Cl)c path) Joucnu! - NYS Historic...

SPECIAi NOTICES. Mb«ior Bailey'* Quieting! Syrup for children 4eething,r^eS;BlCk. and weile bhildren strong •andiiealchy;, Iglyeaino'thers rest day" >aiid night. Is a 1 quisling mecuciiie foi* children. Only 25. cents. Sold by • Druggists. . . "'.•,''., i (del2d*wly) Soldjpj J,p.,8pragjie,.. '... 1 ANTIQUITY OP BKAJJDKETH'3 H L I S . Age-is not ameritj only as a sign of Intrin- sic worth.- . " ••" • •' i The really-useful article lives on with a strong vitality the ;paor one languishes for la time and' then goes out ea- sily. Brandreth's CPiUs are' even precrlbed by great phy- sicians -when the bowels-call loudly"--for 1 help, because tuey-inevor-fail to operi.and .give relief. Hundreds of thousands would-conslder; It n calamity if . thesesafa family Pills could nob be obtained. It lias been officially settled:that,mor.e of Branareth's Pills are Hold than all other pill3 put together. Merit sells them •' 'Brajutoth's Pills possess qnalitees which restore eve ry organ ana fiber in the body t.o perfect health; are purely-vegetable and safe for every period of life. •Principal'Agency,Brand?eth House, New York. See"tD. Braridreth,"-in-white letter's, in the Govern? ment stamp. : ' Soldby all Druggists. , . (jy2ia&wlm) "Consumption l' certainly cured as In- termittenttent Fever, and as certainly pre- ventea as'Small Pbx.'^Kev.'Chas. E. King, HVTX, i i L , ! > . , e t c . "'•' KIN G'S • , ^Prescription, Jiacie from the prescription of Rev. OHAS. B.Kisa, M. D. I.L. D., Ac, for the prevention and cure of CONSUMPTION' "For the Raflicalcure of Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh,and all affections of the Lungs, Throat anflAir. Passages ; for General and Special Derangements of the Nervous Sys- tem ; for Disorders of theBlooa ; and for-all functional Disorder of the Stomach and Bowels. , The Prepared Prescription increases the strength ana , deepens tfie color of the pale blood. It subdues the Fe- ver and Chills ancl diminishes the expectoration. It cheelcs the night sweats alwayB in from seven to four- teen days. The appetite is invigorated and the patient rapidly gains flesh; the cough and difficult breathing are speedily relieved ; the sleep becomes calm and re- freshinsr; the evacuation regular and uniform. All the ;ripti ..... . whatever name known, in which there is exhibited any derangement of the nervous or blood systeins. It is un- equallea In female disorders, scanty or Suppressed Menses, "Whites, &c. . ( The Prepared Prescription Is both the best and most economical medicine that can be taken. , The average toratlon; "Tonics" for the Appetitlte or the Weakness; Iron for the Blood; Anodynes for the nervous Irritation, Acids for the Night Sweats ; or Whiskey or Cod liver Oil for the wasting. Its Specific Action is upon the Con- stitutional. Condition, ana through this condition upon he whole series of Symptoms.. ' STATEMBSS FROM PATIENTS,; &c. College Hill, Cincinnati :^-I was in the last stages of Consumption. In ten days after taking the Prescription my Chills, Night Sweats, Fever &c decreased and final- ly altogether disappeared. A mere Skeleton before, uoV-wellstoredwitii flesh, ily restoration is a marvel to all who know mei^Mrs. CIi. Wright. Ipnr Prescription saved my daughter's. life and has probably savedme hundreds of dollars.—Rev.E. Humph- reys,,Kemsen, N. ¥. "We bless Go&for the- benefit we have received from your Prepared Prescription.—-Rev. ?. Peregrine, Bloss- burgh, Penn. Every one to whom I have recommended it has bene- utted, much by Us-use.—5ev. C. D. Jones, Racine, Wis. The Prepared Prescription is put up in a $1 bottle, and Is sola in Ogdensburgh-by J. C..Sprague,.arid B. O. Lam- circular, containing testimonials-of many cases success- fullv treated, will be sent free, by mail, to ;all who will write for it. (stMOd&weowly) 1S0S. 1S4T." 1SC8. In 1S02 the grandfather- of Dr., Tobias.introduced the Venetian Liniment in England. It.was- a success altho the price was a Guinea a Bottle His. late Majesty Will- ' lam IV, oseait for Chronic Bheumatismandwas entirely ciired^ after suffering for two years, his attending phy- sicians being unable to effect a cure,.and, he" wrote a let- ter of thanks which is now inpossession of my uncie - inLiverpool. Xhave offered £100 sterling for that letter but it was refused. In ISiTIputit out in! the United - States, and now, in 186S, the sale is immense. Thou- sa-itls o? 'similles are oever-'wItiioTi.fclt. At i3 safe and, in- nocent to apply externally or taKo internally. F.or 21 years Xliave Tra^razitecl Ic to ciire tlie following eom- plalnts: Oliolei'a, Diani&ea,. Bysentery, Croup, Oollo, Cramps, Tomltliig- and Sea SI'cJmess, xalcen internally and Olll'dtllc SlieuMfilism, ButriS, "GlltS, MlSeS, OM Sores, TQoshache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, Insect Stings, and. paras in the GJiest, ISack: and Ijimbs, externally;.. It never Tails if utfecT a4 affected ; for Cholera or Dysen- tery it is certain, if usea when first attacked. No one once trying it will ever be without it. SOIMby Druggists. Price 50 ct3 Ana $1. Depot, No. 26Cortlandt SS.,.New York. Sold by all ha Druggists and Storekeepers. (jy21d3taw&wlm) PilOF- ECASITLTpN'S 3lTGAR-C0A.TEB JlOOT AND rn^wr BiLLS^-purely vegetable* and are tlie best in nse. They cleanse the-stomach-, purify the blood and' prevent dis- ease. Physlycians use them; and all who try them will use none others- Sold everywhere and by B. 0. Lam- phear : , Qggensftttrgh. ,- , C8T-S-ly3_ [ HOW iOST J ; IT.0W SECTORED'! Just published,-in a- sealedenvelope. Price six cent3. AJLecture .on the Natural Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal TVealcnesSj Involuntary BmissionSj-Sesual Debility and. Impediments to Mar- riage generally; Nervousness, 'Consumption, Epilepsy, and Eits^; Menial and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac, byKobt. J, Oulverwell,, M. D., an- thor of fehe Green Book, &c. A Soon to Thousands of Sufferers. Sent under'seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps to OHAS. J. C. KLINE & 00.,12'r Bowery, New York, E03t Office Box 45S8. " Also.Br. Culyerweli's Marriage Guide; Price 25 cent* (my6diw8m] JTO XiS-eiies,—-If you require a reliable remedy,. why notussthebesl? Experience has proved that P% MASTER'S FXOVALBPILLS '; ;Haye no ecrnal,. They are safe andsure in ordinary cases;' - Srice $1.. per-box. I 'J>&, BARYE'i'S GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS four degrees stronger thun the above,' are intended for special cases, and may alway3:be relied on-; Price Five Bollars per Box. ^"Illustrated private circulars sent free, Enclose stamp. if you cannot procure the Pills enclose the money and aa3ressr Dr. J.SSYA5.S6 East 13 Stieet, N&iriy:ork,.SaS theyff111be sent free from observation by return lifail, (ap2SaaStaw&wly). BATOHBLOfi'3 MAIS. DYE. , •This spIendid'Hair I>'ye is the bestin'the world I The only true and perfect Bye. Harmless, Reliable, Instan- taneous. No disappointments. No ridiculous tints.—. Natural Black or Brown. Semeaiesthe ill effects of bad dyes. Invigorates the fisir, leaving It soft and beanti- lul;. Sie-genuine Is signed William A. Batchelor. All others are mereimitations, and should Be avoided. Sold by all druggists and perfumers: factory 8i Barclay Sji,, Hew Tori. (detdAwly) -. 'oiiiy 25 Celits aflixr I/a-irge JJottleau^-Mb'th- er, Bailey's Quieting Syinip for children, which greatly asslatB.the child throughfeemonth r of teetfilfag, allays all. pain, reduces inflammation, 'corrects acidity of the St6mach,,and Ee'verfails toiregnlato' the Bowels. old py all Bruggiste. Sold by J. C.'Sprague. ,- K S T h e best medicine in the' pbrld if l)r.. tangley's. Soot and Herb Bitter s^rrlong a-triedVandsfeantiard remedy for Liver Gomplaints, Biilious diseasssj Humors of -the Blooa and Skin, Jaundice and Dyspepsia, Indigestion, postiveBess^ Headache, -and all diseases -arising *from Dis- bfdered'Stomacbj Tbrpid'Tiiyer; or Tinpure Bioqd. They cleanse the.System, purify and new-create the blood,re- Btoretheiappetite, build up and strengthen'• the whole body.. &E0. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston. Sold by ailDraggiats C°°hlTda;w6m) BATCHELOS'S HAIR DTC I aaifa splendid Hair-Dye is the -besfrln' the.-world; the onlytrue'and perfect Dye ; Tiarml'ess, relia>le*and ih- atantaneous; no disappointment;' no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effect of bad dyes ; invigorates and leaves the hair soffcand beautiful.iblacklor 1 .brown. Sold by all Druggists and Eerfumersi kha:properly'applied at Batchelpr's Wig factory, 16Borid,st.y'New York. • • • : I[ap3dtw6m] ^BLESSINGS- BKIGHTEN AS THEY TAKE THEIR r FLIGHT."", • '• j Honied friends and ail the enjoyments of .life seem in- finitely mora dear to.the sufferer from nefvouajdebility. When the pr'bablUt-y is that ere long, he must leave theiri .forever, .^yhen-the health has become impaired,;and the strength is fillfcg^then life loots mMe..,alluiing. Stim- alants are the' oalyjne'aiis bt 6£restprationan- cases of neriyiras-debility. 5?he.great difitculty' has "been to pro-, vide a stimulant gofsessing not. billy medicinal merit, b6t one aJKrding permanent relief - It Hpstetter's Sto- •' inach Bitters .is te'tforted to in-such .cases,. -Its', -berieficlar 'effects wiitspb'n be.cbme' apparent In ,the .buoyancy "of spirits, and renewed strength of. thfejhitherto: dejected ' patient.' JJsperience.-Jiijs -proved this (preparajtijn to be •'The"' Kem'edy'of the" Age,",foi SerArjb.iis peb'ilityj as well as all. diseases.arislngfrpia;a;erangeinent of -the stomach ijeTa'ohs; idyancf ,d in Jife,"iano>fe,eling 'tHe, handi of time 'weighing' iesvilyfipon,'jheni^.jfjlth-ffll,its-'- attendant ills; wlil'finoiin the "ns'e or^ostetter's Celebrated'StomacTi-, BitterB—an-elixir that will instil new life fnfo their veins ; Ire'stoje", In a measure, the,-.ardor and .energy of more youthful days ; build up their .shrunken -firims and gtve-h'ealta-and 1 vigor to. their remaining years..; Those who are In the "least 'ainEctea -rrfth. Dyspepsia^ Agnej ianguor,.ilauseav or any other''troublesome and dan- gerous sllseai8e» system/should' 1 - nbt : he3itate to. avail-.themselves of the benefit Jlerivea fromthisgreatremedy. -The immense quantitiesiof this invalaabls tonic > are: "consumeaj and whic^i's stead-; 1 ily, increasing year by y'eari is sufficient In lts§lfj todia- 1 arnj themost.fikepticah • ' ' '(au5dij?2w) i '•' uujer, and die, necause of Pin Worms~ 3%e'o,nly effect- rial remedy for these moat troublesome, and dangerous of all wo'fms in'chiloren pf adults, Is found iH I>r.;iQould'3 Pln-WprnvSyrup., purely,vegetable,safeandcectain.- ^GO'ODWIN &W., Boston, and all Druggists. BUSINESS NOTICES, Sewing Machines. We ar,o Baving a great many inquiries fo; sewing machines from various parts of tie coun- try, and as we cannot conveniently reply ito them all by mail, we have thought it proper'to state our opinion in regard to them in this, public manner. We have used "Wilson's i patent,,man- ufactured by the Wheeler & Wilson Manufac- turing Company, and we can say in regard to it that it is without a rival. It is simple, not easily put out of order when in proper hands, and, in point of effectiveness and finish, no other maqliine stands ahead of it. This famous Sowing Machine is highly appreci- ated the world over. We state this mudi in re gard to the excellent machine upon our own re sponsibility. The Company lave made and sold during the last three months about 13,000 machines, and are now producing and selling: 150 ,por clay."— Scientific American. Dodds & Hutton, 61 Ford Street, are agents for the Wheeler & Wilson machines in tfiis city. f (J^ are two special qualities wlaich de- termine and fix the superiority of Mrs. Si A. Al- len's Now Style, improved Hair ! Restorer or Dressing, in one bottle, over all other prepara- tions for the the hair. First, the prompts, quick action, great growth, life and vigor that it is sure to give to the Haii^ never failing, by a few applications to restore Gray or White Hair to its natural color, imparting to the 1 Hair a de- lightful aroma, fr.esh, delicate and unchangeable in any climate. Second, its easy applilcatjon, without any previous preparation of the! Hair; without that sticky and disagreeable sulphur odor found and oomplamed of in all other pre- parations. It never soils the skin orlinen. La- dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dress their Hair. It retains the Hair in any desired position, and is cooling healing and'cieanslng to the scalp, removing immediately all scurfj dand- ruff, and pimples. Price §1. Sold byall Druggists. (jlSdt FINANCIAL.—Phalon's Flor de Mayo, tlie new perfume for the handkerchief, ig creating con- siderable excitement among the five-twienties, also among the sweet sixteens. Sold by all druggists. | LOOK AT THE RUINS.—Aye, look at the ru'ius of what were once magniicent sets of teeth, to be seen everywhere in sojiety. Look ait them and askyourself if itisjpt marvelous that such destruction is permitted, .when by simply using Sozodont, any teeth, ilWever fragile, may be preserved from decay orblemish as long as life lasts. , . I Spalding's Glue is nsoul in every house. •' 'S' i '<•:," -•-. ASIATIC 'piOLERA. lhe Strongest Proof t Intrinsic Merit. Dear Sir: I should Laveiaknowledged long ago the box of Pain Killer you had; ae goodness to sjind me last year. Its coming was mot providential. I ibelieve hundreds of lives were savea,under God, by iti The cholera anpeared here soon afer we received il We resorted at once to the ]?ain illler, using as tfcected for Cholera. Alist was kept.c all to whom th« I'ain Killer was given and our natie assistants assured us that 8 out of every 10 to wh'oi it was prescribed, re- covered. It has, too, been v,e? useful in various other diseases. It has proved an ijnalculable blessing io mul- titudes of poor people throughot all thi3 region. Our native preachers are never w,iing to go iout on their excursions without a supply of he P.»in Killer. Itgives them favor iii the eye3 of thepiple, and access ito fam- ilies andlocalities by whom fcterwUre thdy wotihl bo very indifferently received, i ' Believe me, dear sirs, gratefuV audt faithfully yours, ; . M, JOHNSON, [ jy21d3j»w&|Wlm] Missloary at Swafcw, Ohlna. OHKONIO DISEASES, SOUOnlA, ULCERS,, &c. It is well known that the bepets derived fromi drink- ing of the Congress, Saratoga,£nd other celebrated Springs) 13 prinQip&py owing vf-vt xociine fiey wnttrtli, I)n IT. ANDJSK'3 lOpIS TTATBK" Contains Iodine In the same pursfcate that It Isi found ill these BPrinsTTTaters. tout b,ver"t0 per cent: inore In quantity, contalnjiig, as it does Ingrains to eaclk. iiuttl ounce, dissolved in pure water, irliout a solvent!, a dis- covery long- sought Tor- in this coatry and Europe^ anU the best remedy known In the wtfil for Sdrpfula, Dan- cers, Salt Kheum, TOcers, andaUfironlc diseases. Cir- culars :free. '-*" | li . , Br. H. Anders' Ioaine "Water iifcgaleby 3. P. DINS- MORE, Proprietor, 88 Dey St., Ni \ and by all Drug- gists. (jy2dlaw&w4w) B y l t e g Syrnjj tl»e great quieting remedy for chtldreil teething, aUays all pain, cures windcolic, convulsion^jiping, &c. Large lottles 25 cents. Sold by Druggists. Sold by J. C. Sprague. " fcOTIION,» * For Eeanflfying the. Skin and lomplesion, BEHOVES ALT, Eruptions, jUrecMes,, Pinvples, Motfflotclicsi Tan, €&c, alia the, Sldin Soft, Fair oai\£lo'oming. J?or ladies \n the Nursery it is invalWe. 3?or Gentlemen-after Shaving it baa;tsequah "Paphian lotion" is .the onlyreliableiiimedy for dis- eases and blemlrtes of the Skin. V ! . "PAPHIAN SOip» tot the Toilet, Nursery" and Bath-. Win v>t chap the Skin. iTice 25 cents per cake, j Vlor «le Mayo, t Flor dc Mayo. | A NewJPerf umejor the Handkerchief. ISiquisEle, Del- icate, lasting Fragrance. PHATiONl4 SON, New York. Sold by all Druggists. (inWldeodly) ' " ~ ' | A:m: erican HOJHsie, . BOBTON, MASS. IBBX CLASS HOUSK rs 1 .tS^^ertlcal Ballway, Suites and Singlel-Aprfiments, with "Brining and Tyater conveniencies lewnecting: Billnird Halla, Telegraph Office and Cafe. 11 (jeUatuVtb>s-3m) ' . tiSSiTS KICM! S SON. r EN'S Glove Cleaner "Will. clean 3£fd ©lores, without inriTJjr tlie ~hi6st delicate color anil, is •entirely free from *ny Odor. ; } The Gloves can be clea nod on the hand anil t *i'n. Im mediately. Onebpttje.n 'ill save you the pricedf'a doz- en pairs of Gloves. \ For sale by all Druggis ts and Fancy Goods Dealers. iVoi-ic genuine wii ;Siout tlie signature o %.rC. 'TOEI.'&S *"•' CO;, lS2'P«lton Sfe.lK.T., i "" ?.*-••' . 'iybolesiOepigents WHEN YOU BOT,, THE EESB. .,- Are sole4gentspia 'Qgdehsbu tg, for tlie 'Family B-avortfi6»-«Wc( id M^ieMne, The simplest andbest. . L east liable to eetoiitofordei •andithe best Hemrner-,-8tifc.'her,ahd Tell £ : Infuse. Th Agencyjof the "Weed Macfibieflrnoff at o'n r's.'om Instea sfatJ.AUendorph's'.Wiprinerly. >••"', l=K*An OM Fiivbr.fiS, ttfcSand approve d'foi!:years p»U'beforepurcfAslngeisewh'ereand » et chine irad a good 'pargain. nraniroartv *. •» .-,-. Iiy28d4wly] •"""—•-«« a. . (VIISOW, No. 6 Eagle Block, , Ogdembwrg. Cl)c path) Joucnu! OGDENSBUKG, N. Y. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. First Ward Republican Caucus. A caucus of the Kepublicans of tlie First .Ward of the 'City of Ogdensburg, will be held at Lyceum Hall, on Saturday evening, August 15th, at TJ o'clock, for the purposo of choosing dele- gates to the County and] Assembly District Conventions. r. BOBKRTSON, Chairman of Ward Com. Second Ward Caucus. The Republican electors of the Second Ward of the City of Ogdensburg are requested to meet at Engine House No. 2, in said Ward, on Friday evening, August 14th, at 8 o'ciock, for the pur- pose of choosing delegates to the approaching County and First Assembly District Conventions. GARDNER B.CHAPIN, Chairman Second Ward Com, Third Ward Republican Caucus. A caucus of the Republicans of the Third Ward, will be held at the. Town Hall, on Satur- day evening, August 15th; at half-past seven o'clock, for the purpose of chopsiDg delegates o the. County and Assembly District Conven- tions, s. FOOTE, Chairman Third Ward Com. , Aust 12,1S68. A Sound Democrat. A Democrat of life-long standing said in our iresence on the 11th : "I tell these peopte that the negro question ia settled, and settled right. Reconstruction is a fixed fact andl don't want it disturbed. What we want now is legislation to Improve our finances. We can't have that by epudiation or paying the bonds in greenbacks, don't want the currency depreciated sothat I will have to go to market with it basket of green- backs to buy as much meat as I can carry home n a skewer. If Hr. Seymour had stopped with is Cooper Institute speech he would have been ill right. But in accepting the nomination on the few York Platform shows that he can turn too 'astfor me /." This man is a sound Democrat. He ees that the success of the Democratic party on he platform of paying the bonds in greenbacks vill ruin our finances. For the moment that we gree to that, gold will go up higher than at any !me during the war, and all kinds of merchan- iiaeandthe necessaries of life will follow suit.— !he men who work upon salaries or by day labor ave suffered enough from depreciated curren- iy. Their interest lies in tho success of that arty which seeks to make every dollar of lOncls andgreenbacks worth a dollar in gold.— 'hat is what the Kepublicans aim to do, and any ne who has common sense, can see it. Demo rats who want a sound currency will vote for rant. Another Sound Democrat. Another life-long Democrat declared in our reseuce, on Tuesday, 11th, his determination vote for Grant. He said, * l I riave always been .Democrat bat I like- Grant. 3-te v,-as a good man for us during tlie war and I don'fc believe e lias changed since. I believe he \i llio best an, for the country and I have made up my mind to vote foi 1 him. Soj'inour 1 may be a good nma but he has never done anything for the ountry and Grant has." Soit goes. Every emocrat who has honor enough to tell his con- •ictidns, andcommon sense enough to discern hat J3 best lor the country, will talk and vote r Gets. Grant. Caterpillars. A friend,who is always making a.good sugges- ion, asks us to call attention of tree owners to .lie presence of caterpillars nests in their fruit roes. By cutting off the limbs infcstecl and urning them they will prevent the spread of ot>- oxious and destructive vermin. Magique and Musicale. Prof. Haselmayer, Escamateur and Enchanta- naagin to the King of Prussia, will give two 3ntertainments in thi3 city, at Eagle Hall, on 3fonday and Tuesday evenings, August 17th and 8tb. This gentleman, unlike other illusionists, )8i'forms his wonderful feats on a narrow plat- orm in the midst of the audience. He has the eputation of the most successful Professor of ;he Black Art. ,The Goblin Drum is one of the iOst incomprehensible mysteries of the present ;ntufy. The Professor is really the only first- :lass Necromancer we have had this way in ears. See advertisement. Black Ben. Benjamin Christian, who has flourished in this icinity since 1812, is on his annual visit to the urg." The old man begins to show the marks age. For several years past he has been an inmate of the poor-housG,, coming to town only the.summer season. In his younger days he afforded more sport for the juvenile Burgers han all other men together. udge Smith Stilwell, now eighty-four ears old, took from the St. Lawrence, a few iles above the city, on Tuesday morning,, twen- y-eight fine pike and pickerel.. The judg&- is the >est specimen of a hale and hearty old gemt in his part of the State, can read without artificial issistance, plays, a good game of billiards, can ipoffc a fishing rodwith the best of anglers and a sound Republican. He looks good for a ound hundred yeara. . I. O. ot G.T. At a regular meeting of Brasher Centre Lodge o. 6401. O. of G. T., held August 8, 1868, the 'ollowing officers were duly installed for th>e en- ding quarter: W C. T.—Thomas Einney. W. ¥. T.—Miss Sarah. Wright, W. S.-^Geo/ge Jenninga. "W\ F. S.—Thomas Jennings. •^ <j.-^Miss Marion Dawson. W. I. G.-—Miss Eliza Buck. W. O. G.—I. R. Marsh. W. 0.—Nathan Stearns. W. A.. S.—Mrs. Lucinda Curtis. W. D. M.—Miss Sarah Raymond. W. R. H. S.—Charles Clark. W. It. Hi S.'-^Miss Ellen Dawson. ?To the Public. The office of Dr. J..T. Newell, Dentist,, •will be closed till further notice, on account of siiokness an(lab3ence from town of the Doctor. copies of its weekly edition, and expects to in- cre«seit to2S0,0'00 before the close of the Pres- idential canvass. Circulate the docuunenta and sweU the Republican majority. Ku Elux and'other Democratic in- s, w ho proj>ose : to spot those who vote _for draat and Colfax, will be relieved of their trouble by "the TDegillatdrloY llabatoa, which propose:fachoose the Presidential electors. Reuo, one of the Adains Express robbers with a chummy named Charles Ander- son, Was arrested at Windsor, Ontario, on Sat- urday night, under the Extradition Treaty. ^ A Seal in the Genesee. The Rochester Union says a large animal has been repeatedly seen in the Genesee, below the Upper Landing, within the past ten .days, and it s confidently believed that it is a seal. These animals are brought down from the frozen regions of the north onicebergs and drift into the Gulf of Sty Tiftwrence, This seal' <3ou.bflesg sough? fo make his •wtvy baeTs to the regions of ice and snow, fixitl "caistooli "tlie route, cominij into Ijaltc Ontario. Circus at Prescolt, To-Day. Thayers & Noyes' Circus and| Menagerie of trained animals, will exhibit at Prescott this af- ternoon andevening. ' The grand entree," with the live lion riding out- sidc of the cage, will be made about the time we go to press. An arrangement has been made with the ferry steamer to make a trip after the close of the performance this evening, giving such as desire to attend from this side an oppor- tunity to do so and return to-night.! This is one of the best establishments traveling, and will be worth visiting. Supposed Attempt to Rescue Kennedy. The County Jail was attacked by seven or eight unknown men on Tuesday night, for the purpose it is supposed, of rescuing Kennedy, the murderer, who is sentenced to be hung|on the 20th. The jailor fired, his revolver into the crowd several timed when they skedaddled. "We understand the prisoner is nowsecurely guarded. Barn Destroyed by Lightning. The barn of Joseph Worthingtonj in the town of Adams, Jefferson county, was struck by ightning on Saturday afternoon and consumed by the fire thereof. Mr. Worthington lost a horse and all.of his hay and grain, of which the barn was filled. e understand that the old gentlemen, residing'in Prescott, who used to rejoice over the victories of the rebels, and go into ectasies over the piracies of the Alabama, is an ardent supporter of Seymour. If the Tories of the Ca- nadian Dominion could vote, they would go unanimously for Seymour. has given up all oppo sition to reconstruction as at present accom- plished, and will hereafter recognise the Sjime us a fixed fact. Seymour and Blair and their supporters threaten to destroy all this work and plunge us again into revolution. (g^The Democrats of*"New Albany, Indiana, elected their mayor, on the*4th inst., over which the Copperheads crow. The Republicans gained WO votes over last year. That will do for South- ern Indiana. i Better Spirit in Tennessee. A meeting of ex-Confederate, soldiers was held at Memphis, on Saturday night, 8th inst., and was largely attended. The action of the Confederate Generals, at Nashville, was endorsed and peace counsels warmly approved. : Death of ThaddeiM Stevens. Hon. Thadcleus Stevens died at Washington, nt 12 o'clock on Tuesday night, in his 11th year. TEJLECJrRAPJL NEW Tone, 21.—American Gold 1.46-g-. PORT COLBOBNE, 12.—The following vessels passed here to-day : Prop. Cleveland, Chicago to Ogdensburg::—• Sohr. Frank Crawford, Saginaw to Ogdensburg. PHILADELPHIA, 12.—The nags on the Custom House, Post Office, Independence Hajl, newspa-. per offices and many private dwellings, are at half-mast, in honor of the memory of Hon. Thai?- deus Stevens. WoitCESTER, 12.—Peter Mullin, section master of the AVorcester and Nashua Railroad, was thrown from a gravel car, at Groton Junction, this forenoon, by the sudden stopping of the., train and killed. Michael Gethias was thrown rom the same train andseriously injured. ST. LOUIS, 12.—Gen. Carey will leave here next week for Upper Missouri, to perfect ar- rangements for the removal of the Indians into the Northern reservations. He will make his headquarters at Fort Randall. Gen. Sherman left for Omaha last night. NASHVILLE, 13.—The Republican Convention for this Congressional District met i yesterday,- and balloted for a candidate, the ballot standing: S. C. Mercer, 14; Trimble, 14; Prosser, 8; Har- rison, 2. Without taking another ballot, the Convention adjourned sine die. The Republican State Convention met yes- terday but transacted no business. CINCINNATI, 12.—The Democratic Congres- sional Convention of the fir3t and second dis- tricts of Ohio, to-day, nominated General P. W. Strader from first district for Congress. No can- didate for Congress was nominated from the sec- ond district, but Geh. Cary was endorsed and the party was pledged to his support.' LOUISVILLE, 12.—The Democratic Congres- sional Convention of the 3th district, of Kentuc- ky, to-day, nominated Boyd Manchester for Con- gress. - LOUISVILLE., 13.—About 10 o'clock yesterday morning, a fire broke out in the southern wing of Taylor Barracks, used as a hospital. , The laundress apartments, chapel 'and entire wing with its contents, were destroyed. The loss to the Government will be considerable. NEW YORE, 13.—Fall details, by telegraph, from all parts of the country of the condition of the crops, are published. On. the whole these reports are, cheerful. The following facts are deduced : Wheat—This crop is larger than, last year.— In West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, i Missouri, Kansas, Utah, Colorado, Montana; Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, New York, Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut the quality is remarked as excellent^ In Georgia, South.Carolina,- Alabama and Teir as, the reports are not so good, the yield being indifferent. In Louisiana, ArkahsaSj ^Kentucky, Mississippi, Maryland, Southwestern Virginia, Central Tennessee, North Carolina, Delaware aad Vermont the crops has been an average one.-, Corn—From all portions of the country we hear that this crop is vary large, and ^he quality remarkably good. The yield this year will be fully one-thirdmore than lasfi* This is especially so in the Southern States. 1 Oats—In Kentucky, Tennessee,West Virginia, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York and Illinois, especially in the latter States, the yie^d is largj, while in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Plorfda, South Carolina, and the other Southern States, it will not bemom than the .average, f '- THe *ain**e:Have,Md3ately have injured the crop in New Jerseyj Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Maine and the yield will be less' than usual. , Barley.—The crop will be an average one. Hay.—More than the average crop will be re- alized. In Pennsylvania, Ngjr York, I Indiana; Ohfo.^few Jersey, Delaware «ind Maryland the yield is very large and of excellent quality. Cotton.-^-The reports about cotton jare very encouraging. Fully anaverage yield islexpecred. In parts of Florida the caterpillar is doing some damage. Sugar promises well but very little was planted. Fruits are almoat a total failure,! especially in the Middle States. The peach, crop will not be half what it was last year. In [the extreme- South it looks better. In New jlork apples look better than almost anywhere 'else. The potato crop is generally large and good. A heavy mildew and lice have Killed hops in Pennsylvania. ' ! An unknown man, yesterday, while firing a revolver into some logs, onStauloii street, shot a little girl named Mary Tierney. ' The latter died shortly after. ( M. B. Ludington, a merchant of • Chicago, ar- rived hero, last night, in chargo of a detective, on a chargo of defrauding a firm of this city out of §6,000. He attempted toescape on the route. DIABEETS. . Nitw YOBK,12. Ashes—Market nominal at 8.3'! r [email protected]. Cotton—Market quiet at 29@29J for M. U. Flour—Receipts 9,138 bbls. Market unchanged Sales 8,000 bbls. at [email protected] sup.finestate and -western 8.60@9. / 70 for choice ex. state ; 'O^ll.OO for common to choice extra west- ern; [email protected] common to good shipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio. ; Rye flour quiet at 8.00@10.'7S. . Wheat—Receipts 25,000 bushels, Market quiet. Sales 31,000 bush, of choice No, 1 Spring at 2.12; white Can. 2.60. Corn—Receipts 29,000 bushele. Market higher. Sale3 146,000 bush, of choice mixed, western at [email protected]. : Oats steady at 82@83i for Western. Pork—Market closed dull. Sales 1,100 barrels at 28.'[email protected]'7 newmeae,. Beef quiet. DIED. In thiB city, WedAesday morning, Aug; 12th, JERE- MIAH BALDWIN, in his 76th year. ' Funeral from his residence on Denny St.,thia, (Thurs- day) afternoon at hair past two o'clock. ' Mends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. $2O REWARD. rpHE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID BY THE X undersigned for the conviction or information which will ensure the "conviction of the party if ho robbed my lien Boost on"the evenirg.of the"ilthinafc ' ' , P. GOLDEN. Ogdensbarg, Aug, 12,1S6S. ' (au!3d3t) Five or Six Cows Wanted. N EW MILCH, OK COMING IN WITHIN FOOK or Eight Weeks. i . ' (aul8dl«:) F. J. TALLMAN, Seymour House; LACKAWANA COAL Payne's I WILL SECL UNTIL ' FCJKTHER NOTICE, T.HE justly celebrated laclcawana Coal, at !the following prices per ton j " • " > ; Stove Size i $8.75 Small Egg •, : j 8.65 LargeEgg.. ...... :.'..• ".. . . ; 8.50 . Chestnut '. S.50 J5P"8creened and sent outiji good condition. I TERMS 0A8H. j |3fBest of Lehigb andBlosaburgh constantly on hand. i Also Sort and Har j Wood, (anlldtf) ' ' C. A. PAYNE. 300,000 WITNESSES'" TESTIF? THAT WHEELER- b SEWING; a, o li i XI e a Alffi THEBEST. This Machine received the Highest Premium over 82 competitors, at the Great Paris Exposition, A MEDAL, only one rcoeiral byany Sewing Machine Com- pany. - j 63?who intend purchasing Sewing Machines should call and examine the Wheeler k Wilson. It is unrivalled in excellence. ^^•Juage Melgs, Secretary of the American Institute says: There is emphatically but one Sewing Machine, and'that is Wheeler A Wilson's. I am thoroughly satis- fied of the fact andhave-recently purchased one for my own family. ' X5OJXDIS Si, AG-ESTS, JTJJ>SON BANK BUILDING, 6T FORD ST. QEQ, A. DODDS. [apl8<l&wtf) J1TO.} HPTTGN. SECOND ARRIVAL OF W GOODS Great Reduction ia PiriceSi Owing to the depressed condition of the inavkefrl now offer .my immense stockiof ' DRY t • : j Consisting of ' Blade & Colored Silks, ' 1 . Alexander, Freiieli Sic IrisU Poplln«, Black & Colored Grenadine*, , MAHSISILLES,- !; f : //-_| ' . -'.•' Blach: if Colored Alpacasi i CJINOHtAMS, FUESCJtt JACONETS, Organ dps, : . .. ; ' '.•._ .' . , " . " : : - . - ; '* ' - ' And in fact everything,Ii^ the line of Dress Goods at 25 per'e'enii below our former prices. JUST RECEIVED 20a : iw& HOOP New York. ^ MILLINERY GOODS ;,.','"'.' Of all kinds at wholesale and retail. Inthis pirUculir 1 brSnch we-defy competition ana will not be . ' undersold. . ^ i 4 bbtteitawlflcB can b (d*w L M. FRANK'S, 5S Ford Street, Ogdensburg. ADDRESS T O T H E Oneotthe olSest; Female Seminaries In the cquntey, \wiaa#5mownirprlta'-iuperlor'ia^miesand unrivaUea 'ocatrdri.- Addi-ess Ke^." O. Tr.,SPEABi Titttfieia, Mass. Nervous and Debilitate! Whose sufferings have been protract- ed from hidden cauicg, & whole cases require prompt treat- ment to render life desir- able. If you are Buffering or have suffered from Involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce upon ypuirgener ral health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tire*? Does a litfle extra exertion produce palpitation of "tlie heart ? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kid- nejs, frequently get out of order ? Isydur urine thick, milky or flocky.-brdsit^topy oh settling? Or "does a thick scum rise to the top; or is a sediment at the bot- tom after It ha3 stood awhile ? Doyou have spells, of short breathing or dyspepsia ? Ate your bowels con* 'Btipatedi? Do y,ou;hay£spells of of fainting or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory Impaired ? " Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do- you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of co)npany or life? Do you wiBhto be left alone, to get away from every on.e,? Does any little thing make you start or, Jump ? Is y,our sleep broken or restless ? "Is,the lustre of your ey.e as brilliant ? The bloom of your cheelcas bright ? I>6 you enjby yourself in society as well ? Do you pursuery.our business with.the same energy ? Do you! feel as much confidence in yonrself ? Are your spirits dull an* flagging, given to fits of melancholly ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you yestleBS nights, your back weak, your knees weak, 4nd have butjlttle ap- petite; and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver com- plaint?' ' ' "" • ' No, reader, diseases badly cured; and 1 excesses, are capable of producing a weakness in the generative or- gans. Xheorgans.of generation when in "perfect health make the man. Dldyou ever think that those bold,, de- fiant, enegetic, persevering, successful business men-are always tho«e whose genative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men" complain of being mielancholly, of nervousness, or palpitation of the Tieart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business —they don't become sad and discouraged; they areal- ways polite ahdipleasantin the company of ladies, and look you and them right In the face—noneif your down- cast looks or other meanness about them. X do not mean those who keep £he: organs lhflained by' running to ex- cess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. * • . '' How many men, from badly cured diseases and ex- cesses, have.brought about that state of'weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease, idiocy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other fonn-o.f disease which, humanity is hfeir to,, and the real cause of the trouble'scarcely ever suspected;, and have .doctored for all but the right/one; ' " Diseases of the3e organs Require the uaeiof a uiuretic. Plaid EXTRACT BIJCMlI IS THE GREAT DIURETI0, i AHD Is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder, Gravel, Dropsy, OrganicTCeafiness.Female "«i. General Debility, f And. all diseases of the Kidneys Com- Urinary ; Whether existing in Jlaleor Feniale,. from wliatev.e r cause originating-, and.npmatter b'fiio.wjong standing. ' If no treatment ia submitted to", 'Gonsiiujption or In,-r sanilymay ensue. OurMeih.andJBiood aie supported from these sources, and the Health and Happiness and' that of Posterity depends "upon prompt'use of a.relia- 1 ble remedy, ' [ HELMBDLB'S; Extract . Establishedilnpward^ of IS 1 years'f P'reparedby \ JPil - 1M~SOUTH 10th;St;. PA. Price 11.25 pei bottle, or Sir for$6 I ' - ' • . - . ' £ - . . - ' . ^ > •'-- 1 vc: /lf ' EVERYWHERE. ','' None are ! genuln'e unless done'up'ln a st-,, 4 n--ta-i- wrapper, with f«c-simile of my chemical warehouse, ant signed : H. T; HBEMBOLD. (38-22-ly-d*w) „> .-• MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE THE NORTH GRANVILLE FEMALE . •..a;;.... -2-^'SKmtN-A:gt^ TH G "Will commence its -FpnjteentU -Annual Session, on Tuesaaji.'SepE,8'th.'. ioi"Catalogue "or further partiou- 'w. "VKJROV^D'i '&' S, Principal, N. Granville, N.Y. INSTITUXEt "AtlGlayerack,^. Y.-UsFliSt-CHMS- Boarding School.— Term opens Segtember 7, .Nfirmal Classe»i tuition free. £, A. Mv Principal. 3TAMF0RD' -INSTITUTE.e^!pr Boys. Intelligent In- uctlpn,'; CJlwKtlan;* TrairilDg, : 6ymna«tlcs, military ariUfand'^bailng. -isth year begins September 7. Send for circular, tfc. G. : Wira"0X, A. I t , Btamford, Ct. STA structi diUf ' "1" . 1 iGENTS WiNTED For th8.Stan*ttd.iin4;9ftcI»l Lives of 8EYM0TFR & ULAIRi A book for every library and.a ifork of pres- ent intere»fcan4;p,ermanent :talog.r. No Democrat or Conservative can-do without ft'^.or have a just under- standlng-pf t)i|is»,ues"|beforethe country without resd- Ing it. Agents are everywhere finding it the best op- portunity to make money ever 1 offered; Send for circu- lars ana Bee'^ur liberaTterms and a full desctipUpn pf the;fork.; A'a>essf:OTltED. STATBB PUBLISHING CO., ill Bioome' Street, N. Y. .ftiiNXS WANTED ' for the Standar*iBaOfficialilfe of Hon. B0B.UY- LBR, OplZE'A\X. Indispensable to a justTinderstand- lng «f 'th'efbliticaVlisues of ttie d»y*na endorsed by the ;2eaaerrof the EepublicaS;psSty., The claims of this ! BtatesmSn to the gfatitude.of-. the nation are BO clearly set forth in-this volume,, that npnepf his admirers can yafford'to-beiwlthorit.acdpy. Sendfor circulars and see our liberal terms, and a full descfipticn pf this great work.- <Address'- 'UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., No; 411Bro,ome_St.-,,ifew:!3r6rfc A curious Book TAiiv R. R. * ; A beautifully illustrated book-worth a thousand dol- larei-sent free on receipt of 50 cents by addressing ' . . : . ' • Dr. JOHN' VANDERPOOL, So. S0!«iintpjiiKlace,,New Tprk bity. ST.- ii'otris.&'mo ••"'. •„ -cpwesmif^. ;. , ^Seven'^er cehfcfi'rst mortgage bonds. February and Augustcpupofls. Tiejearnings of the completed Boad toJBllotKno.b. ai'4-nowTOpre than the interest on the en- tire mortgage." The proceeds of these bonds are adding -tb-the-seourity-every-day. Over $8^000,000 have been spent on the property, an^d not over $2,000,000 of bonds ia/ued" thus far. The constantly increasing traffic of carrying Ore, with the.prospect of controling all the trav- el from. St. Iiouis to. the Southern' States, ensures an enormous income. The Directors 'Own eight-tenths of the stock for investment and are Interested to enrich the p/operty as well as to economize its expenses. , . ' ' THOS, AlifeEN,, President, St. Louis, Mo. We, the undersignedj cprdially recommend these 7 per cent inortgageDondsof the St. Louis andiron Moun- tain Railroad, asagood security. The Revenue of the Eoad will be large, and the administration of the affairs of-the Company is in capable and experienced hands, and; is is'entitled'to the greatest confidence of the pub- lic-. James/Si Thomas, Mayor otSfcLbuis. John 3\ Hoe* Pres't St. Iiouis Chamber of Com. ' 30; W. Eox, President St. Eoffls Boa'rdi of Trade. fiarton.Bates.JRres. North MissouriBailroad. ;JT. H. Britton, Pres. Nat"Bank-dE'State of Mo. Vfm. Iii Ewing, j r e s . of the Mer. N. B. of St. iquls. Gep. H. EeajPfes. Second National Bank, St. h. Jas. 33. Eads; Chief Eng. St. "louis and 111 BrUge Co. ffeo. •yy.-Tsylor,- Pres'..l?acific:Mlroad (of Mo.) AVm. Tassig,.Pres/ Trader's Bank-, St. louis. John K. Iflonberger, Pres". T. % Bank, St. Louis. Adblphas ifeihr, .\ice,,PrBS. U. P^fic Eailroad, Kofiert BartbvEres. 'German SavliigslnEHtiUtion. 'Sew Yorfc References. . -Ik D. Morgan'.& Co.;" J". H.. Swift •; Isaac N. Ehelps ;— W. V.Brady ;-S:iGandy; W. T. Bloage'tt; A. R. Eno : Geo. DiPhelpB. Pamphlets with details can be had at the New "£ork Agency. Alimited number of'ISonus will be sold at the low price of S5; giving the accrued interest to the buy- er. Parties living out of the "city^ not having corres- pondents here," caasendtheirfunds to.-the Cashier of theiank'of the State, 61 NewTork, and bonds will be returned by-express free of charges. H. G..SIAKQTJANP., Vice President, 43 WallSt . ; p 'CheinicalEleeJbrq Silver "Plating Flnicl' makes worn out platedwareasgoodasnew. Bpr saie by druggists. S^"'trials^nt fi^eby Mail on receipt of •25;cents to p^y: fdr bUcIciaig _ and. EPst^e. Address jr. BHA¥, CuemlsV 30 Eil'Sfeet,, BrMgpprt^ Conn,-- Agents wanted e^fejTKWliere: ^.' Wilttnfi lo wftili tittitofi-a diy atiLe rats of J5 will 'findsteady employment by calling,.on""or adufesslng Secretary o.filie^eclianics.ana'iEatlers-SxcBaTige. No. BAND Ana will sell more for the money than any $1 CONCERN'IN-THE COUNTRY 'Oaf indiiceinente-fqr forming Clubs are -more than double that of SLny.-estabfianrnent "in the Country Kor the proof of this 1 assertion, .please examine our terms toAgents; which; are as follows :*'.• Kead carefully'and-comparewitfi. the^ierms lor getting up clabs asadvertisedby other establishments. Any person.sending us- Two Ddiiars- caa receive for the same a selection from the following,'articles: Two (not one) 5Qi>ict~uf e Morocco AlbuSs^ % Eatrs (not one pair)ofObhgress Boots, 2 piecea"(n6t l')-6f'Pants Sat- tern,3 (not 1)-.5. bottle .Hevolrffis Castor, S (not 1} -trorstr edOBreasmst Shawls, of anj-2 atades \notl)"trom our exchangejist.. . . • We will alsoisena 20 printed notices of articles for sale at-^ieacli. ." r , Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the •same a- selection the following articles: .lS.ydsi&eliaine,,l:white marseilles <juiit, 2 (notl) 100 view Turkey- Morocco Albums., ,20 yds. Sheeting* Wool , Sfluare. Shawl, 2 seta (not lj Gold. Bosom Studs, .2 (not 1) -Hair Suara.-.Ghainsi with gbia'piated trimmings. (The trimcungs of-these chains-are advertised by other coh- cefiis-as Gold, which-is a deception, as they, are all of them.gpldplftedf) ,2 (not.l) silver plated, chased Butter Dishes:; .2(not l)siver plStedj .5 bottle Hevolvihg Cas- tors,,2 sets (notl) EteemiadedEnivesand^oris, 2 (not 1) Worsted Promenade Shawls, 3 (npt one) laaies' long gbld plated Chains, 3'-(no? 1) ladles;" EdUtt gold"Double Kings, 2(notl)gents heavy ctiajed gfti'd plated Rings. (These i-incs are advertised-by other "concerns as solid gold; which" is a fra;ild Ugon"the.public.)".' 3"(not lj black Wprk Boxes of writing, oekss, 2 (np* 1) extra quality balmorajfgkirts, 2 sets (not 1) of Jewelry andEleeve But- tons to match, 3. (not 1> superior Turkey Morocco Shop- ping gags,. 2-pairSj (not 1) ladle? Balmoral Boots. We will also sena 40 "prinfieunotices of articles for sale at $1 each; ' •_-iny-person sending-Pive.Dollarsi (not sis) can re- ceive fdr'tBejaihe a Eeiection;fforiitBe'follbwVnganicies: A;b'lackbr((pred. Alpacca Dress Pattern or a Voplia Dress Pattern, 1 Piece"Qr^rowior Bleached' Sheeting, 1 engraved^bc bottle,. Eevolying Castpr, £ yds, super- fine Oassimera^extra heavy, .large sized White Quilt, 1 pai^Gent's Calf Bppts,4yds good wool frocking 2 (not l)'b|st-quality Balmoral Skirts,,a& eight day Clock made lbygetb;Thpni4|,4yas dbubie Wiath cloth for ladies' ;sack8Prchiiaren!s4wear, a silver plated cake or'card . baslcetj.furijnuffoEcapej-woprpr' lbn?g shawl, splendid clasp Ifamily-Bible, 4 yds (not r 8)''double- width water proof.cloaking,. 2;sets,, each, (not one)- Ivory Handle . Enlyesi,.witb safer plateoV.I'orks, I set df Lace Curtains. :" JV&'wiU alsOi.Een* 60t -printed notices of arScles for sale at one dollar-each. " T"_ " ' - - - Any person sending Ten> Dollars can- receive for the same asfetectionfronv the following .articles: 7yds (not ; i i d o u b l e ^dtn^fpjHi-3:orj.cloaKing of coating, 3 (hot2i , blea^, cloths with 2 (not ]^ dozen linen ; damasS-riaplnHsf38'yc(s'(n'bt 25)"hemp carpeting, 18 Vds. ; extra quality blick;o.rppioi-ed^lfiacca-dressiatternsjli yds extra qualjty-ppglm dress jgattei-Bs, silver hunting cased watca, mew CSot second hafiaed);, 2'" ads (not 1) ivory handledsteelcbladed knives and forks, I pr supsri- or wool blanketSinice farmuff and cape,'%(npt 1) en- • gfayea silver plated Ice Eftcnes-ii 9 yds (not ilfT) wool cassimere for suit, 2doz, (npti); Bpgers' best Slver 2. toiis, common sense sewing machine (the real article nota basg.imitation as used by, ptlier concerns), 4 r (not 3>%oneycdmb^uilts,;2 (adtl) splendid clasp -Family Bi- "bles; ' ~ * Wewe will also send printed notices, for 120' articles for-saleat one dpllareach. Foriarger : -cluJ3S th| vSlue tBe same ratio. Our stoclfof. Qoodsisailnewand in good order. The quality of -the goodsisietter than those used by any :o;tSercpncefn in the country. We are of the obinipn -that, ofter rea,ding-;tlie,abpve adverjisement, spnte parties ; will! come tp.the" conclasipn that .they Cha-ire *een gf psslv swindledby. "some of the concernsinthis citt. We cannotpffertptheperspn sending U3 the largest ampunt pf mpriey fpr a month, a din of mpney pr w%tches,_asthatis .aviolatlonof the'lawagainst lotte- ri#:-.-But-in aBtoibu'to the ibove. liberal terms, we will sell-to-Sriy Phe-whp-may s send U3 ten dollars, eleven ar- ticles-from our exchange sent in pne order - and ror $20 we will sell' 22 article's from "our exchange «c+_.Qii.-+^..uQsejit in one order. address. P. Si—Agents, vill please" nolify us 1 *iia"t' firms bave agents in ttieir town or city and tHev ^ill receive 6m- most sincere thanks. _ ._i'HPS. i.'KENNO * GO. "TBToa." Si.&Si: Kim Street, Bostdnj Mass, 00. 212 Broadway, - ' ..-". ' - " i ' . ' y - '•'.'• ' * ; * - AU forms of MeandlndOwment Policies issued. 'J-'Uircy days gracealiowed-^niJaymeijtorprenilTiina. Note '.takenif6fi)ae'-'haif s bhe : premium. ' All policies non forfeiting after two years. AJlpolicies incontestable after five years. Dividends declared and paid annually. The last pividenckon Eife Policies ifas, SO.per cent. '"V - : '-- ' • » '• ••' XAIMES-SISIONDS, Agent, Great WestemiEailway Office, •i , - i in,- Ogdensburg, N. Y. CiOCV COJBliECTOK.'^, NpTICJE. IS KEjpftPGFVfEN' "tCK-Al! .THE) HNDER- _ .. signed nasTecgiyed tBe Assessment andTax Jtoll >r ot tU&'2iUy-of' Ogdensburg, foritie -year i86B, and will at- fj<(n^l^lfie Bank of Averells & CHapinah, in "said city, for SO days from this date, Sundays excepted, to receive sald'-taxes., 'WH. FBfiKESS, Collector. D«tta July 21, 186S. (a&wlm)

Transcript of Cl)c path) Joucnu! - NYS Historic...

Page 1: Cl)c path) Joucnu! - NYS Historic · Syrup for children 4eething,r^eS;BlCk. and weile bhildren strong •andiiealchy;,


Mb«ior Bailey'* Quieting! Syrup forchildren 4eething,r^eS;BlCk. and weile bhildren strong•andiiealchy;, Iglyeaino'thers rest day" >aiid night. Is a

1 quisling mecuciiie foi* children. Only 25. cents. Sold by• Druggists. . . " ' . • , ' ' . , i (del2d*wly)

Soldjpj J,p.,8pragjie,.. ' . . . 1

ANTIQUITY OP BKAJJD KETH'3 H L I S .Age-is not ameritj only as a sign of Intrin-

sic worth.- . " ••" • •' iThe really-useful article lives on with a strong vitality

the ;paor one languishes for la time and' then goes out ea-sily. Brandreth's CPiUs are' even precrlbed by great phy-sicians -when the bowels-call loudly"--for1 help, becausetuey-inevor-fail to operi.and .give relief. •

Hundreds of thousands would-conslder; It n calamity if. thesesafa family Pills could nob be obtained. It liasbeen officially settled:that,mor.e of Branareth's Pills areHold than all other pill3 put together. Merit sells them

•' 'Brajutoth's Pills possess qnalitees which restore every organ ana fiber in the body t.o perfect health; arepurely-vegetable and safe for every period of life.

•Principal'Agency,Brand?eth House, New York.See"tD. Braridreth,"-in-white letter's, in the Govern?

ment stamp. : 'Soldby all Druggists. , . (jy2ia&wlm)

"Consumption l' certainly cured as In-termittenttent Fever, and as certainly pre-ventea as'Small Pbx.'^Kev.'Chas. E. King,H V T X , i i L , ! > . , e t c . " ' • ' •

KIN G'S • ,


Jiacie from the prescription of Rev. OHAS. B.Kisa, M. D.I.L. D., Ac, for the prevention and cure of

CONSUMPTION'"For the Raflicalcure of Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh,andall affections of the Lungs, Throat anflAir. Passages ; forGeneral and Special Derangements of the Nervous Sys-tem ; for Disorders of theBlooa ; and for-all functionalDisorder of the Stomach and Bowels. ,

The Prepared Prescription increases the strength ana, deepens tfie color of the pale blood. It subdues the Fe-

ver and Chills ancl diminishes the expectoration. Itcheelcs the night sweats alwayB in from seven to four-teen days. The appetite is invigorated and the patientrapidly gains flesh; the cough and difficult breathingare speedily relieved ; the sleep becomes calm and re-freshinsr; the evacuation regular and uniform. All the

;ripti ..... .whatever name known, in which there is exhibited anyderangement of the nervous or blood systeins. I t is un-equallea In female disorders, scanty or SuppressedMenses, "Whites, &c. . (

The Prepared Prescription Is both the best and mosteconomical medicine that can be taken. , The average

toratlon; "Tonics" for the Appetitlte or the Weakness;Iron for the Blood; Anodynes for the nervous Irritation,Acids for the Night Sweats ; or Whiskey or Cod l iverOil for the wasting. Its Specific Action is upon the Con-stitutional. Condition, ana through this condition uponhe whole series of Symptoms.. '

STATEMBSS FROM PATIENTS,; &c.College Hill, Cincinnati :^-I was in the last stages of

Consumption. In ten days after taking the Prescriptionmy Chills, Night Sweats, Fever & c decreased and final-ly altogether disappeared. A mere Skeleton before,uoV-wellstoredwitii flesh, i l y restoration is a marvelto all who know mei^Mrs. C I i . Wright.

Ipn r Prescription saved my daughter's. life and hasprobably savedme hundreds of dollars.—Rev.E. Humph-reys,,Kemsen, N. ¥.

"We bless Go&for the- benefit we have received fromyour Prepared Prescription.—-Rev. ? . Peregrine, Bloss-burgh, Penn.

Every one to whom I have recommended it has bene-utted, much by Us-use.—5ev. C. D. Jones, Racine, Wis.

The Prepared Prescription is put up in a $1 bottle, andIs sola in Ogdensburgh-by J. C..Sprague,.arid B. O. Lam-

circular, containing testimonials-of many cases success-fullv treated, will be sent free, by mail, to ;all who willwrite for it. (stMOd&weowly)

1S0S. 1S4T." 1SC8.In 1S02 the grandfather- of Dr., Tobias.introduced the

Venetian Liniment in England. It.was- a success althothe price was a Guinea a Bottle His. late Majesty Will-

' lam IV, oseait for Chronic Bheumatismandwas entirelyciired^ after suffering for two years, his attending phy-sicians being unable to effect a cure,.and, he" wrote a let-ter of thanks which is now in possession of my uncie

- in Liverpool. X have offered £100 sterling for that letterbut it was refused. In ISiTIputit out in! the United

- States, and now, in 186S, the sale is immense. Thou-sa-itls o? 'similles are oever-'wItiioTi.fclt. At i3 safe and, in-nocent to apply externally or taKo internally. F.or 21years X liave Tra^razitecl Ic to ciire tlie following eom-plalnts: Oliolei'a, Diani&ea,. Bysentery, Croup, Oollo,Cramps, Tomltliig- and Sea SI'cJmess, xalcen internallyand Olll'dtllc SlieuMfilism, ButriS, "GlltS, MlSeS, OMSores, TQoshache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, Insect Stings,and. paras in the GJiest, ISack: and Ijimbs, externally;.. I tnever Tails if utfecT a4 affected ; for Cholera or Dysen-tery it is certain, if usea when first attacked. No oneonce trying it will ever be without it.

SOIM by Druggists. Price 50 ct3 Ana $1.Depot, No. 26 Cortlandt SS.,.New York. Sold by all

ha Druggists and Storekeepers. (jy21d3taw&wlm)PilOF- ECASITLTpN'S 3lTGAR-C0A.TEB JlOOT AND rn^wr

BiLLS^-purely vegetable* and are tlie best in nse. Theycleanse the-stomach-, purify the blood and' prevent dis-ease. Physlycians use them; and all who try them willuse none others- Sold everywhere and by B. 0. Lam-phear:, Qggensftttrgh. , - , C8T-S-ly3_

[ HOW iOST J ; IT.0W SECTORED'!Just published,-in a- sealedenvelope. Price six cent3.

AJLecture .on the Natural Treatment and Radical Cureof Spermatorrhea, or Seminal TVealcnesSj InvoluntaryBmissionSj-Sesual Debility and. Impediments to Mar-riage generally; Nervousness, 'Consumption, Epilepsy,and Eits^; Menial and Physical Incapacity, resultingfrom Self Abuse, Ac , byKobt. J, Oulverwell,, M. D., an-thor of fehe Green Book, &c.

A Soon to Thousands of Sufferers.Sent under'seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,

postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stampsto OHAS. J. C. KLINE & 00.,12'r Bowery, New York,E03t Office Box 45S8." Also.Br. Culyerweli's Marriage Guide; Price 25 cent*


JTO XiS-eiies,—-If you require a reliable remedy,.why notussthebesl? Experience has proved that

P% MASTER'S FXOVALBPILLS ' ;;Haye no ecrnal,. They are safe and sure in ordinary cases;'

- Srice $1.. per-box. I'J>&, BARYE'i'S GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS

four degrees stronger thun the above,' are intended forspecial cases, and may alway3:be relied on-;

Price Five Bollars per Box.^"I l lus t ra ted private circulars sent free, Enclose

stamp.if you cannot procure the Pills enclose the money and

aa3ressr Dr. J .SSYA5.S6 East 13 Stieet, N&iriy:ork,.SaSthey ff111 be sent free from observation by return lifail,

(ap2SaaStaw&wly).BATOHBLOfi'3 MAIS. DYE. ,

•This spIendid'Hair I>'ye is the bestin'the world I Theonly true and perfect Bye. Harmless, Reliable, Instan-taneous. No disappointments. No ridiculous tints.—.Natural Black or Brown. Semeaiesthe ill effects of baddyes. Invigorates the fisir, leaving It soft and beanti-lul;. Sie-genuine Is signed William A. Batchelor. Allothers are mereimitations, and should Be avoided. Soldby all druggists and perfumers: factory 8i Barclay Sji,,Hew Tori. (detdAwly)

-. 'oiiiy 25 Celits aflixr I/a-irge JJottleau^-Mb'th-er, Bailey's Quieting Syinip for children, which greatlyasslatB.the child through fee month r of teetfilfag, allaysall. pain, reduces inflammation, 'corrects acidity of theSt6mach,,and Ee'verfails toiregnlato' the Bowels. oldpy all Bruggiste. Sold by J. C.'Sprague. ,-

K S T h e best medicine in the' pbrld if l)r.. tangley's.Soot and Herb Bitter s^rrlong a-triedVandsfeantiard remedyfor Liver Gomplaints, Biilious diseasssj Humors of -theBlooa and Skin, Jaundice and Dyspepsia, Indigestion,postiveBess^ Headache, -and all diseases -arising *from Dis-bfdered'Stomacbj Tbrpid'Tiiyer; or Tinpure Bioqd. Theycleanse the.System, purify and new-create the blood,re-Btoretheiappetite, build up and strengthen'• the wholebody.. &E0. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston. Sold byailDraggiats C°°hlTda;w6m)

BATCHELOS'S HAIR D T C Iaaifa splendid Hair-Dye is the -besfrln' the.-world; the

onlytrue'and perfect Dye ; Tiarml'ess, relia>le*and ih-atantaneous; no disappointment;' no ridiculous tints;remedies the ill effect of bad dyes ; invigorates andleaves the hair soffcand beautiful.iblacklor1 .brown. Soldby all Druggists and Eerfumersi kha:properly'applied atBatchelpr's Wig factory, 16Borid,st.y'New York.

• • • • : I[ap3dtw6m]


Honied friends and ail the enjoyments of .life seem in-finitely mora dear to.the sufferer from nefvouajdebility.When the pr'bablUt-y is that ere long, he must leave theiri.forever, .̂ yhen-the health has become impaired,;and thestrength is fillfcg^then life loots mMe..,alluiing. Stim-alants are the' oalyjne'aiis bt 6£restprationan- cases ofneriyiras-debility. 5?he.great difitculty' has "been to pro-,vide a stimulant gofsessing not. billy medicinal merit,b6t one aJKrding permanent relief - I t Hpstetter's Sto-

•' inach Bitters .is te'tforted to in-such .cases,. -Its', -berieficlar'effects wiitspb'n be.cbme' apparent In ,the .buoyancy "ofspirits, and renewed strength of. thfejhitherto: dejected

' patient.' JJsperience.-Jiijs -proved this (preparajtijn to be•'The"' Kem'edy'of the" Age,",foi SerArjb.iis peb'ilityj as wellas all. diseases.arislngfrpia;a;erangeinent of -the stomach

• ijeTa'ohs; idyancf ,d in Jife,"iano>fe,eling 'tHe, handi of time'weighing' iesvily fipon,'jheni^.jfjlth-ffll, its-'- attendant ills;wlil'finoiin the "ns'e or^ostetter 's Celebrated'StomacTi-,BitterB—an-elixir that will instil new life fnfo theirveins ; Ire'stoje", In a measure, the,-.ardor and .energy ofmore youthful days ; build up their .shrunken -firims andgtve-h'ealta-and1 vigor to. their remaining years..; Thosewho are In the "least 'ainEctea -rrfth. Dyspepsia^ Agnejianguor,.ilauseav or any other''troublesome and dan-gerous sllseai8e» system/should'1-nbt:he3itate to. avail-.themselves of the benefit Jleriveafromthisgreatremedy. -The immense quantitiesiof thisinvalaabls tonic > are: "consumeaj and whic^i's stead-;1

ily, increasing year by y'eari is sufficient In lts§lfj todia-1

arnj themost.fikepticah • ' ' '(au5dij?2w)i'•'

uujer, and die, necause of Pin Worms~ 3%e'o,nly effect-rial remedy for these moat troublesome, and dangerous ofall wo'fms in'chiloren pf adults, Is found iH I>r.;iQould'3Pln-WprnvSyrup., purely,vegetable,safeandcectain.-

^GO'ODWIN & W . , Boston, and all Druggists.


Sewing Machines.

We ar,o Baving a great many inquiries fo;sewing machines from various parts of tie coun-try, and as we cannot conveniently reply ito themall by mail, we have thought it proper'to stateour opinion in regard to them in this, publicmanner. We have used "Wilson's i patent,,man-ufactured by the Wheeler & Wilson Manufac-turing Company, and we can say in regard to itthat it is without a rival.

It is simple, not easily put out of order when

in proper hands, and, in point of effectivenessand finish, no other maqliine stands ahead of it.This famous Sowing Machine is highly appreci-ated the world over. We state this mudi in regard to the excellent machine upon our own responsibility.

The Company lave made and sold during thelast three months about 13,000 machines, andare now producing and selling: 150 ,por clay."—Scientific American.

Dodds & Hutton, 61 Ford Street, are agents

for the Wheeler & Wilson machines in tfiis city.


(J^ are two special qualities wlaich de-termine and fix the superiority of Mrs. Si A. Al-len's Now Style, improved Hair ! Restorer orDressing, in one bottle, over all other prepara-tions for the the hair. First, the prompts, quickaction, great growth, life and vigor that it issure to give to the Haii^ never failing, by a fewapplications to restore Gray or White Hair toits natural color, imparting to the1 Hair a de-lightful aroma, fr.esh, delicate and unchangeablein any climate. Second, its easy applilcatjon,without any previous preparation of the! Hair;without that sticky and disagreeable sulphurodor found and oomplamed of in all other pre-parations. It never soils the skin orlinen. La-dies will find it a standard toilet luxury to dresstheir Hair. It retains the Hair in any desiredposition, and is cooling healing and'cieanslng tothe scalp, removing immediately all scurfj dand-ruff, and pimples.

Price §1. Sold by all Druggists.(jlSdt

FINANCIAL.—Phalon's Flor de Mayo, tlie newperfume for the handkerchief, ig creating con-siderable excitement among the five-twienties,also among the sweet sixteens. Sold by alldruggists. |

LOOK AT THE RUINS.—Aye, look at the ru'iusof what were once magniicent sets of teeth, tobe seen everywhere in sojiety. Look ait themand ask yourself if itisjpt marvelous that suchdestruction is permitted, .when by simply usingSozodont, any teeth, ilWever fragile, may bepreserved from decay orblemish as long as lifelasts. , . I

Spalding's Glue is nsoul in every house.

•' 'S ' i '<•:," -•-.

ASIATIC 'piOLERA.lhe Strongest Proof t Intrinsic Merit.

Dear Sir: I should Laveiaknowledged long ago thebox of Pain Killer you had; ae goodness to sjind melast year. Its coming was mot providential. I ibelievehundreds of lives were savea,under God, by iti Thecholera anpeared here soon afer we received i l Weresorted at once to the ]?ain illler, using as tfcectedfor Cholera. A list was kept.c all to whom th« I'ainKiller was given and our natie assistants assured usthat 8 out of every 10 to wh'oi it was prescribed, re-covered. It has, too, been v,e? useful in various otherdiseases. It has proved an ijnalculable blessing io mul-titudes of poor people throughot all thi3 region. Ournative preachers are never w,iing to go iout on theirexcursions without a supply of he P.»in Killer. Itgivesthem favor iii the eye3 of thepiple, and access ito fam-ilies and localities by whom fcterwUre thdy wotihl bovery indifferently received, i '

Believe me, dear sirs, gratefuV audt faithfully yours,; . M, JOHNSON,

[ jy21d3j»w&|Wlm] Missloary at Swafcw, Ohlna.

OHKONIO DISEASES, SOUOnlA, ULCERS,, &c.It is well known that the bepets derived fromi drink-

ing of the Congress, Saratoga,£nd other celebratedSprings) 13 prinQip&py owing vf-vt xociine fiey wnttrtli,

I)n IT. ANDJSK'3 lOpIS TTATBK"Contains Iodine In the same pursfcate that It Isi foundill these BPrinsTTTaters. tout b,ver"t0 per cent: inore In

quantity, contalnjiig, as it does Ingrains to eaclk. iiuttlounce, dissolved in pure water, irliout a solvent!, a dis-covery long- sought Tor- in this coatry and Europe^ anUthe best remedy known In the wtfil for Sdrpfula, Dan-cers, Salt Kheum, TOcers, and aUfironlc diseases. Cir-culars :free. '-*" |li. ,

Br. H. Anders' Ioaine "Water iifcgaleby 3. P. DINS-MORE, Proprietor, 88 Dey St., Ni \ and by all Drug-gists. (jy2dlaw&w4w)

m o t l i . i r B y l t e g S y r n j j t l»egreat quieting remedy for chtldreil teething, aUays allpain, cures windcolic, convulsion^jiping, &c. Largelottles 25 cents. Sold by Druggists.Sold by J . C. Sprague.

" fcOTIION,»

*For Eeanflfying the. Skin and lomplesion,


Eruptions, jUrecMes,, Pinvples, Motfflotclicsi Tan,€&c, alia the, Sldin Soft, Fair oai\£lo'oming.

J?or ladies \n the Nursery it is invalWe.

3?or Gentlemen-after Shaving it baa;tsequah

"Paphian lotion" is .the onlyreliableiiimedy for dis-eases and blemlrtes of the Skin. V !

. " P A P H I A N SOip» tot the• Toilet, Nursery" and Bath-. Win v>t chap theSkin. iTice 25 cents per cake, j

Vlor «le M a y o , tFlor dc Mayo. |

A NewJPerf umejor the Handkerchief. ISiquisEle, Del-icate, last ing Fragrance. PHATiONl4 SON, NewYork. Sold by all Druggists. (inWldeodly)

' " ~ ' |

A:m: e r i c a n HOJHsie,. BOBTON, MASS.IBBX CLASS HOUSK rs 1

. tS^^ertlcal Ballway, Suites and Singlel-Aprfiments,with "Brining and Tyater conveniencies lewnecting:Billnird Halla, Telegraph Office and Cafe. 11

(jeUatuVtb>s-3m) ' . tiSSiTS KICM! S SON.


Glove Cleaner"Will.

• clean 3£fd ©lores, withoutinriTJjr tlie ~hi6st delicate coloranil, is •entirely free from

*ny Odor. ; }

The Gloves can be clea nod on the hand anil t*i 'n. Immediately. Onebpttje.n 'ill save you the pricedf'a doz-en pairs of Gloves. \

For sale by all Druggis ts and Fancy Goods Dealers.iVoi-ic genuine wii ;Siout tlie signature o

%.rC. 'TOEI.'&S *"•' CO;, lS2'P«lton Sfe.lK.T.,i "" ? . * - • • ' . 'iybolesiOepigents


.,- Are sole4gentspia 'Qgdehsbu tg, for tlie

' F a m i l y B-avor t f i6»-«Wc( id M^ieMne,

The simplest and best. . L east liable to • eetoiitofordei•andithe best Hemrner-,-8tifc.'her,ahd Tell £ : Infuse. ThAgencyjof the "Weed Macfibieflrnoff at o'n r's.'om InsteasfatJ.AUendorph's'.Wiprinerly. > • • " ' ,

l=K*An OM Fiivbr.fiS, ttfcSand approve d'foi!:years

p»U'beforepurcfAslngeisewh'ereand » etchine irad a good 'pargain.

nraniroartv *. •» .-,-.

Iiy28d4wly]•"""—•-«« a. . (VIISOW,

No. 6 Eagle Block, , Ogdembwrg.

Cl)c path) Joucnu!OGDENSBUKG, N. Y.

L O C A L A N D M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

F i r s t Ward Republican Caucus.

A caucus of the Kepublicans of tlie First .Ward

of the 'City of Ogdensburg, will be held at

Lyceum Hall, on Saturday evening, August 15th,

at TJ o'clock, for the purposo of choosing dele-gates to the County and] Assembly DistrictConventions. r. BOBKRTSON,

Chairman of Ward Com.

Second Ward Caucus.

The Republican electors of the Second Ward

of the City of Ogdensburg are requested to meet

at Engine House No. 2, in said Ward, on Friday

evening, August 14th, at 8 o'ciock, for the pur-

pose of choosing delegates to the approaching

County and First Assembly District Conventions.

GARDNER B.CHAPIN,Chairman Second Ward Com,

Third Ward Republican Caucus.

A caucus of the Republicans of the Third

Ward, will be held at the. Town Hall, on Satur-

day evening, August 15th; at half-past seven

o'clock, for the purpose of chopsiDg delegates

o the. County and Assembly District Conven-

tions, s. FOOTE,Chairman Third Ward Com.

, Aust 12,1S68. •

A Sound Democrat.

A Democrat of life-long standing said in our

iresence on the 11th : " I tell these peopte that

the negro question ia settled, and settled right.Reconstruction is a fixed fact andl don't want it

disturbed. What we want now is legislation to

Improve our finances. We can't have that by

epudiation or paying the bonds in greenbacks,

don't want the currency depreciated so that I

will have to go to market with it basket of green-

backs to buy as much meat as I can carry home

n a skewer. If Hr. Seymour had stopped with

is Cooper Institute speech he would have been

ill right. But in accepting the nomination on the

few York Platform shows that he can turn too

'astfor me /." This man is a sound Democrat. He

ees that the success of the Democratic party on

he platform of paying the bonds in greenbacks

vill ruin our finances. • For the moment that we

gree to that, gold will go up higher than at any

!me during the war, and all kinds of merchan-

iiaeandthe necessaries of life will follow suit.—

!he men who work upon salaries or by day labor

ave suffered enough from depreciated curren-

iy. Their interest lies in tho success of that

arty which seeks to make every dollar of

lOncls and greenbacks worth a dollar in gold.—

'hat is what the Kepublicans aim to do, and any

ne who has common sense, can see it. Demo

rats who want a sound currency will vote for


Another Sound Democrat.Another life-long Democrat declared in our

reseuce, on Tuesday, 11th, his determination

• vote for Grant. He said, * lI riave always been

.Democrat bat I like- Grant. 3-te v,-as a goodman for us during tlie war and I don'fc believe

e lias changed since. I believe he \i llio best

an, for the country and I have made up my

mind to vote foi1 him. Soj'inour1 may be a goodnma but he has never done anything for theountry and Grant has." So it goes. Every

emocrat who has honor enough to tell his con-

•ictidns, and common sense enough to discern

hat J3 best lor the country, will talk and voter Gets. Grant.


A friend,who is always making a.good sugges-ion, asks us to call attention of tree owners to.lie presence of caterpillars nests in their fruitroes. By cutting off the limbs infcstecl andurning them they will prevent the spread of ot>-oxious and destructive vermin.

Magique and Musicale.

Prof. Haselmayer, Escamateur and Enchanta-

naagin to the King of Prussia, will give two

3ntertainments in thi3 city, at Eagle Hall, on

3fonday and Tuesday evenings, August 17th and

8tb. This gentleman, unlike other illusionists,)8i'forms his wonderful feats on a narrow plat-

orm in the midst of the audience. He has the

eputation of the most successful Professor of

;he Black Art. ,The Goblin Drum is one of the

iOst incomprehensible mysteries of the present

;ntufy. The Professor is really the only first-

:lass Necromancer we have had this way in

ears. See advertisement.

Black Ben.

Benjamin Christian, who has flourished in this

icinity since 1812, is on his annual visit to the

urg." The old man begins to show the marksage. For several years past he has been an

inmate of the poor-housG,, coming to town only

the.summer season. In his younger days he

afforded more sport for the juvenile Burgers

han all other men together.

udge Smith Stilwell, now eighty-four

ears old, took from the St. Lawrence, a fewiles above the city, on Tuesday morning,, twen-

y-eight fine pike and pickerel.. The judg&- is the>est specimen of a hale and hearty old gemt in

his part of the State, can read without artificial

issistance, plays, a good game of billiards, can

ipoffc a fishing rodwith the best of anglers and

a sound Republican. He looks good for a

ound hundred yeara. .

I. O. ot G.T.At a regular meeting of Brasher Centre Lodge

o. 6401. O. of G. T., held August 8, 1868, the

'ollowing officers were duly installed for th>e en-

ding quarter:

W C. T.—Thomas Einney.W. ¥. T.—Miss Sarah. Wright,W. S.-^Geo/ge Jenninga."W\ F. S.—Thomas Jennings.• ^ <j.-^Miss Marion Dawson.W. I. G.-—Miss Eliza Buck.W. O. G.—I. R. Marsh.W. 0.—Nathan Stearns.W. A.. S.—Mrs. Lucinda Curtis.W. D. M.—Miss Sarah Raymond.W. R. H. S.—Charles Clark.W. It. Hi S.'-^Miss Ellen Dawson.

?To the Public.

The office of Dr. J..T. Newell, Dentist,, •will be

closed till further notice, on account of siiokness

an(lab3ence from town of the Doctor.

copies of its weekly edition, and expects to in-

cre«seit to2S0,0'00 before the close of the Pres-

idential canvass. Circulate the docuunenta and

sweU the Republican majority.

Ku Elux and'other Democratic in-s, who proj>ose:to spot those who vote

_for draat and Colfax, will be relieved of theirtrouble by "the TDegillatdrloY llabatoa, whichpropose: fa choose the Presidential electors.

Reuo, one of the Adains Express

robbers with a chummy named Charles Ander-

son, Was arrested at Windsor, Ontario, on Sat-

urday night, under the Extradition Treaty.^

A Seal in t he Genesee.

The Rochester Union says a large animal has

been repeatedly seen in the Genesee, below the

Upper Landing, within the past ten .days, and it

s confidently believed that it is a seal. Theseanimals are brought down from the frozen regions

of the north on icebergs and drift into the Gulf

of Sty Tiftwrence, This seal' <3ou.bflesg sough? fo

make his •wtvy baeTs to the regions of ice and

snow, fixitl "caistooli "tlie route, cominij into Ijaltc


Circus at Prescolt, To-Day.

Thayers & Noyes' Circus and| Menagerie of

trained animals, will exhibit at Prescott this af-

ternoon and evening. 'The grand entree," with the live lion riding out-

sidc of the cage, will be made about the time we

go to press. An arrangement has been made

with the ferry steamer to make a trip after the

close of the performance this evening, giving

such as desire to attend from this side an oppor-

tunity to do so and return to-night.! This is one

of the best establishments traveling, and will beworth visiting.

Supposed Attempt to Rescue Kennedy.

The County Jail was attacked by seven or

eight unknown men on Tuesday night, for the

purpose it is supposed, of rescuing Kennedy, the

murderer, who is sentenced to be hung|on the

20th. The jailor fired, his revolver into the

crowd several timed when they skedaddled. "We

understand the prisoner is now securely guarded.

Barn Destroyed by Lightning.

The barn of Joseph Worthingtonj in the town

of Adams, Jefferson county, was struck by

ightning on Saturday afternoon and consumed

by the fire thereof. Mr. Worthington lost a

horse and all.of his hay and grain, of which the

barn was filled.

e understand that the old gentlemen,

residing'in Prescott, who used to rejoice over

the victories of the rebels, and go into ectasies

over the piracies of the Alabama, is an ardent

supporter of Seymour. If the Tories of the Ca-

nadian Dominion could vote, they would go

unanimously for Seymour.

has given up all oppo

sition to reconstruction as at present accom-

plished, and will hereafter recognise the Sjime

us a fixed fact. Seymour and Blair and their

supporters threaten to destroy all this work and

plunge us again into revolution.

(g^The Democrats of*"New Albany, Indiana,

elected their mayor, on the*4th inst., over which

the Copperheads crow. The Republicans gained

WO votes over last year. That will do for South-

ern Indiana. •

iBet te r Spirit in Tennessee.

A meeting of ex-Confederate, soldiers was

held at Memphis, on Saturday night, 8th inst.,

and was largely attended. The action of the

Confederate Generals, at Nashville, was endorsed

and peace counsels warmly approved.:

Death of ThaddeiM Stevens.

Hon. Thadcleus Stevens died at Washington,

nt 12 o'clock on Tuesday night, in his 11th year.

TEJLECJrRAPJLNEW Tone, 21.—American Gold 1.46-g-.

PORT COLBOBNE, 12.—The following vesselspassed here to-day :

Prop. Cleveland, Chicago to Ogdensburg::—•Sohr. Frank Crawford, Saginaw to Ogdensburg.

PHILADELPHIA, 12.—The nags on the CustomHouse, Post Office, Independence Hajl, newspa-.per offices and many private dwellings, are athalf-mast, in honor of the memory of Hon. Thai?-deus Stevens.

WoitCESTER, 12.—Peter Mullin, section masterof the AVorcester and Nashua Railroad, wasthrown from a gravel car, at Groton Junction,this forenoon, by the sudden stopping of the.,train and killed. Michael Gethias was thrownrom the same train and seriously injured.

ST. LOUIS, 12.—Gen. Carey will leave herenext week for Upper Missouri, to perfect ar-rangements for the removal of the Indians intothe Northern reservations. He will make hisheadquarters at Fort Randall.

Gen. Sherman left for Omaha last night.

NASHVILLE, 13.—The Republican Convention

for this Congressional District met i yesterday,-and balloted for a candidate, the ballot standing:S. C. Mercer, 14; Trimble, 14; Prosser, 8; Har-rison, 2. Without taking another ballot, theConvention adjourned sine die.

The Republican State Convention met yes-terday but transacted no business.

CINCINNATI, 12.—The Democratic Congres-sional Convention of the fir3t and second dis-tricts of Ohio, to-day, nominated General P. W.Strader from first district for Congress. No can-didate for Congress was nominated from the sec-ond district, but Geh. Cary was endorsed andthe party was pledged to his support.'

LOUISVILLE, 12.—The Democratic Congres-sional Convention of the 3th district, of Kentuc-ky, to-day, nominated Boyd Manchester for Con-gress. -

LOUISVILLE., 13.—About 10 o'clock yesterdaymorning, a fire broke out in the southern wing ofTaylor Barracks, used as a hospital. ,

The laundress apartments, chapel 'and entirewing with its contents, were destroyed. The lossto the Government will be considerable.

NEW YORE, 13.—Fall details, by telegraph,from all parts of the country of the condition ofthe crops, are published. On. the whole thesereports are, cheerful. The following facts arededuced :

Wheat—This crop is larger than, last year.—In West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, i Missouri,Kansas, Utah, Colorado, Montana; Illinois,Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, New York, Pennsyl-vania, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts andConnecticut the quality is remarked as excellent^In Georgia, South.Carolina,- Alabama and Teiras, the reports are not so good, the yield beingindifferent. In Louisiana, ArkahsaSj ^Kentucky,Mississippi, Maryland, Southwestern Virginia,Central Tennessee, North Carolina, Delaware aadVermont the crops has been an average one.-,

Corn—From all portions of the country wehear that this crop is vary large, and ^he qualityremarkably good. The yield this year will befully one-thirdmore than lasfi* This is especiallyso in the Southern States. 1

Oats—In Kentucky, Tennessee,West Virginia,Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa,Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York and Illinois,especially in the latter States, the yie^d is largj,while in Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Plorfda,South Carolina, and the other Southern States,

it will not be mom than the .average, f'- THe *ain**e:Have,Md3ately have injured thecrop in New Jerseyj Pennsylvania, Delaware,Maryland and Maine and the yield will be less'than usual. ,

Barley.—The crop will be an average one.Hay.—More than the average crop will be re-

alized. In Pennsylvania, Ngjr York, I Indiana;Ohfo.^few Jersey, Delaware «ind Maryland theyield is very large and of excellent quality.

Cotton.-^-The reports about cotton jare veryencouraging. Fully an average yield islexpecred.In parts of Florida the caterpillar is doingsome damage.

Sugar promises well but very little was planted.Fruits are almoat a total failure,! especially in

the Middle States. The peach, crop will not behalf what it was last year. In [the extreme-South it looks better. In New jlork appleslook better than almost anywhere 'else.

The potato crop is generally large and good.A heavy mildew and lice have Killed hops in

Pennsylvania. ' !An unknown man, yesterday, while firing a

revolver into some logs, on Stauloii street, shota little girl named Mary Tierney. ' The latterdied shortly after. (

M. B. Ludington, a merchant of • Chicago, ar-rived hero, last night, in chargo of a detective,on a chargo of defrauding a firm of this city outof §6,000.

He attempted to escape on the route.DIABEETS.

. Nitw YOBK,12.

Ashes—Market nominal at 8.3'[email protected]—Market quiet at 29@29J for M. U.Flour—Receipts 9,138 bbls. Market

unchangedSales 8,000 bbls. at [email protected] sup. fine state

and -western 8.60@9./70 for choice ex. state ;'O^ll.OO for common to choice extra west-

ern; [email protected] common to good shippingbrands extra Round Hoop Ohio. ;

Rye flour quiet at 8.00@10.'7S. .Wheat—Receipts 25,000 bushels, Market

quiet.Sales 31,000 bush, of choice No, 1 Spring at

2.12; white Can. 2.60.Corn—Receipts 29,000 bushele. Market

higher.Sale3 146,000 bush, of choice mixed, western

at [email protected]. :

Oats steady at 82@83i for Western.Pork—Market closed dull.Sales 1,100 barrels at 28.'[email protected]'7 newmeae,.Beef quiet.

DIED.In thiB city, WedAesday morning, Aug; 12th, JERE-

MIAH BALDWIN, in his 76th year. 'Funeral from his residence on Denny St.,thia, (Thurs-

day) afternoon at hair past two o'clock. ' Mends andacquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend.

$2O R E W A R D .rpHE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID BY THEX undersigned for the conviction or information which

will ensure the "conviction of the party if ho robbed mylien Boost on"the evenirg.of the"ilthinafc

' ' , P. GOLDEN.Ogdensbarg, Aug, 12,1S6S. ' (au!3d3t)


or Eight Weeks. i . '(aul8dl«:) F. J. TALLMAN, Seymour House;


I WILL SECL UNTIL ' FCJKTHER NOTICE, T.HEjustly celebrated laclcawana Coal, at !the following

prices per ton j " • " > ;

Stove Size i $8.75Small Egg •, : j 8.65LargeEgg.. . . . . . . : . ' . . • ".. . . ; 8.50 .Chestnut '. S.50

J5P"8creened and sent outiji good condition.I


|3fBes t of Lehigb and Blosaburgh constantly onhand. • i

Also Sort and Har j Wood,(anlldtf) ' ' C. A. PAYNE.

300,000 WITNESSES'"




a, o li i XI e aAlffi THE BEST.

This Machine received the Highest Premium over 82competitors, at the Great Paris Exposition,


only one rcoeiral by any Sewing Machine Com-pany. - j

6 3 ? w h o intend purchasing Sewing Machinesshould call and examine the Wheeler k Wilson. It isunrivalled in excellence.

^^•Juage Melgs, Secretary of the American Institutesays: There is emphatically but one Sewing Machine,and'that is Wheeler A Wilson's. I am thoroughly satis-fied of the fact andhave-recently purchased one for myown family. '




QEQ, A. DODDS. [apl8<l&wtf) J1TO.} HPTTGN.



Great Reduction ia PiriceSi

Owing to the depressed condition of the inavkefrl nowoffer .my immense stockiof • '


t • :j

Consisting of '

Blade & Colored Silks, ' 1 .

Alexander, Freiieli Sic IrisU Poplln«,

Black & Colored Grenadine*, ,

MAHSISILLES,- !; f: //-_ | ' . -'.•'

Blach: if Colored Alpacasi i



: . . . ; ' ' . • . _ . ' . , " • . " : • : - . - • ; ' * ' - '

And in fact everything,Ii^ the line of Dress Goods at 25per'e'enii below our former prices.


20a :iw& HOOPNew York. ^

M I L L I N E R Y GOODS ; , . ' , ' " ' . '

Of all kinds at wholesale and retail. In this pirUculir1 brSnch we-defy competition ana will not be .

' undersold. . ^ i 4bbtteitawlflcB can b



5S Ford Street, Ogdensburg.


Oneotthe olSest; Female Seminaries In the cquntey,\wiaa#5mownirprlta'-iuperlor'ia^miesand unrivaUea'ocatrdri.- Addi-ess Ke^." O. Tr.,SPEABi Titttfieia, Mass.

Nervous and Debilitate!

Whose sufferings have been protract-

ed from hidden cauicg, & whole

cases require prompt treat-

ment to render life desir-

able. •

If you are Buffering or have suffered from Involuntarydischarges, what effect does it produce upon ypuirgenerral health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tire*?Does a litfle extra exertion produce palpitation of "tlieheart ? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kid-nejs, frequently get out of order ? Isydur urine thick,milky or flocky.-brdsit^topy oh settling? Or "does athick scum rise to the top; or is a sediment at the bot-tom after It ha3 stood awhile ? Do you have spells, ofshort breathing or dyspepsia ? Ate your bowels con*'Btipatedi? Do y,ou;hay£spells of of fainting or rushesof blood to the head ? Is your memory Impaired ? " I syour mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do-you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of co)npany or life?Do you wiBhto be left alone, to get away from every on.e,?Does any little thing make you start or, Jump ? Is y,oursleep broken or restless ? "Is,the lustre of your ey.e asbrilliant ? The bloom of your cheelcas bright ? I>6 youenjby yourself in society as well ? Do you pursuery.ourbusiness with.the same energy ? Do you! feel as muchconfidence in yonrself ? Are your spirits dull a n *flagging, given to fits of melancholly ? If so, do not layit to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you yestleBS nights,your back weak, your knees weak, 4nd have butjlttle ap-petite; and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver com-plaint?' ' ' "" • '

No, reader, diseases badly cured; and 1 excesses, arecapable of producing a weakness in the generative or-gans. Xheorgans.of generation when in "perfect healthmake the man. Dldyou ever think that those bold,, de-fiant, enegetic, persevering, successful business men-arealways tho«e whose genative organs are in perfecthealth? You never hear such men" complain of beingmielancholly, of nervousness, or palpitation of the Tieart.They are never afraid they cannot succeed In business—they don't become sad and discouraged; they are al-ways polite ahdipleasantin the company of ladies, andlook you and them right In the face—noneif your down-cast looks or other meanness about them. X do not meanthose who keep £he: organs lhflained by' running to ex-cess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, butalso those they do business with or for. * • . ' '

How many men, from badly cured diseases and ex-cesses, have.brought about that state of'weakness inthose organs that has reduced the general system somuch as to induce almost every other disease, idiocy,paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost everyother fonn-o.f disease which, humanity is hfeir to,, and thereal cause of the trouble'scarcely ever suspected;, andhave .doctored for all but the right/one; ' "

Diseases of the3e organs Require the uaeiof a uiuretic.





Is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder,Gravel, Dropsy, Organic TCeafiness. Female

"«i. General Debility, f

And. all diseases of the



; Whether existing in Jlaleor Feniale,. from

cause originating-, and.npmatter b'fiio.wjong standing. '

If no treatment ia submitted to", 'Gonsiiujption or In,-rsanilymay ensue. OurMeih.andJBiood aie supportedfrom these sources, and the Health and Happiness and'that of Posterity depends "upon prompt'use of a.relia-

1 ble remedy, ' [



. Establishedilnpward^ of IS1 years'f P'reparedby

\ JPil

- 1M~SOUTH 10th;St;. PA.

Price 11.25 pei bottle, or Sir for $6I ' - ' • . - . ' £ - . . - • ' . • • ^ > • ' - -

1 vc:/lf '


','' None are!genuln'e unless done'up'ln a st-,,4 n--ta-i-wrapper, with f«c-simile of my chemical warehouse, antsigned : H. T; HBEMBOLD.



THE NORTH GRANVILLE FEMALE. •..a;;.... -2-^'SKmtN-A:gt^

TH G"Will commence its -FpnjteentU -Annual Session, on

Tuesaaji.'SepE,8'th.'. ioi"Catalogue "or further partiou-

'w. "VKJROV̂ D'i '&' S , Principal, N. Granville, N.Y.

INSTITUXEt •"AtlGlayerack,^. Y.-UsFliSt-CHMS- Boarding School.—

Term opens Segtember 7, .Nfirmal Classe»i tuition free.

£, A. Mv Principal.

3TAMF0RD' -INSTITUTE.e^!pr Boys. Intelligent In-uctlpn,'; CJlwKtlan;* TrairilDg,: 6ymna«tlcs, military

ariUfand'^bailng. -isth year begins September 7. Sendfor circular, tfc. G. :Wira"0X, A. I t , Btamford, Ct.


' "1". 1 iGENTS WiNTEDFor th8.Stan*ttd.iin4;9ftcI»l Lives of 8EYM0TFR &

ULAIRi A book for every library and.a ifork of pres-ent intere»fcan4;p,ermanent :talog.r. No Democrat orConservative can-do without ft'^.or have a just under-standlng-pf t)i|is»,ues"|beforethe country without resd-Ing it. Agents are everywhere finding it the best op-portunity to make money ever1 offered; Send for circu-lars ana Bee'^ur liberaTterms and a full desctipUpn pfthe;fork.; A'a>essf:OTltED. STATBB PUBLISHINGCO., i l l Bioome' Street, N. Y.

. f t i i N X S W A N T E D' for the Standar*iBaOfficialilfe of Hon. B0B.UY-LBR, OplZE'A\X. Indispensable to a justTinderstand-lng «f 'th'efbliticaVlisues of ttie d»y*na endorsed by the

;2eaaerrof the EepublicaS;psSty., The claims of this! BtatesmSn to the gfatitude.of-. the nation are BO clearlyset forth in-this volume,, that npnepf his admirers can

yafford'to-beiwlthorit.acdpy. Sendfor circulars and seeour liberal terms, and a full descfipticn pf this greatwork.- <Address'- 'UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO.,No; 411Bro,ome_St.-,,ifew:!3r6rfc

A curious Book

TAiiv R. R .

* ;A beautifully illustrated book-worth a thousand dol-

larei-sent free on receipt of 50 cents by addressing' . . : . ' • Dr. JOHN' VANDERPOOL,

So. S0!«iintpjiiKlace,,New Tprk bity.

ST.- ii'otris.&'mo••"'. • •„ -cpwesmif^.

;. , ̂ Seven'^er cehfcfi'rst mortgage bonds. February andAugustcpupofls. Tiejearnings of the completed Boad

• toJBllotKno.b. ai'4-nowTOpre than the interest on the en-tire mortgage." The proceeds of these bonds are adding-tb-the-seourity-every-day. Over $8^000,000 have beenspent on the property, an̂ d not over $2,000,000 of bondsia/ued" thus far. The constantly increasing traffic ofcarrying Ore, with the.prospect of controling all the trav-el from. St. Iiouis to. the Southern' States, ensures anenormous income. The Directors 'Own eight-tenths ofthe stock for investment and are Interested to enrichthe p/operty as well as to economize its expenses., . ' ' THOS, AlifeEN,, President, St. Louis, Mo.

We, the undersignedj cprdially recommend these 7per cent inortgageDondsof the St. Louis andiron Moun-tain Railroad, asagood security. The Revenue of theEoad will be large, and the administration of the affairsof-the Company is in capable and experienced hands,and; is is'entitled'to the greatest confidence of the pub-lic-.

James/Si Thomas, Mayor otSfcLbuis.John 3\ Hoe* Pres't St. Iiouis Chamber of Com.

' 30; • W. Eox, President St. Eoffls Boa'rdi of Trade.fiarton.Bates.JRres. North MissouriBailroad.;JT. H. Britton, Pres. Nat"Bank-dE'State of Mo.Vfm. Iii Ewing, j r e s . of the Mer. N. B. of St. iquls.Gep. H. EeajPfes. Second National Bank, St. h.Jas. 33. Eads; Chief Eng. St. "louis and 111 BrUge Co.ffeo. •yy.-Tsylor,- Pres'..l?acific:Mlroad (of Mo.)AVm. Tassig,.Pres/ Trader's Bank-, St. louis.John K. Iflonberger, Pres". T. % Bank, St. Louis.Adblphas ifeihr, .\ice,,PrBS. U. P ^ f i c Eailroad,Kofiert BartbvEres. 'German SavliigslnEHtiUtion.

'Sew Yorfc References.. -Ik D. Morgan'.& Co.;" J". H.. Swift •; Isaac N. Ehelps ;—W. V.Brady ;-S:iGandy; W. T. Bloage'tt; A. R. Eno :Geo. DiPhelpB.

Pamphlets with details can be had at the New "£orkAgency. A limited number of'ISonus will be sold at thelow price of S5; giving the accrued interest to the buy-er. Parties living out of the "city^ not having corres-pondents here," caasendtheirfunds to.-the Cashier oftheiank'of the State, 61 NewTork, and bonds will bereturned by-express free of charges.

H. G..SIAKQTJANP., Vice President, 43 WallSt

. ; p'CheinicalEleeJbrq Silver "Plating Flnicl' makes worn out

platedwareasgoodasnew. Bpr saie by druggists.S^"'trials^nt fi^eby Mail on receipt of

•25;cents to p^y: fdr bUcIciaig _ and. EPst^e. Address jr.BHA¥, CuemlsV 30 Eil'Sfeet,, BrMgpprt̂ Conn,--Agents wanted e f̂ejTKWliere:

^.' Wilttnfi lo wftili tittitofi-a diy atiLe rats of J5 will'findsteady employment by calling,.on""or adufesslngSecretary o.filie^eclianics.ana'iEatlers-SxcBaTige. No.

BANDAna will sell more for the money than any

$1 C O N C E R N ' I N - T H E COUNTRYi » 'Oaf indiiceinente-fqr forming Clubs are -morethan double that of SLny.-estabfianrnent "in the Country

Kor the proof of this1 assertion, .please examine ourterms toAgents; which; are as follows :*'.•

Kead carefully'and-comparewitfi. the^ierms lor gettingup clabs asadvertisedby other establishments.

Any person.sending us- Two Ddiiars- caa receive forthe same a selection from the following,'articles: Two(not one) 5Qi>ict~uf e Morocco AlbuSs^ % Eatrs (not onepair)ofObhgress Boots, 2 piecea"(n6t l')-6f'Pants Sat-tern,3 (not 1)-.5. bottle .Hevolrffis Castor, S (not 1} -trorstredOBreasmst Shawls, of anj-2 atades \notl)"trom ourexchangejist.. . . •

We will alsoisena 20 printed notices of articles forsale at-^ieacli. ." r

, Any person sending Three Dollars, can receive for the•same a- selection the following articles:

.lS.ydsi&eliaine,,l:white marseilles <juiit, 2 (notl) 100view Turkey- Morocco Albums., ,20 yds. Sheeting* Wool

, Sfluare. Shawl, 2 seta (not l j Gold. Bosom Studs, .2 (not 1)-Hair Suara.-.Ghainsi with gbia'piated trimmings. (Thetrimcungs of-these chains-are advertised by other coh-cefiis-as Gold, which-is a deception, as they, are all ofthem.gpldplftedf) ,2 (not.l) silver plated, chased ButterDishes:; .2(not l)siver plStedj .5 bottle Hevolvihg Cas-tors,,2 sets (notl) EteemiadedEnivesand^oris, 2 (not1) Worsted Promenade Shawls, 3 (npt one) laaies' longgbld plated Chains, 3'-(no? 1) ladles;" EdUtt gold "DoubleKings, 2(notl)gents heavy ctiajed gfti'd plated Rings.(These i-incs are advertised-by other "concerns as solidgold; which" is a fra;ild Ugon"the.public.)".' 3"(not l j blackWprk Boxes of writing, oekss, 2 (np* 1) extra qualitybalmorajfgkirts, 2 sets (not 1) of Jewelry andEleeve But-tons to match, 3. (not 1> superior Turkey Morocco Shop-ping gags,. 2-pairSj (not 1) ladle? Balmoral Boots.

We will also sena 40 "prinfieunotices of articles for saleat $1 each; '

•_-iny-person sending-Pive.Dollarsi (not sis) can re-ceive fdr'tBejaihe a Eeiection;fforiitBe'follbwVnganicies:A;b'lackbr((pred. Alpacca Dress Pattern or a VopliaDress Pattern, 1 Piece"Qr^rowior Bleached' Sheeting,1 engraved^bc bottle,. Eevolying Castpr, £ yds, super-fine Oassimera^extra heavy, .large sized White Quilt, 1pai^Gent's Calf Bppts,4yds good wool frocking 2 (notl)'b|st-quality Balmoral Skirts,,a& eight day Clock made

lbygetb;Thpni4|,4yas dbubie Wiath cloth for ladies';sack8Prchiiaren!s4wear, a silver plated cake or 'card. baslcetj.furijnuffoEcapej-woprpr' lbn?g shawl, splendidclasp Ifamily-Bible, 4 yds (not r8)''double- width waterproof.cloaking,. 2;sets,, each, (not one)- Ivory Handle

. Enlyesi,.witb safer plateoV.I'orks, I set df Lace Curtains.:" JV&'wiU alsOi.Een* 60t -printed notices of arScles forsale at one dollar-each. " T"_ " ' • • — - - -

Any person sending Ten> Dollars can- receive for thesame asfetectionfronv the following .articles: 7yds (not

; i idouble ^dtn^fpjHi-3:orj.cloaKing of coating, 3 (hot2i, blea^, cloths with 2 (not ]^ dozen linen; damasS-riaplnHsf38'yc(s'(n'bt 25)"hemp carpeting, 18 Vds.; extra quality blick;o.rppioi-ed^lfiacca-dressiatternsjliyds extra qualjty-ppglm dress jgattei-Bs, silver huntingcased watca, mew CSot second hafiaed);, 2'" ads (not 1)ivory handledsteelcbladed knives and forks, I pr supsri-or wool blanketSinice farmuff and cape, '% (npt 1) en-

• gfayea silver plated Ice Eftcnes-ii 9 yds (not ilfT) woolcassimere for suit, 2doz, (npti); Bpgers' best Slver 2.toiis, common sense sewing machine (the real articlenota basg.imitation as used by, ptlier concerns), 4r (not3>%oneycdmb^uilts,;2 (adtl) splendid clasp -Family Bi-"bles; ' ~ *

Wewe will also send printed notices, for 120' articlesfor-saleat one dpllareach.

Foriarger:-cluJ3S t h | vSlue tBe same ratio.Our stoclfof. Qoodsisailnewand in good order. Thequality of -the goodsisietter than those used by any

:o;tSercpncefn in the country. We are of the obinipn-that, of ter rea,ding-;tlie,abpve adverjisement, spnte parties; will! come tp.the" conclasipn that .they Cha-ire *een gf psslvswindledby. "some of the concernsinthis citt.

We cannotpffertptheperspn sending U3 the largestampunt pf mpriey fpr a month, a din of mpney prw%tches,_asthatis .aviolatlonof the'lawagainst lotte-ri#:-.-But-in aBtoibu'to the ibove. liberal terms, we willsell-to-Sriy Phe-whp-mayssend U3 ten dollars, eleven ar-ticles-from our exchange sent in pne order -and ror $20 we will sell' 22 article's from "our exchange«c+_.Qii.-+^..uQsejit in one order.

address.P. Si—Agents, vill please" nolify us1 *iia"t' firms bave

agents in ttieir town or city and tHev ^ill receive 6m-most sincere thanks. _ ._i'HPS. i.'KENNO * GO.

"TBToa." Si.&Si: Kim Street, Bostdnj Mass,


212 Broadway,

- • • • • ' . . - " . ' - " i ' . ' y - ' • ' . ' • • ' • *;

* -

AU forms of MeandlndOwment Policies issued.'J-'Uircy days gracealiowed-^niJaymeijtorprenilTiina.Note '.takenif6fi)ae'-'haifsbhe: premium. 'All policies non forfeiting after two years.AJlpolicies incontestable after five years.Dividends declared and paid annually.The last pividenckon Eife Policies ifas, SO.per cent.

'"V - :'-- ' • » '• ••' XAIMES-SISIONDS, Agent,Great WestemiEailway Office,

•i , - i i n , - Ogdensburg, N. Y.


_ .. signed nasTecgiyed tBe Assessment and Tax Jtoll>r ot tU&'2iUy-of' Ogdensburg, foritie -year i86B, and will at-fj<(n^l^lfie Bank of Averells & CHapinah, in "said city, forSO days from this date, Sundays excepted, to receivesald'-taxes., 'WH. FBfiKESS, Collector.

D«tta July 21, 186S. (a&wlm)