Page 1: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

CLASSIC (jVITAR With 25 Studies/Con 25 Estudios





Page 2: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

CLASSIC GUITAR With 25 Studies/Con 25 Estudios





© 1994 by Mel Bay Publications, Inc., All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. B.M.I. Made and Printed in the U.S.A.


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Page 3: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and

composer for the guitar, was born in Florence, Italy

in 1 792, died in Paris 1853. Little is known concerning his early life beyond the fact that he was a skillful

performer at an early age and that before he was twenty, was already considered a virtuoso of the classic guitar in his native country.

Carcassi possessed a rare combination of musical gifts: that of performer, teacher, and composer, all to

the highest degree. His remarkable insight as to the technical problems involved in mastering the guitar is quite evident throughout his entire method.

The purpose of the revision of this famous guitar method is two-fold: ( 1) to modernize the fingerings

for the right hand, based on the principles of the Spanish master, Francisco Tarrega (2) to organize the

contents in a more logical sequence for study and

teaching purposes. All exercises and pieces are in their original form. No notes have been changed or altered in the process of revision.

Carcassi, at the close of the original preface for

his method states: "I can assert that any intelligent

person who will attentively study this book from be­

ginning to end will acquire a perfect knowledge of the mechanism of the guitar." Those words are as true today as when Carcassi wrote them--well over a hundred years ago.

Much credit must be given to Joseph Castle for his painstaking effort in the editing of this volume.

Mel Bay


Matteo Carcassi, el famoso virtuoso de la guitarra, maestro y

compositor para guitarra, nacio en Florencia, Italia, en 1792, se

murio en Paris en 1853. De su nifiez se sabe poco excepto que

tocaba muy bien desde muy joven y antes de cumplir veinte afios

ya fue considerado un virtuoso de la guitarra chisica en su pais


Carcassi posefa una combinacion rara de talentos musicales

como interprete, maestro y compositor del mas alto grado. Su

perspicacia extraordinaria respecto a los problemas tecnicos

asociadas con el dominio de la guitarra es muy evidente a traves

de todo su metodo.

El proposito de Ia revision de este famoso metodo de guitarra es

doble: (1) Para modemizar la digitacion de la mano derecha,

basada en los principios del maestro espafiol Francisco Tarrega.

(2) Para organizar el contenido en un orden logico con fines

didacticos y de estudio. Todos los ejercicios y piezas estan en su

forma original. Nose cambiado ni alterado ninguna nota en el

proceso de revision.

Carcassi dice a1 final del pro logo original de su metodo: "Puedo

afrrmar que cualquier persona inteligente que estudie este libro

atentamente desde el principia hasta el final, lograra un

conocimiento perfecto del mecanismo de la guitarra." Estas

palabras son tan ciertas hoy como cuando Carcassi las escribio

hace mas de cien afios.

Queremos acreditar a Joseph Castle por su valioso esfuerzo

editando esta obra.

Mel Bay


Many thanks to Joseph Castle for helping to edit this text.

Page 4: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Elementary Principles of Music Principios Elementales de Musica

Music is the art of combining and expressing sounds. A succession of various agreeable sounds produces Melody.

Sounds so combined that they are heard simultaneously produce Harmony.

To express sounds, signs called Notes are used; they are written on five parallel lines, and in the spaces between the lines.

These five lines and four spaces are called the Staff. As the Staff is not of sufficient extension to express all

the sounds in Music, additional or Leger lines are introduced, above and below the Staff, when required.


Sthline. ~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4th- - =1 =1 ~ : ~~ = = 1 ~ r t= t= lst - - Notas en las lineas.


Lfneas adicionales encima del pentagrama.


Music is composed of seven notes, which are named after the first seven letters of the alphabet; A, B, C, D, E, F, G; by repeating the first note, C, a succession of eight notes is formed, called the Scale.


f c D E F

J J J J Do Re Mi Fa

La musica es el arte de combinar y expresar sonidos. Una

sucesi6n de varios sonidos agradables produce una Melodfa.

Los sonidos comhinados de tal manera que se oyen

simultaneamente producen una Harmonia.

Para expresar los sonidos, se usan sfmbolos que se Haman

Notas; se escriben en cinco lfneas paralelas, yen los espacios

entre las lfneas.

Estas cinco lfneas y cuatro espacios se llama Pentagrama.

Como el pentagrama no tiene el alcance para representar todos

los sonidos musicales, se usan lfneas adicionales por encima o

debajo del pentagrama cuando sea necesario.


Notas en los espacios.


Uneas adicionales debajo del pentagrama


La musica se compone de siete notas: Do (C) Re (D) Mi (E)

Fa (F) Sol (G) La (A) Si (B); al repetir la primera nota, Do, se

forma una sucesi6n de ocho notas Hamada Escala.

G J B c w r r II

Sol La :Ti Do


Page 5: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The CLEF is a sign placed at the commencement of the Staff to determine the name of the notes. There are three sorts of Clefs used in music. The TREBLE, or G Clef, ~ which is placed on the second line only, is made use ~ of in compositions for the Guitar.


There are seven forms of Notes, each having a different value. By the value of a note, is understood, the duration of sound which it represents; this duration is determined by the form of the note itself. Each of these notes has a Rest or silence, which corresponds with it in value or duration.


La CLAVE es un sfmbolo colocado al comienzo del pentagrama

que determina el nombre de las notas. Hay tres tipos de Claves

utilizados en la musica. La clave de Sol, situada en la segunda

linea, es la unica que se usa para la musica de guitarra.


Hay siete tipos de notas, cada una con un valor distinto. Por

valor de la nota se entiende la duraci6n del sonido que representa;

esta duraci6n es determinada por Ia forma de la nota misma.

Cada una de las notas tiene una Pausa o Silencio, que corresponde

con Ia nota en valor o duraci6n.

Whole Note Whole Rest

Redonda Silencio de Redonda

Which is equal to 2 Halves Half Rest

F v -Que equivale a Silt<ncio de Blanca

2 Blancas

or 4 Quarters Quarter Rest

r r r r t o 4 Negras Silencio de Negra

or 8 Eighths Eighth Rest

E E E r E F D D J

u 8 Corcheas Silencio de Corchea

or 16 Sixteenths Sixteenth Rest

r r r r r • r r r r r r r • ~ ~ ?f I I o 16 Semicorcheas Silencio de Semicorchea

or 32 Thirty-seconds Thirty-second Rest

1 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcrEJJggl * o 32 Fusas Silencio de Fusa


Page 6: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Dot, placed immediately after a note or rest, increases its value one half. Thus, a dotted whole note is equal to three halves, a dotted half is equal to three quarters, a dotted quarter to three eighths, a dotted eighth to three sixteenths, etc.

When a second dot is added, its value is equal to half that of the first.


El Puntillo colocado inmediatamente detnis de una nota o un

silencio, afiade Ia rnitad de su valor. Asf, una nota redonda con

puntillo equivale a tres blancas, una nota blanca con puntillo

equivale a tres negras, una negra con puntillo a tres corcheas, etc.

Cuando se aiiade un segundo puntillo, su valor equivale a Ia

rnitad del p1imero.

Dotted Whole Dotted Half Dotted Quarter Dotted Eighth

t ___ j I {_ ___ j I t __ J

Dotted Sixteenth Dotted Thirty~econd Dotted Rests

',·-----1 Redonda con

puntillo Blanca con

puntillo Negra con

puntillo Corchea con


I ~----j I i ____ _i I f Sernicorchea con puntillo

Fusacon puntillo

Silencio' • con puntillo


TIME is the division of any piece of Music into parts of equal duration. There are three principal measures: the mea­sure of four beats, of three beats, and of two beats in a bar; all the others are derived from these three, and are called COMPOUND Measures.

The Measure, or Time, is marked at the commencement of every piece of Music by signs or by numbers, indicating the subdivisions of the measure. The Staff is divided by vertical lines into separate parts, called Bars of measure.


At the beginning of every piece of music is placed a time signature. The top figure indicates the number of counts per measure. The bottom figure indicates the type of note that receives one count. If the lower number is a 4, a quarter note ( J ) has been chosen to represent one count. If the lower number is an 8, an eighth note ( )) ) has been chosen to represent one count.


' i ' 2 ' i ' 5


El Compas es la division de cualquier pieza musical en partes

de igual duracion o tiempos. Hay tres tipos principales:

cuatemarios (4 partes en un compas), temarios (3), binarios (2)

; todos los otros son derivados de estos tres grupos y se llaman

compases compuestos.

El compas se marca al principio de la pieza con numeros o un

sfmbolo que indican la subdivision del compas. El pentagrama

se divide en partes separadas por Hneas verticales o barras de

com pas.


Al comenzar cada pieza musica se indica el tipo de compas. El

mimero de arriba indica el numero de tiempos por compas. El

numero de abajo indica el tipo de nota que dura un tiempo. Si el

numero inferior es un 4, se ha elegido una negra para representar

un tiempo. Si el numero inferior es un 8, una corchea representa

un tiempo.


e I ' g

' g same as

igual que

Page 7: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Sharp (~) is a sign which raises a note a semitone. The Flat ( ~) lowers it a semi tone; and the Natural ( q ) restores a note, altered by a sharp or flat, to its original sound.

A sharp or flat placed before a note, is called an Ac­cidental, and acts only in the bar in which it occurs.

When these signs are placed at the commencement of a piece of music, namely, at the Clef, to point out its key, all the notes which are on the same line or space, on which these signs are placed, are affected by them.

There are as many sharps and flats as there are notes; the sharps are placed, beginning with F, by fifths ascending and by fourths descending.

The flats are placed, beginning with B, by fourths ascend­ing and by fifths descending.

The double sharp ( x ) raises the note one tone, and the double Flat ( bb ) lowers it one tone.


The distance between two sounds is called an Interval.


Unison Second Third Fourth

.... .. • .... Unfsono Segunda Tercera Cuarta


There are two kinds of Scales, the Diatonic and the Chro­matic. The Scale is Diatonic when the five whole tones and two semi tones which compose it, succeed each other regularly and in the natural order, whether ascending or descending. It is Chromatic when the five whole tones of the Diatonic Scale are divided into semitones, so as to form twelve of these in the compass of the octave.

In the Diatonic Scale, the two semitones are found be­tween the third and fourth, and the seventh and eighth degrees, in the major mode; and between the second and third, and the seventh and eighth, in the minor.



El Sostenido(#) es un signo que aumenta un semitono a una

nota. El Bemol ( ~) disminuye un semitono y el Becuadro restablece

el tono normal a una nota alterada por un sostenido o un bemol.

Un sostenido o un bemol colocado antes de una nota se llama

Accidental o Alteraci6n y funciona solamente en el compas o

medida donde ocurre.

Cuando estos sfmbolos estiin puestos al comienzo de una pieza

de musica, o sea, para indicar la clave, todas las notas que estiin

en la misma linea o espacio donde se encuentra estos sfmbolos

estiin afectadas por ellos.

Hay tantos sostenidos y bemoles como notas; los sostenidos

estiin ordenados, comenzando con Fa, en intervalos de quintas

ascendiendo y por cuartas descendiendo.

Los bemoles estan ordenados, comenzando con Si, en cuartas

ascendiendo y en quintas descendiendo.

El doble Sostenido (~) au menta la nota unto no, y el doble be mol ( bb) la baja un tono. LOSINTERVALOS

La distancia entre dos sonidos se llama un Intervalo.

Fifth Sixth Seventh Octave

• • • • .... .... .... .... Quinta Sexta Septima Octava


Hay dos tipos de Escalas, Diat6nica y Cromatica. La escala es

Diat6nicacuando los cinco tonos y dos semitonos que la componen

se suceden regularmente y en el orden natural, sea ascendiendo

o descendiendo. Es Cromiitica cuando los cinco tonos de la escala

Diat6nica son divididos en semitonos, para formar un total de

doce semitonos en una octava completa.

En la escala Diat6nica, los dos semitonos estiin situados entre

la tercera y la cuarta, y la septima y octava notas, en el modo

mayor, y entre la segunda y la tercera, y la septima y octava, en

el modo menor.


Page 8: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Key of a piece of music is indicated by the number of Sharps or Flats which are found at the Clef. Each Major key, which I shall call the principal key, has its relative Minor key.

It is called relative, because it is marked at the Clef by the same number of Sharps or Flats as its principal key; except the key of C major, and its relative A minor, which have no signature.

The relative key is a minor third below its principal key, as the following table shows.


La Clave o Tono de una pieza de musica estci indicada por el

numero de sostenidos o bemoles que se encuentran en laArmadura.

Cada tono Mayor, que llamaremos el tonoprincipal, tiene su tono

Menor relativo.

Se llama relativo, porque Ia Armadura tiene el rnismo ntimero

de sostenidos o bemoles que su tono principal, con Ia excepci6n

del tono de Do mayor, y su La menor relativo, que no tienen


El tono relativo es un menor tercero debajo de su tono princi­

pal, como muestra Ia tabla siguiente.

Do Modo Mayor C Major Mode.

Sol Mayor G Major.

Re Mayor DMajor

La Mayor Mi Mayor Si Mayor Fa# Mayor Do~ Mayor

) .... ~ .. ,. ~A Major. ~ ~. E Major. ~ ~ B Major. ILtl F~ M_:ior. ,. tl :#Major.

La Modo Menor Mi Menor A Minor Mode. E Minor.

SiMenor BMinor.


Fa~ Menor Do # Menor Sol # Menor Re# Menor La# Menor .u. F# Minor. .u. q Minor. .u. G# Minor. .u. D# Minor. 11 A# Minor. .. ~ li ~ li ~ '!! ~ .li .u. .. l'f. ll


Fa Modo Mayor Si~ Mayor Mi~Mayor

), F Major Mode. B~ Major. E~ Major. ~ I I I

u Re Modo Menor Sol Menor Do Menor

"' D Minor Mode.

I GMinor.

I CMinor.


To shorten the study of the foregoing tables, and to know in which key a piece of music is, it is necessary to know that when there are no flats or sharps at the Clef, it is in C major or A minor; with the #,the major key is one semitone above the last sharp placed at the Clef; and the minor key two semitones below it; with the b , the major key is five semi­tones below the last b in the signature, and the minor key four semitones above.

To know whether we are in the principal key of the major mode, or in its relative minor, it is necessary to examine whether the fifth of the major key is accidentally altered by a sharp or natural; if not, we are in the principal major key; if it is altered, we are in the relative minor.


La~ Mayor Re~Mayor Sol~ Mayor Do~ Mayor A~Major. Db Major. G~Major. C~Major.


Fa Menor Si~ Menor Mi~ Menor La~ Menor FMinor. I

B~Minor. L E~ Minor. I

A~ Minor. JT..-

Para abreviar el estudio de las tab las anteriores, y para saber en

que clave esta una pieza, es necesario saber que cuando no hayan

bemoles o sostenidos en Ia clave, esta en Do mayor o La menor.

Con sostenidos, el tono mayor es un semitono por encima del

ultimo sostenido de la Clave y el tono menor dos sernitonos

debajo de Ia Clave. Con bemoles, el tono mayor es cinco

sernitonos debajo del ultimo bemol en la clave, y el tono menor

cuatro sernitonos arriba.

Para saber si estamos en el tono principal del modo mayor, o

en su me nor relativo, es necesario exarninar si Ia quinta del tono

mayor tiene alteraci6n ,un sostenido o becuadro; si no tiene,

estamos en el tono mayor principal; si esta alterado, estamos en

el menor relativo.

Page 9: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


To hold the guitar well it is necessary to be seated, pre­ferably on a chair of average height, the left foot resting on a guitar foot-rest or small stool of a height proportioned to the seat. For most adults the footrest should be adjusted to a height of six inches. For children or persons of small stature, the height may be raised to seven or eight inches. The footrest is placed close to the left chair leg. The per­former should sit on the front part of the chair seat.

Held in this manner the guitar is supported at four points: the left thigh, the right thigh, the underside of the right arm and the chest.

This position is preferable to all others because the instru­ment is held securely and does not require the support of the hands.


Proper care of the fingernails is essential. Nail clippers and a good quality metal fingernail file are recommended for this. The file should be two-sided, one side for shaping the nails, the other side (fine grain) for finishing.

The nails of the left hand must be kept short in order that the fingers may be placed on the strings in such a way as to produce good, clear tones.

The fingernails of the right hand should be allowed to grow approximately l I 16th of an inch beyond the flesh, as they are an aid in tone production. They should also be rounded and shaped in accordance with the contour of the fingertips.


The student should provide himself with: (1) a music stand (2) a guitar footrest (3) an A-440 tuning fork ( 4) replacement strings.




Para apoyar Ia guitarra bien es necesario estar sentado,

preferiblemente en una silla de altura normal, el pie izquierdo

descansando en un taburete de guitarra o banquillo pequeiio con

una altura proporcional a Ia del asiento. Para la mayorfa de

adultos, el taburete debe estar ajustado a una altitud de seis

pulgadas (15 em). Para niiios o personas de estatura pequeiia, se

puede levantar hasta siete u ocho pulgadas (18-20 ern). El

taburete se coloca cerca de Ia pata izquierda de Ia silla. El

guitarrista debe sentarse en Ia parte frontal del asiento.

Colocada de esta manera, Ia guitarra esta sostenida en cuatro

puntos: el muslo izquierdo, el muslo derecho, debajo del brazo

derecho y el pecho.

Esta es Ia posicion preferida a todas las otras porque el

instrumento esta apoyado con firmeza y no requiere el apoyo de

las manos.


Un cuidado propicio de las uiias es esencial. Recomendamos

un cortaufias y una lima de metal de buena calidad para uiias para

este fin. La lima debe tener dos !ados, un ]ado para dar forma a

las uiias y el otro lado (de grano fino) para un acabado.

Las uiias de la mano izquierda tienen que estar cortas para que

se puedan colocar los dedos en las cuerdas de una manera que

produzcan tonos claros y buenos.

Deben dejarse crecer las uiias de la mano derecha para que

sobresalgan 1/16 pulgadas (1.5 mm) de Ia came, ya que ayuda

en producir un buen to no. De ben estar redondeadas siguiendo el

contomo de las yemas.


El alumno debe conseguir: (1) un atril, (2) un taburete para Ia

guitarra, (3) un diapason A-440, (4) cuerdas de repuesto.

Page 10: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


To attain a good position of the left hand, place the thumb underneath the neck of the guitar directly behind the 2nd fret. Then place the first finger up to, but not on, the 1st fret. Then in like manner, the second finger 2nd fret, third finger 3rd fret, fourth finger 4th fret. This procedure automatically sets up the left hand in the required ppsition.


The right forearm should rest on the edge formed by the side and the sound-board. Then place the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers on top of string six (the thickest one) with the thumb well in· advance of the fingers. This procedure immediately forms the hand into a correct playing position. (see photo, on page 10 ).

It is well to remember that the thumb can play on any of the six strings, and that the fingers can also play on any of the six strings.


In playing the Classic Guitar two types of touch are em­ployed by the right hand fingers. (1) THE REST STROKE (Apoyando)

This type of stroke can be employed by any finger or the thumb. It is generally used in scales, scale-like passages, or to bring out the melodic line in compositions. Alterna­tion of fingers is a basic principle. No finger is used twice in succession if it can be conveniently avoided.



Para obtener una buena posicion de la mano izquierda, hay

que poner el pulgar debajo del mas til de la guitarra, jus to detras

del segundo traste. Despues, coloque el fndice encima, sin

tocar, el primer traste. De igual manera, coloque el medio sobre

segundo traste, el anular sobre el tercero y el mefiique sobre el

cuarto traste. Este procedimiento automaticamente coloca la

mano izquierda en la posicion requerida.


El antebrazo derecho debe descansar en el borde formado por

ellado y el frente. Despues, ponga el dedo pulgar, el fndice, el

medio y el anularencima de la sexta cuerda (lamas gruesa), con

el dedo pulgar bien adelantado de los otros dedos. Este pro­

cedimiento automaticamente coloca Ia mano en la posicion

correcta (vea Ia foto en Ia pagina 10).

Hay que tener en cuenta que el pulgar puede pulsar cualquiera

de las seis cuerdas y los demas dedos tambien usan las seis



Para tocar Ia Guitarra Clasica hay dos tipos de toque para los

dedos de Ia mano derecha.


Este tipo de toque puede ser empleado por cualquier dedo o

el pulgar. Se usa generalmente en escalas, pasajes parecidos a

escalas o para acentuar Ia linea melodica de composiciones. Un

principia basico es altemar los dedos. Nose usa el mismo dedo

dos veces seguidas si se puede evitar convenientemente.

Page 11: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

The fingers are most often used in pairs, particularly the index and middle . Only the tip end of the finger is placed on the string. The finger action is somewhat like ' 'walking on the strings" with a pair of fingers. The tone is produced by flipping the finger to the ad­jacent string. The amount of volume is determined by the amount of downward pressure of the fingers.

(2) THE FREE STROKE (Tirando) The free stroke is employed in

playing chords, arpeggios, and when neighboring str ings need to vibrate simultaneously .

Se usan con mas frecuencia los

dedos en pares, particularmente el

fndice y el anular. Se pone solamente

Ia yema en Ia cuerda. La acci6n de los

dedos es a! go parecido a "caminar en

las cuerdas" con un par de dedos. El

tono se produce al lanzar el dedo

hacia la cuerda adyacente. Se

determina cl volumen del sonido por

Ia presion hacia abajo que ejercen los


(2) EL TOQUE LIBRE (Tirando)

El toque libre se emplea a! tocar

acordes, arpcgios y cuando se requiera

que las cuerdas adyacentes vihren


Francisco Tarrega Los dedos de la mano derecha y

The right hand fingers and thumb (1852--1909) elpulgardebenoperarcomositocaran

should operate as though playing on a fl at surface. The en una superficie rasa. La mano debe mantener una posici6n hand should re tain a quiet p osition. Always avoid "hooking

relajada. Procure evitar siempre "enganchar" debajo de Ia cuerda under" the strings when sounding them. 1l1e volume of tone is determined by pressing down on top of the strings cuando toque. El volumen del tono lo determina el apretar hacia

with the tip end of the fingers. The more pressure, the abajo con la punta de los dedos encima de las cuerdas. Cuanto more tone.

Shown above is a rare photograph of F rancisco Tarrega, the famous Spanish guitar virtuoso. This photo is a classic example of how to hold the classic guitar.

The student should notice the following points in parti­cular: (1) that the left leg is elevated by a footrest , thus slanting the fingerboard of the guitar upward about 45°. In t his position the left hand has easy access to all the notes on the finge rboard. (2) that the knuckles of the right hand form a parallel line to the strings, forming the hand into a perfect playing position. Notice also that the thumb is placed well in advance of the fingers. This avoids interfer­ence with their movement. (3) that the left thumb is com­pletely out of sight and that the wrist curves slightly outward. In playing the classic guitar the thumb must always be kept on the backside of the guitar neck.


mas presion, mas tono.

Arriba se muestra una rara foto de Francisco Tarrega, el

famoso virtuoso espaiiol de la guitarra. Esta foto es un ejcmplo

clasico de como se debe colocar Ia guitarra clasica.

El estudiantedebe no tar particularmente los puntos siguientes:

( 1) que! a pierna izquierdaestaelevada con un tabu rete, inclinando

el mas til de Ia guitarra bacia arriba casi 4 5°. En esta posicion la

mano izquierda tiene acceso fiicil a todas las notas del diapason.

(2) que los nudillos de la mano derecha forman una lfnea paralela

a las cuerdas, colocando Ia mano en una posici6n perfecta para

tocar. Fijese tambien que el pulgar de !a derecha esta colocada

bien arriba de los dedos. Esto evita interferencia con e1


fuera de Ia vista y que la muneca curva ligeramente hacia fuera.

AI tocar Ia guitarra clasica el pulgar siempre debe quedar detras

del mastil de la guitarra.

Page 12: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

The REPEAT indicates that the part is to be repeated. When the dots are before the bar, the previous division is to be repeated; when after the bar, the division following.

:II: II DA CAPO, or D.C., indicates that the piece is to be played

again from the beginning. The SIGN :8' indicates that the piece is to be repeated

to the word FINE.


piano orpmeans soft. pp .......... very soft. f .......... loud. ff .. · ...... . very loud.

mf ...... ...... .. .. .. ... halfloud. sft .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . suddenly f.

cresc.-=== dim.===-

increase. decrease.





The Guitar has six strings; the three first of which are gut, and the three others of silk, covered with silver wire:" They are tuned by Fourths, with exception of the third string, which is tuned a Third below the second.

1st String. 2d String. E B

Cuerda Prima 2aCuerda Tune an octave Mi Si

lower than written.

~ I I

Afineseuna 0

octava mas baja Gut Strings. de lo escrito Cuerdas de Tripa

*Nylon has replaced gut and silk.

El sfmbolo de Repetici6n indica la parte que se repite. Cuando

los puntas estan delante de las barras, se repite la parte anterior;

cuando estan despues de las barras, se repite Ia parte que sigue.

Da Capo, o D.C., indica que se toea Ia pieza de nuevo desde el


El signo indica que se repite Ia pieza hasta Ia palabra FINE.


piano o p significa suave mf con fuerza modera. muy suave sft ~ubitamente f.

fuerte cresc. -=::::aumentando

muy fuerte dim. ::::=::--ctisminuyendo


La guitarra tiene seis cuerdas; las tres primeras son de tripa, y

las otras tres son de seda, cubiertas con alambre plateado* Se

afinan en Cuartas, con Ia excepci6n de Ia cuerda tercera, que se

afina un intervalo de tercera mas bajo de Ia segunda.

3d String. 4th String. 5th String. 6th String. G D A

3a Cuerda 4a Cuerda SaCuerda E

6aCuerda Mi. Sol Re La

0 0

Covered Strings. -e-Cuerdas Cubiertas

* Nylon ha reemplazado las cuerdas de tripa y seda.


mucha fuerza u

Page 13: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


An A tuning Fork is used in tuning the Guitar, to which the 5th string, A, is tuned; then press the finger on the same string at the 5th fret of the finger board, which will then give D; to which the 4th string is to be tuned in unison. The finger is then to be placed upon the 5th fret of the 4th string, which will give G, to which the 3d string is to be tuned in unison: then place the finger upon the 4th fret of the 3d string, which will give B, to which the 2d string is to be tuned in unison ; place the finger on the 5th fret of the 2d string, which will give E, to which the I st string is to be tuned in unison. The 6th string, E, is then to be tuned to the 1st E string, but at the distance of two octaves lower.



Se usa un diapason en La para afinar la guitarra, con el que se

afina Ia quinta cuerda , La; despues apriete el dedo en el quinto

traste de Ia rnisma cuerda, que dara un Re, que es rnismo to no a!

que debe afinarse la cuarta cuerda. Apriete despues el dedo en

el quinto traste de la cuarta cuerda, que dara un Sol, que es rnismo

tono al que debe afinarse Ia tercera cuerda. Ponga despues el

dedo sobre el cuarto traste de la tercera cuerda, que dara un Si,

que es rnismo tono a! que debe afinarse Ia segunda cuerda;

apriete entonces el quinto traste de la segunda cuerda, que

producira un Mi, que es rnismo tono al que debe afinarse la

prima. La cuerda sexta, Mi, debe afinarse con la prima, Mi, pero

dos octavas mas baja.

Sth String open 5th fret

4th String open 5th fret

3d String open 4th fret

;2£19 2d String

Op<O 4th frey Fo , , 1st string 6th String




u~f\ Q_ 9

-& --- Sol al unisono La =A D Unison= Re al unisono G Unison

Si al unisono B Unison

Mi al unfsono E Unison

2 Octavas 2 Octaves E=Mi

5a Cuerda 4a Cuerda 3a Cuerda al aire 5o traste al aire 5o traste al aire 4o traste

CAUTION: Notes on the guitar sound an octave lower than written.

After having tuned the Guitar it is well to prove it by sounding the following octaves.

' J J d I; r d IJ

The following are the signs used by most authors who have written for the Guitar, to indicate the fingering, and which are adopted in this work.


0, open string; 1, first finger; 2, second finger; 3, third finger; 4, fourth finger.


i First finger; m second finger; a third finger; P thumb.


There are as many positions as there are frets on the Finger board. It is the 1st finger that determines the position in which the hand is; thus, when the lst finger is placed on the 1st fret, the hand is in the 1st position, and so on with the other positions.



2a Cuerda la Cuerda 6a Cuerda al aire 4o traste al aire al aire

IMPORT ANTE: Las notas en la guitarra suenan una octava

mas bajas (graves) de lo que estan escritas.

Despues de haber afinado Ia guitarra se debe probar tocando

las siguientes octavas:

j lj r ~ lg j i II

La mayorfa de compositores para guitarra usan los sfmbolos

siguientes para indicar la digitacion y este libro tarnbien los usa.


0, se toea al aire; 1, dedo fndice; 2, medio; 3, anular; 4,



i, dedo fndice; m, medio; a, anular; p, pulgar.


Hay tantas posiciones como trastes en el diapason. Es el

primer dedo (fndice) quien deterrnina en que posicion esta la

mano; asi que, cuando el dedo indice esta en la primera

posicion, la mano esta en Ia primera posicion y lo mismo sigue

con las otras posiciones.

Page 14: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The figures placed near the notes indicate the fingers of the left hand, and also the frets on which they are to be placed.

The open strings are indicated by o, the 1st finger and 1st fret by 1, the 2d finger and 2d fret by 2, the 3d finger and 3d fret by 3, and the 4th finger and 4th fret by 4.

The fingers of the right hand are indicated by p for the thumb; i index finger; m middle finger; a ring finger.


6th String. Sth String. 4th String.

E F G A B C D E F m



Los numeros junto a las notas indican los dedos de la mano

izquierda y tambien el traste donde se colocan.

Las cuerdas tocadas a! aire se indican con el 0, el dedo 1 o

indice y el traste primero se indican con ell, el medio y el traste

segundo por 2, el dedo anular y el traste tercero por 3, y el

mefiique y el traste cuarto por 4.

Los dedos de Ia mano derecha son indicados: p para el pulgar;

i para el fndice, m medio y a anular.


3d String 2d String 1st String A

G A B c D E F G i i m i m i m m

1 4 0 2 0

3 3 0 3 Sth fret



G= Sol

0 6a Cuerda




SaCuerda 4a Cuerda 3a Cuerda

Exercises in the First Position Ejercicios en Ia Primera Posicion


2aCuerda la Cuerda

m i m i m i m i (simile) E e @JJJ I ;jJ J I J J J FIr rtF I C=C FIt r r r I J J J J I 3JJJIJ


So traste

- II

1 m i m i m i m i (simile)

~ ~~@JJJIJJJJI;JJJ I uJJWIJJJriJrrrlrrrr 1rrrr=1

- II

m "1.. m i m i (simile)~

@ !l F 1 F r I F F : J I 3 J F r I F J J F I FJ J J I F E E F I J J J J lg J J J 1 1g~~ I m

~ JJJJ IJ JJ J IFF r r IE t F J IJ r F J IE F J J IJg:;;IJJJ J I J J r J I? -II 13

Page 15: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scale with Sharps.

6th String. Sth String. 4th String m i m i m (simile)

Scale with Flats.

6th String. Sth String. 4th String. m i m i m (simile)

In the three previous short exercises plus the scales in sharps and flats Carcassi has given the student all of the notes re­quired for the next 49 pages

Escala con Sostenidos

3d String. 2dString.

Escala con Bemoles

3d String. 2d String.

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2

En los tres ejercicios cortos anteriores mas las escalas en los sostenidos y bemoles, Carcassi ha dado al estudiante todas las notas requeridas para las pr6ximas 49 paginas.

Exercise With Sharps and Flats Ejercicio Con Sostenidos Y Be moles

-:J: m i m i (simile) ~ ~

i e lJJJ IJ J J J I J #~ WuJ I ;~J qJ J I J J J J I J r rlr I F iF r ; I "J pij ~ I

i ~3 4 2 1

ij J F r r I~J=J~ J I J#J J J p J JJ ljF F#r I~ JUM I J#W#J J I#J~ J J I 4 2

~ pJqJql JigJIJJPJ IJnJuW J I~Wr J J lqJ J Jpl J J J J I J•rt El

~ iF I E r l~r J W#J I JbruJ J lqJ~>J J J I~J J Jd IT F E1L I F Ftc F IF 1T F r I

f t F rW I J 3JJ I JQJJ I H J J 11 JJ J I J J rEI E F F r I H JJ I J - II 4 3 0


Page 16: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The union of three or more notes played simultaneously is called a CHORD.


An Arpeggio is a number of notes played successively in uniform order, and which, when united, form chords.

Arpeggios are used on the guitar because they produce an agreeable effect on the instrument, and as studies, they give strength and agility to the fingers of the right hand. To execute the arpeggio well, before making the strings vibrate, the fingers of the left hand should be placed at once on the notes forming the chord on which the arpeggio is to be played; and when the last note of the arpeggio is struck, the fingers should be raised to pass to the next chord. This rule is indispensable; if the fingers were to quit the notes as soon as they are struck, the vibration of the entire chord would be obstructed; of which each note is an essential part.

These Arpeggios are given for the purpose of exercising the right hand, and to establish general rules, which will serve to show the fingering of that hand in all similar passages.

Each Arpeggio ought to the repeated several times in succession.

Foundation Chords for the Arpeggio Studies


Repeat each exercise four times in succession before playing concluding chord.


m m .........,;;,. rn A I I I I I I 2.

~ r ~ r I p








La uni6n de tres o mas notas tocadas simultaneamente se llama

un acorde.


Un arpegio es una cierta cantidad de notas tocadas en sucesi6n

con un orden uniforme y que, cuando estan unidas, forman


Se usan arpegios en la guitarra porque producen un efecto

agradable en el instrumento, y tocados como estudios, dan fuerza

y agilidad a los dedos de Ia mano derecha. Para ejecutar el arpegio

bien, antes de hacer vibrar las cuerdas, los dedos de Ia mano

izquierda deben colocarse a Ia vez en las notas que forman el

acorde donde se toea el arpegio y cuando se toque Ia ultima nota

del arpegio, se debe levantar los dedos para pasar al proximo

acorde. Esta regia es indispensable; si los dedos dejan las notas

tan pronto como se tocan, se obstruye Ia vibraci6n del acorde

entero, del cual cada nota es una parte esencial.

Estos arpegios se dan con el prop6sito de ejercitar Ia mano

derecha y para establecer reglas generales, que serviran para

mostrar el toque de esa mano en todos los pasajes parecidos.

Se debe repetir cada arpegio varias veces en sucesi6n.

Acordes Fundamentales Para Estudios de Arpegios

=II• ~ -r II





Repitan cada ejercicio cuatro veces seguidas antes de toea

el acorde final.


l l . . - I pr

Page 17: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scales, Cadences, Exercises, and Pieces Escalas, Cadencias, Ejercicios, y Piezas

To facilitate the execution of the scales, it is necessary that the fingers of the left hand should be held sufficiently separated, and so placed that they may be put on, and taken off the strings, without moving the hand.

A finger which is placed on a note, should not be moved but to finger the note following, unless this note should be an open string.

In scales ascending, when passing from one note to another, the finger must not be raised too quickly from the string, lest it vibrate if left.

In the following preludes and little pieces, care must be taken to sustain the notes, as well in the bass, as in the other parts, this caution is necessary, in order to obtain a full and harmonious style.


(I.) mimi R.H. (2.) i m i m .l..W< Scale (3.)mama (a.) Rest Strokes Fingerings (4.) am am (b.) Free Strokes

Para facilitar Ia ejecuci6n de las escalas, es necesario separar

los dedos de la mano izquierda suficientemente y colocarlos de

tal manera que se puedan poner y qui tar de las cuerdas sin mover


Nose debe mover un dedo puesto en una nota basta que se tenga

que tocar Ia nota siguiente a menos que esta nota sea una cuerda

al aire.

En escalas ascendiendo, cuando se pasa de una nota a otra, no

se debe levantar el dedo demasiado nipido de Ia cuerda, para que

no vibre cuando se deja.

En los preludios y piezas pequefias siguientes, se debe tener

cui dado de mantener las notas, tanto en el bajo como en las otras

partes, esta cautela es necesaria para obtener un estilo amplio y



(1.) m i i ~

m M.D. (2.) i m i m (a.) Apoyando

Escala (3.) m a m a (b.) Toques

Dedos (4.) a m a m libres

Scale Escala

~ 302 ··~· ,,,,. ~ J J J J J J r F r F FE F F r F r = J J J J J ;JII

- II


Page 18: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Cadence i e i~ r Prelude

A~ m i m

i I I I

'- I I r r p -

_,. 'h . ~ 7 I . . '- I r --r


'I z



Waltz r--1 i .

~~ -ar

m l I

I If -a. 1 11r r

~ "Ft -~ 41 I I Ill

im imim imP

- r· r -r· 17

I·~ T

m II I l i

[ I I

~ 721 ~






m i m




I . . r

r Fine

i, . .


Page 19: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


2. ~


m I I

i I I I I

t. pr jJr I r -p a 1ll



To facilitate the study of the following Arpeggio, and the' execution of the left hand, I have written on an upper stave over each bar, the chord which is to be played Arpeggio, as written on the stave below. The pupil will see at a glance, the chord composing the Arpeggio, and on which notes the fingers must be placed.

The curved lines from one chord to the other, serve to show that the fingering of these notes has not changed, and that the fingers which press them must remain unmoved.

Arpeggio Exercise Ejercicio de arpegios



J m I

Pj a rn



J . . - i r

p r I

r Para facilitar el estudio del arpegio siguiente, y la acci6n de la

mano izquierda, he escrito el acorde, en un pentagrama adicional

encima de cada compas, que se debe tocar como arpegio, como

esta escrito en el pentagrama de abajo. El alurnno vera, de un

vistazo, el acorde que compone el arpegio y en que notas deben

ponerse los dedos.

Las Hneas curvadas que van de un acorde al otro, sirven para

indicar que el dedo en esas notas no cambian y nose de ben mover.


Page 20: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Allegretto im

a a

]', i i m i m m t

~ I i m m I I "' I I I t .il T . . .

t.J - r I I !I lp c p I 2r r r ~ I p

m I 11: m

~/J J i l z_m i m~ ·- m ar---, l m ..J J 1 l

"' Ill I I r ., i -.

t.J r i I~ I I - t p r p

a a

r JFine


am i a m am am

2. "' I I r 1 1 l _I I ...I J ...I ...1 rT . . rT II

! ~

~ r I -~

- r r z rr

'P. zm i m

p mt • z t

"' TTl I I I I I I J J -:r -:r ~

3. . . ~ pr b r T -f- - T pr

m i m m i m m i m m i m

1'1 I T l I I I J J ...I J . ...1 J J J

4. II . . II

t. r ~ 1 I -~

- I pr p


Page 21: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

(Se usa Ia misma patente de Ia M.D. que muestra Ia pagina 16)

(Use same R.H. finger patterns as shown on page 16.)


Key of G Major. El Tono de Sol Mayor 2 3

~# 3 2 3 2 • ~ 1 3 2 ~ ~ JJJJJ J J J = r r r r r = r r r r r = J u w JJogg 11

Exercise~# P J

Arpeggio Exercise


Page 22: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Waltz m

:S'i m m m m

~ ~ m i i m_ I i m i rn i z a i a i

!'I u m i • • I r....., i I I

u p

. . . ' t-J

, r· Fine ~ ~- i . r· -mf r


~ II ~ u I. I tJ I I .I I .I I i m i m i m i

im im m

._ t' -. . r· r ,-:r u; u ~ 2 I

m m __ ...:;.,


- -- I i - --l m !'I u I "'i I 41"-:1

m m ~J n I --, I ~..I

m a i m a m z a m

fl . .. . u r· iU ~I 7 r· - - -r D.C.~ . . -Galop

• ~ .g;m~

r r m . i

J J l -i.. m i !!!. i m m l L ~ - I l r • I 21

i m nz r I I I

• • ·--~ ~ .-lA • r• ~

I ...

r -p

I p ___ _

J J l -~ m i 4JJ

a l a i m i m i i ~ u I I I ~~

m m I T....., m 41 I I I I • I

m m

. . . . -- - 1'!' n

u I r ~ T r 2 ., r p ~

i r mr-1 m ~

a l i m , a i m m i ~m i

" u n ,.-, I I I 41 I I. I I r-t m i I . . . . .. I 3t r 2ft ~~ r - Fine ~ ! p r a z m m ·m

"' u ~ "J • J I I ~ I ~ J z I

. . ._ r I - I ~r - r D.C.i 3

p p


Page 23: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

1'1 u






Andantino m m m

~ -m 1?1

1~~ i ZJ j J 41 -A~ I j J I"""'" 41

u p r' ~ ~ I r r r I ~ i v I


* m a a 2 d p J; z a z

~ m i r1

a z a z a m n OS.

~ I I 4 I I .r'i 4 n . . . . ~ ~ r I tU r u r ~

p ur p


i p p

R.H. Etudes * Move the hand up one fret.

* Mueva la mano subiendo un traste.

1. m am t im am i zmam.1.

1'1 I I I I I I ..I ..I . t) t_; pt_/ ... u • u p i p jJ

p p p p

a i a i zm l z ,..._ z rn i i i m i . ~- z m i I'! I i l. .I i

_L, Jt .ooL . . .... t p p p -p - p p p p r


z z a t

1'1 I I I I I .I .I . . .... 11


! r - - i m a rn z m z a m i

.. I I I I I I J ..I . . .... r· f r· ~


~ - ~ r . .



Page 24: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


To facilitate the fingering in the Scale of D Major, it is necessary to advance the left hand to the second fret. [Second Position]

R.H. Scale Fingerings

( 1.) mimi (2.) imim (3.) mama (4.) amam

Use (a.) Rest Strokes (b.) Free Strokes

1 ? 4


Para facilitar Ia digitaci6n en Ia escala de Re Mayor, es

necesario subir Ia mano izquierda hasta el segundo traste. [ Segunda Posicion]




(1.) mimi (2.) imim (3.) mama (4.) amam


(a.) Apoyando

(b.) Toques


Scale ~ • 0 13 0 !2 I - E ~ ~ ' I 2 I

~ Qfdf~rrrrrt =rrrrr=WJJJJJJJlJJJJJII

'' (E fJ J J J J I J 3 J J Ij JJ ly;g J J Jj I J J JJan I J t I II - II

i i - --- 1 2 -- -- -m a/ " 4J' .... ----- ....

~ If I 3J I I J ~ ~ Prelude

~ I ' r r ' ~.r ' ''-~- _,/

--------- -----------/----,4

. ... !~ I I 31 2...1 I I J I l l I I I

~ - 1 2 ...., r r T14 r

II! .. I I I In~ I .J I I I I I J I -• • • • ~ - 1 2 - 4 I 1 3 2 -, 1 2 rA 1 3 2 r


Page 25: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

When two notes which are to be played on the same string meet, the upper note must be taken as usual, and the lower one on the next string.

The D on the second string the B on the third string on the fourth fret.

The G on the I st string, the E on the 2d string on the 5th fret.

w lt a z a m

" ~ ~~ 2j al J I

.. I 0[' r·

z m a


Cuando se encuentren dos notas que pueden tocarse en Ia

misma cuerda, la nota de arriba se toea como siempre y lade abajo

en la pr6xima cuerda.

1- ~ n t

- . -.

El Re en la segunda cuerda, el Si en la tercera cuerda, cuarto traste.

El Sol en la primera cuerda, el Mi en

la segunda cuerda, quinto traste.

a 11l ! a m

I I 1 l

,.. zm a



D.C. :8-p p

Arpeggio Exercise .. ~ ' . r;., .,,. . . . . . . . . .

t. r·. . p. 19-' -(9-' 1-" z m t t I i m i P i I

,.. ~ I..JI I I.JI I 1.1 I I 1.1 I I I I I I I I I ...JI I I...J I I

1 .. r. r. -::, -. -. -. r. r . p p

,.. ~ 4 4 •• 0 R • • " . _., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

t.J r· r· r· r· ar· ... ~ I .I I I I...J I I j.Jl l ...1 I.J I I T~ l l

~ . i. i . r - ~ .....,, r· r .


Page 26: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Barrer is made by pressing the I st finger on two or more strings, on the same fret.

There are two Barrers, the Great and the Small. In the small Barrer, the first finger stops but two or three

strings. In the great Barrer, the first finger stops the whole of the

six strings.

4 •



Se hace el puente apretando con el dedo indice dos o mas

cuerdas en el mismo traste.

Hay dos tipos, el puente y el medio puente.

En el medio puente, el dedo indice cubre dos o tres cuerdas.

En el puente grande, el indice cubre las seis cuerdas.


r· r D.C.~

Page 27: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

1st Pos.


~ ~ ~ i~.4 I In~ I ...1 I ...1 z 1-ilm


~ [21 r· --:, -. r . ~r .v r 1. = r· - ~

fP . .

Arpeggio Exerc1se


~ ~ rl ~A Small

2~ barrer


~ -- - - - ! Barrer - -- -e- -e- -e- - r ""'{"f' pequeii.o -p-~ ~ ~ M~ I .I I I

\t.. = I r = -:: rt 26

Page 28: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

i m i

i I = t


r -r r


r - - -

r r r r 27




i m i


4 2

i m i

I I I I l

= a

~~ro~~ ~·

Page 29: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

- -

~n r f


r r -

r dim. r

r 28

Page 30: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of E Major. El Tono de Mi Mayor

i:# # 2 4 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 2 4 2 ~ ~ Scale i@ e # @JJJJJ J J J J J r r r E r F r E r r r j J J J JJJJJB I

. m t m t

i: # # i m i m i m i m _i - ~ gj Exercisef@ lleg ~- liJJJt:JtJ lfj)Jf.Jb IKJJJytJ I

- ........


~~ I·~ ~~ r 2r ~r

Cadence ~ ¥JI!1i y

,.. ~ ~ In I I I "' Prelude

~ = = = 4 I ~ 0

,.. ~ ~ ln. • • I ill L I I

u ~ qr . ~ - m

t ~ 2 m

i rn a rn a m rn:· r· i rnam am a IIIII ~ +t. I .J I I I. I

u - - . -- - 2 -. .

. -·--.. ~

f 1



2 m


2 m-i-



~ -r:J I . . . . I - - -- - -

r· r· r· mf r· r· * F double sharp_x_ located on fret 3. r· * La Fa doble sostenido x situado en el traste 3.


- II




I ;~

- I -

Page 31: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


. . . .


Page 32: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scale i Exercisef B

.. •-r ~;~-;t :.: ~ or Cadence' C ~ /~ It~ '. I ~ • II

rim·mi . f i Prelude 4 c 4·J J j ij ,~ p Jj ij r I p JJ /j p J4 0 fJ ~, I




Arpeggio Exercise ~

~ --e- - - .Q.

a u a rr

"' n ~ ~ ~ ~

\--. - = = = 11

= ---

Jl ~


Page 33: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

z m z m 1 z

I J I I m i I J I ~ Ill I I I I I ~JL

t. I - i I r r r = r i m i m t m m i m m m i

r a i a m P a m m 1 m i

Ill I I I J I I I I 1 I


t) -:: I r I rdim. I r r -=i!P I .,_


r· r· r , r· r a~ m i a 1 a i 1?1 a l

~ ~ ...1 I I l I l I I l I I l I

t) r - - - - - - - - - -r· - - - - - - - - -..,- ..,- ..,. -,. ~ .,. -r· m

r r· mf r 32

Page 34: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of E Minor.

"' ~ I .Ill

Prelude ~ r=.

"' ~ I I l II. ...I

~ ~r ... 1 = ~· I m n_t

- :8'-~ z Allegretto, ' g jl I ~ ., =

~-­' --u·

mf r·

i m

= ~· I

I I I I..J

= = . ~ . I ...I I


ra· ---:::... ~~


m .y· z m . z m im



El Tono de Mi Menor

im aim s os.

l.::r l u l 1 J I I

= = 3 ~ = . . . 2nd Pos.

...1 l.

--- II

. jt 3 ~ = :=+-1 ~r. barrer . ....


m a m a m i 4

cresc. m

m z 4 a


= =D.C.


Page 35: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Arpeggio Exercise

) ~ ~ 4 ~

~ " .. ~ ~y


,., .. I II I I I I I I I I I I I J .I

"' " ' ~

\~ r r r r Hj I

) 114 ~ 3 ft.. 4

1 .. - TJ2 Jti_ -9-

1'1 .. I..JI I I ~ I~ _L,J_ J

"\~ - ..., ~r

Andante ~ ~

jill .. , ~

jill ..


1'1 tt m(a1

.._ mf t ~

z ma zm


~r ~



irn l~i m

r ~

I cresc.



I .. J

~~ "


f Yjcresc. fa



I m~

r r t ~r-- - 12

m~ z m a irn i rn a im I• o a I I I

~ t --:: 2 ·2 0

I '-.J I 1 _U

- p*rl " 0 2 dim.




w LJ

r r


- ~ y

r --

gr. barrer. m~ ~ I J l

1 r ~ zm

. -a z,.::., r-r 1 s J

~~r t ---l I I l . .

r2 - Fine -

Page 36: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Right Hand Exercises Ejercicios para la Mano Derecha

1. II

2. II

i a ! a-m· m zm

~==~ _z i

" 1 J ll i i .I T 4 - i i . . 3.


I I [ r r I' ~ LI r r p -p


mim r r m iii a m i im i ~~~ m

m a

Ill ,If r---, J J I r-, mt . 4 I~ 3 ...... t I _I .

t) _r_ iv I r il r r - -- - #--; 2r..r f p p uu p p p p

a m m



Page 37: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Exercise In G Major.

m i m


Allegretto m i

r ~r ~ ra ~-p- ~ ~ lslt Pos m i

f r



Ejercicio en Sol Mayor

r vi

- II

2nd Pos.

- - r· v r P" '--D.C.

Page 38: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


"' :g.i I I I T T J J J J J I l I _I I I

• I

t.. ~ pr v r v r ~ - v r ~ cresc. V

a m i m

. . . . - "1 I sfr v - "1 "1 r mf fa

a mirn mzrn

~ ~ 4-4~ I I I I I I 1.11 I I I l -1 J

tJ r f r ' - ''V -f- v - "v v - ~ r v sf - 3 cresc.

a a l

r "' D.C.


Page 39: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Andantino grazioso a a ny______ ~ a


r ---



Page 40: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

One of the techniques which has advanced classic guitar playing considerably since the latter part of the 19th century is the so-called Rest Stroke. (Some guitarists use the terms "Supported Stroke" or "Hammer Stroke" for this technique.) For this innovation Francisco Tarrega is almost totally responsible. Others may have experimented with the idea but there is no record of it having been used previously, either in print, drawings, or photographs.


(1.) Altering the playing position of the right hand. Instead of resting the little finger on top of the guitar, as other guitarists had always done, he lifted it and held the hand in such a position as to bring the knuckles into a parallel line with the strings. (See photograph on page 10.) (2.) Employing the ring finger more, making many more fingering combinations possible. (3.) Establishing a logical order of fingering for the right hand. Neither of the above mentioned would have been practical with the old traditional position.

The rest stroke is performed by sounding the string with the index, middle, or ring finger. Each finger then comes to rest immediately on an adjacent string. The thumb may also be used in this manner though it moves in an opposite direction.

In using the Rest Stroke the volume of tone is determined by the amount of downward pressure exerted by the fingers­the more pressure, the more tone.

Some of the advantages of the Rest Stroke are: greater volume of sound, firmness and security by providing addi­tional support to the hand, and more resource to shadings and phrasing.


Una de las tecnicas que ha avanzado considerablemente el arte

de tocar la guitarra chisica, desde los fines del Siglo XIX, es el

llamado Punteo de Apoyo que algunos guitarristas lo conocen

como Pun teo Sostenidoo Punteo Amartillado. Francisco Tarrega

tiene casi totalmente el credito por esta innovaci6n. Otros

guitarristas han experimentado con la idea pero no se hace

menci6n en la historia de que haya sido utilizado anteriormente,

ni en letra, dibujos o fotografias.


(1.) Alterando la posicion de toque de la mano derecha. En

Iugar de apoyar el dedo mefiique sobre la guitarra, como otros

guitarristas siempre habfan hecho, el lo levant6 y mantuvo Ia

mano en una posicion que colocaba los nudillos paralelos a las

cuerdas (vease Ia foto en la pagina 10)

(2.) Us6 mas a menudo el dedo anular, creando de esta manera

muchas mas combinaciones posibles de digitaci6n.

(3.) Estableciendo un orden l6gico de digitacion de Ia mano

derecha. Ninguna de las tecnicas anteriores hubieran sido posible

con Ia posicion tradicional.

El Punteo de Apoyo se ejecuta tocando las cuerdas con el

fndice, medio o anular. Cada dedo se apoya inmediatamente en

la cuerda adyacente. El pulgar tam bien puede ser usado de esta

manera aunque se mueve en direcci6n opuesta.

Cuando se usa el Punteo de Apoyo, se deterrnina el volumen

del tono con Ia cantidad de presion bacia abajo aplicada por los

dedos - cuanto mas presion, mayor el volumen.

Unas de las ventajas del Pun teo de Apoyo son: mayor volumen

de sonido, firmeza y seguridad al recibir la mano mas apoyo y

mas recursos para matiz y frase musical.

Page 41: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of F Major. El Tono de Fa Mayor

~ ,, ,, ,, ,,,, ·~

Scale ~ JJJQ 1 J J J J J r r r r r = r E r F r J J J j JiJJJJJJ II . m t t

i_ i m i m i m i ~:::'1 H Exercise @ ~ e J JJ:i1 JJ I !J:n iJ UJ I GJJ n bi I !J J) cr rJ I

~~cmocrulfJJo 1449 1 4 ~~ 1~ - II

Cadence ~ ~ C ~~ - II zma mz

II J I .I I .J J IJI I J I -- I

Prelude 141 . . . . . u 13 '" I rs· r· r r I I

- z m rtZ- - z tm

" ~ J i jJ ...!!1. t J I , P""" I '

m z m Waltz a-m rn

• . ---,- I .. --- --- ra· 13 ---P!!!;. a rn a- rn

jill i I I ' J ,..... I ..J I I ~ 4 . . . . .. r· ri i i - . .

2 . 3



Page 42: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


. . a mzmz




Page 43: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of D Minor. El Tono de Re Menor

i 0 2 3 °~ 0 2 3 01 4 2

Scale \j 9 g f d f ~ r #r r r r r r qr ~r j J J J J p p J J J J II "l. m i m i (simile) _ o:::::j

Exerciseijpe J JJJ~lJ J J I J lJ;J jJ J J I fj J) J J.~J? I

*' urr crc:rl ec~u n Jo 1 n np4u 13 q~ 1l - 11 Cadence ·

"' • , o I • ,,. •

·~ m • m ·-r f Prelude f op

3 ~ I. J 1 31 ol I ,I t] l I

I .I I I n .I ~ I " n . tJ I -(if- I Tf 13

l 2 l i m z m i z m z i a i m i a jill r. I :U J I J I J I ,I~ I~ l nl. 1..- I 11...1 I 41 . . . . . .

t ul M . 1;Jp T J....l I L-1 Ar L....J fj. - . rFine p .p . . . a

. * lst Finger remains down.


Page 44: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for



Caprice In D Minor Capricho an Ra Manor

im m


m i . . a z m r


----- --gr.-b"aiT~.--- -----------


Page 45: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Right Hand Exercises Ejercicios para la Mano Derecha

m rn m simile

Jill ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ al ~ ~ ~ J ~ I~ fJ ~ 1. . .

u 1 r I.J I - I l:J r r r - - -P----------------------






m rn

- II


Page 46: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Exercise In D Major. Ejercicio en Re Mayor m m





r· ' ' "1 u:~ r· Fine "1 p ' ' ---- ---------

1st Pos. m i m

mD.C. ~ m m· m

r 45

Page 47: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

) ~


"' ,t..

' ,.,. 1 . I. . .

' -sp· "'

1._ - .

1 • . . .


. . I I

. . . 3r

1....1 I I J I

... - r· .

Right Hand Exercises ~

Arpeggio Exercise

4c; . _,__..... . . . . . . . . . . r· T I~

I I I I I I I~ ~ I J 1...11

. . . . r· .

r r I I

1 . n I 1 .... . . . . . . . . i) 3r . lu

I I I I I I I ....1 I l ..J I

. . r· I r· I I

r· Ejercicios para La Mano Derecha ~

r 46

Page 48: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Two or more notes placed successively, of which only the first is made to vibrate by the right hand, and the others by the mere pressure of the fingers of the left hand, are called slurred notes.

Slurs are performed both in rising and in descending. To execute slurs of two notes, in rising, the lower note is to be played, and the finger of the left hand descends like a hammer and with a good deal of force upon the higher note, which must sound from the mere impulse of the finger.

In descending, the higher note is played, and drawing the finger which pressed it, a little, to one side, so as to touch the string a little, the lower note is made to sound. If the latter note is not on an open string, it must be prepared before the higher note is made to vibrate.

The slur is indicated by this sign ...---_ placed over the notes which are to be slurred.


Play the E and place the first finger on F.

f m i m z eu lg I; J J ._.........

simile Play the F and draw back the finger to sound the E

f m-...._

J m

z m

4 r r I r ? " I r r Play the B and pla.ce the 3d finger on C.

f m z m i

e J J I J IJ d_) --._./

Play the G and draw back the finger to sound the F m ::--......__ · m · rn


Se Haman notas ligadas ados o mas notas tocadas sucesivamente,

de las cuales solamente Ia primera se toea con Ia mano derecha

y las otras suenan solamente con Ia presion de los dedos de Ia

mano izquierda.

Se tocan ligados ascendiendo y descendiendo. Para tocar

ligados de dos notas ascendiendo, se toea Ia nota mas baja y el

dedo de Ia mano izquierda desciende como un martiilo, con gran

fuerza, sobre Ia nota mas alta, que debe sonar con solo el impulse

del dedo izquierdo.

AI descender, se toea Ia nota mas alta, y moviendo el dedo que

la apret6 un poco allado, para tocar Ia cuerda in poquito, se hace

sonar Ia nota baja. Si la nota posterior noes una cuerda tocada al

aire, se tiene que preparar Ia segunda nota antes de tocar la nota


La ligadura se indica con este sfmbolo colocado sobre las notas

que estan ligadas.


Toque Mi y ponga el dedo fndice en Fa

m z

L~ l

J J I j I J --._./

Toque Fa y quite el dedo para que suene Mi m z

J I j J J lj II -...............


Toque Si y ponga el 3r dedo en Do

m i m i

J J lj J J I J -...._/

"....__/ Toque Sol y quite el dedo para que suene Fa

i m i

f ~ E ~ ~ ~ J J lj J J IJ - II IF ~r IF

(simile) ~

There are also slurs of two notes, in descending, on two different strings, which are called "Vibration Slurs': To perform them, play the higher note, which in this case is almost always open, then strike hard with the finger of the left hand the note which is to be slurred, and which will be sounded by the mere impulse of the finger.



Hay tam bien ligados de dos notas, al descender, en dos cuerdas

distintas que son llamados "Ligados de Vibraci6n." Para tocarlos,

toque la nota mas alta, que casi siempre es una nota al aire, y pise

con fuerza con el dedo de la mano izquierda la nota que esta

ligada y que debe sonar con el impulse del dedo izquierda


Page 49: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Toque el Mi y pise fuerte el Re con el 3r dedo. Play the E and strike the 3d finger on D.


In rising, the effect of the slur is also produced by sliding the thumb of the right hand from one string to the other; in this case the first note must be struck rather hard and the thumb slide with delicacy over the next string.



AI ascender el efecto de ligadura se produce tam bien deslizando

el pulgar de Ia mana derecha de una cuerda a otra; en este caso se

debe tocar la primera nota bastante fuerte y el dedo pulgar se

desliza con delicadeza sobre la proxima cuerda.

Slide the thumb

~ J J 'J Deslize el dedo pulgar. Yib. Vib.

J J I W --.__../ p_


2 4 4 I JilJJJJJj I#JOg t

Slurs of three or four notes are made in the same manner as those of two notes, by setting the first note in vibration with the right hand, and laying on or with-drawing, according as the slur is ascending or descending, as many fingers of the left hand as there are notes to be slurred.


Snap the E, and the place successively the first finger upon the F, and the third upon the G.

p p~ Snap the G, and successi~he fingers to produce

the F and th~ S---.__

~ ·r r r r r




IJ Jj 3]Jjjl

Se hacen ligaduras de tres o cuatro notas de la misma manera

que las de dos notas, haciendo vibrar Ia primera nota con la mano

derecha y poniendo o quitando, si el ligado es ascendiendo o

descendiendo, tantos dedos de la mano izquierda coma haya

notas ligadas.


Toque el Mi y coloque sucesivamente el primer dedo en el Fa

y el tercero sobre Sol.

IJ p

Toque el Sol y quite los dedos sucesivamente para tocar Fa y


IJ fl J I~ II

Page 50: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


In this last you snap the first note and slur all the rest,

Es este ejernplo, toque la prirnera

nota y ligue las dernas

1 ! H. Vl.b. Vib. Vib. Vib. Vib. Vib.

~ ~~ C E r ry I fJ J 1 J J J.ilJ

-. r

r· I



Page 51: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Notes in the Higher Positions Notas en las Posiciones Mas Altas

(System for Memorization) (Sistema de Memorizar)

Following is shown a systematic way to memorize six octaves of notes on the guitar fingerboard in the shortest amount of time. (One octave on each string.)

This procedure provides four different viewpoints of the chromatic scale and progresses in this manner: (a) Up in sharps (b) Down in flats (c) Up in flats (d) Down in sharps.

Begin by playing through the exercise slowly until thoroughly familiar with its contents. After this is accom­plished play through the exercise from memory, Naming the notes as you play them until completely memorized. Repeat many times. You must keep identifying the notes on the fingerboard as you practice to memorize their location.

Fr. 5

A continuacion se muestra una manera sistematica para

memorizar seis octavas de notas en el diapason de la guitarra en

el tiempo mas breve. (Una octava en cada cuerda.)

Este procedimiento ofrece cuatro distintos puntos de vista de

la escala cromatica y progresa en esta manera:

(a) Asci en de en sostenidos (b) Desciende en bemoles (c) Asciende

en bemoles (d) Desciende en sostenidos.

Comience tocando el ejercicio despacio hasta que este

completamente familiarizado con su contenido. Despues de

conseguir esto, toque el ejercicio de memoria, Nombrando las

notas mientras las toea hasta que las memorice completamente.

Repitalo muchas veces. Se tiene que seguir identificando las

notas en el diapason mientras practica para memorizar su posicion.

Fr. 4


E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E


E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C Db D Eb E

To memorize the notes on the remammg five strings proceed as you did on the first, starting with the open string and going up and down an octave on each one, as prescribed above.


Para memorizar las notas en las siguientes cincos cuerdas, siga

el procedimiento anterior, comenzando con la cuerda tocada al

aire, subiendo y descendiendo una octava en cada una.

Page 52: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


There are as many positions as there are frets on the fingerboard. It is the 1st finger that determines the position in which the hand is; thus, when the 1st finger is placed on the 1st fret, the hand is in the first position, and so on with the other positions.

There are five which are called principal positions. A thorough knowledge of these is sufficient to enable the student to acquaint himself with the others. The five principal positions are: the First, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Ninth.


Method OD Practicing (a.) As you play the scale name the notes. (b.) As you play the scale name the frets.

Employ these R.H. fingerings. (l.)mimi (3.) mama (2.)imim (4.) am am

Apply the same procedure to the scales in Fifth, Seventh, and Ninth positions.

,.b 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 3

J J J IJ ~ ~ I J ~ ® @ @

4 2 1

,~~ r E ~ !i 2 1 3 1

I r ~ E I F r I CD ® @

Exercise ..


J @


Hay tantas pos1c10nes como trastes en el mango. Es el dedo primero que determina la posicion en que la mano es; de este modo, cuando el dedo primero esta puesto en el primero traste, la mano esta en la posicion primera, y etcetera, con las otras posiciones.

Hay cinco que se Haman posiciones principales. Un conocimiento completo de estos es suficiente para permiitir el estudiante familiarizarse con las otras. Las cinco posiciones principales son: La Primera, La Cuarta, La Quinta, La Septima y La Novena.


Metodo de Practicar (a) Mientras toque la escala nombre las notas. (b) Mientras toque la escala nombre los trastes.

Emplee estos pulsados de la Mano Derecha. (I) mimi (3) mama (2) i mim (4) ama m

Apl{que este mismo procedimiento a las escalas en Ia Quin­ta, Septima, y Novena Posicion.

1 2 !i

~ 1 3 1 2 4 r £ ~ I r ~ I r ~ ~ I @ ® CD

3 1 4 3 1 4 2 1

~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ IJ J ·.~ @ ®


' • ~ m · · · m i ''!''"/e) 1 h ij Jj h fJ I ij 11 J W J 1 I J J J J c: r ;;;J

J JJJ I J l ~ I~ - II


Page 53: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

p p

m m

rn 0

i m m m m

p p D.C.

Exercise In A Major. Ejercicio en La Mayor

r rr r r r r

rrrrJr r 3. @#f.~. ~ ~. ~ ~) ~ ~ Is~ ll::::: :II ~

r v v ~ vtrrrr r - II

r 52

Page 54: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scale in the fifth position. :El tono en La Quinta Posicion

i. 1 2 4

~~ J J J @ ® 3 ® J) __

2 1 3 1 4

~ 1 4 3 1 4 2 1

F F If F lr ~ I J ~ ~ IJ J ~ II ',ID_ @ @



Page 55: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scale in the seventh position. El tono en La Septima Posicion

## 1 2 4 1 3 4

~ J =1 J IJ J J 4 1 2 4

IJ r FIt fIt r r ltffl @ @ :z: (D, __

1 4 3

J 4 3 1 4 2 1

r I ~ F IJ J J IJ J J II ® @

a· ® ·~·--

. .

m i m i

m .

~ifii m


r r 54

Page 56: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Scale in the ninth position. El tono en la Novena Posicion


Page 57: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

There are cases where we profit by a note played upon an open string, to pass with greater facility from one position to another; this note is indicated by a (o) which is placed over a note.

Hay casas don de podemos beneficiarnos de una nota tocada en

una cuerda al aire para pasar con mas facilidad de una posicion

a otra; esta nota se indica con una ( o) puesta sabre una nota.

1st Pos. 9th Pos. 9th Pos.-- 1st Pos.---------

~~ea.:'~~e~t~¥ (~! i~~~~J~JJa~J l~@}~m:l~I~J ~: ~~~~~i ~i @~0~4 1~JJJJ~-~WJ~1 A ~=~II !!]! r U~TI r

fret, on that

A veces el primer dedo baja un traste, sin alterar la posicion de la mano.

~ J _.I j U~J-fiJJ3 ~ ~j:=~~~,~(~,~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~11

r r r

without the account.

The four following pieces are written so that the pupil may go through the different positions.


mf= r _p


r 2nd Pos.

r r r 56

Las cuatro piezas siguientes estan escritas para que el alurnno

pueda probar las distintas posiciones.

4th Pos. ;;c~~=s---------1st Pos.



r r

Page 58: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

5th Pos. ---.....,...----------;;:;;;--------------­. m . 1 • . . :8'm t · · rn ~ z . ·

Allegretto 4 & g jj lid J J j J J I j If ~h F r fl ~ ¥jf! I JJ 3 J J J I J y g.; I . p .

mf m i m 1st Pos. i m i

l.h i~ a

J J .. -m m 4J I I ... J .J J I ~ . . ~ . ~ p .V Fine i ' rr· t L_ J I p

I -

7th· Pos.

p-i i r· r· -----m-z--.....,17,-i-"r11 ------.. 1 2d Pos. mm ~~~~ i m

5th Pos.



Page 59: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


'P p i p

m i 1st Pos. a ~arrer·--------, p i

~mi i rn z am 4J a

4J 4th Pos. . m i ~ , ., ~ .J -1 _,_::z m m

~ .21 " 0 ·~ l l i l m~ .!,.1• ~ 7'>. '1I . .... - ~

L!>~ . t) . I I T I r-- - r ~-imim •-.


r· r r rn i am J

imirni m i m

r r r 58

Page 60: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


m i m


r r· r· r· ~

r· - - r r - -r r· r

dolce r·


Page 61: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

r r r· r· r r· r a a~ a a m 9th Pos. ,.;.mimi I"

ih ""'

~ J "']""" J J I 41 _.

--- ~ ~ -" __... _...ltf""' ~ I • • . _j u . r. r· I I dolce

- - -r· r r·


Page 62: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


On the Guitar there are passages of double notes or thirds, sixths, octaves, and tenths. To facilitate their execution, it is necessary to slide the fingers as much as possible, in passing from one fret to another.

In these first exercises the fingers which are to slide are marked by small lines placed between the numbers, to indicate the fingering of the left hand.

Scale in Thirds. m I


·m ~ 0

i 1

Scale in Sixths. z 4 rn


r rr rrr 0

1 a-3- 3 -a- -a





En la guitarra hay pasajes de notas dobles o terceras, sextas,

octavas, y decimas. Para facilitar su ejecuci6n, es necesario

deslizar los dedos, lo mas posible, al pasar de un traste a otro.

En estos primeros ejercicios, los dedos que se deslizan estin

marcados por las lfneas colocadas entre los numeros para indicar

la digitaci6n de la mano izquierda.

Escala En Terceras


a ----;'3-3 - -a-3 -3 1

3d Pos.


Escala En Sextas

0 4 2 0 4

Page 63: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

:&i Exercise 'j )


Scale in octaves.

rn i rn 2 4 0

j_ rn

_JJJJ_ ----



u 4-4


2 a-3- s D.C.

Escala En Octavas


Page 64: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for



Scale in tenths. ·m

7 ~ 0

2 3 4 3 4 ~


. W.r ~ 5th Pos.

-. i m1 i aj i

Prelude t. ~ u


3th Pos.

ill I ~ I I ~ I

v J3 ]3 4

4-4-;1-J1J J~- =- 1J

r~r Fine ill 4' 4 1

mrrr 2

gr. Barrer.


m1 i I J I I 1 .. J

I r 4

1 t p s OS.

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .J

ra·- r I


r Escala En Decimas

I I -1 I

r ~~~J


T 4

0 3

Page 65: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


r r


3 1 3-3


JJJ1J 3-3-3-3-3 3 1 3 1 3


Page 66: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for




i of

- ----- - - - - - -- - --1st Pos.



Page 67: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

SCALES, CADENCES, EXERCISES, AND PRELUDES in the Major and Minor Keys, which have not been presented in the First Part.

R.H. Scale

(l. ) mimi

Fingerings (2. ) imim



(4. ) am am



en los Tonos Mayores y Menores, que no se han presentado

en la Primera Parte. M.D.



(1.) mimi

(2. ) i m i m

(3. ) rna m a

(4. ) a m am

Page 68: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

In passages of thirds, sixths and tenths, sometimes we find an accompanying part which rests upon a single con­tinuous note, and which is put in to produce an effect peculiar to the guitar. This part should always be executed upon an open string, even if the other parts are higher, in which case they should be taken upon strings below the open string.


a m

En pasajes con terceras, sextas, y decimas, a veces encontramos

una parte de acompaiiarniento que se basa en una sola nota

continua y que se pone para producir un efecto peculiar a Ia

guitarra. Esta parte siempre debe tocarse en una cuerda al aire,

aunque las otras partes sean mas altas, en cuyo caso de ben tocarse

en cuerdas mas bajas de Ia que se toea aire.


- II

~ jf ~ oj oj ol 0 2 0 2 oj 2 o i o 1 ~ oj.~oj.~ OJ! 02 0 2 o~ oj of a/ 4

Sixths. t) 3-~

.. 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 ~ i 0 ~ ~



i m i rn m m m

Study. ,~#!~ ~ ~ j

~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ -2J nl 0 0 2 ol 2 ~ ol 4J 41 2 ol 1 oj I ol

r . . . .

t. I I I 31 ll ., I - '13 12 I - f @ 4

ol J -:J. ~I ~ ... ~ Ol I I 2 0 2\ 0\ 2 0\ 2 0 I l :In-' "2~ at :.1 °l

t. I =r I I I' I = I ~ 13 I = 1' @ i 3~i m i rm a m i nz i m i m :~~ i m

A jf ~ ;} o/ o/ 3 ~ o .u 21--21 °1 I 0 ol 2 0 I ol ~ ol I o 1 ai 4J I J ~ . - _. .I I

. t) I = 12 - ~ I ~I r ~r lr ff~ -

fl ® 'ID ®. ,I I I 41 il I

0 3 2 a



Page 69: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of Bf, Major. El Tono de SiD Mayor


3 4 i_ I 1st Pos. 4 1.-l ::t ~ E• 1st Pos.

!!l!~·c JJJ 1 ;;JJJ 1 r rrl rrrq==FI Frrrl r JJ 1 J; J 1 14 - 11

Cadence - II

1st Pos

lr 1st Pos

,. I I I I I I I IL 1 I l l IL _l 11 I L _l I I I Prelude ~

u ,2 ro· tj. r· -3 r· .. - .. - •::::;:• •

1 ft' .

3d Pos. gr. barrer.

~ ~~- ~/ - ··tJ - -- I. IJ I I IJ I -"! I I I I

. .. . ~ - a ~ ft' "r. , -- ~----- ---~-~-- _II ~ 1 . 1st Pos.


1 3d Pos. 6th Pos. gr. barrer.


Page 70: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

1 2 3d Pos. OS. . 1st Pos.

lJI 't L j I I I I~J I I Jl I .. J I I~ I ~ "' ·- _. " .,. • I~"

w --- - - . ~ r· r~3 ,. . -r· r· Jla f, 1


Key of ED Major. .1 1 3 4 3 1 ~rd Pos. El Tono de MiD Mayor

Scale ~~~Hl tJJ" iJrrr IF rr lrrfflt fflrrr r IF- ~ F lr j JJI:J - II @

~ ~ lst PC!!- _

Exercise j~ &I! J A JJJJ IJJJJidJ3 I J 3d Pos.

6 ~"& fJ H a a I Er EJ f3 JJ I jJ JJ JJJ J 1J q~ I ~ -

3d Pos. 4th Pos. 3d Pos. 1st Pos. 3d Pos.

Cadence ~~.c, ~~ li~ l~ I~~ -1r 4r 1

rgr. barrer.


3d Pos. 1st Pos.

Prelude 1 1st Pos. gr. barrer.

3d Pos.

1 3 4 3


Page 71: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

- II

gr. barrer.



Page 72: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

4th· Pos. 1st Pos. 4th Pos.

ill I !-6 ,i~ l-6 4t: J-6 11

Cadence ~~~~§j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{t 1 r 3r lr 4th Pos. sm. barrer 6th Pos. gr. barre~. 4th Pos.

Key of F Minor. IEl Tono de Fa Menor

1st Pos.

4~ I!~ Cadence *(~ !~ I~ lg~ - Jl ~ ,, c

f r 3r ... __ -----


Page 73: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of Db Major. El Tono de Reb Mayor

Serving also for that of C# Major, with seven sharps. Equivalente al Do# Mayor, con siete sostenidos.

Exercise' •%·.~~ Jt D £l n I c Eft E1 EJ I fJ 30:]JJJ lt:J n D n I

4>%•. F &QyiJ L!ErcriJ fliJJolpJJj]lJ ttl II~- II

Cadence ' •IV > !! ~ P~ i POL I ~ Pos. :f Pos. I,, - II

Key of Bb Minor. 3d Pos. . 1 3 4-4 2 El To no de Sib Menor t b 1st Pos. -j I~ ~ ~~ 1

Scale @. &•. c JJJ IJJ~Jg~ lr rr IE u I=:±IFrFFir JJ IJJ llJ lo - II

I ~ - II r


Page 74: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Cadence - II


2d Pos. b gr. arrer. os. 4t Pc 'm barre . ... Ji ti I.! I Ia I ..J I ,_, ..J I .J I a I Ia ll

. . . . . '- 1tft r Is '1ft ~ jt' ~ r. 13 I

. st os • 1st Pos. 2d Pos 1 p _. ~ H. r.l 1 Ia I J 1 -' I

m i m ' m

. '- 12'

. . . . r . p v I 13 2 2 I t•= ,. i u f :p r -


Page 75: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of F# Minor. El Tono de Fa# Menor

gr. barre.

2d Pos.

Cadence I~ - II

2d Pos. gr. barre.

1 3 3 -4 4 r

Key of C# Minor, 6th Pos. , • # 1 t p ~ ~~ 1 p hi fono de Do# Menor ~ s os. · . st os.

Scale @±l!!j Jj I JJ~, lr w H4=4 rrrrl r~rgJ I JJJJ IJ ·II 134 214204


Exercise@~~eJ n fJwJP lc:r r; LC E;IAJgJ J n J J


Page 76: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Cadence - II

4th p os. OS. 2d Pos.

""~ ~ I I I I I I J J IJ I IJI Prelude . .

u ~ ·~ r· r· ~ r· "[I r 4th Pos gr barre lst Pos. . . 4th p os.

""~ H IJ IJ IJ I IJ I ~ IJ IJI J . . . .

.... 13 I It I r2 1 u r r·- - 3 ~ . 1

1st Pos. sm. barre. 2nd Pos ·gr. barre. 4th Pos. gr. barre.

-. ~ ~' I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I.J I I I I.J I I

.... r· r· --: ·: - ·1 - -;J ~ ::::;:, - - - rp -::: . . . 0 I 1 1

Key of G sharp minor El To no de Sol ~Menor

scale 4~ ll JJJIJ~J IJ Jr lrr#r"F!F 1FgEIFrrJIJ JJ IJJJJig·ll # l~t Pos. . . 4

Exercise 4 ., e J ;6ici~:JI I tJ.D £l n I [ L E F u~CE I a

4th Pos. gr. barre. 1st Pos. 4th Pos.

""~ ~. It:< 4~ 1r.; 4 1r.;

Cadence ~ t. IF lr 3r lr lr


Page 77: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Key of F# Major.

Serving also for that of Gb Major with six flats .

• 2d Pos.

Cadence ~ ~~ftU e ' ; ~ 2d Pos. sm. barre r

ll~ r

i m i


4th Pos.

t~ lr

4th Pos. gr. barre.

El Tono de Fa# Mayor

Equivalente a! Solb Mayor, con seis bemoles.

2d Pos.

li~ - II r- 4th Pos.

Page 78: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


t'lJLfi .1.11


1ft '-

~ ~ ~





. . . -umi a


= .


. . .



= .

t a I I I T l l I r--r-.~~~o...

fa "1 r . . Arpegg1o Exerc1se

E" . . D I A . JerCICIO e rpeg1o . . . . . . - -- -"'U• ·o.


= = = . . .

u. ___ __, 2


J t OS.


r r 31

. . . --U•

I I I I I I I _....

= - -- -. . .

Page 79: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Trill is where a note alternates, for a longer or shorter ime, according to its value, and very rapidly, with the .ote which is a tone or half a tone above it, and which is ermed the auxiliary note. The Trill should generally begin nd end with the principal note.

Every Trill should have a termination; this termination onsists of the tone or semitone below, followed by the rincipal note. (See following Examples.)

On the Guitar the trill is made in three ways:

By snapping the first note, and slurring the rest of the Trill. By snapping the principal, and slurring the auxiliary note. By taking the two notes upon two different strings with the left hand, and snapping them with two or three fingers.

Nritten Escrito

) AU~

lla manera 1st manner •

u Terminacion

Played Tocado

Written Escrito

Played Toe ado

A~ H. r-


) ~ ~ H


,. u ~



~~-~~ ~

13a manera 3d manner i;

• i 11'1 i 1!2


i m i '!! i m i m



El trino se hace cuando se altema una nota, mas largo o breve

de acuerdo a su valor, muy rapidamente con otra nota un tono o

semitono mas arriba que se llama la nota auxiliar. Generalmente

el trino comienza y termina con la nota principal.

Cada trino debe teneruna terminaci6n; esta terminaci6n consiste

en un tono o sernitono mas bajo seguido por la nota principal.

(Vea los ejemplos siguientes.)

En la Guitarra se hace el trino de tres maneras:

(1) Tocando la primera nota y ligando el resto del trino.

(2) Tocando la nota principal y ligando la nota auxiliar.

(3) Usando las dos notas en dos cuerdas diferentes con la mano

izquierda, y tocandolas con dos o tres dedos.

12a manera 2d manner • ~ ~. :_,.... .at ~. ~ z--'""•

con un acompaDamitmto with an accompaniment


~i Y!J.i/J2iiJJ. z - -



(Z) 3 0

3 0 rr rr Ur






Page 80: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


The Slide is performed by one finger of the left hand, which slides along the neck in passing over all the frets from the 1st to the 2nd note, after having struck with the right hand the first of the two notes.

El desliz se ejecuta con un dedo de Ia mano izquierda que se

desliza sobre el diapason de una nota a otra pasando por todos los

trastes en medio, despues de pulsar can Ia mano derecha la

primera de las dos notas.

The slide produces a good effect on the guitar, because it imitates the sound of the voice. It is indicated by this sign. ~

Slide the 2d finger from F# to A Desliza el 2 dedo de fa Fa# a Lam

/2::::; 2 ~ 2

Slides are also performed in double notes Se ejecutan deslizes tambien en notas dobles

~ i~& r i#i}r ~~a r l~r 3~ 3~ 3~


This name is given to a small note which sometimes is of half the value of the note which it precedes.

In this case it is the long Appoggiatura, and when it has but a very short duration it is called the short Appoggiatura. To distinguish the short from the long Appoggiatura, the former is crossed at the end.

The small notes are played the same as slurs, giving an impulse to the small note with the right hand, and making the principal note sound with the finger of the left hand.

When a common note, preceded by a small note, is accompanied by one or more parts, the small note must be played with the accompanying parts, and the principal note be slurred immediately.

El desliz produce in buen efecto en Ia guitarra, porque imita el

sonido de Ia voz. Se indica con este sfmbolo.

-------Slide the 3d finger from D to 8 Desliza el 30 dedo de Re a Si 3~



Se llama asf a las notas pequefias que a veces reciben Ia mitad

del valor de Ia nota que precede.

En ese caso nos referimos a Ia apoyatura larga y cuando tenga

una duraci6n muy corta se llama apoyatura breve. Para

diferenciarla, Ia breve tiene una linea que Ia cruza en un angulo.

Las notas de adorno se tocan igual que los ligados, tocando Ia

nota de adomo con la mana derecha y hacienda sonar la nota

principal con el dedo de Ia mano izquierda.

Cuando una nota normal tiene una nota de adomo y esta

acompaiiada por otras notas, se tocan Ia de adorno y el

acompaiiamiento a Ia vez, seguido inmediatamente por Ia nota


Long small notes Apoyaturas largas

~ J~

short small notes apoyaturas breve I. »lr.

m . m t~ .--....


I ~~~ Small notes to be played with the notes of accompaninlent S e toea Ia apoyatura con las notas de acompafiamiento m rn i 11 a a



111 i


Page 81: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Two Appoggiaturas are executed in the same manner as two principal notes slurred, only with more rapidity, since the latter receive their full value, whereas the small notes borrow somewhat from the duration of the principal notes.

Written Escrito

Played Tocado





~. m i


~ .. . .

r::::a-- •...._:/

f ' IJ~J J



Dos Apoyaturas se ejecutan de Ia misma manera que dos notas

principales ligadas, solamente con mas rapidez ya que la poste­

rior recibe su valor completo mientras que las notas de adomos

"prestan" su duraci6n de la nota principal.

m m too. .F9


- .-... . . ~· ~



1 1 r

Page 82: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


This ornament is a fragment of a Trill. It is made upon long and short notes; but has a particularly fine effect upon the latter; it is indicated by the sign.-w

Written Escrito

Played Toe ado

J'l .. .. M n~ M'

u I ~ Mordente sobre notas largas. Mordente upon long notes.

i~ i ~ .. .-fill .,, .• .... rn i m

"'-" ........

•J "-""' Andantino


To damp or smother the sounds, you have only to place the fingers of the right hand upon the strings just snapped, after allowing them to vibrate during their written value, (which is here a sixteenth.) Chords of five or six notes are stopped by laying the palm of the right hand upon all the strings, near the rosette.


~e~.iv~3 ~f1.,----~~ a""' a• u! "" • ..


.._} t~~ r~~ 2 t~ ~J; ~~ 2~ -"

t1 -


Este omamento es un fragmento de un trino. Se hace con notas

largas y breves pero tiene un efecto muy agradable con las

segundas; se indica con el sfmbolo.

M' • M

Mordente sobre notas cortas. Mordente upon short notes.

~ i rn !~ i m i m


2 1 3


Para apagar o silenciar los sonidos, solamente hay que poner

los dedos de Ia mano derecha sobre las cuerdas que se tocan,

despues de permitirles vibrar el tiempo del valor escrito, (en este

ejemplo una semicorchea.) Los acordes de cinco o seis notas se

apagan poniendo Ia palma de la mano derecha sobre todas las

cuerdas, cerca de Ia boca.

rl 'i B~P 3 P ffp ~3 ~I 2 ~ ~ .. ~ ~ aR al.

' f -r 7ttfr~ ~ ~~·~ ~~;

- II


Page 83: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


This is the name of a group of appoggiatura notes, composed of the principal note and its auxiliary note immediately above and below. It is indicated and performed in three ways.

1. By beginning with the principal note, A (J)~ 2. By beginning with the auxiliary above, (B"'-") 3. By beginning with the auxiliary below, (Coo) This is called inverted in most treatises, and indicated ( 6 ).


Es un grupo de notas de adomos compuesto de Ia nota principal

y su nota auxiliar inmediatamente arriba y debajo. Se indica y se

toea de tres maneras.

1. Comenzando con la nota principal, ejemplo A

2. Comenzando con la nota auxiliar de arriba, ejemplo B

3. Comenzando con la nota auxiliar de abajo, ejemplo C. Esto se

llama invertido en la mayorfa de libros, y se indica ( 6 ).


Example Ejemplo

Written Escrito

A C'O 11~ •

BCQ ~ c ..;;.

• u Gruppetto 1beginning with fue principal note. With the note above.

I Wiih the note bel~~.

Gruppetto comenzando con· la nota principal Con la mota arriba. Con 1a nota abajo . rJm . "" ~ i ..!. m i..._ m i~rn i m ! ..-<l m zff:jm i m

Played Tocado

·'-I p

If a little note of the gruppetto is to be altered by a Sharp or Flat, it is thus indicated for the auxiliary above, ( &, ) and thus for the auxiliary below ( 1 ).



),.. g co .66 Written Escrito

t.J With 1 the upper auxliary altered


Played Toe ado



Con el auxiliar arriba alterado m ~ rn....:~~ i t:!!.. i


When the Gruppetto stands between two principal notes, it is always commenced with the upper auxiliary.

Written Escrito

Played Toe ado



" .u

<%) • - CoO

........ - I

i . i m ~m ~ ~lfflm i m

- - T




- 'p I - I

Si se altera una apoyatura con un bemol o sostenido, se indica cv

asi para el auxiliar arriba ( &, ) y para el auxiliar de abajo( U ).

iii ~ A.

With the lower auxiliary altered Con el auxiliar abajo alterado rn

r(~~ m ~~ ll t 4F=::I:::::, i

Cuando el Gruppetto esta situado entre dos notas principales,

siempre. se comienza con el auxiliar mas alto.

~ cr.> ....

CQ - I


mt m i m i m i In

I j.....! I

Page 84: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Harmonics are produced by placing a finger of the left hand on the strings of the guitar at certain divisions of the finger board.

The finger must press lightly, yet with sufficient force to prevent the string from vibrating as if open. As soon as the string has been struck with sufficient force near to the bridge, the finger must be taken off.

Harmonics sound an octave higher than what they are marked. They are produced at the 12th, 7th, 5th 4th and 3d fret, as the following table shows.

1st String Cuerda Prima

2d String 2a Cuerda

3d String 3a Cuerda

4th String 4a Cuerda

5th String Sa Cuerda

6th String 6a Cuerda

~ , ~








• 1'1 ,


12th Fret. l2°Traste




= ""l:

7th Fret. 7°Traste







The upper figures indicate the frets and the lower ones the strings.


Se producen los arm6nicos colocando un dedo de Ia mano

izquierda sobre las cuerdas de la guitarra encima de ciertos


El dedo tiene que apretar ligeramente, pero con fuerza suficiente

para no permitir ala cuerda vibrar como si estuviera a! aire. Tan

pronto como se toque la cuerda con Ia fuerza necesaria cerca del

puente, hay que quitar el dedo.

Los arm6nicos suenan una octava mas alta de lo escrito. Se

producen en los trastes 12, 7, 5, 4 y 3, como muestra Ia siguiente

tabla. 5th Fret. S"Traste

3d Fret. 3"Traste


~ ~~ ~ I-

+- r- f::

#f: ;~ .p. I-

0 .p. ~

., -(T





Los mimeros superiores indican los trastes y los de abajo las

cuerdas. 7 - - - 12 - - - - - - - - - - -

Page 85: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

All the notes within the compass of the guitar may be played harmonically. To do this, the note which is to be played harmonically is fingered in the same manner as an ordinary note; then the point of the forefinger of the right hand is placed at the 12th fret distant from the note which presses lightly on the string, and strikes this string which will produce a harmonic sound.

Previously has been fingered by the left hand. The ring finger is then moved behind the forefinger, which presses lightly on the string, and strikes this string which will pro­duce a harmonic sound.

Todas las notas que cubre Ia guitarra se pueden tocar

arm6nicamente. Para hacer eso, Ia nota que se quiere tocar

arm6nicamente se toea de Ia misma manera que una nota regular,

despues, Ia punta del dedo fndice de Ia mano derecha se coloca

a 12 trastes de distancia de Ia nota que antes ha tocado la mano

izquierda. Se coloca entonces el anular detras del fndice (que

presiona ligeramente Ia cuerda) y toea esta cuerda, produciendo

un sonido arm6nico.

Allegretto 12------ 12 - - - - 12 - - - - 7- - - - - 12 7- - - - -12 - - - - - - - - 7 - 12 - - - 5

4 3

3234 4 24 3 2 3

--·7 s----12 - - - - - - 12- - - r.-. 12 - - - - - 5 7 12

4 4 3 2 3 4 4 2 4 3 Fine 2 1 3 2

32 7-----23 5 s

~ ~ 7---12---- ---n7 12 gr: 12---- -n712 7---12---- "f rr 7 12 = F Pr ~IE ~~UIF ~IE P~UIF Pr ~IE ~FEFIE.


t II 2 1 32121 1 3212 132321

2 2 2 D.C.

6a Cuerda. Sa 4a 3a 2a Ia

~ 6th String. Sth 4th 3rd 2nd 1st

Position of the left hand. g IJ IJ I J I r I r 13°


~ 12'T"''" 15° 14°


f f Place where the 1st finger

lr IF I r I I of the right hand must successively be played. J

12th Fret lSth 14th 12th 13th 13th

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Posicion de la ~ :: mano izquierda.

Ponga el fndice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~de Ia mano derecha ~ donde tiene que pulsar sucesivamente.


Page 86: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

P i m i m l m i

~ 1 .J I T]IJlJIJIJ .J I.J I .J ~

• .-1 -. ., . u I 13 4 3 1 - 3 I~ I~ ~

-rr-~"T= ~r--



. m l

~ ..J ~ '

I ~




l mz


1st Pos. i nz i


7thPos. 4 ~J111


l • -'

r T

Page 87: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

- t r

im a

a tempo;

2nd Pos.·


@ or i "t i

9thPos.~ ---

p i

2nd Pos. 1st Pos.


Page 88: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

~~#tiP &m 1.vJ B _?n; 11~q~ij1 i1 n 1 J I 5thPos. cresc. a

"" I. l L• l J J J I ...J I ).~ .. L - __M "lL ~

I r r r .lstPos. r ~r p I ~ u I 1- r I ~

l 1u La

p Jl j L I

-f I t

r-i P i m i P i p i P i m i P i


_j .s• • ~~ ~ r. . ~ 31 '4 ~

~ __. - - ,'

J u [ _r ~itrr

- -3 2 iPzmzPz

p '

"' J ., ~~ J J 3IW ~ ~ lJI. .J ~


~ I ~ ~ I r VSth Pos. ,



Page 89: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


a P am i


t --- t ---Pam

P a m

t ---

t ---

i m m

m a 3rd Pos. -------, 8th Pos.

----- .. -


j' r 88

Page 90: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Mod era to con espressivo





mama .mama t

poco rit.

1? rf'====- p

pp rail.


Page 91: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for



~ pj'l 1mn nz

J .J J l I~.J.._ .J l

r --- --..:: -~i :jm~a==1' cresc .

..J I!~ ~



z m a m

.l.J .l 1.-::::. .----.

p im }.... i P i m a i - -

P im a m

I I -1 f

= ~

I I J l

- - 2


- ~ ~

ITfa n am

r·-. . Tl

Page 92: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for



Page 93: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Moderato a


.!J. Iento


r .,. r 2

fa tempo sf


Page 94: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

No.7 4

~ =FF m ami 1-rT

i a

Ill I ,

r r T - --v ,- r I

..... __ ,

poco ritenuto i m i a tempo. m

~ amz amt 4 p .I I Tl.,._

.. r = r==-r

,. ~ ~ ...

l I -· - -_p

m a _ _g__



Page 95: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


6¥111) J rJ. d J tJ I J~Ni fJ G I J J ~ P D 1~f. J tJ ~ JtJ I Pl ~ cresc.

BI I BII 1 BIV i a

"" .. * lh.l j .I ..I 1++.1 j .I j

u I I r I 11 .. Is .. i ~ r) f 2

p i m t

"" .. ~ ..I ~

a pz a m

I ~

~f r ~ ~ ~ I r2 = ~ a ~ i m ~ a

"" .. ~ ..I -1 ..I I I ~ I

~ a t a

. . ~ r2 1 ~r !3 4 ~

1 .. ""'--v

l~im. =rl cresc. I 1

~ Aile m Lm etto az10so a m a m


r r r 94

Page 96: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

m m _......_-

o~-,t .,t mf

' tJvn J a u3 ~:R~~"».v. pn ~r#Pnta>sn 1

ami ami jam i ia _Jmi m ~ am q ~ 4 l t - ~ 3



i p p

r ~

F=====-) r 95

Page 97: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Page 98: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Andante mosso B 3

~ mfp

~ ·~ -r Bar. 7---, 'P p Bar 10-----, p m i p Bar. 2 :::::::::=1

ar.~ Bar.5=:=1

Jtj 2l ~ ~ I ~.!J J "" .. I 1 .... .l I I# I l1 . . No. 12 . . . .

•J pl3 ·~ JO ~ I• -4


Page 99: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Andante grazioso ·mami ·m ·m p imamipimami p ·mami .mpim

No.13 ,~~#~ ~m.#¥51¢ ~ ;mmm ~mm{f, 1

5th Pos. .Pf 2 9th 2. · 7th ~os. 5th Pos. z m z m


5th .Pos. 4th Pos.

,~.§mFlmltnTitVF 1t2m @1m 1 f ==~==~

9th Pos.



Page 100: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Allegro mod era to

No. 14


r r r r m a

F r--==== =====--CD------ r r

i m

1'" I mf r r


r r r a . mim 1 i m im imim D ~ ~I ! .. D 4 4...c;

"' .. J]j..J.J In~ J I ~~ m - Ciiiiiiil"""l I .I I I I I I I .-::::

t. r J I r r r tl~ of or


Page 101: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

6th Pos.;

J.Jj:¢ j.JtJ: ~~.J~1~.1..t ..

u J @

5th Pos.


u I I


u I" lo.

a l ...1.11 I~ I~ ll '- "11 =

2nd Pos. r-: t a

"'l ,

I"* , li .I I


J1 sf~ -a tempo

Ill _Lj

u .,Ji - r-

7/l I



lJ 14 I~

·I~ I .

2 ======-

.I I+ ~



t a t 1 Pos. 2

I~ [Ji. .... IJ IJ ~ I~J 0

r~ -:: I

I I J I _l liJ ..J J

lo f 5thl~os.

_I J I I I .I I~ .I ~J _. ~ .....

I cresc. I@ II i a



~ J


..j J


~ ~ I..J






.J ~

.J _.i

rit. p

ai ' 2

__. _...


.!U _u

_j ..J


_j ..J



! -,

I..L~~ ...

4th Pos. I

Page 102: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

7th Pos.

3~ 11t ,J i a i a

~ I I I I I l ~ ~ ~ I _J T ~


-r r I 13 - L -r -i. mf 1 • 7th Pos p

~ 1-* .J 3~ I~ I~ I!J I..L .J ~ I

u lL LTT 3 r ~ v 3r T I Ia -

p lf. mf 1

i a i a i a i a a a a a a a a a t a a a

~ ·,J T T T ,J


fs'~~---~ --: ___ /fa 2 r dim. f 7ll,r - -r 'lnj' 8th Pos.

a a a i m a -a a a a a a ~ t:t ol'l -•

~ r· . ·r r· - r r ~r 11 r ~ dim. cresc.

No. 16

a a a --==--a a

;li J J !lm ~~ 4 q_:l~~ ~3 1 t -,nz t . .

t. ~ v ~r- "" ' ~) " 2 T I I

'f r--- --- p dim. PP Bar.2-------,

J J 31 m 4 -J 4J i 'III m[ ~J J;iten. ~~ 4

t t ,. i m -4 2 !l . I'! - u • . ~

mf ........ ) l) 1 ~ .. .. ~ #~ ~-li: ~ ~ ~-~ ........ 0

P- P- a cresc. a tempo 2


Page 103: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


Bar.l-, mf m

a tempo, i a p iam -~ -~ 14 1: ~· ~ m~ m t

~!-* r;- 1~4 I'! ::;o,j II"" I I I t l 1 --:.1 . . .__ f!.,.r

1= 1 - rit. t! i c J I I I I I -ro T I

p mf 8th Pos.

!~ l..t fL 6th Pos. 5th Pos.=t I

~ mJ J "" I wo'l • J4 I ttl ~ J I J I J I I .J I I I . '~ • • "'l: • I •

~ IO 10 J IO I I~ 10 lu 13 3

~2 0 3

-~ --"""'!! ~ i m l"' im i


.__ r r r r i r r ~~ fz 1 =~··..- .r~ r r 1 f } ,_

-~ ~~ .J _ .....

1"1 1 J pt"' ~ ~ ~ J J I ...J I - lii"""'""" J -. r.- -... •

._ r I I" r r j mfL J 1 3 ~r ro 13J ·mf

> - ;:> >

m m i m

f 71tj'



Page 104: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Allegretto m i rn . 2nd Pos. mm m --- -

No. 18

,r· ~r ~ ~= ~ r· r !(JJ.

r r· rn i m m

r· 1 ~ t ~ t I m

2 4


m r· --.... ------1

pf a m

~0 m i m m 1 --== -

~ ~ t ~ ,r· '1r I 3r ~ ~ rit i

2nd Pos. m i m m i JJJ_

r· p r· r· I



Page 105: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

.1'1 ~ I j I d· ... . r .


1'1 ~ ~ j J 4J tJ :--p . .


~ .. 0 0 ~ 4J I I

u ;r1· f p'

~ I


2J ~

4 J • 2

~ 1




~ . - I" II' I b~ ~ ~



11'-crF 7th Pos.-----, 1

1 i p 4 . . a ~ 23i ·~p~~iPi

7lifr 0 r t

Page 106: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

Allegro brillante a

No. 20



Page 107: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for



a tempo

r 1':\ &

-: t dim. rail. D.C. ppr 106

Page 108: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

m i m p

i m



mim m


Page 109: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for


---· m a m

2 V======== D.C. "--" ~


Page 110: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

No. 24

-Anima to :1~ Cl.{



.. .. .. -I ~/.I.l_!!

mi"~ _,_Jtl-2 l1

~r-:--~ ® i i '~!:.. • .,. i i

:F- ~ ..J ~ r~ ~~i!

~ I I

!!"['Ill 4 r·


- p

1 m

4 •

a _.....--..., .

Page 111: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

No. 25


a Pipi p P4imim

i a


r f 110

Page 112: CLASSIC (jVITAR With MEL BAY PRESENTS THE …Классическая... · PREFACE Matteo Carcassi, famous guitar virtuoso, teacher and composer for

m a m imP

r p i


r r 111


T sf


a 4



m aP im
