Close reading power point

English Close reading visual text :Minority Report: The Chase

Transcript of Close reading power point


Close reading visual text:Minority Report:

The Chase


John Anderton has been convicted of a crime he hadn't committed yet, and so thinking himself as innocent and thinking he wont commit any sort of crime he runs! And so the chase begins!

Analyze the key idea in the extract. How is each key idea developed what links with yourself or the world

can you identify?

The example of the main idea or theme which is fate verses destiny, John Anderton gets chased by his former work mates, he is found guilty for a crime he hadn't committed yet, so he ran thinking he isn’t guilty for any crime, and he also has the thought he wont ever be guilty, and that he would prove to all of them that he is innocent and that no wooden marble ball would tell him otherwise or tell him his ‘certain fate,’ so the chase begins and John runs with the thought of wanting to prove his innocence.

Many cops these days are found guilty for crimes they may or may not of committed, for as we all know or should know, is that even the system is corrupt, the examples of the everyday situations is expressed by all destruction done by even the cops, in later note there was a disruption in America where a few police had tried to arrest a homeless man, they ended up shooting him a few times, and even after they knew he was dead they aimed the gun at him, it was silly and horrid, for they killed an innocent man for trying to get away and he also seemed drunk as well, which didn’t help the cops side of the story!


Analyze the purpose of the extract. What is the director aiming to

achieve, and how what links with yourself or the world can identify?

The purpose of the extract, is to explain how things can go from simple to complicated in seconds, people who were once your friend become your enemies, this is the light and dark of the whole extract, it represents the beginning of Johns true journey to understanding the system and the place he had worked for. For when John found out he would kill someone he had soon realized that his life has changed drastically, this links with the theme fate verse destiny because his fate had changed simply because of a minor thing such as a small wooden marble!

We have some part in our life; where everything seems to be more clear to us, this is the stand point in our time, we watch and we see how life has just gone by, and we didn’t have a clue what we would do or where we would end up, and then we reach that moment and we become to realize our true calling, just like how John found his, and so the chase was the beginning of his stand point in life in some twisted way.


Analyze the attitude of the characters in the extract. What

do they tell us about society and how do you know this?

Attitude; Johns work mates and so called friends are doing their job, so them chasing him is them doing their jobs nothing more, but their attitudes towards the whole situation causes a confusion within the audience and within John, Johns friends are chasing him and trying to persuade him to surrender, they use a friendly attitude so to try and lure him in, but Johns mind is racing as he is as well, so this attempt of familiar attitude does not sway John towards them but further away.


Society; this is what we as people with a certain duty do, we go against people we know and are close to so to pursue with our work and our so called responsibilities with it, that is humanity for you, but we do not realize that we aren't doing the right thing or correct thing until its too late, this is why so many enemies are made and less friends are inclined to us.

Analyze the genre of the extract. how are elements of the genre being

shown and why. What links with other films in genre can you identify?

The genre of the extract is action, certain elements shown in the extract are elements such as movement, how is this element being shown and why? They make all movements quick and precise, every move the Precrime cops make John is making quicker movements so to get away and so to not get caught, why is he doing this? Well as I said; so John gets away that’s why he is using quicker movements and the cops are doing it to so to capture John, but Johns quick thinking and movement is to advanced for them all, so in the end he gets away.


Another film that links with this genre is Fast And Furious, it’s a constant chase and action is a main part of the film, just like how this extract of the film I’m writing about, this is a link between action and a certain chase or race! They all link up into one certain genre and that’s all full packed and restless action!

Analyze the use of lighting in the extract. How does it create mood or develop character/ ideas in the extract.

How does it manipulate or effect the audience?Most of the light used is made from the electronics they may use, but some light is natural, the use of light portrayed in the extract if anything causes the scene to seem more unrealistic and in other words dreamt up in a way, how does it create mood? It makes the characters feel as if it isn't real, like its all just a sick joke or something, but truly they know that it is happening and there is nothing they can do, this helps develop the characters, cause it makes them think about how not even within the system is it safe.


This manipulates the audience into wondering is this actually happening? The use of the bright lighting makes the audience concentrate on everything, makes them more aware of what is happening, yet it also confuses them into thinking why is such a bad thing happening in such a bright extract, but what they may not know is that the chase is like the moment where John starts to realize what is actually happening within his work, this is the first true light of the whole movie, its like a truth being revealed, its basically like opening up a darkened box causing light to enter it.

Analyze the use of music in the extract. How is it

used to develop character, ideas, or mood?

In the extract there was a lot of instrumental used especially string instruments, this violent playing of instruments was a way of making the scene seem more drastic and dangerous, the instruments were played in a fast pace so to keep up with the movement of the characters.


This music helps us understand how the characters have developed especially John, now John has developed from being a confident Precrime cop to a guy who is on the run, his work mates have turned from being proper work mates to enemies in a way, the music helps portray how all has gone from simple to devastatingly impossible and confusing, the mood of the extract is presented as rushed as well as frightful and full of action, the music properly introduces the mood and makes the audience feel apart of it almost.

The End

By Casey Hodgkinson