibrooyo*." j" ami acid totlio i>:mi< crapb tlio rullotrjnf-ffui'dfl; "ulinriHj bliiitl an' •nallj retibw their Iwwli." Change tbe nuiiiU'rur iircaciit parasni* [o number?. i (Jliaiiro tlio iiuiiit'cror jirusutit- ^aragrapii to riunibor H. CIi*ni;e Ihonimiljcr of ptcHcnt pungrijib to iiumlur a. Chanco tbo number of prunont pangrspti \it nuiultor IU. Mural Kstliuate oi Aloxundcr. One ciiunot toad tlio details of battle (intl fire and ravftge of peaceable homes without fleeing tlio rout ntnoiiut of Buffer- ing, of starvation nud ol mined prosper- ity entailed by this ruthless conquest over a vast arch ot country. If it had been followed W a totat overthrow o old cormutiEff despotism jtnd ti.o ~iotro duction of nobler uintUutions wo raighl suy it was a dreodfal prico paid for i great good; but wlieu Alexander cure' fully jirosurved nl) tho worst Peremn iu- stitutionfl, who will eliotv us any good nl nil from it 7 Ba successfully aid he nt tho pavt tif a mcro Asiatic, boru iu ase- radio, tlmt PtrBiun tradltiou und tbe ccTebrntod Pemfln epic repr&tant liimn a younger Parflian Prince who dothrou- ed his own brother, and so nuccooded to Wa throne, If wo ask, wherein did lie iinprova Persia? wagotlram HOUIO tlie reply, "He diffused a inowlodgo ot the Greek language." Yattholaugangoand Greek literature could not Bare Greece itself front decoy, sur from worse and worse corraption undar the despotism which ho Impoifld nhd b«quta.tli*d. Ha exposed bis own lifo recklesaly, inoutb by moctb, jet navor took &single pre- caution far tbe bonofit of the eiupirfl in oaso of bis death. Tiitu is in perfect barmony with tho essoatiat egotism oj his character. 3a beliorcd himself thr most generous of mankind, because hi gave away tlie fruit of other men's lnbo to bis Btldiers; and he frequently boast' ud tliat ho retained liotlring for himsolf, when ha was oluiming supreme powe tner all their property, their lires But their honor. At lost, irlien they n*it be vras dytngr, they implored him to name bis successor; but to tlie qacstion, "To whom do you leave tie empire 7" he would Rive no other amwir than. *To tha strongest man among you," Hereby he entailed on Asia tho new misery of •wenty years' civil ivnr nmong the gencr- ils. The mischief to Gre'eeo iu ench now generation TTOB worao and woreo. Free- lom *n*BS almost everywhere orushed.— All tlieyoaug men had to nsleara pa- triotism and accept tlio creBd that to be- come nierconuy soldinrs jnAaia or suf- fer conscription under a tyrant flas life [good ODough for a Greok. That geuiaa in Oroeaa perished with Demosthenes is BO often romnrkod that it is difficult te nderstand how any scholars blind tUoni- Glves to tho eridonco that Alexander was the ftsmsiii both uf liberty and goa- ius. Of course, the evil results from th* jyerthrow of law and of nil gembtanae f right could not appear at ones. Tlie Tut avstuni of standing armies under- mined ia Greece industrial pursuits, cul- tiyation of tha soil and family lifo, Tlie lama mult, depopulation, fojlcmed tut taly from tha demand of m«o for the Roman legions, and we cannot be wrong ia tracing to the cause the marked and stetdy deeay of population in Crraeco.— As to Asia, we hove no docunaoats to ack ftfljertion up, bat nothing visible ienotei that under MocDdoDian or l'ar- tbian despots tliinga wcra bettor than uadur i'oraian. ^Vhilo prinoeaare bom iu n earaglio and practice polygamy from an early agono oyal dynast; is long ta cotnmau mta in body or mind. - To join personal das- potiBm to polygamy is fatal to all endur- ing good goTtrsmeut; jot this is exactly what Alexander did. Of darahla pros- perity ha laid no foundations. Mili- arj poit« ia abundance lie p.svQEod and foitiflfid t docks for ohipbailding ho ea- tablishad ontha tiTers of tha Panjab ; bat how could he hope to obtain allegi- ance from the people ? Ho depended on. mere force. When his back uru«d they revolted. Ho ^ight - Bay, as Napoleon I, enid, "Ah! I cannot le crerywhera." Wlion au iDdiau -ing—MuBicftuuu—revolted, AJoxandor ia revenge rsred to. tho mound the walls of the cities which ho hud placed d M i d d d t h p l TUE tihKVK HILLS. Prof. Junnoy has telegraphed .to tlie iDUsrior Dopartjueut that beliaa discur- ercd gold iu laying quantities. It is JorLTcd from qannzleigea of ouormoua diiueiiGionu in belt clay, slats and quartz. The bolt is twenty miles wido, und tlio htreums have a haul of water sufficient for working jmrpoHea. Tho yield ii from four to cigbt centi par pan. About tuoLundred miners bavo ilrcady nrrireil and others aro flooding n. Thera tto thousands of people now out of linplojDieut, and tlifl result of this despatch will ho to draw many of tliem. thither ia tbo uanrch fur gold. Tbe Commissionrra Bout by Congress are now ia that country nvgctiatiog for tlio laud, audit would be butter that they eliould pay twioo tho pries that was offered Uet Spring rather ttmn tiio pl«dg& ol wliite man, to respect tb«ir claims to thii land, should bo broken or tbat another Indian war should bo Iho remit of theso inva- sions. Tlio classes of mou who go among tho minai are naually dosparate, »nd neither ro»p«ot tlie TighU of the Iu- dinn or tho govarttinent, and kuowinR that there nro •• many ways of entoring tils countrj tbat au ordinary army could not keep thorn oat, they will occupy tlio country. The fact that fair nueeood whoio UiOusBudt fail iriU sot dolor thim and it ia thur«foro expedient that wo ihouldlmy theland t.t onca. Tlio Bluet Hillulio on tha borders ot IJakfjta and Wyoming, about two hun- dred milna north of the Piwifio railroad. Xhoy occupy in both torritorios an nwa about two hundred miloa irido, or about six tbouiand square miles. The baae ot tho hillH ia 2,5U0 or 3,000 ftiet above tho tea. Isvtil, Until the oxpidition of Gen- eral Omter they irero littlo known, al' Ltoagb thara woro reports ol oil iprings la tho vicinity. OLD DDTOB PitovEnDa.—-"We must row with tbs oars n*o havo, and ns vra cannot ordor thewind, we are obligod to Bail with tlio wind ttwt Goa givoa. Pntieuco nucX attention will bring us ir. If tlio cat watches long enough at tlio niouaa bolo, the mouse shall not es- PorssTcranco will obtain good cab- bage and lettuce whore otherwise * noth- ]g but tliistlofl Till grow, TLo plowman must go up and down, nd wbatorer else may be dono thera is 0 other but this long wny to do the work well. Loam to sleep with ono oyo open ; as EOOH a» tho chickeaa go'etli to roost it 1 time for tlie fox. Fools always aik what tiino it is, but be visa know their time. Grind nhilo wind in fair, aud if you • nofileot, do not complain of God's pro- vidence. Biso early ; then tho fisherman finds ilia tvormi. Tlio dawn of day haa gold ia its louth. Ho that lags behind in a ronil whore tinny ttro driving always will bo iu a loud of dust, Into slavery {what lie did with them AL ilares is never explained, and this anlies one hopa there ia exaggeration), and wlieroho had hiniBelf plaoed garriiaiirj lie dismantled and destroyed tho citadels impotent modo of Becoring luturo liflsion. Mtuicanu*, baring be«n caught by tha ilao»<3oai*n Peithon, -WAS sent back to Alex&udor to ba lianged liy his own people. It must surely bo evident that Alex- wder could nob ftlwuysbe an Aehilles,aml hat tha Faojub was certain to bo loit to im the moment that he cta&ed to four i orerrfhalmiug military forc«. Tha description of tbe army with wbich Le conquered it takes one quite by surprise, hough in hia lotter to Dorini after the inttU of Issai bo boast* that many who in thst battle were ii tho King's tanks :IOTV fight ii bit. Bat ia India tho Sreats in AlexanJot's army wero io outnumberocl by Asiatics that, if tho ung bad dieu cl the arrow allot in hit lungs.tboyfear«dtob«maBaaorea by their awn auxiliai-ios. Wero thce* to garris- i nil India for tho King ? We cannot vouder at tha entire nb- RRnceof prndenoo in ayoung man spoiled from •Aiildnoou*, intoxicated with mili- tary success, and bout on egotistical glory • but to extol such conduct r-a "In- stinctive and unerring statesmaoikip"is veir deluaiva doctrioo, "If I were Alex- ander X would accBpt DariuB' offers," flaid Parmeuio. "So would I if I were ?armeaio," xeplicd AloxaHtJer, insolent- ly and foolishly; yet it is lauded us a right royal sentiment. Parmouio tbsuglit b better to accept treasure freely grant- id hj DariuH and uso zesourcei no- lumulatcd in the put than (o teizo juppli s by wasteful and odious rap- ine; better to accept thrae solid conn- trios with th« whole so** coast fronting Qreeoo, nodUka timo to caneolidato tlie onqiiBflta and preaa lightly ou the con- \neted, thin to push farther at once and mik their communication!, with homo; bettor to establish psaoo with Vnrius, even if it could not fait vsry lone;, and Bccuro their homo predominance, tlmn to make tlie tjutrrel witli Darius tnpcaceahlo and giro hope to all the Giro- :inn enemies of Macedonia. If Antipn- :ot bad been defeatod En Grcccs, Alozan- lcr might have been ruined bv it in Lain. The losa of a Binfrlo ba'ttU by iltxandbr himself, ogainct Dacioa m.gbi hayo boen fatal. Parmouio, ib &coms. is a stupid pefaut in Mr. DeVaro's es- tiraalt, II bin been takonif tho Greek dominion had naver gono beyond tho Euphrates—wo cannot bo HOTQ that tlio hvetoty ol m&ukind wonld liava been happier, simply because vast contiBgendesftlwaya elude cartain Icnowl* edge. Bat,wUhontrmhne3E, womaysay, acquainUuco witu thomosterpiacca of of Groofc literary genius would cieotbon hwe bceii di&aicd in llio Cut among minds capable of appreciating them. Who tho)* Partliians or Babylonian B aye got much bonofit from saon literaturo i .8 truly bard to aecortoin, but high- lit- entry omisenco does not nood war to ox- toaaiha Bpboro ot ita admiration, II any one lay stress on inch n result ol Maccdaniaa conquost ho confesses tbat it was voty barren of good in Asia; tint it was deadly to Greece wns no *•*- - ory, but natiiftst fact. A violent shock of enrtiiqualto was felt on tho 12th of Jnlj tit Hoctingen, Ger- many, wfliela proceeded from tlia south- west to tho northeast and lasted four seconds. Thii phenomenon nay posai< bly In eouneoUid with tha remarkable fall of rain, \iolont storms und floods. A fen dajssince, as the workmen dn hfl Cajon fois were hauling over aome' •ocke.thfly came across a dop^sitof honey ind taking n polo and running it into the momtain weroaurpassod to find no bottom. They got a longer pole, lome tweity foeb in length, and were enable to touch, the bottom with that. Upon withdrawing the pole the honey began to run. out, and soon tubs, buckets and barrels were filled, nnd still it flowed. 3omo parties camo in town and loaded ip with barrels, and propose to make . Iraainess of it. They put iu a charge }f powder anil blew oft a portion of the ock which diitloscd tons upon tons of loney. Our informant states that after uploring it from below to where tho bees were fonnd to enter, it was found tcrbD one-fourtb o( a mile, and it is his opinion that the whole cavity filled rith honey. He estimates over one luudrcd tons in Bight, and believes that 1,000 tous would not bo aa unfair eati* mute Thta \mvnewi dnponit rannot be" equally by any ever found. According to tbo aboro estimate, it would take ev- ery barrel and hogshead in San Bernard- ino to bold it. Explorations undertaken hy Dr. Palus, German archcaologiat, at St«inhauser Raid, have very recently disclosod th* ro* maim of a lacustrine village of the atono age, showing the gronnd pUnsand rolat- m positions of soreral houses built ou piles. FJooreconatniiUd of orossod tim- bers and orerliiid irith day am well pro- servotl. Various hinds of wood, such as nine, birch, onk, asli and hazel, wero used in building, Donei of the oervjne,bovine and canine species have been found, to- gether with (lowof larger wi'daaimiali many of them carved by maris ol flint, implements. Tho discoveries include numerous weapons belonging to the stone ira, rudely ornnmsnted clay utensils, and anumber of dried seedi of different aorta. Dr. PauTas opines that tbesi [aatulrine liabititions ara of an older late than those of Switzerland A. brttthfui nad not OTer-cdacated bl- ow, went to seo hia girl tho other nigbt, .nd oa he started away ho put his arms ironad her and whispered in. her ear, 'Dearest, I love ; " and eho responded weatly, "Ditto," noouing, ofcoune, a eciproeatlon of liis tender pasaiou., Tho young mau could not find "ditto" n his Tolcabulary, sudasked tbe father ' jezt day as they wero hoeing cabbage, what it'meant. Tho old gent rested a moment on Ms hoe, and pomtedto tha caubage in frout ol him nifch the re- mark : "You see tbat cabbage!" "Yet," responded the yoath. "Aud you Bee honQxtono there ?" "Yes," "Well, but is called "ditto.' " "Damn her 1" exclaimed tboimpetuous youth, "she called me acabbage head." LocKt AND TTm>uaET DATS.—Tradi- ou saitli tbero are just thirty-two days l the year upou which it is uoadviuble o join bawls, natnuly : tha Arst; secant, ,hiru, foartli, seventh, tenth, and twelfth >f January; tbu Brut, sixth, and eighth if March ; tlio nixth andeleventh of ipril; tbe fifth, sixth untl aovtath of VI&y ; tlio seventeenth nudfifteenthof Time ; tUo filth ciud niuctesntb. ot July ; he twelfth and seventeenth of Soptem- ier; tho sizlh of November, and tbe fif- teenth, aixtcentli and loventconth of December. As to tho boat days of tho *:, why: "HumUy fat woilth; TuunOsiy for hcnltii; WeilnesiliT tho licit ot nit; Thursday for crtmos, Frid.y fur low en ; Saturday no luck at all." HADN'T TIME.—A. citizen o! Viclts- inrg who wanted a few hours' work done about his yard tlio other day accoatoda colored man and inquired if ho would libo the job, "I'd like to do it, but I haven't time," was the answer. ""Whv, you don't scorn to bo doing nythin'g." *'I don't, eh 1 'Well, now, Tzo gwino flshin' to-doy. To-morrow I'zo gwino iTor de river. Kext day I'ze gwino a auntiu*. Next day I'zo got to get my bntes fixed. Nolt day I'zo pwino to mend do tflbla, and do Lnwd only knows liow I'zo pwino to get frow de WCL-:;; on- Iei3 I hire a mau to holp mo 1" CAIUJINAI* IICO&OIKET QomOTO ROUE. The first appcaranco of the Amarioan Rifle Team at the groat Rifle range of England, Wimbledon, -was very suocosa- fnl. The first match was fcr the St, Ijodper BWt'epstftkes at 200 yarda rango, Mr Fulton mnilo tho Ughest possible scoro, U5, bat TJr. Bigby, ot tlis Irish Team, did equally well, and the match was shot off between thorn on Monday, Mr. Fulton winning. A petition has boen presented to the authoritias for tbe admission o[ tho American Teamto ho Elcho Shield contest.

Transcript of CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got...

Page 1: CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got on« man i full aud elejEkiit mortmtut, GBO0 R RIES of all klndi au d of tlio toil




is on Morris Street near Blaokwall,

UDiTEin, - ' 52.00S i x M « « I B , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 0

' i ' * » o m o n t h s , - - - - - - - 5 0


Liverpool and Queenstown,

on tta foUoiriw Bteani.lilp limy :


N A T I O N A L ,

|,ivori»ool mid G r e a t WeBtern.Drift, on England anil lioy*l Bank GflrclBL'tLoloM.tratua.

SDSLElT.imnt,, Dovor, N.I.

Slate RoofingTbe undanieiiediBnroparfld by lone ejperl-

•Msanda ftoronjh BmrHdM of IIOOFlriaand QUAItllYlUa lo lelwt tho best and pat on

Blanllal nannsr. In anr part of th. coantrv.All work varnuted, and price. r<>aaonable.

"(liKUjiii^Porpte, Varlegatod, Black andlilun Slalo.wlioloaalo and retail.

A soo'l ditto Boor »lll la.t a Hfotlni, and I.

J l l l l S I'. STICKLE.

Counsellor at LawAUD



shut-lug nud shaiuyIn tho buMlog formerly ocounlci] by tlie I'oat

Olllto, SOIIOI Si., DorjB, N. J..1. D.-P.rHeiil.ratttaulloii giTou to nutting

lutl JroMlngladlea' and unildroii'a liair. nuoraUiim'J, act and ground. 1-lyr


tinrpentor ai)il Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended lo.

Mit.i.a on 11LACKWELL S t . ; next t o OaKOlIfalaoy'a lumbor mill.

Cwtimta laUctt. atulintUTla r '

-jl fANSlON I lUVSU.

Corimr or Mackwoll am! Hiimm St . .


I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.HurBUM and CarrlnE" to Lot.


Counsellor at' Law,AND MASTER IN OHAlfoERY,

llfHca la tlio *Uttonnl Union Bank Jluililliiff

U U O F W - D L S T . , DOVER, N . J.


W00DP0RT, MORRIS Co., H. J.rriillB well-known property hit recently baaaX ettcaaiTol; Improved and modernized, for1he iceommodatlon of tlioio seeking * retirsdjumrner realilouoa. • ffitiutoil t t tho lie id ofLukoWopitconnlt ii one of the moit deatn-LlnpUoeadf Inltod reiort to bo fonnd withinIhu nms dii'aroo of Now York. In tliemlditof the finest mountiin nconeryof Northern NewJOIBOT, willi oxnllenl banting andflihin*, andfine drives,, it is notiurpusodtvanv 'othorjatlo locality.

SUcaa loavo Dnver, eklit mites distant, on tie*rrir*l of tho Del. Lack.* Woit.II.B. trainsfrom Mow York In tlio morning, For particularstddreu •- above. Si-tf



Cor, BlneliwoU mil Suutoi Sis .DOVER, N. J. -, 1B70. 1-ljrI. II. XEIC1IW0U8. i . O. KU1T1I.

C A. OILLE.V,, GciiHt-nl

Furnishing Undertaker


WOHER OF DESD8.All orders prompt l j RttonJed to .

B D Npp



Carriages and Sleighs,• Of E v e r y D c i e r l p l l o u .

Cur. DlaoVffoil and BorgenUti, D O V E R , IV. J .

Particular attention paid to repairing anilpalutiiK. \\y


Amyt mil Amiyie i of all tTeitu-Ipttenii ofOltES.AND JVIINERAIiS

CABEFULLY MADE.WiitofenirBeiTfUl bo ftirulihedon application.

J)o««r llocila Coonty K. J

Allen Palmer & Son,Carpenters


Builders.DOVEB, N. 1. •

Jobbing promptly attended to.

S. J. PALMER, Architect.«!

PIANOS,Organs and Melodeons

Repaired and Tunedny part of VorrU 6>unty. Ad.

w.». wnianT,DoTor, N.J .

JIOBD D. smni,


xmn, BX. a."'net: ONDLiOKWEU. STREET, :

s t t f . .Oricam BidDji'a BISK.JOHN DRUMMER'S


SALOOJST,SUSSEX STREET,('otietiitluMANfllO.vnoOSEandDDrui,):

BOTEB, S. J.S ' ? 1 b ,

" ^ 1 " b M » " l i t * nittei In ITh. Tiry luat braida of

iTiry luat braida of

Forsignand Domestic Segars. iLWAIBONHAND. : St-U.



I'OBT ORAM, N. Jr>J 1 0 ? ^ '!>« principal lloei of itsin* taMB 1J— ' " ^ *- Liverpool at LO'

3 0N0RIU.TIIII] I t B '





Business Cards.



Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,(Oppoiito Dover Bank,)

EOVEB, N . J . ,DUoawa or WoTOoa andCUWrn i , mid o! tbe

Uja and a r ai>oclalllDi.Ofllco Houra: 71.) fi A. M., H o 8 and 7 lo 8 P. U,



SURVEYOR.Surveys, Levels and Grades

made for Public aud Prlvatu Imnruvomenti.


[Near tho Can.lllHaje.]

«y LOVBII, N. J.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

\ I tOCKAWAY, N . J .


J. L. CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars and





Office o u ButBcx S t r ee t ,Iu tlio Ijulldiug fcmorly oecunlod ai «noaicu Ly

Uenr;UoFtrlan,iVrit floor.DOVER, it. J.

Collecihni. atlimded to with dilJjzuiic*.Also, ^K»ntf«r ttiobyttUfu tuU FJro Iniur-

tueo Com\itnict, H-lj,



o am aEO. ltloHAllDS k Co.'a HTOItK,


IRA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Ooniractatakonforalt kiuda of Ifaaon Workid Jobbing.. LUtl!,rLASTEn"ANDCEMteNT,

. Fornitlieu at ahart notice," * -Ofllco uauer "Tbo Iron Era Oulce," Dovtr,N. J. • 17-«

iS. E. OSMU.N,Dentist,

MOHItlSTOWN, N . J . ,Solo Piopiioloi* Tor MorriiConnly of

Patent Ridge,

. Gold F i l l i ng a Special ty .Liquid NJiroui Oililo CUl, i c , Ae., Ao. An.


Mansion House.100 TAHDS F B 0 M P . I J . 4 W . DEPOT

Wat. D R O W N , I ' r o p ' r .

.Eicullaut accctuniDiUUona /or tranil«ut orpermanent boardon, alia a Uf ery and boarding•table ulladiod to tbo UOIMB. PaiarojieTa Ukanto and from llnda'i Lake aud Lake Hopatcongit reaionable cliargoa. *o-tf..





T00111IEE3 B l t O T H E R S ,13-Gm ..-- ITorriitowu, H. J .




D O V E R , If. J .

all kinds or 1'OllUUH and liUMEOT'IU


Alao WAOKEKniTTK. ADAU L CO.'a cola.brVtodliior. ALEb^MINH1ALWATERS,ot..eonitantly on haud.

MOUiBBlS OTBBA HOUSE,a acaolout Hall to bo lot for all klnuB of e-Etari'laiimonl,. , «»-lr

A. Beeiner,. . K E A L . E S T A T E AGJSNT,

Blackwollflt., near Sussex, Dovor, M. J.


Far doHoripUom of Properly Mud particularinquire *l the ofllco.

C O N O L L Y fc Q U A I L ,




Roofs repairodanil paiutod. O i l n n U e d IroaCornfcm, d n i t o r i , Leadora »ad VtatiUtnr*.

TO. COSOLW. ozor.dK g u n u


lriloio, MaaMnery OIli, ke.QUitlnc anil Mining Powder, Faio, Drill Rleoi,

Eatomtri. ic .Cinal Ikrroira, Sliayeli, Pick*, ic ,

; •'•""-. 'J.;yoonuEEaBROS.y$m ^ MoxtiisrowK) A. J .




rba keeps comtanllr on haod tlie eliolccal K

, O 0 N F . E C X I O H E I I I E 3 ., Tovg, npu, Ennlopit, Bob*toanilintliii lection.

iNull, DranRia,tfonory, etc.,to



Goodale & Voughtrs Drug Store

Whore LoptrUlf tilia expeileiico i>r Boren Ye»r» oloio «]>p)ic*Ut>ufu tba (incties or PflDiliirj, Five of vrbicb liasboon (a tlto Ciijr of Domr. I bare t»kcn »ptcl*lp»im in (bo perfection or lh«

Nitrous Ozide G-as,which l i tUe beiUnoiliiotio now in U H for (La

ttlDles. oilnicttan of teeth. I i l i a uia tilt sawlai, called the FLUID or COKiUPKBED GA9.

T « tli filled with golil. frnni•l!v«r Hfij emt« to one tiollu

one dollar mi, nnd

BUCKEYEMower and Reaper.



B e a u t i f u l S e t l of T c e t l n ( ] MCutud fivs, two on erroru mid tlirod d to »30 il ^oofl ga M d C l l lUpper i w l under, far 130, m ilio C o o 3 ^tv Mis. M i n e / and Cl11.11.lW

F r o t s d B u c l l o o W » U i ^ . r r a i i l 0 d J U ( j l i ( ) [ . a a d Cf t t c l lBr , u r l l l 0 flnl

, nine, •uaniinii tur *»*••• Scow WMWlbllW

_ . Dr. J. 0. lIj0T™K'st 1'.Dr. T . It. CrUtanilan, H , H . Btc!c«Sn, J. I.

S. B. Johnst^jgJ^/-^^Opposite Segur's Newj j^ j /

Over Uoudnle k Tough's Drug Ht© JgJJJjJ*' I*1

DOVER, N . J . j' Total,

Ward. ].. 1 liiiuiiinJ, a«i I*, v 8tfetiock, s. a. 0 4Ducity, iBt li. 1 1 3A. Dumpscy, 1. f. 1 '1Joyce, t. }} -jRudnuy, r. f. 0 8

BUM »I INHtSOI.1 2 0 i 5 C T I 34 O 1 S 1 0 0 0 8-200 0 O O O O O O S - 6

ItindclpliiVorri . ,

Umpire—Mr. Goo. Schanck ofBcorori—Itaudolplu. W. B. l lou t imw f Mor-

ris, P u n k Moutgomerj.Tiuio of O w i o - T w o hours anil tun







TITAN* y«» I" tlio clothing bulnm InLYL i MOllRISTOWH, fan built UP a Urg«

and increaBlns tnde »ni now tuida >UD city Inill line.with the largestitoro, hrgoit itoek,

best workmen and low prleoi.

Men'* a l l Wool D o u b l e und

T w i s t fi"it* only - - S1O.O0

Good Heavy Suits - - 0.00

" Working. Pants - 1.00

» " w extra 1.60

Good WorktDS Pauti Doubleextra - - .


. larga aeauttinclttioCtFLtttC CLpTQIMa far: i b J and BOYS.

l;,Qyma-»,m.i£Wl OF PAKTS.

^-Ut«niib^^a|t)tji.JaW;PrIcoa for good cbtli-

ly. . . , ,• ' J . W. BABBIT.

MBS. A BEEMEBta now raid* wltb. all tlia now ilyUi for

SPRING of 1875.Fashionable Millinery


Fancy Goods.THE

Latest Styles & Newest Designs



Tlifl -h»ut md xotiit eampltt* ilook tfHilll-cry and Fine/ OOOIII to ba found la Dor»r


ers , " R i b l t o n i ; : JLaces—realand *mi(atiou--Netktiei

and Hows, Collars,Loco and Xineii

Seta. Crapea,Mourninr Bonnetsand ItoH«,

A fine assortment cf

hignons, Switches, Braids, &c.Alao, a Tary large rarioty of

ZEPHYR GOODS,And a gnB Block o t

Ladles' Furnishing Goofls.E«rjtli!QE sMitlia U«t mitwlal tud mide op

' i most eoapeUnt asslatants.

W. S. &> E, F . DeCAMP,


for Iroa Ores nail Mineral Property,


P. O. at BOONTON, N. J.w.S.DrCiMr- F . D . P . r i O

Anutbor ol t l » cracked «la«t of llw S t » U -ih* Aihlotic Association of Onnge-capio toDovor,onTiioidayaoil aaiTerod defstt >t Ilii

of llio Himlolphi, l a t o H . Etcb tilmnisbltniMdelxtinioB. Th i Randolph! wool tothe b«l flint and lor two innlngi failed to

Q- >.i..«o], j a mo flrat tnejr got on« man

i full aud elejEkiit mor tmtu t ,

GBO0 R RIESof all klndi aud of tlio toil

H A.KDWAREof llio Loil qn. l l t lo i of II10.N a i l STEEL, In-

rludltiff Mcclianica' ToolB.



of thalatoit aiid uaudiotnaat deniun*.




Lime, Cement and Fertilizers.


Dliorllng Towdor and FtBulna; TKCBIB.


CUT PAPER PATTERNSof Frank Losllo's ladies' Journal.

Call and bo convinced t int it pays joa to hnjfor Ciih laileid of credit,



MERCHANT TAILOR,And dealer In Ken's and Children's Ileidjr-

Jlatk Clothlnc

SUSSEX ST., [3d door from Blictwotl,]

BOVEH.N.J.,noviocoa lo Vho public l\,*t bii stuck ot svoit

comiiiiseB ail uuuuially flno agiorttueut ofCloths, Fttnov Ci.alniores mid VeptnicB. by thoyard cut tout withoutcLarpo,ornitilo tuunkr•t Uio sbortont Dotico. Also ccnitanllr otband a Urgo luhtj ot Qtaln' I'urnisbiogQoodi.

I p«tleul*rly «ll atieatlon toaiySPRING AND SUMMER STOCK,

Ai being nrel^llr selected and offomil at prieoitaauittbotimei. Iconaiilor mrsolf in djroclcgjiMtltion with Newark and Now \otV clotb-ing Loiwei. and ly rcferonco to injr pricci tliepnUoirlllroadiljdlicaratlikt I imuMitra l•itbemoatliboral.

Snncj Street, 9d door from DUctwcIl,-ly. ' WILLIAM BIMOH.

The New EmpireHot-Air, Gas & Base-burn-

ing Cooking Stove.

TUE BBBT BAKING STOVE IN THE WO BLDAt«o, » Lirgo AsBorlmeot of otbor fltjUi

of .CMkinj^atoiei, «anB«, I"«rlor" ; atotei, 4e., ^

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Mto, a cbolco itock of

Hardware, Cutlery,

01m*, Woodoa, Copper, riain and JapanaodTINWAI1E.

Oil Glottia, Carpets. Lampi, Ptintu I D J Oils,rd O g i i , F«a£li<n, Prait'i Astral Oil (non,ploiiTO.) AJio,


Roollng, Flunibing and Job

IVork promptly nHeiidcd to.nONNELL'8 P-VTENT BTEAll COOKIKQ

APrAIlATUS.^aliiiaiik'B Scales at MuiHifuc-

turer's prices;Old. I ran , Copper, I t » a i , Lead, ltok'« andQrennbacK* t tken In e i eh ioco fur euodi.

JAME3 H. B11UEN & Co.,1873.


LICENSED AUCTIONEER.OrAen left a i M. H. Dick»r»on'i itore, or *\

my roildonco on BERQEN at . will racolTelm.medial) attention. 2i-Sn


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,OEKKDAI, FIUK AMI LIFE

Insui'anco Agents,Offlcc, Olil IloilUniik UuildiUB,

Morristown, N. J.!u*l.s IIOBU, G K U . 1 I . I I O M , KTUI-IIES UUWJI]

A. J OOE, Collector,DOVER, N. J.

COMPANIES ltEPSESENTED.Amcrioaa Mutual Inc. Oo., at Kevarit

N.X, Asactiowr $1,100,000

U.rcliuuU' Mutual Iui. Oo., of HswarkH. J,, Assets oicr 600,000

Fireman's Kutun] IQB. OO-, of Kenark,

H. J , Aunt-over 500,000

Germania Uutunl IDS. OO., of lTowarkN . J , Oajitsl, 200,000

Etna Iiiutauoe Oompany, or Eartford,Oouu., ASBOU, 6,000,000

Continental Insurance Oompnuy, of SonTori, Capital, 1,000,000

Mutual Bonollt Life Ins. Oo,, of Newark.N.J,, Auott, 20,000,000


ussex Street, Dover, N. J.


euaUniiers vtilb lottor iceoiuiuoditiuiia and alarger stock of goods tlianercr bo fore.

k rvu. UKK or



of now Jeeiijuii—uniHrjiflBfied In HIM section.


Fiisris WORK.All kliuli of repairing carofullj and promplij

dons. Feollng under oltllgatians lo tbo publiclorpantfaTori.IhopB bj good work and r»lrdicllng to nor-it a contlnnanea or tho name.

H-tf WM. HARHia,

Fortliai)roponcditnofldaionL doslgnaled soc-Uoii one of wttclo two. rulatife to "Itifbt of

For tha proposed amondmont. dorignated ar -lion two of nrtlcletwu, roUllrnlu "Il lBht

For tlie proponed mi on dm out, dotlgnattdpargraph soven of ttecllua four of artlcla four.

Vox the propOBoa siaoutliaont, deiiR&Modiiarajtraph throe of eactlon one of trtlclo four,relative ta "Letflftlatlvo j "

For tlia proposed Rtnondmeiit, ilnilgnttoalinragmph four, tec lion sufoii of irliole four,rolnlivo to "LoglilaltTO |"

For tho proposed amendment, doilguatodimregrtph nil . noDtfcn BOTCH of article fuur,rcl-tlvotoLcgiBlHtTe;For tlio propoflcd amendment, designited

inrngriph eight, section fluTon of urtiola four,iolmlve to "tesfa'atlyoi"

For tho propoBud atiioudruont, deiignatcdparagriph nine of nection levou of articlu four,

lNtVval "Lcgnlatiroi1

nt, Aea.snatodarOErtJ'li eiuron, Bcction a oven of artloio four,

relative to"Logialatira;"For liio promised amandtnent, deslffnat

parcgrapU iwolvo, section IOVOR of article 101relativota "Lcgislatlro,"

Fur the proposed amendment, dcslp-natodtmragrtnli. two of aoctioa tight ot trticls itrar,^tatlTota^LasiKlatlvo;"

For the propoicil atnecdmont,pansrapli PIS, of article fi«, relnfiesntlTo;"

F t



Monuments, Tombstones, &c,


TUEuudBrfilRnedbecahnTa to annoanco totha nubllo ttmt lio la non prepared lo man*

uracturo and will keep constantly on band tbo


T O M B S T O N E S , M A N T L E S , fcc.

Cematerr plots enoloaed ol Granite aud Mar-Ma Posta. Eferj Job TrarrauloJ to gifo com-ilcta BallBfactlon. Price, modpralc.


OproHirn OHESTKH HooflK,

10-lj cnESTEIl, N. J.


Cor. Blackwell & Sussex Sts.,


r*l reduction in prices of

JEVBLBY,SOLID GOLD IlINGSri»in EiiurtTuil, Bnimel'dtndEagliKi-tonicd.



SFECPAC1ES kad ETE GIAS3C6 of ill da-uipLioni. a d d , SUver,' Btcel, ltiibt»r-ftnd

putoil for fluoocj and gonortl eicelllonco,I tna ilio idding to m j itock new itjUs in

i,rt!elo* of lolld if liar and pitted v a n , in.Ublofor voddlDK propeiiti. POUKa, SPOOKS, mdarticle! for t i l lo me at srotlly rodoaed prlcei

HAIR JEWELRY.g of orerydD*cript!on contitned ia l»d-

og pttteru booki, can bo nude to order.E»PDC!I.\ ulU&tbn ftlvntt to tbo

ELGIN WATOn.KOVEMENT,»llcd tho Avery Watch, Alao, agent for tho

Hovrird, Walllmm, Sprlngflold and Pai-riWatch.

HoFslrInB n gpeckltj tad wtrratitrf.ENGltAVnJQ NEATLY DONE.



i r m a , miBTUta, r a i o w CASIND, T icnNELt, BLIKKETB. dUtLTt — UlllSClXi coaD utjt ITITCIIED ; FRIKTB, QUIDII

B, COTTTOH AND won inn) , c u m vr

u n i c a * ctKTB1 ron rca ' AND ci[ii.onEN'B VNDS. W, S. DAI1BITT,

i uonnferowir. K. J.

LIIAl'TIilt CCCXXVII.>u Att lo provide fur aubuaittlnK iTiiiioitciAinoudmcula to ilio (Joimtltu tiiim of tills HUtId tlio jlOQp.O lllllfCOf,

VtititEjiM, curtain proiioBcd aoiondmciilij to thcuiirjtltntiitii of tint niateofNow Jeruey WLTCal tbu (oHHiuii of Itia IcgiBlaluru of lltls itat11111107(111- eiKhtei'ii miuileU awl tuvcutj-l''HI', iKCcod to by h majurity uf ILo liKJiubtrac'luiitod Ui eneti cf t]io two huunon Ilicroof, andotitfruion the JDUroiiln of caoliuf said IIOUH-v«, v>iu» \\it v».i nmlitnvn tal>ou thorcun, nnilroftimt] lulfiolcpltihhiru tliunaeit toboclm-«I-II ; AM' wiu.r.t.Aft, i tic? taid propoitcd amend-niunU IVLTO iml>llalioil AM icmiind by Ibu —HlltllUull , AKD >'lf);E£A.I, ill lljO logialakUBUtlien tiuit fLouup, being tlio lugislalura now inBKrucil to by aina[oritj' of all tha men .eke•(.•(! to oatUi bouue; AKD VTUEUUS, tbs• iiiiHliinliiin of Ilii* il»Uj rtijulreH tUoleghk-turuiu iiilniilt auuti iirojiOHod ainenilinoiit*a* luvo lit?i!li acfBud fo o* nforeuld to thapMojilA at a epuclal ulcctiou to ba held forthat purpoBQ only; therefor*.1, itt: IT KiuuTKD uy tho relate and 0 on oral

nBBMnbij of tbo State of KewJeraej, TliitonTngndiiy, tbo ioveuth cUr of BoiiLomber nextan olecflnD sltall lw bold in tlie sevsral townslii|)s aud wntds of thli Htato, at the place orilncea Itt each uf said townships cr wards wlieroitie laid election for go*oriior nu held, to ena-jla thcol(iolor»r]mlii1sil to voto for losniboriol tbo legiilitura to xuttl ' tntor hgalnit oncliof siicii propoauU amonduonli to the con*titu-

'i. AND IIL IT EXACTED. Tbit tfie juJgoi ofeloctloti ni tho acicral lowBeliips and irirdanbu itiall bo iu office DO tlio *e Ton Hi da; rk'liltuibor uuil. shall bo iLn jadgas of wld eleiion. and tlie polls ghall bo opened and cloicit llio tlnios now flud by law for open in ft an_:lailng of polls at tho annual election In thiiitato, nud tho eaid oloolion Mball bo conduetctjy tlio samo otuccm and In tlia tnannor tiow rolulrodbylaiT In conducting tlio annual dec-IOIIH lu thli siftto, milciii otLorniio directed Intins nut.

3. ASWJIV-IT KKUSFJ), T h i t a l vav\i etcctlmijacliTOtprmiyprpdenta ballot oawliicli slulbo writlon or printed, or partly writton ornartlynrluUid, 10 tbo ruria following, namely;

IA,r til i.roiiOHiUom on t i ls ballot which arcnot cancelled with ink or pencil, and ag*luat i "which aro so cancelled;

For tbe proposed amoidt)ieii.,dei!gniti)du&r-graiih nineteen to article one, relative toFlights and jirivltoROB;""IT the liropuscu amendmont, designated

graph twontv, artiolo one, rclatlva to


For tha proposed amendment, dcslgiiatodir*ET»^U Bvvon, ofarticlo five,rolativo tu "Ex-

For tha proposed amendment, doaignatcdparugnpli cigUt, of irtlolo Jlvo, relative to "Ei-

Fur Aio ptopoind atnondutnl, dosignatodpiracnipli fire, of section one, of article seien,rolamo t» "Appointing poffor and tonuro ot of-

pitipfiittil Mnendnionl, floiSgtilinragraph nine, of soctlon one, of Articleon. relatiro to "Appointing power ind teauro of

For tha proposed cmendmont, designated..iracrtph ono, scctlou two, of ortlclr

relative to "Appointing power and t<often;"

For the proposed amendment, designatedirasraph two, section two, of artlclo r,oien,JILUIVO to "Appointing powor and tonnra ol of-

For' tho proposed amondraont, dcilgtiatei]parnpniph three, section two, of article seven,relative to "Appointing power aid tenure of of-flco;" .

For tbe proposed amendment, designatedparagraph four, tootion two, of artlclo sown,relative to "Appclntinj power and tenure of

For tho proposed amondment, deuJpstodparaarapli five, of norllon two, of artlelo seven,rolatwe^o "Appolnliog ponor and ttmuxo olol-

For tbo pn>i>oBod amendment, „paragraph six, bf BOOIIOD two. of artlolo seven,relative to "Appointing powor and tonnro of

For tho propoitd amradmont, designatedirsitrapb BO van, section two, of artlela IOTQD,jlatlve to "Appointing power and tenure of

DlHofl;"For llio proponed ameodmont, desl^

paragraph p lW, loellon two, of artiolo aevon,dativo to "Appointing power and tenure of of-

fice ;" •For the proposed amondmont, doaignfttod

parapraph nine, sootlon tiro, of trtlclo BOTDII,roljvtWolo "Appolntbfr powor aud tonaroof of-flco;"

Eor the propoied amendment, designatednuramph ton, acotbn two, of irtfclo soren,elattvo to "Appointing power and tenure of of-

4. 'AKD BB IT KRAeisD, Tliivt <SKU ot said ti»I-lota shall bocountod as a vote oaiit for oach pro-position thereon cot cancellod with Ink or P*n-ell, and nealnat each propositlan in c&ucelhd,and return thereof sliall bo made accordinglyby tbo Judges of election.

B. AHD HE IT ENACIEO, That all pornons ou-titled toTOlolntllBitatefor luemWra of tliocgiHlatnre, at tho tirao of ikld a lection, shall,

In thofrreRpcctire toirnshlnB and wards, be en*titled to rote at the poll whore they wonld ho

.titled to voto for. membera of tbe legislature.0, AND BE IT IKAOTKD, That afUr flntlly

doiing tho polls of auch dice tIon, tbo faded ofelection ihall count and canruss tbo ballots git-en, roUlWo \a onth ot tbe said propoita amen a-ments to tho constitution, and thereupon stiallsot down In writing tlia wliolo nombor of Totesgivea for-cioh of Ibo laid proposed amend*monts In tho words in which tho mid propoiedamendment la hcretnboforo jrlvnu, and thowbol* number of votrs nireti against oich oftha nidpanoBed imcndrnenU as hercEutiaforegiven, and ihall csrtiry and lubicribs A attic

lentofthercaultofttio same, and came thrime certiOed to be dsllvorad by a mcseoneui

mpoinled by thorn to tbo secretory of utata oftills aUto wltliln ODD week after *M clcctlou,who shall forthwllh fllo tbe eamo in his ofllco

i au cjfllclal irui>ur.

7. AND HE n E»ACTED, That H sbsll ho thoduty ot the governor to summon to attend him,ou tlia twonty-flrnt diy after such eUcilau, funrir more nf tbo members of the Denote, who shallnoot on tho Ustmtncddiy hi the uenito cbatn-lar.lntho cltyofTriinton, at ttio hour or two

o'clock T. M., andtbey, with the govornor, shallcomliluto «. boiril otaUUciiwfttatti lo eni-vass and estimate tha votesglvon for and asalna tDtch of <ald amcndmentfi, and tlia said boardofitito canvaiscrB ihall proceed to organizemil determine tbe remit according to tho pro-,visions of tha act entitled "An act toroeolttooleotiom," approved April ilstconUi, elghtoenhundred amfforty-six, so tu *» thoyiro appli-cable, and shall dotermlno and declire wblohof said proposed amondtnenta bare botn adopt-ed, and shall, forthwith delifor &-talemoutof' e result aa to eioh amendment to the necre-

rvofatatoof tfalBState, liouiedin biauuloe. an official paper, and anv propoioi] amend-

inont wbich by a»id ctrtlAcato and ditonnina-tion ol UID l)oart\ nl itate nntiBBcrs snal. ap-» a r to bava recolved fa Us favor a majority ofall tbe TOtcs cast in tho statd for and against•aid proposed amendmoiit shall, f r o r ' 1 " - -

" Ilfng laid

andtdd t•The Ic

Dinco ami support or a tlioroagh And »fllcii._system of free public uchuoli ibr tho inntructiOLofalHIio cuildrou iu tliitt stato batwetn tlieagesoff ivoand eighteen yc^rs."

Strike out paragraph 9, an followa ;"8 . Tlio assent ot tbroe-flftliB of tho mcuiben

eloctod to oich bonne sliall lie renuiillcd to tin.TMMffo pt overy law for Hrantinjr, oontiauing,•altering, ainundiii? c r renewing charters furbanks or uionoy corporations; and all suchcharters shall bo limited to a term not exceed-ing twenty yoarg." •

(Jli»iifO t t o cumber of prusont panto 8.

I m c r t tit p*iigtfcV)\i &, % now p»ratfollown:

"0 . No private, special, or local bill ihall »er i s s o d , unless public untfeo uf tho intention toapply therefor, Mid oftho gcnoral object there-

imendmcnt to anv part of tbo comUitution of.biBitate, and It snail bo tbo duty of tlio gov-srnor of thU Bttta forthwith, a.rtor autU datacu.inition, toisina a proclamation declaringwhich of aald propoaid amendments liare been

" ' • * b j tho peoplemilTEHiCTiD, Thst this act, togeth-" Md proposed atnendmontB, ehiu

„ „„ all tha newspapers which werokvtboriicd by law on tha first da; of January,eighteen hundred and iaronty-flto, to publishtho lawi of this state, and the flimo snail bopabllsbcd tn tho Biid nBwspapcra for four weoltanext •rocoodlng Mid election onooin eicb wo«k.and noothgrfuhlication shall be made ttt atldnewnpapen, but nenlsator Allure to iiublishaailbreeaidihall notimpalr IhsT&lidltyofBUchelection, and tho secteUrjor flt»tc*b*,l fur-nish a copy or this law to ctoli of said newspa-

0. AHD ns ITEMACTID, Tliat tb» nanio nollcoof tbo election provided for by Una inLIu tbotownships and wards of tbo it *-to slinll ba givimis is now required by law In c*«o of the annaalilcclion for membors of tho loglsuture.

10. AUD HE rr INACTED, mat nil oillcora ofelection who shall isciit In conducting nildelection sball rucolvo Uio tumo eoraponoationand bo pkld iu tho aame maanor us Is now pro*vldnd by law ID MHO oftho annual election.

11. ADD lEirj-jucrai, Tbat no law respect-Itig tho rogistrttiou of voters ahall boapplii'i-blc ta tho eloction provided lor by this act.

12. Awn IIEIT ESAOTED, That it ahallbothoduty of the so ere tary of at* to to prepare nudmro printed a tnfflclont numhnr of tlie ballolairovldcd. for tn this act In llio form herein pro-

vided for tlio use or tho Totem of tho Htato, indshall, at least two weeks before tbo timo Ikedherein for uld election, UinemU to tlio cletk(if each county In this (into a salUciout numberfor tho uea of tho TO tori of thnt county, add iishall bo tha dity of Iho clerk or oach comity,it lout ono weak before Raid eloction, to traua-

_nlt lo tbo judges of eloolion in each pollingdistrict oflui county a suQident ncrabcr for

lomoof thomt#roof such polliuR distriot.13.AXDBEH uJicTKD, Tbat thu act'shallto eJTaot imtneJiatelV.Approrod April 8,1875,

[Proposeil Ai)iendiuL>iit8 tu theConst i tut ion of (lie State ofNew

Jersey.]ASTICLE 1

UKlllTH iMJ 1'I1IV1L1:(1CSI n w r l as p»r(fira|ili 1!>, a ih-w iiircKtiph,

ililji i/r V i 11 k « «" HTA J1 boroafu'r^Vvu MIV moneyor juiijierlf, (irlu»:iiln iiiunry or uruilit, lu orIn aid nl iny individual, BMHiiciatitiii or cor no.ratiun, m'I'CL-nitio sfcL-urilr for, or lu directly orIndirectly lh«uirnurof, any ttoct or boutlt of

axxtclatinn or corporation."

SO. N'odouBllun of land ur apprGprUtluit Qmoney slutl Ixi mado by tlia stilo or any muni-cipal cnrp"i'a'iuii to or for ttio nso ofauy BOL-ICly, auiociatiou or corjioratlou wti»toTor,"

oiitfw tlio miiiiliur cf lire sent paragranb Jl

Altnt 'LE II .

no doctor in tha actual1 uiilUA'jr ucrvlcu of tboitatu.oroftlie Viiiled HUtaa, mth« army ornavy Ilieranr, abu.ll lu tluiirivud or In a votu byreanon of his abnunco Irou ancli election dli-trici; *nd the Hlulituro nhall havu porror tupro.we the nunnur in iTiiicb, aud thu limo andplacott vtUlub,cui:l.ah»ut4ilt!ctQr»n)ai vo'and rur tbo return »u4 CAUVUM of llicii vol. .' - • ' ' :lion district* niwlitdi tlieyrespcc-

User„.. a—.strike ontthe wordi "lecoud

Tuoiiiaf of October," and lim-rtiu iitu tli-ruuitUo wm&* "flrat Tuevilay tttcr tlio llrst Miday in NuvQiuber."

•|ih 7-fltriioout Ihg Mlovrliie trords:iponsalbn fur Ibelr uor-ieei, tu Its at-

cortaiued uy law, aud paid out of tint treasuryoftho itatu; which cunapeniatlou 8hi.ll uot ex-coea thi Hum of thrui uollin per diy for thoi»riod of forty diyu from tiin commencement oltbe BOIIIOD, and a hall nut exceod tlio sum ufone dollar and fifty cents per day fur tlio re-tnatndor oftho iciiion. WLun con TO nod iu ei-tra Besilou l>y tbe governor they sUall recoivoauch sun ai iballbo ilxed for tbo flnt lorty da;uftuaotdiimyimlou. 'i'bey iU*H ilsorecoi*-tho sum of ono dollar lor cwry leu iniki theyBball trtvollu goliiR to sn<lraturnlng frora theirplace of mooting on tho moit usual route,"—and Insert in lha lieu tberoof tbe following:

'Annually the sum of fivo liuudred dollariduring, tbo lltuo for irliicb they ihall Lava boonelected, and wliUoUisy &l.i\l\;o,d ttiuirufnceaudnaothiraUoiranceoremolumcDt,dIrectlyoi'-ldixectly, fur any purpotu whatovor."

Also itrilio out llio words "per dloni."SELTIOM VII.

Paragraph ( -Add tu tho paragrapli tlio fullowing:

"Nti law shall bo revived or ameudud by ref-motoflB tltlo only, but thit ant revHud, oi

tho scutiou or'sections aniniidcd, ilnllboin-Bttrtad at longlh. No guiinnl law nil all«in braceauy proHfrion of a privati*, BJHJCUI or local ebar-aotor. Noactshillbo pased which eha.ll pro-

• - - • my, or aiiy part tlereof,.. . _. cii a parlor tlioict oi

which sliall enaot that any oiibting Ian-, or anjpirt thoruotT, eball bo applicable, except bv in<aortlngitininuhftet." * '

raraeraph C-Irmert the word "free" ho-I.WOOQ tlio word "pablio"*nd the word "achoola,"

ect thThe


apply therefor, Mid oftho gcnoral objt(or.skaUhkvobeouprovtaiinlyRivcu. 1 _ . „ „Isfhluro, a t tho n o t t uositiou after tbo adoptbithereof, and from tltua to timo theretftar, th&lpreBoilho tbo time and tnodo of giving sucli notice, tha evidence thereof. j\nd how tucb evl-denco Blinllboiircaorral."

Insert B8 paragraph llf a uow piragripli , a s

"Jl.'Xlio legialaturo sliall no t tiatja prlvato,locator ipoulal laws in any of tbu following

itueritcd cates, tbat !• to say ;'Laying out, GtrUiiljg, allurltii; aud twrklug

roadi ormchw'.yH,'Vacating any road, tuvru plot, street, alleynubile Bromide,'ltogttliting tho internal ifTalrs of towns tad

couutiua; appointing local offiacNorcommiRsloaN0 rocuHto nmuloipaV auilr&.

"Selecting, drawing, mnimoningor cmpauol-j grand or petit jurors,"Creating, increasing or decreasing t he pur

Kulaga or allowance of publlo ofllcori duriugLo torm for which said ofilecra wore elected

atiou. association orndlvldaal auy eiciustvo pririlept, imniuuitrsr francliiBo vrliktover,

"(Iranllnc to BUT corporation, aeaocation orinJIvldual thu right to lay dawn railroad tracks.

"Providing for changes of vonno in civil orrlinlnal caaci."rrovidlUK for tlio mapagenieut and support

iffreo nnbllc scbools."TlieiiDgislutura sbillp»«i gancral laws pro-

•idini forthoeaaortouainoifttod in thU para-;rapb, and. for all othor CUDS nhich, in itsudgument, niiy ba proTidad far by generalaw*. Tho loglalatnre shall p m no inocial actconferrins' corporate powers, but tlioy shallpass general laws uudor vrbtcn corporationsmay ba organised and corporate poweri ofovcry Jislare obtained, lubject, norcrlboleif,o repeal uralttrallou at (lto will of tlio Icgfs-

Inso'rt al paragt apb, 13, a now piragrapb, n

"IX Properly nfcall be inacusod fur tu tu un-der genoral laws, and by uniform rulei, tecord-

SEonoHmi .iscrt ai pangrapb 2, a noir pan grip li, is

l i v e r y officer of tliokgialatoro iiliall, bo-ho enters apouhis dutt»s take and lubicdboruHoffing oitli or aDlrrattiou ; " I do sol-

__jly urotnuoind suair (urafflnn) tliat E willraltblullT/impBrtlslly and Justly perform illtho datle* of tbo ofllctj of——, toiuo boit oftny ability and undorstiiodlng; tliat I willcnrolnnj nrenerv* all record*., (inpem, TrrUlnisorpropurty ontrustnd to mo tor safe keeping by

' 'tua of my- clHco, and ninko (uuh Oinpoi-an of Ilia simo as may hu required by

l'arsgraph C—After the word "legiBUtura,"vbors it occun llrst in uid parasr&pb, iustrt

IIQ words "or tlio eonsto tloDe."l'arigmph 7-Add lo tbtr ptraj;ra|)b the fol-

twlag :"If any bill presented to tho governor cou-

alu aavurel itoinn or appropriation of mouej,ty object lo DUO or inuro uf auch items

wuuo approving or tbu other portion! of tlubill. In such cuo ho shall append to tho Ml,attbcUnioofiilgulDK it, a statement of tlioitems to which Uo oujacta, aud tlie approprli-ion io objected to ulisll cot take effect. If tlie,'glBUtura bo in aicaslon be ulifttl tr»n«init tola bouBD lu -nhiuh tho bill orginatuu a coiiy of

inch •Uton.sut, mid tho Items objuctod tu shiiltie BOparatoly reconsidered. If, on recoiuidsr-itlon, ono ot moru of nuoli items bo approved>y a majority of tbo matubern elected tu cacb

honso, tho tamo sliall be a part of tbo law, not-withstanding tlio objeotloun or tlie Rovornor,All the provisions ot ttila suatteu in rorattoas tubills not lapprovod by tbo corurner ahullapnlytocasDBfn whicli ha iliall witbhold bisapproval from any Item or itoms contained iu abill approprlatiuK muncy."

Par ignpl iS-Addto tho paragri|)h tha ful-

"Kor nliall hoboolwlcd by tbo kslHlaiuro ioany office under the government uf this ntatoor of tbo United mates, during tho terra rurwhich bo BUkl) liavo boon clacled gorarnor."


KILITIA OmCEUB.Paragrapu 5-Af tur the words "major centr-

ali." itiBsrt tho words "tbo adjutant giir—'and quartorina.tor coueril."

l'anvgnph 0—Strike, out the words "thoadlu-int genors), qnartowiaater gcuornl and,"Ainu strihuotittho word "other.'

EEcnas II.

1—Striko out tbo word "ami1i ual) I tbe p a h d i

t tbo word "ae patacriph, andals" tbo follow

i f i t

Pamgrapli 1—Striko out(wliero it occuis ural) In tbesert after tlio word "appeals" tbwords: "and Judges of llio infericommon picas."

Cbwipo tlio number ofprosent paraewnumber li. Ruditrike tborefram tb r


iningt f

tlio number ofprosent paraewph 30 number li. Rudi t r ike tborefram tbo rolloir-

ing words i "and Iho keDper and Inspeolois ofi t o BLRIC p t i aoa ; " txA insert i n Hou tlicrootlio wordrt "and comptroller."

Aluo, ulrilro out tho words "ono Tear" In tbiaecoud clauie of pirairrapb 3 of acction 2, aniicBcrt In lien tliewol tbo word» •'tliroo jouri.1

Chango Iho number of present paragr ip t1 to number 3, and slriks out tho word n»cd'wboro it octus botTiean tbo word "chaucorv'aud tho word "secretary."

Alw, insert after tlio word ('iUUn tho words"and tho keoper of tho lUto priion."

Cbn'ico tin: intmljor of present immytaiib 5uuiubur 4.

C'liauKo the uuuihur of preueut parnf rajilito uuiufttc l>, aud Btrlkd tUetvfrom ll>« war"annually." " a n n u a l " a u d " t b e y may lm i e -tclnd until they •hnllaorve tliroeyear«. but LhinBor." Insert atter tlie word "BUBUbly" tillulluwltif; vrordi ; ">ud tluty sltutl hold tliun(jfticofl for Ibrooyo*." j " ami acid to tlio i>:mi<crapb tlio rullotrjnf-ffui'dfl; "ulinriHj bliiitl an'•na l l j retibw their Iwwli."

Change tbe nui i iU'rur iircaciit p a r a s n i *[o number? .i (Jliaiiro tlio iiuiiit 'cror jirusutit- ^aragrapiito riunibor H.

CIi*ni;e Iho nimiljcr of ptcHcnt pungri j ibto i iumlur a.

Chanco tbo number of prunont pangrspt i\it nuiultor IU.

Mural Kstliuate oi Aloxundcr.

One ciiunot toad tlio details of battle(intl fire and ravftge of peaceable homeswithout fleeing tlio rout ntnoiiut of Buffer-ing, of starvation nud ol mined prosper-ity entailed by this ruthless conquestover a vast arch ot country. If it hadbeen followed W a totat overthrow oold cormutiEff despotism jtnd ti.o ~iotroduction of nobler uintUutions wo raighlsuy it was a dreodfal prico paid for igreat good; but wlieu Alexander cure'fully jirosurved nl) tho worst Peremn iu-stitutionfl, who will eliotv us any good nlnil from it 7 Ba successfully aid he n ttho pavt tif a mcro Asiatic, boru iu a se-radio, tlmt PtrBiun tradltiou und tbeccTebrntod Pemfln epic repr&tant liim na younger Parflian Prince who dothrou-ed his own brother, and so nuccooded toWa throne, If wo ask, wherein did lieiinprova Persia? wagotlram HOUIO tliereply, "He diffused a inowlodgo ot theGreek language." YattholaugangoandGreek literature could not Bare Greeceitself front decoy, sur from worse andworse corraption undar the despotismwhich ho Impoifld nhd b«quta.tli*d. Haexposed bis own lifo recklesaly, inoutbby moctb, j e t navor took & single pre-caution far tbe bonofit of the eiupirfl inoaso of bis death. Tiitu is in perfectbarmony with tho essoatiat egotism ojhis character. 3 a beliorcd himself thrmost generous of mankind, because higave away tlie fruit of other men's lnboto bis Btldiers; and he frequently boast'ud tliat ho retained liotlring for himsolf,when ha was oluiming supreme powetner all their property, their lires Buttheir honor. At lost, irlien they n*it bevras dytngr, they implored him to namebis successor; but to tlie qacstion, "Towhom do you leave t ie empire 7" hewould Rive no other amwir than. *Totha strongest man among you," Herebyhe entailed on Asia tho new misery of•wenty years' civil ivnr nmong the gencr-ils.

The mischief to Gre'eeo iu ench nowgeneration TTOB worao and woreo. Free-lom *n*BS almost everywhere orushed.—

All tlieyoaug men had to nsleara pa-triotism and accept tlio creBd that to be-come nierconuy soldinrs jn Aaia or suf-fer conscription under a tyrant flas • life[good ODough for a Greok. That geuiaain Oroeaa perished with Demosthenes isBO often romnrkod that it is difficult te

nderstand how any scholars blind tUoni-Glves to tho eridonco that Alexander

was the ftsmsiii both uf liberty and goa-ius. Of course, the evil results from th*jyerthrow of law and of nil gembtanaef right could not appear at ones. Tlie

Tut avstuni of standing armies under-mined ia Greece industrial pursuits, cul-tiyation of tha soil and family lifo, Tlielama mult , depopulation, fojlcmed tuttaly from tha demand of m«o for the

Roman legions, and we cannot be wrongia tracing to the cause the marked andstetdy deeay of population in Crraeco.—As to Asia, we hove no docunaoats to

ack ftfljertion up, bat nothing visibleienotei that under MocDdoDian or l'ar-

tbian despots tliinga wcra bettor thanuadur i'oraian.

^Vhilo prinoeaare bom iu n earaglio andpractice polygamy from an early ago nooyal dynast; is long ta cotnmau mta

in body or mind. - To join personal das-potiBm to polygamy is fatal to all endur-ing good goTtrsmeut; jot this is exactlywhat Alexander did. Of darahla pros-perity ha laid no foundations. Mili-arj poit« ia abundance lie p.svQEod and

foitiflfid t docks for ohipbailding ho ea-tablishad on tha tiTers of tha Panjab ;bat how could he hope to obtain allegi-ance from the people ? Ho dependedon. mere force. When his backuru«d they revolted. Ho ight -

Bay, as Napoleon I, enid, "Ah! I cannotle crerywhera." Wlion au iDdiau-ing—MuBicftuuu—revolted, AJoxandor

ia revenge rsred to. tho mound thewalls of the cities which ho hud placed

d M i d d d t h p l


Prof. Junnoy has telegraphed .to tlieiDUsrior Dopartjueut that beliaa discur-ercd gold iu laying quantities. I t isJorLTcd from qannzleigea of ouormouadiiueiiGionu in belt clay, slats andquartz. The bolt is twenty miles wido,und tlio htreums have a haul of watersufficient for working jmrpoHea. Thoyield ii from four to cigbt centi parpan. About tuo Lundred miners bavoilrcady nrrireil and others aro floodingn.

Thera tto thousands of people nowout of linplojDieut, and tlifl result of thisdespatch will ho to draw many of tliem.thither ia tbo uanrch fur gold. TbeCommissionrra Bout by Congress are nowia that country nvgctiatiog for tlio laud,audit would be butter that they eliouldpay twioo tho pries that was offered UetSpring rather ttmn tiio pl«dg& ol wliiteman, to respect tb«ir claims to thii land,should bo broken or tbat another Indianwar should bo Iho remit of theso inva-sions. Tlio classes of mou who goamong tho minai are naually dosparate,»nd neither ro»p«ot tlie TighU of the Iu-dinn or tho govarttinent, and kuowinRthat there nro • • many ways of entoringtils countrj tbat au ordinary army couldnot keep thorn oat, they will occupy tliocountry. The fact that fair nueeoodwhoio UiOusBudt fail iriU sot dolor thimand it ia thur«foro expedient that woihouldlmy the land t.t onca.

Tlio Bluet Hillulio on tha borders otIJakfjta and Wyoming, about two hun-dred milna north of the Piwifio railroad.Xhoy occupy in both torritorios an nwaabout two hundred miloa irido, or aboutsix tbouiand square miles. The baae ottho hillH ia 2,5U0 or 3,000 ftiet above thotea. Isvtil, Until the oxpidition of Gen-eral Omter they irero littlo known, al'Ltoagb thara woro reports ol oil ipringsla tho vicinity.

OLD DDTOB PitovEnDa.—-"We must rowwith tbs oars n*o havo, and ns vra cannotordor the wind, we are obligod to Bailwith tlio wind ttwt Goa givoa.

Pntieuco nucX attention will bring usir.If tlio cat watches long enough at

tlio niouaa bolo, the mouse shall not es-

PorssTcranco will obtain good cab-bage and lettuce whore otherwise * noth-]g but tliistlofl Till grow,TLo plowman must go up and down,

nd wbatorer else may be dono thera is0 other but this long wny to do the

work well.Loam to sleep with ono oyo open ; as

EOOH a» tho chickeaa go'etli to roost it1 time for tlie fox.

Fools always aik what tiino it is, butbe visa know their time.Grind nhilo wind in fair, aud if you •

nofileot, do not complain of God's pro-vidence.

Biso early ; then tho fisherman findsilia tvormi.

Tlio dawn of day haa gold ia itslouth.Ho that lags behind in a ronil whore

tinny ttro driving always will bo iu aloud of dust,

Into slavery {what lie did with them ALilares is never explained, and this anliesone hopa there ia exaggeration), andwlieroho had hiniBelf plaoed garriiaiirjlie dismantled and destroyed tho citadels

impotent modo of Becoring luturoliflsion. Mtuicanu*, baring be«n

caught by tha ilao»<3oai*n Peithon, -WASsent back to Alex&udor to ba lianged liyhis own people.

I t must surely bo evident that Alex-wder could nob ftlwuysbe an Aehilles,amlhat tha Faojub was certain to bo loit toim the moment that he cta&ed to fouri orerrfhalmiug military forc«. Tha

description of tbe army with wbich Leconquered it takes one quite by surprise,hough in hia lotter to Dorini after theinttU of Issai bo boast* that many whoin thst battle were i i tho King's tanks:IOTV fight i i bit. Bat ia India thoSreats in AlexanJot's army wero io

outnumberocl by Asiatics that, if thoung bad dieu cl the arrow allot in hit

lungs.tboyfear«dtob«maBaaorea by theirawn auxiliai-ios. Wero thce* to garris-

i nil India for tho King ?We cannot vouder at tha entire nb-

RRnceof prndenoo in a young man spoiledfrom •Aiildnoou*, intoxicated with mili-tary success, and bout on egotisticalglory • but to extol such conduct r-a "In-stinctive and unerring statesmaoikip" isveir deluaiva doctrioo, "If I were Alex-ander X would accBpt DariuB' offers,"flaid Parmeuio. "So would I if I were?armeaio," xeplicd AloxaHtJer, insolent-ly and foolishly; yet it is lauded us aright royal sentiment. Parmouio tbsuglitb better to accept treasure freely grant-id hj DariuH and uso zesourcei no-lumulatcd in the p u t than (o teizojuppli s by wasteful and odious rap-ine; better to accept thrae solid conn-trios with th« whole so** coast frontingQreeoo, nod Uka timo to caneolidato tlieonqiiBflta and preaa lightly ou the con-\neted, thin to push farther at once andmik their communication!, with homo;bettor to establish psaoo with Vnrius,even if it could not fait vsry lone;, andBccuro their homo predominance,tlmn to make tlie tjutrrel witli Dariustnpcaceahlo and giro hope to all the Giro-:inn enemies of Macedonia. If Antipn-:ot bad been defeatod En Grcccs, Alozan-lcr might have been ruined bv it inLain. The losa of a Binfrlo ba'ttU byiltxandbr himself, ogainct Dacioa m.gbi

hayo boen fatal. Parmouio, ib & a stupid pefaut in Mr. DeVaro's es-tiraalt, II bin been takon—if tho Greek dominion had naver gonobeyond tho Euphrates—wo cannot boHOTQ that tlio hvetoty ol m&ukind wonldliava been happier, simply because vastcontiBgendesftlwaya elude cartain Icnowl*edge. Bat,wUhontrmhne3E, womaysay,acquainUuco witu tho mosterpiacca ofof Groofc literary genius would cieotbonhwe bceii di&aicd in llio C u t amongminds capable of appreciating them.Who tho)* Partliians or Babylonian B ayegot much bonofit from saon literaturo i.8 truly bard to aecortoin, but high- lit-entry omisenco does not nood war to ox-toaaiha Bpboro ot ita admiration, IIany one lay stress on inch n result olMaccdaniaa conquost ho confesses tbatit was voty barren of good in Asia;tint it was deadly to Greece wns no *•*- -ory, but natiiftst fact.

A violent shock of enrtiiqualto was felton tho 12th of Jnlj tit Hoctingen, Ger-many, wfliela proceeded from tlia south-west to tho northeast and lasted fourseconds. Thii phenomenon nay posai<bly In eouneoUid with tha remarkablefall of rain, \iolont storms und floods.

A fen dajssince, as the workmen dnhfl Cajon fois were hauling over aome'•ocke.thfly came across a dop^sitof honeyind taking n polo and running it intothe momtain weroaurpassod to find nobottom. They got a longer pole, lometweity foeb in length, and were enableto touch, the bottom with that. Uponwithdrawing the pole the honey beganto run. out, and soon tubs, buckets andbarrels were filled, nnd still it flowed.3omo parties camo in town and loadedip with barrels, and propose to make. Iraainess of it. They put iu a charge}f powder anil blew oft a portion of theock which diitloscd tons upon tons ofloney. Our informant states that afteruploring it from below to where tho

bees were fonnd to enter, it was foundtcrbD one-fourtb o( a mile, and it is hisopinion that the whole cavity filledrith honey. He estimates over oneluudrcd tons in Bight, and believes that

1,000 tous would not bo aa unfair eati*mute Thta \mvnewi dnponit rannot be"equally by any ever found. Accordingto tbo aboro estimate, it would take ev-ery barrel and hogshead in San Bernard-ino to bold it.

Explorations undertaken hy Dr. Palus,German archcaologiat, at St«inhauser

Raid, have very recently disclosod th* ro*maim of a lacustrine village of the atonoage, showing the gronnd pUnsand rolat-m positions of soreral houses built oupiles. FJooreconatniiUd of orossod tim-bers and orerliiid irith day am well pro-servotl. Various hinds of wood, such asnine, birch, onk, asli and hazel, wero usedin building, Donei of the oervjne,bovineand canine species have been found, to-gether with (lowof larger wi'daaimialimany of them carved by maris ol flint,implements. Tho discoveries includenumerous weapons belonging to the stone

ira, rudely ornnmsnted clay utensils,and a number of dried seedi of differentaorta. Dr. PauTas opines that tbesi[aatulrine liabititions ara of an olderlate than those of Switzerland

A. brttthfui nad not OTer-cdacated b l -ow, went to seo hia girl tho other nigbt,.nd oa he started away ho put his armsironad her and whispered in. her ear,'Dearest, I love ; " and eho respondedweatly, "Ditto," noouing, ofcoune, aeciproeatlon of liis tender pasaiou.,Tho young mau could not find "ditto"n his Tolcabulary, sud asked tbe father 'jezt day as they wero hoeing cabbage,what it'meant. Tho old gent rested amoment on Ms hoe, and pomtedto thacaubage in frout ol him nifch the re-mark : "You see tbat cabbage!" "Yet,"responded the yoath. "Aud you BeehonQxtono there ?" "Yes," "Well,but is called "ditto.' " "Damn her 1"

exclaimed tbo impetuous youth, "shecalled me a cabbage head."

LocKt AND TTm>uaET DATS.—Tradi-ou saitli tbero are just thirty-two daysl the year upou which it is uoadviubleo join bawls, natnuly : tha Arst; secant,,hiru, foartli, seventh, tenth, and twelfth>f January; tbu Brut, sixth, and eighthif March ; tlio nixth and eleventh ofipril ; tbe fifth, sixth untl aovtath ofVI&y ; tlio seventeenth nud fifteenth ofTime ; tUo filth ciud niuctesntb. ot July ;he twelfth and seventeenth of Soptem-ier; tho sizlh of November, and tbe fif-teenth, aixtcentli and loventconth ofDecember. As to tho boat days of tho

*:, why:

"HumUy fat woilth;TuunOsiy for hcnltii;

WeilnesiliT tho licit ot nit;Thursday for crtmos,Frid.y fur low en ;

Saturday no luck at all."

HADN'T TIME.—A. citizen o! Viclts-inrg who wanted a few hours' work doneabout his yard tlio other day accoatod acolored man and inquired if ho wouldlibo the job,

"I 'd like to do it, but I haven't time,"was the answer.

""Whv, you don't scorn to bo doingnythin'g."

*'I don't, eh 1 'Well, now, Tzo gwinoflshin' to-doy. To-morrow I'zo gwino

iTor de river. Kext day I'ze gwino aauntiu*. Next day I'zo got to get mybntes fixed. Nolt day I'zo pwino tomend do tflbla, and do Lnwd only knowsliow I'zo pwino to get frow de WCL-:;; on-Iei3 I hire a mau to holp mo 1"

CAIUJINAI* IICO&OIKET QomO TO ROUE.The first appcaranco of the Amarioan

Rifle Team at the groat Rifle range ofEngland, Wimbledon, -was very suocosa-fnl. The first match was fcr the St,Ijodper BWt'epstftkes at 200 yarda rango,Mr Fulton mnilo tho Ughest possiblescoro, U5, bat TJr. Bigby, ot tlis IrishTeam, did equally well, and the matchwas shot off between thorn on Monday,Mr. Fulton winning. A petition hasboen presented to the authoritias fortbe admission o[ tho American Team toho Elcho Shield contest.

Page 2: CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got on« man i full aud elejEkiit mortmtut, GBO0 R RIES of all klndi au d of tlio toil


llEXtt.'lI. VO«.r, lMtlur iiuil TruiiV

A Fillun Snttirdav mtiroiopnu esplosinn _

curreil nt t ic tratiLfonl Annual, locate,nt liriili'ilu^g, (Philadelphia,) which ro-Mikcil iu tlo killing vt four persons nud


Saturday, ALG. Htii, I S75. j %*e° ™fS°* wcSi'1"=^--^---_——.-- —"—---— ; ' J0 l>y iO feet, situatod in tin

Failure or l)unr;iii, Slifrmnn i Cn.

Thi liw-writm define the rriiun ° f ' J^ \ sl

iO feet, situato ic northwest| - o r u « ol tlie Arsenal ynrd: . « "«• n.s«d

breaking up ammunition, I lnr l j

larceny tu the felonious stealing,and corTTiiiig away of goodt or propcrt;belonging to another, generally hcausa, but sometimes, not alifBJs forllnM rapid uko of gain. Soius moutlsince, n young clerk eiu]ilcjod at illliankiog lioim ot Duncan, ShermanCo. was detected ia cabazzliag monajof the firm, and upon his arrest, it waifucerUiiieil that, uudor tho baleful iafluenc* of a din reputable wonmn, heappropriated to his owu UII. *s well aito the u«ii ot JJI'S /•male companion,earn niticlt largfr than was at firit anp-j)did to have hecn diBplaud. Thoin-fatunUd youth *nd b» femalf inamorataarc now ia prison awaiting trial, and tosum up (to transnctioi, tha clerk abaa-•d the confidence ropoied in him by biiemphyaTB, *nd must abido til* conio(JUCUCOI of hi* shortconriDgB. notwitb-btandiug the e£F*nie ii by no meiDicommon.

The amount loit io thii transactionb;11* Stm of Duncan, Sherman & Co.uot ao large, however, as to cause pub.lie uueaainsti, or to warrant tlio frith'dr.vwal ol the aicallcit atom of publicconfldencQ. I t vonld have been a liap-py cou summation far navy HMUS&TOTit haJ. The i an of 827,000 was anamount comparatively insignificant tofirm tt> woaltby and cr.-iapicuotn ; andtheir buiineis went on swimmingly andhappily M ?)«fore. Suddenly »nd witb-nut premonition, on the 28th day of JuIT last, tha sUrtliog intelligence W B 9

nonnwil (hat Duncan, Bharman k Co.,csteaiaod as ameng the soundest b&nk-eri in the world, had failed, nhohUttyfailttl! People refused to credit it, flouting and aeouliag the very idea, offnilure,until tho cloaed doors of tho palatial edi-fice in Naaiati street confirmed the direfulintelligence,

Subsequent developments,bora unroiitakcl/l* evidence thni, theo-relicaUy, Duncan, Sheimin & Co. hadsuspended on tho day mentioned, hu

had failed'ysaw ago—thatthey hod been transacting businca* lor a

• long perimt n'mplj upon public confi-dence, and that tbe bitUr end had comaat Jast to ahoiv that, like the case of thewratchiil clerk, tha public couGdencahad been abused. The means and prop-Arty of other* had boon deposited withthe firm ai an absolute trust reposed iuit* honcity, integrity and responsibility;and it vis astonailing that thi paruMof the "unju.t steward" should banfound to swift an illustration in the per-•ons of so reputable an association. Thedifference between the offence commit-ted by the embezzling clork and the de-faulting bankers ii simply one of law,and not one ol fact.

Good time toe the p*ach -pickers ofDelaware to get up &*worki>gmcii'i ua*ion and strike for more xaoney, Thamarket is oTentocled with fruit, all tU•pare tallroad can are mod to c*rrj it,and th«ie itrikta are so fuhionable, whenthe employers may bo inconTeuitneed,that % comer in paachea might he got-ten np iritliout much tronbla by aomeof the Wall itxoet moo. I t doesn't makemuch difference in tho price of a plateof tho Delaware*, however, an* thicTcam, of it ii, that oviiy tlio g/een oneacome to maiket.

The American Rifle Team are in Paria,ecjoyiDg tb«nu«lTH befota tba start forhome, Thej'U h n o tome nieo storio* totell when they arrive about their Euro-pean travels, and many a Parisian fairOLA xrild aUd-Iier-atenvo witlt costly Hcato win a complimont from our crackjihota.

tho rivers are alarmingly high. TheMuuissippi is rising, and the Btate En-gineer of Louiainna reports that tLo lo-TCOI are beginning to gife way-

Gorernoi- Harirflnft is determined tojreak up "hangman's day" in Pennsvl-vania. He kas iasned tho war.*ant forth» execution of Barney McCuo of Wil-

imiport, unming Alonduy, August 9tb,_ tho day. He b&s not, we belioTC,permitted kn eieeutkm to take place onFriday since the beginning of bis ad-mitiistrutiou,

The befit game of base ball on record-was played on. July 25th, at San Fran-isco, between ft club from that city andalifornia Club, o< Sacrameato City.

The latter club won after playing fifteouioniogs. Tho score stood 1 to 0, Over3,000 specUfors witnessed the game; Itis tho intention of the "sporting men"at Kan Pmncisoo to send tbe chih East,to compete aga'net the New York, NewHaven, Hartford, and Boston ball clubs,

SJsbop Cummins reports that thereare now fifty miuiatflrs sad forty congre-gations of the Kafonnotl EpiscopalCbnrcbin the'DoitedStatca sod Canada.

I t is reported that several familieslave been forced to leave "Williameonbounty, III., to cscapo the vengeance ofmtUwa who rule tbat county.

MGQB. Hiliflon bos been composed tolocline the liberal offer of 8100,000 for00 nigliU, inada bar by Mr. Max Htra-toscb, of New York, on account of in-disposition. Sb« ia now in Paris.

Tho jury in tho Mountain MeadowMauaero trial reported on Saturday,that they were unable to agted. Theywera discharged by tbe Court. I t is re-ported that they stood 0 for acquittaland 3—ona QsntUe and two Mormons—for conviation.

Tho iiDit sensation atLoug Branchwill bo the n«£ro camp-meeting—thochampion rovivaliat will aeon ho on baud,and tho peculiarities of their singingand services, are amusing to tha visitors

who deposit currency iiion box.

the contribu

KATIOHili T E U I ' E I U N C E CoNtKHENCEXT OUEAS GBOVE.—A National Temper-ance Contention wu begun at OceanOrovc camp-meeting ground on Wed-nesday. Tho in tout ion of tha Temper-ance leadtn, aa expressed in tho call toithis demonstration, in to arouse a senti-mentthat vrill incite (ba country. At 9o'clock "Wednesday moraine there vroa Rpreliminary prayer-meeting DQ the spoused commonly for religions gathering*.About two thousand penous wera prcjfliit, most of whom woro women. IhHer. T. T. Tftifcur, exjaducted (be devo-tional ecrricts, and tbo burden of theprayers KM for a. revival of interest inthe Umpcrani;. c*ntc, Tito Brat regu-lar m*eting was held in the same pltcsfrom 10 to 12 o'clock, andwaa even more

i UdA A Ufm 12numcroasiy lth uombl

d even moreA Ufgo part ol

as m dtbe Kisombly, bowomr, was raado up oftbo summer sojoumen at Oc«an Orovoand Asbury Park, of whom there arnow fully six thousand. Mr. JameBlack, of Lancaster, Pa., Fmidant otha Penn*j]r*DJa Temporavce Unionpresided orer this and tbe subsequent•ess'.onB. He mtdoal>rl«[ aiMreia, itwhich ho commended the crosado bjr thiOhio women against tho uwsellerii. sndadvised a more general and etTectire or-ganization throughout the country fottemparaace irorlc.

Tbo doatli ol Andrew Johnson Jearasthe conntry without a siiiglo ei-Presi-dent living. This has aot happen idaioco tho death of Washington in tbeadministration of tlie alder AdaniH.When Joun Quincy Adams was insurated, fifty years ago, all tbo Prciidsuttof tbe preceding seven Unas, twenty-sight years, were liTing; namaly theelder Adams, Jtffanon, Madiionand Monroe. When Folk was inaugu-rated, thirty years ago. the iucambtmtiof the previous twenty years, five terms,were living (except Harrison, whoin office but one month), namely, thoyDnnger Adsass, Jookaon Van Baronand Tyler; and when Lincoln was inaug-urated, fourteen years ago, no Un thanflvo of bii "illustrious predecessors"snrriTed—Tan Baren, Tyler, Fillmaro,Piercs and Buchanan. The mortalityamong our public men has beon verygreat. Of Lincoln's Cabiuat oDlccraonly two, Iifantgomery Blair and Gideon\VA\'j>, are now living.

OiTwrrrED.—A rsaident of Detroitwho has a thrifty cherry tree In his yardb d t d d l d th

t y y In yardbarreled a stone dog and plated thoimposition at tho foot of the tree to•care away any bad hoy who might wana. fetit of cherries after dark. Ho waiflattering himself that he had a daad•ore thing on the boys, when, the othermorning, he want ont to find the legsand tail broken «ff the image, and thebody sticking in the ground and labeled:"This 'ere dorg feels sick." Bo did theoitiren. ,

Tho celebration of the hundredth an-niversary of tho birthday of Panic!O'CbnneJ] begun Thursday, and was ob-served in. Inland, Boms and Canada.Impressive services were held iu theDnblin Catbedn] by Cardinals Onllenand Manning, four archbishops, and SOOpriests,

Ex-Stat« Treasurer Parke, of SontbCarolina, against whom » verdict of $75,-

; .000 was recently tendered, has escaped.from jail at Colombia.

;; Maiufleld Compton, of Elizabeth, N.. J.> hflj brought »nit against Josephine" d« CsxientM tot enticing his wife away

from her hoiae, asserting his damages toJbeB5Q,QQ0.

ITS were workiDR in it at the time pok-ing powder out of rinVL-artridgej. fromwhich the balls had previously bcontakun. Jiii ei|)lo.sii)n whs the result ofearolusaiicsi. 'i'lie bojii had been eteitwarned uot to tontb tne cr.p on the topof the cartridge, bet whi.o ouo of tliebovs were picking lit* struck oue ou Ibetop, which exploded aud iguiUd a lot ofothers. The buildiiiK had *n iron (ram*,with tho roof find sides io sections, aothat if one side WM blown out it wouldnotftffwt tho rest. It was demolished,witii tha cxcsptfoB of tvo or tinea ace-tioni, which were nulled down to pre-vent accident. McLaughlin, a lad fif-teen years old, was tilled b r a splintersix inches long mid oaa inch thick, an-t-sring his left side. Zilcr, aged sixteenrears, hvl his thigh trtcturad, an/' J i " ^late in the evening. Tie other w

1 hdliercd to be out of dan-ger.

At tbo tinio of tha fixulosion third.. ere 80,0^0 cartridges ia tho place, on &/air average, being halt lull of powder.That more boys were not kilted weresimply owing to tbe command of Tore-man CoJ«, -who teeing t)i* first cartridgego off, ordered all the bays tu run.

Tho Frankford ^Vrsonal is located up.on a plot ot ground flva miles from theStato House, aud containing sixty*twcLcres and eighty-two Dtiuars rods, ond iiitustsd at the conGneuao of F/npWord

Creek and the Delaware River, in theTwenty-thud Ward. The arneiial ia "amagtzme of military stores,1' anil ia fromits location and the nature of iU pro-(Jnot,, nno of tha most important nf tbimilitary poiisia tho United tntesS At'my. In it is manufuctured all ths " *manufa ted

far suall arms for the wholearmy.

(•eucrol >'eirs.

Ex-PreaiJeut Johnson was liuried atGreenville, E. Tenn., wrapped iu thonotional colors, »nd with a copy of tbeCotisUtutiou iu his clasped bands ; theStato offleori and many societies attend-eJ ,- tba set-rises were Masonic, Therearo insurance policies on bis lifo uniouut-in^to $350,000.

Tbo floods in llo West liara douagreet demaga lo tbe railroads, and trafficon several linci is partly suipcndfid.

:u ii ' " '

Dissolution.Tho co-pirtncriliip licretufuro ctutluk' U -

tweeuAloiaiiacr Ktnouso and 1'nucii litsck-boQie, imtior t ie firm UIIDB ol Kauous ItBliclthouto, ltsi this di.T bpeu dtnolTed y

taleoDtent. All debts oviag to tL» pirl-iip mint bo mill to Alcxandar KIIIOUHC.


Ter, K. J., July SOtli. 1675. :!3-4w

The crops hare beon injured




iddreiabTmatl . 31-1f

Notice to Trespassers.N OTICE la heeelf cJren lUt <)1 p«rinnn

tiDBpsniitiR on tho grounda of tho sub-•crlbcri witb dng or gun, or Ur trapping or

king Ramo Iu «ny rasnnor fin&tHacrcr, will boeill wUb McordJoK to Uw.UELH.TVIGOINB, 3. E.K1NDIIED,QEO. E: RIOHTEll, HORACE HOBDOCK,

Dit«d CHffwooaValloy, N. J., July 2itti, 1875.32-Sm

Dsnicl O'Connell, tb« one hundredthannivorsary of vbofio birthday was cel-ebrated on Friday, v u horn in th«County Kerry, Ireland, and tras one ofthe few groat men of tbat age. Hewas educated io France, and sdmUUdto tho bar in Dublin in 1798. Tenyears later ha gave np the practice uflaw aud d«rotcd hi* lifo to tho benefitof his Catholic countrymen. Ho work-ed for twenty years,.relying upon unionagitation and petitions as tbo means toBUCCSSB, and in 1820 Parliament repealedthe last of tho eWil disabilities underwhich (ho Catholics had labored. Hotook his seat in Parliament, showinghimself to bo an ' eloquent and cleorheaded statesmen. Ha wu re-elected•QTeral times, and in 1841 was chosenLotd Mayer of Dublin. He agitatedtho, repeal of iflgtslfitiTa union betweenEngland nnd Ireland, and afterwardshad trouble with sdme of his hot-headedfollowers, ytho farored open rebellionH» died at Genoa in 1817.


LETTER TO THE LADIES.CI, W . 11. T . P . >rs Ibo loltUl. K i i r f "

Cloo<UU'« While lUils Toilet 1'owUtr I an »rlKlutrldilc lairltl itdinoTlnd ^DIBI. Fi^tdiii, *nd eruptioni oftlie itln wj( _tii« taMttlctlctto ctuunleiiDii. ItlipeiTinidi , u d wblla ItKrMtlj buutlAe* tbe ct

ptexloii. uullkE ftlt UofN i%t tuo CAQQOL l)Q dct^c~tien oied tu?canlia[[ to tbe direction tccomptuf

ch boi. Tlis •uUcrltHr, a Drue*1" of I » » I «>nte eouajeotlr prmnnU it to tba public u

unit, »nd oblj Tullct Fiiwder, the t i» of which cao( be delected, wblla II U ttitierior toiU •IJjen _.

btiutiflor of th* complexion, Kewlwbit mVrcncUihyilclin ftiul diemlaluj* ! novnr, N.J..Oc(. litH73. "UiTing t»«i(Ml OacxIMc'R R o " Toilet l-owdor

1 find It coitUlpt oa Jenl or olbor tMiiOLom iub-•Unc«. E- Itoiil, U. O- ol the acbool of tnndlclue arPul l ." UaU bj *U lupocUblo DrusgliU, ktiil i l

Ilia ii>^>l>iileturl flumii Street, nmt door

. _... . us .tlio UnltBtleU'

L«l*t •n A, Qo'odBlD, Dover,

RHEUMATISM.fouli»To HliQum»tUui, Ooat, or Lumbagoo to 11. k C. Mllgorti'i drug ilore *niJ '

- ..mplo liottlo of Dr. Uurlim's llhoumiremedj, frPo ot chirco, or tlio regular BIKO \\#1. It ii taken inlottmllr »ad [• certain to clvopermaaent relief while all oitcraal app.katfons

but temporaty, Our object in glnneawtTnioitattlcfllK to clvo toil an onjwrtnaity to

tunt it fri;o of chawei that'you m»J bo con r in Milill Ju *li tliat i» claimGtl fur It. Try ft.iiii-ud b j itobcrt KillRore, Dnvur, N. J.

SEVERE* COLDCongli can Iw cnruil iu a ttw JITH Ii;OH C


TH tyCouchO Congli can Iw cnruil iu ttn J ITH

UVlag Or. llurtuu'i VugoUbio CoHjrop. It fi purely Y* • - - " - - -

-* ' • known t

ihiim*j]e»dtoCoDinmplion. "Uc tngo f*wjjeHiDR nature, it cantiat fail to bo of (treatbonolll la all e n o i where tbo l u n g i or firon-chiil tubei »to affsc ed from any came. Ham-ilo bottles no to bo hid FJ1EE OP CiUHOEit ltobcit KiU^ore'i drug itoro, Dovor, N. J .


RUPTURE.For ftupture tLo "IUggi" Hard RublierTruucuncedbd Ly all who b»TO worn them ia Lo

tha bcit, clemest and enltjit trass to wear t in ti m u l e Tin t tbcyktonoir boloR mod in tto

t Engtiili BoipUali in preference to anycrTruM madoiB iofficicDt recommendationthem to induce m j one wbo Is obliged to

near a t n m to eat one. A. fait ilook ol tfaap i •' Blf*JIl Hbb T f l

ear a tnmpecoin* •' Bi b t h

eat one. A. fait ilook ol tfaa*JIaril Hubbei Tn»cs of sll

d d b l k t Li, both iloele tnd double, arokepVbROBERT KILLGOItE,

ily 11th, 1B71. Suiiox H.., DoTcr, N. 3.

Letters remaining unclaimedn thePait Office at J>over, N. J,

AnC. l l t b , 1B75.JuJ*nCalUn, Elizabeth Moor,Ednrd A. OaJloirar, fl/Jrla nenon,Jamci QriQln, ltob«rt Pierion,John Hcigerty, E. L. TarUmati,tdwird JtnVio, ciliUi Fanon i ,Fnak Kelciior, Jjzziiietli Itob»ua,\\ra.M»rtin. AdaWUand,

Mr. EhroiltDr Bhr«t.To e

aud gh date of this lltt.A. DEEUEIt, p. II.

MAURI ED.I08TIK—GHIF1FP At Camp Tabor, on tboOth (nit., (IT Her. 17. E. BfitMteo, Ch»rl« A.Oaitln and Oeorfrlaoaa II. Qrififf. both ofHockair»y

DIED.ODNQS—Near Walnnt OTOTO,I L C i t l h X tTli« fonmU will taks place tojnorrow (SODd«y) aflemoon at 21Jo'clock, P. M., at thoII, £. Canrcb, Walnut Orore.

n AURSIOI Mli, nr. tba runl fi"ui Dunaimvik Hoi«l *RUSSIA LEATHER DIARY,

canti, niiTnrei, Ac. Tlie liiij^rniil I* tii«Trpnitd^d by tearing Hit- n ine at tliin nfl'uewith L. D. Tillrcr, cor. lllackwcll tail lV«i|»tr«el«,'N. J .

NoticebTpiToa, tliat flier* prill lie B me*

far tlie'E»iBiu*tiUB of CimliJifji CLrlifx-aici, at ths I'ublic ticliool, DOVER, m SA.TURDAI; tlioeh »jj[j)ic»til for i certiflciiu tbouK tar lyai So'clork, A.M.

L. W, TIlUllUEH, Couuty 8up't.AU(?.7tta, 1073. 35-^1

Strayed!llUJ1 JUij" *4tlli IrDUl lilt' pttlall Val Of tli* Klltj

"DAKK BBD COWIurna t Iu *tiJ lr(t ere n|i!lt. iuj Infuriui»r >'betc»l>onu will be- tlnvuklultj tecvltffludiriultibty rawirdtd br teturmlna Ue

NoticeI t hereby civ on to all perJOin In Job led tu tbelalo llrra of Striker & llaruoi tbat UI UQ as tiled-ccovaU will L*put jntbDbaiKJioratJollector,fl irAusuit 151b, 1875. far lU'iiodnto eollec-

Ironti, N. J., Aagutt "th, I875.~ji-2iT

Lost«-$5 Reward !OS July Mth, on tbo road from Dkkcrton

lllno lo Huccaauuua,prubabl* In tlic latterUcf, l

G O L D E A I t D R O P ,wilh a square ruby scllinc The above retrirdwill bu [aid to tlitt pcrtoo ilciiverine It lo

ftl tbe olliro at Ibe Dickenon Mine.eust 7, ia75.-3iv-!>d.




July 30tU, lBTS—Sff

— .jmpatout tos Lrancbes. In-

' WHITLOCK * LEWI8.Dor.r, N. J .


Schooley's Mountain Seminary


MONDAY. a E F T E M B E R 13th, 187B.

RKV. Ii. I. STOUTESDUltGH,33-11 rrhiciptl.


F O R SALT:!Uuuto mil tarnltht-6, Tbe 1>II*IDI


Newark industrial Exhibition


Benefits Extended to all New Jersey.

ADVERTISE YOUIt BVBIME13 TnTHOtlT COBTto lUethTonatuBWliliude at vUtton.

WAKK IKDUSTIlUL EXinHITIONW i l l o p e n l S H i September.

Grxidarfcrlvol frrmCtli Sfiilcnibcr.NO CI1AUOB POtt KffTUV OR SPACE,

DirectrDili «rn [catloni ror»i*ci) or liifonui tie Secret lyatauce. *llUnkfc. at fur rptctut edit to allnuoiifa

cr« Uiraugbnut tloState. TliMiinut in racelpt of(ti* Mtiie w(tl i,ltue Hldrcit th« BecrtUrf. A'

loutdcililblt.DAVID M. MKKllEIi, Vron't.

A. M. HOUDItOOK, Scwcliry. - 31-2w

Chester Institute for Yoiuig Ladies,

PAHENTB doilring & tcbool whorethoroDKbnesi and chcapneii »ra

combined, with a pie want homo, will

" " ' " " " ' K M . F . n O A a t A N D ,34-?.in , • ClieiUr, V. J.


SALE OF BONDS!Scaled Proposals for flie Sale

or Fire Bonds of the Town ofDover, to the amount of $0,000(from 85O to $1,000 each) archereby invited, anil will be recelved until

September 1st, 1875,

at tlic office of Major UlchartU,

WAI. II, LAJtlUEIlT,w ' ' Treasurer-

MorrJi Coimtjr Surrogate's OHlce.AUGUST 12tU, 1875,

In tho mit tor or Din I el D. Bryant, AdmSnlMitor of Alonzo llted, docetiKni. 8urroa*t(order to limit credit o n .

QN appllcatlou of tho abote-iiainoa AJmlnii-t m o r , It it ordorml by the aan-tgato tbat

aim AdmlnUtrator giTo public notica to thacreditor* of tbo citato of ••!<! doccdent to bringin tbelr ilobta, aominds aud claims »g».Qil thisifno. nuileroatlt, jritbla nine rooutbu fvom thidate, by letting np a copy of this order, withintwuiily da™ boreafUr, in flvu of lite most pnb.llo pl*cen In tlio County of Morris Tor l r -mouCiis, au<I abo within lh« n l d Itrontj- Jaby advortisiDK Uio nmtt In tbo IRON E I U . O L .of tbu tiowiiiapots of till* S t i l t , for tho aamoapace of tlrao (tlioSurruRale Judu^ng any f urthornotice to bo uDiiocMsaty); ana if any ctod/tgrHball DORlcot to oibiWt £(s or tier debt, aeiuamland claim trltbiu tho Mid i>ur>»d of muo muullmuublio noilca being givnn w afureiald, tuclitrcdltor iliall be f a i r e r dobarrod of bis or lu"-Botiou tborofor sgainat tlio » id A'dminutrainr.

E. E . WILLIS, Burrue*'0-A (niD copy (ram tlic mfuotos; S5-10w


Boot aad Shoe Store' OP DOVEU IS


eatlj oppoiilo tbo Xatlout Union Hank,Ay EICXIXI-VT SILECTIQM or .

Gaiters and Shoes for Ladies,AttsisB and Chiltlreo, and

Men's Light & Heavy Boots,A creat Tirl«tf far «rerj- Heieripiton at we

XT IIEI'AIHINO promptly »tltnded to.

Valuable Personal Property

PEIVATE SALE!T T A V I N 0 been duly intborlecJ a i ItoccirarX X or Attorney in act for and in tb« st<.'*d othe lato firm of Kent & nodRtri, Soda Watetmantiftctnrori, I thttrefuro oLTtr at prlrata aalo-J GOOD 11OUSES, lUltabti lor road or draft,9 cood Wacom, sot double IlarDcii, lot tiaRf' la roe i i , pair Bob SlocU with Body, lot or bataolf, teKolber with all tlia bottlsi, boxes » •_ppa n t c * mtQ br Ibo J*to firm la their bmi-e*t. Will ba lolil ill togtthcr or iepir»tclT.

A. JTXDSON COE.Dour, J«Iy 15111, lB7i. «1-

W m . S. C O L L A R D ,

Upholsterer and AwningMaker.CHAIBS, LODHGEStnaBOPAS,

rspaireil and QpliolitcrDd In any material do.sfra). AWHlftOS tuannfaclured^far priratedwslllngt aid atores. Hanilsoms in al}lo and

°°""' -Wm. S. COLLAED,At MeCncken'i Cirriiet Minnlictory,

32-2m DOVER, N. J .



EmiMSHED tad cootncls takin fwork. Jobiof iTery dnuiptlon Ueil

a A i t d d U r l a l f i i n i l i h e d A• B a t c t . k n d m a U r l a l ndtrs perfaroied with proraptaeiB.

iltncd,All or-S3-ly

ANVPtiJiuR for tlieraisiiiKil money If U ilicvrarSfTfi. l 'M,caAag»t-Wh, l s » . Ue itnbiticJ bv ilif llnvnr, jldcanlcr, AUcroiauid t'omiuiJii Council me n of Do' t r I* follor-K-clionl. ThatinaiMitivntotboroad tw . .

y recfiu-ii rrom ilic TowiuUIp cf IUudolpb foru r i o r inTi.lhtic nlia!lboaswiiedtDiIIcTiody i'»jt for tbu cspcnBcs or lUo Town of Votoir Hie cumi i t j f i r ilie SQIU of Fire Thoui indulliTB ui)d Fifteen i>cr crnilutn.npoc and o**r

ml aburotlia said Mini Bf Tive Thouian d UoL-

ii '-•. That ibtrc Khali be nl J i i J l b

il snili l ioJij j iJalyll lbjj i lB ill

o»iim nf Onw 'JTioumnJ Btvtt-ii ly Dullarit and fiflccu pr anil alwru the uniil XUIII

iiUun.Bui'tiuii.1. lliat hi nidi lion to tUt itin

tax protlilfJ for in chelirHtatidH.-condr hin oniiunuvc, tlicro Mfiotf bt aHseid

a U x I T l D l l n i w i i t l "


reeDllariniiitt!ni LiinuraW lil tlie lurboiiiiK o

rotr oft!n

il tli of a_ _ _ jhip for tb '

DCifrinrli tnutioii .no 4. ThM ibo isscBfur of tlic tu*u •rbi'l »il]jij) ten d:ij>talter roceiviiij" noin tlic Clerk ot tin: Cuinimiii Cumuli of

Dover proceed to |<*vr ami a*(ti"» the laxgi pro-vided fir by tlio l i ra ami BWIMHI »eclions or(lila OrJi/iauco, uttctii tio properly ol tho fuiiabiau4B ami rcsidtuu of BM IOHH, in tlio » u iiitnaor and upon tbu 6»luo b»sis ai town all ti,Dd couiur t u c i arc by law aBsumtd. And nlo upon ail Ifioproporlf anil estate, both rednd personal, witniti ibo litnln or said towonal, wjtliiii ilio

ay belong to uiuran upon ili

i or said t oiklcnts. ID tho

t f th iunie inannuf an upoii ilio property of tin in-habitant* tlicrcorprovidetf, t ln l a poil-lix olUrio Uollar per p(iir«ball |» levied and - J

br the Atsoiior upon ()ii> jmll of ovorjliablianl aboto ttju it'fo of iwcntv-one j e a nnilhin ttiocorjKiratoHiiilta, (mcept bob or ablylischarDod BoktUn,) n» ft p » t of t»o whulo BUID(irovided for by tha tlrst aud ttecond section ofiliii Ordinance. Anil the AsuctBar IIIAM i l tbsBanio time Icry nnd »«sc«i tliu tax upon tboowncn of dogi provided for br tlie third itctinroftbisOrdinancf.

Stetioa S, Tliat tlio Asjewor of the town o_fJoTir anpolntcd br tlic CoiaiUon Council or..._ - -'^ull, li«ruro lio enter ui>un tbe duties «"

', Uko and miltcribo BD oath or RQIIuToro nnr puriou duly authorized t

BdniinlBtcr tho tauift tn faithfully and Injtartiillr tu iliwlmnjo tlio dutien of bis mid ullicc

HceUmi G. T in t tbu Atu-KOf shall retolvc acom[HHisa liun fur bit u tmee i tbo Bam of tci- ' [Mi-iianioiift'ichtaiab.O person contain

tho (Iu jiUcato of and assessment. Anil(lie i"urJtier uuni t>! lire ttats torcacii ling>rly UX<H1 OU aatd duiiliratu.

Hccti»U T. Tint thu naid Aswsaor BliBli on orl«forc tlio lint (lay nr October, 1873, (kilter loJbo Calluelcr of tliu (otrn of Dover tlie dr-"cttu wltU tho aBncsatunnt of (men.


WK. H. lAiinniT, Clork.

A Htiiutlimcut to nu Ordinance,Eutitlttl, "Au Ordinanio iteKiilatitig GradiiiL'1'arlug and UurbiDR Humtri titreit , lassiLMarcli 301h, eijjliteeu liutidnd and BeYtuty.-

_ illoa 1. Bo it oVdaliitcl 1>J tho Mavor, Re-cordir, Aldermiu and Common Council of Ua-Ytr, that tbo establiihed Rndc of Bustles Htrcct,i s tliotru oa map and >tro&le adopted by thaOrdiuanru, tOKhkli t i n ts a auppienJeut, boand tlio name U hereby clinugtd and fltiusei.Street from tho briileo cronjiiiK tho Itockawarriver (o Clinton btroet i l i t l! IM rcgnlatetl, work-ed aud curbed tu tho ucttlu • • ibomi ou aramctideil iirotilu mnp uf tixmti stroot, mtdci>y Ibo Town Purveyor and now ou tlio lit thoMayor a oflioe, mil in ln-rcby idoptcd, and B»ldlines shonn ou anid amended and proQlo in»ii

<e incntioiicd bo anil 1M htrtbv taken it thebhuheii E'*iip r,I MUMPS Struct wllliln tin

limiti thereon ihmvn.Station 2. Anil to it further ordaJnod tbat BI

much of uaicl Ordinance entitled "An OrdinanceFBttklins arsullag, 1'uvfof: and Curbing Hus-

j i f i t r t 'd , ptascd March SOth, ciplitcou bun-dix-d and icrontv," nti unplioi to ilio gni3o nt

lid tJUBflei Streot from tbe bridgo croidng thooulian-ur Itivur to Cllntuu Hitvci, ii hD»I>

OEOItQE H1CUA11D3, Mny6r.A t k i t : WM. H. LAVJCIU, Clerk. 3


REAL ESTATE!r r i H E inliici-iber, AttmiuUtmar of HUiAJIJ . MILLElt, deu'd, vill IDII at public auctionat bia lato r d id slice at BTANilOl'E, on

MONDAY, August 30th, 1875,jftwcsn tbo hou» of twolvo M. >ud Hvo o'clock

1\ K,, tlio

HOUSE AND LOTof tlio dncoasiid, nil into In BTASUOPK, l lo r rkCounty, on to« rosd hiding to DraiteriilQ. Tha• • louufti* about 1 tcro ind !H of laad In a_..,-1 state of cultivaUon, it well ti locked withPlUJIT, a n d IJOH a enod veil of water conven-ient to tho home. Termi or tiajmoiit wilt tom a d o e u y . Par tiirllicr inrticiilari Inquire oftho subteribti-.

I. P. M1LLEII, AdiiiinlstriL..Stanhopo, Jnly20th, 187J. 33-Sw


B0ILEE W0EKS,P. KEOH, Proprietor,




cooBtautly on l inuil .

rAIKISO TllOMPTLl- ATTUSUED TC.r to Morrii County MncMnc k Iran Cu



Mia. tniluainrtiiiGiitof


l:l-Cra Morriilown, N. J.

Announcement Extraordinary!



Irtifcli will be |«1<I i t curtailed jiriwi.

THE TEBV 11EST IXOUll i t (10 for lurro',A i'ltnir LOT ur

BJJTTEB,tt all limoi on hand and kept ukclj in a largtIB-tf n-frlserator.

ATLANTIC GIANT roWDEHCOMPANY-Lociunnof princiiMii plico or liuslneii,

Ban Francisco, California—Location o f vrotki,UcCdnnll lc, MorriH Coontv, N»v J c n c j .Notica Is herebr elven that at % nicotine of theItoard of Director!, held ou the HtU dnv ol* t\v, 1875,an Mieiimeut of I b r a e i n i one-third

jlltri per aharo was 'evied upon tho a u o m -bJoMpitil stoclc of 1'JO car>H>ration, pajabloImtnedla.ily, Iu United Btatei currency, to theSecretary, at Iheofficsof Hie camp any, Nr ~Callfornla St., (Jan Franclico, California.

Any ttacii upon which thi* tenesiment ikallremain nupildon tho THUlTY-yntST day ofAUflUST, 1875, will Ixt delinnnent, and adter-tfsed for sale a t pabl'o aQctioa,- t n d unleiipayment in mule before, wilt be lalil on Thuri-day, Iho ICtU day or September. 1B7S. lo paythe delinijnont auoisment, logetlmr nl lh coitiof idrertlilnp and cxpenaaa or sale. Ily urdor->f tha Board or Director!.

CEAfl. P , SCHTJLZE, 8ocr«larj.OfncE—Ko, «0 Californi* Bt., Bin Frantiico,

Calilornii. • 33-5 w

Real Estate at Auction!Tlio heir* or Richard and Jana LiTenport will

loll at pahHo isle, »t trio reiidenco of the h to".icliirh Daunport , doe'd., NEAR M1LTOK,lonit CoanlT, tiewJenej, oa

SATURDAY, August 28th,tie PAJtM or late tiocfiseJ, contiiuine ilwut

The ieaproTwaenU ue a good DWEtalJKO-IIOUSE, Bam, BUckBmitb. hhop, ind otbor outbnil<lin£i. Ther» !• n c r y O n o Applo Orchardon the ptetulica with a oood vinctv of otborFroit. Alto. A tiarcr f«ll)er Well o/W«tcir stthe door. Tha firm !• weirdlrldail inlu plowand m*ulow Und, and t i aniUblo far a datrj oflight or tun Cowi. Thor* ts likeniao a ch,alcsot of limber mlULto for mining purposes

building, riilroid Uei, Ax. Sala to coramsneoat S^'clock V. M. CoodittoDB mido knemo by

— j inquire ofWm. Q, Ftchter . i twood, or H . H. DAViilJuly 33d, 1875. Mil I on, Jifftrion



B. In !"«nKMUJ . Itlakr

tany uMrfcctlviuiijilv,

rat girl! need!liter Hwit ra i,-.,

j r u u them. Ii il l l I

drwl ia usfurther pa





PABLOll FURNACE,_..J over forty difleri-iit imlti'i-n* ol PAllLOJI,HALL ind COOKINU bTOVES; FURNACE,1U.NOEH, CIllATES.Ac.


ufeicryvariofy, J.EAD aud IltOS PICE.



At tbo Lowest Prices for C:tsh !



At lU Umc-a A chi>!ue s




FRUITS and VEGETABLESIn tliDir fiL'ison. Wlmlesalo and JklaiL

At thii nurkct tho g m t r i t ciro la con-Rt&ully tiken in suludini; nud killing all kindnol meat, mi l I lie proprietor bv roasun or Jongcipcrioucu and practical tno<rledgo ol tho


GLINES' ROOFING PAIKT.Welcome OUO and A!I lo m, ewmliwtl.m or otiluck.





Suwanneo Yellow Pino Lumber,

ndicciireil verj- nilTatitngcouj freight raita aro now prejisrvd tu lutnhh



at priucti uhldi HUVD it to tlio Interest or alpurchaser! totnvo ua a fall.

Having UnriviH fudliliea far drrint r.-rvtiiiing, wo aro ablo toK"iarnnlrii drjnenH BInualitv. AUorilrrinrainiiltv delivered un eofroo of chargu. Tliu fullowing HIKCS cuuetanton hand.

a Iand2.

11-2x3-1x5 " '« » "2 " " " •'

I M112 Inch *Up plank No. 1 and 2.11-2 x 12 lU Inch step plunk No. I. and 2.S x U x l i " " " » »

inch celling.

I t i i i l ey , C r n u c ft. l V e l n t e r ,Foot of l!ridg« Ht., Notrark, un

aMBiu Avenue, W NewiirL Ij-D



Merchant Tailor, JV. J : ,

-ipt nf tlio ktnnt 8priiis FOBIIIODB,••ditlmm D<1 by Mr. J . S. Union tSqtmrHna Jlr . Wm. Uleucroas, 737 liroianay, IV. Y.

The principal cfiftnRo lo noto (a Iho ifyfatliSprlnicwUl bo tho long frock Coat and thihrgu 1'antitootii.

BPHISO 0VEJ1C0ATS ni» BIHO IK) out mac]lancer than hcfolororc.

l l o moBt fa»hionBlilo JJOOUB fur Dreai Rniwill bo Slack Dissou»l WonitodK. very »ma« l l . Largo plddu and Usthy [aiUnis at

For DuslneiBSniti tlio newnt stjlci wil! bottrj imall cliock or dark colon, in Froncb anAmerican ;oo<li. PantiiootiR will bo m»i]moitlr or unall check and lino hnir Una c ~A rc r j full linu of tha ibOTO-nanioi jjooi' - ionjyitock •! all timei.

now on hind tlio Largest iud.bcsl•elected Block of now.


dcr is ray ln-inclpil bnaiiicai. bnt J do noi con-IM ? • i i t n ' " " enlirelp, n my cnntomort

"ill find a largo iiack of Casiimort-a suitsbjo fniBus noii Satis snd UOTI* Wear, t in t will bc/oUl7 tuoyanlTerj cheap, and HUTnturfor nil lUat300ll l'llBHU ' ° l l B T° U

(.ra*dB U P "'CMlolVM.-

Genta1 f uvnisUing Goods,onstintlT on hind. Shirts niadu to ordt-r imiirranted tn fit. The Cuttlus Dupartment it

iifictlon guaranteed tcP . II

io. tr.H O F F M A N .

Mcrcbaut Tailo

i/l. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,




1an» andt J ^ J ^ n i i rw boildlon, CotitriEt

Jobbing in General.'Dectmbi]r21tUJB7O. i , y r .

lolHoutli tivoiily.tivo ik'L'i-c'cit caal ouo cbsii"and d!ty lidkn Iu soui/7'ivcst airuvr ul tinHtno ; (Z) along the H-JUIII lino cfrcliml IIOUMhit uuttb. bisl,v-tlircu duKi'trs tint tlitrtwlililike, muru or legs, lo I. N. DLQCII'B uurtli-ivc-ficurucr; (tij aluim Ha id Huii-iT* linu isoufLt^-ntj-aii ileyrtL-3 cant Ueuij-r<>ur lints uniiotliiT of IIIH coriiim; (7) Koiitli llfl VLIL-II I:



NO COMPROMISE!The Elegance, Extent, and Cheapness

of our Stock enables us to please every-body. The demand for our goods encour-ages us to inaiMifiictiire freely, and we wil.therefore add to our stock daily. Do notbuy without examining our goods.

M. L. FELL & CO,

The People's Clothiers,to WASHINGTON HALL,


wh't lint to

of a l u c r e morv or JBBH,Xhlid Tract. Being L»t No. a on a ma,.

marked Nu. 1, mnilo by Join. Jt, UaBflett, olI.1111I lwilonsfiiE to Utillow rnulcu, ilrceajetl.lkpitiitingttt tha smith'taist corner ot tiot Nu.Bof Ilio low Bold on tho iiKctidK lion BO tractof t l m r i r 4 l'ri'aliytoriai) Churtli of Itackawur.

anniRtlioncn ( l )sonHisl i ty . t lneo (U'crceii...flllirty.llvo link* m.imorlcB8,Bloii(;lmo - 'Isnda Ldonfilntc to Joliu Jonui; (il) uoiiilnutcen Ji'gn'ta ami thirty ininukH went ninrtyHtikR. mow or loss, to tho Hccoml lino of H>«fourth lot herein ik'HCril>ed; (3) ahna tiBOcoml lino roverged north Hcventy-nlne ilucreeBand forty-llvo winul:-8 i-avt forty.»lx Imkj toHfol Itno ot Acadvtay Hired ; (i) alonir «aidRlrcetsouth tivunty-stjvoii dpL-recsenat BI'VCII1-eight liiiku, moro or k'fis, toiilaco uf boy I im incunUlniut'iouronc-lmuuriiillliH ofau nero nin

. . . . 1, mailo' by 'jclm M.' liaiibelonging tq Luillow I'nidon, <1


A Valuable Property for Sale!



a part oflt laid out Iu

200 ELiaiBLE UUILDIKO LOTSrith tiIre, n1th luriiH and otherThin i* one or tbo fln „ .

apital ovcroilort'd in tliU flection. Tbo groundi IIIL-IL — J -'— - " ' - - • - - • • ' -







'. J.

cpi r n l in tliU flection. Tho groundiu hlL'h and dry, with good water, anil tholocality in hat fxiiMfufr i i i t-about hd hwfie*hiviui; bi'tn erected (in tula uroptrty in thu'•••' fuiiryeam Tor ternm olc apply to

rected tula urptrty inTor ternm, olc. apply to




To Ito larco Hun .lore TOO D00J11US OLD UTAXD, ( h t d f occupied by J . V.TliD]n|iBi>u) ami on» iloor fruiu Mtilfuul, Bon &Cu.'a dolliliifffiloro, irliorpho nj)l bo pJwwci! Iftea All Ills old customers and mMly ro\T mice.



Custom Work and Jobbing




n i H C uudomlgucd IIHTIIIR loascil thi. X d l l l 1

C uudomlgucd IIHTIIInamed liolol. 1« no\

ilLTg from BU dollarB ii

ibofp,—,.- - td.ko

_ ,,.. iTEek up, Kecord-inpf to rotiniH, I Intend tu act a good talilo andloop & reapoctthlo houso, ,A!HO atteciicd lo tUohiMcl is a cooil Uvor j and IMif tnso Slablu.UorieB tnd tariiagci to let, and partlei taken

bvitrfct ; ._..tlnu&nc« of tha lame. H, L. 1'OXiSD.

U or act kent br tho day, week or month. ,tenllre hoatkra m»y.)>o found at the itablcs

r . S. Having W a onftaRcd ID tba hotel 1IL_iD^ii boforo, I flatter mysolf tb i t I know tliowants of tbo public and shall enOeavor U mootthctn f n n o r y particular.


MACHINE SHOPSi>I. Ilnagltiinl, Pro|nict«r,


CMU and Dry Sand llolls,

BQd all kinds uf

R O L L I N G M I L L W O R K ,

Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OP


: - ASD

Hoisting., Apparatusofcl! binds aapeciaiitj-, and

Furnisbcil at Shortest Nuticc.

ROLLS,Turned and Grooved to Order.




l'ronll't ttttcnllun sivon to REPAIR WOltli.

Miners' Oil Company.1224 121JLVIDES LANE SEW VOUK,,.


lubricating and liurningOils for Miners' Use.

EXT1LA KNOINE,KXTiu •rxij.uvt (burn

NATOitJu, \ n a i vinais iA.TIIPIJ OIU i n o<p«cl«lly idintnl lo MliilnB

TfclilnerTaiidaTeKii&Tant«.dto ault- H #


Kii&Tant«dto au. r.ot, Urd, 1*1

Bamples forruiirf on applloation. ana cood.ahinpoj iuprimo orilur. 122 .t 124, Miidcit Lawo,





KOES, ronits, AXES,






.MOTJ'O: Huinll |irofl(, ijuiuk i*ak-i. rk-aao call anfl provo slafomonl.'

l tavtr . April ilth, 187B. ' s . II. DEH11V.






BOVEttv-N. J.,lto> all Us friends ami Urn curarWl pollis 1,on him, anU be convinccJ tliat lid Uaa tin

«' W j t i In Hill SDcUon, and I. ataud.nilrn»llbll.i,raeascd1adlillcslonit(.[ their• 19 ami aalisty lucir helm

JtEXLS AT-All, HOUHS,repsrod lo onlrr, promplly ana.tliosplj

OYSTERSEcrTCil Ii tvery Btvlo.aii

aaiatid. TUo,,l l,y Ui0 hnmltcdcst lirnmh or

«a DOMESTIC SEOAIia,iny Uwcj-s 11D fo , ,^ a t ,ny pLr^., aH ,vU] „„

ilSKRAh WA'IEltS, CONPaCTlOXEltY, t tc.Partica, Halls, I'c»l|v»ls ulc

Ojutctt, C'rcain, ConfucticDPrv t led vrith. icr ddl-

.duccd rates furnished




Hardware, Iron and Steel,


Con. M'.tuin»GToN AMI E A S I ' S t r n x n ,

MOEKISTOWN, N. .1.• * f.otai,uE trTacK o r

Woollen Ware andHousekeeping Goods,

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,and M»nufaelui-er»' Articles Bonnmllj.

Lime, Cement, Plaster,

omoE E. VQonncrji. tulMarliliiwi, Sect, aad. 16n.


'NOTICE!nululcrl EOLIC A0EST ro

DAY'S IOE ,«db»vir, lip l u u l s o n s parlom aul .rlvato ontraiico for ladies, I sliall makfl Ilioil» «r ICE CIIEAM i spsclallj Ho comlnc;lison, and will gcaranlco personal comfort

nnd freedom from iimoj-anfo to my sneils.

'IO LET.-L md t>HO!



WlioU-Hutu and hulail deabrs iu

Scranton, Leliigli & Bituminous

O O A. X. ,






LOWEST MAJIKET TRICES.Ckial nf all stecs •amiaiitiy on htud, uui

delivered Iu any part of tho city or vicinity.

Vsrds at nUckwM » l«e t , iuAow Jlcrg«nHt.DlfO on Ulacknull strcot, next: to Qagt &ilRej'B Lumlor YaiU,

OOVElt, N. J.Orders may bo a^drcmed through tbo FOHI

Offico Lock Bo* 2ft, o t loft »t A.. Iteenier'B ollletftckwull utrcct, HUM SUBICX.

All'IICl! BEKIICB. 3. 0. MLttElt, It. B. VAJ.Uth,






Also, a largo assitrlwcnl or







S E A S O N , 1 8 7 5 !

Headquarters of Morris Countyton


I'anl i>ati-oiiBjjGt ivould roHpcctfullj cull thialUtulluii of tbu citlieimor l)ovt<r »ud vldnilj|0 (Jl)C(jf tllllLARGEST AND FINEST BT00K8 OP

PLANTSto bo found In tlio filato. I IIITO on liitidt*full anBiirtiiient of Maiitn, "VJUGB m d Slirub-bDry BUitttHo for thl j Climate, wliicb I im pre-mred to furnfah ou short, mnJ at ulaw prices m can liofonnil.

1'arlioH ltlubiuR tonutcliado arorcqacitedlo[amiuo my stock.itEENiioi'HES 1IATLE AYE. Cor. PEitltY KT

M o r r i s t o w n« N . J , ,Orders loft at Tei Stcro, comer Ytarnm mil

IllackvcU yt reels, Bovor. will receive- prompttttent.on. '

lOtl Q. HD0ADE3.

XI3319 T j \ . XTXt _». I T 3?

to tlio buiiaing on

BLACKWELL STREET,lately occupied by ]{. B, Pat tern, I iliill UI>lf>aBcil to eeo all my old friends t t tnj miquarters, wlicto witti iticreasod r « u i mil fsril-itioB I am Uctlitr nljlo to meet tbeir wwits.

OTSTEESin aft itfloi, nnd by the quart or rornil.

P A E T E E S , B A X L S , oto. supplied.

MKALS bt all hours. Supper8 Tar pirtlts ttUmciit relut>. Tbo beat bnuilfl of

0I0A11S Uwaya on hand.


BILLIARD ROOM,ut (celled to (].c Jlcalanrnnt, will


alvnya licpt in good order.GEO. A. BUKCHAHD.

Apr! 0th, 1B75. 17-11



Axuinutur, Vclvol, Brussels, 8-ply, IngrtluCottttBo, Wool, Dulcb, llatf intl Ilcmp CtrptlF.

iiolcums, Oil Cbtbs, of Enrjliali anil A™r-|

irofhnila, stiKda Ffiturcs, Lfvo Occxo fca(lirn,lHasioi-lia, Curtain Material*, &c.

o niako nnd lay Our,,!, ,u i a n d l a . W |Cloth, makfl and lung fihaJcs, and guannltbti wort well Ooutj.

W- S. BABBITT.35 ilOimiSTOtfX.SJ.I




DESIGNEDand t-xecnied, n n d inateriut furniiliiid,

l'LMT6\tnd 8PW1FI0A TI0S\

roruisbBd, and contrtots UU011 Tor ill»TIieLcst rufcrcnc6iery brauob of tlio

u r a i t O

H. P. SANDERSONnow ready ngaln for tho Fall and Vtaltfrrado nitli alargeljr Inoroaicd ttoc'L* cr


LIGHT AND HEATY.Oik Sjiokoi, 1J -to 8. Hickory Snukci, 7-8 MjM

and Uoavr. Tolei. Keck YoVes. Hack llanniiaHlolcli ItunQors. CmilL'o Dom»: olto Tm.1'-™LlRlit «jfl Jlosv/lVlititJa. Ai trlicel ist-MJ^)

Also, all liindB or -• I


Havinji liml a long oipcrionco In tlic wnilinsIncRH stiablcs me to bo n enmpotent mirnujorticlDcciiiiecteaTvnhtliDbniinw*-1;;my iicrsoai favarinE uio with thoiroro'"^'oly upon my furniaiiliig tliom with in *™BUiiaWo to ftioJr iraula, *nd at as iraf™1

tiricefliacanboobtnlnDilatany *Ordcri bT.lotter far Carriage .

lamnnla will be anlUbly fllled b.v —liat parjioao tbey ara wantwl, wd i«inney ontjnfili to cover tlie imount.

patronigo In roBpcutfally solicited.-. .H.r.BANBEBSOS. j

BS • . • Oppoiltc PBttf£yi




WE CAS convince you; tint ?•>"moiivy t ln i Spring ind BnmiiiH

iiiR yoiir .Itouta/itnl Hboei »tJ3o' :

U m u m s , ynnttou I A M ixnu COHCTCSS Ositors s

nslantlv on band. ETtl. BlillT'S S Jb a i l n i i l j a t a . W . D I I A K E ' " CM1JIilKhoolilare. ODSTOll WOBKMil 'Kuniplly alisndDi io. Ono dour from 31a A; Co.'s clotklng 8torc.



aoimseUbiatLatf.)DOVER, W. J.

Oflic'c on iccond floor of tli.n S»l






IiMi•Inhadio'saiv'•I,lairla I

Page 3: CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got on« man i full aud elejEkiit mortmtut, GBO0 R RIES of all klndi au d of tlio toil

ii, io.« r, ai.ti DOYEH oomu £

• i ,ri- Knccial, 1-10 - M-i D u f 0 T J ! l*

Weekly Statement of Iron OrePM.HO IIB H u m " ™ S o " " ' »u

II tEU.I I . TOPWKSOTAIIM, iron' • .,„ m » nranra TuuMDAy

^.TinSSFttOH, m*Bt CWT*. 407 08


3,027 noDorir

t c r Junction 8 u t i o i l " » 'Viw

1,127 01



Till popaUtioB of Doonloii l,i 8,670, an iu"tri.M*of JIBiinco 1670.

A m* receiving Uooeo !• belnji erected iu tlioOrclitrd Street Cemelcrj. (

TiKMcrriiloirnRrtDBpartnwnl )I»B dater-,,l,,,J not to b«T« a.parado tnli year.

" Anut N»Uio " HuiT, a colored woman, agedIHjtiri.died at UotrlitownUit Saturday,

Jlr W W. l'orrf of Morrlitowu will prob»uc,vl a tnlonhlp Iu Yalu College tho niirm.

A tpekl nieoliuR of tlio Euglno C u m p u * totmiswl lusincisof importance, la called furlUiliy cvontag next.

TlipCliiofEugiimor of tlio HorrUtowu FiroDiriment, Col. tititri, expioti to bo alioiredininrtforhlnoirictl .

Tl.r tidloi of the Pompton Pliius ltofonuodCtnircb wJH bold a Fciliral on Wtinoniliy at-tflnuuii and •Toiling, Aneuil lBtb.

It !• rtporl*d tbat tfae BocUwij HullingMils IIITC Urn I tued to new partlei who milnnrli Ihini to their fulleit capacity.

A delegation ot Odd FcJIowi from Boontiviilixl their Itockaway brethren on MondayivoniiiE «nd ware kindly entorUlnod.

TUfiJDrieynianipcaVio'Ur.JohnD. Ouorin,of Morrittown, AI tlie coming nun for tbo Dom-Mrdic nonilmllon for Sheriff ifali Fall.

Tho ImUe property of Moirlitown ii rainedLj-llioAsucMcr at 15,078,301, and the rate oflaatbn liai been fliod at SO cent* par 1100.

On Tlturiday ercning o! ibli week Jupilorand Venue approiehod wltliln ens du&ree ofneli Blhor, prcii&tfng a rara and beautifulipcctielo. ^

Mr. "Will" Riuhirda and aou, Ur, Henry Ulcli-iKli, and Hn. Ooo. Wcbirdi loft towa onTiiuridiy for a ten iliye* vJnlt (o tbe Will toHeanttlat.

The Atln Insurance Company, of which Ur.C, L.Lcport li agent, lift* promptly paid Uiproportion of iho IOEHOB in tho recent flre atJferrlU'siittBtore. •

Ur, Wolfo will coodDDt the IOTTICM of th* Y.V. C. K. Prayer Heating lo-morrow aftornaon.Subject foreomideratlon: "Ye aro My Wit-DMsei."—Ieaiib, J3d cliiptor, Wilt vtrie.

About ono hundred bsikoli or Morriatowupnchti sold on Tuesday at GO and 75 cent* ptrIiHkel. rricci range for Halo's Earl? fromto ceuli to tl.Ce, and fur Troth's from 13 lo13.50.

Tho ilorrii County Blblo Society, In teccrd-Wee with the wlilj expressed by Hon. John Hill>i the rectal annual meeting ol tha Hoolely,hu nitde i girt of l,C0O Bibles to ibo VirglulaBible- Mociety.

Tiio depot i t Ntw Faundland wai broken(>fon hit iriak, a (rank ilolon and iti contrntBnSud, ind lorao otUor articici bare been miei-Inr. Nu ctno H to who the thiorei were liagIron diacoTflrcd,

A happy colored father of Serf on couuly liasmuiea lilt twin boyi Auguilui Vf. Cutler andWilliam Wallsr Pbolpi. I t Ii upcoUd tbatDooaion will h*re Hi now dapot when tbd lat-tirgcminptobuildil .

Ur. F. G. Bnmbarn, of Korrijtown, liai re-turned from hit ilx weeks' tilp to iho IioelcyJIouBlilnt, Ho enjoyed hlmislftront Aihtajr,bunting deer and mountain iboop and toiiped-IUR tht RUOW and Ice on the mountain*.

Tlio m t b e r or late hai earned comlderablomortality amon* tbe people of thli locality,Among tnhnti cholera infantum isema to pre-nil lo quite t pea t extent. There were nofeu ibiu fire fnnttali (n Dover lait Sunday.

Hr.ttiai.Weilfla.eonwrof Gold ind PTOLj * l ilrooli, h u for n t * u maonabU ratoa alirjraiinniborofpUatiofthorollowingTirie-« M : Uoydon.Mo. SO Strawberry, CUrk and


While Mayur Rlchirdi WM in Veroon lut>•*»k, to w*i riding ai a rapid salt with "Sam"Umliuu, liublnd one of tlie littor'a fast honoi,"hcuUiu fore aila broke. Both were thrownout with Krc»t force, t u t iiolthir Wai larlocilyinjured,

We m a I>ramiiod t report lait irookofthoj^ni t Annul Diy ol tho Boot of fit. George,"El II it did lint come, we ar« requested to r»-lornllieilmHlijwf ilieottlor to tbo pooplo otfort Onm wbo tindlj all on. i thorn to do tlioireookin; iu tlicir faouaci.

Mr. F . Kinltilor, tlio popnlar loader of the"over band, wo understand will iooa cr ikuln*• 'tnog lund. A good striae band is ofUn iuflwunil hero, w d from "Frank'a11 well knowntomlcil ability troboltoYe ho will mako it both•n«« . f u u n i i p r o a [ a l ) l o ,

Mcltnr Coucell, o . U. A, M., or Oedotiabnrg.«"o i grand parade and festival at that place" f r «""«>V. Ifuiia for dtneioff wilt ba ftn*" * r i by i gwi,l .trlng band nndor the l«ad-wiUpof Ur. Home or Doonton.- Uombon orllioOtdw from Ibta lection are inrilf

Do not Wl to Ktiond the Fair and Fiwall ""IThur idajar teraoonand „ ."Mil l 1M lorvcd, alia pcaehii and ICB • crtamJ ilimdnoa. An h,,m.n,o n a h la expectcl ai"•» only happen, oice a year at Ironia. Be

1 WH>"her,"for If you don't, ihe willangry.

i M. E Ciiai*n» hd ln of tlie Hurfto l T n « . u u n r D a""'I "old i fair and feitivil oa flio Krouuda ad-i«wtag tbd church onWedneiday, Augn.tMtb.J««' '»«wppi.r will l« n n i i l « e m mJ«dl,tlierrefr.,l1nientiinabUu|lancs. Aploaa-«lino nay be txpoctod. All ua invited l(>

«pteient. - __

^ ' ^ " J w l c o n i p I i W tbo printing ol onwiobbgnphy of tbelifo ot thn Rev. Absalomaiaeiminof Snccuaniia. Tho baoki ara now Inw» Undi or tho bindera, and will be ready for"MnaiJiprt tiffla. j t i n ritid »aiJiprt tiff la. j t i, wen writioo.aud » •II rtU " " M l a ' W u l n g , and we are aure tbatM ,. proTO o f B m t ' " ' ' res t to tbo many•nundi of Hr. Bleelmia »nd tho publio g n i r a l l j .

iMtt n 8( ft b r i ] M I D O n o n

d Westora lUil-«•Delaware,Delaware, LaokawaBn* »nd Westora lUil-™M,»oDttoHobokea"6nTuosaay to draw liiaw . "turnliift to hli home on a soali ! . i l t t ec>ptea tOjOa,p off at West Pat

mi PI>1"1 t n d '•"• b o i h h I a fol! t b c l/u in .db j ihn w l )OeI l o f ( i , s l r t i t ] ( n o

W« I B < J u » « I H M J > I W « d b!a wifa we'eCnph(d for. H o died on Wednesday.In tbo trot ik Laburnum Parky Boekaway, on

»b»i i W o e l t ' f o n r ° r t h o l 0 i e n t l

h,,, d rut tkt parse of 1100 far hones thatJJf«wboHn, th»o ulnatoi: B-CQaer-

mwt'Carolinnj L.B, Brokan'lbaj

T r Q l r l ; J n D ' ial ; J ' n - D » » « ' « r . y geia.«• " J Sqairral, and Philip Klnnoy'i bay

e,an*loCUy.; Carollnewonthoflrstnicneyi » llp*W»» heats, Gray Bnulrrel e d

d tho ra i io i t b e t t made w a i 2:S2.'

A fevr nfgfiii afneo ai Mr. Van Drdou was re-luming to Sew tfoundliud rrom Pateraon witha lot of grocerioa, lia WIR orortakni near Orfionlalaodly acoupla ofiportlnc; m*n driving afast team and ran Into, and liolh wagons worncapiircd down i «tco|> embankmoot, miiipythlnRi goncrally and irreeking both «gon« .

MiiHBre. O. A. Ollieu and Isuo V,bad cam aporf colcliiii8 bins flah id r .Head Diy, off Cotioy IiUnil, on Tutuday audft'cdnoi-lay. Iu lew than two houri ou Wed-Ht*<Itty iiu.j caagbt on (rolls about 3J0 jxilinOj.Tim flali uvernfifid about iivo pounds, .nd iotnDot tlicm nuut aa bigb u niuo and ten pound*.

Tlio J3tli Auunii Ucttlug of the Uurrii Ooun<tyHiLinlbHobiwlABBoulatloii wilt u l>Md inIlio rrotbytiriao Dhuroh, EooDtct, ouCay, Boptenibcr l i t , 1B7B, eommoudDg at H'.'elock A. II. All fHoEda of tliflStbLUhuuae n o airnoaily roquostotl to bo proiout. IIia hoped ovtry school in the county will Le nip.roicaUd.

Tho Uorriitown flnalarm hai b«en fixed !„Ihu a'.Uobmcnt of a. ropo to tfae tolling hammor of the lioll of tbfl Fint CUurch, wliicb.rum throujth Un building to a box ouUidiTbo Durer ilarm has alio boan fliod by moaniu« tbo tiro ouruliberaud auppl/injipowo:ful trip hammer,' wbicb -will bn itruek frombos in tho truck room,t

Tho Dolairaro, Lackiwauna k Weilorn l td)road Company propose putting on anothercountruetloB train on Iho Doonton liranch, IIorder to carry on tho work or tliolr •team ibor*

' >pcratlon. Thin, in addition t i tb«tbree oonutruction tralua UOIT in HI* on tboJQoontonSnncli, will rapidly puali tin-workcompletion of tho double track.

To maaubclurera unit mechanics the Hetra:Manuracturtris worth many UmoetbBiubiciip.tion prlco, which la only fifty conli a year

lumber In roplulo with good tblnjjiuotto, "araoDlblj record of progrm

in tnanufacturca and tbo mtohinio a rd ," limost appropriate. I t (a pubUsbod under thetuiplcaiof tho ITHHificlureri1 Aiaoclatlon, IDunicl itreet, Kowari, N. J,

CbanccIIor Hunjonlm granled an lujunotUriitraining tho Exoculor of tbeestatc of th*late Jolin Uunson, at UiMidtiam, frum uI portion of tbe real proptrtj- of the daceaied,t h o action wai taken at tbe Imtauco cf thilegated, who biTo b««n ttaable la obtain tinimounli awarded thorn b ; the will, »nd wbiilaim that tlio executor BBTO^Q bontli, and wasndosTorlDft to toil tha property for Jena thai

Iti vaiuo, wilbout iccurluRtbewlu tbiirrlgbti

Tho l meeting of the Mount FreedomBiptlit Parlih and Cemetery AnociitloD, will' hold iu tb« Mount Frottlon Hetbodli

ireb, on Saturday, AusuBt fiSIU, lflIB, it twoo'clock, P . AI. Itev. II. H. Peagloi, pailor olMoiict FrooUoni I'rDyhjtorlan Church, will do.liver tho annual addrcaa. lUr. J . T. Uicba),pastor ot tbe Mount Freedom Methodist Church,Itov. J. B. QunulDg, paitor or the Morriitown

\ttCharch, tud other* *r* itpetitdtabonreiout and tako part in the oi«rclioB.

On ll iuriJay forenoon a ful) liarrul ol beertandinjt in frout of the place of tlio " Candy

Man " on Suanoi itroot, aud belonjing to him,'hurs tni lbaloud report aid Btaltored i t i con.

over tlie store fronti la tbo Tictottj andtbo yldiwalli. A largo pltwo of the head wailiarlci] with groit forco for lome illitance, andt>arclr mimed Biriklng t little child nbicli waieinR drawn by ID Ht carriage 1*T a lady. Notpiniwas Mtvcd, tni tor utimot brook otbte?}

an down the gi t tor and tbe air n n redolentr mall.Wo have been iliown BU luteroit log document

in the ihapo or iu old copy ef ibo " Jeriejraa~ odaadPublitbodabUorriB-Town,K.J.,tySamuel II. Hull, July II, 1837. Vol. I, No. 12.'

jg tbe many quaint things It ooutalw aroarious toaeti proposed at the provloui col.

ihratiom of tbo Fourth of July In Horriitown1 Dover. JIany wcra to Gen. Jackson and< aiffulBctut toatldnak tttSotriatotrnTIJIOWI : " BUVery-a enraa to tho Luman

race, M*y the llmo toon coma *wliea thaigBtaUe will wipe (lie aUgina from tbelr •lioroa,"

\Tu bavo bobn urescntal liy Mtj. Wm. 3.Wood, the Vlco Progidcut and manager of theCellloivillotJIoelCu., Hartford, Conn., witb anixe.nblnh Is tho most beautiful implomeot of

tbe kind wo have over seen. The axo w u as-lompinleil by a box of looli for hli father,Tudge Wood, which tcora 'all eqaill/ Dno. Tbit

mtnafteivtiDg company J* ono of lha Jargoit>f tbe kind in tbo country and tboir wares aranoted for their excollancs, Our tbimki arelearlilyrotnruoil to'Mijor Wood for tlio hand.IOUIO gift, and at tbo laito t ine our congratu-itloni upon hia btmlnesM proepority are ton-

Conmandor Andrew Jackiou Drain, V. ti,av.v, Qlod Wednesday Bvenlns of last wiak. >t

hli late rciidense, Newark. Tho immed'latBio of his death WM dysentery, but hi l con-

itilullon bad been enfeablod for a long timo byreliow fovor, contracted in tbe naval Borneo.'

wt« born.ln Uorrlilown, about 1B16, and in1837 be wi i appointed a Mldiliipman-at-largaiy Preildont f

t d f

pWhen a young man hekill di notod for ooarage, skill a i a afiroait, and

(•rofiou to the iervt«. Hii B&t eiptoit w u3 bring Iiome a tloop-af<war from tho coast cf.frica, whan alt Ibe oftlcen wore «ck with theFellow fever, Heroin by promotion to tlio rank>f Commander, ia which ha wm appointed in1852. He mado bit lait crulio in 1BG0, and m iitired on his return, after a long aud faithfuljrvles. Uo was then appointed by dor . WardPilot CammiBiisner, aud hut heon reappoinl-

id by Bueietiive Stato 'admldiitratiooi. Forba p»»t two ynra he w u ProiIJent of tbeBoard Bt )ear« a widow, tha daughter tfthe Hou. Andrcn A. Bmalley, formerly or Stan-iopo. ,

Stanhope." Why doa't you e l " Dick Tmpin a colnj

_ or Iu tlioEiu?ltea!(I»3UDboi»fi(Jciloin»i] tomo the otnor day. "HO'B a drunkon worth.

a anyhow, and layi around the holola all the> time, elo,, etc., and bo ought to bo ihowa

up," Abl well, I am lorry for poor Dick, butho hai had lloaci and tbe prepbeti from blioath ap, and why ibould ho hear tho Emiben he bai paid io littlo atUatian ta thorn!

Btgid" I am not a miailoDaryi noithora Soait Temperance, nor a groat moral reformer, orjuytbiug of that sort. Tbo Stanhope Oeailnlwill tell you that " religion la not my bait hold,"and ot, don't I know how it ii myielf to'be inowaup In tho imperi. Di i not tlie Gemini aforeaali]Bondomn mo to evorliitlnjj fimo In bolh tlisSuitai papora In ringing prosa not only, but iopootry of such exocnblit excellence that George

r. C'iiildB, A. 3f., tn*z nawr attais, though botried bin lifetinu? I could kare stood theprose, bnt tbo pootry killed nta entirely. Sidnot tho Doctor con ft M my RIDH of omliilon andlonimiialan to the wholo county or Hustex and

ID rest of mankind without any regard to mjrmndod foMiu's, and if It bo true that a fvlfo*oling mikes ui woailrfiUB klnS, why ihonlil Ii back on poor Dick Turpin? Inonoroapoct

it lou t Sick ami I are alike ; wo don't bavo tojonfcii our own alne, they are confeiiod for turegularly enough. Asa general rub Iprofor to

•pare the purion. whilo I brand the vlco," andIU will roadily understand that thoru if no-

liody named Dick Torpln in fitanhopo to my

or, a Thcodoro Tiltoa not aLnowledgoT' h)

look like Gea, Ityan, but ho does like to gitdrank wbsn ho can, and when he is drunk halikca 1o bo a •wearing, coarie, vulgar brute of aTheodore Tilton. Ons mornitfr. h i t woek h*got on tbo rampage mil called fad wffo every vilo

mi hl« drnnkou brain could eonoelre of In tbo...esenee or hit childrou and Ir the bearing orall the passengers on the Slolla, He kept It unmtil ho was overcome by tho whlikoy and lioicmld nol talk any longer. HIB little lou-ytir

D)1 hoy wai auhanied of him, and u id to tlionwho iiKjiiinid who that man wai mid wcro talk-1ns of dipping him in tho water to lober him up

lltllo: " My fathur is not tboro anyway ; out on bit train aftor the HackettitewnSfali Iliis morulag." Wa> it a wonder the poorwife should Bay botwioo boraohi wbon the Qilhy

d d I d k l " I itnguo h In drunkoa i lapor: " I w

h l Osomebqdr would stop tha rumiolltn ; O, U intoo bid to h&va a mart come botna and abui(

erjbody so I" E 'en aho tried to excnie tina and lay tuo blamo on tomtboAj clue. Well

ai long is morality ROOI for nothing a tniumight •• well bo tliis. kind of % beast aa anyother, but an tho Lord llvoth, I propolis to ttat

ho reformatory potter of tbe Eni Ibo Toryloi t t ini iniy The. Tilton offends In Ihts m y .

You ihall bavo hid mmo aa aura BI DOC. KoldmU. N. 0.Win. Ilyan, a brakoman on i coal train,

so nerlonaly injured by falling-off Iho can andgetUng niu over by tbe train at Weit ralerxion Tooaday tbat bo dl«a on Wednesday moiIng at St, Joioph'B Itoapltal, Valerian, whore LetwastakenforlreBttneut,'

" Bart." Bmlth and Wm. MlUer of Newtonw.aro driring lUroujli Btanh,apo abont 0 P . it ,oh Wodnoidny, wben r,ti"clr toaro got frightened,ran away, hnko tha wtgon tangEe, upset Ibowagon, ind ipllled tbe man oat. One honewai caught under tbo hill nherobo itopped,bnt Iho bbek was elill B0i»5 towards lien tonthe Uit I board of uitn. I am glsd to aay the

lwerBDotlpJurcd. Tbe black iBu id lobe -r to Mr. Btom» ot tbo Howtoa

Port Morm.Mn. EDITOK :—Though we live upou ai

eminence, we are not too munb e t a t td to noticinrnon tbinge u r lifu aud rceoguiaiif soeiL-ty apoa u«. Vou l u r e a commu-

ulctttaa tram our romauttevlU*Seoacuiautlami I witb tliat you could bear from m eviwotki and in i way to cams Iho many readenof ttis EIIA to tbInk woll of ui a i a moral poopie, not altogether civen up to viee and iinuirallty &i iom ( people think ii tho conditionrailroad mon.

Tho Eni. j m b l i i W M. uoiuuiuuliAtiuu frutbli place a tmr nuoka af;o priuoljially upon tlievice of iwoarlng, and tbo writer icuined tu trybard to v - u i t i . cbriutlaa ciijjiuoer of tha ui«of pi nttue UnKuag(i, which proientcd itislf tomy 1>>(QU nil a legitimate mbjuct fcr criticism,AH tills baneful vice I s becoming so popala:amouf! thoyouDgmoiiltiliooldbe ipokou of

[ir it all, br IntellWont men in a condemnatorywar. The tonog h d b a intiei iiara resolred to tHicauulemnae t,men who DBO tobacco in any way, and ixpreitliolr couUmnt for tbo flltbj habit by refiningta go in lbs company of tb'ow who ugi;"wted,"a-jd I tbink fast If ill la<''oi and (tlemen, too,—roal eentlomua—woull adoplaoue Buch a nian lo rid tods t ; uf aweiring, itwould bo lo tbo advantage of tbe iwearorandlie roforau-r »tike.^Tillomy thonghtv are ruuning DPOU tbo mat-

er of Hearing, I ant reminded that we arorltbcmt any mcasi ot education In the village,

which IB a direct iourco of thia Un, fur historyand observation teacbea that vice and all kindior immorality prevail where Ignorance la thicouspicuoua 'charictoriBtlo of tha paoplo. Ithink-and uino-ientbi or tbe poople or ths•Hhga will »sret witb mo la tha imorfoj

—tbat wa have.a aufflclcnl numbor or obii-diea to entitle ui to tbo right to bo n tipartaa a School District, and we h*<

tlon and GO-tboad-atlvetiem onuugb to build aichnol bouse and aupport a good ichaol tba

wlicfo year. Wo cau count witbia x rai](u« ofmile from tbe contro of tbe village one

buudrod and tivoiity-rive'cblldron ttndor vigb-tcuti years nt ago. What an army of youth audglrli to bo growing up either without a achoo)ur with tho inconvenience or Laving ta walk

io and a liulf to two tnlUi lo roieli one.WtfaavoagoodtJBudaytiohoolvhlcb.tbrotigb

the kindneiB of Hi. Day, wo are permitted, iihold in a portion or tbo round bones, and tblsschool I think would grow rapidly if w hadieboe-1 boiiHD to hold il»

mniudatioQ or e e i t s , tDivlooi Iof wltb tbo

Jiually found lusuch a buililltig, Tor with nothing at preiontbut rude lead coiiutruotod of rough boardla'd on a two by four Inch tough wo ma*kereipcetablo aiipunrance ai a Euudiy School.

Ifunlueufsfnauttiicouraglnp; oonrfftioa, (hIUIIroad Cumpauyaro br Jug ing to aad noudjni,from the pl*oo Urgo (luanlltici of coal, andMaura, Jamei Altcu k Bom ara ongtgecl in" ipiog a great deal such coal ai cannot be

reidllydlipoied of at tho eily. They alio havoa Urge number i>f men at work grading a roadror a eide track upon which I am told ths Com-panr prupoeo to run all first claiB trains arouudbo yard to avoid tho dulay and dangor of com-»g in contact witb tbo largo numbor ofdues and trifci iliat »ro eouiiaiitJj runalog toind fro through tlio yard.

UCBBTI, Allan, Lunger & Co. in (beiritors are doiug a very oncgnraclnE builnou (

tho buiinuai having Incrcaiod to tbree tlmoiwhat a moubor of tho firm anticlni tod, and wearo told byths niftil agoui that our noiviyei-;abllihed poit oQlco Jooi more builnois tbanloon) ol tbo older offlcea on tbe routo.

There ii t i t new Unrolling houiti iu coarse or ierection, and, judging from tbo ureient high

oro could ho rent*rat oi of rent h e r e , several nid a t very profitable ra tes .

Summer Resorts,K of New Jersey Bnmraor reiorts the

Now York Herald of Sunday laa t i a j J :Tho B»]»tt&re and Uickawanna It a ffreatoi

Ighnaj for touriali than any of the TorcRoinff.Tlili applies cbiofly (o the l l o r r i u n d E n t i

i way alraoit ev*HIDG till thotry hour, from oi l in tho me

p r o i c h of mldclgbl . Tbo flint a l t n c t i v o apoti fills dlviifon fa tbo Orange Vailoy, irhtn

hundred* of tho f i t lgucd and ovorboated ren<donti of tbo molropollB nnd a iwoot r spo ie ,T b t r e l t o o Uck of hotel a ccammtda t lom. Th<commutat ion for one month ia i l l ; for thro:month*, 123. A p i e k i g o of ten t lckot i la loldfor *3 A0. Tbe distance i i fourtcon mllei ,Summit , New Providence, Cba th im , Uadlson,DIDTUIC, and other district* biyond absorba largo utamber of tbe city'g population l u r i n gIbo boated term. C o n n e c t i o n U m a d a a t D m k e .rillu wiib l a k e Hopateonp, Iho fincat abee t ofwater in the Btate. Tbeae who enjoy fliblngbare find the hlgbly-prlzod plokorol In Brestibundanco. T h e ton r i i t U oonveyed front tho

lilroad depot to tbe hote l , at the head of tholako, in t he cozy Httlo s teamboat Stella. Thelotol fa large, a n d iho H E H U of tho finest quali-

ty for a country hotel, Tbo ob i rgo i a r e Yrryt u n a b l e . A shor t dUtaiico above tbo head

of tbo lake are tbo v a i t Iron tadi, wbiob i r ebeing worked hy tbousandt of laborari . T h l ibranch^of Industry h a i dor i rad an Impelua no taffected oven b y ths pan ic dar ing tho pas t tonj o i n from tho gigantlo entorpri io of tbo min-ing c o m p a n y of which U r . Goorg'o I t lebardt ,Mayor of Dover, hi a t tba head. Tickota i r o•old t o tbo hotel, a i well a i to t he depot . Thetlogio f»tt> is ft iO; tan to and return. *D CO ;commntatipa for ono month, $32.

At Hioktltfltown connoction is made withBcliooloj's fountain which diverts Ihe atten-tion of that portion of tbo ELITE of Joraey notsufficiently ripened in ambition, and wealth topatronlio tht "Branob." Tfao drivo from ihodepot in a itigo up the mountain la tediousiut iho traveller li rewarded whon ha reaihei

tbe eummit. Tbors ho will find a woll appoint-ed hotel, second in point of oitent and accom-modations to none in tho Slato nvo at IiongBranch, from tlio upper story the Iiobighwater Gip it visible thirty tnilci beyond. Thefaro to Hackettitown and return IB 13, and ihe

ice is alxty-two miles. Thseomtuutatlonrate for one month is *25. and hero thetateretllng rotr«tl§ lermlnutt, tinltis ihotourist pusb on to Eaatoa and take in a acenotbetnoit mijeittioorall, the Lehlgti Vailoy,which It traveriod by railroads on either bankof tbe rivar. Bethlehem, thj^quatiit olty ofIbo JIortrisDi; Uancb Chunk, with its woadsr-fnl triumph of engineering; the Switch BickItiilroad, tho Thomas Iron Worka at Cat a i aqua,with the largest beam engluei In tha oonntiT,ir not in the world, and, though lu t, not lout ,the far-/amed Wyoming Vailoy, the central cityof which JB Wilkoibarre. Tho time ocouplod Ingoing from NOT York to Wflkcsharro is abouteight hours,

Itlcbardi, 3d b.K.lley, r. t.Mauoy, i),Bmitb.lklb.Cbandler, o.


Firs Department Elections.T b a various couiponici of tlio ddpartuieuteld tholr snnna) election) In thomiElnohcaie

on Monday evening, with tho following re-ills iCity of Cowr Engine Company—Foreman,cdgfflok: It. Bcnnott, n-electea; AsjiaUut

Foreman, John Ilwkror, rc-uloctcd; Clark,Barney Caldwell; Troasurcr, Itobert ItfJliardi,te-oleoted; Steward, Timothy Ileilmond; £n-gineer, Adam "Wiggins, Aiilitaut Euglntcr, a.W. Gordon; Btokor, Patrick Tayno.

Protection Hook and Ladder Company-Foreman, frank II. Lindaley; Aeslitant Fora-man, Hiram Folver; Clerk, Vim. B. Montagno;Treasurer, Cbai. IL Dlckcrion, rs-eleoted; In-

.itlsatlog Committoe, Alex. Cam, HobortKillcorc, Ed. I . Bmlth ; Auditing Gommittoe,I1, E . Thompson, B. D, Kynor, fi. J . Palmer.

TsgiUat HOBO Compioj—Tho ettcvn ot last„ j i r wcro all re-olectod, ss follows: ForemanWm. H. Lambert; Aiil i l tut Foreman, JamesItcilly; OlBrk, John V. Cain; Tnaiurer, An-draw llostl; Steward, Jamel P. Eelley.i luvei-tigatlng Committao, P . J . Ooehran, J . Daobner,It. Ittwe:; Attilitlng Commfttse,1 AT, H.afaloney,

to.Teier,. . UOIUUTOWK VXtiXTiUKT.

Niagara Enfiino Company on Tueiday eion-.jjt or last week re-elected tholr old oflcari atfollowi: Sldnoy W. Btalter, Toromanj JacobO.Arnold, Aaslitant; Tbomai Clifford, Becre-

iry; Simuol Sim, Troamrcr; David Floury,toward. -Ileioluto Hook and Ladder Company alia ro-

olocteil their old offisen the nmo evoniDgffm. A. llilstod, Foreman; Win. Docker, Jr.,Assistant' Foreman ; Samuel Beacb, Olork;olin B. Dyram, Troasuror; John H. Itumilno,Itcwanl; Dr. Frank Sanders, Burgeon.Waihlnglon Engine Company, on ironilay

jvenlnE of this track, elected at Foraman, J .If. Jfooro; Aiititaut Foremw, deo. M. Xing'Clerk, J . 3. A'Kalom ; Trtaauror, Amos PrndonBtaward,' f. Dncey.

Indopendonl IIoso, tha ssrao evoniug eludedtbo following: Forcraon, Jamoi M. EonaalliAsfilatant ForomtD, J . Frank Llnusloy; Clerk,

i, F . Van Pelt; T n u n n r , J u ; T. Clarkward, a. TV. Van Clevn.

Ey tho recent deolslon of tho Cour t or Ap-peals, tho Delaware, Laskowanna tc WuslornJhilJTOBd Company, including thn Morm hEssex Division, owe- tho Borongh of Washing-ton some $3,000 U I O I for 1B7S and *71. Thitaxes for 1B75, on tho railroad properly, ban1

been assessed but U not duo until Decembernoxt. I t will amount to about J 1,800, maklnca total from the railroad company for t i n three


Base Ball.juNbOLFiis vs. a on mi.

The Ihmloljihi'old au»nunisU, tho Uurriiulnc, t>r llurmtown, cau.o tu Unrc-r uu balmday lant to ultcar and wore ibom. Tim tcinlucy hiniight ii-jf(• (uam was madu tip f«r t\i<occteluu, auJ wo WHO hifurmvil b j a numberoMoi-rlatoHtiura tbal Uinse ur thorn wore paldtKeach auiltheir rx|)uiiHuHfiirtbuoccatiiau. Tbotiiwore \Vnr.l (tnj Ho'^cli, tbe nolod pitcher am•horl utup of tbu Uuiuun i,f Nfffurk, aud Joyceauutht-r Xo.tai'k pluytr of mmo mite, Ouibay*, botrevor, did not oljjqct tu tlium, buwent in aud gviv tlicm a icvero nrbippiuu, theMorrlntowu boys falling to aeoro till the niuthinahnj. Tbu i-lijiug nf M tho lUuduliiheicellcnt, not an L-rror of any cannot] ucucing mado till tbe Uit inning-. .

the IlatidulpbB gut tbreo mill ou the baseithrough errors. Thtn " Waddy " began fuolingthem with bu uioil dodgs, got them to tlirglug mMlf, tad ill thrco ut (ba Uua stackiuwont in. Another run was addud to thoimcoiMid thelt npiioucnt* failed to r«aub a baie. Tboiticoud inuing prored a wblte-wanli to bolh

aldei, although cauh got a man to tho bass. Intbu third inning Ihu lliudolpbi icorei] unu ngot another tu liiiril, and thu rutti Kut tbi

un tbe biiCH with only oua out, but fnilulRO». '11,0 blun slockiuga BddudtbTLO la

tho fourth fnnlug and again whlte-wanhod tboredi. In the Drib tuning tbo Itaudolphi scoredone aad put dove ttmlbor bbuk for'thoHor-rUtownois, Tho mxlh itiuliig ulinnul bothnines bliuked without n bmio. IiitboioTcuKtilcy of tba tu a base, but noil a foul ami tbo nine w«i Uaukcd, vhlln tlreds agaiu ftllud to get a man to flnt. The

lolpba «i!dud Ditto man lo thoit tenru iatbe oigbtli inning, aud e'gaia blankod ihelr op-pouaDtswithout abase. Tbeuintli BIW oightmoro ruui added to tbu nuoru or the Haudolpliiwhile tbo Morrlsulubocoiud for tbe tlrxt timo

ud locurod live, two on error* and thuogood nafu hits. Sfancy and C'lmniKer pluveilpUeher and catohsr fur tbo flnt time nn Iholine, aud flllod tho posittonu ioj)iirret:tloii, Tho

BANOOLFItH.Lockman, 1st It.Calu, 1. / .Wadsnrortb, i. s.West, c, f.Illchards,-Mb.Kelley.r.r..

lib, 0d b.uifller, 5,

ToUI, 27

miuuw.Ward, p.MuUvrd'JHchock, w. a. IUthicuy, Ut b, 1 3Abor, i!. f.. 1 3A.Dompsey, 1. f. 1 '2Joyce, c. 0 3ftnduuy, r. r. 0 8T. Dumpaey, 2d b 0 8

Total, 75nuns i r mm.vai.

1 9 3 4 B G 7Ilindolnbi, i 0 1 S 1 0 0 0 H—90'lorrii , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 - 5

Umplrc-llr. Ooa. Hchenck of Newark,Scorori—IUndalpliB, IV. B. Moutiguo; Mor-

rii, Frank Montgomery.Timo of Oame-Two kouri and tvu mluutei

H*KI>IU.I'1IB VI. ATliLETICH.Aaoiher ot tho cracked nlau ot Ibe HUio-ia Atbiotio ABBOclation of Orange—camo t

Dovor,on Tuesday and Inffereil defeat at tbeunJi of tbo IUudolphi, 13 to 11. Each nil

was blanked iii timoa. Tbe Itandolpbi wentIho bat first and for two innlugs failed to icoiea run, allhougli in thodrst tney gotonemaion tho banal and In the second two. In thothird and fifth innlnga by good batting, aiiisted

rrori ou tbo part of the AthlellcB, tboymade 11 runs, anil added twn runs un tht ninth,making tholr score 13. The Athletics scored oi

tbe llret inning through, an error, ind tbiwero wbito-wi aboil alt tlraei in succession, Inthe Botocd iunlutf they got one mm to a baie,but Iu lha neit three ulno men wero put out inluccooeilon without n base being reached. Iniho sixth lonioK thoy got Ihrco oa iho htscairitb one man out, but failed to score. At tbeindiiiff of tbe lovouth tbe gamo stood 11 to 1In favor of Ihe lUndolpbg, tnd yot thoy camonoar losing it through over-confidence, for thoAthletic! came n» en them with a ruih byloavy I attiog and through eamo errors, but

fell short tworum, Following la the auoi

3 ! Smith, 2d b. °8 a'Alllaon, Ut b. S 1Seymour, p. 2 2Ouibinff, c. S aF.WllTams.l.f. 8 3Hmullon, B. B. 3 1Botch. 3d b, 2 1It. Williams, r. f. 6 0Banger, c, f, 6 0

Tho Hop Growing Industry.JliLFonD, N. Y., Aug. Dib, ia~5.

My Uat ctfort, coulaiuiug local plumiiugii fromJtotfcmay, KHI dtiigued for in »rltur dile, bulvieilinj,1, working, fitthiug, n tc , el mor led(ho tiuia and hegol * tylzit vt yrovrastiutthu.

To fulfill pant pruuiiMiu, it now b(--cuiui:» m<duty to spvak of hup raiilna, etc., ind to trca

lovt fairly I will mad to b.giu whunI QQjHuitmazXj or riitljur at iUu sLttrtiui

point, which in llm jiroeurintf ut luuti amjilantiuif tho Haunt, l'tirhaps it ia not guucraflj

rliuru bupi nru iiut mixed lu l»r)ji: cjuaiititles tbat a bop mill contain* twu or tbruo difftitttit klndi or ruotB. FkaL there iu what ii

Hud I lio beetroot, which givun support tuthibill and iiourlnhm«nt to tho vino. Tliero is ilumbur or theso ia evury bill, though they are

ill-iljuota from ono or moro :ihijortrootii,"n»thoifio iniy lu. liiit lallor Uiffurn from Ihe for-tor in being moro upright In position anil cov

urod with iprouti, from which prucoud tbivine*. Thaco ia ttill toother Ichd ot rooUcalled "runuetB" aud are tbu growth uf a BJUKIIyaar. Tbuso are dug or '•grubbed" out iu tintarly f ir ing, aud uro unKke tha alburkiudiueutlouud iu mauy rttpeeta, If Rood tboylontftin pyei or mnbrro uprouts, IIi nccoosary that tboybotakon rrom Iho hilin tc

prevent them from running togutlioriiliOBlraw-bcrrloi, tbe nitln ililTcreuca being that tbobor-rioi riip on tbo Bnrfuco whilo the hopsnuath it, Tboio motg vary In lunglh from ono

tliroo or evon four feut, aud are cnt in piecessh cnntaluiup; tote ml sols nt "uyci," and i n

planlud about tho tlino ur uoru planting in billiilly all fmt apart DUO vray and Ncven (lu

ctber, tho Duvcntb fuut being allowed ooo vrayof thy fiL'ld on aucount of thu custom or icttiiifc\tro pulea to tha hill aud l i v i n g them »|»»d iloot apart. Corn nnil potitotM aro pkntail iiIho H31DU flolil, omitting to plant where IhoIIOJIB s ie . "Kolhitiu ii done lor thu hops tboBrst Heaiun but In toe tbotn, and In tbo Fallgive nf.inetluiijr to furtfliso. Iu tbe folionrlujrSpring comoi tUe flrsl poling, and with U mucfi

irdwork. Ta sota,076po!i!HiKir acriiforolgbtInn aorta In quite a task. The ;WIOB which

tru piOYluimly Bbarpnuod with euro viry inlolRlith, Id aud SU foot bcint; convenientongtbB. Union are made with a bar thai hai alulgu stigblty CBH-alupeU on tholuwercnd.

Tbo pylon onco aet a good Jub It accomplUbnil,iut work dors not ccaio. ricughing, tying up

and hoeing are nocoasar/ tbo flrttt year, and" grubbing" is uddod fubaecjuent j o i n . I t iiluitoa lawk ioieepnhrgejAT&proptt)} "Irtedip." All tbat bavo tinel aught to withal ioprlnohavD noticed tlintll whidnnroitiidapolo but)iio way, following the aun from East to West.If attempt Is made to train it In tuooppoiitedirection It will turn union ft lonoa holdM i from tiio roto fu thu idempt. Ttitnili necesiary tu prevent too miuy iproutigrow-

ig from tbo Bame bill. Two lines tfalncl upich polo li quite euougb, and noolbcra shouldB allowed to grow to maturity. Tbo need of

booing »nd cultivating rcqulro no word of iment. The vine grows rapiilly, and in aprliingly short spuco of time reaches tho topor the long poles; thon fullowaarming out aprocomi that commoncei during tlio growingperiod. In quick succenum follow tbe blowsmil Jonualioo of ittiuUtnro Imps whicb mat

rspitlly, and thon comoi what ii callod tbopicking season, lu which tb t bnj'B nnd glriu,

ion and roman look forward to aa etimo tbat brings unusual privileges and nnrllviulncig. To dcscrlbo tbis work neodg a picturerepresenting & t"S0 box f r o m latt t<s t"'"'1

foot long, partitioned off BO as to mako fotItoioi In ono. At each corner of tho tniiii boxstands apiekcr (girls preferred J.and ono man(young ef course) f i detailed lo "tend tha box,"which bo dooi by pulling tho poloi that aroloaded witb bopi and. placing tbo nmo on whatii callod a "lug polo," which is stayed aboutIwo foot abnve tbo box ; be then strips off tbe> rui a and plaeoa tboin upon a tablo made ofrough boarut, from which tbt pickets get themiiid iio Ihoir part ol tho work, Tho quantity

jlnUeA per day varies witb tho quality of tbipicking and tho agility of the pickers'. Iiolated

I'inBtanccB havo boon known of a lingls personpicking forty bushes or moro in a (ingle, day,though eiitoou or twenty bushoiB is a gooddny'i work. TuowaypickerionjoytliemfelnB,tbo procoai of drying, (ho quant liy raised,i>ricea,~itB connection with the temperancecame, ete,, will bava to bo loft for atiotbercutillo. I am infarmed by an old Ooaler thatthe present crop promiioa to be a large one. Ihavo tliiitod some fine looking yards. "

llandolphs, O O C O O G O O 2-13Mliletlcj, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4—11

Umpire—John 9. Gibson,Swwrs - ] l i ndolplis, J. V, Ctlu; Atbletiee,

6 . W. Baker.Time of Qamo—Two Louru;

HALL X0T11. 'Tho llAndulpbs have played ten games tbi*

BBASOU, and won eight, which is certainly agood record. The gumos they have won haveboon with tho Alerts of Dover, Amateurs ofHewtou, Slara or Eauton ; Athlotlcs uf MowYork, Irons of Boontou, Alphas of Newark,Morrii of Uorristown, aud Athletics of Orange.[he \oilng gamps UBTB boon with tho Tr on tonsit Trenton and the Alphas of Newark. The

ltandolph scores foot up thus far 233 m m ,while the icores of tholr opponents sum up 74.

Uorristown, we understand, Is making unu-sual efforts and money li bo subscribed to pro-

a nino wliicli they topo will beat Iho Ittu-ft. How well they will sueeood remains to

lie seen.jtAlurla wore disappointed ia going to

IlackottHtotvn to play the Unions bolh on TYod-tje«dsy and Thursday, by reason of the rain,'he ganio will bo plnjed in Hackettslotrn next

Monday.In playing base ball every chance should bo

iken. The llandolphs list Tuoiday would havemado Boveral bases moro, and porhupa runs, bymuffs at first bod they not given, up.

ThoItandolphaexpectloinakQ a tour in a fewireoka and play return games with tbo clubsthat havn visited UB.

Counoil Prooeedtoga-The August mieticg of tho Common Council

was held on Monday ovoninjj. Prusent—MayurIllchaida, Aldermon Uauco and Beaoh, andOouncllmen Jarvia and Gago.

Tbe mlnutos of tbo l u t regular nutating woreread and approved.

A petition waa received from propoHyown-rn, askutg for tbe com true tion of a sidewalk

rrom the railroad croiiing on Blaokwoll streetlo St. Mary's Church. Referred to 8trcot Com-mittee.

The S trout Commissioner's Fiy Ilall for July,imouctlng to i580.25, was rocoirod| reforrcd to

Flaaneo Commiltoo, and ordered paid If funndcorrect.

Ou motion Frank Wadtworth was unanl-QUBly nppoinled Asilsttut Sfatshat,Two ordinances, publlshou elsowboro-one iu

relation to raising monoy for taxes, and tbeither rohktlng to tbo grading, paving and curb-

ing of Sussex street—were passed.It wis moved and carried that tha Fire Com-

mit toe examine aud Investlgato thoadvlalbllltyof erecting and constructing fire cisterns in thetown, and report at tho next meeting.

Tho following resolution was also carried:ItesoLvxp, That tfae Treasurer be authorized

.„ adrortiss for proposals for the aalo of FiraIlonda of the Town of Dover, lo the amountof 19,000, and to lasne the same to tba lowestbidder, in such amounts as may bo required byin? proposer, and hi conformity to tha lavr di-•ectfng the iiaue of said boa 3s; aud tbat thisaropoialbo published two wsoks in tho IBOM

Upon notion the rules wero BUBponded tohsu- Ur. Titos Borry, who addressed tha Coun-cil Ui reference- to the woll on tho sidewalknear Mi bouse, w.hlcb many mod, aud nhichhad become a nuisanco because of the water inBumnwr and tba lea in Ibo TYfnlor on ihe side-walk. Aa ho had kept It for tho public, hiaBiedpermisijoutoconnoclit with the aeWerpipe on Morris itrool.

Upon tnotldu Mr. Berry was granted suchpcrmlislon.

Conncll adjourned.

Downt Down!!N. K. llorritt, hatter, has ]uat received a now

UDB of stylish hats, for men and boya, at pricesaway botow tho lowest. [No auction lots,)AIL regular made, exirtqtulity. Boya'felthalsit 60 cts, and upwards. Men's line, atjliah,

fur hits, from tl.TS and upwards. All Uilatest atytes In eolUrs, "cuffs, tlei.'bo^a, &a.Tninit, btgi, valuta and Bstdiols,- tn entirenew lot. -A largo lot of goods, slightly d dby witcr (night of Ore), at hair their value,at tbo old lUnd betweon tbo two Dsnks, Dover,N.J. '

_ • -

Leil 8haphcrd,a well known lawyor ofKewioa,and a prominent dtizon of Sussex county, diedat Wawayanda Lake, on Wednesday mornlsg.lie had gone there with a fishing party aboala week previous, and was attacked with iufl»ta-nation or thu bowels, which, despite tho iffortsof soveral pbTaidans, proved fatal, Bolb inhisprefeiskmi.ndBiacltuoD. he enjnyod theconflttenco or Uio whole people as a t u o ot In-tegrity and honor, and his soddou death hsscaus*A universal Borrow iu many portioi 'Iho eoanly vhara h» waa well liODTQ,

Cheater,..J stopi have as yut hoou taken by thoio in

authority towards providing mjsuitablo meantof approach io tho I'reabyiorian Church fromtlie sidewalk; but in all probability somo limeiu tho noxt docaUe the subject may lio serious.Iy cnniidored, anil, while unier consideration,It would bo sppropos lo notlco tho approaohto tlio sidewalk from tho parsonage. Tbo bopdklp and jump stylo now nocomtirr to reach tliaproiier elevation may ho very wo", calculated *exhibit olio's agility, but ia not conducivetrim uiguity and ihonld be obviated.

In tho abnrnue of tbe '• ProfcBior" list 8uday Mr. EHli Ilodgei manlpuUtod iho organ —lha Cougregatlonal Churcb.and ioiberendi-

on of bla solcetione, exhibited groat gooduio aud skill.ITio funeral of HIIB llboda Dinkaraon wan -

tended at her late residence en tbo Ironia roadti ltoud*T itleraooD hit.Two now glass doori on tbe Ghcitcr Hoitao

front will allow tbo "light to ahlno in da 'places"—tbo ball. '

Dr. Itanb, lute of PLilUdolphii, Is the litostaspiraut for the position in our medical frater-nity, soon to bo mado vacant by the Mm o n ! trBrooklyn or Dr. lUUiioa.

A team belonging to TYm. II. Steward, Eiq.n a away from tbe depot on Wednesday mornlog, but tbor wero stopped and caught at IhChester House without having atoomplliUed

ay cuiittldcrtbia dsraage.K party or buntcre, wishing to emulate tbe

good luck of a ilmliar party l u t Fall, aro or-ganlElng tor a campaign againat tbe gamu ofPike county, Venn. Hoiarai hoard from thoparty will consist ol tfao younger host of thiChcitor Hnitio, and two tonotablos and eui

Chief JUBUCO."Aiiotbor party of ipoitl, younger bnt of groat

vxperionce, contemplate a visit to tbo wilds ofPasiaio county. N. J., whero they will e° '•>caaip for lovoral weeks, >nd onjoy tho splendidSilling and hunting tbat section la not«d for.

Tbe Social of iho rrobyier i iu Soclity duetbli month will probably be poilponod till Bep-tembor, 'on aocount of tbe Union Bunday

! BCIIOOI'B jiie-nio, which ii on the TIPI I at pres-ent, LlQOE IiTHX.

Danville Gamp Meeting. •Monday wai ono or bust l ing activity and wai

improvod by tbn workmen and by those wbo ln-taodsd to flay oa tho groaadgaudagthemoot-lag. The former fillod up tbe rough ipaoesmado b j tbo wash or the rccout ralua, cartingmanr loadi or gravol for tbe purpoitv and pro*ilded the auditorium; with Beats, wMla many

of tbo visitors treated their tenti , aud otbiera tuny In bringing In their good* and fur-

niture and adjuiting them in the cottages. Ato'clock in tbe evening a'Urgo congregationathered In Bolhel ror prayer and exhortation.

The mooting wag lad byR«7. J. N« Tansant,and WBB apiiitsd.

At half-paat ten o'clock en Tuesday the open-ing dlicouno wai preached b j Rov.ThomaB II.Jmith, Freildlng Elder of tbo Morris town Dis-irict. At the afternoon mooting tho proliml-lary sorvlcea wttra conducted by Itevi. E .

Blewhatn and A.Z, Drleo. Iter. J . H . P i ) ] / of,llaokensack proaehod the sonnon.

At a. meeting or the Board of Trustee! twoicanciea were flllool by the election or Itev.

lames N. Fitzgerald and Jamel M. Bons&lt,Esq., of Morriitown. I lei i . C. S. Colt and J,U. Tuttlo wart appolntfd a Committee on B. Yard to prepsro a auita-blo.minute for record. Rev..Air. Fitzgeraldwas elected (Secretary iu pltoo cf It. B, Yard,and Mr. Bonsall Treaiurer in plica of Jas. V.Centty, resigned.' The young ptoplo'B mooting at 0 o'tlock was

ltd by Itov. D. It. Lowory, and WIB largely at-tondod and'spirited. Rov. 'T. A. llayham

ihed tbo evening e*rmon, and an oirnestixhortatlon was dellvsrod bv Itev. TV. ir . Dick.tnon.

On Wednoidiy'the'rain deioended in tor*ranli » D J Eaade things took dreary and diieaur-iglng, and the meetings wero all hold under

shelter. Itev. 8, Clark preached tbe morningsarmon, and In the afternoon Rev. Dr. Sims de-

ired one of those ifrnpio yot pawarfal ad-dronoi for wbica he is famoui. - In, tbo evening[lav. S. D. Docker prcachud and tho icrricoi«rornoit intoiuatinfe', 'fhe grand old hynq,Hock of Ag6i,"wia'beautifully rendered by

;he Ut. Hope choir as a voluntary.Iter. Dr. Wiley, of Drew BomLnnry, preachad

tho sermon on Thursday morning, and Bishopjlfidrnwi in tha evening. In'the afternoon tbeitorm was fosrfai.

Friday morning opentd witb little eigns orIcartrMtber, . . .Tba Camp Hiotlng tralm run aa follnwi:

Loava Dover fot Camp Tabor at 0;50,7:730 and1:45 A. I I . ; 3:83, 6:30 and 8:82 P. V. I^avs.'amp Tabor for Dover at 9:10 A. M., anil at 1:40i;15, 6:10, 7:10 and B;1Q P. M. Tickets* from

Dover la tbo camp and return ara told tar SOcanti. Owing to the stormy weathor tho saleor tickets thai far has not bacn noir ai great aiUit year.

Runaways—A Fatal Accident'On Saturday forouoon of Ui t weak Alonzo

[teed was engaged iu drawing wood with hliteam on .the road loading, from Golden Cor-ner to Ironia. As ho wai descending ablll a

idden jolt threw tho wood agaimt tho horses,id precipittihgMm from his.ioat, lie fell

aitrld* the tongue between, them. Thlatud-lou mrpriea frightened Ihe horsei BO that tboy

ran away,' After proceeding 10mb diatauca tliorran into a tree b j tho road aldo, ooo iorte paae-Ing each ude, breakbig the tongue and crush-ing Ur. Ileed between tha tree and the wigon.Tbo unfortunate man was iniUnity killed. Howas a resident of Ironia, WIB 27 years or ago,lad boon m u r h d about t h r u yean, and leavca, wife and ons oblld. Tlie funeral serviirors obionod in tho l i t . Freedom PrubyUrian

Churoh on Uondayaftenioon^Kov.Ur.PiaglBiomciatiag. I t was one af the Urge Bt. fun oralsevervritneuedin the n>Ighborhobd,.the peoplogenerally testlfflng their a o m w a t t h e death ofono wbo in Ufa was held in goueral oiteembytho irboJo commnnity,'

Tho horto o r i l r . Itobart'ltlcharus lecamoJRlitened on Morris street on Monday af-smoonby % baby carriage, and taking ths bit In

hlB teeth <tot be;ond, Ibo controlof hia driver, liofirst i t ' i over butcher Noj'i collar doors indIhon swung round info Hlacktrel! street, strfk-

ig the horse and wigon of Mr. Abnec BUn-chard, of Hocktway, wblcU was tlod In frout oftho rcstaunntofQeo, A. Ulanchard, and throw-ing them and hli own'driver in a eonfuBOd man

tho itdewallr. He noil ran up tha Uno along-lido o fE . LindileyASoa'a itoro, and seeingtbo rear door lift temptingly open, bolUd intoit Uko a shot, leaving the badly dtmkgcd wig-m Dutude, and creating as muoli eomterna-tioq inside as did the famous bull in tbe ebiuiaboji. ITo waa scouted, howovtr, boforo 'anydamage waB done. Mr. BUnahard'a hono andwagoa eicsped injury, but Mr. Iticbird'i dnvrwan quits serioualy cut ab'oattbe face.

Qoueril Kllpatrlck, hai a ' now a£eclure* ("TboIrlihSoldlcrlnllioWarorthellebelUoa,1

A VALUABLE OLD DOCUMENT.Hou. E . D.IIoUuy,ofHocl taway, h a s Bho»vn us v. valuable document which ho lal t ly found iuorcrluokiDg the papei'B ur t he lato Col. J o »

J u c b o n , whieh we publish for the bonaQt of w u ivadurri, aitiong many or t h c u l d t r portion ufwlmui w u i n o w i t will c rea te a iivtl.v I n t c nIt In headed " A list of Fotgcs in the County of M o n in unit un t l u borJcrH of Busses and Dfr^ tn , in Kuw Jetucy, J a n u a r y 1 6 t h ' Ibid," anil iu

Ultukwell k UcFirUuClilrlei V. IUuaui'li,H l J l

VUxnbt.rllu A Ad..,,.,H- AiUmi k Hcau,Cui. Htauilturuuuli,J onujjlt 11 li»iu Ut r Uu t,llultL-rt liouun. Kui..liavlii ]1. UurJ,l)»u UurJ,J*me« IJeckur,J I I U M Y. UBTS<'1II,l u y a u d Utnlylu,CUirlcB Ford,Qco. Bo»nl»ley.1'. I'. Urawii,Cliurly Fuid,a«o tittskl*

Joliu SUf rnnu,H. h, Jt iMUou Brazil,TIIUIUH Muir,J.-ioph jKkiou,V.l]|t»ai J*uliauu,

do,Mniqitcl Piliuer,Sllu YoullBi,Juliu Llitk.D n i a Wolcb, Jr . ,Julm SiiiltU,"'•ckwoll k McKirlan,

imtHel lltrUutt,iv'r ttlckernau,rcmlmli Uakir,soph Dlukenon,•«Iib T. UolT,

uliUrd H. Htlclile,



lit.,, H. V.,ftquuucir,Troy

Wiliilu iltijuln*|J wltlilu UuilUt,Is wltlilu Viullti.\G Hithla X lulled,


\i witiiiu l u u i i i t , :\i Witliln lltulltfl,1 i t U i a < J L l

IwHMadmlwi t l i iuGiui lu ,liwittiiu lui i i lki ,2 wltblu ldiullui,•i i h i l u l k

ilUn^niilei,wltliln 4 milei,witliln IU wltci,witlda a mlloi,wiiblu C mllo,wltUln >i tnll*.wltlilo 0 mtlei,trttll C U

3 0 wittiln 0 rallei,•i o wiuiiu n M I B I) CwltliluSiullM,9 !0vrltlilii9taUel," 'UwitLbSujllei,

\i within 3 mliet,wiltlin S niUe"'wiiUBinlles..wiltita Umiloi,

•• a l-a wild,

•Cullt In 1833. tDumod ilawu lit 1KB.NumbnrormlncBowiiDdby poraoni nol owners or furgos-Tlios. Logan 1; Elijah Brothertou 1 j Cooko'n Mfno I ;

Honry Mooro 1; Wm. GrtGUU 1; Epbralm Burwcll l ; Judge I'ord 1; Kurr'u Uino, l .g i lded to tlio table Is tho following Hit of foreei, witlioutfurtbur particulars than the iiameHofuph jEdsall, Ilannurgb, 4 Ores; Lewis Bbcrniau, Hpirla, 2 flrca; Hubert Sinoy. Kuw York City, 3 ;Idd, Uaidyston, 9.

'H Mine, 1 ; £ . Coy, 1

mium, roHldrncv, and uumborof tireJubu Uench, HordyittoD.E; Slruhlo

Tha Cattle Thief \ Caught.Our readers will roadily r«colleet how a few

week! i t ncosnun plving tbe'name of JohnGooley sold t» Ut, Frank Car ot tbls p!*C» apair of oiou wbleb Brtsrwarda proved to havebeon stolen from Abel Pierson of Sparta.Shortly a(t«r tho ocenrronco Constable BlchardOhriaty of Sparta fixed his sUBpldoni upon ayoung man by the name- of James Lule r asbolag the thlol. A few dayi after tht robberyhe was noticed to be sporting plenty of moneyM on sovcral occasions showed, over 1100 in

all pocket book. X little liter still ho went toNew York and returned with flno clothing andBOJDO thirty or lorty dellsri besides. Ai it wassonotblog umiautl for him to have money thsBuaploion bosame gotten). He and NathiufePknoQ, a Bon of the owner of the cattle, hadbem old cronloB for a long time, but lait week,when driuklng, they quarreled and foufht, andwero both un i ted , and put nnd»r bondi to ap-pear bofota Sn.ulro Beatty at a hsaring onMonday of this week. Constable Cbristy thensost word for Frank to come to BparUon Mou.da;, whlcti bo did, aeoompanled by a friend.Thoy spied Lazier noar Earl'i hotel and FrankatoucercoogntieiUublm the p n t n u b d Ooo-ley, aud without watting for tbo coramony of awarrant, arreited him anil carried bim beforeSqolro Beatty, who commlttod him to the conn-tTjail at-Nowton in doNult of ball. Ho ap-peared very hnmblo and innocent, but Frankwas Bure of his man, and ai be his always led

wild life, and tbo circumstances are againstIn Btrong in this cato, he will probably "do the

State fome servlca" at Tionton.

Tbo Mill Anniversary, Seml-Centennial, of.JO W a m n County Bible Society was hold onThursday, Ctb. 1ml., in tbe Treibytorlanchurch at Waiblngton. There was a Urgeand enthuiiaitfo attention. An *Wa tad la-itraotlvo Bormon, in review or tlio Bibb work

jnd progreea for tbo last Ufty years waspreich-ed by Her. J. I, Morrow, orBolvidore. P. P .Bnkoloy, the looxetary, read a historical piporrolitine to tho organization and found or t ofiho Society. The following officen wareelected for the omulug year: It. 8. Kennady,Preildsnt) Wm. O. Dufford, V. F. Iiraksly,M. D., Kobt. Hance, Kiq,, Vlco Ini idei i t i ; W.II. Morrow, Treai.j Bev. J. I. Morrow, Itov. T.Cieor, llor. M. E . Ellblon, Jobu Blrnerson, Dr.J. U. Paul, Jobn 6. Labar, and Wm. Shlmer,;Executlvo Committee, I

Two tramps matto a rail on Oeu. KUpatriok'BreildeneeatBockortown, on Saturday night,llBt. AfUr helping thonisolTefl to all tho coldriotuaU tboy coulil Hud they made a roco&nols-ino« of tha houBi for booty. In doing this;bey awoka the General, who attempted to cutiff their retrod, - A l l g lUtno wai thrown at•Ell,11 itriklng a window and scattering it ta

pfooof. Uft leaped to tbo ground u d pavecbaie to iuo viUalns, revolv.r ID hand, and theway tbo bullets aane around their heads w u aiaution. They eiciped, however, but wo

reckon tbu amell tbey got of "Kll'a" powderwill not bs forcotton, Bince the i , tbi womenfolks havd biMH practicing «ith revolver!Ian* and tbe next time burglar* bother abaut:hat plaoe, % funeral wlUba next thing on tbe


A compuny, of Koniti or the order or St. Ellas_/ tbe Bom'aa Cataohc Church, wbo weredriven ftora GermanT by. Biimarck, havepurebwod olghteeu dty lots or Juitleo Loftm,orPatorson, upon which tbey Intend io erocla chapel and doiiter.

ortbofourtooaanlhracltoblait fnrnacoi InDurSUio, levon «rs in the bounty of Warren;o l tbo iU now ia b in t , four are ia Warrencounty. Two am at Oxford Iron Company'!works, and tho new one Just blown in at Haok-ittitown. - • • ,

Uri . Buian Wliarick diod at b.r reiidcJu alarksborough, Wttrin County on Tuoidaymoroliigcriaitweok. Bboliad boon mirrlodwlco, and vr»s 100 years old.Tbo borongh Mioiior ol Waablngtoo eomiti

13 (IOJEI ia that towu. They «ro lucky ialaving ao Tow. Dover has at leant tbreo I

tbat nuur.

A PblllipBlmrrr man b u boon ft nod IS '111rorhiulaughtor'splckinp; bonloB on* uolgh.bor'sfteld. Bo will appeal.

I t U rumored that tho Chariottobargh fitory will rommo operitiom, and a generalclaneo In tha hnmuoii of thr.i place wUl ta t r

o in tho early part of next year.

'Btiramatiim, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Bciatlcrvona and Ki dney\DisoaioB poiitively guar-antood cured by Pr.Fltkir'B'BhsumatioBemodyu d Pilli, Robert KlUgore, whagflnt for Dover.

BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS.Pimmiiit to cnll the Boiirtl met iu theounty Hull ywtcr joj , nt 11 o'clock A.

tlod but Mi'K.m Jlulne, Norninn, VituKcaud Wciuo.

Mr. DoMott of Iluiiover ropurtud thitt tboPoor House Committee found tbe kitchen othat building entirely tiuHuihtblo forthojiiu5OHC8 rvqulrod of it. Tbo building wiw olimd nlmost toiiiLutloHM thu ov^u vms burnoiiut imil good for uothiug nml tlm Committee

nskod tho BonrJ wlrnt they Hbould do iu tbepromises, They wquld recumnienil thnt anow kitcbun b« built, nud from rough plum]f tLo proi>oHC(l iiuproveuiouti) they jmltjeiit could bo douo for nbout *1,2W). Pnrtliei;omidumtbu of tlio mutter vriut Ml tmtiljftoruooti when it van brought up aud apropoKiliou inudo to roimir it, Mr.of Morris, wiitl thnt would not nvail—theBuilding -would not uuuid repairing. I

IN IIOHG with i t a new kitchen iiubaolulely ueccKBiirj'. After further dincux-Jan a Ksolntion vim pnuftuil authorizlut; fiioCommilteb to build nt nn eipeUBO ex-coed $l,o00.

Thirty-two lino Hthogmplui of tbfl n«vState Lnnntis Asylum wcro rocolveilfroiu ilv.Win, G. Lntbrop, mid accepted -with a votoof Umiiks to l]wt goiiUeiniiii,

Tlie bill of Mr. Enos G. Hudil, AxncHHor of1IL OHva Township, for lakiun tho cenmia- a s prcHculod, ntnountiug to $55.

Mr. Bcclsor, of Morrlri, moved tluitciol Committeo of thrao ho uppainted to cx-Dtulna tbe ccutms returns iut they unma iiwhich vnn nu&nfinoiiHly ndoittod ami SlcsnrBooker, J . C. Tawgei nud Ii^ipprr worn np-potntoil tbo Committeo.

Mnch ainuHoinent by IL bill ofDr. John Itiohcn which yraa itemized and np-pcarod lo slow that a pauper jmtitnt hudDousnuiod «ooio 30 pain ot coudonflod beef—eqitnl, as WAS calculflted. to nbout five handof cnttlb 1

There WAX also Items for profeasional vfo-B and one for it pout mortem examination,

.hicli lod Mr. Lindaloy, ot Ifoasaic, to ro-mark Uiat ho waa decidedly opposed, toDoclor'B billing a patfout aud (boo cUarghtho Oouuty twenty dollars for a post morteiinmiontion ou tho body I

Judgo Fnuchor afterward eiplainel the billshowing the dittoed itonm wcro profesaionalvislb and not Kir condotuotl meat, ana thnttba post mnrlem oiniuinntion wna not uponthe iwticut visited. Tho bill, amounting to192, m roforml to Coiiiraitteo uu JIlaoelLi-nooua ttecouubi,

Mr. HAVH ronortod on Uio Juntter of etonejroaklni' by the prisouera and pronouncedit a good thing. Thoy paid 46 ceubj a tonfor tlio ufona delivered in tlm Jail yard andsold it at an ndvnnco that covered nil expen-ses ot breakage nud cartage. During thethree months they hud broken almost 2(K>tons, which WIB boiug uued by the city nodalso by prtmta individuals. No ono man whnhad boon put nt tha job of brcaldng tlio stonohad roturuod for a second doso, aud In thlirespect tlio experiment was a BUOCOSB. KLliCuauU? had been oxperionccd iu poinpell-ng tho prisoners to com their living. 'Uioail ]ihyeiclnn hoB so t been called jiinco tLoprbicnen have boon given ouf door eierciso.

Ouo matter however prcsoutod itself fuconnection with thix, nnd that Is, that thostone brenkioR cannot bo carried ou durlugcourt term, and as the varioufl courts moot fre-qaontly tlio prisoners lio idle a considerablepart of tho timo, This U was thought eould'JO jronicdiail by bnildiug a high fence nndcovered shod iu tha oulcrjniF yard, wheretho moii could bo kept at work nt any timo.

Mr. HnyH ™ naked for cost of tlio foncoand tilled, nnd later iu tha mooting reportedthoy would cost eight or ulne hundred dol-lars. Farther tliscUBuion on that point wtig"ifcrreil for tho iiuxtmooting, aud on motion™e Conunlttso.wcro iofltnicted toproceojwith Btono breaking uudcr pieeont nmngQ-

Bllt of T , . IL Andrew* for post mortem,opinion, Ac, npoii child found at DodgoWine, ia -3802, mnouiiUuff (o $70 wiw pro-Rented.

Mr. BaUw thought there wero n mrcfttmnnylid bills coming up, nnd ou motion it wnaiforrodto Mlacollaneoufl nccountu. • ~ -Bill of I . W,- Oondict for post moiten on

body of Catliorlue Fayno, $20, took the sumoiourne.

Dill of Jeaso Hoffman for taking mticuts!o Lunatio Asylum at Trenton, $37.39. andme of E . H. Young for flrreat of Jas. Moou-!yt f2.00 wcro ordered paid. *

A resolution proriding'for thepulillcatloaot tho comity flnanoialrojiorU in nil tho iw-rwra of tho county, nfter a somQwhnt loogthy

lUBBion wan lost 17 to 0. Mr. Garrison ofItoonton BiUlolin nddroueed tho Board on

the subject.?After dinner Mr. Bates, ouo or a cominit-

;ea to confer with tho Aiglura ComniisHion-in relftfioij (o erecting a bridga aver

itrodius nnd nenr tbo State property, raidley Una prepared an estimate aflflr viewingio site oud thought i t woid.l cost eight oxjii tliousaud dollars to build and gnnlo.—Chera nro two BtrcniUH, ucccsHltating n brld^o

nis CO or C5 feet long, and tho gradiup; untlio bridga would probably cost us much

o tbo bridga iUelf. A brlilw at that nbBolutely ncceKBary aud on tho Stato luidplaced a inngniliceut property nenr f i e silesomething Buto'nntiiil nud alt nufllcioutihould bo placed there wbeu once i t was do-

jitled ia proceoit with tho work. H e thoughttho State Bhouhl ami would assume t part ofthe eipenso or building or grading and BUS-gentci tho Commiaiionewbe, seeoi again.

On motion Uio committee were continued_jd instructed to procure Gfiliriiutea for build-i»g necessary tilructiiro nml report at uoi t

n O n motion tuo freeholder! of Mt. Ollvo,Xtoxuuiy nml Wiuthingtou wore nppointcdipon two britlgus ou the wood road lending'rom OuiuoR. Hollow toward Ur

oucty lino.On motion of Mr. Hopiitug the FreelioJJ-

•« of Uoontori, Montville uiid Pfqur

Fire in Gold Street.A &luirp ulanu wan raUiad about two o'clock

l Friday mortilog,'caused by uro being dis-covered iu lljo iloMo homo oil Gold »1iluneil by Daniel Mollcr and occupied by thoiinlilicB of Oco. 8. Small and V. Ilossnagcl

Tbo flro won discovered on Uio north side, iuHie npurtmenui uf tlio Utter, by nn old lnd;livingacnwft tho Blroet Ur. Hoaonngel andbi« eldcHt daughter wero away from hom

d Utn. I t . and tier otlicc children wcifllooplng in tho third btorj'. When HIIO Leaithe nliirni she cumo down Blairs (o the eocoiHlury but Uio heat aad smoko wcro BO grc ,M to drivo her back. A ladder from tho gar-den iu tho m r had fortiuicatcly been loftBiuudiug Ihe day bcforu to ouo of tho top

"own, and by thia the family cHcapcd.-Had nuy of tliem boon tiko)>Ing us touio oIhem UHimlly do they would tmdoubtodl;havo been mtffocated to death, 'ilia tiro doartiueut turned oui, Vigilant Uoao arrivingInt, but by thin time (be Uro won BO well un-

der control that a stream was u t t needed,

;u could water htiva bcou obtninou. Thoflre evidently ciiught i n thu wainHcutluIho first floor, whero everything was chnired and burnod. I t thcu got insltlo tlie wnllaaud ceiling, mabiug i t neccesary to partly re-

them, nnil bnnicd througli into theid fitory nbovo, nud into tha nnnrtinanti

of Jlr. Small oa tho other aide, although intlio tatter placu i t illd iio rurticular ilamngaBut ou Mr. Itwecngel's sida a general wreckniut presented. On tho BQcoad floor, every-ihiug was Bcorched and blistered by ; Uio in .

bent, including the piano, bed-roomruruiluro, olc., and Uio looking glaaa nud pio-turo glaHseu on tlio walla wcro all cracked."VeJinvouotJjeanlilieJosscSsou the bnlld-

ig nnd ftmiiliue definitely stdtod, bnt itmust be (juito a cousidoroble Bum. Mr.Tlosouagel's Iota U fully covcroj by an insur-ance of $300 on tho piano aud $700 on thoTurnlluro, while Mr. Moller baa hbj ' hu t BO-mrcd by au iiisurance of $2,000 on the build-ing. Mrs. Itoflenagel Jiad beou ironingiteas midniglit, and hnd left a lot ofclolhcaaading noar tho »tovo, lu which was a hot

fire, whicli W p r o b u b l y tlio catuo of tho flro,as thoy were ell cousuwed. In a room bnckof Uio kitchou the lire burned to within a footif a can containing five gallons of keroacuo,ind wheu H wes taken out it was BO hot

Uiat it could linrdly bo handled.

Thin flro i s euggetitivo of several things,in tlio flnt pkoo this house might havo hum-id for want of wuter whioli could nut have

en obtained, slowing thnf tho conteinplnt-id flro clstoms in thia lwulity o n nn imj

aacsnty, nml uhonlct bo built witfurther talk. Tho street lamps, too, shouldbe kept hurniug on nighta liko tins, for i t wna

pitchy dork that it wiw with difficulty thouipanies could ninko Uielr way, aad -the

frucic ran into tha trees ou Bank street andlocamo fast, rendering a Btoppogo' necoswry.

tothor Uiing is tbat tho peoplo should boQOIO liberal in uflaUliug tha firomoa to got

their appomliiH to tho flre, ' Ou this night

r Boontoti, Montvill mid q,vero appointed npoa n, nan* bridga on thePassaio County line.

Mr. Hays Raid that it had becomesable to collect rcUca for Wiwhiugton llead-quarlvzti «»d thai ha bad boon applied to forftnoldWoalhcrVano tbntlay in tho CourtHouse attic, labeled 1755. It WM on inter-eatlug thing to look at, lieinR of quocr con-Btruction and was no douut V10 years old, Ifloonad to Uio Aaaooiation thoy would giva aroceipt for It,' On motion of Mr. Becker tharequest waa gnntcii.

A lotto* was rond l>v Ilia clerk from Mr.Apgftr, Slata Su i t of Ttiblio Bcbools, eng-ccciing that m Mr. Kunyou bad pcrformodnil tho dutioB of tho ofllco ot Connty SupLduring tbo Uma the County was without oni(tho mnnliw of Feonury nud Jliireli) that htlo paid Uic salary for those, two moatlis, ornt least bo remunerated for his osponMW.—McGsrs Decker, Allen and others farorcd itsimymciit while Mr. Hopi»r opposoi it, andt voto being tnkou tho molion waa pwaed b;-» ballot o f l i t o 13.

Ui, Beoiacr of lUndolph adeed if tlio County would build a eidowalk bcsUlo the. Dorabridge liow over Uio river and caunL IIwoulil bo. 00 fuot or longer. After some dis-DUSRIOU n TOto woe talcen, tho request grantedby IG ta IU, a, clawo being added tint th<cost of tho aidowalk Bhould uot eiccod $200.

On motion of Hit. Bateg tho resolution. al<lon-ine Sir. Ilunyon 5200 wns reconsidered,a motion to allow him $100 instead, passingunnuimouEly," •• • • •

On motion Board adjourned.—Banner.

Church Dedication-Tho duilicflliou of Lake Chapel (Uuion) a t

ludd'H Luko took plnco hist Katmday. Too rcBiwuBo of iuviuilioiiu tout to Uio iHielon

md their congrcgatioiu of uclghboringchurchetj, witli tlio gucstH from Uio Summer

•in aud cilizcnu, un interesting congre-gation aiisonibled. Tho choir of Btauhopelod by Mr. I . P . Millw, cousieUng of Miesllillcr, Miiisex Kuiglit and ilcests. Bisaellaud Ilerriclc comuicuccd Uio scrricca by anippropriaU) authom ; provor wait then de-

utly oiTered by Itev. Jlr . Sproul of Mountint, and the lemon ot {ho day read by Uar.

Ir. l)oolitUo of riandcm, aftor which Com-mdo Hov, Snwj'er of FlcaBant Grove gnrout thu hymn No- 050. Prttyor of Bupplica-ion hy Itov, I I r . "Walton of Btnnliorn, andyam 1085 by Koy. Mr. Crauo, also of Stun-iopo. Tho uddrciw was delivorod by llav.)r. 'Phos. E. McOauloy of Hacketurtowa,rboHelocted hiu subject from the 23Ui Ohup.* OencBb), " Jacob's dedicntiou of Uio place

iiia dream, aa the house of Uio Lord ando gntewny of heaven ; which wns alily ex-lunded auologously, wiiero ono or moronet far good or worship, tho eaaie la tbe

louse of Uio Lord and tho gateway of.lodTon, cloning with proper dedicaUou re-marks. Itev. I l r . Snwj-er arose and Brwko qs '•.UG i-ecnraity cf .Ualoa "ih&t«U tho-dFiT6!n-Jnations wore liko tlia many riven of earth,reeking by different courses tho great Oceanor Unity.>v Ha cloned by giving financialaluUauitiut of lha building : CmU KU00 ;[laid, $2/200 ; unpaid, $1,200, and appealed•-• Urn congregation to decrease- tlin dobig.

125 wna genorouBly given by Uio gneata ofio hotel and others m tbo vicinity aud from

leignboriug churches, wliicli leaves nupold

^Dedicating prayer was pronounced by Itev.Ir. Megio of Dover, and hymn 103Q suog,xo Borvices being closed by Blueing tholoxology, Tho miuia wan oicollent, the^nnanu appropriate and OTerybody Beamedppy, to niooc together wiUi BO many nas-

>r» of different churches uniting iu hnr-iny.—Banner. . - . '

y g a . a n diwlho firemen toiling elotrly up tho-eteep111B, niikle deep in mud, without offering tosuit them. -

Among the Institutions of the country hav-ig for their object tho mond and Booial olo-

ratiou of maukina, tha vaiious tempomacoasBOolaliona dcfiorvo a ploco in. the front iumblio fuvor and jiopnlwily, from t i e factieir mlsflion is that of faonevolence purely

tud solely : aud (is such Bhould not be por-nitled to languish for tha wunt of mcaus

id oncoungnieat from Uioso who havo thoma ta bestow, nnd who nro as mnch in du-tiouud toput uvay the enrso as any pledged

Icrupor&uce man or womAD. -And yot there isno iuBtitutioo of tho lund that moots with somch ncgloctand cold indifference OH theso

purely beuorolent societies. I n manyUUOH jeera and opprobrions epithets aro

enped. upon them by Uiosa vho havo as-ntmed YOWB moro Eolomn and binding to ro--laim the dnmbnrd nnd wmovo tbo ntmu-lling blook out of tho WOT of others than unvbligation ndminiHtcred in a UimpDrancoBo-lotj-, while tho mnuy of that wimo dans ofHtrsooH aro content to clvo ikemselres noDuccrn whatever about tho innttor HO lone anao destroyer docs not lay hlu blighting baud.n thorn or tliojw, except when.they aoci-lontiiUy stray into a toiupemnco atmonphero,' id tb t ii their uaaucmviiuidhtu Uio momentio pressure ig removed. As n conscqueneo,e teinporuuee rcfbnu has in reality l>ut n

.irecariouB bold nn tlio public, and is aua-taiucd and caniod on by a vory few individ-uals compared t o tba nuiascu who oinswioual-'y protend to favor nud ndvocnto it nccord-njj as their solnsli iutcreuts prompts.

Thnt tt wisdom nudirawer, superior to auy-;btng liumim/or. to ni l tho faoaltics and pow--rs of tho- luuiuu woe combined, approve*

d sustains tho temireranco cause, and will ,snBtain it, there can b e no doubt ; ba t if Itrnth IB truth, luid tha Autkor of that t ruth 'aoe« not indulge in any superfluous term*or turn inn i t far tho incro aunuemout of tilscreatures, tbo man or woman of means andiuflaenco wbo can dodgo a pretty heavy uliareif responsibility in Una matter and a finallncomfortablo accountability Uiereforo willlio prqnrotl to lmvo evorjOiing their own

•way, no mntfer wliot part of Iho futuro in-'jerilanco they limy ba wwigneil I t will boinferrel from t i e »bor« Uiat I have beenrending hcripluw, (ploa, railty) and BH Iturn from the IMHOU to loot a t tho liehtat'lilch liavo boon t indlod from this source

_iut few bright oucs ara to bo obsDnroO HD(1theio fow briUiaut boacons aro rartinlly ob-scured hy tho doaBO mass of alcoholic famesproceeding from the multitudes of nneertniuand sickly ones surrounding t lom.

To my'uiat t U U ntteriy inorplicahlo bowpereon BeparnUnp Unaal f or herself fromio world, profcfistDB to ndhrroto rules and

.jJunL-tionaloid down in theabovo book allud-ed to, and claiming Uio fovor of tlio DivinoAuthor of that boot, can read tlio frightfulrecord of crime m d "~~—-*-1—"—•-• -r e o r d of crime t a d w r o n g g flcrcclly from the Clabolicnl trafflo and oits insiaioaa work iaUioi r midst daily without feeling an irroistiblo impnUo io set thoirfaces na liint against this c W a t a t i n g cursofind aovoto their every energy to its acEtroc-tiou. I mufit confess t h a t ! knownotbinnabout oxperimontftl Christianity, bu t nclaim to know this, that UUICBS there is n. „cret Uy comraunicat«d to i t s profesHorawhich roanus off somo of tho sharp coraereofBcriptnralrequiremonuiinddonunctaUonB,m m y of ila profeBflore mnst ho fnlse, or elnodoceirca, or clso Uio Christian chamctcrmiiHt bo a very Accommodating" ono.

To Uio mimts of tho wanderer a personcan hardly be cicuBcd for wiukicg nt an ovilBO monstrous da tha rum traflle, or for actinga neutral part respecting it, becnuso ho keepsa demijohn in tin collar nnd Ukou a nip occaniounlly to Bcltlo liia Rtomnch, sharpen lu


, orlirnco up liiw nrn'oiw sjtitom, orLiy buHinCb* would be Itkuly to nuf-

fi-r from the fulling off ai bin whiHiicy-IoviDBciiKtoujera if lie nliuuld commit liiianolfuyuiiuiL it, or b(;ainne it would vlmid bin (Ki-ll liailproMiMiutK, or boatiihu it would eleiiniflhim of a Hituntion, ur iuUiriKJiif; liitwuyuiiliu-Kelfund Ho^ie darling scheme, or briug UJWJUIiiiutttlf the frown of LN uolRlilior, r:id m-.chIlltU coiiuid^nfctioiiH ! for to HEICU ti imnd ilifl

.nttiit aud meaning of Hcriuturn iato uiulvo it tlii duty of every uuuu jx;rs(iu iouad nil tho means ^ivuu them to couul^ractiiuil remove evil frum unions tliem. EMpf-L-inlly ilws tliUuoeiii to bo n-quintd of tht!rhmtiuu that h k exain|il<^ muy liuve its efluctuu tlm neighbuiliuoU, 'Xlin good book uc-kiiiJivled^fH tiw wonderful ]mv,cr ut a good[<rbml cxaiiipb'. nnd IH prufiiHo in it« uoin-jiii'iiilutioim ol' the pcrwm wbotnkesa H]H.'ciuliutervhtHiu (lio K cHum of hiu tallowti to light-eii their liurdcnx, ICHHUU (heir BOTOWH, midIcail them out uf diirkncHS into tlie light said

} Uo niiLrreilotiH fur iU upkudoruuil [iro-giv-IK quuljticH. but of whicl) BO litllo appcam> Uo, notwithBtruding tlio niiiltitudt)bo would bear witutBH or tlmt liubt, Iwild my tbat, tu tho ignorant mind iuaircli after troth, Uiscoiiiit iuipotwiblo for »

, prsun (Icscniii); tho nanio ut chmtiau togive any countenance whatever to the ruuitruffle—uo niuttur if tbo creatura if a goodtiling to have in Uio IIQUHO, or cau, to uu os-

hiug jegroc, inflcicuco (mJe ittiil [tupu-- j , nud not uuly give it countenance, t u tto fold hjH arms uud tnko n uctitral ]>art withrc^pird to it.

It may l e uiviied Uiat au uueouyerted pcr-hou LULB no ri(,'ht tu L«IWI au upiuion uu the(laty of Iba chr'mtiim ; hut I thiuk diffurent-|y, aH tliey art to attt-tit Uie auliiorily of UieBible by their daily lives iinri act Uio pnrt ofcounafclors nnd guides to tlm unuaved. Ifthoy can tolemto n wrong of such iinincnseproporlioru, uf biich a hidcouu character, andworking such ewoeiiinf; uuivcnnl ruin on thewhiskey hmriticBH, becnuKe it Kuitii their per-— a l convDiiiuuuu or IHUCIH their selfish onus,

yot bold up clean bjiuds, whoro in tbouutohility of either Uio Deity or hin Word.

As I said ia tlio foregoing, thero aro a Towhero and Uiorc, compofiing a fnithful thous-und, wbo luivo mil howei) tho knoo to old Al-cohol, nud jvorlinpfl it in duo to thin littleband, by Uioit zonl nud good worku, tho ma-ny incutiiuiililo eujoyuiuuta which nro contin-uously supplied amidst Uio cry of want, the- i i i of thn BO rowing, aud Uie blaiqiheniy of

o inebriated, uKCetititncr nnwnnl from nl-uofit every part of (ba land. Tho evil, orirogt:nt>niUi hmirt, U itidd lu Itu luaquiblo"ever thinkiug good things. Who, thon,,UHI nuBwcr for the rum traflle.Owing to tha atones D:I Wetlnwidiiy uml

huniday evenings tho Fair aud Festival of 'tho I'resbytcrinu Church of tliis place was

' for two woclm, ODHTO.




iewsp'apers and Periodicals,



•ALL JIOULDINO «na P I C I U H E n o O K S .

illbert's Pure Confectionery.







uuacjihcr baa opencil booki wherein »la dosiroui of dbpoiingof thalrhauiil

id lota, or any real citato of nhaterer Ghana-Tuny giva description* of their property,whero those dMtrom of purchnlnc mty

it a lut of properties lor B&IO.luvcntl propcttita hnvo alro&dyb*inpU*cdmy lumdB Tor BIIO, doacrlptlonB of nhich Kill

next wcolt. 10-tf



RAZEE & CONNET,fiuixauBoni OF



. . roil 15 e n . TEH Y.UID.

.60 Pice OB Seasonable) Dress Goods,rott M era. vox vitm.


i-noM S3 i o GO e n . rcn T&HD.loftbanboroiipeclaHieairenewtndoboleerocent c t ih purcliRiea, and i n front 20 to

ir cent, below any (ormor nluoi . I T I V I L I J'AY to give us & t i l l . Lirga variety »nd low

prlcoi. 13




•VO0BHEE8 BROTHERS,13-du - MorriitowD, N, J .

Page 4: CLOTHING HALL. · the b«l flint an d lor tw o innlngi faile t Q- >.i..«o], ja mo flrat tnejr got on« man i full aud elejEkiit mortmtut, GBO0 R RIES of all klndi au d of tlio toil

M. H. Dickerson «fc Co.hnvo fully ilcmonotrnfr^ iJint their



COLORED DRESS GOODSia unequalled by any in tliia vicinity. Always on hand au cs-

tousive assortment of

Dress Goods for all Seasons!PEINTS! CASSIMERES!! SHAWLS!!!

im-3 in short, overj-Uiing in tlio Dry Goods lino that tlio Indies' need.

Builders' Hardware of every description




Wall-Paper and Window Shades.CHILDREN'S CARltlACrES.

Clover and Timothy SEED,

Plows. Bone Manure,

Super-Phosphate of Lime,

Cement, Plaster, &c.



Jolio Ilaueo.J*nKi U. lAiiJ U N [ b

Henry Biker.ftI.]I.I>icker«iio,Thoi. R. CriUendon, — . - • .,*.*..........,Aloi. Wighton, Ctiai. H. Tunli,Joi . lUxJiror, StephonO, H u m ,David Jouklus, BImoa Miiol,UKTIIIB. Jirdine, J . s . A. Ouodalo,ijlfcitot Dlckcnuii, HicliBrd Irmkim,

Jticliird StopliciiH, E. N. Norman,Hubert P. Oram, Oooruo PicritoD,

OliiriflB J, Hkollu'iiBCr, Martin'V. 11. BcafinM. C.Whitbck.

Tlili Iuit.tution li now orKsniittjd andoinlor biiiiucii.

ODlco, ID Dover Ilank.Intorciit uliili communco ruiitiltiR upon all

•umi dopotUaii on tho fint day of Mircb, Juue,Heptembcr and December, wMeh eror BIIKI!fint tiKpnon usxt sftcr tho uopoilt It made.

Feb. 11,1873. 9-U

Tho Ladies' and Qeutlemen will pleaso beur in miud that R, J. Koberts'

Patent Parabola Needles,Tho vorj beat in tho »oiM," ailfery in polish and gracBtul inahapo; »lso Itobtrta'

Finest Ilnzor Steel Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Razors,

Elegant of Finish and £0011 of Edge.

Qivo ill 0 call. Wo nro Doom lo aell for LESS TEOriT than any other housein Dovor.

Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J.




deilori iu








I>ov»- . ,N. J .

Orders for Sawing and Planing

prompt], itiacutad.



Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,


Mining Materials of all Kinds.


lime, Latli, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALSO, DEALERS IN


STOVESTSTOVES i:Reduction In Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

Hinujr jiHt rocoivod a Urge stock of Htovos of every description, wo arc m.w prepared to sell a t

CtHBATIiY HJBIJTJOJ33D PBZOXS,All klnda of tho very latest ylcior

Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stoves, Bangec,' &c.ALSO

Tinwaie, plain and japanned ; Tin Hoofing,T.mfprmia, THOnOHB, c*o. •

A very flua aiortmeut of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c.,And a variety of ollior articles mually kept In a. well supplied Tin Btore.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGNaallj done and piomntly attended to. T7osonant eoto j













Liverpool, Queemton-n, Glau-IOW, Londonderry, London,

Bristol or Cardiff.For TICKETS *nd Fsrllcohri »ppty to -


——:o :


92-If i



OF 1875.



Takes pleisars In* DOtlfjrlDg tbo publis ut

Dorer snd vicinity Ibat ha Dies tha


ID iblectlns bia atoek fur tbs abo*• asisoni aaregard lo STYLES and PlttCXS, eoailatlDf of

kinds and aTadoa of material for



t pricci to mil nr-arjbodj'i puokul. 'AUo *

fall mortuent of


for old ind jouof; Aim, eoDitinlly on hind •full lino of


Thinking tbopobiie for p u t favori, I uoitcordiallj isTita erarj ona o coma, snd iMIifytbemioirei before) joing otiiwhin.




sruu, CASKXHUI, xiw IEEXAXI, aaaoxf, ILCAS, ropum, MWJUM, TaLTSTi, DUTzi'RKa,




JEVSKY.Successor to Segur'n JUaiik auito Hie l tUuiou liauli ut J)ovcr/

Capital, - $100,000,ATTENTION OIVEK TO THE TUKCJIAKEand uio of all BoDd»—to the collection of ilNolea, t'liccku, i o . AUO ASODI* Tor tho 6*1 o oDrifts <JD tho Uniou U»uk of Uadoa, KnElind>.nd l'rorinctul llanh of IrclinJ.M. H. riCKEnnON - - - rrailduntWAHltEN BEOUlt . . . . Canbler.


Dover Savings Institution,OFFICE IN DOVER UANK.

JOHN HANCE . . . . ITeiiidout.JAMES U. LEWIS - - - - Vico-I'rsildsiit.WAI-IIEN BEGUlt - - , - - Troaiuror.

T R U 8 T E E B 1

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,Blukwollsiriol, Dotor,

Hot Air Furnaoes,Of the latest mil muai Improved itjl«i, lorwannlDg publio tnd private bulldlngt, A larg*

•tiKoilmant of Storei, cboap for » ih .COOK, PAHLOlt, HEATING

STOVES, RANGES,Ac. -JLlioarariotjof



A full aiaorlueul of




LE4DEHS, and all Umll of Jobblno In in; Hoe,iion. ia tlio lioat m.nnor anu at hn aLorUlinotice. Higlieit pricea plid for old Iron.

Copper lofrl and pewttr taken in. exobang.

' r 8°°d l ' ALEXANDEB WIGHTON.DcocmlicvJllli.lBTO. 1-lvr



Wines and Liquors,for family medical mo. AU warranted

genuine and perfocllj pnro.

Kartell's and Hennessy's









RASPBEMIY SYH.UPSand over? thins el*e in tbe llaa of tho'irad*.

AaolectsdiloekofFOIISIOH AND DOHE8TI0 SEaAns,

Wholesale OrdersOiled. Itbe

NEW BBIOK BTJILDIMGnorth Blue of tbe nir.r Bridge

povjiija., sr. ar.!3. . . L. D. HCIIW.tllZ.


A JOT FOREVER."And tho peopli of tha noHbtra pirt or tbtiGoantjwnifiDdtbatitnlll P»J tV.m to pur-cbaie lubiUntlbl furniture, of th« i p i s , of

>. O.


Parlor, Dining-Boom- A 1 T D -




PICTUBE FEAMES• of Bit Uiida a specialty,


.. *J1 [Ii br»nehia pwparly *n<! ehe»pl» AL—.lie frtateit cars and ittanttoD wUI, ai her«to-

fora,»tiren to

UNDERTAKING.Sodlei nrsierred with or irilbont les, *ni LQ

jo«3ittri*lioftlie btuinaH faralshid at tbsihorttsi BOUM, B«lng wwuuad or all themoduli applUocti pttuuniDg to tbe tradf,

to piriormiti datlti wtUtntarily knit,


Capital, - §150,000.naukinglioura/romO A.K. toftP.H. Prointl

altcnliou gircn to the nurchHD and .tlo uJJoiidi .Dd ctbor Eocnritlci; tlio oolloctloa utfurri[;n aadilumcslic puper, dr.rts, cLackn, Ac.

OOLUJIBUS BEA0II, Prrn't.JAY. S. UtlSAT, Umliior.



The Miners' Savings BnnlcOF DOVEU, N. J.

Al TUB orr lc l or THE NjTioKiL UKIOM Blita,CJIX per cent, inlurcat wlllbe paid on depositO nudo on or boruro the first uaj i of Mincu,JUKK, rJKtYeuncn and 1)ECE3U)EB.

Iff Open dailj from 0 o'clock 1. u . too'clock r . » .


nENBV McFABMN. Prciidont.EPUIUIH LINDSLEY, Tlco resident.

• JAY S. TREAT, Treasurer.Dover, Feb. 17,1873. U-tf



Dealers in




Glass Ware,

"Woodfe Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe mid Fittings,



Powder, Fuse mid Miniii

Materials constantly on


Cor. Blachwoll and Morris Streets,



Lehigh, Scranton, & Bituminous

Dullvcrod in all ptrti ot tho Cltr and ylclnitjat tlie LOWEST MAHKET PRICES, la

qutntittei to init purohivtri.


For buiatiig Ia open gratei. Burn* witti flam' and fr« from imobe »nd milpbnr. Uncb

cheaper than Ctnncl Coil. Alio




Masons'Material, &cOOMITAXTLY ON HAND.

Bergen Street, near R. R.

BDUJDINa LOTS FOB SALEon tbe road loading from


By M. Sigler,





KeTar kngwn to be ai chsipbelbro ainow at




A tarfo and wall aoloctod itock of


HOUSE CLOTHING,Shtttti, FlyNeti, Carry Gatnbi, Brniboa, H«gU, ctM daacriptloai boib for road —jack. All UoAa of hc»Tj l lunw mai Collaxi

iVr draught pniTPpao*. Hkltsra, Cb«noli Skim,Spongoi and EV£llYTHXNO in tbo BCUINEB3.

.A ABC variety at Hi ra«u Olli, Iloof OInt-menlB. .Thu tiboye goodf.llko i l l oUo theso

rJiil, 16!1.

SHERIFF'S SALE!urria Common l'lcus—Albi.ll liri-lllc VM.CIIC1' Smith I*i fa. lit bun. ut tor. Un

I'llKU. A - D E M O T T , Atl'y.furri* Circuit Cuiiri-II.' A. Honill viTli'iilus P, Hmitb. l'l- fa. il<! bun. ul icr. Iwiny. K.-mruaMe to Slay Tonn, A. V. HIT.,

MEUiULUUl. A MUTli, All'.v.

ft l '

filc itit l'ublk Vru

ouli!i'1«, 1 f l

t Sl

deiurilud iUnd thai3 I

1, K.J., 011MONDAY, tho 30lli iluy of August next,A.D.187.1., lit'twrm tlio lioiirs <jf 12 o'clock 31.aud B o'dom ]•. il., that Is to nay, at 'I o'clockill tlie dJt: n. i-U <u' rani (lav, nil Uiu cnlato,right, title .uil in ...•• lortlwdoftinilaut Ir —' j all the nv.-l-Jw-jiig jMcribwl irmct

TlioFIn, r . u . i i i ! i»uto, lying anil bti _tlm tovuh |> " f U< hn»av, in tlm Uuiuil; olHurriiaini .-itutu ol Nuw iutaej, Ixjumlod DDI]

: lloing ini t or Uiu lot v. ,*d lo tho laid Willis.

tbo Uorrin L'uutih r , urd or deeds in book Y 'j«co 89H, A<.,aiia>i I of tho Haiti aaiue bit tbnaim Wiliimn ilrt'gco' .•onvcyod tuotie Abraham

J n J w in u : I i«!(ird of dcoda, fn book L7 iiaea Jol kc in wliicli mid last named iiillio lonctb ot tlie third lino or said l o t l s g i i . .u one hundred aud Cfty-llvo foot aud ilx inchcuifhuo Iu fact It oliould \>o ouo bunilruU and fivo'out ftud aii luclits at in tho said original duod'rom » id Asron U.ckumon to eoid Willlair3rogori a it anpearH 1'y tho dogcriplion ofsanot theroiu and bv actual inoaBurumeul of eaiibird line and which eald Abraham tilcklo a in:unvo;ed to laid William Gregory by Ilia dctiiJawdJtily 121b. 1873, and not yot rocordod,miLtbo part Uicrtof licroby convoy oil bccluB at tbesecond ornor of (he wbolo lot t.ui\ in lino ollandu of btD|>b«u 0. Hurry, ono-and-forty feotand ten iuuliei on nild lino from tbu norlhorljcorner or Ullaa Htrublo'n present dwelling boas' >t, mid ruoi tliouca along tbo eoeonil Ihio o

.Id wliQlo lot (1) ouulb twenty and o. hal..ogroe* west icvuuty-flvo fcut to tho tnlrd cornur of tbomniB on tho cutorly siduof Higlntreet: tbenco f2}abuK tho naiiio, being tbethird lino of Iho wliolu Pot, north hixty-ttro mida li*If dcgruuN wvit iirty lout; Ibonuo patrtllolto tbe first liuo hereof (3) north tweuly ami aball iloorcca oust novoutv-fivB feet to a comeriu the Uret lino of the whoto lo t ; thence alongtbo BBIUO (-1) Bottth siity-two sud n half defrooacant nrty root to tho beginning, and moro fullysat forth in a deed from William Gregory audwifo to Cbarlea 1". Bmith, ilutd datud April2Gth, A. D. 1B71, and recorded iu book or deui*

- • - am.All thai certain tr»ot or pircol

of land and prom la on hereinafter particular] vdtiicribod niluite, lying mil bulug in tliu town-ship of Ilockiway, fn tlio County of Morris andHUto of Now Jorsor, butted nnd bounded -follows: Beginning at a corner,of a tracttwnntT-tiiroo aurei nnd ^iglity liundredtlm tliOarrut Bimth porcbascd of Joscnb Hmith a:also a comer of William T. Caitcrlino and Jacoli

dofirees caat'four cbaiua and ten hukntoWui,T. L'aHtGrlina'M coroar aud Ibo fourth cornera lot of i n ncroH Hint Garret Bmitb imreheat.of Jonathan Nfcholi; tlieuce (2) Houtli thirlconl«Hraoa west eight cbiina mil forty-clgbt link.lung Blid CiatorUiit* lino; Ibanco (3) nontlilxty-llTo docrcoa oast UTO chaluai and oigbtywo link! along the road;tbence (4) north

.mmtj-Osght deKrooB east nino chains by f 'Caiterliiio Hue; Ibcnco (5) south noTcnfy . . .grwiB cast aiilj-liro links: tbeuco fO) nortbtwontj-flTo dtgrc •§ ami thirty nilnutca caateight chains Bud Biity-tbioo lluka alone saidCasterlino HDO ta John Brallh's comer; Thorns(7] north Eixty-tbrco dccrocB weat flfteen chainand twetity-flYo linku along Johu tJmtth lino ti"- corner at tbo utono fence; tbunco (8) loutb

Ten ilegrueH and twenty minutes neat oh•inn aud tnolvo links io the Uchiulng,tiiug Iwcnly-one acrcN 82-100 of an aorc, bu

„ J saiiiD raoro or Icaa. It hoiiR part of the liof hrouly-threo aero a aud 80-1WJ of an acru IhuOirrot Binitli purchased of Joseph fjniitb, andtbo wfaolo of tbe lot of nix acros that Raid Bmitbitirchaiiod of Jon&tliau Nichols. Eiconling,

jowovtr, gut of tno above doscribod lot ol* lima.nd preniiaeR a lot of land and premises con-taluluii- lovou acros and 4U-1U0 or an iicre ollaud, vrhiili Wui.T. C»storiho bought of JacolSmith, per duod dulcd tenth oi' Juuo, A. D,IBM. Ttio furcRObg deienr-tioii is (nkoii fromft csrtaln deotl from Hubert K. Tuttle, John O.Hilt and John Uoninlun, CouiniiwBiunerB, toJacob ltianibard, dated October Uth, 1HS.S,recorded 1807, and tho said promise! wet

vcjsd bj Jacob filaucbard and irlfo to HiMintoii, by deed daUd April l i t . 1850, aud lamoro fully set forth and described in % Us oil ofconveyance from ttllai U. lliuton and wifu toCharles F. Smith, deed dated July 7tb, 1857,and recorded in iho Uorru County record olOecdFt, fn bonk Q D, folios (ID, (.4, Ao.

Third Traot. All tbat certain traot or pirculof land and prtmliui hereinafter parlicularlydeierlbed situate, lying and bolus u> tho town-ship of llockaway, in tEo County of Morris sudmale orNoiT Joraey, bounded and deecribod OHfolionri, to-irit: lieginuIiiR at a bUek bircbtree, tbe aecood comer of a lot of nineleoii1)7-100 acroa told by Iimo Btnitli »nd wlfo toJohn Hmilb, Jr., brdced dntod AURUBI Htb ,1B41, and recorded in Morris County Clerk's

book 1 5 or deed*, pageB 27, ftc, audice along thusBino (I) south «iity-uino

dogrcos cast io von toon obabis and •ofonlj-Ufolinki to tbo l int cernor of said tract; thence(2) louth llf.y-foiir degrees coat iovcnty.flvolinks to a corner in lino of a tract of thirty-four80-100 icroa belonging lo Iho citato of JohnHmitb, J r . ; thentu (aj along tho lino of i "lait oaiaod traot and partly along III* IiLyon'n line north forty -si x degrees oast *c.obafua iod forty-threo links to a cornar iu laidLyou'a lino; tbence (4) north fifty-ono degrcctand forly-Qra tninutei weit nlnateen cfiiiniand flfty.flr* linki to a cornar in hue. of a trioof thir.ynlno 70-100 acres lot off to John Dick-erion or to his wifo, In the diTlilon of QarroBmltb'i l»nd, thenco along tha entno ioutlthirty-two tlegrees and fortj-flv* aiiuuloa wealtwelTo cboint and flflr llnka to tbo point abeginning, containing eighteon acres and 0-1O0ol an acre, more or loss. Ueing purt of thatraot of BBTeiity-ono 37-100 acres tbat w«a con-Teyed to tbo said I m c Sniltb by dood fromJacob Hmilb aud otherB, bonine date the 25thday of December, 1813, and recorded in thoWorrit County Clerk's Office, in book Z 4 ofdeeds, folio (iOi, Ao,: and moro fully let furtband described iu a deed of conveyance fromIsiae Kmitb and irlfo loCharloi F. tlmilb. datedMircb l i tb , A. L. 1H07. and recorded ia tboMorris Ooanly Clerk's OOlco, in book of decdrA 7, folios 39, 89, Ac.

Fourtb T m t . All tbat certain traet or parjcloflamlandprcmiioiborelaafUr particularlydescribed situate, lying and bciug In tho town-ship of liookiiray, in tba County or Morris andStato of Nan Jcney, bounded and described aBfollows • Doing part of clnhtcon and B0-1OUacres tint i m couTsyod to Aaron Dickorson bydeed from Alva A. Trowbridgo of 11 «y Htb,* " ' I , and rocordod in tho Morris County teton

oedi, in book Z. 5, pace 185, i c , and tin. t hereby conreyed hei on tho'Bonthcascorner of Mechanics and Elfib tits., and begimat a atako miking said street, corner dlitantrrenty-flTo ftot on a courao of south tlifrtcondogrooB wcat from tbo foarlh corner of a lot onthe east Rids or Mechanics atreot, that stidDiokerson conveyed to William II. Gregory, bydeed of October 32d, 1870, and runs thencialong tlie south Bide of said High street parillcto the Stephen Berry line referred to in saidWilliam I i . GroBory deed (1) south slxty-twrand ont-half degrees cist oiio bundred and twifeot l o * Btake In said Una ; tbenca (9) soutltwenty aud ono-bilf degrees wcit^Hy feot lo Litako; thenco (3) north ility-six and threo-luartor dogroo* west ninetj-Iour foot to a. alako

.n tho eist lino of Mechanics stroot i thenoealotig tha same (4) north thirteen doarees caasixty feot to tbe beginning, JJoIng tha «am<-Und and premises convoyodby Aaron Dickersonto Mid Ilannsb J. Gregory, wife of William II .Gregory by doed bearing dato tbo 20th olMarch A. V, 1873, and rocordod In tho AloniiCounty record of deeds, in book H 8, vago 52,

••- '-' ' fully sot fnrtb and describedyanco from Hannah J . Gre-

ponr. Wo, and William H. Qrogory, husbmd,la ChirltB F, Smith, doed dated Augast Htb,,A. B. 1874, and rocordod in the UOITJB Countyrecord or dotd«, in book A 0 or deeds, folios250 and S57, Ac.

The Fifth Tn

following dcscribodFracrandparciiloMan'd andpromisoi, situate, Ijiug and being in the lv—ship of Kandolph, iu tfio County of MorrisState of Now Jersey, and U more folly set forthand doicribed in a deed from Jacob Scaringand wifo, to Margaret A, Smitb, wife or Ch»nF . Smith, doed dalod April 1st, 1879, and recorded in tbe Morris Oounty Clerk's Office, Inbook V S of deeds, folios 301, 805, Ac , and containiug fifty-three acrea, moro or less.

JE93E HOFFMAN, Sheriff.Dated Jan»2Cth,1876. 33-5*

SHERIFFS SALE!In Chancery of New Jcrsoy—Fi.fa. For saloof

mortgaged premises. Wherein GolnmhuiBeach ia Complainant, and Alary Ei i ton mi .BunualB. Easton.her. husband; ArneiD.Jackson and Jobn W. Jacbion, Samuel Mer-ritt and. Edmund D. IUli«r, Administntori•it Bamnei 0. Merritt, deo'd, are dtfondantsReturnable to October Term, 1B75.

EDirUND » , HALSEY, Bol'r.X>Y ilrtae of tbs aboro slated writ of flariX > faoin in my hands, I shall expose for u lo. t I^ibllo V«nda« at the Mansion House Hotel,In Morriilown, N. J., on 'MONDAY, t ho 23a d a j of August next ,A. D: 1B75, bstneon tha LounoriUM. and 5o'clock P. M., that li to lay, at 3 o'clock in theafternoon or said day, al] that tract or parcel ofland ttitnato in t!i. village of Rockaway, in thoCounty of llorris. aud Bute of New Jersey.- Being tha sstoo comeyed to said Mary Eailon

by Mary O. Marsh, by dron dated April 1st,1807, and not yot (M»y 80,180a,) rocoraad, andis therein d inert bad sa foiloirs : UeginninR »ta atake on tho sonlhorly sido of New slrset, tbo•scond comer of a lot this day (April l i t , 18C7)conveyed to Samuel B. Haliey by the n\i MiryO. Uaran, aaid atake being ninety-six feet and•is incbti dialant from tbo crooked apnio tree,corner of tho grist mill lot, and eiebt leot dis-tant from tbe corner of the sbon »tin din n onsaid lot io at aforesaid conveyed to Samuul B.Halsoyj thence (11 BIOBR the accoud lino ofs«ia lot and parallel lo ibo southwest sido or•old ihop south thirty.two degrees eastabontfirfflBfit links to a elake, auotbor carneTorsaia lot In tbe grlat mill lot line and in tho thirdlino of a lot conreved hr Freeman Wood andwire to Benjamin S a n h W deed dated OctoberlOlh. 1U9, and recorded In Morris Countyrecord of deeds, llbor 0 0, fols. 80, i c . ; thenro2) lusald thlrJ lino rovoriad alone the Una ofho griat mill bt, ' ionth thlrt- - ' - J - "10 grill mill lot; south thirty-nix degrees west!>out one cbsln and eighty links to the thirdinwraruld lot so u alorowid conToycd tolenjamJn Marsh; theneo (3) along Ibe Becond

lint of said lot revoned north twentj-throodegrees west one eliiln and twonty-flTo links toho iccond corner thorcof; tbenca (i) alone tho

first lino of said lolnort! flrtr^lVl t decreraeu l abont Dinoty-six feet and ilz inches to theilaco or l>offinnini'1 containio£f fonrtcon buiwM i l s ot aa a n or l.n.l.bS llio samo a n

A FORTims IN IT. EToryfimllTbajsit.<J\. Bold by AgcnU. Addrtia

334w Q. B. WALKER, Erie, Ta.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Cliftticury of New Jorier.—Fl. fa. For Bftlt

IIIOM?!Sl»ii£lana Jo'liL« Hre Dofcndaol•r Term, A. D, 1H7B.

1'KS.NINaTON A- Da WITT. 8ulr*.

BYvirlllPuf ilio nbovu •iBlrd writ <if Hurl fn.'i:in in)- liauiln I uliiil iiij»jH« fur null nl I'HIJI

Vcuilui! ut [Lu llaii.l.iii UUIIHU lluivf Iu M.urUti."N. J., uuMO1SDAV, tbo (iiliduy uf KKlTKHliKli IIL-II*. II,, ILk'tis to nuy, at 2u'd^kln tt'ioilttta'-onnalil il»y,»H t'ml tnwt or lured "flaml Slid jirunile» lmrt!u*(ltr pirticularly dencrlbuJ, iltnat*, lytue•ud Imlufl lu the Tutrunlili. of Hanover, Iu tlio Cuiiu-\j ut JiorriH »ud KUte ofNctw Juncy—

lifitilluluff at s bcip of BtonQH OU tlio cuiit slilo ofthe UoluuTuri)|>ikuli'<uliuB from Wurrlilowu to Du-••or, buln« • ctirnur of Samuel 1'ilmvr'i liuil r 'ruuuliitf ttieiiMi north flfly-fmir Ateruni nnil thimiuuh'S wtit fuurtooQ chains &ud Jimrt Lk Uukv ,* coriiDf of tiatnunl I'almer'siAnil; lUtncc ncmtti lliirtj-Hili dec roe • flfty tulnuUi wtmt lurtr-oli chuiiiislid flllr Jink, to M lUono heap for u. corn or; ILemi•ontli nftj ditgrtci c«(t nineteen cliaitii nud thii'ilulit lluka lo a atone heap for t, comer; ilie•ortti iweuty-uInD ilttfrut!' and rurtj-Avv luiiiu,

e»ntfiirty.HjVenc-liaintamliiinely.foiir!iuki to ILitilftou uf bcjjl u ulnif $ c i u tftl iiln (r HOT en ty'Iilnc tvciUnil, liu tlio Kama more or k'ai.wltli tUu lni|i.

ills ibereou. Dt luy tlie iimo ftrm convrrcd tcuucil K. SinAcli Biitl wifo tiy TLaoilore A. lliaiiiii-i aud wifo. bf deed dalad February lib, A,]>.>7. ami rccunlcd in Honk N S, of Dccili, Pwn 1311 " Ilie sjilku of Ibu Clerk ut Ibo


JDated July 3d, IflTS.

lptlnu !• taken therefrom.JKd31£ UOFFMiS, HhL-ritT.



In Chancery of Now Jersey—l'l. fa. For ealo ofmortfraped premises. Wboroin William U.Wildrick Is CotD]ilaliiant, and Jans Earlcsand John W. Birlcu, her husband, JohnCrimea and Ira Earl on, executors o' ItirbarEarlofl, docossod, John Emmoni and KolnmoiDalriinnlo are JJefondinln. Itettirnahlo t<Fobraary Torm, A. D. 1875.

E. II. WHITE, Sol.Tho sale In behalf of tho abnvo parties Ftaiidn

jdjourued to tsko |)l»oo at tbo Maualuu HourHotel, iu Morrinlomi, N. J., ou

MONDAY, AUGUST 80tb,A. D. 1875, bthvooo Ibo lioun of 13 II. aud

"clock P. M.8M(T JEH3E IIOVrUAK. She riff.

ADJOURNED SHERUF'S 8ALE!Iu Chancery of Now Jersey—r*i, fa. Foraalo

mortgugud iiropiUon. ^Vho^ulll Juintu C.Yanger is Cumplalnnnt, and lilhs llormn.JobnM.D. lltriip*. Htepbun Build, MIIIIKUDndd and Martin Van d orb oof aro Dofeudantlloluruablo to October Term, 1875.

OEOItGE T. WERTS, Bui.Tbo sale in behalf of tho aboro parllei atani

adjontuei) to tako ulaco at tbe Uanilon HousHotolJinKIorri>towiilN.J.,OD

MONDAY, A U a U S X 23d,A. D. 1B73, bolweon Ibo hours nf 13 SI, ando'clock, I1.11.

33-1?T JESSE I1OFF3IAN, BbcrltT.

In Chancery of New Jersey,To JOSEPH IL CLARK.

BY virtue of on order of tlio Court of Cbaeery of Now Jeiscj, tuado on tno day

tlio dsto boraof, In a CBUIO Trbereia David 1).Jardlne ii complainant, and yoa and Mary E.your wifo are'defendants, yon are required tapiMar and plead, amwer or demur to HID blof said complainant on or before tbo serenleonthday of September next or the said bill trill litaken as conf«nod against yon,

Tbo said bill it Clod to forecloao a mortgagegiven by you, Joieph It . Clark and wifo. lo HaulDatld 11. Jardino, iJitad July 92d, A. h. mt,on lands In tho tomihip of fllonivlllo, Couu"of Morris, N«n Jcrsoy, and you aro midodefeudani, bocauso TOU own s»id Inndi or sonpart tboreor. KEIGUHODIl & SMITH,

Solicitors of Complainant,Dated July 10th, 18T5. Dover, N. J,

32-0* '

ADJOUEUED SHERIFF'S SALE!Iu Cliancary of Now Jersov—Fl. fa. Fur aalo ol

niortGBKeJ pro mines. Wherein Dcnjamiu FHotvey »=B comnhlnant.and Frank J . DaVand Malvenla bla tvifu, Itudulpb Kollcr aLWilliam K»tH aro Deiondauts. Itcturniblo t<May Tertn, A. D. 1875.

NEIOHDOUIl & SlIITU, Sulr'B.b h l f f b l

MONDAY. AUGUST Iflth,A. D. 1G7S, bolVcoii tbo hotin of 12 M. ando'clovkP.M.

U24v 3E0SE HOFPJIAN, SbcrltT.

ADJOITBKED SHERIFP'S BALE.In Cluncory of Now Jcrsoy—Pi. fa. For ealo of

morlKaifud jiromists. Wboruio Janica J.Swiluo and Joe W. Hwalno aro tho Complain-anls, Charlos F. Maryott and Mary K, hiwife, JorcmiahElghimo, Jamca Oarson, AlfrcDell aud Edward bell, Administrators of JesseDell, docuaxed; Howton H. Kitcholl, Davidl'ivrsou, William Swaine and Hirah Hwalno arDcf«ndant». He turn able Hay Tcrni, 1B71.


f f l l lE IUJ!U inbubatfof tbo abovo pnrtica standX adjourned to tako lilaco at tho ManaioHouio Hotel, in SI orris tovru, K. J. , on

MONDAY, AUGUST IClli,A. D. 1875, between Iho bouri of 13 JI . and('dock P. j r .

32-lw J1KSE UOFI1TAN, Bboriff.


[ will sell- the balance of inj READY-MADE CLOTHIHa for


Ann .

Gents' Furnishing Goods

at considerable lens thau COST. In fact noreasonable offer refused as I intond ghlng upthat lmrt of tlio builncsi and keep sololy tollEnOHANT TAIL01HKQ.




13OVEE, oSf. J.

AJ]«lnlnsWHITL00K4LEWIS. U-3m


or TUB

4Mi of J TJ I J ^T





DOVEB, N. 3.


FIRE WORKS!comir/iKa or




C O N F E C T I O N E K Y m i d N U T S ,

of all tinili In abundiuco.

itl tliQ usaal qaanttt; ut CIQAH9, TODACCO'Sand BUOKEIIS anl CUEfflilLS arllclsa

of cvei7 deacdptlon. 2B-2i


UNDERTAKERS,A t t l i e O l d S t a n d o n S u s s e x S t .

D O V E B , N. J.

nnC aul>, hariop roomily lomtj aJL co-pirlooniblp ID tlio ljnsincss aliovo meu-onoil, TTonld rcgpectrullj Infnrui Ilie public

!llS,',',liei "!" V """."• P"parcil llsn orar toalii! burial order* wltb tlio nimoit nromplncsB

Tho very best atiplianco nair lirouglit to boar- tbatreaarnilni or tho OtaJ, and oihor Im-

ovemsnti In tho bmlacss will bo ronnd in ourpoisoislon and pmctlcillj listol «ltb tho moatHtlafactor; results.

—-BCIMHO (OIU Bjaun. J.BaCniKO.

lUSrpuirlitu* M'




*atlior, Liuon and Gallon Hy Kuls, dianioi,H|)Oi}gGs, HsroOKS lllacklng, Ko.

Vi'o have on lianil tlio largest, bent aud elien]ost astiortincnt of Ibo'aliovo natnoil gooilH, anall goods porlalnliiR to our buaiuuGB to lio foul]this aide or Nun-York.



Freeman Wood



DOVER., IV. J.Legally authorlzcil agout of the follewhig flrat

class couiiuulcs—the best iu Iho norld:

LONDON ana LIVEBPOOL anilQLO11E, Capital 820,000,000,

LANOASITIRE of MAKCHESTEB,Caj)lt:,I $10,000,000,

STATE n n E INf3UEANOE Oo.,Caiiitnl, 8300,000,

BOYAL OP LIVEHPOOL,Capital 810,000,000.


Capital 85,000,000.

HOME, - - " 000,000.

BTAU, Jeraoy City, " 000,000.


Caiiitnl $900,000.

STANDAltD, Trenton, " 300,000.

PEOPLE'S. Nmvnrli, " 300,000.

HIBEUNIA, " " 200,000.

nUMBOLT, • " " 200,000.



Choice Lots in Dover,for nalo clicnp, and


Freeman Wood,Juatico of the Peace and Police Magistrate.NEW QUARTERS!



Restaurant and Eating House


TN ordor to meet tha wants of my innroskiiifiX trado, I hatb leased unlarKvd iiuarlers, neitto my lalo plnco of busliioH!!, and sui better abl<to accotnmodato my cnatomoni.


OYSTERS in every style.SEOlAIlg of Ibo beat branda.'


and FIIUITB of all Muds In Iliclr aeasous

IOE OBEA11,I ihftll ongiRo oitonikoly Iho prciont eossou

in tho Ico.Cremi IHII.DCHI, &nu iball keep atail timci an oiccllent qmlltj of cronm or allHarorB.PARTIES, BALLS, PIO-NICS, «tc,

•upplied with cream, frulti.nati, confectionarymil other lamrioa. Giro mo a call.

20-tl T. BOLITHO.

C 9











Mower and Reaper

HARDWARE.pal . AcomplotoitoekforOMUat j j







W . H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



Ion. <ritl, noata... and dispatch, and on tha

inoitreasonsblc terns.

Con. BLACSITOJ, ASD Buasai Biaatxa,





„„,,„, , ,m , i , , , , , 1,1,- ,,,l.,e..l lW.r , , ,«.l . .

i iiuiu,


X 3 l a ^ " ^ " 3 3 ^ ^ f U " » •?".,)

iitTt! Blockeil il with mi ciitia-i.v now s.^ort-

DRY GOODS,tiolli f»rolcn .ml ilnmestic. innhiHlvo of a Ih]linn «f LADIES B1IES8 OOOIW of tho latci


A H|)Pi:Ial deinrltnoiit oud full Brltetii


inclmliiiB tho Uncut graiicn of



FLOUn in various hramls, rroni Iho heHt milh

D H I E I ) W l l ' I T B , NUTS,




CROCKERY & EARTHEN WAREA well selected slock of lino uml fancf Orocc

rles olwuya nn hnuil.



- A N D -

TIIK CHEAPEST.Tlio bamisoniost nutl tlio Bust.

ALLEN, P A L M E R & SON,•o non-iircnnrod wkli nxtra fadlitiua forUBOII feliATfi ItOOKIKG in nil tlio var.._IIIILIUIIIIIJIIB of BtyltB and color* wliicli'HiRiiuii nr rcquirti. and wliicli Hooting ttlnlu IH

BO cmiiifintly (juitliflcd to proiluats.Tlio liest quality of Slato will Lnnw.1 mid

-itoil to produce all tliosond



McKinnon Brothers,MANVFA GTUREIiS.

Tho Material is Superior,possible, to thoBo Uorstoruro turned out.


and other edged tools, will ba manuraoturod oltha aaroo malcrial and with tlio mmo care tbalhas imdo tbo llockaway Axo so popular.

All ordor* to roecho prompt attontlon, ilioulboaddnuod to TIIO3, II. HOAQLAKD,

23-ly . Itockaway, N. J,




will bo supplied tho proiont season with

Choice Meats and Vegetables,lit T1IE1R 1-IIOFEB TIMES.


CINCINNATI HAMS,tho beit In tho market. Wo make & specialtyor killing all our own meat, m d tboroforo linthat it i> of tbo b u t . All kinds of

kept on hand AI noon *B they appear in tinmarket!, and sold at re aeon able prices.

Tho highest market prices paid In cinh, forBear Ilidui.'Veal Skim and Shoop Skim, boughtt tbo market. Cuilomors supplied by wagonm Tuoidiys, Thnndaji and Saturdiys.

A call nlll Bfctiifc- all that what we keep I,only of tho boit.

17-ly JAH. H. BEEMEIt.












!JIOCK£]IY, Tin^ Wooden andWillow Ware.

Groceries and Provisions.

Growrlos, Osnuod QOOIIB, Dried Fruil*M«, Cottem, Sngtn, Splat* »nd ovorj-

tiling lu tha Grocory lino.




Uings, Cut Kails' Itullderi" Hard



D O V E R , N. J .

fi", I., fj'-ll ,,.!• ,1av. "A-i.iHii'n

al?ti7hl'r.nulv Vw*m ' '''' "''1'-'«K-ir'nw1iili,Sami"IlUuri<

l|L'ltK I,1,?!11 ''•or nil the thiiu llimi ut any ibitiirVi ""'

fflrter'isyteisfe*w H..n,! ii< ymit fcildriWaiT''**claj". Now in the tinm. JJcn'l i^'IP;r l.iwincM filnowliiTc, until x,,, i flI[

NEW YORK TRIBuj"Tlie U'liillns Amcrlraii N™,.,,,

STHE UEST ADVKBTlSreq >,?."I)«lly,»10avoar. Benl-Wocklr,|a », i

rOSTAOE 1'ItEE TO TUB HiIR^nBpecimon C'o|,ioa nnd AdvorllsiiiD i< .rf« lly. In cliiha of no or more i ! l , . . "paid. Address TIIKTniniisi; ,"ti . t '^,


JURUBEB;from improper action of tlio IJror ind i i ]

IT IS KOT A PUYHIC, but, bvs!fm-flui Bdcrotiva orgaiiB, gently and O f l lemoveB all linpuntlcB, uml r u s a l a U s Or i T W NOT A UOCTOltED BITTEIH, J


tlio apputlto Tar food mjcouHary1 (o \L. _tlio noakened or iuaollTo organs i ' lBtreaKtU to all the vital forcear f

It carrici its own roeommoiitlMW JInrgo and rnpmlv iucrcaslDg aaluti tviiiir Ionu diilhra bottlo. Ask your drugui'll

JOHNSTON, IIOLLOWAViciWliolt'imlQ AgcnlB. (82-4nr) p




Tbo aboTO out roproaenta tho Hon. DialDlckliiKOU, former Attornoy-acnori! oflUnited HUIOB, ns Been when attack^] Iitraitgulated rupture.

Mr. DioUinaon sulTomd liitouwly ).„._atandlug hn had tlio beat sargical nd. £ •;blng was dono that ecicnpo could tugftiBin tho last remedy tho knifo l t lit great unguibh on Iho third day. Tli*

foarful waruiiig to thoao who are ruplatt"HUPTUKE—HOW CURED. |

Sir. Quorgo E. Eaktns of PhiiadoliiLIitho lollowing interoatiiig particular).

To the Editor of the N. Y. Sun,8ia~For tiororal years I was ifflldd

. jpturo nnd nuffertd from tho me ol InCasually uoltclnjj In your piperarjfonntlon of lit. Sliorman ot your city, and itaBama timo mootiug Mr. J . W. Aycri.of CitN. J., who niforiuttd mo that lie bid bvictim to rupturo and was cured by Sr,man'u treatment, I felt aulmatad ud itnwav wont to Now York, consulted Dr.SlidBiid had him adapt hU romodica to BJIt wan to mo a happy occurrence, ind tOTor fool grateful lo you and Ut. Abavincdirvcted my attention to Dr.ultiai troll as to him for tho aafo and comfumannnr in which ho treated my cue. Mjwai greatly opproHied. and my fnturabadowed, aa I wai trying Tarloui trailiiclp with 110 other reuult than Tuiitoinjury. But now bnlnc sound aR»ln indafuR lta folicity, I fuoflt my impcniltt

to aud my testimony in faror of Dr. Shm>diOB, and to rurommond the ruptui

„ . .Jbim with tholulloat cguflduue*ajouutitod,

OEO. £ . EAKINH, 1,031 niuuirhlladelphla. Marcli Sltli, 1875.Wo cheerfully puhliih tlio foregolnaw

nicatlon, bolioring it mar result ID beetaomo ono. Sir. Ealrinu 1B a aubucrilwflSUH and a reliable gentleman. Hli itittwill doubtlsii roaou many BUtTerenwbiwith onr Touching rer its truthrulneif,cause to fool as grateful toward him it Ifccla toward Dr. Bberman,

Tbo foregoing romarkB from tho Kei-OK u iu i t l o choorlug to thoaowliontured.

Tbo euro iacfToototl by Dr.Bhcrmm'lin.without any oiwration, simply by oitcrnilapplications, tJotli moohantcal and medimade daily by tho patient, wbo, whiletreatment, can wrform any kind of 1»Ltako tho moat »CUTO oscrclio nilli Paccurit; from dangori of Inflamed anaigulatcd rupturo, • without Iho mfomnjury e&uied by tho urn of truiiea,""Interfering with tho progrosi of cm

Dr. Bhorman'B ofllco, Fark How cornnSt., Now York city. Consultation frK. Ttnodcrate, I'traoni from the caunlrjceiro troatmont nnd return for homo uniDeicrlptlTO book mallod for 10

IjJS, il.Rml&rT.isWallHlrcet," cz]ilalnln(; evorythiug.

SENT M O B . JOHN mOKLKO 'llaDkcis aDd Ilrokcrs, 72 Broadiraj, >. '•

FOECoughs, Colds, Hoarsen!

And All Throat DiscnsnUSE


A TRIED AKD SUBEHEMEDFor salo by Drugelsta gonorally, andH i r JoraaroH HOLIOWAS A CO, ML

AGENTS WANTEDJKJ I Kig Bible ovor pulillshoil. «ond tar outrma to agonla. NATIONAL POflUg

til ftnn * POU,( p l ) U U U Successful Work.


Inaornnco at Cod.AiseiimoiitB on men GO years or »sj

non (15 per $1,000, annnnlly. M« d ="•mly 17.

No Ci»«sc«.Pay when loupi occur. Agonla «*nl™_jfor circQlar to Secretory Uutunl Uf* g j l

MME. UEJIOIIE8T PATTEHSB f" §and Snmmor will bo read; for*'1

i nnd aflor Frldaj , March l&tli. Mitaloguo. W.8.BAI


. O. L. LEPORT. j


3or. BLAOK^VELL am

JJO V K l l , N




JOMMEnCIAL ot NEW Miff.AsaoUSl'1