Classroom Treaty

The Mini Moth Treaty 1. Think about the 3 Rs and use them daily. 2. Always ‘be the best you can possibly be.’ 3. Set challenging and achievable goals each term. 4. Always remember that you should not ROCK on your chair. 5. Listen to others by giving them your full attention. Avoid interrupt- ing the speaker. 6. Always put your hand up and wait for your turn to share. 7. Think twice and be nice to others. 8. Keep the classroom TIDY at all times. Clean up after yourself. 9. If you see that someone is alone, ask him/her to join in your group. 10. NEAT work should be seen in ALL your books. 11. Respect teachers, parents, peers and all school properties. 12. Give clear, thoughtful daily reflections using the Key Competencies and weekly values. 13. Always try to do your best work and complete all tasks in time. 14. Ask if you need to use someone else’s property. 15. Be encouraging by giving praise and constructive feedback. Avoid be- ing discouraging. 16. Do your monitor or jobs in school with pride and diligence. 17. Keep your desk tidy and rubbish free. 18. Put rubbish in the correct bins. 19. Homework is completed regularly. 20. Never ever give up. This is an agreement between Mrs Moth and the Mini Moths of 2012. By signing this docu- ment, have agreed to the rules below. Teacher: ________________________ Date: ____________ Mini Moths: _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Classroom Treaty agreement

Transcript of Classroom Treaty

Page 1: Classroom Treaty

The Mini Moth Treaty

1. Think about the 3 Rs and use them daily.

2. Always ‘be the best you can possibly be.’

3. Set challenging and achievable goals each term.

4. Always remember that you should not ROCK on your chair.

5. Listen to others by giving them your full attention. Avoid interrupt-

ing the speaker.

6. Always put your hand up and wait for your turn to share.

7. Think twice and be nice to others.

8. Keep the classroom TIDY at all times. Clean up after yourself.

9. If you see that someone is alone, ask him/her to join in your group.

10. NEAT work should be seen in ALL your books.

11. Respect teachers, parents, peers and all school properties.

12. Give clear, thoughtful daily reflections using the Key Competencies

and weekly values.

13. Always try to do your best work and complete all tasks in time.

14. Ask if you need to use someone else’s property.

15. Be encouraging by giving praise and constructive feedback. Avoid be-

ing discouraging.

16. Do your monitor or jobs in school with pride and diligence.

17. Keep your desk tidy and rubbish free.

18. Put rubbish in the correct bins.

19. Homework is completed regularly.

20. Never ever give up.

This is an agreement between Mrs Moth and

the Mini Moths of 2012. By signing this docu-

ment, have agreed to the rules below.

Teacher: ________________________ Date: ____________

Mini Moths: _____________________________________________________________


