Climate Change Essay (1)

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  • 8/11/2019 Climate Change Essay (1)


    Global warming and climate change is a topic of discussion that is often distorted by the

    media and criticized. Nowadays, there is so much media distortion that one doesnt know how

    to differentiate a factually source from an article spewed out by a conservative think tank.

    Among such articles are 3 that I will be analyzing. The first is Why the World Is Getting

    Warmer, Even Though It Is Getting Colder and was featured on the American spectator. This

    article in particular takes on the stance that scientific evidence today does not support global

    warming, the rise in sea levels, and that global warming is a man-made hoax that was created

    to give the government increasing powers to regulate human activity. The second article is

    called Is Global Warning a Sin? and it follows a similar path. Alexander Cockburn, the author,

    believes that global warming is not a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Rather, he believes

    that the increase in temperature is caused by natural processes that occur after the end of

    Earths last ice age. Lastly, I analyze John Tierney and Use Energy, Get Rich and Save the

    Planet, which says that the richer countries get, the cleaner their sources of energy become

    and the less they emit.

    Peter Ferrara, the author of Why the World is Getting Warmer, Even Though it is

    Getting Colder believes that current scientific data points away from global warming. Ferrara

    makes several claims against global warming including:

    Global temperatures were much warmer relative to today thousands of years ago

    without the burning of fossil fuels

    C02 is Not pollution

    We are in a period of reduced sunspot activity, the cause of global cooling

    Global warming was created for massive government expansion

    Ferraras first claim is that global temperatures were much warmer through certain

    periods of history than they are today. He states Global temperatures were also warmer than

    today during the Medieval Warm Period of several hundred years around 1000 AD. Yet there

    was no significant human burning of fossil fuels during these periods(Ferrara 2). Ferraras

    tone in this statement infers that since there was no significant burning of fossil fuels during the

    medieval era, then the burning of fossil fuels in the present couldnt possibly be the reason for

    the increasing temperatures. Aside from this, there is no way to confirm Ferraras statements

  • 8/11/2019 Climate Change Essay (1)


    of global temperature considering the scarcity of data prior to the 1600s. Despite the

    substantial of uncertainties, data from ice cores, tree rings, and other sources shows that the

    Medieval period is found to display warmth that matches or exceeds that of the past decade in

    some regions, but which falls well below recent levels globally(Science Mann).

    Ferraras second claim is that C02, being a natural occurring substance in plants, is not

    pollution. As defined by various dictionary sources, a pollutant is any substance or waste

    product that renders air, soil, water, or other natural resource harmful or unsuitable for a

    specific purpose. The fact that C02 is a main component of photosynthesis doesnt change the

    fact that C02 is a waste product of the burning of fossil fuels.

    Ferrara follows this claim by also saying that the C02 concentrations were up to 30 times

    greater than today 50 -150 million years ago without catastrophic effects and that it had the

    beneficial effect of accelerating plant growth. His manner of stating this almost implies that

    those carbon levels are acceptable. In fact, he says that it be beneficial. He fails to

    acknowledge the fact that included with those carbon levels, was a sea level 75100 feet

    higher than today, no arctic ice caps, and stronger monsoon winds, etc. The Earth was a vastly

    different environment when those levels of C02 existed in the atmosphere. So while it may not

    have been catastrophic to the life in that period, the changes that would result with the

    increase in C02 would most certainly be catastrophic to millions of populations.Ferrara also makes the claim that reduced sunspot activity actually puts Earth in a

    global cooling as opposed to global warming.

    Lastly, Ferrara claims that global warming was never about the graphs or the data. He

    believes it is about the massive expansion of government controls over human activities

    (Ferrara 1). While this statement cannot be readily proven, there is in fact notable presence of

    conservative think tanks that promote certain public policies. It was decided that this

    conservative movement was started in 1990 since it marked the emergence of a concertedbacklash against global warming within the Bush administration (Policy Lecture1 Slide 17).

  • 8/11/2019 Climate Change Essay (1)


    Ferrara criticizes the evidentiary basis of global warming. This correlates with claim 1 on slide

    19 of Policy Lecture 1, from which we can infer Ferraras political bias (sentence should be

    placed at the end of my analysis in further paragraphs) global signatures climate c02 claim)