Class Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays: 5:00 – 7:25 pm in...

Page 1 of 28 SYLLABUS RECREATION 501 PERSONNEL IN LEISURE SERVICES FALL 2015 Class Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays: 5:00 – 7:25 pm in Pulliam Hall 316 Instructor: George Whitehead, M.S. Office: Pulliam Hall 216E Office Hours: Tuesdays: 10:00 – 11:30 AM and 2:00 – 4:30 PM Phone: 618-534-0380 (my cell #) & please, never hesitate to call and leave a message E-mail: [email protected] Course Description This course will examine administrative issues regarding personnel in leisure services. Topics include: leadership, managerial style, recruitment, personnel legislation, the work force, staff development, performance appraisal, negotiation, employee benefits, ethics and creativity. In addition to the assigned readings we will view films relating to personnel topics; we will review examples of real personnel titles/descriptions; we will review examples of personnel manuals; we will discuss and share our findings, our thoughts and our opinions regarding these various topics. We may also take advantage of special lectures sponsored by other units of the University community. Course Objectives: To enhance the understanding of managerial leadership. To develop a stronger perception of personnel issues and possible solutions that can relate to leisure services To examine the areas of motivation, delegation, appraisal and negotiation with staff. To identify trends in personnel benefits and employee assistance programs. To discuss the issue of ethics in leisure service management. To provide students the opportunity to review literature and synthesize information. Recommended Text for Written Assignments: Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition 2009 Publisher: American Psychological Association ISBN: 1-55798-791-2 Available at: Student Center Book Store, 710 Book Store, Barnes & Noble & Online association-american-psychological-association/1100212057 APA Resources at

Transcript of Class Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays: 5:00 – 7:25 pm in...

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Class Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays: 5:00 – 7:25 pm in Pulliam Hall 316 Instructor: George Whitehead, M.S. Office: Pulliam Hall 216E Office Hours: Tuesdays: 10:00 – 11:30 AM and 2:00 – 4:30 PM Phone: 618-534-0380 (my cell #) & please, never hesitate to call and leave a message E-mail: [email protected] Course Description

This course will examine administrative issues regarding personnel in leisure services. Topics include: leadership, managerial style, recruitment, personnel legislation, the work force, staff

development, performance appraisal, negotiation, employee benefits, ethics and creativity. In addition to the assigned readings we will view films relating to personnel topics; we will review

examples of real personnel titles/descriptions; we will review examples of personnel manuals; we will discuss and share our findings, our thoughts and our opinions regarding these various topics.

We may also take advantage of special lectures sponsored by other units of the University community. Course Objectives:

To enhance the understanding of managerial leadership. To develop a stronger perception of personnel issues and possible solutions that can relate to leisure

services To examine the areas of motivation, delegation, appraisal and negotiation with staff. To identify trends in personnel benefits and employee assistance programs. To discuss the issue of ethics in leisure service management. To provide students the opportunity to review literature and synthesize information.

Recommended Text for Written Assignments: Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition 2009 Publisher: American Psychological Association ISBN: 1-55798-791-2 Available at: Student Center Book Store, 710 Book Store, Barnes & Noble & Online APA Resources at



A current copy of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is recommended. Recommended Reading: Title: The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership: follow them and people will follow you 10th anniversary edition Author: John C. Maxwell Publisher: Thomas Nelson, Inc ISBN: 978-0-7852-8837-4 (repak) ISBN: 978-0-7852-8935-7 (IE) Hopefully at: Student Center Book Store, 710 Book Store, Barnes & Noble & Online Required readings will be distributed/assigned weekly in class or via e-mail attachment.

Assignments Class Participation:

All students are encouraged to take an active part in the class. Each student is expected to come to class on time, prepared and ready to actively participate. Throughout the semester various opportunities will exist for being involved. Simply attending class is

not alone considered participation. Class exercises or mini-assignments will be part of your class participation grade. Students will be evaluated on their preparation for class and involvement during class. This is a graduate level class and >> ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED << for this course. Unexcused absences will reduce your final course average by 6 percentage points for each such absence.

If you become ill or have a major emergency arise and cannot attend, please notify the instructor

BEFORE class. Call 618-534-0380 and leave a message and/or send a text message. Follow up within 24 hours with the instructor regarding your absence and any missed assignments.

Weekly Assignments:

Course assignments will be discussed in greater detail in class and additional handouts, email attachments or readings and resources on your class CD which will be given to you describing the purpose of each assignment and guidelines.

Students may be asked to write short papers that will be due the next class period. All papers are to be prepared in the “APA” format. All written assignments are to be prepared double spaced, using Times New Roman font and 12 point

type or Calibri font and 11 point type.



Please be sure to proofread your work. Students enrolled in this class are expected to use literate, correct and effective English in their speech

and writing. Personnel in Leisure Services Research Paper:

Students will be asked to select a topic they wish to examine in greater depth related to personnel from a list distributed as part of this syllabus.

A detailed outline for your research paper, with a minimum of 15 references, limiting the number of online references to no more than 6, is due October 6th.

The final paper, double spaced, using Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type prepared according to the APA Style Manual, double spaced, consisting of no less than 9 pages (excluding the title page and the reference pages), and is due November 10th.

Presentation of Research Paper:

Students shall prepare a 10-15 minute presentation of their Personnel in Leisure Services Research Paper.

The presentation shall be designed as though you are presenting your paper at a professional conference. Your fellow classmates will evaluate your presentation. Presentations will be given on November 17th, November 24th and, if needed, December 1st.

Assignment Due Dates:

Please note that all assignments are due on the date and time assigned. Late assignments shall receive NO CREDIT, unless prior approval is received from the instructor.

Grading: Class Participation 15% Weekly Assignments 15% Midterm 15% Leisure Service Personnel Research Paper 30% Presentation 10% Final 15%

100% Grade Criteria/Philosophy A – Excellent, scholarly, advanced college level, perfect grammar and composition, APA format, original,

creative ideas and delivery, impressive. B – Very good college level work exceeds requirement, creative, thought provoking, grammar and

composition acceptable. C – Met requirement, could improve in grammar and composition, depth, consistency, and originality of

thought. D – Needs attention to grammar and composition, content, sentence structure and syntax, and assignment




Special Note: If you do not plan to achieve an A or a B in your graduate studies, perhaps graduate school is not where you should be at this point in time.

Notes for Success

Take responsibility for your own learning. Take pride in your work as it represents you! Make sure that you follow the appropriate APA manual

guidelines for writing your mid-term, research paper, and final. Remember that spelling, grammar, clarity of expression, and organization of ideas are critically

important. They are worth points on all written assignments. The student is responsible for arranging to take tests or to submit work at a time other than the time

designated in the syllabus. The arrangements must be made in advance and final decisions are at the discretion of the instructor.

You are responsible to make up the content of classes missed by being informed and aware of current topics and due dates.

Pop quizzes are not given for a graduate level course. Graduate students have weekly readings to keep the course discussion format active. You are expected to participate in the discussions.

We will discuss all assignments in class. Please be prepared to ask questions and get specific answers at that time.

My contact information is given at the top of page one of this syllabus. My office hours are for you. Please do not hesitate to come in and ask for assistance or e-mail or please call me at any time.

You are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, withdrawals, incompletes, classroom behavior, and other policies described in the catalog.

Please read your syllabus thoroughly and the included listing of very important university links. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY

“Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at Southern Illinois University, and the University’s Student Conduct Code, require you to be honest in all of your academic work

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism or misrepresentation of information in oral or written form.

Plagiarism means presenting someone else’s idea or writing as if it were your own. Such violations will be dealt with severely by the instructor. If you use another person’s idea or writing, be sure, the source is clearly designated and appropriately

identified. Teaching Methodologies:

This course is designed to have meaning for every student. We want students to think critically, speak publicly, and articulate their positions verbally and in

writing. Students will use case studies, outside reading, class discussions, lectures, and research efforts to complete individual assignments and projects.



“Tentative” Course Schedule for REC 501 Fall 2014 (subject to modification as deemed appropriate): August 25 Complete an “Ethical Issues Assessment”

During Class we will discuss the course Syllabus & view a short film “Shots Fired” as a course orientation We will view and discuss a Film: “Modern Times” (the first 19 minutes and 41 seconds representing a workplace). The film may be found at the following link: Take notes for your responses to the questions you are asked to consider and your written responses are due no later than 11:59 pm, August 31st.

FYI - 29 AUG – 7 SEP DuQuoin State Fair – Located 21 miles north of Carbondale on US Route 51 September 1 The Work Place - Working Together – Film: “Office Space”

What/Who are the Leaders, Managers and Strategists?‐space‐1999/ Take notes for your responses to the questions you are asked to consider and your written responses are due no later than 11:59 pm, September 7th. Due also no later than 11:59 pm, September 7th – Give me five paragraphs (maximum of two pages double spaced, times new roman font, 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type) defining a leader, a manager, and a strategist; and also compare leaders to managers and leaders to strategists.

September 8 The Work Place – Working Together – Film “Norma Rae” – Collective Bargaining -

Leaders, Managers and Strategists Take notes for your responses to the questions you are asked to consider and your written responses are due no later than 11:59 pm, September 14th. Due also no later than 11:59 pm, September 14th – Give me five paragraphs (two pages double spaced, Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type) describing how you, as a leader, will motivate your subordinate employees. Tell me what topic you have selected for your research paper. Your detailed outline for your research paper is due no later than 11:59 pm, October 15th



September 14 Written responses to the Film “Norma Rae” and five paragraphs (two pages double

spaced, Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type) describing how you, as a leader, will motivate your subordinate employees are due no later than 11:59 pm, September 14th

September 15 Working Together - Unions and Collective Bargaining Units – Benefit Issues September 22 Working Together – Ethics and You September 29 Developing Staff & Diversity in the Workplace October 6 Women, Minorities and Protected Classes of Employees

Due no later than 11:59 pm, October 15th – Give me five paragraphs (two pages double spaced, Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type) describing how you, as a leader, will provide development opportunities for your subordinate employees and how you will pursue diversity of employees within your department/agency.

Take Home Midterm Distributed (It is due no later than 11:59 pm, October 19th)

October 13 NO CLASS – Fall Break – 10-13 OCT – Classes resume on Wednesday, October 14th October 14 Detailed outline for your research paper is due no later than 11:59 pm, October 14th

Five paragraphs (two pages double spaced, Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type) describing how you, as a leader, will provide development opportunities for your subordinate employees and how you will pursue diversity of employees within your department/agency are due no later than 11:59 pm, October 15th

October 19 Take Home Midterm is due no later than 11:59 pm, October 19th October 20 Personnel Descriptions/Announcements/Policy

The detailed outline is due no later than midnight for your selected Personnel Issues in Leisure Services Research Paper, with no less than 15 references identified and listed, of which no more than 5 can be electronic media references. Personnel Descriptions/Announcements/Policy

FYI – October 24 SIU Homecoming – Saluki Football hosting the Penguins of Youngstown State

October 27 Avoiding a personnel Court Case Determine Order of Personnel Research Paper Presentations

FYI – November 3 Election Day – Exercise your rights and cast your ballot for your choice of candidates



November 3 Avoiding a personnel Court Case November 9 Your research paper, double spaced, using Times New Roman font and 12 point type or

Calibri font and 11 point type prepared according to the APA Style Manual, consisting of no less than 9 pages (excluding the title/cover page and the reference pages), and is due no later than 11:59 pm, November 9th transmitted to [email protected] via an e-mail attachment

November 10 Avoiding a personnel Court Case FYI – November 11 Veterans Day – No Classes – Campus Closed November 17 Personnel Paper Presentations (Minimum of 10 & Maximum of 20 Minutes)

“Take Home Final” Distributed (due December 15th no later than, or before, 8:00 p.m. transmitted to [email protected] via an e-mail attachment)

November 24 Personnel Paper Presentations (Minimum of 10 & Maximum of 20 Minutes) FYI – Thanksgiving Break – (November 25 – 29) – Classes resume November 30th December 1 Personnel Paper Presentations (Minimum of 10 & Maximum of 20 Minutes) Continue preparing the “Take Home Final”. FYI – Saturday – December 5 – Carbondale’s Annual Holiday “Lights Fantastic” Parade 6:30 p.m.

Parade route starts west bound on Mill Street east of the railroad track Then north along Illinois Avenue to Jackson Street Then east across the tracks to Washington Street Then south to its conclusion at East Walnut Street

December 8 Personnel Paper Presentations (Minimum of 10 & Maximum of 20 Minutes) December 15 “Take Home Final” is due no later than or before 8:00 p.m. transmitted

to [email protected] via an e-mail attachment



Personnel Issues in Leisure Services Research Paper – Fall 2015

Listed below are the possible topics for your research paper in this class. Students are to select their topic no later than September 8th.

Students may not select the same topic that is already chosen by a fellow student or has been assigned or selected for another current semester class.

Please consider doing some preliminary research before you settle on a personnel topic since you will be developing a research paper with a minimum of 15 references (no more than 5 electronic media references). Your goal is to present a thorough discussion of the topic as it is presented in the literature to date.

Therefore, you want to select a topic that can be effectively researched and is also one that you will enjoy reading about.

I am ready to assist you at any time as you move through this task. The detailed outline for your personnel research paper is due no later than 11:59 pm, October 14th The final paper, double spaced, using Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font and 11 point type prepared according to the APA Style Manual, Times New Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font 11 point type, consisting of no less than 9 pages (excluding the title/cover page and the reference pages) is

Due November 19th

Affirmative Action Age Discrimination

Burnout Collective Bargaining

Creativity in the Workplace Delegation

Diversity in the Workplace Downsizing

Employee Assistance Programs Effective Interviewing

Employee Incentive Programs Employee Theft

Employee Wellness Programs Flex Time

Fun in the Workplace Glass Ceiling

Independent Contractors Job Enrichment

Job Satisfaction Organizational Structure/Design

Legal Screening Requirements – Performance Appraisal

(Background Checks, Honesty Tests, etc.) Personnel Policies

Mentoring Organizational Communication

Recruitment Organizational Structure/Design

Sick Leave Sexual Harassment `

Terminating Employees Training

Whistle Blowing





NAME: Possible Points Introduction

Purpose of paper stated 2 ____ Background/historical perspective of topic presented 2 ____ Significance of topic explained 2 ____ Brief overview of topics specifically stated 2 ____


Summary of what literature says about the topic 2 ____ Previous literature linked to the present 2 ____ Current references included in literature review 1 ____ Summarizing paragraph outlining highlights 1 ____


Implications – how this information helps the profession 2 ____ Recommendations – how the profession should respond to the issue 2 ____ Conclusion – opinion of what was found and future research needed 2 ____

Mechanics and other criteria

Separate title page with title 1 ____ Pages numbered 1 ____ Minimum of 15 quality references (no more than 5 website references) 1 ____

Writing clarity and accuracy

Grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure 2 ____ APA format 2 ____

Oral presentation of topic

Quality of summarized presentation 1 ____ Clarity and understanding of information presented 2 ____



Total Points 30 ______

The personnel paper shall be prepared according to the APA Style Manual, double spaced, Times New

Roman font and 12 point type or Calibri font 11 point type, consisting of no less than 9 pages (excluding

the title/cover page and the reference pages), and is due no later than 11:59 pm, November 12th.

Presentation of Personnel Paper

Utilizing their personnel research paper, students shall prepare an informative and concise presentation

that is no less than 10 minutes and no more than 20 minutes in duration.

Presentations shall be made on November 17th and 24th, and December 1st. Numbers shall be drawn to determine the order of presenters.

The presentation shall be designed and delivered as though you are presenting at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference attended by your fellow professionals. Dress Accordingly.

Presenters shall use technology during the presentation.

Presenters shall provide an outline/handout for all fellow students and the instructor.

Presenters shall be responsive to the 10 areas identified in the presentation evaluation form shown

below. Your presentation will be evaluated as follows:

EVALUATION of REC 501 Term Paper Presentations – Fall 2015 1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree

Presenter’s Name: ___________________________________________ (Check only one)

1. The opening remarks precisely introduced the topic. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

2. The content was relevant. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

3. I can apply what I learned. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

4. I was impressed with the overall quality of the presentation. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

5. The presenter was knowledgeable of the subject. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

6. The presenter kept me interested and attentive. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

7. The presenter was prepared and organized. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4



8. The presenter provided excellent handouts. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

9. The presenter made excellent use of technology during presentation. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

10. The closing remarks precisely summarized the presentation’s main points. ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4

Please use the reverse side for any written comments or suggestions for how the presentation may have been improved.

Presentation of Personnel Paper

Prepare your presentation as if you are presenting it at a professional conference.

Present the elements of your research paper that would be interesting and useful for fellow professionals to know.

You will want to be well prepared.

Be sure to have an opening and closing to your presentation.

You are expected to utilize technology for your presentation including, but not limited to, PowerPoint,

handouts (a copy of which is required for distribution to each fellow student and to the instructor), overheads, video, internet, etc.

It is important for you to keep the 10 – 15 minute timeframe in mind and plan your presentation


Do not exceed 20 minutes for your presentation

Do not present for less than 10 minutes.

Therefore, your presentation will need to be tight and well defined.

Since you will have conducted considerable research for your paper, you may be tempted to include too much information or you may have a tendency to ramble about the topic.

Present what you perceive to be the most important points of the paper.

Do not simply present your research paper from its beginning to its end.

Please remember, your goal is to catch the attention of your audience and leave them with some key pieces of information regarding your topic.



Let me know if you have any questions regarding your presentation before November 17th.

Thank you.    

From the SIUC Student Conduct Code [The following was approved on May 1991, with amendments on October 3, 1997, May 22, 2001, August 15, 2003, August 10, 2008, and April 25, 2011 in accordance with provisions set forth in SIU Board of Trustees 3 Policies C.]  “…To be a Southern Illinois University Carbondale student, one is expected to respect the values of the university, while still recognizing the individual strengths and differences unique to each member of our community. While The Saluki Creed does not establish policy under the Student Conduct Code, it does establish expectations of students as members of the SIUC community, and reads as follows:  

The Saluki Creed  

The community of scholars at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is dedicated to personal and academic excellence. Choosing to join the community obligates each member to a code of civilized behavior.   As members of our University community, we commit ourselves to the ideals of SIUC and express our commitment through the following creed: 

As a Saluki, I pledge to exalt beauty. I will celebrate the uniqueness of our campus, our region, and our people. I will revere and protect the natural and cultural environment that distinguishes the campus and the region of Southern Illinois. 

As a Saluki, I pledge to advance learning. I will practice personal and academic integrity. I will participate as an active learner to the maximum of my potential. I will demonstrate concern for others by developing, encouraging, and maintaining an environment conducive to learning. 

As a Saluki, I pledge to forward ideas and ideals.



I will discourage bigotry and celebrate diversity by striving to learn from differences in people’s ideas, and opinions. I will embrace the ideals of freedom of civilized expression, intellectual inquiry, and respect for others. 

As a Saluki, I pledge to become a center of order and light. I will respect the rights and property of others. I will know and understand the ideals and values of this community of scholars and will strive to incorporate them in my daily life. I will fulfill my responsibility as a citizen‐scholar by striving to make this campus and community a better place.” 

10 Common Errors “Spell Check” Won’t Catch


by, on Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:46am PDT

While we can rely on a spell checker to catch glaring errors, a computer can’t pick up on all careless mistakes, especially if the word could be correct in a different context. Often word misuse is our mistake. The English language is full of homonyms, or words that have different meanings but sound and look similar, which makes it easy to confuse proper usage. For instance, verbally, you might not even notice the difference between “your” and “you’re.” But in print, the error can lead the reader to perceive you as less intelligent than you are. For this reason, it's important to spell check and proofread your documents, especially for the following common misuses, which are so easy to make, you might even have to check your document a couple times to catch them. Its versus It’s (and all other apostrophes): According to a copy editing instructor for California-based copy editing service provider Edicetera, confusing “its” and “it’s” is the most common error in the English language. That one minuscule apostrophe (or lack thereof) drastically changes the meaning of the entire sentence. “It’s” is a contraction of “it is,” whereas “its”



refers to possession. Also, watch out for “your” versus “you’re.” Sales versus Sails Can you imagine writing on your resume that you “increased sails by 20 percent”?! Unless you’re applying to a job for a sail boat manufacturer, this careless mistake will probably get your resume sailing right into the recycling bin. Affect versus Effect There is a lot of confusion around this one but here’s the rule: “Affect” is a verb and “effect” is a noun. It’s as simple as that. Would Have NOT Would of The subtlety in pronunciation leads to the rampant misuse of this phrase; however “would of” is never correct and may make you appear as if you are not well-read. Through versus Threw “He threw the ball through the window.” “Threw” is a verb and “through” is a preposition. And speaking of “through,” be careful to make sure you don’t actually mean “thorough” or vice versa. The slight variation in spelling will not be picked up by a computer, but writing “I am through” when you mean “I am thorough” is quite ironic, don’t you think? Then versus Than Six is more than five; after five then comes six. “Than” refers to a comparison, while “then” refers to a subsequent event. Supposed To NOT Suppose To “Suppose” is a verb, meaning to think or to ponder. The correct way to express a duty is to write, “I was supposed to…” Wonder versus Wander You can wander around while you wonder why “wander” and “wonder” have such different meanings, yet sound oh so similar. Their versus There versus They’re OK, once and for all: “Their” is possessive; “there” refers to distance; and “they’re” is a contraction of “they are.” Farther versus Further While both words refer to distance, grammarians distinguish “farther” as physical distance and “further” as metaphorical distance. You can dive further into a project, for instance, or you can dive farther into the ocean.     




Syllabus Attachment  

Fall 2015   IMPORTANT DATES * Semester Class Begins ……………………………………….08/24/2015  Last day to add a class (without instructor permission):.…….08/30/2015  Last day to withdraw completely and receive a 100% refund: …....09/06/2015  Last day to drop a course using SalukiNet:.………………….11/01/2015  Last day to file diploma application (for name to appear in Commencement program): ………………...………………..09/18/2015  Final examinations:……………………………………12/14–12/18/2015  Note: For outreach, internet, and short course drop/add dates, visit Registrar’s Academic webpage FALL SEMESTER HOLIDAYS Labor Day Holiday 09/07/2015 Fall Break 10/10—10/13/2015 Veterans Day Holiday 11/11/2015 Thanksgiving Vacation 11/25—11/29/2015 WITHDRAWAL POLICY ~ Undergraduate only Students who officially register for a session may not withdraw merely by the stop-ping of attendance. An official withdrawal form needs to be initiated by the student and processed by the University. For the proper procedures to follow when dropping courses and when withdrawing from the University, please visit INCOMPLETE POLICY~ Undergraduate only An INC is assigned when, for reasons beyond their control, students engaged in passing work are unable to complete all class assignments. An INC must be changed to a completed grade within one semester following the term in which the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first. Should the student fail to complete the course within the time period designated, that is, by no later than the end of the se-mester following the term in which the course was taken, or graduation, whichever occurs first, the incomplete will be converted to a grade of F and the grade will be computed in the student's grade point average. For more information please visit: REPEAT POLICY An undergraduate student may, for the purpose of raising a grade, enroll in a course for credit no more than two times (two total enrollments) unless otherwise noted in the course description. For students receiving a letter grade of A,B,C,D, or F, the course repetition must occur at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Only the most recent (last) grade will be calculated in the overall GPA and count toward hours earned. See full policy at GRADUATE POLICIES Graduate policies often vary from Undergraduate policies. To view the applicable policies for graduate students, please visit DISABILITY POLICY Disability Support Services provides the required academic and programmatic sup-port services to students with permanent and temporary disabilities. DSS provides centralized coordination and referral services. To utilize DSS services, students must come to the DSS to open cases. The process involves interviews, reviews of student-supplied documentation, and completion of Disability Accommodation Agreements.



 SAFETY AWARENESS FACTS AND EDUCATION Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender is a Civil Rights offense subject to the same kinds of accounta-bility and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find the appropriate resources here: SALUKI CARES The purpose of Saluki Cares is to develop, facilitate and coordinate a university-wide program of care and support for students in any type of distress—physical, emotional, financial, or personal. By working closely with faculty, staff, students and their families, SIU will continue to display a culture of care and demonstrate to our students and their families that they are an important part of the community. For Information on Saluki Cares: (618) 453-5714, or [email protected], EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Southern Illinois University Carbondale is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. We ask that you become familiar with the SIU Emergency Response Plan and Build-ing Emergency Response Team (BERT) programs. Please reference the Building Emergency Response Protocols for Syllabus attachments on the following pages. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay with your instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency. INCLUSIVE EXCELLENCE SIU contains people from all walks of life, from many different cultures and sub-cultures, and representing all strata of society, nationalities, ethnicities, lifestyles, and affiliations. Learning from and working with people who differ is an important part of education as well an essential preparation for any career. For more information please visit: LEARNING AND SUPPORT SERVICES Help is within reach. Learning support services offers free tutoring on campus and math labs. To find more information please visit the Center for Learning and Support Services website: Tutoring : Math Labs WRITING CENTER The Writing Center offers free tutoring services to all SIU students and faculty. To find a Center or Schedule an appointment please visit AFFIRMATIVE ACTION & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Our office's main focus is to ensure that the university complies with federal and state equity policies and handles reporting and investigating of discrimination cases. For more information visit:

Additional Resources Available: SALUKINET: ADVISEMENT: SIU ONLINE:        




George Whitehead, M.S. Carbondale, IL 62903-0203

Office: (618) 453-2777

Mobile: (618) 534-0380

[email protected]

[email protected]


1982 M.S., Education. Majoring in Public Park and Recreation Administration Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

1974 B.S., Education. Majoring in Community Park and Recreation Services Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


1986 – 2015

Certified Park and Recreation Professional (CPRP) as determined by the National Recreation and Park Association



Non-tenure Track Term Faculty Part-time- - Teaching recreation curriculum classes within the SIUC Department of Health Education and Recreation. Classes taught: Undergraduate Level REC 375 “Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism an Entrepreneurial Approach”, spring of 2005 – 06 – 07 – 08 – 09 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15; Graduate Level REC 501 “Personnel in Leisure Services”, fall of 2005 – 06 – 07 – 08 – 09 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 - 14; Undergraduate Level REC 380 “Student Fieldwork”, fall of 2013 – 14; spring of 2015; and Undergraduate Level REC 300 “Introduction to Leisure Services” section 001 for majors, fall 2009 and spring 2010, and section 002 for non-majors, fall 2006 & spring 2007.



2011 – 2012

Executive Director - - Southern Illinois Tourism Development Office (SITDO) - - To provide services to the designated region; staff a business office; conduct regional research regarding the direct impact of travel in the region, traveler desires and satisfaction, product availability in comparison to traveler psychographics and the economic impact related to specific travel niches. Goals for the project were to develop and launch a new “Trails to Adventure” strategic plan; integrate trail projects; develop an Arts/Tourism strategy; develop seminars for industry partners; and create and monitor a social media promotional campaign. Staff was to work with area CVBs and the Illinois Office of Tourism. Funding for the project was provided via a state of Illinois grant that expired July 1, 2012. Due to the State of Illinois’ financial economic duress, the project has not been funded since. 

2001 –

Leisure Time Consulting - - previously affiliated with Mesirow Financial Services, Inc.; now affiliated with Bridgeport Partners, LLC, providing financial advice and assistance with the issuance of debt service instruments for park districts as well as administrative planning and special project development.

1998 –

Santa by George - - providing professional Santa services at malls, the DuQuoin State Fair Grounds’ Holiday Lights Fair, childcares, parades, private engagements, schools, etc.

1999 – 2014

Backstage Production Assistant during the DuQuoin State Fair - - Working with the production company that books and produces the Grandstand shows as well as with the entertainers, performers, and their respective personnel and entourage.

1975-1998 Director and Chief Executive Officer, Board Secretary/Treasurer, and IMRF Certified Agent for the Carbondale Park District, now retired. During my tenure with the Carbondale Park District: The District grew from 4 full-time and 6 part-time/seasonal employees to 20 full-time and 150 Part-time/seasonal employees.

The District grew from 100 acres to 480 acres of community parks and facilities. The District grew from a budget of less than $90,000 to a budget of more than $3,400,000. The District opened and began operating two state licensed childcare facilities.

The District acquired, via a gift donation, the former home of the Martin Oil Family, including 8 acres, which was appraised at $275,000 in 1983.



The District acquired, via a combined cash purchase and gift donation, the William Al Howell Park Operations Maintenance Headquarters for $150,000, with Mr. Howell donating $155,000 of its $305,000 appraised value.

The District acquired, via a combined cash purchase and gift donation, the 24-acre William Marberry Arboretum for $65,000. The heirs of the estate donated $78,000 of its $143,000 appraised value.

The District acquired, via the assumption of its $340,000 of debts outstanding, the former Jackson County Family YMCA, which was appraised at $975,000. This facility now serves as the district’s community center with an indoor swimming pool, recreation activity space, offices for the recreation division staff, and houses the state licensed Alice Wright Early Childhood Center.

The District acquired, via a $10 annual lease agreement with the City of Carbondale for 35 years with two options of renewal, the 4.73-acre Lenus Turley Park site including a 4,000 square foot building which houses the state licensed KIDS KORNER school-age childcare center.

The District acquired, via a $10 lease agreement with the City of Carbondale for 35 years with two options of renewal for the 8-acre Tatum Heights Park site, which was purchased by the City for $64,000 via a Bi-Centennial grant.

The District acquired, via a $10 lease agreement with the City of Carbondale for 35 years with two options of renewal, the 18-acre (.78 mile long) Greenway-Bikeway, which was purchased by the City for $178,000 via a Block Grant.

The District purchased a 256-acre site for the design, construction and operation of an 18-hole championship golf course and practice golf driving range; a $4,500,000 project. The 1998 Golf Digest Directory of Golf Courses gave the district’s Hickory Ridge Golf Course a 4-star rating out of 5 possible stars and identified it as “the best track in Southern Illinois”. I served as the in-house project manager. The District exchanged properties with Carbondale Elementary School District on which currently a new “Aquatic Park” is planned. The District collaborated with the City of Carbondale, Carbondale Elementary School District, and the Carbondale Community High School District No. 165 for the design and creation of the Carbondale Super Block Sports Complex housing baseball, soccer, and softball fields.

The District entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Carbondale Community High School District No. 165 for the cooperative exchange and use of respective facilities.

The District entered into an intergovernmental arrangement with the Carbondale Elementary Schools District No. 95 for the cooperative exchange and use of respective facilities. The District entered into a cooperative arrangement with the SIU-C Student Center and the SIU-C Student Programming Committee to deliver a free summer sunset concert series with the costs being shared equally three ways. 2013 marked its 35th season.

The District entered into an interagency agreement with the not-for-profit group, Carbondale Junior Sports, Inc., for their use of park district owned baseball, softball and football fields.

The District entered into an interagency agreement with the not-for-profit group, Carbondale Soccer, Inc., for their use of park district owned soccer fields.



The District entered into an interagency agreement and lease of land agreement with the not-for-profit group, Southern Illinois BMX Association, Inc., for their development and operation of a BMX bicycle racetrack.

The District entered into an interagency arrangement with the not-for-profit group, Keep Carbondale Beautiful, Inc., providing them with free furnished office space and access to the district’s copying equipment.

The District entered into an interagency arrangement with the not-for-profit group, Carbondale Community Arts, Inc., providing them with free furnished office space and access to the district’s copying equipment.

The District entered into a cooperative arrangement with SIU-C Inter-Collegiate Athletics designating the district’s Hickory Ridge Public Golf Center as the home course for the Saluki women’s golf team. 1974 – 1975 Graduate Assistant, Department of Recreation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale As a graduate assistant, I assisted with research and the teaching of classes. Also served as a volunteer Program Assistant with the Carbondale Park District


Providing State Licensed Day Care in Your Community - - Presented at the Illinois Association of Park District’s Youth at Risk Summit, Naperville, Illinois, 1996

Risk Management and Loss Control - - Presented at the Illinois Parks Association Risk Services, IPARKS Workshop, Urbana, Illinois, 1993

Public Entity Risk Pooling - - Presented at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 1993

Wage Comparison - - Presented at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, 1991

Evaluating the Director’s Compensation Package - - Presented at the Illinois Association of Park Districts’ Commissioner/Board Member Training Workshop, 1990, 1988

Fringe Benefits for Directors < Salary Caps and Contracts > Yes or No - - Presented at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference, Peoria, Illinois, 1989

How to Select Your Consultant and Architect - - Presented at the National Swimming Pool/Aquatic Symposium and Trade Show, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1987 Illinois’ Changing Recreation Delivery System - - Presented at the Governor’s Conference on the Economic Significance of Recreation in Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, 1986

How to Select and Work With your Consultant - - Presented at the National Recreation and Park Association’s Swimming Pool/Aquatic Conference, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 1986

Intergovernmental Cooperation, Agreements with Schools and Universities - - Presented at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference, Rosemont. Illinois, 1985



From Tee to Green $$$ Feasibility Studies and Land Acquisition - - Presented at the Illinois Association of Park District’s Commissioner Training Workshop, Rosemont, Illinois, 1985

Water Theme Parks - - Presented at the Illinois Park and Recreation Association’s Mid-Year Educational Forum, Collinsville, Illinois, 1985

Intergovernmental Cooperation, Agreements with Schools and Universities - - Presented at the Illinois Community Education Conference, Springfield, Illinois, 1984


“Thinking About a Golf Course for Your District? Some Helpful Hints,” - - Published in Illinois Parks and Recreation, 1991, 3 pages

Results of the Employee Compensation Survey of Illinois Park and Recreation Agencies - Published in Booklet Form, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, and 1984; more than 150 pages each year representing as many as 100 Illinois park and recreation agencies

“Illinois’ Changing Recreation Delivery System” - - Published in the Proceedings of the Governor’s Conference on the Economic Significance of Recreation in Illinois, 1986

“Wood You Purchase Wooden Playground Equipment” - - Published in Illinois Parks and Recreation, 1978 SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTES COMPLETED

Professional Development School - - IPRA Administration and Finance Section, 2008, (2004-1988), 1984, and 1983 Riverlands Project off-site Educational Institute - - National Recreation and Park Congress, 2003 Chouteau Island off-site Educational Institute - - National Recreation and Park Congress, 2003 National Playground Safety Institute - - National Recreation and Park Association, 1992 Golf Management School - - National Golf Foundation, 1987 and 1986 Risk Management Institute - - IPRA/IAPD Joint Education Committee, 1986 Executive Development Program - - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1984 and 1983

Revenue Sources Management School - - National Recreation and Park Association, 1982 and 1981 Wave Pool Institute - - University of Alabama at Huntsville, AL, 1982 and 1981 Park Planning Institute - - National Recreation and Park Association, 1979 and 1977 Commercial Recreation Institute - - Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1975




Social Media in the Workplace - - Webinar presented by HRSentry, Human Resource Consultants, 2012 Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas - - Webinar presented by the Illinois Park & Recreation Association, 2012 Designing Fitness-Focused Playgrounds - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2011 Beyond Accessibility: A Higher level of Inclusive Play - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2011 Lake Management Workshop - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2011 Protecting Yourself from Internet Hackers & Internet Thieves and Finding Personal Information Online - - Illinois Association of Park Districts and Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2010 Shake Up Your Customer Service - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2010 Application of the Americans with Disabilities Act to Public Parks and Recreation - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2010

Playground Safety Workshop - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2009 Using GPS Information for Park Planning - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2008

Utilization of GIS Information - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2007

Saving Operating Costs through Lighting Automation - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2006

Aquatic Park and Swimming Pool Management - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2006

Illinois Open Meetings Act and Public contracts - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2005

Conducting Criminal Background Checks - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2003

Planning Capital Construction Projects - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2003

Sports Lighting & Sports Field Maintenance - - Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association, 2002

Americans with Disabilities Act - - Joint SIPRA/IPARKS/GameTime Workshop, 2001 Understanding Generation “Y”, Supervision & Management of Today’s Teenagers - - Joint SIPRA/CIRCLE Workshop, 2000 Rating a Golf Course - - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, 1997 Employee Risk Management - - Illinois Public Risk Fund for Worker’s Compensation, 1997, ‘96, ‘95

Youth at Risk, Mobilizing Communities for Youth - - Illinois Association of Park Districts, 1996

IMRF Designated Agent Certification - - Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, 1997, 1996, and 1995



Benefits of Parks and Recreation - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1996 Risk Management and Loss Control - - Illinois Parks Association Risk Services (IPARKS) (1998-1995), and 1993

Are You Legal? What You Need to Know About the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. -And- Are You Legal 2? What You Need to Know About the Illinois Labor Laws - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1995 Budgeting and Forecasting - - and - - Employee Safety Training - - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, 1995. Legal Symposium - - Illinois Association of Park Districts, (1997-1987), 1985, (1983-1980)

Use of Effluent Water for Irrigation - - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, 1994 Underground Fuel Storage Tanks Selection and Installation - - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, 1994 Golf Course Safety, Security, and Risk Management - - Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, 1994

Gateway to the Future, Recreation in the 21st Century - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1993.

Total Quality Management - - National Recreation and Park Association, 1992

How to Create the Right Customer Service Image - - and - - Personal Profile System - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1991

Risk Management - - Illinois Department of Local Governmental Affairs, 1979. Financial Management - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1978. Recreation Programming - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1977. ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION COMPLETED

Introduction to Excel and Access Word Programs - - John A. Logan Community College, 2009. Learning to Use the Internet and to Surf the Worldwide Web - - John A. Logan Community College, 1999. Computers for Older Beginners - - John A. Logan Community College, 1998.


National Recreation and Park Association (1973- ) Illinois Park and Recreation Association (1973- ) Southern Illinois Parks and Recreation Association (1973- )




John Allen Student Symposium - - Volunteer Chair and Coordinator (2006- ) Southern Illinois Parks and Recreation Association - - SIPRA Member Services Chair (2012- ); Secretary, (2000-2012); and as President, (1998-1999), (1989-1990), and (1978-1979).

Workshops & Professional Development Committee - - Southern Illinois Parks and Recreation Association (SIPRA), (1995- ), and as Chairman (1999- 2005) Charter Member SIPRA Student Scholarship Committee - - Advisor to the Southern Illinois Parks & Recreation Association Graduate/Undergraduate & “Otto Rice Memorial” Student Scholarships Review Committee, (2003- ) Education Task Force - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (2006 - 2009)

Technology Task Force - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (2004 - 2005)

National Recreation and Park Congress Local Host Committee at St. Louis, MO - - Coordinated & hosted two educational off-site institutes for the 2003 NRPA National Congress

Charter Member Board of Regents - - IPRA Administration and Finance Section’s Professional Development School (1988-1998), (2001- 2005), Host Site Coordinator (2001- 2004), and as Chairman (1991-1992)

Board of Directors - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association, as the Southern Region Representative (1978-1983), (1992-1995), and (1997-1999); as the Administration and Finance Section Representative (1984); and as the Association’s President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past-President (1985-1987)

Ethics Task Force - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (1997-2001)

IPRA/IAPD Joint Publications Committee - - IPRA Representative (1998-1999), (1988-1991), as Co-Chair (1990-1991), (1981-1984), and as Co-Chair (1982-1983)

Youth at Risk Summit Task Force - - Illinois Association of Park Districts (1995- 1996)

Recreation & Leisure Research Advisory Committee - - Illinois Association of Park Districts (1995-1996)

Charter Member Board of Directors - - Illinois Parks Association Risk Services (IPARKS) a Park District Risk Pooling Arrangement now serving 163 public agencies in Illinois (1991-1998), Chairman (1993-1995), and as Vice-Chairman (1991-1993)

Board of Trustees - - Illinois Conservation, Park and Recreation Foundation (1990-1995)

Employee Compensation Survey of Illinois Park and Recreation Agencies Project - - Chairman and Publisher (1984-1993) Charter Member Board of Trustees - - Illinois Park District Liquid Asset Fund Plus, IPDLAF+, an investment pooling arrangement for Illinois Park Districts (1986-1988)

Council of State Affiliate Presidents - - National Recreation and Park Association (1985-1987).



IPRA/IAPD Coordinating Council - - IPRA Member at Large (1990-1993) Mid-Year Educational Forum Committee - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (1990-1991)

IPRA/IAPD Joint Legislative Committee - - IPRA Representative (1990-1993) and (1981-1984), as Co-Chair (1983-1984)

Run to Springfield to Open the Illinois State Fair Public Awareness Committee - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (1981-1991)

National Recreation and Park Association’s Great Lakes Regional Council - - Illinois Representative (1991-1994) and (1982-1986)

Board of Directors - - Illinois Community Education Association (1983-1986) IPRA Administration and Finance Section - - Director-Elect, Director, and Immediate Past-Director (1982-1984)

Editorial Committee - - Illinois Park and Recreation Association (1977-1978)

Illinois Student Park and Recreation Society - - SIU-C Campus Representative (1973-1975), and as Treasurer (1974-1975)

SIUC Student Recreation Club - - President (1973-1974), and Treasurer (1972-1973)


Illinois Governor’s Conference on Tourism - - 2012

Social Media Conference for the Promotion of Tourism - - 2011

Illinois Park and Recreation Conference - - Joint Conference hosted by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association and the Illinois Association of Park Districts (1973- )

National Recreation and Park Congress - - Hosted by the National Recreation and Park Association, 2007, 2005, 2003, 1999, (1995-1997), (1981-1992), (1977-1979)

Legislative Conference - - Illinois Association of Park Districts (1980-1998)

International Golf Training Conference and Trade Show - - Hosted by the Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America, 1998, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1991

PGA Merchandise Show - - Hosted by the Professional Golf Association, 1998, 1994

Innovative Educational Happening - - Hosted by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1991, 19985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1980, 1979, 1978

Governor’s Conference on the Economic Significance of Recreation in Illinois - - Hosted by the Office of the Governor, State of Illinois, 1986



Illinois Governor’s Conference on Travel and Tourism in Illinois - - Hosted by the Office of the Governor, State of Illinois, 1986

Illinois Community Education Conference - - Hosted by the Illinois Community Education Association, Springfield, Illinois, 1984

Swimming Pool and Aquatic Conference - - Hosted by the National Recreation and Park Association, 1984, 1980, 1979


Board of Directors - - Moore Tourism Development, Inc. (2012- )

Board of Directors - - Carbondale Convention & Tourism Bureau, (2005-2012), as President (2008-2010), Vice-President (2005-2008)

Board of Directors - - Carbondale Sports Commission, (2005-2012)

Board of Directors - - Keep Carbondale Beautiful, (2005-2008), and as Vice-President (2005-2008)

Volunteer - - IHSA Girl’s State Golf Championships, (2003-2009) and as IHSA Girls Golf State Finals Manager (2008)

Volunteer and financial contributor - - Carbondale’s Hook a Kid on Golf Program, (1994-2012)

Volunteer and financial contributor - - Saluki Women’s Invitational Golf Tournament, (1994- )

Volunteer - - The PGA Tournament - “BMW Championship” (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)

Volunteer - - The PGA Tournament - “Western Open” (1994-2006)

Board of Directors - - Friends of SIU-C’s Touch of Nature Outdoor Laboratory, (1989-2004), and as President (1997-2004), and as Treasurer (1992-1997) Guest Lecturer - - Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (1976- ) Board of Directors - - SIUC Alumni Association (1990-2000) Alternate Delegate - - Illinois’ Conservation Congress (1996-1998)

Advisory Committee Member - - City of Carbondale’s Comprehensive Plan (1996-1998)

Charter Member Board of Directors - - Keep Carbondale Beautiful, Inc. (1987-1998)

Steering Committee Advisor - - Carbondale’s Arts in Celebration Festival (1998, 1996, 1994, 1992 1990, 1988)

Charter Member Lights Fantastic Parade Committee - - Holiday Lighted Parade and Holiday Lights Festival for Carbondale (1990-1998). - - And - - The Parade’s Exclusive Santa (1990-2011)

Advisory Board Member - - Carbondale Business Development Corporation (1990-1995)

Charter Member Board of Directors - - SIUC’s College of Education Alumni Constituency Board (1986-1995), as Chairman (1994-1995) & (1989-1991), and as Secretary/Treasurer (1986-1989)



Illinois Route 13 Northern Bypass Task Force - - City of Carbondale and Illinois Department of Transportation (1991-1993)

Advisory Committee Member - - Artist in Residence Program for the Giant City Elementary School District (1986-1993)

Board of Directors - -Very Special Arts Illinois, Inc. (1990-1992) Development Council Member - - SIUC Foundation/College of Education (1988-1990)

Advisory Committee Member - - Illinois’ Advisory Committee on Americans Outdoors (1986-1989) Steering Committee Member - - Carbondale’s Artrain Project (1989 & 1986) Board of Directors - - Special Olympics Illinois, Inc. (1983-1986)

Board of Directors - - Southern Illinois Special Olympians, Inc. (1974-1984), as Area Games Coordinator (1984, 1983, 1979, 1978, 1975, 1974), and as Treasurer (1976-1980)

Board of Directors - - Carbondale Community Education, Inc. (1978-1986) Board of Directors - - Carbondale Jaycees (1975-1978) Volunteer Program Coordinator - - Carbondale Park District (1974-1975) Co-Chair - - Illinois Statewide Prison Art Show Hosted by the SIUC Student Center (1973-1974) RECOGNITION, HONORS, AND AWARDS

Recognition for Outstanding Service as President - - Presented by the Carbondale Convention and Tourism Bureau Board of Director’s (2010) Recognition for Outstanding Service as President - - Presented by the Friends of SIUC’s Touch of Nature Outdoor Laboratory Board of Director’s (2004)

Recognition for Outstanding Service as the Association’s President - - Presented by the Southern Illinois Parks and Recreation Association, 1999, 1990 & 1979

President’s Award - - Presented by the President of the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1998 and 1983

Outstanding Service Award - - Presented by the Illinois Parks Association Risk Services, 1998 Meritorious Service Award - - Presented by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1996

Special Friend to Illinois Special Olympics Award - - Presented by Illinois Special Olympics, Inc., 1994

Outstanding Service Award - - Presented by the IPRA’s Administration and Finance Section’s Professional Development School Board of Regents, 1993

Outstanding Service Award - - Presented by the IPRA’s Administration and Finance Section, 1992



Alumnus of the Year Award - - Presented by the SIUC Department of Recreation, 1991 Outstanding Service Award - -Presented by IPRA/IAPD Joint Publications Committee, 1991 Recognition for 15 Years of Service - - Presented by the Carbondale Park District, 1990 Fellow Award - - Presented by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1990

Professional Recognition Award - - Presented by the IPRA’s Administration and Finance Section, 1990 Award of Appreciation - - Presented by the Carbondale Park District, 1986

Recognition for Outstanding Service as the Association’s President - - Presented by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, 1986

Award of Merit - - Presented by the SIU-C Alumni Association, 1986 Outstanding Service Award - - Presented by the IPRA/IAPD Joint Legislative Committee, 1984

Outstanding Leadership Award - - Presented by the IPRA’s Administration and Finance Section, 1983 Service Awards - - Presented by the SIUC Department of Recreation, 1986, 1982, 1979

Service Awards - - Presented by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, (1999-1997), (1995-1993), and (1987-1979)

Who’s Who in the Midwest - - Presented by the Publishers of the 1980/1981 Edition of Who’s Who in the Midwest

Service Awards - - Presented by Southern Illinois Special Olympics, 1983, 1979, 1977, 1975 Distinguished Service Award - - Presented by the Carbondale Jaycees, 1978

Outstanding Young Man of America - - Presented by the Publishers of the 1978 Edition of Outstanding Young Men of America

Club Member of the Year - - Presented by the SIU-C Student Recreation Club, 1975 and 1974


1965-1967 U.S. Army, Specialist E-4, Artillery Fire-Direction Control Awarded: Army Commendation Medal, Vietnamese Service Medal, and Good Conduct Medal Honorable Discharge