Class-VII Subject-Social Science EXPLORE THE BLUE...

BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary… Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India) Class-VII Subject-Social Science EXPLORE THE BLUE LIFE “NO WATER, NO LIFE. NO BLUE, NO GREEN.” “IF THERE IS MAGIC ON THIS PLANET IT IS CONTAINED IN WATER……” TOPIC: EXPLORE THE BLUE LIFE ON THE EARTH Aim/Objective: To sensitize the students about the importance of Water conservation and management Note: • The project must be handwritten. Handwriting must be neat and legible. • Use your creativity to make the presentation attractive. • You may use pictures, news paper cuttings, photographs etc. • Do not copy and paste content directly from internet. • Graphs, diagrams, maps are to be hand- made. Various human activities led to the pollution and contamination of the water bodies. Make a poster on “SAVE WATER” to create awareness among the people and also write a slogan for it to display near water points.

Transcript of Class-VII Subject-Social Science EXPLORE THE BLUE...

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Class-VII Subject-Social Science






    Aim/Objective: To sensitize the students about the importance of Water conservation and management


    • The project must be handwritten. Handwriting must be neat and legible.

    • Use your creativity to make the presentation attractive.

    • You may use pictures, news paper cuttings, photographs etc.

    • Do not copy and paste content directly from internet.

    • Graphs, diagrams, maps are to be hand- made.

    Various human activities led to the pollution and contamination of the water bodies.

    Make a poster on “SAVE WATER” to create awareness among the people and also write a slogan for it to

    display near water points.

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)


    Q1.Create two worksheet in MS-Excel (As shown) one showing the details of the points earn in the quiz and

    second showing their total points team wise by giving the reference of the first sheet in the score board sheet

    & declare the winner. Use Formula to calculate the sum in run sheet and to reference in score board sheet.

    Example :- to give reference of a sheet in another sheet

    Formula =SUM('GROUP A'!D16)


    a. Mail it to :-

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q2.Create your personal budget from 30-05-2016 to 25-06-2016 in MS- Excel. Mention all the

    expenses you did from your pocket money provided to you by your parents and then calculate

    the following using formulas.

    The total Expenditure for the month. Display it in the cell containing Expenditure.

    Savings you did in this month. Display it in cell corresponding to Savings label.

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Subject: English Class: VII

    TASK 01: READ and GROW

    Read any novel of your favorite author.

    A) Write down the summary of it with pictures.

    B) Also explain, what are the reasons that make you get inclined towards that particular book?

    C) It would be great for you to write about the best character of the book and let your friends know about

    the same. Prepare a project on it in A4 sheets or a file.


    “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” This is a famous inspiring quote said by

    Arthur Ashe.

    - Read 10 motivational or inspiring quotes said by different authors/writers.

    - Explain their meanings. You have to write each quote in grammar notebook along with its explanation.

    - Also, mention few more quotes said by Arthur.


    We all know about the importance of reading newspaper. Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if you create a

    newspaper of your own? Exciting, it would be. So here is a task for you- Create a newspaper – The Times of

    Bhartiyam. For size help, you can check out the size of the newspapers like- Hindustan Times, The Times of


    The newspaper you make must comprise 4 pages.

    Front page of the newspaper will cover – About your school recent activities-

    Remember…..investiture ceremony! School elections. For details you can check- Bhartiyam

    International School official site and facebook page as well.

    Inside the newspaper cover Times Bhartiyam and Times Region – In this you can include about the

    activities happened in BIS which include Annual Fete, Annual Athletic Meet, Sudoku State Level


    Further pages will involve a detailed report about what are the various facilities you enjoy at your

    school and make sure that you mention about every little-big aspect that you have experienced here.

    PASTE pictures and beautify it in the best way you can.

    In the end your newspaper will be ready!

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Name:______________ Class: VII

    Subject: French

    For French summer assignment 2016-17, you can try making a number of projects.

    These are:

    A poster or a PowerPoint Presentation(ppt) or a Country box of France or a

    promotional campaign of France (which includes a country brochure & a poster)

    (* Gather information via the internet/books/magazines/newspapers etc .Include self-drawn

    images or pictures from magazines, newspapers, books, net etc.)

    I-For making a poster or PowerPoint presentation(six to ten slides )


    1. French festival/holiday: Research a particular holiday or

    celebration that is important in a Francophone culture such as

    Bastille Day (France), any other independence day, Christmas,

    Easter, St Nicholas Day, and Poisson d'Avril. Tell what is being celebrated and what

    traditions are associated with the holiday or festival.

    2.French Revolution:Did you know that the French queen Mary

    Antoinette famously said about the starving French peasant class

    that “if they don’t have bread , why don’t they eat cake?” . Later

    on, how she was killed with a “guillotine”? Learn about the famous

    French Revolution, reasons behind it, different classes involved in

    it, and finally how it restructured the French society and nation


    3.Le repas Français: Did you know that the legs of frog are a delicacy

    in France?Did you that the French love eating horses

    and the common garden snails ? Did you

    know that like India ,France also has varied

    regional cuisines? And also, like India French people make bread thrice

    a day and eat it fresh with each meal of the day just like we make fresh chapattis

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    for each meal of the day?Can you find about the facts related to French food and

    cuisines and commonalities and differences between French and Indian foods and

    food habits or y ou may share a famous French recipe.

    4. Why learn French?: How can it help you?Did you know that it

    is a scientifically proven fact that people who can speak ,read

    or write a foreign language use 2 % more brain than those who

    can’t? Can you list all the benefits of learning an extra (foreign)


    5.La litterature francaise:Did you know that the most number of

    Nobel prize for literature have been won by French authors? Can

    you name all of them along with their most important works?

    II. An entire Promotional campaign for the France by creating the full set : travel

    brochure (un dépliant touristique) and poster (une affiche) on France& Le monde

    francophone(find out about it) .

    III.A Country Box of France:Choose a container for your

    own project. You may choose any container that suits the

    theme of France like in the shape of Eiffel tower etc.Be

    creative!!! In your container include a map of France, five

    famous things of France, a sample of the money (can be

    drawn or printed), five pictures of places to visit, five

    examples of things to do inn France, 5 famous French

    products ,French passport, and 5 other items that depict

    the country in some way (like newspaper cuttings of France

    & French language related articles).

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Formats of various types are given below: (You can download from internet)

    Format of French passport: A type of poster format:

    Mot du jour(Word of the day) - A quick and easy way to learn a little French every day.Learn and write a new French word( alongwith its meaning) everyday from

    any source – French dictionary ,text book ,newspaper , or internet sites like: The format is given below ( daywise). You can take out printouts as required for each day and put

    the number of the day in the box given:

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Day No. ___

    Day No. ___

    Day No. ___

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Class-VII Subject-G.Science “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop

    questioning.” Albert Einstein

    Activity -1

    Topic: The Green House Effect Have you studied about the hazards of the greenhouse effects? Do you know why it needs to be

    checked as soon as possible? The greenhouse effect heats the earth because greenhouse gases

    absorb outgoing radiated energy and re-emit some of it back towards earth.


    • Clear plastic bottle (such as a large empty soda bottle)

    • Planting soil

    • Small plant or seedling

    • Wide tape

    • Scissors

    • Water


    1. Wash the bottle thoroughly clean and cut it into half. 2. Fill the bottom part with planting soil and plant the seedling in the soil making sure all the

    roots are covered.

    3. Seal the top part with the bottom part with tape making sure it’s air tight. 4. Add a few drops of water to the bottle and place the cap back on. Place the bottle near your

    window sill where it will get plenty of sunlight.

    5. You will notice sweat on the bottle’s body after a few days. Open the cap and let it evaporate before you put the can back on again.

    6. Your little greenhouse project is ready.

    What happens?

    1. How does the moisture form inside the bottle? 2. Which gas evolves inside the bottle? 3. How the warmth is maintained inside the bottle?

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)


    Topic: Explore it.... 1. Architects try to design houses that are energy efficient and do not require much energy to

    keep them cool during summer or warm during winter. Find about some of the methods

    they use.

    2. You have seen that an electric bulb is dependent on a heating effect of current. Touch a

    fluorescent light or a C.F.L. when it is on the on position. Do all these become hot? Find out

    on which principle they work on? Another kind of bulb which has been introduced recently

    in the market is the LEDs. Find out the advantages and disadvantages over C.F.L.

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Name:_________ Class: _VII____

    Subject: _HINDI________

    प्रश्न-1 आजकल गर्मी का प्रकोप चहु ओर है, इसी विषय पर र्मौसर्म की जानकारी देते हुए 1 जून से 15 जून तक का सूयोदय ,सूयाास्त का सर्मय तथा न्यूनतर्म और अधिकतर्म तापर्मान की जानकारी देते हुए र्मौसर्म-ररपोर्ा तैयार करें – (USE A 4 Sheet)

    ददनाांक सयूोदय सयूाास्त न्यनूतर्म तापर्मान

    अधिकतर्म तापर्मान

    प्रश्न-2 धचत्र देखें और विचार करें -


    क्या आपने र्मदहलाओां को ककसी दकुानदार से र्मोल-भाि करते हुए देखा है |आप अपनी शब्द-शक्क्त का उपयोग करते हुए उन दोनों के बीच का सांबाद (कर्म से कर्म दस िाक्यों र्में ) प्रस्तुत करें –

    दकुानदार – __________________________________________________________

    र्मदहला – ____________________________________________________________

    दकुानदार – __________________________________________________________

    र्मदहला – ____________________________________________________________

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    दकुानदार – ___________________________________________________________

    र्मदहला – _____________________________________________________________

    दकुानदार – ___________________________________________________________

    र्मदहला – _____________________________________________________________

    दकुानदार – ___________________________________________________________

    र्मदहला - _____________________________________________________________

    प्रश्न -3 ननम्न अनुच्छेद र्में रेखाांककत शब्दों के स्थान पर उनके पयाायिाची ललखकर अनुच्छेद दोबारा ललखें –

    सूरज के ननकलने पर पक्षी अपने-अपने घोसलों से ननकलकर आकाश र्में उड़ने लगते हैं | पथृ्िी ,तारे , चन्र

    पूर्ा सकृ्टर् का ननर्मााता ईश्िर है |र्मानि का िर्मा है कक िो जल ,अक्नन , िायु और िरा के र्माध्यर्म से ईश्िर

    के अदृश्य रूप की शक्क्त को र्माने |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    प्रश्न- 4 विज्ञापन आज के आिनुनक बाज़ार की आिश्यक र्मााँग है , तो अन्दर की प्रनतभा को पहचानकर आप भी एक विज्ञापन का ननर्माार् कररये – विषय -आपको एक छाता कम्पनी के र्माललक ने छाते के ललए विज्ञापन बनाने को ददया है | आप एक आकषाक विज्ञापन तैयार कररए |(Use A 4 Sheet ) प्रश्न- 5 क्या आप आई. पी. एल. देखते हो ? अपनी पसांदीदा र्ीर्म का धचत्र धचपकाकर उसके िखलािययों के बारे र्में चार- चार लाइनें ललखें |(Use A 4 Sheet)

  • BHARTIYAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Discover beyond ordinary…

    Rudrapur, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand ( India)

    Q1. Find the ratio of bowls to that of spoon in your home. And tell which kind of a number is this: i. Rational number ii. Whole number iii. Natural number iv. Integer

    Q2. East denotes + and West denotes - I run towards 100 km from A to B in west direction and I turn back and run 120km. So what is distance between the initial and final position with its sign?

    i. +20km ii. +220km iii. -20km iv. -220km Q3. Analyze the following statements: Mara runs faster than Gail. Lily runs faster than Mara. Gail

    runs faster than Lily. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is: i. True ii. False iii. Uncertain iv. None

    Q4. There are n number of students in the class and each have 30 toffees, then which of the following expression is correct?

    i. n+30 ii. n-30 iii. nx30 iv. n÷30 Q5. If in your class there are twin brothers then which word is true for them?

    i. Similar ii. Congruent iii. Equal iv. Same Q6. CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU

    i. GRR ii. GSS iii. ISS iv. ITT Q7. How many vertices, faces and edges are there in a cuboid?

    i. 8, 6, 12 ii. 6, 8, 12 iii. 12, 6, 8 iv. 6, 12, 8 Q8. Introducing a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the father of my uncle." How is the

    boy related to the girl? i. Brother ii. Uncle iii. Nephew iv. Son-in- law

    Q9. If A + B means A is the brother of B; A - B means A is the sister of B and A x B means A is the fa-ther of B. Which of the following means that C is the son of M?

    i. M-NXC+F ii. F-C+NxM iii. N+M-FxC iv. M+N-C+F Q10. Write the letter that replaces the question mark?

    i. O ii. P iii. Z iv. X Q11. One morning Udai and Vishal were talking to each other face to face at a crossing. If Vishal's

    shadow was to the left of Udai, which direction was Udai facing? i. East ii. West iii. North iv. South

    Q12. The value of is: i. 1 ii. 0 iii. 2 iv. 3

    Q13. The value of is: -72 ii. 72 iii. 108 iv. -108

  • Q14. Calculate the number of squares in the given figure:

    11 ii. 21 iii. 24 iv. 26

    Q15. What should be added to so that the sum may be zero?

    ii. iii. iv. Q16. Choose the figure which is different from the rest?

    A ii. B iii. C iv. D

    Q17. Choose the alternative which closely resembles the water image of the given combination.

    (1) ii. (2) iii. (3) iv. (4)

    Q18. Find two positive rational numbers whose sum is 10.5 and if the smaller is divisible by the

    greater, the result is

    Q19. Rahim and Raj went to pizza hut to celebrate Rahim’s birthday. They ordered the big pizza. Ra-

    him ate th of the pizza and Raj ate th of the remaining pizza. What portion of the pizza was left?

    Q20. Tanya entered the lift on the 20th floor and got out of the lift on the 7th floor. How many floors did she travel downwards?

    Q21. The temperature inside the freezer is -10°C. To defrost it, the temperature was allowed to rise

    14°C. What will be the temperature after this rise?

    Q22. A train journey of 75 km costs Rs. 215. How much will be the cost of the journey of 120 km?

    Q23. How many numbers are there between 500 and 1000 which is divisible by 11 and 13. Q24. A horse is tied with the rope in the middle of the square shaped field of side 14 cm. The length of

    the rope is half the size of each side of the field. How much area of the field can the horse graze? Q25. How many lines of symmetry are there in following figures?