Classroom Management Expertise Towards Empowering Responsible Citizens

Classroom Management Expertise Towards Empowering Responsible Citizens Skype Session at International Convention On Students’ Quality Control Circles, London Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra VP-Academics, Next Education, India


Deliberation at ICSQC'2014, London by Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, VP Academics, Next Education India via Virtual Presentation mode.

Transcript of Classroom Management Expertise Towards Empowering Responsible Citizens

Classroom Management

Expertise Towards

Empowering Responsible

CitizensSkype Session at

International Convention On Students’ Quality Control Circles, London

Dr. Dheeraj MehrotraVP-Academics, Next Education,

Our Initiative as Teachers

Empowering Responsible Citizens towards TQE

(Total Quality Education)

Achieve life balance, Apply continuous improvement, Seek continuous learning.

Today, because of rapid economic and social change, schools have to prepare students for jobs

that have not yet been created, technologies that have not yet been invented and problems that we don't

yet know all arise."

Hi, I am a teacher !!!

Embrace TechnologyOR

Students Will Leave You Behind

Learning 221Learning in the Second Decade of the 21st


If you don’t

engage the kidsYou end


them !!!

Be a ROCKSTAR Teacher !

So, WHO ? is a Rockstar Teacher? A Rockstar teacher uses 21st century ICT tools

to create self-directed learners acting as agents

of change, who will transform the world in several different spheres of activities. Their students are achievers, creators, thinkers and innovators, driven by passion and commitment, to make a

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Do not ignore learning…..Sharing learning to Explore…..

Video using a Role Model

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Step #1Create an

Emotionally Safe Classroom

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Step #2

Create an Intellectually Safe Classroom

Begin every activity with a task that 95 percent of the class can do without your help.

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Step #3

Cultivate Your Engagement Meter

Be acutely aware of when your students are paying strong attention or are deeply engaged in their tasks. 

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Step #4Create Appropriate Intermediate Steps

create intermediate steps -- such as

brainstorming, Rote learning an evil in education

system, national survey reveals

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Step #5Communicate with Students

Encourage and focus their writing with a prompt.

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Step #6Create a Culture of

Explanation Instead of a Culture of the Right Answer

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Step #7

Teach Self-Awareness About Knowledge

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Step #8 Use Questioning Strategies That Make All Students

Think &Answer

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Step #9Promote QUALITY at workplace

Engage towards pride and polishing with motivation.

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Step #10Praise in

public…..criticize in private…

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Generate the WOW experience !

To Catch the eye balls of the audience !

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Role of Educators in New Age to nurture our students:

Update themselves.Study HarderLearn new

methodologies to make our classes interesting to attend.

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Exploring via Social Community: [email protected]

The beautiful thing about learning is…….That no body can take that away from you !

You must not change but rather become the more of yourself !!!

Empowering Responsible Citizens via GOOD WORDS !!!

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Stop doing BUSY work

Start doing your BEST work !!

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Connect via:

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Dheeraj Mehrotra

Dr Dheeraj Mehrotra