Climate Change & Making a Positive Impact

Climate Change & Making a Positive Impact City Parks Foundation Seeds to Trees Middle School 2019-20

Transcript of Climate Change & Making a Positive Impact

Climate Change & Making a Positive Impact

City Parks Foundation

Seeds to Trees Middle School 2019-20

Learning Objective

● Today you will learn about… ○ Climate Change Science○ How it impacts you and the planet○ What you can do to help

Is CLIMATE the same as WEATHER?Not really…

So… Is the CLIMATE the same all over the WORLD?

Not really...

What Determines CLIMATE?

● CLIMATE is determined by temperature and precipitation● NYC’s Climate is:

○ Temperate - has 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter)○ Fluctuating temperatures 25F-85F, occasional precipitation/storms

● Other parts of the world: ○ Arid deserts (Hot during the day and cold at night)○ Arctic (Cold year round and very dry)○ Tropical - Warm and humid, has 2 seasons (Rainy season and dry


● How are these temperatures created? ○ One factor is the greenhouse effect.


Ok… so what is the GREENHOUSE EFFECT?

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

● The greenhouse effect is the warming of the Earth's surface and the air above it. It is caused by gases in the air that trap energy from the Sun.

● These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases. ... They release some of this energy as heat.

● Greenhouse effect is always happening, but human actions are altering the atmosphere and changing the climate.

Where do Greenhouse Gases come from?

● Greenhouse gases are part of the water and carbon cycle of the planet, but we humans are adding a lot more with our activities

● Human sources of Greenhouse gases○ Burning Fossil Fuels (Industry, Transportation and Energy)○ Agriculture and Livestock○ Deforestation

● Most harmful Greenhouse gases:○ Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ○ Nitrous Oxide (N. 2O)○ Methane (CH4)

What are FOSSIL FUELS and how do they affect CLIMATE CHANGE?

OUTPUTS:Greenhouse Gases

INPUTS:Fossil Fuels






What is CLIMATE CHANGE and why is it such a BIG DEAL?


● Climate change describes changes in conditions like temperature and rainfall in a region or the planet over a long period of time.

● Earth’s climate has constantly been changing, however, scientists have observed changes recently that indicates that humans are making it worse.

Climate Change Impacts

● Increase in Global Average Temperatures● Extreme Weather

○ Heat waves and Droughts○ Intensified Storms○ Flooding

● Sea Level Rise● Melting Glaciers● Health Risks

○ Increased Asthma Rates ○ Spread of Diseases

● Habitat loss and Species extinction


Rising Temperatures

Rising Sea Levels

IMPACTS Around the World


Extreme WeatherMelting Glaciers

Species Extinction

What can WE do about CLIMATE CHANGE?

Climate Change Solutions

● Switch FOSSIL FUELS for RENEWABLE ENERGY Sources○ Solar Energy○ Wind Power

● Sustainable Agriculture ● Reforestation● Better Waste Management

○ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle● Better Transportation Practices

○ Public Transportation○ Biking ○ Electric Cars

Design a SUSTAINABLE CITY for 2050

● Use this platform and

design a better future

● Watch the VIDEO


● Then click HERE to

go to the My2050


● When the widow

opens click on the box

that says GO AHEAD!

● Design a better future

for 2050!

I´m JUST a KID… What can I DO?


★ Eat Less Meat

★ Take Shorter Showers

★ Use Less Plastic

★ Walk & Bike More/Drive Less

★ Buy From Thrift Stores

★ Look for Organic Products

★ Unplug/Turn Off Appliances

★ Buy Locally Grown Fruits/Vegetables


Test your knowledge with this worksheet below.

Think of it as an OPEN BOOK TEST, feel free to go back to the presentation to look for the


Click HERE to go to the WORKSHEET

THANK YOU for Joining us Virtually with SEEDS TO TREES

Slide 5: Video by Mike Sammartano Found in Youtube in this LinkSlide 12: Video by MinuteEarth Found in Youtube in this LinkSlide 16: Video by Student Energy Found in Youtube in this LinkSlide 23: Video by Matt Miltonberger Found in Youtube in this LinkSlide 27: Video by Alliance for Climate Education Found in Youtube in this Link