Climate Change Hope And Inspiration

Hope and Inspiration Moving on climate change with friends, connections and community. The second forum for the Orinda Community Church Life- Long Learning by Sue Boudreau, Sept.27 th , 2009

Transcript of Climate Change Hope And Inspiration

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Hope and InspirationMoving on climate change with friends,

connections and community.The second forum for the Orinda Community Church Life-Long Learning by

Sue Boudreau, Sept.27th, 2009

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Chat with your neighbor about: (see handout)

1. What aspect of climate change particularly concerns you?

2. How are you already working on climate change issues (inc. environmental AND humanitarian issues)?

3. Which of these actions do you get the most satisfaction and joy from?

4. What else are you considering?

5. What might motivate or allow you to do more?

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As you listen, note what speaks to you

Which issues? What activities/actions?

• What sounds intriguing?• What sounds like a good match for your skills and talents?• What will make you more able to bear the sadness of a threatened world?• What will give you satisfaction? • What could you do with friends and family? • What role could our church community play?• What sounds do-able for you?• And what will give you joy?

But don’t be clouded by guilt and fear. Instead consider….

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Why don’t people act on this urgent issue? The following from Stoll-Kleemann, S. et al., 2001: The Psychology of

Denial Concerning Climate Mitigation Measures: Evidence from Swiss Focus Groups” Global Environmental Change, 11, 107-17

“It’s too hard to change what I do.” (fabricated constraints, comfort)

“I protect the environment in other ways, like recycling.” (displaced commitment.)

“Nothing I do makes much difference.” (powerlessness)

“You have no right to challenge me.” (condemning the accuser)

“I’m not the main cause of this problem, it’s ____ fault.” (denial and shifting of responsibility).

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With apologies to Alan Ladd as Shane, for being a cultural icon of rugged individualism.

A culture of competitive individualism and manifest destiny doesn’t fit with an

interconnected ecosystem or our global community.

In fact, pioneers had to be interdependent on each other and nature to survive.

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We face some cultural challenges:• A willingness to be distracted

• Busy-ness.• A focus on the here and now.• Being misled by seasonal and annual fluctuations of

climate.• Believing that being thin, beautiful, young and rich =

happiness.• Electronic entertainment if it sucks up too much

time• Fear and cynicism ‘learned’ from disaster movies

and ‘end time’ preaching.

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Excuses, Distractions, Individualism will lead to a ‘Tragedy of the Commons’

Hardin,G..,1968:”The Tragedo of the Commons,” Science, 162, 1243-8

Wet sheep, Lake District common land, UK.

Commons at risk now are fisheries, the oceans, rivers and the atmosphere.

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Civilizations can survive these threats…

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And some have…By changing their response to environmental


We can too:


and Iceland avoided total deforestation, erosion and collapse.

More wet sheep

No sheep here

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We have re-tooled our entire economy within months…

But this time, there is no clear external enemy – the ‘enemy’ is us. And the threat is a ‘long emergency’ like boiling frogs.

The world’s military spending is + $1 trillion. Lester Brown estimates $190 billion to save civilization under his ‘Plan B’.

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We’ve made progress globally

Child mortality has fallen. Globally, more children are in primary

school. Some 1.6 billion people have gained

access to safe drinking water since 1990. Acid rain has dropped 60% since early

‘90s. Lead in air has improved 91% since 1980. Global agreements to address the ozone


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There’s good news and hope in the air

World fertility levels are declining China has announced plans to fight global warming

at the G-20 conference this week. ‘Green collar’ jobs are booming in all sectors of the

economy. Funds from the 2009 American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act will stimulate green energy, environment and water clean up, mass transit and science at the Dept. of Energy and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization.

Overwhelming public support for “Cash for Clunkers” Community level change in energy generation and

use, is happening all over the world. Farmers Markets are the fastest growing sector of

food retail.

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And good news FOR the air…

In the first major study of the effect of the recession on climate change, the International Energy Agency (IEA), is predicting a drop in carbon dioxide emissions of around 2.6 per cent in 2009 - the largest in 40 years.

It’s mostly due to declining industrial output, and the shelving of plans for new coal-fired power stations.

And to government policies such as Europe's target of cutting emissions by 20 per cent by 2020, US car emission standards and China's energy-efficiency policies.“Good News at Last” by Nic Fleming, New Scientist, Sept.22,2009

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We could step into a brighter future than we fear

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Our young people long for meaningful quests

“Green” needs to be re-branded as the quest to save civilization, which it is.

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And there are already many ways they (and we) are getting involved:

The ‘Grow Food’ and ‘Take Action’ projects at OIS.

School gardens at all Orinda schools. Project Common Hope Youth philanthropy through New, Anne McCarten-Gibbs to talk about

how to choose a good NGO to work with.

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Plus we have way cooler technology than in the dark


Solar power technology can be in roof tiles, paint, and soon, may be embedded in roads and parking lots.

We already possess technology to improve efficiency (more than 58% of energy is wasted).

We can grow much more food per acre than ever before. Surprisingly simple technologies that will reduce emissions and

improve people’s lives – the solar stoves in Kenya. The children’s round-about well pump installed all over Africa and Asia.

It’s possible to modify or build a zero emission house and even whole communities.

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Finally, there is the possibility that America will work together with rich

and poor nations to reduce global carbon emissions fairly at Copenhagen

in December. The Group of 20 Economic Summit in Pittsburg right now

supersedes the G-8 and includes developing nations. Global economic and environmental policies are in the works, in preparation for the UN Climate Conference, which aims to update the Kyoto treaty.

Obama was elected by a landslide of voters, the majority of whom understand the need for action on climate.

The new administration is packed with scientists who understand the urgency – Stephen Chu, former director of LBL, is the Secretary of Energy, the USGS is headed by a geologist. Science is back in the Whitehouse.

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But most of all, best of all, sustainable living…

Requires us to slow down and appreciate less more.

Depends on building the local community that we long for.

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What are the key leverage points?

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Some root problems shake out of the webs of cause and effect…

3. Population

2. Oil Use

1. The amount of absorbed solar radiation - geo-engineering

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Can we cool down with geo-engineering?

Stratospheric aerosols

Seeding clouds Carbon

sequestration Unforeseen


From “If emissions cuts are not enough..”, C.Brahic, New Scientist, 9/5/09

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How can we reduce the oil we use?a. Environmental Economics – i. What is the ‘economy’ for? ii. Hopeful economic policies

b. A Fair and Sustainable Deal for Developing Countries

c. Alternative energy sources

d. More Efficient Use of Energyi. Homesii. Transportiii. Food

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What (and who) is the ‘economy’ for?

What you measure is what you get so measure what you want:

Redefine the bottom line – GNP to a measure that includes the health, sustainability and happiness of the people. French premier pushing this, Bhutan has a Gross National Happiness measure. Tikkun’s New Bottom Line.

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Restructure the market to tell the ecological truth:

By capping carbon emissions at falling levels eachyear, nations and companies can trade unusedallowances, leading to economic incentives forcompanies and consumers to reduce CO2 emissions.

Ca “Global Warming Solutions” Act. Waxman-Markey Bill to cap and reduce greenhouse gas

emissions has passed the House and awaiting action in the senate.

Copenhagen UN Climate Summit in December to agree on national emissions caps and timeline.

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There has to be a fair and sustainable deal for developing countries

We have to bring developing nations to a decent standard of living without wrecking the planet, especially China and India.

Copenhagen UN Climate Change Conference, Dec. 2009 – Cuts in industrialized emissions, and establishes a Green Fund for developing nations to ‘leapfrog’ to cleaner energy technologies.

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Interested in Environmental Economics? – an Orinda Opportunity!

Read more, especially Plan B. See the reading list and add to it.

Talk it up with friends. Invest in firms that are environmental leaders. Join one of the groups on the resources list. Write letters to the editor, OpEds, articles,

books. Get a group together to talk to our senators

about the Waxman-Markey Bill and the Copenhagen UN conference.

Elect representatives on their environmental records.

Run for office. Lead campaigns. See Bill McKibben’s guide for climate activism.

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Talking it up….

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Hope (and trade-offs) of Renewable Energy Sources

Why oil is so hard to replace.

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Renewable energy everywhe


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Especially hopeful is locally generated renewable energy

Policies need to make ‘buy back’ by power companies profitable for individuals.

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Reduce Our Carbon Footprint:

Sources:EPA Power Profiler (fuel mix) Carbon Footprint, Ltd. Accessed at

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Reduce Consumption: Make your Home More Energy Efficient:

See the handout Direct Actions list and

Household Energy Use data from Energy Star

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Have more fun doing

big projects


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Reduce your Transport Footprint

Policies to push for: Make towns more pedestrian, bike and transit-friendly – think “Europe” and “Disneyland” (in a good way). Subsidies for public transit and build more.

Buy fuel efficient carsShare cars/rent when

neededScooters, electric bikes

and motorcyclesTake public transitBicycle and walkReduce air travel

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Improve your driving efficiency with physics..

Slow down Drive smoothly Don’t idle Don’t carry extra weight Reduce wind resistance and rolling

resistance – save 8% combined. Reduce friction in the engine with

regular tune ups and oil changes – 4%

Replace air filters – up to 10%mpg improvement

Drive less Combine tripsFrom

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But really, bicycling is actually the answer to everything

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European transport options:

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Kurt’s advice for reducing your transport footprint:

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Frank’s Advice: Take a train!

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Or a really tiny car…

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Reduce your Food Footprint Push for farm policies that

recognize the true cost of food, including oil, water and pollution.

Eat more plants, less meat. Eat more locally. Eat organic when you can. Buy in bulk and share Get a more efficient fridge. Cook together sometimes.

Grow some food together

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Eat more fruits and vegetables

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Shop for local food

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If the world’s worst

gardener can grow

tomatoes, you could too

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Or even better, get grandma to share

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Help Reduce Population or are free school lunches the real answer?

• Education of women is strongly correlated with lower family size.

• Big families are necessary when child mortality is high and people lack security.

• Education allows people to read seed packets, understand longer term consequences of decisions and the link between quality of life and the local environment.

• Education about birth control and access to free and effective birth control

• Women’s equality is a prerequisite to having fewer children

• Incentives work better and are more ethical than mandates!

• And free school lunches keep boys and girls in school!

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While working to reduce global warming, we also have to reduce the effects of inevitable global

warming to save civilization:

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It’s all interconnected:

Each of us with each other, in our families, communities, our nation and globally.

Failing states take others around them down too.

Social justice is intertwined with environmental sustainability

Each of us with our environment – the air we breathe, the earth beneath our feet, the species we eat, the species we love, and our spiritual need for nature.

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But if we mobilize to act individually

With direct action- See books like “50 Things You Can Do to Save the World” and

the hand out for ideas

By supporting Non-Governmental Organizations for environmental and social justice.

- See the hand out for ideas.

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AND collectively, we can save civilization…

As campaigners, educators and leaders. Through our professions and

organizations we are employed by. By supporting policies that lead to a shift

from individualism to interconnectedness. As part of millions of people already

doing something – UN Development Goals, Copenhagen etc.

As part of the hundreds of people already doing something…

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Community Action is key – two promising initiatives:

Read, discuss and act with the Northwest Earth Institute discussion courses – Choices for sustainable living, Menu for the Future, Voluntary Simplicity etc.

“Transition Initiatives is a movement that builds community resilience in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis”.

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Folding laundry and ironing? Cooking, making jam? Canning? Painting? Installing solar panels, drip irrigation? Mulching? Fruit drying?

“Parties with a Purpose” is a less formal way of building community around green themes

Scary English cakes by cardigan clad cooks…

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If we work with young people: as a parent, grandparent, camp counselor,

coach, teacher or Sunday school teacher Include them in what you are doing for a

sustainable world in their future. Garden and cook, hike and bike with kids. Help set up and run a school gardens. Get involved with ‘greening’ our schools. Teach critical thinking while watching TV,

reading together etc. Support educational standards and

testing for critical thinking and relevance.

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Actually, EDUCATION is the answer to everything! Really.

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Teaching children outdoors

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Making sure they love the natural world

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If we act in ways that give us joy That make the most of

our personal talents and inclinations.

That make our life better…

That inspire others, And are fun. Conservation

psychology… smiley faces on PG and E bills, polar bears on ice floes, trophies for gas mileage. Social and fashion, energy tracking apps.

There is no ‘one’ answer – a diversity of talents are vital, working in different ways to make the world better.

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And know that while it’s not going to be easy, it’s better than

watching our children’s world go to hell in a handbasket.

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We can actually save civilization, and change it for the better:

A world where we will be more connected with each other and the natural world. A somewhat slower life with our hands in the soil . With more social justice, less stuff but better food, more friends and stronger communities.

A world that shares the best elements of iconic American stories of family, community and connection.

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If we act now and just start. Do what we can right now, with the people right here.

Write your name and phone# or e-mail on one or more Post-Its.

Post them on the Issue/Action chart we’ll brainstorm toward the end.

Find others who shares a similar interest in issue and/or in actions.

Talk about what small thing you could do together. Maybe arrange to talk more later.

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Until we meet next week: Do something small this week – the first small

piece of a big project, or a small thing that stands on it’s own.

Consider, read, think and pray about the role of faith, our faith community, and your role within that as we work to save civilization from climate change.

We’ll share at our next forum, Sunday 4th Oct. 2009 – “Saving Civilization from Climate Change: The role of Faith, Orinda, Community and Church.”

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Bibliography: see handout. Orinda and State-level interested/interesting community opportunities for action Orinda City website and then go to “Community Links”. “A Vision for Orinda” – article at Upcoming meeting at Orinda Chamber

of Commerce on Friday, October 23rd from Noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Orinda Country Club. The cost is $30. RSVP 925-254-3909 or

California Government Climate Change Program with many links to upcoming legislation and initiatives needing public input:

Other Interested/Interesting Communities taking Action: The Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, Oct. 16-18th The Network of Spiritual Progressives – “Spiritual Activism and the Politics of Meaning”, headed by local Rabbi Michael Lerner. The Transition Initiative “Transition Initiatives are part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that builds community resilience in response to the

challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis”.: The Slow Food Movement “links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.” Global and National Policy and Science News: The NY Times Science and Environment Solve Climate blog, a non-commercial journalistic blog Effective Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) “A Guide to Environmental Non-Profits”, 3/1/06, Stein and Beckel, Mother Jones at From Bill McKibben: Resources and Reading (print, web sites) Science “The International Panel on Climate Change” IPCC “Physics for Future Presidents” Richard A.Muller, 2008, W.W.Norton and Co., NY. “Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet”, Mark Lynas, 2008, publ. Harper Collins “Scientific American Earth 3.0: Solutions for Sustainable Progress” New Scientist environment news See very recent articles “Blueprint for a better world” Parts 1,2 and 3 “National Geographic Earth Pulse– State of the Earth 2010, Collector’s Edition” 2009 Economics, Policy and Activism “Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization”, Lester R. Brown, 2008, publ. Earth Policy Institute, W.W.Norton and Co., NY. “Collapse”, Jared Diamond, 2006, publ. Viking “Deep Economy”, Bill McKibben, 2007 publ.Times Books Henry Holt and Co., NY. “Fight Global Warming Now – The handbook for taking action in your community”, Bill McKibben and the Step It Up team, 2007, publ. Times Books Henry Holt and

Co. NY. “The Give-Back Solution: Create a Better World with your Time, Talents and Travel” Susan Skog, 2009, publ. Sourcebooks Inc. Community and Spirituality “The Transition Initiative”, Jay Griffiths, Orion Magazine, Aug.2009 . “Orion Society” “It is Orion‘s fundamental conviction that humans are morally responsible for the world in which we live, and that the individual comes to sense

this responsibility as he or she develops a personal bond with nature.” “Three Cups of Tea – One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace… One School at a Time”. Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin, publ. Penguin Books 2007 Eco-theology “A New Climate for Theology: God, the World and Global Warming”, Sallie McFague 2008, publ. Minneapolis: Augsburg “Living from the Center: Spirituality in an Age of Consumerism”, Jay McDaniel, 2000, Chalice Press “The Great Work: Our Way into the Future”, Thomas Berry, 1999, publ. Bell Tower See the handout.

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3. Images of Hope and Inspiration

Slide show set to music – need suggestions.

Halo Music (Orchestral Halo Theme) 3m2s

Michael Jackson - Heal The World 6m