Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation Clinical Skills and Simulation Team Safe Injection and Drug Calculation Clinical Skills Formative Quiz


Clinical Skills. Formative Quiz. Clinical Skills and Simulation Team. Safe Injection and Drug Calculation. Answer 1. Injections are invasive. Strict aseptic technique is required during P ****** and A ****** to minimise the risk of infection. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Clinical Skills and Simulation Team

Safe Injection and Drug CalculationClinical Skills

Formative Quiz

Page 2: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 1

Injections are invasive.

Strict aseptic technique is required during P****** and A****** to minimise the risk of infection.

Write down the words that should occupy the gaps

Answer 1

Page 3: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 1

Injections are invasive.

Strict aseptic technique is required during PREPARATION and ADMINISTRATION to minimise the risk of infection.

Write down the words that should occupy the gaps

Question 1

Page 4: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 2

Name 3 risks associated with Intra Muscular Injections.

Question 2

Page 5: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 2

Name 3 risks associated with Intra Muscular Injections.

Answer 2




Hitting a Blood

Allergic Reaction

Sterile abscess

Damage to a


Page 6: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 3

There is some debate about the necessity to cleanse the skin before administering an I/M injection.

If we do decide to cleanse what is important to remember to do (regarding the effectiveness of the swabbing) before we actually deliver the injection?

Question 3

Page 7: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 3

There is some debate about the necessity to cleanse the skin before administering an I/M injection.

If we do decide to cleanse what is important to remember to do (regarding the effectiveness of the swabbing) before we actually deliver the injection?


Answer 3

Page 8: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 4

Only up to ***ml is injected via the subcutaneous route, so using a 5ml syringe is usual. Needle choice is an orange (****gauge)

Write down the words or numbers that should occupy the gaps

Question 4

Page 9: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 4

Only up to 2ml is injected via the subcutaneous route, so using a 5ml syringe is usual. Needle choice is an

orange (25 gauge)

Answer 4

Page 10: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 5

The deltoid area can be used for a variety of injections.

A useful landmark is the area 2cm below the acromial process. What type of injection, Sub Cut or I/M can be sited in this region?

Question 5

Page 11: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 5

The deltoid area can be used for a variety of injections.

A useful landmark is the area 2cm below the acromial process. What type of injection, Sub Cut or I/M can be sited in this region?


Answer 5

Page 12: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 6

Which injection site was, and sometimes still is, used extensively for deep I/M injections?

?Name two potential risks to the patient associated with giving an I/M injection at the site mentioned above

?Which injection site is now the preferred option for deep I/M injection?


Question 6

Page 13: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 6a

Which injection site was, and sometimes still is, used extensively for deep I/M injections?


Answer 6

Page 14: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 6b

Name two potential risks to the patient associated with giving an I/M injection at the site mentioned above

Possible damage to:



Answer 6b

Page 15: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 6c

Which injection site is now the preferred option for deep I/M injection?


Answer 6c

This is a safer option which accesses the gluteus medius muscle. It avoids all major nerves and blood vessels, and research reports no contraindications. The area also has the benefit of having a relatively consistent thickness of adipose tissue (3.75cm) compared with 1-9cm on the dorsogluteal site.The patient can be prone, semi-prone or supine for using this injection site.

Page 16: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 7

The lateral thigh (middle third), can be used in adults but also children.

Name a risk that could be associated with this site

Question 7

Page 17: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 7

The lateral thigh (middle third), can be used in adults but also children.

Name a risk that could be associated with this site

Risks associated with incorrect siting are accidental damageto the FEMORAL NERVE or MUSCLE ATROPHY THROUGH OVERUSE.

Answer 7

Page 18: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 8

Name 3 of the most common types of medication errors reported to the NPSA (2007)


Question 8

Page 19: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 8

Name 3 of the most common types of medication errors reported to the NPSA (2007)

Answer 8

X Wrong Dose

X Wrong Strength

X Wrong Frequency

X Omitted Medicine

X Wrong Medicine

Page 20: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Question 9

Before administering a drug to a patient what are the 5 R’s that should be checked?

Question 9


Page 21: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation

Answer 10

Before administering a drug to a patient what are the 5 R’s that should be checked?

Answer 10







Page 22: Clinical Skills

Safe Injection and Drug Calculation


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